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Customer satisfaction of Hyundai 1 New Horizon College INTRODUCTION Marketing comprises an integrated system of business activities in order to plan, price, promote and distribute goods and services to melt consumer needs within the limits of society. We can evolve a planned system of action dealing with the problem of moving large volume of products, by looking to ultimate customers and backward to suppliers and by linking customers and suppliers together in a sequence of proper steps. Marketing is recognized as the most significant activity in our entire economic life, a wide range of marketing activities continuously affects our life styles. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the housing that shelter us the comforts and amenities we enjoy in our home and at work places, the health and welfare activities which give us peace of mind all these are profoundly affected each day by the marketing system. Marketing alone can put goods and service we want and need at our doorsteps, and satisfy and varied and innumerable needs and wants. Our entire economic life shall be simply paralyzed if marketing system fails to shoulder its main responsibility, viz., discovering and servicing the market demand. Marketing has achieved social importance because it is entrusted with task of creation and delivery of standard of lignin to society. Marketing studies continuously consumer demand, which is, varied and dynamic. On the basis of up-to date knowledge of nature, character and magnitude of market demand, the firm produces wanted goods and services which are offered to consumers at fair prices through distribution channels. Marketing is the vital connecting link between producers (production) and consumers (Consumption). It is primarily responsible to keep the wheels production and consumption constantly moving or running at their optimum speed. Optimum production and optimum consumption can secure optimum standard of living in an economy. Marketing is directly responsible to maintain the equilibrium between mass production and ass consumption. Then only we will have economic stability. Industrial revolution offered mass production in the 19 th century. Marketing revolution is called upon to provide mass distribution machinery in the 20 th century for effective distribution in every expanding Markets. We have get to evolve a smoothly operating system of physical

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Marketing comprises an integrated system of business activities in order to plan, price,

promote and distribute goods and services to melt consumer needs within the limits of society.

We can evolve a planned system of action dealing with the problem of moving large volume of

products, by looking to ultimate customers and backward to suppliers and by linking customers

and suppliers together in a sequence of proper steps. Marketing is recognized as the most

significant activity in our entire economic life, a wide range of marketing activities

continuously affects our life styles. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, the housing that

shelter us the comforts and amenities we enjoy in our home and at work places, the health and

welfare activities which give us peace of mind all these are profoundly affected each day by the

marketing system. Marketing alone can put goods and service we want and need at our

doorsteps, and satisfy and varied and innumerable needs and wants. Our entire economic life

shall be simply paralyzed if marketing system fails to shoulder its main responsibility, viz.,

discovering and servicing the market demand.

Marketing has achieved social importance because it is entrusted with task of creation and

delivery of standard of lignin to society. Marketing studies continuously consumer demand,

which is, varied and dynamic. On the basis of up-to date knowledge of nature, character and

magnitude of market demand, the firm produces wanted goods and services which are offered

to consumers at fair prices through distribution channels.

Marketing is the vital connecting link between producers (production) and consumers

(Consumption). It is primarily responsible to keep the wheels production and consumption

constantly moving or running at their optimum speed. Optimum production and optimum

consumption can secure optimum standard of living in an economy. Marketing is directly

responsible to maintain the equilibrium between mass production and ass consumption. Then

only we will have economic stability.

Industrial revolution offered mass production in the 19th century. Marketing revolution is called

upon to provide mass distribution machinery in the 20th century for effective distribution in

every expanding Markets. We have get to evolve a smoothly operating system of physical

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distribution. Consumer oriented marketers can and must play an important role in mass

distribution. Better marketing can raise living standards of all people in any country.

Marketing system plays a unique role in transforming the benefits of mass production in terms

of rising living standards and life styles all people through the best systems of physical

distribution. The number one problems in economic marketing has tremendous importance to

solve this burning problem of mass distribution. The problem of marketing today is greater

than the problem of the production.

Marketing must divide a comprehensive marketing system, which would deliver (at profitable

prices) all the goods we could produce or manufactured goods would raise substantially. We

live in dynamic economy and equilibrium between supply and demand in such an economy. If

the two flows viz., goods flow(representing supply) and the money flow (representing demand)

balance each other, we have of national output, employment and income. This is an ideal and

desirable state of national economy.

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Automobile Industry History

In the year 1769, a French engineer by the name of Nicolas J. Cugnot invented the first

automobile to run on roads. This automobile, in fact, was a self-powered, three-wheeled, military

tractor that made the use of a steam engine. The range of the automobile, however, was very

brief and at the most, it could only run at a stretch for fifteen minutes. In addition, these

automobiles were not fit for the roads as the steam engines made them very heavy and large, and

required ample starting time. Oliver Evans was the first to design a steam engine driven

automobile in the U.S.

A Scotsman, Robert Anderson, was the first to invent an electric carriage between 1832 to 1839.

However, Thomas Davenport of the U.S.A. and Scotsman Robert Davidson were amongst the

first to invent more applicable automobiles, making use of non-rechargeable electric batteries in

1842. Development of roads made travelling comfortable and as a result, the short ranged,

electric battery driven automobiles were no more the best option for travelling over longer


The Automobile Industry finally came of age with Henry Ford in 1914 for the bulk production of

cars. This lead to the development of the automobile industry and it first begun in the assembly

lines of his car factory. The several methods adopted by Ford, made the new invention (that is,

the car) popular amongst the rich as well as the masses.

According the History of Automobile Industry US, dominated the automobile markets around

the globe with no notable competitors. However, after the end of the Second World War in

1945, the Automobile Industry of other technologically advanced nations such as Japan and

certain European nations gained momentum and within a very short period, beginning in the

early 1980s, the U.S Automobile Industry was flooded with foreign automobile companies,

especially those of Japan and Germany.

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The current trends of the Global Automobile Industry reveal that in the developed countries the

Automobile Industries are stagnating as a result of the dropping car markets, whereas the

Automobile Industry in the developing nations, such as, India and Brazil, have been consistently

registering higher growth rates every passing year for their flourishing domestic automobile


The World Automobile Industry is turned to the developing markets.

With the developed markets almost saturated, the World Automobile Industry is now focused on

the developing markets of South America and Asia, and Eastern Europe with special emphasis

on BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China).

As per the reports of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers or

OICA(the association of the companies involved in World Automobile Industry), for the fiscal

end in 2006, the automobile manufacturers in the U.S. have been overtaken by those in Japan, in

terms of the total volume of automobile units manufactured worldwide. However, the struggling

General Motors of the U.S. still remain the worldwide leaders of the World Automobile Industry,

ahead of the rapidly growing Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan, by a substantial margin.

Automobile industry in India

Since the first car rolled out on the streets of Mumbai (then Bombay) in 1898, the Automobile

Industry of India has come a long way. With HM establishing the first automobile factory way

back in 1948, the Indian passenger vehicle industry was for long dominated by Ambassadors and

the Premier Padmini’s. Then in the year 1985, following the liberalization and various tax reliefs,

the Government of India in collaboration with Suzuki motor corporation of Japan formed Maruti

Suzuki ; a powerful alliance which changed the face of the Indian roads. The only car with the

latest technology then was the Maruti 800. It became very popular because of the low price, high

fuel efficiency and good reliability. Since then the market has grown with over 20 manufacturers

and hundreds of models and variants.

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The Indian automobile industry has matured over the years and is now highly competitive with

major Japanese, Korean, American, European and Indian companies all holding significant

market shares. Indian auto industry has become a hot destination for global auto players like

Volvo, General Motors, Daimler-Chrysler, Volkswagen, Toyota and Ford. Global players have

either entered or are eyeing India as a strategic target for future development

A well developed transportation system plays a key role in the development of an economy, and

India is no exception to it. With the growth of transportation system the Automotive Industry of

India is also growing at rapid speed, occupying an important place on the 'canvas' of Indian


Today Indian automotive industry is fully capable of producing various kinds of vehicles and can

be divided into 3 broad categories: Two-wheelers, Four-wheelers (Cars) and Heavy vehicles.

Segments of the Indian Auto market

The market for any product is normally made up of several segments. A ‘market’ after all is the

aggregate of consumers of a given product. And, consumer (the end user), who makes a market,

are of varying characteristics and buying behaviour. There are different factors contributing for

varying mind set of consumers. It is thus natural that many differing segments occur within a

market. In order to capture this heterogeneous market for any product, marketers usually divide

or disintegrate the market into a number of sub-markets/segments. This report attempts to

analyse and understands how Indian carmaker have successfully segmented the market and how

they are leveraging these segmentation to introduce new product and grow their market share.

With proper segmentation carmakers could look at the differences among the customer groups

and decide on appropriate strategies/offers for each group. These strategies then helped them in

dividing the markets for conquering them. Every buyer has individual needs, preferences,

resources and behaviours. Since it is virtually impossible to cater for every customer’s individual

characteristics, carmakers grouped customers to market segments by variables they have in

common. These common characteristics allowed developing a standardized marketing mix for all

customers in that segment.

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This segmentation helped the carmaker to increase their profit by tapping the market through

adapting the offer to that segment. They brought the necessary changes in the product to suit to

the particular segment.

Consumer market segmentation

1. Geographic Segmentation.

2. Demographic Segmentation.

3. Psychographic Segmentation.

4. Behaviouristic Segmentation.

1) Geographic Segmentation

Potential customers are in a local, state, regional or national marketplace segment. Geographic

location is a major factor in segmenting target markets for automakers since their customer needs

are varied for different region.

The customers can be segmented based on:

a. Region

b. Size

c. Population density

d. Climate

2) Demographic Segmentation

In this type of segmentation, the customers are segmented based on the following factors.

a. Age (dominant factor)

b. Income & Purchasing power (dominant factor)

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• Budget car segment

• Compact car segment

• Family car segment

• Premium car segment

• Super luxury segment

c. Occupation.

d. Gender (dominant factor).

e. Family Size.

f. Family life cycle.

g. Nationality.

h. Religion.

i. Education.

3) Psychographic Segmentation

Psychographic Segmentation groups customers according to their life-style and buying

psychology. Many businesses offer products based on the attitudes, beliefs and emotions of their

target market. The desire for status, enhanced appearance and more money are examples of

psychographic variables. They are the factors that influence the customers' purchasing decision.

A seller of luxury items would appeal to an individual's desire for status symbols.

Psychographic Segmentation includes variables such as:-

a. Activities

b. Interests

c. Opinions

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d. Attitudes

e. Values

Activities, Interests, and Opinions surveys are one tool of measuring lifestyle.

4) Behavioral Segmentation

The primary idea in buyer behaviour segmentation is that different customer groups expect

different benefits from the same product and accordingly, they will be different in their motives

in owing it and their behaviour in buying it. Variables of buyer behaviour are:-

a. Benefit sought: - Quality / economy / service / look etc of the product.

b. Usage rate: - Heavy user / moderate user / light user of a product.

c. User status: - Regular / potential / first time user / irregular /occasional.

d. Brand Loyalty: - Hard core loyal / split loyal / shifting / switches.

e. Readiness to buy:-brand/money/need.

f. Occasion: - Holidays and occasion stimulate customer to purchase products.

g. Attitude toward offering: - Enthusiastic

Key Players in Indian Market

The largest player in the Indian automobile industry and launched new and exciting

products in the Indian markets.

The third largest passenger car manufacturer in India and one of the largest

exporters of vehicles. Has established in India as one of its manufacturing bases in the world.

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Has vision of capturing 10 % share of the Indian passenger car market by 2010

Suzuki’s JV in India and the largest passenger car manufacturer in India

One of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment

One of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment

One of the leading players in the Indian premium cars segment. GM entered the

small car segment by re-launching the Matiz

One of the largest players in the UV / MUV segment


Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a

company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within

business and is part of the four of a Balanced Scorecard.

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is

seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.

However, the importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased

bargaining power.

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Measuring customer satisfaction

Organizations need to retain existing customers.Measuring customer satisfaction provides an

indication of how successful the organization is at providing products and services to the


Measuring customer satisfaction is a relatively new concept to many companies that have been

focused exclusively on income statements and balance sheets. Companies now recognize that the

new global economy has changed things forever. Increased competition, crowded markets with

little product differentiation and years of continual sales growth followed by two decades of

flattened sales curves have indicated to today's sharp competitors that their focus must change.

The competitors who will be successful recognize that customer satisfaction is a critical strategic

weapon that can bring increased market share and increased profits.

It's no surprise to find that market leaders differ from the rest of the industry in that they're

designed to hear the voice of the customer and achieve customer satisfaction.

To be successful, companies need a customer satisfaction surveying system that meets the

following criteria:

The system must be relatively easy to design and understand.

It must be credible enough that employee performance and compensation can be attached to

the final results.

Defining customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the state of mind that customers have about a company when their

expectations have been met or exceeded over the lifetime of the product or service. The

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achievement of customer satisfaction leads to company loyalty and product repurchase. There

are some important implications of this definition:

Because customer satisfaction is a subjective, non-quantitative state, measurement won't be

exact and will require sampling and statistical analysis.

Customer satisfaction measurement must be undertaken with an understanding of the gap

between customer expectations and attribute performance perceptions.

"Satisfaction" itself can refer to a number of different facts of the relationship with a

customer. For example, it can refer to any or all of the following:

Satisfaction with the quality of a particular product or service

Satisfaction with an ongoing business relationship

Satisfaction with the price-performance ratio of a product or service

Satisfaction because a product/service met or exceeded the customer's expectations

Each industry could add to this list according to the nature of the business and the specific

relationship with the customer. Customer satisfaction measurement variables will differ

depending on what type of satisfaction is being researched. For example, manufacturers typically

desire on-time delivery and adherence to specifications, so measures of satisfaction taken by

suppliers should include these critical variables.

Clearly defining and understanding customer satisfaction can help any company identify

opportunities for product and service innovation and serve as the basis for performance appraisal

and reward systems. It can also serve as the basis for a customer satisfaction surveying program

that can ensure that quality improvement efforts are properly focused on issues that are most

important to the customer.

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Objectives of a customer satisfaction

In addition to a clear statement defining customer satisfaction, any successful surveying

program must have a clear set of objectives that once met will lead to improved performance.

The most basic objectives that should be met by any surveying program include the following:

Understanding the expectations and requirements of all your customers

Determining how well your company and its competitors are satisfying these expectations and


Developing service and product standards based on your findings

Examining trends over time in order to take action on a timely basis

Establishing priorities and standards to judge how well you've met these goals

Following India's growing openness, the arrival of new and existing models, easy availability of

finance at relatively low rate of interest and price discounts offered by the dealers and

manufacturers all have stirred the demand for vehicles and a strong growth of the Indian

automobile industry.

The data obtained from ministry of commerce and industry, shows high growth obtained since

2012- 13 in automobile production continuing in the first three quarters of the 2011-12. Annual

growth was 16.0 per cent in April-December, 2011; the growth rate in 2012-13 was 15.1 per cent

Theautomobile industry grew at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 per cent

between 1992 and 1997.

With investment exceeding Rs. 50,000 crore, the turnover of the automobile industry exceeded

Rs. 59,518 crore in 2005-06. Including turnover of the auto-component sector, the automotive

industry's turnover, which was above Rs. 84,000 crore in 2011-12, is estimated to have exceeded

Rs.1,00,000 crore( USD 22. 74 billion) in 2012-13.

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Automobile Dealers Network in India

In terms of Car dealer networks and authorized service stations, Maruti leads the pack

with Dealer networks and workshops across the country. The other leading automobile

manufacturers are also trying to cope up and are opening their service stations and dealer

workshops in all the metros and major cities of the country. Dealers offer varying kind of

discount of finances who in turn pass it on to the customers in the form of reduced

interest rates.

Major Manufacturers in Automobile Industry

• Hyundai motors Ltd.

• General Motors India

• Ford India Ltd.

• Eicher Motors

• Bajaj Auto

• Daewoo Motors India

• Hero Motors

• Hindustan Motors

• Hyundai Motor India Ltd.

• Royal Enfield Motors

• Telco

• TVS Motors

• DC Designs

• Swaraj Mazda Ltd

Government has liberalized the norms for foreign investment and import of

technology and that appears to have benefited the automobile sector. The production

of total vehicles increased from 4.2 million in 1998- 99 to 9.7 million in 2011-12. It is

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likely that the production of such vehicles will exceed 10 million in the next couple of


The industry has adopted the global standards and this was manifested in the increasing

exports of the sector. After a temporary slump during 1998- 99 and 1999-00, such exports

registered robust growth rates of well over 50 per cent in 2011-12 and 2012-13 each to

exceed two and- a-half times the export figure for 2013-14

Automobile Export Numbers

Category 2009-10 2012-13

Passenger Car 25468 121478

Multi Utility Vehicles 2654 3892

Commercial Vehicles 10108 19931

Two Wheelers 100002 256765

Three Wheelers 21138 51535

Percentage Growth -16.6 32.8


Sales incentives, introduction of new models as well as variants coupled with easy availability of

low cost finance with comfortable repayment options continued to drive demand and sales of

automobiles during the first two quarters of the current year. The risk of an increase in the

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interest rates, the impact of delayed monsoons on rural demand, and increase in the costs of

inputs such as steel are the key concerns for the players in the industry.

As the players continue to introduce new models and variants, the competition may intensify

further. The ability of the players to contain costs and focus on exports will be critical for the

performance of their respective companies.

The auto component sector has also posted significant growth of 36per cent in 2010-11, to

achieve a sales turnover of Rs.42,640crore . Further, there is a potential for higher growth due to

outsourcing activities by global automobiles giants. Today, this sector has emerged as another

sunrise sector. .

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“Hyundai” a name to be reckoned in the World Automobile industry is Korea’s number one

automaker. Hyundai has established an enviable record for growth both in quantitative and

qualitative terms transforming itself from a domestically oriented manufacture into a global

player and leading contributor to Korea’s economic and industrial development. Hyundai Motor

Company is steadily accelerating to achieve the status of world-class automobile company.

In December 1967, Hyundai Motor Company (HMC) was born out of the Hyundai Business

group, the nation’s largest conglomerate with the purpose of entering the automobile industry to

meet the growing domestic demand for cars. Since then, HMC has played a major role in

providing transportation to further Korea’s economic growth and prosperity.

Entry of Hyundai Motor Company in the Indian Market.

Hyundai established its presence in India by opening a subsidiary called “Hyundai Motor India

Limited” with a total investment of US$ 614 Millions. The Hyundai project is thelargest to

bemade by an MNC in the automobile sector. The plant near Chennai, in the state of Tamil Nadu

is the largest manufacturing plant of Hyundai motors outside Korea and contains nearly all

facilities necessary for a self sufficient manufacturing and production site for developing

cars. This assembly plant not only boasts its own assembly facilities but also a R&D center, a

performance experimenting and testing center, and a driving testing ground. As such, the India

plant represents a family-type combined automobile assembly facility, capable of all production

processes, research and development, testing of products, marketing for sales and provision of

after sale service in India.

In 1997, Hyundai Motor India limited launched “Santro” the best small car at its worldwide

debut in New Delhi. Santro is basically a face lifted version of the “Atos”. Santro was introduced

in three different models having varying features. Santro was a runaway success in the Indian

market and became famous as the Tall Boy car. It topped the volumes year after year in its


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Products rolling out of Hyundai Motor India Ltd.

The products that come out of the Hyundai Motor’s desk are

1. Santro Zing

2. Xcent

3. i20

4. Sonata

5. i10 (kappa 1.2)

6. Getz

7. Verna

8. Santa fe

Santro Zing is a small segment car, with four different versions, and is priced between 3.38

Lakhs to 4.32 Lakhs. The four versions are named.

1. Santro Zing XE

2. Santro Zing XT

3. Santro Zing XG

4. Santro Zing XS

Xcent is medium-sized car coming in six different versions, and is priced between 5.56Lakhs to

7.38Lakhs. The five versions are named.

1. Xcent

2. XcentS

3. Xcent SX

4. XcentSX(O)

5. Xcent S(O)

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I20 is medium size car coming in three different versions, and is priced between 4.79Lakhs to

5.81Lakhs. The Three versions named

1. Magna

2. Asta

3. Asta(O)

Sonata is a luxury car priced between 14Lakhs to 18Lakhs.

I10 is a small car coming in the nine different versions, and is priced between 3.29Lakhs to

5.36Lakhs. The nine versions named

1. D-Lite (1.1)

2. Era (1.1)

3. Magna

4. Magna AT

5. Sportz

6. Sportz (AT)

7. Asta

8. Asta SR

9. Asta SR (AT)

Getz is medium car coming in the seven different versions, and is priced between 3.59Lakhs to

5.48Lakhs. The Seven versions named.

1. GLE 1.1

2. GVS 1.1

3. GVS 1.1 (175 Tyre + rear spoiler)

4. GVS 1.3

5. GLS 1.3

6. GLX 1.3

7. GVS CRDI 1.5

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Ideology and Environment at Hyundai:

A management motto at Hyundai is “Customer first, best in technology, best in quality and best

value for human beings”. Hyundai as a company is dedicated to create new value for its

customers. Hyundai Motor Company’s target is to care for the environment and devote attention

to the future of our children and their ability to inhabit a clean, pollution managed

world. Hyundai believes that they have achieved the current status as a world-class company by

faithfully enforcing seven management principles and creating an atmosphere where by each and

every member of the company is able to work for thecommon future. As a result, benefit of

Hyundai motor company is committed to its social responsibilities as it fulfills its mission with

dedication and strength of purpose.

Goal of Hyundai – “To build the world’s best quality cars”

Hyundai Motor Company




Automobile manufacturer

Founded 1967


Chung Ju-yung

Headquarters Seoul, South Korea

Area served Worldwide

Key people Chung Mong-koo, Chairman

and CEO


Automobiles and commercial vehicles


�41.86 trillion (2012)

Net income

�3.96 trillion (2012)


95,000 (as of March 31, 2012)


Hyundai Kia Automotive Group

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Trident Hyundai

Branch:Trident Hyundai

Address: No. 46/4, Kudlu Gate,

Muneshwara Nagar,

HSR Layout

Bangalore- 560068

Contact no: 080 2573 5610

Trident Hyundai is one of the leading names in Automobiles dealership of Hyundai located in

kudlu gate, area Bangalore. The centralized location of the showroom effectively covers whole

of Bangalore in North, East, West & South and providing dedicated professional after sales

service to our esteemed customers by having service centers throughout Bangalore.

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Trident Hyundai service station is also the training hub .

Trident Hyundai is having highly professional & motivated team, dedicated leaders providing

their prompt, efficient services to our customers with utmost priority being the Quality of Service

and Customer Satisfaction. Our longevity and success represent an unmatched commitment to

our esteemed customers, solid knowledge of the Indian Market and to a certain extent our

competitive advantage with our large customer database, distribution network and customer



At a time when India was awakening to the call of freedom, Trident Hyundai was taking a

revolutionary step that would help hasten the country's development. Today, the Trident Hyundai

Developments portfolio spans the entire spectrum of small, medium and large-scale equipment

finance as well as big ticket leasing, vehicle financing, Automobiles dealerships, factoring

services, consumer finance, and infrastructural development. Trident Hyundai brings

international expertise, cutting-edge technology and global scale of operations to deliver 100

percent satisfaction to its customers, clients and employees.

The preferred provider of services and integrated solutions in all its areas of operation. A diverse

team of talented professionals with expertise in selected segments. An employer of choice,

fostering a culture that values Dedication, Respect and Continuous Improvement.

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The company’s motto is “DRIVE HOME A RELATIONSHIP” The company’s vision is five

core strategies: global orientation, respect for human values, customer satisfaction, technology

innovation, and cultural creation. They have a desire to create an automobile culture of putting

customer first via developing human–centered and environment–friendly technological


The company’s strives to create a more affluent lifestyle for humanity, and contribute to the

harmony and co-prosperity with shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders in

the automobile industry.

The spirit of creative challenge of the company has been a driving force in leading HMIL to

where it is today. It is the permanent key factor for HMIL to actively respond to change in the

company’s the management system and seek creative and self–innovative system. The spirit of

creative challenge creates profits, The primary objective of a private enterprise. Furthermore, the

company’s takes responsibility for the environment and society and provide benefits to all

stakeholders including shareholders, customers, executives, employees, suppliers, and


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Organizational chart

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Hyundai Getz is well set car to the Indian market. The Euro-chic styling makes this car stand out.

Your driving experience getz style and smoothness. Its spacious interiors are thoughtfully

designed. And to make your ride a cruising experience, are the reclining rear seats, the first in

India. The 1.3-litre engine delivers lively performance and is also easy on fuel. Its computer

engineered precisely tuned chassis, provides a comfortable ride and nimble handling with class-

leading safety features. The car with everything you need, plus everything you didn’t expect.

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The Xcent has been designed keeping in mind your expectation from a true luxury sedan . with

its smooth blend of design , a zippy responsive engine and well-appointed interiors .The Xcent sure

packs a lot thrill into your driving.


Santro Xing with it’s new aerodynamic styling, power-assisted brakes, the advanced

suspensions, the uniquely responsive technology is as much a magnificent creation of our drive

to delight you as much as a benchmark in engineering excellence. Santro is being produced

exclusively in India and the IndianSantro Xing will now drive the World.

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Sonata’s sophistication really shines from all angles together with its impressive rear

view with its subtle curvature, fine details and unique rear combination lamps.

The Sonata is built like a fortress. The car body incorporates numerous structural

protection elements like, dual side impact beams, the energy absorbing collapsible steering

column, front and rear crumple zones, cross-bar under the dashboard, engine sub-frame and

reinforced bumpers together with the ABS (Anti-locking Braking System), TCS (Traction

Control System) and the optional SRS airbag which provides maximum

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27 New Horizon College


The SportyVernaCRDi.

The exhilarating performance of the verna is taken a step further with the new vernafludicCRDi.

Besides the original semi-hatchback 5-door design, the Verna CRDi boasts of the future-ready CRDi

engine. Which is amazingly silent for a diesel engine and low on vibration as well , It's also

surprisingly zippy and eco-friendly. Add to this a host of features such as Power Steering, Power

Windows (Front & Rear), Tilt-type Steering Wheel, and what you have is a car that combines sporty

good looks and state-of-the-art technology to create a driving experience with a difference.

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28 New Horizon College


i 10 Grand Hatchback

The Hyundai i10 is a 5-door hatch back sub compact produced by the Hyundai motors. With

unique comfort, features and eco-friendliness.

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29 New Horizon College


They say it’s impossible to overdo luxury. The santafe is as close as it comes to that

possibility from the sleek lines of design to the lavish interiors, this car spells luxury with every

inch. Add to that ground breaking technology and features and you have a car is truly well


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30 New Horizon College


The all new Hyundai i20 is the epitome of the modern luxury compact. Sharp and stylish on

the outside, spacious and versatile inside, it combines comfort, safety and reliability in a package

that is most alluring.


Eon is a car designed for the billion hearts and soul, making it truly Indian. The name EON

symbolizes the future and represents style, space, comforts, mileage and quality .

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31 New Horizon College

INDIA, its time to more on with EON

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32 New Horizon College


Hyundai, as a responsible corporate citizen is committed to sustainable social

development and the preservation of the environment. All the company's key manufacturing

units, including the Indian plant have the ISO 14001 certification for its Environment

management practices. As a part of its social responsibility programs, the company conducts

various campaigns to spread awareness of in-car safety and safe driving practices, particularly

targeted against drunken driving, speeding.

As a part of its community development projects, the company has adopted a few

villages around its factory in Tamilnadu and has been working towards the social and economic

development of these villages, assisting them in the areas of primary health care, education,

basic amenities and employment opportunities.

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33 New Horizon College


'i10' Indian Car Of The Year 2008

Car of the Year

Compact Car of the Year

Car of the Year 2008

Small Car of the Year 2008

Car of the Year 2008

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34 New Horizon College

Car of the Year

AajTakViewers Choice Award


New Fluidic Verna wins the ‘Reader’s Choice Mid-size Car

of the Year’ at Top Gear Awards 2012

Santa Fe awarded 'Import SUV of the Year' by CNBC TV18

Overdrive Awards 2012

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35 New Horizon College

Santa Fe awarded 'SUV of the Year' by Business Standard

Motoring Awards 2012

Santa Fe awarded 'SUV of the Year' by Car India Awards


Santa Fe awarded 'Full size SUV of the Year' by NDTV Car

& Bike Awards 2012

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36 New Horizon College

HMIL receives the 'Niryat Shree’ Gold and

Silver Trophies for 2008-09 by the Federation

of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO). The

Gold Trophy was received in the Engineering

and Metallurgical products – Non-MSME

category and the Silver Trophy in the Highest

Foreign Exchange Earner category.

HMIL received the 'All India Award for Export

Excellence 2008-09' by the Engineering Export

Promotion Council (EEPC). HMIL was

awarded the Gold Trophy – in the Large

Enterprise category.

Hyundai i10 wins 'Small Family Favourite

Car Award' by CarWale.com

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37 New Horizon College




“Customer Satisfaction of Hyundai cars” at trident Hyundai, Bangalore.


It is very essential to know the preference or the attitudes towards the products in order

to formulate a suitable marketing strategy. Keeping this view, this project aims to study, what

is influencing the customer to buy a particular brand.

Also the strategy adopted by the manufacturers as to see that there product remain in

the market and fetching the needs and desires of the consumers.

The comparative study is done to know what kind of market strategy is adopted to

enhance their products in the market and how they are creating awareness of their products.


The study covers the comparative study of marketing strategies of Hyundai motors, at Trident

Hyundai Agency in Bangalore City.

The data which is collected are from various sources is analyzed in detail. Then conclusion are

drawn from it and suitable suggestions are given.


� To determine the target group among the customers with respect to age,


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38 New Horizon College

� To indicate the distribution methods best suited to the product and Market.

� To know customers’ acceptance of products.

� To study the price trends and Market size.


1. In addition the scope of the study has been limited to Bangalore City only.

2 .Findings of the study are brand on the assumption that respondents have divulged correct


3 .However on this study, if necessary the database can be augmented through additional



A Structured questionnaire is printed and distributed in the first phase. In the second

phase informal interviews are conducted together with circulating a structured questionnaire.

This is for collecting divergent viewpoints of the respondents regarding the quality aspects as

well as for not restricting them within the limits of structured answers. Besides this secondary

data is collected through library resources. Scanning through the old issues of various

newspapers, magazines.

Tools of Data Collection:

Primary Data: To gather primary data a structured questionnaire was drafted and later

modification made to arrive at a final questionnaire.

Questionnaire are formal set of question prepare to collect the required information. This is

one of the most effective and popular techniques used in surveys. However one has to be

careful while drawing up questionnaire before deciding on the questions it is important to

understand the exact nature of the information required and who should be interviewed.

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39 New Horizon College

The content, phrasing and the sequence of the questionnaire should also be clear and

unambiguous. The knowledge levels of the target of respondent should also be kept in mind

while drawing up the questions.

Data Collection Methods:

In dealing with any problem, once the sample has been selected data must be collected from

the sample population. There are several ways of collecting the appropriate data, which defer

considerably in the context of cost, time and other resources.

Questionnaires, Personnel Interview, Open ended, close ended & multiple

Questions in the questionnaire have been asked from the sample to draw a useful conclusion.

They can be broadly divided into two into two categories:

• Primary Source

• Secondary Source

Primary Data:

Primary data is a data which is collected from a fresh for the first time. The questionnaire

method is used for data collection

Secondary Data:

There are those data which have already been collected by someone else and have panel

through statistical power. When the researcher utilizes secondary data, he has to look into

various sources from where he can obtain data usually published data is available in:

• Technical and trade journals.

• Books, Magazines & newspapers.

• Public records & statistics.

• Historical Documents and other resources.

• Website journals, etc.

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40 New Horizon College

The data collected in this project is primary data and they could be made through by

Questionnaire and Observation method.

Research design:

Exploratory research - Investigation into a problem or situation which provides insights to

the researcher. The research is meant to provide details where a

small amount of information exists. It may use a variety of methods such

as trial studies, interviews, group discussions, experiments, or other tactics for the purpose of

gaining information Common data gathering methods used are questionnaire, interview, and

observation. In this study, various respondents were interviewed through the questionnaire to

get user’s profile. A sample of 100 respondents was interviewed. This Primary was

instrumental in forming the customer profile and realizing their opinions on the services of

Trident HyundaiPvt ltd

Sampling unit: A decision has to be taken concerning a sampling unit before selecting sample.

Sampling unit may be a geographical one such as state, district, village etc. or a construction unit

such as house, flat etc. or it ,may be as social unit such as family, club, school etc. or it may be

an individual . The researcher chose respondents of M/s Trident Hyundai for this study.

• Size of the sample: This refers to the number of items to be selected from the

universe to constitute a sample. This is a major problem before a researcher. The size

of the sample should be neither is excessively large, nor too small. it should be

optimum . An optimum sample is one which full fills the requirements of efficiency,

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41 New Horizon College

representatives, reliability and flexibility. For this study a sample size of 100

respondents were chosen.

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Chapter scheme


This chapter contains about background of the industry and theoretical aspects.


Origin of the Industry and company, organization chart, function of the firm, finance

department, prospectus of thecompany.


Title of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, scope of the study,

limitations of the study, methodology of the study, research instruments.


Title of the table, data table, analysis of the table, inference of the table, graphic



Begins with objectives and scope of the study, findings summarized and project



Specific reasons and recommendations to objectives of the project work.



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Table No. 1 Showing Number of respondents according to their age groups

Age No. of Respondents Percentage

18-25 15 15%

25-30 25 25%

30-35 17 17%

35-40 30 30%

40 and above 13 13%

TOTAL 100 100%

Source: Primary data


The above table shows that 30% of the total respondents approached are between the age

group of 35 and above. 25 % of the respondents are between the age group 25-30, 17 % of the

respondents are between the age group of 30-35. 15 % of the respondents are in the age group of

18-25.13% are 40 and above.

Graph 1: Showing Number of respondents according to their age groups

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Majority of the respondents fall between the age group of 30 and above because their financial

stability is enhanced at this stage of their career .

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45 New Horizon College

Table 2: Showing Number of Respondents according to gender

Gender No. of Respondents Percentage

Male 61 61%

Female 39 39%

TOTAL 100 100%


The above table shows that 61 % of the respondents are males and 39 % of the

respondents are females.

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46 New Horizon College

Graph 2: Showing Number of Respondents according to gender


Most of the respondents approached were males. As females prefer small cars like

Mahindra reva and tatanano. As it is more convient for them to drive around the city .

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47 New Horizon College

Table No. 3 Showing number of respondents according to occupation

Occupation No. of Respondents Percentage

Business man 45 45

Employed 5 5

Engineer 10 10

Doctor 23 23

Housewife 5 5

Students 5 5

Others 7 7

TOTAL 100 100

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48 New Horizon College


The above table shows that 45 % of the respondents are businessmen, 23% of the

respondents are Doctors, 10 % of the respondents are Engineer, 7 % of the respondents belong to

other class where as 5 % of the respondents are employed, house wife and student respectively.

Graph 3: Showing number of respondents according to their occupation











No. of R



ess m
















Business man Employed Engineer Doctor

Housewife Students Others

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Most of the respondents approached where Businessmen has Hyundai car are a status

symbol for them.

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50 New Horizon College

Table No. 4 Showing Respondents according to Annual Income

Annual Income No. of Respondents Percentage

Above 200000 5 5

200000-250000 12 12

250000-300000 28 28

300000 & Above 55 55

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 55 % of the respondents fall in the income group of 3, 00,000

and above, 25 % of the respondents fall in the income group of 2,50,000-3,00,000. 12% of the

respondents fall in the age group of 2,00,000-250000. 5% of the respondent fall in the income

group of 2,00,000 and above.

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51 New Horizon College

Graph 4: Showing Respondents according to Annual Income


















300000 &



Annual Income

Above 200000 200000-250000 250000-300000 300000 & Above


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52 New Horizon College

Most of the respondents have an annual income of 3, 00,000 and above, that is they

belong to higher income group as the majority of the respondents where businessmen and they

generally belong to a higher income group.

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53 New Horizon College

Table 5: showing whether the respondents have seen the advertisement of


Gender No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 72 72

No 28 28

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 100 % of the respondents have seen the advertisement of


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Graph 5: showing whether the respondents have seen the advertisement of



Around 72% of the respondents have seen the advertisements of Hyundai cars

becauseHyundai has a very good and vast advertising strategy.

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55 New Horizon College

Table 6: Showing No. of respondents according to the

Media in which they have seen Hyundai


The above table shows that 60% of the respondents have seen the advertisement of

Hyundai cars in television, 15% in newspapers,10% magazine, 15 %Hoarding.

Media No. of Respondents Percentage

Television 60 60%

Newspaper 15 15%

Magazine 10 10%

Hoarding 15 15%

TOTAL 100 100

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56 New Horizon College

Graph 6: Showing No. of respondents according to the

Media in which they have seen Hyundai


Television is the most effective media for advertising.

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57 New Horizon College

Table 7: showing No of respondents according to the vehicle they own

Vehicle No. of Respondents Percentage

Santro 40 40

Accent 20 20

Elantra 16 16

Sonata 12 12

Terracan 8 8

Getz 4 4

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 30 % of the respondents own a Santro, 20 % of the respondents own

Accent, 16 % of the respondents own Elantra. 12 % of the respondents own Sonata, 8 % of the

respondents own Terracan and 4 % own Gets.

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Graph 7: Showing No of respondents according to the vehicle they own











. o

f R





Santro Accent Elentra Sonata Terracan Getz


Santro Accent Elentra Sonata Terracan Getz


Most of the respondents own Santro as it is a low budget hatchback car.

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60 New Horizon College

Table 8: showing No of respondents according to the duration of ownership

Year No. of Respondents Percentage

0-1 14 14

1-2 14 14

2-3 17 17

3-4 25 25

4-5 30 30

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 30 % of the respondents fall in the group of 4-5 years, 25 %

of the respondents fall in 3-4 years, 17 % of the respondents fall in 2-3 years whereas 14 % of

the respondents fall in the group of 0-1 and 0-2 years respectively.

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Graph 8: Showing No of respondents according to the duration of ownership









. o

f R





0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5


0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5


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Most of the respondents own a Hyundai car for a period of 4-5 years because of the good

quality and after sale service of the brand.

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63 New Horizon College

Table 9: showing number of respondents according to the factor they

considered the most in choosing Hyundai cars

Factors No. of Respondents Percentage

Need 25 25

Brand name 20 20

Safety 20 20

Self esteem 10 10

Availability in

the market

5 5

Style 15 15

Others Specify 5 5

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 25 % of the respondents fall under need factor, 20 % of the

respondents go for brand name and safety, 10 % of the respondents fall under self esteem, 15 %

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64 New Horizon College

of the respondents fall under the group style, 5 % of the respondents fall under Availability &

other category.

Graph 9: showing number of respondents according to the factor they

considered the most in choosing Hyundai cars


Most of the respondents consider need as the major factor in choosing a Hyundai car.

Brand name and safety are also considered equally, style and self esteem also play an important

roll in choosing the Hyundai cars.

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65 New Horizon College

Table 10: showing No of respondents according to their preference rating

Preference Excellent Good Moderate Cant Say Total

Resp % Resp % Resp % Resp % Resps %

Comfort 6 6 84 84 10 10 0 0 100 100

Safety 19 19 74 74 7 7 0 0 100 100

Mileage 0 0 72 72 28 28 0 0 100 100

Maintenance 10 10 70 70 20 20 0 0 100 100

Power 12 12 66 66 22 22 0 0 100 100

Status 0 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 100 100



The above table shows that 84 % of the respondents say that the comfort is good, 10 % of

the respondent say that the comfort is moderate, 6% of the respondents find comfort to be



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66 New Horizon College

Analysis:The above table shows that 74% of the respondents say that the safety is good, 19%

of the respondents say that the safety is excellent, 7% of the respondents say that the safety is



Most of the respondents prefer a Hyundai car for its safety features which are better when

compared to other brands.



72% of the respondents say that the mileage of their car is good, 28% of the respondents

say the mileage is moderate.


Most of the respondents say that the mileage is good.



The above table shows that 70 % of the respondents say that the maintenance is good,

20% of the respondents say that the maintenance is moderate, 10 % of the respondents say it is


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67 New Horizon College


Most of the respondents feels that Hyundai cars are maintainess free when compared to

other competing brands.


Analysis; The above table shows that 66% of the respondents say that the power of their

vehicle is good, 22% of them say that the power is good, 12 % of the respondents find the power

to be excellent.


Most of the respondents say that the power of their vehicle is good.



The above table shows that 100 % of the respondents feel the status to be good.


All the respondents say that the status of their Hyundai vehicle is good.

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Graph 10: showing No of respondents according to their preference rating

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. o

f R





Excellent Good Moderate Cant Say


Most of the respondents say that the comfort is good.

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70 New Horizon College

Table 11: showing the opinion of respondents about the quality of Hyundai


Opinion No. of respondents Percentage (%)

Excellent 15 15

Good 70 70

Satisfactory 5 5

Not Satisfactory 10 10

Total 100 100


The above table shows that 70% of the respondents say the quality of the Hyundai vehicle is

good. 15% of the respondents say the quality is excellent. 5% of the respondents say that the quality of

the Hyundai vehicle is satisfactory, not satisfactory is 10%

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71 New Horizon College

Graph 11: showing the opinion of respondents about the quality of Hyundai



The opinion of most of the respondents is that the quality of Hyundai car is good

compared to others.

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72 New Horizon College

Table 12: showing No. of Respondents according to their likings about

Hyundai Car

Options No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Power 11 11

Performance 15 15

Interiors 8 8

Fuel Economy 18 18

Low Maintenance 11 11

All the Above 37 37

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 37% of the respondents like all the above options. 18% of the

respondents like fuel economy, 15% of the respondents like performance, 11% of the

respondents like power and low maintenance respectively. 8% of the respondents like the


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73 New Horizon College

Graph 12: showing No. of Respondents according to their likings about

Hyundai Car










No. of R


Pow er Interiors Low



Pow er Performance Interiors Fuel Economy Low Maintenance All the Above

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Most of the respondents like all the options about Hyundai Car.

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75 New Horizon College

Table 13: Showing No. of Respondents according to their satisfaction Level

Options No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Highly Satisfied 15 15%

Satisfied 75 75%

Highly Unsatisfied 5 5%

Unsatisfied 5 5%

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows 75% of the respondents say that they are satisfied with Hyundai.

15% of the respondents say that they are highly satisfied.

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Graph 13: Showing No. of Respondents according to their satisfaction Level


All the respondents are satisfied with Hyundai, with 5% unsatisfaction.

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77 New Horizon College

Table14: Showing No. of respondents According to their opinion about after

sales Service

Options No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Excellent 60 60%

Good 15 15%

Satisfactory 15 15%

Not Satisfactory 5 5%

Not good 5 5%

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 15% of the respondents say that the after sales service is

good. 60% of the respondents regarded as excellent. 15% of the respondents say that the after

sales service is satisfactory.

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78 New Horizon College

Graph 14: Showing No. of respondents according to their opinionabout after




Most of the respondents have a good opinion about after sales service provided by

Trident Hyundai.

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79 New Horizon College

Table 15: Showing whether the respondents will suggest their friends to buy a

Hyundai Car.

Response No. of Respondents Percentage (%)

Yes 74 74

No 26 26

TOTAL 100 100


The above table shows that 74 % of the respondents will suggest their friends to buy a

Hyundai Car.

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80 New Horizon College

Graph 15: Showing whether the respondents will suggest their friends to buy

a Hyundai Car


74 % of the respondents are satisfied with their Hyundai car and will suggest their friends

to buy it.

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81 New Horizon College



1. The survey shows that most of the respondents owning a Hyundai car fall in

the age group of 35 and above.

2. It is also observed that most of the respondents are male (61 %).

3. The study shows that most of the respondents owning a Hyundai car are

Businessman, government officials, company employees and middle age men’s.

4. The study reveals that most of the Hyundai car owners have Annual income of 3,

00,000 and above, they belong to high income group.

5. The study shows that the entirerespondent is aware of Hyundai and all have seen

the advertisement of Hyundai.

6. The study shows that Television is the most effective media for advertising as

several of respondents came to know about Hyundai through Television.

7. Majority of the respondents own Santro (30 %) ,Verna (20 %), i10 (15 %),

i20 (10 %), Xcent(9 %) , Sonata (7 %) , Eon( 5 %) , Santa fe( 4 %) .

8. Most of the respondents own a Hyundai car from 4 to 5 years.

9. Majority of the respondents consider need as the major factor in choosing

Hyundai car(25%). Brand name (20 %) are also considered equally style and self-

esteem also play an importantrole in choosing Hyundai cars.

10. Majority of respondent have a good opinion about Hyundai when asked to

compare with other cars .few of them say that Hyundai is excellent compared to

other brands.

11. Most of the respondent say that they like everything about their cars like power,

performance, Interiors, Fuel economy and low maintenance.

12. The study shows that mostly of the respondent (75 %) are satisfied with Hyundai

whereas (15 %) of them are highly satisfied with their cars.

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82 New Horizon College

13. The study shows that most of the respondents (86 %) are satisfied with the

after sales service and say it is good. (10 %) of them say it is excellent. Whereas some of

them (4 %) say it is just satisfactory.

14. The study shows that most of the respondents have a good opinion aboutafter sales

service provided by Trident Hyundai.

15. The survey shows that all the respondents (75 %) are satisfied with Hyundai cars and that

they will suggest their friends to buy a Hyundai car.

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83 New Horizon College



The satisfaction level of all the respondents is high but still I would like to recommend

the following.

• There are three key elements that effect the satisfaction level of customer they are :

♦ Quality of the product

♦ Customer satisfaction oriented service operation

♦ High quality service

1) Hyundai motor company should try to improve on the quality of product

2) Hyundai motor company should concentrate on customer satisfaction oriented after sales

support. Hyundai motor should develop new service program such as service clinic,

assistance to setup for newly initiated markets and service vehicle for customers.

3) High quality service can be represented by speedy work, reliable servicing and sincere

attitude to the customers. All this can be achieved by:

• Trained service staff working in a well equipped work shop.

• Training should be provided to the technicians with latest updates.

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84 New Horizon College


1) Rather than looking at all aspects of choices or consumption experience, “Trident

Hyundai.” Can concentrate on those aspects that are of direct interest or are directly


2) Managerial decisions should be made considering these aspects.

3) Research should be done to come up with more car safety and comfort features.

4) Hyundai should come up with vehicle with better mileage considering the Indian roads

and the poor traffic.

5) Hyundai should aim at high quality service, speedy work reliable servicing and sincere

attitude to the customer in order to achieve customer satisfaction.

6) “Trident Hyundai.” Should have a better and professional approach towards each


7) Trident Hyundai should organize exchange melas.

8) Trident Hyundai should put up service camps around the city of Bangalore to insure

better customer satisfaction.

9) Trident Hyundai Motors should pass on information to Hyundai.

10) Hyundai should come up with vehicle for students which are affordable and trendy.

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85 New Horizon College


Today in the customer driven economy, all firm are engaged in arat race to attract

customers and build a long term relationship with their loyal customer. The key to customer

loyalty is through customer satisfaction. A satisfied customer will act as a spokesperson of the

company’s product, and bring in more buyers. So marketers have to ensure customers value

satisfaction. For this they have to ensure

• Products are developed to meet customer requirements.

• Brands are positioned so as to convey ‘distinctiveness’.

• Delivery to reinforce the promptness in making available to the consumers a ‘value

added’ product.

• Relationships are built to offer lifetime customer value to enable the consumer to

experience ‘value satisfaction’.

All the efforts of the marketers at trying to understand buying motives, organizing buying

behavior and working out suitable promotional strategy to suit the consumer behavior is to

ensure consumer satisfaction. In today’s competitive environment, where companies are

adopting various methods to woo the prospective consumers, marketers have to make all efforts

to understand all the complexities which go into the buying behavior.

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86 New Horizon College




1. HawkinsDei I, Consumer Behavior, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007

2. Dr.BalajiB., Services Marketing and Management, S. Chand & company Ltd.

New Delhi, 2007

3. HellerRobert R., The Complete guide to Modern Mangement, Jaico Publishing

House, Mumbai, 2000

4. KothariC. R., Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, New Age

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Customer satisfaction of Hyundai

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