award-winning stories: mentoring as a career development tool

Award-winning Stories: Mentoring as a Career Development Tool HCI White Paper August 21, 2008 HCI Analyst

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retain, develop, and advance women and GLBTprofessionals. Ms. Allyn has been recognized as asubject matter expert on gender and work/lifechallenges. She is a frequent public speaker andhas been quoted in over 30 publications includingThe Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, TheWashington Post, CFO Magazine, and US News &World Report. Among her many accomplish-ments, Jennifer spearheaded the effort to enhancePwC’s parental leave policy and launched FullCircle, a program designed to assist parents whowant to “on-ramp” after taking an extended periodof time off from work. PricewaterhouseCoopershas been recognized as a best-in-class employer byCatalyst, Working Mother Magazine, DiversityInc, Out & Equal, and Fortune Magazine.

Prior to joining PwC, Ms. Allyn was a senior con-sultant at Catalyst where she advised a diversegroup of Fortune 500 clients, among themPricewaterhouseCoopers. She currently serves onthe Executive Committee of the Women’sLeadership Board at the Harvard Kennedy Schooland on the Advisory Board of the NationalCouncil for Research on Women. Ms. Allyn is agraduate of Brown University and received herMasters degree in Public Policy from the HarvardKennedy School.

Heather KleisHuman Resources AdvisorING America’sIn her role as Human Resources Advisor, Heatherprovides HR support and guidance to the AnnuityBusiness Leaders. She is responsible for providingconsultative advice on leadership development,organization change, talent management, andyear-end management processes. Heather has been

involved in ING’s Mentoring Advantage since2003 when she co-led the design and roll-out ofthe Program. Heather currently serves as theProgram Manager of ING’s Mentoring AdvantageProgram and also currently mentors young HRprofessionals and college students pursuing careersin Human Resources.

Heather joined ING in June 2001 and has previ-ously worked as an HR Generalist. Prior to joiningING, Heather served as the Manager of Staffingand College Relations for Vermeer Manufacturingand a Recruiter with Northwestern Mutual. Shehas previously served as Chairman of the IowaHuman Resources Recruitment Consortium whereshe led efforts to recruit alumni back to the richcareer opportunities available in their home stateof Iowa.

Heather holds a BA in Business Management -Human Resources from Central College, Pella,Iowa. She is a proud wife and mother of two sons

Julie NugentDirector, Research DepartmentCatalyst, Inc.As a Director in the Research department atCatalyst, Julie Nugent examines organizationaldiversity efforts, change models, and career experiences and perceptions of women and menprofessionals across levels and industries. As Chairof the Catalyst Award Evaluation Committee, Ms. Nugent investigates organization-specificdiversity programs and workplace environments.In this role, she heads an interdepartmental teamthrough a year-long process of evaluating corpo-rate and professional strategies nominated for theCatalyst Award, which honors innovative

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approaches with proven results taken by organiza-tions to address the recruitment, development,and advancement of all managerial women,including women of color.

Ms. Nugent frequently speaks to corporate andpublic audiences on topics including women’sleadership and advancement, mentoring, anddiversity-and-inclusion strategies. She recentlydirected the 2005 Catalyst Member BenchmarkingReport, which examined key diversity programs,policies, and metrics across member companiesand firms. In addition, she leads Catalyst’sMentoring Issue Specialty Team, specificallyexamining cutting-edge mentoring programs,research trends, and organizational practices.

Ms. Nugent received her B.A. in Psychology andEnglish from Ohio University. She received herM.A. in Industrial/Organizational Psychologyfrom New York University.


Joy KostaSenior Director, Talent DevelopmentHuman Capital InstituteAs Director of the Talent DevelopmentCommunity at The Human Capital Institute, Joybrings twenty-five years of experience in multiplefacets of organizational development, humanresources and business management with anemphasis in customer satisfaction, service quality,process improvement, and applying the MalcolmBaldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence. Asfounder and President of Performance Partners inHealth Care, a company dedicated to building bet-ter patient experiences, she has authored several

curriculums in leadership and staff development,and co-authored with Harold Bursztajn, MDSenior Clinical Faculty member, Harvard MedicalSchool, Building a Treatment Alliance withPatients and Families.


This White Paper is made possible by Menttium,sponsor of HCI’s Mentoring Strategies Learning Track.


The global leader in today's corporate mentoringmodels, Menttium Corporation offers comprehen-sive internal, virtual and cross-company mentor-ing solutions that support the development andadvancement of key talent in the workplace. Since1991, over 50,000 people have participated inMenttium's mentoring programs. Our strategicapproach delivers powerful mentoring experiencesthat are linked to business objectives to positivelyimpact the performance of individuals and thelong-term viability of the organization.


The Human Capital Institute is a catalyst for inno-vative new thinking in talent acquisition, develop-ment and deployment. Through research and col-laboration, our programs collect original, creativeideas from a field of top executives and the bright-est thought leaders in strategic HR and talentmanagement. Those ideas are then transformedinto measurable, real-world strategies that help

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our members attract and retain the best talent,build a diverse, inclusive workplace, and leverageindividual and team performance throughout theenterprise.