auto ride and drive experiential

applied social The art and science of bridging online/oine consumer experiences. Ride and Drive Proposal 01/15/2016

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applied social

The art and science of bridging online/offline consumer experiences.

Ride and Drive Proposal 01/15/2016

You can guess what potential customers are thinking.Or you can understand what they’re considering.

We can help with the latter.

Traditional Purchase Funnel



Purchase Intent






Metrics are good enough, but leave much to be desired… •No real understanding of why behavior happened

•No established trust or credibility •No inherent loyalty•ROI is muddy

Applied Social: Auto Buyer Lifecycle

Build Brand Loyalty and connect customers by

converting your CRM data into an online audience

Win Over Prospects before they begin shopping for a vehicle

Reach 4X More consumers likely to be in

market for a vehicle

Connect Owners

Influence Near Market

Convert In Market

Awareness Consideration Engagement

Applied Social: Approach

New visibility and controls… • Funnel swap for Social Graphs • Initial connection established with trust or credibility

•Clear understanding of why behavior happened (human to human insight)

• Loyalty halo drawn from Influencers •Metrics get stronger with each interaction

•ROI is clear


Applied Social: Stats

Source: Twitter Automotive Study

Applied Social: Stats

Source: Twitter Automotive Study

Applied Social: Data Cycle

Each touchpoint on the consumer’s journey produces data outputs. Each output provides insight to inform further conversations and promote behavior change. For us, that means moving online action to offline action.

In-Market Social Media

Brand Content & Virtual Reality Demos

Hand Raisers

Online Leads

Onsite Test Drives

Applied Social: Two Program Types

2. Social Intercept transform behavior through social engagement

1. Influencer Marketing transform conversations through authored content

Influencer Marketing?

What is…

Creation and curation of authentic brand communications distributed over social networks to communities of targeted, potential customers through human-to-human conversations.

Influencer Marketing: Simple Definition

transform behavior through social engagement

Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing: Program Summary

transform behavior through social engagement


Trust Earned trust and connectivity with large, likeminded communities

Expertise Topic/category knowledge or expertise sought to help guide purchases

Content Relevant, resonant and valued welcomed when promoted by trusted source versus broadcast via ads

Consumers look to each other and their favorite online personalities over companies to inform their purchases. Trust, expertise and meaningful content are core components of a successful Influencer marketing program.

Influencer Marketing: Identification Methodology

transform behavior through social engagement

ConsiderationOnline influence creates a world of possibilities — locally and at scale. But no two Influencers are the same. Evaluating strengths and weaknesses is essential.

Resonance Typical duration, rate and level of interactivity around re: content or a specific conversation. (e.g. How long does her posts stay alive in the social streams? How many people engage with his or her content on each social network?)

Reach Influencer popularity or number of followers on social networks. (e.g. How far will the information he disseminates go, and what particular audiences will he reach?)

Relevance Influencer expertise and the types of social communities in which she engages. (e.g. How does her expertise align with our positioning? Has she worked with a competitor?)

Readiness Prior experience participating in a sponsored campaign. (e.g. Is our Influencer familiar with advertising guidelines and contractual engagements of this nature, and will he need to be trained or consulted?)

Influencer Marketing: Influencer Indexing

ConsiderationInfluencers occupy a wide and varied social landscape. Their are costs and benefits to who is approached and how they are ultimately engaged.

AmbassadorsIndividuals remunerated by or allied with a brand or cause. Their actions are in some manner endorsed by the brand and done so in a transparent way and to mutual benefit

Advocates Individuals who show support for, plead the case of or defends a position or brand/cause/product out of personal interest/passion while remaining formally unaffiliated

Citizens Individuals considered "everyman" with a greater-than-average likelihood to influence an audience through their social networks

Professionals Individuals by profession function as influencers of others through their authoritative voice

Celebrities Individuals whose name recognition affects broad public interest and commands a different payment structure because of mass audience and appeal

Social Intercept?

What is…

Social Intercept: Simple Definition

Social InterceptConsumer intelligence used to inform and affect shopping behavior in real time by leveraging insights gained from human-to-human conversations.

®Social Intercept: In Action

Conversation Activity Conversation Drilling

We drop a pin and listen to all the conversations local to specific location

Then we drill down to see the conversations that show shopping intent or relevant cues to engage a

conversation related to our program.

®Social Intercept: In Action

Shopping Intent

Interactions that surface conversations with language indicative of shopping intent are engaged.

“Thinking about checking out the Auto Show…”

“Can’t decide between a Toyota and a Kia…”

“Can anyone recommend a dealership…?”

“Want to look at the new Ford F150…”

“Just learned my insurance company totaled my car…”

Social Intercept: In Action ®

Promoted by applied social

Your_Brand @Companycar today

Chicago Going Social


Proposed Program: Social Ride and Drive (Chicago)

+ “Can’t decide between Hyundai and Toyota…”

“Anyone recommend the SUV…?”

“Going car shopping…"

“I need a new car…”

=Ride and Drive Events.

Reinvented. Influencer Marketing

& Social Intercept

Proposed Program: Social Ride and Drive (Chicago)

Trust Select Influencers chosen for quality and topic interests of their communities along with their ability to influence consumers to take action

Expertise Select Influencer group chosen as knowledge bearers to elevate program results and stickiness

Content Relevant, resonant and valued content (articles, blogs, video and photography) available for use in all earned and owned media channelsTargeting Geofencing and demographic profiling to pin-point in-market shoppers on their real-time journey to purchase

Volume Increase in show and Ride and Drive traffic from online engagement to offline experience

Data Lead generation and user conquests data from social interactions is migrate-ready and integratabtle

+Ride & Drives. Reinvented.

The Idea



This is…

#ChicagoLikes: Idea SummaryTurning online “likes” into offline action In this concept, 3 Influencer will set out to show us and their followers what they like about Chicago. And they’ll do in a new Toyota. Favorite restaurants, street art pieces, handcrafted products from local shops — all will be on display using visual platforms such as Instagram, snapchat, Periscope (and others). As they document their tour, and how well the Toyota fits this city, we’ll promote social engagement through “likes” and a chance to win some of the gear our Influencers have purchased during their drive. of course, all winning and pick ups will be done at the Auto Show after they too drive a new Toyota.

Local and General Market With geo-targeted listening, we’ll source local Influencers that exhibit a variety of interests to guarantee we’re attracting a wide net of followers within driving distance to the Auto Show’s Ride and Drive activation.

Local and Diverse By adjusting our Influencer search parameters, we will target Hispanic Influencers that can promote a tour of things they like within the Hispanic community.

As our Influencers post and update, and add “likes” to their conversation streams, we’ll be amplifying our program and their messages into a new and separate group of users online.

Additional Interactions A like-like-go scavenger hunt. This would work similar to the above with one exception: Influencers will have a GoPro equipped Toyota and a list of local, Hispanic favorites (suggested by their audiences, up to 8) at opposite ends of Chicago and ending at the Auto Show. Engagement will include suggestions, “likes” and “helpful hints” which will create conversation around the program.


This is…

#ChiTownRoadTrip: Idea Summary

All Roadtrips are Local Here, 3 Influencer will descend on the city from three different locations outside of Chicagoland in order to truly experience and appreciate the performance, comfort and technology of a winter drive in a new Toyota. As they document their travels, they’ll expose their communities to some lesser known eateries, swap meets and coffee shops as well as some of the cooler features offered in 2016 vehicles. The tour will begin at a local dealership, where our Influencers will pick up their road car, and end at the Auto Show. At the dealership, Influencers will also pick up a travel kit (iPhone lenses, phone mount, pack, etc…). A similar kit will be given out as a promotional incentive to one lucky follower that meets them at the Auto Show after they too drive a new Toyota.

As our Influencers post and update, and add “likes” to their conversation streams, we’ll be amplifying our program and their messages into a new and separate group of users online.

Local and General Market With geo-targeted listening, we’ll source local Influencers that exhibit a variety of interests to guarantee we’re attracting a wide net of followers within driving distance to the Auto Show’s Ride and Drive activation.

Local and Diverse By adjusting our Influencer search parameters, we will target Hispanic Influencers that can promote a trip of things of interest to the Hispanic community.

Communications Plan: How it works


Determine influencer demo appropriate to vehicle and perform outreach to those influencers

Provide a unique extended influencer road trip experience

Followup with influencers to promote recap posts and blogs

Post on influencer channels an invite for auto show meet up at the rid & drive

Outfit vehicle with GoPro cameras or 360 video rigs to record experience Provide a succinct program one-sheet

Set targeting parameters in region for people who raise hands as in-market on social channels

Encourage real-time check-ins at ride & drive with posting of content to social channels of influencers and their fans that attend the event

Produce wrap-up video for OEM social channels

Determine road trip activity to auto show that aligns with vehicle

Provide additional “exclusive” content for in-market customers and followers of influencers

Establish an RSVP opportunity for auto show invites of influencer fans

Influencer only contest to win something you can’t get elsewhere

Social Ride and Drive: Program Budget


Cases w/ Context

Contact Information: Bill Soule

310/828-1300 [email protected]

applied socialLet’s continue the conversation