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  • 8/14/2019 AW DoR PPAOL



    Introduction ......................................4

    Welcome toAdvance Wars! ............................4

    How to Use This Guide .......................................5

    Naval Units ....................................................... 32

    Battleship (B Ship) .................................................. 32

    Carrier ..........................................................................33

    Cruiser ..........................................................................33

    Gunboat (G Boat) .....................................................33

    Lander ...........................................................................34

    Submarine ....................................................................34

    Commanding Officers ....................35

    Will ..................................................................... 35

    Brenner ............................................................ 36

    Lin ....................................................................... 37

    Isabella ............................................................. 38

    Tasha ................................................................. 39

    Gage ...................................................................40

    Forsythe ............................................................ 41

    Waylon .............................................................. 42

    Greyfield ........................................................... 43

    Penny .................................................................44

    Tabitha .............................................................. 45

    Caulder ..............................................................46

    Campaign Walkthrough ................ 47

    Chapter 1: Days of Ruin ..................................48

    Chapter 2: A Single Life ................................. 50

    Chapter 3: Freehaven .................................... 52

    Chapter 4: Moving On .................................... 54

    Chapter 5: New Allies ..................................... 56

    Chapter 6: Fear Experiment......................... 58

    Chapter 7: A Kind of Home ............................ 60

    Chapter 8: A New Threat ............................... 62

    Chapter 9: The Beast ..................................... 64

    Chapter 10: Almost Home ..............................66

    Chapter 11: A Storm Brews ........................... 68

    Chapter 12: History of Hate .........................70

    Chapter 13: Greyfield Strikes ...................... 72

    WagingAdvance Wars .....................6


    Flow of Battle .....................................................6

    Post-Mission Breakdown ...............................6

    Unit Interactions ...............................................8

    Funds Management ......................................... 16

    Battlefield Conditions .................................... 16

    Terrain ............................................................... 18

    Structures ........................................................22

    Units.................................................. 24

    Ground Units .................................................... 25

    Anti-Air .........................................................................25

    Anti-Tank .......................................................................25

    Artillery ........................................................................26

    Bike ................................................................................26

    Flare ...............................................................................26Infantry .........................................................................27

    Mech ..............................................................................27

    Medium (Md) Tank ...................................................27

    Missiles ........................................................................28

    Recon .............................................................................28

    Rig ...................................................................................28

    Rockets .........................................................................29

    Tank ................................................................................29

    War (W) Tank ............................................................29Air Units ............................................................ 30

    Battle (B) Copter .....................................................30

    Bomber ..........................................................................30

    Duster ............................................................................31

    Fighter ............................................................................31

    Seaplane ........................................................................31

    Transport (T) Copter ..............................................32

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    Chapter 14: A Heros Farewell ......................74

    Chapter 15: Icy Retreat .................................76

    Chapter 16: Hope Rising ................................78

    Chapter 17: The Creeper ............................... 80

    Chapter 18: Panic in the Ranks .................... 82

    Chapter 19: Salvation .....................................84

    Chapter 20: Waylon Flies Again ................... 86

    Chapter 21: Lins Gambit ................................ 88

    Chapter 22: The Great Owl ............................90

    Chapter 23: Sacrificial Lamb ....................... 92

    Chapter 24: Crash Landing ...........................94

    Chapter 25: Lab Rats .....................................96

    Chapter 26: Sunrise ....................................... 98

    Campaign Trials .............................100

    Trial 1: Extreme Edge ......................................101

    Trial 2: Shade Coast .......................................102

    Trial 3: Feline Basin .......................................103

    Trial 4: Metro Island .....................................104

    Trial 5: Eerie Lake ..........................................105

    Trial 6: Clear Island .......................................106

    Trial 7: Tatter River ......................................107

    Trial 8: D-Island ..............................................108

    Trial 9: Hourglass ..........................................109

    Trial 10: Blade Isles .........................................110

    Trial 11: Star Islands ........................................111

    Trial 12: Intricate Map ...................................112

    Trial 13: V for Victory! ....................................113

    Trial 14: Fragment Isles .................................114

    Trial 15: Jay Islands ........................................115

    Trial 16: Pentagram ........................................116

    Trial 17: Coast Assault ...................................117

    Trial 18: Cat Island ...........................................118

    Trial 19: Ground Clash ....................................119

    Trial 20: Slime Cove........................................120

    Trial 21: Duo Falls ............................................. 121

    Trial 22: Peril Maze .......................................122

    Trial 23: Metro Map ...................................... 123

    Trial 24: Wedding Ring ..................................124

    Trial 25: Lands End ........................................125

    Trial 26: Bounty River ...................................126

    Trial 27: Time Map ..........................................127

    Trial 28: Plasma Bubble ................................128

    Trial 29: Triangle Lake ..................................129

    Trial 30: Destiny Ocean ................................130

    Trial 31: Comb Map ..........................................131

    Trial 32: Resistance ......................................132

    Trial 33: Missile.............................................. 133

    Trial 34: Web River ........................................134

    Trial 35: Center River ................................... 135

    Trial 36: Mountain Pass ...............................136

    Trial 37: Fire & Water ...................................137

    Trial 38: Whirl Peaks ....................................138

    Appendices .....................................139

    Unit Matrix .....................................................139

    Terrain Matrix ...............................................140

    CO Unlocks & Comparison Chart .................141

    History Medals ...............................................141

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    If youre feeling overwhelmed by the vast array of command options and choices presented to you inAdvance Wars: Days of

    Ruin, then youve come to the right place! This chapter is dedicated to teaching the fine art of tactical combat and strategic

    generalship. Even the most seasoned generals are sure to find a few gems of wisdom here!

    We begin with a global overview ofAdvance Wars, describing just what it takes to win a battle and giving tips on how to

    achieve the highest ratings from single-player missions. Following that, we provide thorough details on the fundamentals of

    commanding your forces about the battlefieldthings like acquiring funds, attacking, leveling up, and the use of COs. The

    chapter concludes with insightful looks at the various forms of terrain and battlefield conditions youre apt to encounter. In

    short, the following pages are packed with all manner ofAdvance Wars know-howbetter start reading!

    OverviewAdvance Wars: Days of Ruin is a turn-based strategy

    game. You command one army of combat-ready units,

    which you must use to outmaneuver and crush the

    opposition. Battles can be waged between two, three,

    or four armies inAdvance Wars, with each force fighting

    against one another in a tactical struggle for dominance.

    Forces can also team up and work together, coordinating

    their efforts to outwit and annihilate their foes.

    Because its a turn-based game, razor-sharp reflexes

    arent a requirement inAdvance Wars. This is a thinking

    gamers gamefeel free to take as long as you like to review

    the current scenario and plot out your moves. Generals who

    digest all available information and carefully develop wily

    tactics will have the best chance of seizing the day.

    Flow of Battle

    Battles are broken down into

    days inAdvance Wars. Each

    army is granted one turn perday. During your turn, you may

    move and position your units,

    attack enemy units, capture

    structures, and so on.

    Win Conditions

    So how does one achieve

    victory on the battlefield? By

    crushing enemies, of course!

    Oftentimes, the easiest way

    to defeat your adversariesis by simply overwhelming

    their forces with superior

    tactics. Wipe out all of their

    units to claim total battlefield


    Seizing the day can also

    be achieved through the

    capture of your rivals HQ.

    This is usually tough to pull

    off, however, as wise generals

    will be on the lookout for such

    maneuvers. Still, theres no

    faster way to achieve victory!


    Their HQ is ours!

    In single player battles that feature three or four

    armies, an armys entire force is destroyed the

    moment its HQ is captured. In addition, once an army

    has been wiped out, all structures that had previously

    been under its control revert to a neutral state.

    To view a battles win conditions, press 3 and

    choose Mission Info, then terms from the menu.

    And for handy tactical breakdowns during

    Campaign missions, choose tactics and make a

    quick trip to the war room. There, your allies (and

    sometimes your enemies) will give hints on how to

    best claim victory.

    Post-Mission Breakdown

    Devising top-notch tactics

    not only makes each conflict

    easier, it also helps you earnhigh marks when the smoke

    finally clears. Claiming victory

    from single-player Campaign

    battles always lands you a

    letter grade rating of C, B, A, or

    S for that scenario. Pat yourself

    on the back if you scored a B

    or higher: You did very well!

    The coveted S rating isyours!

    Its your turn. Make themost of it!

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    defense for

    ground and air units. Unfor-

    tunately, the only ground

    units that can navigate

    mountains are foot soldiers

    (infantry and mechs).

    Send these units across

    mountains to capture

    nearby cities and the like.

    Station these units atop

    mountains to add a +3 bonus to their vision during Fog

    of War scenarios.

    Move Cost

    Move Type Cost

    Infantry 2

    Mech 1

    Tire A

    Tire B


    Air 1






    PlainPlains are

    easily traveled

    by most units

    but offer little

    in the way of defense.

    Rigs can construct temp

    airports on plains.

    Move Cost

    Move Type Cost

    Infantry 1

    Mech 1

    Tire A 2

    Tire B 1

    Tank 1

    Air 1







    is totally


    and blocks all

    unit movement. However, it

    can usually be banished if

    its meteors are destroyed.

    Sometimes its tactically

    sound to leave meteors

    and plasma be in order to

    slow the enemy advance,though.

    Move Cost

    Move Type Cost



    Tire A

    Tire B








    MistMist provides

    ideal hiding

    places for

    naval units in

    Fog of War battles. It also

    offers a bit more protection

    compared to the naked


    Move Cost

    Move Type Cost



    Tire A

    Tire B


    Air 1

    Ship 1

    Transport 1





    MeteorLike fire,

    meteors cannot

    be navigated

    by any unit.

    Instead, units must attack

    meteors to destroy these

    obstacles. Gunfire has

    little effect on meteors,

    while powerful, explosive

    attacks have great impact.

    Plasma is often generated

    by meteors, and in these

    cases, destroying the

    meteor commonly shuts off the plasma.

    Move Cost

    Move Type Cost



    Tire A

    Tire B








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    Ground units form an armys backbone. All ground units are produced at factories. Most ground units are quite versatile

    and fairly inexpensive. There are more ground units than air or naval units, and they each fall into one of two basic classes:

    vehicles, which roll about on tires or tank treads, and infantry, which traverse terrain on foot (with the exception of bikes).

    Most vehicle-class ground units enjoy a high mobility, making them able to cross a battlefield with impressive speed.

    Those with lower mobility, such as anti-tanks and war tanks, often enjoy great firepower and durable armor. Vehicles

    commonly see more frontline action than any other class of unit.

    Compared to vehicles, infantry-class ground units have a low

    mobility, weak armor, and are generally less effective in combat. Theyre

    able to navigate terrain that vehicles cant, however, scaling mountains

    and fording rivers to quickly reach remote destinations. The exceptions

    are bikes, which have a high standard mobility but cannot cross the

    aforementioned terrain. Infantry-class units are also the only ones

    capable of capturing structures, such as cities and factories, to boost

    their armys income and unit production capabilities.

    When stationed atop mountains, infantry-

    class units gain a +3 bonus to their vision

    rating. This is a great advantage when

    Fog of War is a factor in battle.

    Most ground units are easy prey for enemy aircraft, but not the versatile anti-air unit. This agile mini-tank

    comes armed with two powerful surface-to-air cannons capable of shredding through airborne hostiles

    with ease. When foot soldiers threaten to invade, the anti-airs twin cannons can be turned against them

    for devastating results as well. Vehicles with little armor, like rockets and recons, are also suitable first-

    strike targets for anti-air fire. Heavily armored ground forces should

    be avoided at all costs, howeverthe anti-airs cannons have a tough

    time puncturing their durable plating.

    With their low production cost and high versatility, anti-airs make

    for ideal purchases throughout many battles. Theyre especially useful

    when aerial units are a factor, of course, and they make great base

    defenders, readily thwarting enemy transport copters and infantry-

    class units aiming to score a quick win via HQ capture.

    Anti-tank vehicles are some of the most fearsome indirect-attack units a general can deploy. While their

    range is on par with that of the more-affordable artillery unit, anti-tanks can fire on adjacent enemies as

    well as those up to three squares away. Theyre also the only indirect-attack units capable of responding

    with a counterattack when assaulted by direct-attack fire.

    Designed to inflict heavy damage against armored ground units, anti-tanks can also target low-flying helicopter units

    such as battle and transport copters. Their armor is so thick that even bombers are unable to obliterate them in one strike,

    which helps anti-tanks hold their position when the going gets tough. Unfortunately, anti-tanks tie with war tanks for

    having the lowest mobility rating of all vehicle-class ground units. This makes it tough for anti-tanks to maneuver into firing

    position, particularly on larger maps that lack forward production factories.

    When your adversary is throwing armored ground units your way,

    anti-tanks are a natural choice to help even the odds. Position oneof these powerful indirect attackers just behind your front line and

    watch as your rivals assault force shrinks back. When Fog of War is a

    factor, station anti-tanks in strategic hiding places, such as cities and

    woods, to surprise your adversarys ground forces with devastating

    anti-armor bombardments.

    Combat Breakdown

    Target Class Effectiveness







    Combat Breakdown

    Target Class EffectivenessInfantry






    Cost: 7,000

    Class: Vehicle

    Strong Against: Aircraft,helicopters, infantry

    Weak Against: Most othervehicles

    Beware: War tanks, mediumtanks, first-strike bombers

    Cost: 11,000Class: Vehicle

    Strong Against: All groundunits

    Weak Against: Helicopters

    Beware: Bombers

    Movement StatsMovement Class:




    Movement StatsMovement Class:

    Tire BMobility:



    Combat StatsAttack Type:

    DirectMain Weapon:

    CannonSub Weapon:




    Combat StatsAttack Type:

    IndirectMain Weapon:

    CannonSub Weapon:




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    General, sir, please review these officers profiles carefully before choosing which CO to bring with you into the field. Each

    has his or her own strengths, and some will serve you better in certain scenarios than others. Ten hut, COs!

    Spoiler Alert! This chapter reveals all hidden

    COs, including info on how to unlock them. Stop

    reading if you dont want to spoil the surprise!

    When a CO Power is used, the COs Command Zone benefits are spread to

    all friendly units across the entire battlefield. See the CO Abilities section in

    the WagingAdvance Wars chapter for more info on the uses of COs.


    Command Zone: 2-square radius

    Boosts: All direct-attack ground units

    Effect: Attack +2

    CO Power: Rally Cry

    Effect: Boosts the mobility of all direct-

    attack ground units by 2

    How to Unlock: Available from start

    Never Give Up!A former Rubinelle military cadet, Will was rescued by Captain

    Brenner shortly after surviving the meteor shower that devastated

    much of the planet. A young man with a big heart, Will soon grows to

    idolize Brenners courageous acts and selfless efforts to help those

    he finds in need.

    Wills AbilitiesWills powers revolve around enhancing the effectiveness of

    direct-attack ground units, such as tanks, anti-airs, recons,

    and infantry-class units. Few COs can match his ability to

    advance ground forces toward victory!

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    Mission IntelArmies: 2

    Your CO: Brenner

    Enemy CO: The Beast

    Pre-Deploy: Confirmed

    Fog of War: No

    Weather: Fine

    TermsVictory: Wipe out all

    enemy units.

    Defeat: Lose all of yourunits.

    Ambushed by Raiders

    Wills combat training session

    is cut short when wasteland

    raiders start to draw near.

    Looks like you havent seen the

    last of these guys!

    Take Brenners advice to

    heart and begin by moving

    your tank to the right toblock the road. Wills training

    exercises seem to have

    drained the tanks main

    weaponry of ammo, but it

    can still fire on the advancing

    hostile infantry with its heavy machine guns. Perform the

    attack to weaken the foot soldiers and plug up the road with

    your tank.

    After you move your tank,

    Brenner advises you to check

    the attack range of enemies

    with2. Highlight each enemy

    unit and press@ to cause

    a number of red squares to

    light up around them. These

    squares indicate the units

    attack ranges; anything stationed on one of the red squares

    can be attacked by the unit during its next turn. Notice

    that the nearby recon is unable to progress past your tank

    to assault your artillery. This is because vehicles cannot

    traverse mountains; only foot soldiers and air units can

    navigate them.

    Lets put this fact to practice.

    Since youve weakened that

    enemy infantry unit, why not

    finish it off with your own

    infantry? Move your foot

    soldiers into the mountains

    and open fire on the enemy

    troops. The attack is fatal, so

    the enemy cant counterattack to score any damage on your


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    Mission IntelArmies: 2

    Your CO: Brenner

    Enemy CO: The Beast

    Pre-Deploy: Confirmed

    Fog of War: No

    Weather: Fine

    TermsVictory: Wipe out all enemy units.

    Defeat: Lose all of your units.

    Aiding the Ungrateful

    Though Brenner and company

    received less than a warm

    welcome at a ruined city

    populated by civilian survivors,

    they still decide to come to the

    peoples aid when The Beast

    and his raiders come calling.

    This time, the ruffians have

    brought a significant force alongone easily capable of

    seizing control of the town. Begin by advancing both of your

    tanks to fire on the two hostile infantry units to the north.

    Finish these wounded soldiers off with your nearby mechs.

    If you advance your artilleryunit too far north, youll find

    out the hard way that it cant

    withstand much punishment;

    the northeast enemy recon can

    travel extremely far along the

    northern road, and its heavy

    machine gun is enough to

    inflict severe damage on your artillery. Highlight the recon

    and hold2 to view its attack range. Then scroll your view

    back over to your forces to determine just how far north you

    can move your artillery.

    You can also view an enemy units maximum

    potential movement by highlighting the unit and

    pressing !.

    Use 2 to view your own units attack ranges as

    well. This helps you position your units more effec-

    tively on the field.

    Youve run out of units to

    move, so its time to end yourturn. The Beast advances his

    forces, but none of them can

    move close enough to strike.

    When you regain control,

    bombard the nearest recon

    with your artillery, then advance

    one of your tanks to the nearby woods and finish the job.

    Afterward, move the remainder of your forces as far north as

    possible, being careful not to expose any of them to attack

    from The Beast during his next turn.

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    Your rival advances

    his units once more, still

    unable to execute an

    attack. Time to inflict some

    pain on these cretins.

    Strike at the nearest vehicle

    with a tank, following up

    with a bazooka blast from

    one of your mechs to send it to the scrapyard. Do the

    same to another vehicle. We were able to annihilate The

    Beasts tank and one of the recons in this turn; see ifyou can accomplish the same.

    Again, opening fire with your tanks ensures

    your flimsy mech units wont suffer damage

    in counterattacks. Tank armor can take a bit

    more of a pounding than a soldiers clothing,

    particularly when your tanks open fire from

    high-cover terrain, such as woods.

    North Road Showdown

    If you havent used your

    artillery yet, make your last

    move that of advancing

    it as close as possible

    to defend your front line.

    This is the primary usage

    of indirect attackers: to

    defend frontline units,

    simultaneously using these units as blockers to defend

    themselves. We decided to stick our artillery right in the

    small nook of the nearby mountain range, where we

    knew itd be safe from attack.

    Beware The Beasts artillery unit! View its

    attack range with2 and try not to leave any of

    your units exposed to its fire if you can avoid it.

    You wont be able to wipe

    out The Beasts forces in one

    strike, so the villain finally

    gets a chance to retaliate

    against you. Your units will

    suffer some damage here,

    particularly your mechs,along with anything youve

    left in range of The Beasts artillery. Brenners second in

    command, Lin, soon advises you on how to join wounded

    units of the same type together to form a stronger single

    unit. Consider doing so if one of your units is in dire straits.

    Joining units prevents your forces from

    suffering too many casualties in the field,

    which helps boost your end-of-battle Tactics

    score and overall rating. See the Waging

    Advance Wars chapter of this guide for a

    complete breakdown of the games rating


    Final Push

    If you advanced your artillery

    last turn, youll certainly

    be able to use it against

    one of the raiders vehicles

    now. Open with an artillery

    bombardment, then make

    a strong eastward push

    against your rivals line.

    If possible, try to reserve

    one of your tanks for

    use against the enemyartillery, rushing forward

    to inflict severe damage

    to the weakly armored

    unit. Mechs can also do

    great damage to artillery if

    youve got one in range. Remember that wounded units

    have greatly reduced attack power, though.

    You likely werent able to

    destroy the artillery in your

    initial strike, which means

    the unit remains in place

    blocking the road. Send

    your mechs across themountains to pummel the

    artillery with their heavy

    payloads. You need not fear any sort of counterattack

    from these indirect attackers!

    After removing the

    artillery obstacle, your

    tanks can advance on any

    lingering units. You likely

    only have a bike left to deal

    with, which is an easy mark

    for any tank. Obliterate any

    stragglers with vehicular

    fire, polishing them off with your remaining mech if needbe. Wipe out all raider invaders to secure the battlefield

    and emerge victorious.

    Author Commentary

    This short battle is a prime example of how superior tactics can outweigh inferior numbers. In Advance

    Wars, you must draw upon whatever resources youre given at the start of each scenario and develop your

    strategy accordingly. Theres a way out of every thorny situation, so never give up!

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  • 8/14/2019 AW DoR PPAOL


    PRIMA Official Game GuideWritten by:

    Stephen Stratton

    The Prima Games logo is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., registeredin the United States and other countries. is a registered trademarkof Random House, Inc., registered in the United States. Prima Games is a division ofRandom House, Inc.

    & 2008 by Nintendo of America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includingphotocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without writtenpermission from Nintendo of America.

    Product Manager: Mario De GoviaEditors: Shaida Boroumand and John BrowningManufacturing: Stephanie SanchezDesign & Layout: Calibre Grafix, LLC

    All products and characters mentioned in this book are trademarks of their respectivecompanies.

    Please be advised that the ESRB Ratings icons, EC, E, E10+, T, M, AO, and RP

    are trademarks owned by the Entertainment Software Association, and may only be used withtheir permission and authority. For information regarding whether a product has been rated bythe ESRB, please visit For permission to use the Ratings icons, please contactthe ESA at

    Special Thanks:

    Steve would like to thank Seth McMahill, Yugo Sato, Damon Baker, Jeffrey Storbo, MichaelKeough, and Tomas Hertzog at Nintendo for once again offering their time, hospitality, andexceptional support. Thanks also to Primas elite production/editorial squad: Mario De Govia,Shaida Boroumand, and Jody Seltzer. Special thanks to my babykins, Julie Bean, for stickingbeside me through another crazy holiday rush. Merry Christmas Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Bryan!

    Important:Prima Games has made every effort to determine that the information contained in this bookis accurate. However, the publisher makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, as to theaccuracy, effectiveness, or completeness of the material in this book; nor does the publisherassume liability for damages, either incidental or consequential, that may result from usingthe information in this book. The publisher cannot provide any additional information or

    support regarding gameplay, hints and strategies, or problems with hardware or software.Such questions should be directed to the support numbers provided by the game and/ordevice manufacturers as set forth in their documentation. Some game tricks require precisetiming and may require repeated attempts before the desired result is achieved.

    ISBN: 978-0-7615-5903-0Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 2007942616Printed in the United States of America

    08 09 10 11 LL 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

    Prima GamesA Division of Random House, Inc.

    3000 Lava Ridge Court, Suite 100Roseville, CA 95661

    Stephen Stratton has authored over 40 guides in his seven years with Prima. His

    personal favorites includeResident Evil 4: Wii Edition, Mass Effect, and pretty

    much every game with either Mario or Zelda in its title. Steve is a lifelong gamer

    who attended the Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY. In addition

    to his Prima Games guides, he also held a staff position with Computec Media and

    managed the strategy section of their video game website.

    Author Bio