awsome bridge

The R and K Bridge Builders By: Kari Clark and Ronni Dice

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Awsome  Bridge

The R and K Bridge Builders

By: Kari Clark and Ronni Dice

Page 2: Awsome  Bridge

Where our bridge is going Where our bridge is going to be builtto be built

Page 3: Awsome  Bridge

Our Bridge is the Best What makes our bridge better than

others you may ask? Well our bridges are supported by a X shaped form with a vertical line in between.( in other words, are bridge is made a many small triangles) We do this to keep up support .

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Other reasons May Other reasons May Include…Include…

1. It’s able to hold a large 1. It’s able to hold a large amount of weight.amount of weight.

2.It is held up by two big support 2.It is held up by two big support beamsbeams

Page 5: Awsome  Bridge

Our rough draft Our rough draft StructureStructure

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A Picture Like Our A Picture Like Our Finished BridgeFinished Bridge