aztec autumn by gary jennings- several reviews - copy-part ii.docx

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  • 7/22/2019 Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings- several reviews - Copy-part II.docx


    Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings

    Reviewed by Allan Cogan

    Readers of these reviews may remember that I was a big fan of Jennings previous work, Aztec . I gave it

    my highest accoladefive stars. And here comes the sequel, which is almost as good.

    The action in this one takes place 12 years after all the goings on in Aztec and concerns the adventures

    of 18 year old Tenamixtli, the son of Mixtli, the hero of the former novel. Indeed, in the first chapter,

    Tenamixtli witnesses an execution, a burning at the stake being publicly carried out by Spanish troops.

    Later, he discovers that the executed man was his father. Hows that for getting a story started? As you

    can imagine, revenge plays a big part in the plot.

    It becomes Mixtlis mission to rid his country of the Spaniards and he sets about the task with great

    deliberation. He starts by going to Mexico City and learning Spanish.

    "Studying the white mans tongue?" Netzlin said. "Is that why you are here in the city?" I went on to tell

    him how I intended to learn everything possible about the white man. "So that I can effectively raise a

    rebellion against them. Drive them out of all the lands of The One World."

    Tenamixtli also recruits a number of people with the same intention. By patiently working with the

    Spanish conquerers and learning their customs he acquires a great deal of knowledge about his

    enemies. While serving on a duck hunt, for example, he learns a something about weaponry and

    discovers how to make gunpowder.

    Our hero also visits the northern part of Mexico which has remained unmolested by the Spaniards, at

    least at the time being written about. There he visits some of the northern tribes to try to recruit


    When he visits Michoacan, which is under Spanish control, he recruits a small army of women warriors.

    He also meets a Spanish priest, who, somewhat against the will of his own people, is setting out to

    create a Utopia in that state. He is also trying to teach the locals how to make Spanish guitars!

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    All these travels and adventures and characters give author Jennings wonderful opportunities to exhibit

    his enormous research about the customs, religions and ways of life of these people. He also depicts

    extremely well throughout what it must be like to live in a conquered and subjugated country.

    As in the previous book theres the usual frequent use of Aztec vocabulary and the usual tongue-twisting

    pronunciations to wrestle with. Indeed, its occasionally overdone. For example, in one exchange a

    character says to another: "Are you tlahuele, friend, or merely xolopitli?" What hes really asking is: Are

    you stark raving mad or are you just acting silly?" And as all the other things these characters say are

    written in plain English, one wonders why that particular question couldnt bewritten in plain English,

    rather than holding up the narrative to explain what was just said. Theres an overabundance of such

    exchanges, both in Aztec and Spanish. However, on the positive side, the foreign words do lend

    something to the feeling of reality of the overall narrative. I suspect the author would defend those

    passages on those grounds.

    Theres also an interesting sex scene where our boy loses his virginity. I find Im getting a bit long in the

    tooth for sex scenes but it at least gave me the opportunity to learn a bunch of new naughty words, like

    xacapili, tepuli, tipili, omicetl, and cuilontli. If that turns you on, its on page 119.

    The last two hundred pages of Aztec Autumn are great fun, with stories of sieges, battles, guerrilla

    warfarecomplete with lots of treachery, heroism and cruelty. In one scene 138 prisoners of war areeach given the choice of their method of execution. And although the story naturally conforms with

    historyi.e. the Aztecs dont win its still satisfying.

    Verdict: Good stuff. One for the shopping cart.
  • 7/22/2019 Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings- several reviews - Copy-part II.docx


    Book Review: Aztec Autumn

    Posted by Joe August 21, 2009


    Gary Jennings novel Aztec Autumn is a fine example of how to make history more interesting through

    storytelling, but the history frequently overshadows the story and makes the novel a bitwhats the


    The book follows the life of Tenamaxtli, an Aztec nobleman living during the early years of the Spanish

    colonization of the New World who leads a rebellion against the conquistadors several years after

    Cortez captured Tenochtitlan (Mexico City). To make things even more interesting, the hero was a real

    person and his rebellion really did take place during the Mixton War.

    To showcase an impressive amount of historical research, Jennings has his hero wandering the

    countryside in preparation for his rebellion, giving him ample opportunity to discover and explore

    various settings, cultures, and historical figures of the day. To the history-minded reader, this is

    fascinating material and it is usually rather easy to tell when something historical (rather than narrative)

    is being explored.

    Which brings us to the problem.

    Jennings sends his hero on a long, meandering quest around western and northern Mexico (the One

    World) in search of allies, but this is really a sort of picaresque in which Tenamaxtli serves as an

    unwitting tour guide to show us:

    the rebuilding of Mexico City

    the cruelty of the Church

    the kindness of the Church

    the land of bald women

    the land of primitive savages

    the island of pearl-diving women

  • 7/22/2019 Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings- several reviews - Copy-part II.docx


    Spanish explorers

    the treatment of Africans

    cross-cultural politics


    All of which is fine and interesting, and while it is far more engaging than any history textbook, it makes

    for a clunky work of fiction. Tenamaxtlis grand rebellion against the Spanish Empire becomes more of

    an excuse to travel (and sleep with a lot of women) than a story of war or survival.

    The last issue I have with the book is the hero himself. While I believe that Jennings has created the

    most authentic Aztecatl character Americanly possible, it is hard to like him. Again, Tenamaxtli himself is

    a historical and cultural exploration of attitudes toward men and women, children and the elderly, sex,

    food, marriage, religion, racism, etc. The end result is someone a bit mechanical, as well as someone a

    bit hard to empathize with.

    So while Aztec Autumn succeeds mightily in delivering history in a highly engaging manner, it never

    quite reaches the moment in which you forget youre reading a book and just fall into the story.
  • 7/22/2019 Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings- several reviews - Copy-part II.docx


    Aztec Autumn

    Aztec Autumn

    Cover of 1997 First Edition

    Author Gary Jennings

    Country United States

    Language English

    Genre(s) Historical novel

    Publisher Forge (Tor Books)

    Publication date August 1997

    Media type Print (Hardbound)

    Pages 380 pp

    ISBN 0312862504

    OCLCNumber 36350568
  • 7/22/2019 Aztec Autumn by Gary Jennings- several reviews - Copy-part II.docx


    Dewey Decimal 813/.54 21

    LC Classification PS3560.E518 A993 1997

    Preceded by Aztec

    Followed by Aztec Blood

    Aztec Autumnis a 1997historical fictionnovel byGary Jennings;it is a sequel to Jennings's

    1980 bestsellerAztec.

    Plot summary

    The narrative takes us to a time one generation after the Conquest, when the magnificent Aztecempire has fallen beneath the brutal heel of the invadingSpaniards.But one proud Aztec,

    Tenamaxtli,refuses to bow to the foreign conquerors - and secretly begins to recruit from among

    the struggling survivors of the Conquest, an army of insurrection. On his courageous quest he

    finds high adventure, passionate women, unlikely allies, bright hope, and bitter tragedy. Drivenby his dream of restoring the lost glory of the Aztec empire he will come to threaten theseemingly invincible power of mighty Spain. Until now, Tenamaxtli's rebellion has been little

    remembered, perhaps because it shed no glory on the men who would write the history books,but on its outcome depended the future of all North America.

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    Copyright Information

    This article is distributed under theCreative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.For

    information on the contributors, please see theoriginal Wikipedia article.