aymestrey mag 1985

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Aymestrey school MagazineEnglish Prep school, near Worcester.For Facebook and Friends Reunited groups.1985




MINUTES OF THE 42nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE OLD AYMESTREY ASSOCIATION H E L D AT AY M E S T R E Y S C H O O L O N SATURDAY 16th JUNE 1984 Present: The Chairman Air Vice Marshall D. N. K. Blair-Oliphant; The Honorary Secretary, Bill Stallard; and Messrs. Rupert Bader, Anthony Claydon, Timothy Duncan, Jonathan Edwards, Thomas Edwards, Mark Godsall, Hugh Griffith, Paul Jeavons, George Johnson, Richard Johnson, Edward Lane, Charles Parry and Anthony Powell. Apologies were received from the President John Hughes, Michael Bews, Nigel BlairOliphant, Christopher Blake, John F. Bowles, John Coley, Dr. Iain Clark, John Eyton Coates, Jack Coates, E. Edmonds, Jason Hanley, David Hughes, H.E. R. Jerram, Andrew Lane, Robert Lane, William Lane, Shamus Maclaren, A. P. Maclaren, Brian Massey, Stephen Nelson, Oliver Philpot, John Phipps, Christopher Rawlings, Bill Robbins, Graham Rush, Ralph Spreckley, Lester Steynor and Jerry Thomason. The Minutes of the A.G.M. held on Saturday 18th June 1983 having been circlated were taken as read and approved. There were no matters arising. The Accounts for the year ended 31 st March 1984 were presented by the Honorary Treasurer and were adopted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:CHAIRMAN: Francis Tuthill VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Powell HONORARY SECRETARY /TREASURER: Bill Stallard SCHOOL CORRESPONDENT: Dan Asterley COMMITTEE: Messrs. Mark Godsall and Paul Jeavons to serve with Messrs. Nicholas Coley, David Richmond, Christopher Blake and George Johnson. Hugh Griffith reported on some of the School's successes during the preceding year which had included victory in the 1984 Worcestershire Prep Schools Six aside Soccer tournament. The All-weather play area had been of enormous benefit. The Chairman of the Meeting proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Griffith and their staff for the hospitality extended to members of the Association and, there being no further business, the Meeting then closed. The Annual Dinner was again held at the Union & County Club, Worcester under the Chairmanship of Air Vice Marshal D. N. K. Blair-Oliphant, who proposed the health of the School and Hugh Griffith replied. MISS D.M . ROBINSON `Robbie' died in January. She Joined the staff at Aymestrey in 1948, leaving in 1952 because of illness in the family. Her great interest was in Scouting, and she at once started a Cub Pack in the school, which she ran with such skill and enthusiasm that they twice won the Local Association's shield and once the award for the whole county. Her work was inspiring in all departments of school 2


OLD AYMESTREY ASSOCIATION Income and Expenditure Account for the Year Ended 31st March 1984 INCOME 172.50 Membership subscriptions .............. (including renewal of subscriptions and donations to Association Funds) Magazine Appeal subscriptions ........ Interest on Abbey National Building Society Share Account .................. Interest on Lloyds Bank Deposit .......... 665.00 50.00 Contribution to School Magazine expenses Inland Revenue - Corporation Tax ... 1983 EXPENDITURE 100.00

2.05 20.06 1.48

2.05 33.15 1.28 701.48



0.99 138.30 196.09

Lloyds Bank - Bank charges



Excess of income over expenditure

196.09 Balance Sheet 1983 272.09 Balance brought forward 31st March 1983 ................................................

. . 595.92 701.48

for Year Ended 31st March 1984 1983 410.39 140.61 19.36 250.42 410.39 Balances at Lloyds Bank:Current Account Deposit Account Balance on Abbey National Building Society Share Account ..................... 100.30 22.44 883.57 1006.31

138.30 410.39

Excess of income over expenditure

. . 595.92 1006.31


life, and she had a tremendous influence on all who passed through her hands. All boys who have enjoyed Camp in the last thirty years may reflect that it was Robbie who organized a marvellous bazaar which enabled us to buy the tents. They have been a memorial to her which she would and indeed did appreciate. JOHN B. HUGHES John Hughes died in December 1984. He came to Aymestrey in 1931, quickly making his mark. His qualities of leadership were so impressive that he was a prefect for nearly two years and Head Boy for his last three terms. He was in the teams for all games and a Patrol Leader in the scouts. He went to Bromsgrove in 1937, playing for the second XV while still of Colts age, but left early to help his father on the farm in the difficult war years. He later became a Governor of Bromsgrove. D.A.N.A When the Asterleys handed over to us in 1966 John Hughes showed himself to be one of the best friends this school could have. He was a tower of strength to us in many ways. The Science room and the hard play area are just two of the things that would not have happened without his aid. He was someone to lean on in adversity, to consult when wanting advice he would always find time to listen however busy he was, and he could be relied on to help in whatever way he could. He hardly ever missed an Old Boys' Day but last year was one of those times and his absence was felt keenly by all the older members. We feel we have lost a true friend and a wise counsellor. D.H.G. Leaving Bromsgrove in 1941, John joined the Royal Marines, serving in North-West Europe and in the Far East. After the war he became a familiar figure in farming and shooting circles, his skill with the shot-gun becoming legendary in the area. There are two lasting memories of John. One is of a happy family man, devoted to Kath and their children; the other is of his enthusiasm, boundless energy and kindly consideration for others, whether in local government, farming circles or on the sporting field. There will be many a gathering round the table next winter following a day's shooting, enjoying a cup of tea or maybe something else, where memories will return of the sheer pleasure such days gave him, but above all will be remembered the joy of being in his company. E.R.L. John Hughes was elected to Worcs. County Council as member for Evesham Rural District in 1968 and then re-elected to the Herefordshire & Worcestershire County Council in 1973. He was an active member and vice chairman of the Agricultural Sub. Committee and of the Strategic Planning and Transportation Council. Because of his extensive knowledge of County Council landholdings and properties, largely through his agricultural interests, he was the driving force behind the establishment of the Property Committee of the County Council, of which he became Chairman for three years, until eighteen months before his death. He was largely instrumental in a wide ranging review of County Council property holdings, which resulted in the sale of properties to the value of f13,000,000. He was much respected for his energy and his knowledge of the county as a whole. 4

LEAVERS March 1984 J. J. Brodie (Queen Elizabeth) Came April 1979. Colours for Rugger. July 1984 R. S. Cummins (King's Worcs.) Came April 1979. Rugger XV, Soccer XI. Cricket XI. Colours for cricket. J. F. B. Essex (Ellesmere) Choir. Rugger XV, Soccer XI, Cricket XI. Gold survival. Colours for Rugger and Soccer. A. C. A. Goadby (Worcester Royal Grammar School) Came September 1979. Choir. Chess. A. M. Hardiman Came September 1979, Rugger XV, Soccer XI, Cricket XI. Colours for Cricket. Chess. R. D. Harper (Ellesmere) Came September 1982. Rugger XV, Soccer XI. Choir. D. B. MacLaren (Shrewsbury) Came September 1978. Rugger XV, Soccer XI. Cricket XI (Capt.) Colours for Rugger, Soccer and Cricket. Choir. Snooker (Capt.) Prefect. S. McGorman (Old Swinford) Came September 1981. Rugger XV. Soccer XI. Colours for Rugger and Soccer. Silver survival. D. C. A. Morton (King's Worcs.) Came January 1982. Choir. W. K. Rankin (Malvern College) Came September 1979. Rugger XV, Soccer XI, Cricket XI. Colours for Rugger, Soccer and Cricket. Chess Cup (Capt.) Choir. Prefect. N. D. Richardson (King's Worcs.) Rugger XV, Soccer XI. Colours for Rugger and Soccer. Silver Survival. Choir. Prefect. J. J. Rose-Cooper (King's Worcs.) Came September 1979. Rugger XV, Cricket XI. Colours for Rugger and Cricket. G. R. Shafto (Harrow) Came September 1979. Rugger XV (Capt.) Soccer XI (Capt.) Cricket XI. Colours for Rugger, Soccer and Cricket. Prefect. December 1984 P. Adams (Malern College) Came September 1982. Rugger XV. Colours for Rugger. Bronze survival. Prefect. D. R. Jaeger Came September 1983 NEW BOYS Summer 1984 A. I. Bateman, J. F. Harper, J. M. M. O'Neill, J. C. Tomsett. Autumn 1984 D. Bartlett, G. N. Beard, S. Bennett, J. B. Bewley, M. J. Doughty, A. J. Kelsall, T. J. Owen, A. C. Rees, J. R. Rodgman, J. D. Smith. OLD BOY NEWS E. Edmonds is taking Maths, Physics, Geology and General Studies at A level in the summer. He is hoping to go to the Camborne School of Mines in Cornwall in the autumn. G. Edmonds was a member of the Under 16s Monmouth Team which won the shield in the Public Schools form of University Challenge. He is taking O's this summer having already got two at A grade. J. N. F. Edwards is a graphic designer working in East Putney. J. W. F. Edwards is working at Saccone and Speed in North Acton. 5

T. W. F. Edwards is taking A levels this summer. In the autumn he will be starting his practical farming year. D. G. N. Edwards is married and works as a sales representative on an impressive scale. J. Essex at Ellesmere was in the junior cross country team versus Shrewsbury. He found himself running against Duncan Maclaren. J. Hanley writes from Aldenham that he was in the Under 14 cricket team last summer, batting at No. 1. R. Harper is enjoying life at Ellesmere. M.C. L. Harris is in his last year at the Royal College of Music at the Opera School. N. R. P. Harris is on a four year course at Los Angeles University studying for a Doctorate. M. Hughes has a son. D. Ilsley was rowing for the 2nd four at Wycliffe. B. Ilsley is taking eleven O levels this summer. D. Knox has gained a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science, passing with distinction. He is now a research assistant in the computer science department of Hatfield Polytechnic. S. Kingston, after qualifying as a Countryside Ranger and Warden, is working for the Youth Training Scheme on nature reserves in Surrey. We are fortunate enough to have two of his expupils here restoring the grounds to some of their former beauty. Canon I. R. A. Leakey suffered a dreadful and bizarre accident last autumn. He went to the assistance of the victim of a motorway crash and was standing on the grass when another car went out of control, left the road and hit him. He suffered severe injuries but has recovered, though not yet completely. R. Lane has a second daughter. W. Lane is taking A' levels this summer, having twelve O levels, seven at A grade. Last summer he acted in 'Comus' at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. A. P. MacLaren, having left The King's School in July, 1983, travelled through Australia, New Zealand, India and Nepal for eleven months before returning to England in November 1984. He has recently completed a ten week course in the army and is about to try the Sandhurst entry. D. Maclaren played Rugby Fives for the Shrewsbury Under 14s in London. S. J. D. MacLaren hopes to graduate this year in Marine Biology at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. He is hoping to find a job and career in fish farming, probably in Scotland. I. M. W. McCulloch started his training with the police in January. P. Martineau is in Chicago on a research grant. S. Martineau has a place at Trinity Hall, Cambridge to read History. S. Nelson is head of his house at Malvern. He is taking A levels in the summer. He went on the Malvern expedition to Lappland and did some botanical research. T. Prince at Rendcomb is taking Os this summer. He is enjoying hockey and tennis. W. Rankin played soccer for the Malvern Ferrets. He is also playing chess for the College. C. Rawlings at Malvern has twelve Os, eight at A grade. He is taking Grade 7 in piano and bassoon. N. Richardson is in his first year at King's and captained the under 14 Worcs. County Rugby team from No. 8. He collected the cup for his house which won the cross country for the first two years at King's and came third overall himself. He has taken Grade 5 piano and enjoys playing the Eb tuba. J. Schilizzi at Felsted has eight O levels, four at A grade. R. Stallard has As in History, Maths and German. He is now in Africa, having made 1500 doing various odd jobs. He is hoping to go to Zambia, Tanzania 6

and Kenya and then down the Nile in May. In October he is going to Trent Polytechnic to read Law. Wing Commander P. D. Stokes is at the Air Ministry, and his brother Michael commands the Meteorological Research Wing at Farnborough. STAFF Marcus Cash, who came for a year in 1976 and stayed for eight, left us in July 1984 to follow a career in the army. He was the driving force behind the assault course, which was built for us originally by the army youth team in 1976, after the gales, and which he developed. GIFTS We are very grateful to the following for their presents to the school :Mr. & Mrs. Wise Cricket score book. Mr. & Mrs. Peel Wicket keeping gloves. Michael Hardiman Wildlife Encyclopaedia Simon McGorman Rugger ball. Mr. & Mrs. Cummins Tulip tree. Mr. & Mrs. MacLaren Set of new snooker balls. Mr. & Mrs. Rankin Chess clocks. Mr. & Mrs. Hill Recovering the full size billiard table. Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Repair of table tennis table, many other repairs and gift of search lights. Mr. & Mrs. Richardson Help in many different ways. We are grateful to the many parents who have helped with transport to matches. TADWORTH COURT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL APPEAL This hospital, which used to be a very special branch of the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital, coping with the terminally ill, was threatened with closure. They appealed for funds from the general public, very successfully, and have remained open. We felt that it was a particularly suitable charity for the boys to support here because we lay such emphasis on keeping fit and we organized sponsored skipping and press-ups as our first money making effort. This brought in 137 and various other events are planned, such as a collection after Mr. Driver's play at Malvern College and the sale of daffodils in the spring. (At the time of going to press the total sent to Tadworth was 303) ST. RICHARD'S HOSPICE AT HOME On Saturday, 8th December, the choir took part in a 'Sing Along' outside the Guildhall, Worcester in aid of St. Richard's Hospice at Home. We sang from 2 p.m. till 2.30 p.m. on a bitterly cold afternoon. Mr. Gowland conducted and Mr. Bell sang the Three Kings' solo. Against the background noises of a busy shopping area, it was hard going- fortunately the neighbouring band was just out of earshot! A stalwart group of parents, staff and friends emerged from the crowd from time to time to join the choir in the carols. 7 MUSIC During the year the following Associated Board Piano Exams were passed:J. Taylor Grade 1

B Wise Grade 1 (Merit) T. Everitt Grade 1 (Merit) C. Knappett Grade 2 J. Essex Grade 2 O. Saunders Grade 2 SATIPS (November 1984) We entered a senior team, which did better this year, scoring 305/500. Knappet 75% and Adams 70% were our top scorers. CHESS 1983 was a good year for us but 1984 was even better. Matches played 10. Won 9. Lost 1 Games played 71. Won 47. Lost 24 The highlight of the season was our defeat of Malvern College (on handicap) in the Times Newspaper National Competition. This is handicapped on age and with their average age over 16 and ours a mere 11 they had to score 5-1 to win. Within a few minutes M. Richardson had won his game. All the other games were won by Malvern College, except for one. Knappett soldiered on in his dogged way for the full allowance of time 2 hours. He put pressure on his opponent by being ahead on the clock, and won an excellent game on the stroke of time. In March, Rankin, Hardiman and Goadby attended the Oxford Chess Congress. Rankin did extremely well to come 3rd out of 16 in the A group and as a result was promoted to the championship to play in the simultaneous display by Leonard Barden. This was a marathon affair of 40 boards that took nearly four hours. Rankin held his own for two hours which was a splendid effort and very good experience. Mr. & Mrs. Rankin brought their caravan and helped in the running of the shop, which has become Aymestrey's responsibility. In May, Bartlett M., Penson, Richardson M. and Brining went to the Malvern Junior Chess Congress. Bartlett M. did well to be the best player in the ten year old section winning 8 games and losing 2. Rankin won the Chess Cup in the summer. Chess is now such an important part of Aymestrey life that we are awarding colours and Wise T., Knappett, Richardson M., and Bartlett M. have theirs. P R E PA R AT O RY S C H O O L S A RT S F E S T I VA L MARCH 1984 The Malvern College Preparatory Schools Arts Festival took place again this year. Our choir, led by Toby Wise, took part in Choral Evenson in the College chapel. There were 300 prep. school trebles, the full College choir and about a dozen music masters singing, with organ and brass accompaniment. The conductor was Mr. Neil Page, director of music at Malvern. Everitt read the first lesson very well, despite being given short notice and having to use a microphone for the first time. He wrote about it as follows: `I heard that I was reading the same day as the Festival and I practised it only once in our school hall. At the chapel there was a microphone so I didn't have to 8 shout. After the first few prayers my heart beat faster and faster and at the end of the first song

it was my turn to read. I got up slowly from my seat and started the long walk to the lectern. I began the reading and was surprised to find my voice didn't shake: it resounded round the chapel and when I had finished there was a deathly hush. I had a feeling that everybody was staring at me. I walked back to my place and it seemed ages until I sat down. When I did I sighed with relief and Wise T. winked at me.' Tobyn Everitt THE PLAY. MALVERN COLLEGE PREP. SCHOOLS' FESTIVAL 1984 `Who's up there with Bill Stokes?' not only had the longest title of any of our plays but also went to the greatest lengths. There seems to be little point in having a good deal of acting, or drama, at school unless it continues to evolve in complexity and stretch the capacities of everyone involved. 'Bill Stokes' certainly took most of the cast into new horizons even if it did use the same old jokes. Knappett and Rankin as the anchor roles had a good deal of text to remember and managed not only to deliver it accurately but also with a panache that suggested that they, at least, if not the author, understood it. Against their solid backdrop the rest of the cast fizzed and sparkled to great effect. The 5th. form supplied Richardson and Brodie in the unaccustomed roles of antagonists; Rose-Cooper and Cummins in a highly successful double act that grew rather than being written; Wise and Maclaren as both musicians and actors and Shafto in accurate form again, this time with cans of silly string. The fourth form were uniformly hilarious and it seems wrong to select individuals out of the mass of jurymen, aeroplane parts and chorus that they glided between. Hardiman and Morton as Richtoften and Biggles; Saunders, Harper, Adams and Everitt as accomplished female impersonators; Goadby and Wellspring trading even worse punchlines, and the splendid combination of Essex and McGorman in their manipulation of the audience all deserved the laughter and spontaneous applause that they received. The third form's contribution was more esoteric than the others. As they were so quick to learn and to suggest intelligent adaptations of the text into vis-


ual effects their parts developed their own style and provided an interesting contrast to the rest of the play. The first and second forms are where the characters of future plays are hammered into shape. For many, especially those who were in their first play, it was a period of learning new disciplines. Those who have understood the need for these sometimes irksome constraints are beginning to show their abilities in their present parts. Reynolds, Ricketts and Brining all showed a promising technique and Taylor S. as the Huge Lizard showed how a combination of enthusiasm and control can create a memorable performance. The results of the actors' hard work, very few casts can have been applauded so loudly by an audience that they have just subjected to the indignity of being wrapped up like a huge and messy parcel, were complimented in the last few weeks by the arrival of Mr. Gowland. He not only skilfully set some of the words to music but composed a particularly appropriate piece for the finale and encouraged a new dimension to develop. Of all the musicians Maclaren's drumming and Wise T's piano playing made perhaps the greatest contribution.

FOOTBALL 1984 After the excitements of the rugby season none of us really believed that the first term of 1984 would prove anything more than an anti-climax. By the end of March we could look back over, statistically, an even more successful period. We lost to only one school, Winterfold, and to our delight and our rivals' mystification won the Worcestershire Prep. Schools' 6-aside Trophy. The campaign began with the now familiar early morning patter of feet on the Hard Play Area. When St. Richard's invited us to participate in their cross-country competition the tarmac was replaced by the distant vistas of fields beyond the Five Oaks. This regular mileage may have had something to do with the Senior Team's highly successful second place, they beat all the other prep. schools and were only defeated by the team from Lucton. Our first two games, winning 1-0 at St. Richard's and 7-0 at home to St. Michael's, gave the team some confidence but didn't prepare us for the momentous events at The Downs. The first match was against Abberley A. with Knappett playing wide on the left, Shafto dominating the midfield, McGorman enjoying an unusual amount of space and the old firm of Essex and Richardson N. defending Williams's goal, our two first goals were deserved. Drawing 0-0 with Elms made it a mathematical probability that for the first time we would reach the semi-finals. This was where we thought we would end our day as our opponents were the favourites, The Downs. Shafto, however, captaining the side four years after he had first played for the school at soccer, scored to equalise and the issue was decided on penalties. In practice we had always regarded penalty-taking as a rather over-rated occupation and avoided it. We, therefore, unlike our correctly prepared opposition, had no established pecking order but Essex, to the others' relief, volunteered to take the first kick. The manner in which he slotted it neatly into the bottom right hand corner compared to the piledriver that Williams deflected over the bar seemed to prove our point. In the final against Moor Park Shafto wrapped things up neatly by scoring the last, as well as the first, goal in the competition and carried the shield home. We lost our next match against Winterfold but beat St. Richard's 3-0, Abberly 3-1 Rankin scored direct from the corner - and Moor Park 2-1. Only Winterfold continued to prove impregnable and we lost again. On this occasion though 10 we played far better and the score of 1-3 was more deserving. The maturity and enthusiasm of the team was shown by the number of variations that we played. Some players moved from defence to midfield and then were used as forwards without any sign of confusion. Shafto, as so often in the lean years of the past, held the side together with his skills and increasing vision and understanding. He played the central role in midfield and also managed to be top scorer. His contribution to the team over the years has always been excellent but he excelled even his high standards this season and deserved the success. He also ran in the cross-country and finished a very creditable 11th. The other player who always spread an air of calm and imperturbable control over the game was the figure of Essex in defence. Whenever the pressure was greatest Essex would produce another solid tackle and follow it with a well-measured clearance. Typically he saved his only goal for the most vital moment of the season.

Richardson began as his regular partner at the back but gradually moved up through the midfield and into the forward line where he scored our only goal against Winterfold. His place was taken by Perriton who had a promising season as a full-back in the traditional, uncompromising English manner. His experience will be needed next year. The half-back combination either side of Shafto included various players but the left and right sides were properly the property of Rankin and Hardiman respectively. Although Rankin always had the air of being disappointed by the shape of the ball he quickly made himself a useful member in both defence and attack. His corners, especially the one that went straight in, were usually testing and when he and Knappett were working in harmony the left hand side was always a threat. Hardiman's skill and enthusiasm seemed to grow match by match. For his size he was a formidable defender and quickly adapted to switching out of the midfield and into attack. His regular winger was McGorman. Although he performed better on the wider spaces of away pitches he developed a useful cross and a powerful shot. This midfield, confident in the quality of the defence behind was always eager to attack and its bombardment of the goal from longer range gave the opposition a further succession of problems to cope with. Knappett's forays on the left wing continued to give delight to the spectators, His speed, skill at taking the ball past and converting it into a long cross, and powerful shot gave the forwards a breadth in attack that unsettled all the defences we played. We were spoilt to a certain extent by having two goalkeepers to choose from. Maclaren would have been the natural first choice, as his athletic display in the second match against Winterfold proved, but our lack of a genuine striker beckoned him out onto the pitch and his uncomplicated play earned him four valuable goals. The one he equalised with at Moor Park was particularly well taken. Williams was a very adequate substitute in goal and as the season progressed became better at positioning, developed a longer kick and never lacked for bravery. The remaining places in the team were taken by a number of players. We never really found a second striker who could knock in the half-chances that invariably fill the penalty area, but the Senior Game threw up several improving players who were slotted in or taken as substitute. Cummins, Harper and the ubiquitous Brodie were among the old hands who willingly played in some newly devised theory of the coach, and Dowthwaite and Everitt showed touches 11

of skill that will we hope, develop next year. The rest of the Senior Game gave a good deal in practice games and some players, such as Rose-Cooper, were a little unlucky not to play more regularly. CROSS COUNTRY RUNNING EVENT AT ST. RICHARD'S We entered a team for both Senior and Junior events for the first time and although it was a very tough course of about 2 miles with a steep downhill start Bartlett M. remembers this well! and a long uphill finish, the senior team did surprisingly well to come 2nd. We beat all the other prep. schools and were only beaten by Lucton. Richardson N. Essex came 3rd 4th

Shafto Rankin

llth 20th

The junior team came 9th but gained valuable experience. They were Bartlett M., Dowthwaite, Taylor C., and Jaeger D. CRICKET 1984 It was fitting that the boys who had formed the nucleus of all the successful teams over the last twelve months should complete their time at Aymestrey with such a fine cricket season. With Maclaren and Rose-Cooper bowling particularly fast and the pitch almost without any rain over the Easter holidays the early days in May were a fierce baptism for all the senior game. Shafto and Hardiman in particular received some hard knocks but refused to let their injuries affect their determination to succeed. The side's strength was its bowling and Maclaren, Rose-Cooper and Rankin all had averages under 10. The collapsible nature of the batting revealed itself in the first match against Winterfold when both openers were returned to the pavilion with 0 on the board. But the arrival of Shafto at the crease heralded the start of a hitherto unexpected career. Shafto's wicket-keeping would have been enough to keep him in the side even if he had been unable to remember what his front foot was for, but in a succession of splendid innings he scored almost two hundred runs and amassed the remarkable average of 65.7. At Winterfold Rose-Cooper, who never quite had the luck that follows successful batsmen, stayed with him almost until the end and scored a creditable 28. Cummins, whose name does not appear in the batting or the bowling averages, made his customary contribution in this first match by taking another of his effortless catches. His colours were a just reward for the way in which he made the mid-off position a fatal trap for any batsman who hit the ball hard through the air. St. Richard's suffered the onslaught of Rose-Cooper and Maclaren at their most accurate. They took all ten wickets between them, 7 were clean bowled, 1 hit wicket, 1 caught behind and 1 l.b.w. Maclaren unfortunately suffered a knee injury towards the end of the season and this, combined with the hard ground, took its toll. But at his best he was 12

one of the most testing bowlers we saw through the season. Rose-Cooper's run-up from a few yards disguised the speed of his delivery. He learnt to cut the ball viciously from the off and on occasions bowled too well for the batsmen to connect and edge the ball into the slips. The Elms at home provided another draw. Shafto was again the anchor and Rankin showed his growing potential by taking 3 of the wickets. Cummins duly obliged by taking two more catches. The real problem was finding a pair of opening batsmen. Maclaren was usually good for a few runs but never really scored the large total he will surely make one day. The Abberley match didn't provide any further clues to his partner, though Jaeger R. entertained by hitting two large fours. The most notable feature of this match was the 15 over spell of Rose-Cooper that left a well-defined patch on a length and secured him 4 wickets at 3.75 runs apiece.

At last, against Moffats, Hardiman showed the potential that he had been struggling to reveal all season. He began by hitting a four off the first ball and added three more boundaries in his 19, the top score in the match. With Maclaren injured and unable to bowl Rankin continued his new career as an opening bowler and took 4 wickets to speed the win. The bottom end of the team had included several players, most of whom were rarely called upon to bat. Richardson, Knappett, Parry, Cummins, Wiliams, McGorman, Jaeger R. and Perriton all did a fair amount of fielding early in the season and then spent a good deal of the afternoon watching the unspectacular but steady progress of their team-mates. The rude awakening came against the Elms. None of the batsmen on our side ever looked really in control and the steady fall of wickets seemed likely to bring about the first defeat of the season. Richardson at number 7 presented a broad bat to everything but seemed likely to run out of partners. With twelve minutes left on the clock Everitt, the number 11, came out to join him. To the rapidly increasing amazement and wonder of his colleagues he imitated the actions of every cricket text book and saved the match with a remarkably straight bat and an unruffled temperament. The Old Boys' Match gave Hardiman the stage that he needed. He and Maclaren put on 59 for the first wicket before Maclaren was run out. Hardiman then went on to make 40. After his initial problems he became a very good batsman and the speed of his boundaries just backward of square often left even the deep fielders standing. The Fathers succumbed to the School as well. Shafto made a deserved half century and Rankin added a pleasant 18 not out. The Winterfold match was another draw and as well as the gratifying sight of the top of the order scoring runs: Hardiman 20, Maclaren 41 not out and Shafto 20 not out; and Rankin reaching the peak of his form with 5 wickets there was also the bowling of Dowthwaite. He had performed fairly well against the Fathers and the Old Boys and now bowled very tidily conceeding only 18 runs off 12 overs. The Ferrets match was a disappointment. Not because of the result, as those who witnessed the furious fight back by the School with very few runs to play with will testify, but because of the disorganised atmosphere of the event. But it still produced some splendid cricket. RoseCooper put everything into his bowling, Rankin did the same from the other end, and the fielding was magnificent. Shafto took the best wicket-keeping catch of the season and Dowthwaite in the gully held onto one that seemed destined for the boundary. To lose by only two wickets was a fine achievement. 13

ATHLETICS There were some good results in the AAA Star Awards this year. The juniors were particularly keen. In the Under 13s Perriton deserves mention as he gained his 5 star awards despite an injury to his arm, and Richardson N., whose marks in his 5 stars in the Under 14s were nearly up to those required for the Under 15s. 5 stars in 3 events, Penthalon and Decathlon Under 14 Richardson N. Under 13 Perriton Under 11 Bartlett M. & Harper J. Under 10 Gurney

4 stars in 3 events, Pentathlon and Decathlon Under 11 O'Neill and Taylor C. Under 10 Gorman R.

SWIMMING By the end of term, as last year, everyone could swim half a length at least. Penson, Richardson M., Calladine and Jaeger R. swam 1000 metres and Foster 1500 metres. The survival tests have been changed and the details did not come through in time for the boys to tackle them this year. They are now called Swimming Challenge Awards and they will be taking them next year as they are much the same. CAMP 1984 As in previous years the Green Prices were kind enough to let us camp on their farmland but this year it was a new site, on the main farm. We pitched camp in a small area surrounded by bushes and trees which helped to create the atmosphere of camp and also keep the rain and wind out. When we arrived it was overgrown with nettles but after an hour of people tramping back and forth and Mr. Cash using the strimmer it began to take shape. Thanks to the odd job men Richardson and Cummins we had a constant supply of fresh water and by the end of camp we had steps leading up to the cooking area and an organized wood supply. Despite the fact that we were constantly forced to shelter from rain we managed to do everything that we had planned. Once we had made camp and set up our tents we had lunch and then went for a walk to see what our new territory was like. During the next few days we went to the top of Radnor Forest, went off in a Range Rover to see the reservoirs and dams and then, on the last day, the mystery guest arrived. He gave a demonstration of how to make a good fire and allowed us to pour as much water as we liked over it before he lit it with just one match and sheet of newspaper. We returned to Aymestrey on Saturday morning, tired out after a very enjoyable week. T. Wis e RUGBY 1984 This year's team, although inheriting all the disadvantages that inevitably follow when an outstanding XV has all but dispersed, continued the tradition of playing hard, well-disciplined rugby. 14 As always the basic strength of the side lay in the solid play of the forwards. Perriton, Wise T. , and Foster who was ably substituted by Parry when injured made a strong and intelligent front row. Supported by his tireless props Wise T. not only hooked well but masterminded the penalty moves and, at the end of the season, the highly effective wheeling of the scrummage that completely wrecked the much heavier opposition at Hillstone. The penalties, in all their variations, were always well executed and Perriton managed to score from his particular move against Winterfold. He also played against the school to assist the Elms in our first match of the season. Foster took his opportunity earlier this season than last and scored twice. All the forwards reached a good level of fitness and were always up in support. As has been the pattern for several years now the pack looked at its most effective in the

ruck. The second row, partly because of illness and also because of the good general standard of play that existed in the senior game, had several combinations. Reynolds, Parry and Maher all played hard and although they never reached the same settled style exhibited by their front row worked at their game. Perhaps the most unlikely combination to emerge from this year's senior game was that supplied by Adams and Henshaw on the flanks of the scrummage. Their consistent play in every situation, whether on a wheeling scrum or when breaking fast to catch the opposition's half-backs, made them an invaluable part of the pack. However unlikely they appeared on the hard play area on the pitch their contribution was equal to anything given by the most experienced player and they deserved their colours. Wise T., Parry and Everitt received theirs to join Foster, Williams, Perriton, Knappett and Dowthwaite. The position of number eight was largely held by Tomsett who fitted well into the forwards' play. Towards the end of the season Harper made a spirited effort and took over the position and proved a promising line-out jumper as well as a conscientious forward. The half-back positions were filled by Everitt, Dowthwaite and Knappett. Again there was various combinations but the final solution seemed to be Everitt at scrumhalf, Knappett outside him and Dowthwaite joining the three-quarters at inside centre. Everitt proved himself in a difficult position. When, as happened fairly frequently, his forwards gave him time and space he was able to display his useful pass and his natural handling skills. But when faced with more determined opposition he still played well. Knappett, who also captained the side, worked very hard at fly-half. although he did not have a particuarly strong pass his determined tackling and tireless running made him one of the most respected members of the team. Dowthwaite continued from where he left off last year. His presence, wherever he played, was always marked by some elusive running and a devastating tackle. The combination of Dowthwaite, Perriton, Parry, Henshaw and the encouraging progress of Harper, Tomsett, Reynolds, O' Neill and Penson could produce an interesting XV next year. Some of the team would admit that had they been asked three terms ago if they saw themselves as members of a successful rugby team they would have replied in the negative. Wise T.'s transformation from the fringes of the senior game to the leader of the forwards is probably the most remarkable. But it is always pleasing to see boys who previously considered themselves anything but games players or athletes turn themsleves into useful players. Saunders, who played at centre, developed very quickly into a hard running back and made his 15

presence felt in every game he played. O'Neill and Penson, who usually played on the wings, kept their places in the team by the manner in which they coped with these problems. Both proved able to tackle much bigger opposition and hopefully they will continue to improve their skills and so play an important part in the future.

Williams played, for most of the season, at full-back. By the end of term he had become a considerable force in the team. He tackled well, was usually well-positioned to clear up the enemy's attempts at kicking and, most importantly, learnt when it really was essential to kick. His arrival in the attacking back line added extra pace and his role as goal-kicker brought the team valuable points to add to his try scoring. The season was a satisfactory one. The Sevens team won all its three matches. St. Michael's and the Elms were also beaten in full team matches. But to beat Bromsgrove IInds was a very creditable result. We lost to Winterfold, although we played well against them, and in our away matches with St. Richard's and Hillstone. The first St. Richard's match emphasised the tendency to allow the opposition to dictate even when we held the upper hand. For most of the game we were encamped in their half but they still managed two breakaway tries. When we played them in the last game of the season, however, the score was tied at twelve all and Williams' hat-trick of tries was the result of much more confident control right across the pitch. Hillstone was a new fixture and probably the best game. We lost 10-0 but played some good defensive rugby and showed our fitness: our old boast of 'another five minutes and ...' perhaps deserving an airing on that occasion. THE MALVERN LAPPLAND EXPEDITION The expedition was composed of thirty six people ten adults, and five girls and 21 boys, from Malvern College, Ellershe and other schools in the county. The planning had been meticulous and throughout the four weeks things went without a hitch. We had generous sponsors Land Rover of Solihul lent a land rover and Ford Europe a Ford Transit. These took the equipment and much of the food up to Abisko, mid way between Korona and Narvik and 100 miles inside the Arctic Circle, and served as a permanent base camp for our stores. We also made use of the sauna and Tourist station in the village. Expedition time was divided into three five day phases with a rest day at Base Camp. I had opted to do two phases of climbing and one of trekking. However, as it happened I was unable to do the trekking because the leader broke his shoulder, and I did another phase of climbing. Other activities included geography and biology 'A' level projects Stephen Nelson from Malvern did a botanical study fieldwork, a cultural trip into Finmark to study the Lapps, photography, bird watching and art work. The highest mountain in Arctic Scandinavia, Kebnekaise (2117m) is 50 miles south of Abisko, so we drove to within 20 miles of it and then walked and climbed the rest. By the end of the expedition some 18 members had reached the summit. I think the strangest thing about the expedition was the climate. We had five rain free days but there was plenty of sunshine and this lasted most of the night, with only about three hours of darkness. E. Edmonds 16

T. T. Wise - Major Scholarship to Bloxham C. J. Knappet - Scholarship to Bloxham