awsome day intro - copenhagen 20160309

Download AWSome Day Intro - Copenhagen 20160309

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@AWSomeDayWelcome to AWSome Day

Anne Mnsson, Sr Account Executive, AWS [email protected]

Johan Broman, Solutions Architect, AWS [email protected]

Make this an AWSome Day!TAKE PART in our draw and win some exiting technology!NAVIGATE & FILL IN winners will be announced at the end of AWSome Day Good luck!

Check out our booth and ask about our AWSome Day Special Offers

1st Prize:iPad Mini 2 16GB WiFi - Space Gray

2nd & 3rd Prize: Raspberry Pi

We value your feedback!#AWSomeDay

Why Do Customers Use AWS?Agility

Platform Breadth & Depth

Innovation @ Scale

Cost Savings and Flexibility

The primary reason businesses are moving so quickly to AWS and the cloud#1: Agility

no script

Why does agility matter?

no script

Old World: Infrastructure in weeks

Enterprises Cant Afford to Be Slow

Enterprises cant afford to be slow YET if you ask engineering leaders how long it takes to get a server6-25 weeks Maddeningpeople stop trying to inventwhy bother? Anybody that does a lot of inventing will tell you that the two most important things are In the CLOUD, can spin up thousands of servers in minutes If these experiments dont work, give back to us or reuse

You Dont Need to Guess CapacitySelf HostingWasteCustomerDissatisfactionActual demandPredicted DemandRigid

ElasticActual demandAWS

With the elasticity of AWS, you no longer need to forecast demand and buy up front. You get the ability to scale up to meet the needs of spiky workloads, but then give that capacity back when the spike is over. Whether your dealing with annual spikes like the December retail boom, monthly or quarterly spikes associated with accounting workloads, or unpredictable spikes associated with web marketing, or any other situation where demand changes over time, cloud has considerable advantage over the traditional IT investment model.9

Great Things Happen When Risks are Taken

All of a sudden, w the possibility a reality that you can try new ideas: Move teams from learned helplessness where no point using shower cycles To a world where employees are motivated to think of new ideas for customersAnd instead of only getting these ideas from select senior folks, come from all over orgPeople often ask us what does cloud mean for our IT people Reality is they dont go awaywork on value-added activities on top of infrastructure instead of undifferentiated racking and stacking Imo, better question is how do we empower more of our employees to invent/improve cust exp Truth is, people who work at enterprises want to invent as much as start-ups, just been hamstrung Cloud unleashes this innovationlets you be more agile, get more ideas all over org, and RECRUIT more talented folks in process Better for customers, companies, and businessWIN ACROSS BOARD

Get Rid of Undifferentiated Heavy LiftingData CentersPowerCoolingCablingNetworkingRacksServersStorageLaborBuy and install new hardwareSetup and configure new softwarebuild or upgrade data centersWe take care of itSo you dont have to

Lets face it, racking and stacking gear in a data center just doesnt help you win over your competitors. It takes lots of time and lots of money and becomes a big distraction from activities that can truly differentiate you. Plus, without big economy of scale, these activities simply cost more.11

A broad and deep platform helps customersbuild sophisticated, scalable applications

#2: Platform Breadth & Depth

2nd big reason people are moving so fast to the cloud is breadth of services/features/geo AWS has

If want to build new businesses from scratch or move some/all workloads to cloud, need a broad array of services and features to make this happen and not have to piecemeal it


RegionsAvailability ZonesPoints of Presence

IntegratedNetworkingDirect ConnectIdentityFederationIntegrated AppDeploymentsData BackupsIntegratedResourceManagementSupportProfessionalServicesPartnerEcosystemTraining &CertificationSolutionArchitectsAccountManagementSecurity & Pricing Reports

BusinessAppsBusinessIntelligenceDevOpsToolsSecurityNetworkingDatabasesStorageDataWarehouseHadoop/SparkReal timeStreaming DataMachineLearning

ElasticSearchQueuing &Notifications


API GatewayidentitySyncMobileAnalyticsPushNotifications

One click AppDeploymentDevOps ResourceManagementResourceTemplates

ContainersApplication LifecycleManagementTriggersVirtualDesktopsSharing &CollaborationCorporateEmailBackups



Key Mgmt & Storage

Monitoring& Logs

Resource &Usage AuditingConfigurationCompliance







11 regions throughout the world with 2 more to be announced next year. A region is a place where we have clusters of DCs in what we call AZsWe dont do regions like other infrastructure providers. We dont launch a region with one dc and say heres a region.What weve learnt this last 10 years is that if youre a company serious about your applications and care about them you want to deploy them across DC for fault tolerance.So we have 30 AZs with on or more DCs in each AZ, which is a lot of DCs. Then we have about 50 points of presence for our CDN.Compute Service with many flavors of compute, We have many storage services, an object store, a block store, archival backup store.We have 6 different DB Engines, we have a non sql db service, we have a CDN and then we have all kind of network features that you can put on top on these core building blocks.# of analytical capabilities, batch analytics, streaming analytics, a DW. Lots of mobile services

#3: Innovation @ Scale





Amazon EBSAmazon EC2Amazon SNSAWS Identity

& Access

ManagementAWS Import

& ExportAmazon

CloudWatchAmazon EMRAmazon RDSAmazon VPCAuto ScalingElastic Load BalancingAmazon

ElastiCacheAmazon SESAWS

CloudFormationAWS Direct

ConnectAWS Elastic

BeanstalkGovCloudAmazon SWFAmazon Route 53Amazon RedshiftAmazon GlacierAmazon

Dynamo DBAmazon

CloudSearchAmazon EC2AWS Storage




WorkSpacesAmazon KinesisAmazon Elastic


AppStreamAWS OpsWorksAWS Data


2014Amazon Mobile

AnalyticsAmazon CognitoAWS ZocaloAWS Directory

ServiceAmazon RDS

for AuroraAWS CodeDeployAWS LambdaAWS ConfigAWS Key

Management ServiceAWS Service

CatalogAmazon EC2

Container ServiceAWS CodePipelineAWS CodeCommit2015Amazon EFSAmazon API GatewayAmazon WorkMailAmazon Machine LearningAWS Device FarmAWS WAFAmazon

Elasticsearch ServiceAmazon QuickSightAWS Import/Export SnowballAmazon Kinesis FirehoseAmazon RDS for MariaDBAmazon InspectorAWS Database Migration

Service AWS IoTAmazon EC2 Container

RegistryAmazon Kinesis AnalyticsAWS Mobile HubAWS has been continually expanding its services to support virtually any cloud workload, and it now has more than 60 services that range from compute, storage, networking, database, analytics, application services, deployment, management and mobile.AWS Rapid Pace of Innovation

S3- Launched March 14, 2006, 99.99% availability, $0.15 GB/Month- Trillions of objects, peaks at millions/sec. 11 9s of durability at $0.03 GB/Month

AWS PRICING PHILOSOPHYEcosystemGlobal FootprintNew FeaturesNew ServicesInfrastructureInnovation51PRICEREDUCTIONSWe pass the savings along to our customers in the form of low prices and continuous reductions


Trade Capex for variable expense


Pricing model choice to support variable & stable workloadsOn-demandReservedSpot3

Save more money as you grow biggerTiered pricingVolume discountsCustom pricing4

Economies-of-scale provide lower costs than companies can do on their own251 price reductions since 2006#4: Cost Savings and Flexibility

Transition to price reductions

Pay For Infrastructure as you Need it, Not Up FrontOn-Premises$0 to get startedPay as you go

With traditional infrastructure, you have to guess how much capacity you will need over the next 3-7 years, and pay for most or all of it on day one. This ties up money that you could be spending on other things and its very difficult to forecast accurately over such a long period of time. With AWS, you pay for what you need, when you need it.18

AWS Trusted Advisor: Automated Cost Optimization and Advice2,600,000+ recommendations

$350M+ in cost reductions

To: AWS CustomerFrom: Amazon Web ServicesSubject: Potential Cost SavingsDear Customer,We have identified $49,000 of potential savings in your current

To: AWS CustomerFrom: Amazon Web ServicesSubject: Potential Cost SavingsDear Customer,

To: AWS CustomerFrom: Amazon Web ServicesSubject: Potential Cost SavingsDear Customer,We have identified $49,000 of potential savings in your current AWS deployment.

-Amazon Web ServicesAWS rang me up and said they were cutting my costs by $30,000 a month. In all my years in IT I have never had a supplier ring me up and say that. It never happens. Now we can invest that cash into new product development and turn it into revenue.

- News UK IT Director, Chris Birch

Who is using AWS &what are they using it for?

Who is Using AWS in the Nordics?

70% reduction inoperational costs#1: Development and TestingDo more dev and test work, faster

Sharepoint and SAPSAP

Reduced dev and test environment costsOracle

#2: New Workloads

Product prototyping

& designAudience management & creative design

Hotel booking engineBiological data researchGlobal deals engineVideo streamingSIM card credit

News distributionApp streaming

Firmware upgradesMobile games

Mobile musicdiscovery

GE: A new manufacturing collaboration application, which allows GE engineers to collaborate on materials, models, simulation, and equipment in an ITAR-compliant environment on AWS.

ExpediaQantas GroupVodafone ItalyAdobe SystemsUbisoft

#3: Supplement Existing Workloads with the Cloud

Export operational data to Amazon Redshift for analysis2X faster queries at 1/2 the costAnalyticsDisaster recovery SSAE 16-compliant to restore all data within 2 hours

Equipment leasing app

Operational applicationsExport data to AWS for analytics processing

SunPower Corporation:A leading global solar technology and energy solutions provider,Uses AWS to help meet compliance requirements for disaster recovery, enabling SunPower to successfully expand into the leasing market.The company also saves $120,000 annually over using a traditional hosting provider.

#4: Supplement Workloads with Existing On-premises InfrastructureAWS serves up application content & dataIntegration back to Samsung Data Centers for financial transactions

Existing systems

#5: Migrating Existing Applications

Migrated clinical trials simulations platformSimulations in 1.2hrs vs. 60hrs64% reduction in costs

BMS: used Amazon's services to build a research cloud. Gives these scientists the ability to run thousands and thousands of clinical trial simulations so they can optimize design. This allows them to reduce the number of human subjects used in a study, reducing its length and frequency of data collection, and ultimately cost to conduct.

#6: Data Center Migration

From 40 data centers, down to 69X increase in AWS usageAPIs help govern usageand control cost

Enabling global collaboration3,000 applicationsby January 2015

Significant portions of the Wall Street Journal, dozens of mobile and tablet apps worldwide, along with back-office apps are migrating from traditional, statically provisioned data centers, resulting in a 9X increase in AWS usage in the past 12 months.

APIs made it possible to integrate with their legacy technologies, without concern for what it was developed in.

Share development globally, in minutes, using CloudFormation.

After evaluating the infrastructure and making the business case internally, News Corp, and their parent company, are migrating 3000 applications by the end of January 2015, resulting in a global saving of $100M in infrastructure costs.

#7: All-in IT Entirely in the Cloud

We have to be great at a number of thingsoperating data centers is not one of those things We are a hospitality management organization, not an IT services company2000 applications migrating to AWS in 18 months

TRANSITION: Charles Philips, CEO from Infor

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