auto biography of an · understanding of...

Auto Biography of an Idea (A Biography Auto Biography A Biography of an Idea) WOKE! ...Ok, so now what? [Image: A group of three to four people sitting in an arch holding hands, eyes closed, in a natural setting (around a holographic fire), one thought bubble reads, “WOKE!”, another reads, “...Ok, so now what?”] [or, just the suspended thought bubbles] Disclaimer: It is not in any way the author’s intent to create, invoke, or promote an environment of, or even the idea of, any illegal / unlawful activity, including secession. Their intent is towards peace, harmony, and inherent joy through everything collaboration (existential).

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Post on 15-Aug-2020




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Page 1: Auto Biography of an · understanding of whats coming if we don [t act “now, we still are not doing what itll take to make

Auto Biography of an Idea (A Biography Auto Biography A Biography of an Idea) WOKE! ...Ok, so now what? [Image: A group of three to four people sitting in an arch holding hands, eyes closed, in a natural setting (around a holographic fire), one thought bubble reads, “WOKE!”, another reads, “...Ok, so now what?”] [or, just the suspended thought bubbles] Disclaimer: It is not in any way the author’s intent to create, invoke, or promote an environment of, or even the idea of, any illegal / unlawful activity, including secession. Their intent is towards peace, harmony, and inherent joy through everything collaboration (existential).

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To start with... Our beliefs shape our lives. Everything we perceive and all our interactions are governed by what we believe. Our impression of reality is an agent of control, a limiter. Nobody wants to live a limited life. There are believers and deniers. Apparently things are not obvious and if they are, we still stand divided. We have wasteful indulgences instead of lifestyles. We know that we have created many demons, exponentially so through colonial exploitation, industrialization, war, habit, and the systems contrived by them. We understand that we’ve made it harder for us and especially our young to live; environmentally and economically. Micro and moving homes sprouting up around the world, automation and AI, and the energy shift are testament to the changing times – in terms of what is accessible and also, what holds precedence. Consider, for a moment, our belief of numbers. We apply numbers to find meaning in many things. From the more practical need to understand space, time, and even the unknown to a more fantastical dependence on ascribing meaning to things, as well as, how we represent things. Even free form has a mathematical equivalent. Therefore, math in the unknown – if only we could ascribe a value to it, we could learn to comprehend it. From playing with nothing to understand everything, by risking it in hadron colliders to being obsessive about the meaning of the letters in a name, the time of your birth, or other randomness; our use of numbers defines our world and for many, their own world. Changing our perceptions can be as difficult or as simple as imagining a different way of valuing everything. For example, how comfortable would you be switching over from our current base 10 system to a system with some other base? ...Our ten digits may just have had something to do with that historical decision. For most, making such a change is radical because of habituation and the blocks built against it, and that limits/prevents our ability/inclination to perceive or accept alternatives, especially as we become rigid with time and repetition. Why do infants make up their own words and languages? The challenge to communicate is fun for them. They’re experimenting. Before conforming. There’s newness and growth. There’s fertility. Why do we have to lose that as we get older? Do our responsibilities as adults take away our natural exuberance at being astounded with life and our ability to enjoy ourselves even in a playground? I wouldn’t want to live in a system that promoted something like that. Oh... sh*t. But hang on, i didn’t really choose this, i just accepted it because it had already encapsulated the alternatives way before i was saying goo goo ga ga. And neither has anyone else chosen this either. There are (of course) other decisions (and beliefs) that define our world, which we’ve had no part in but live in as a result of. We even have a value system for humans (morality). Although, that too seems to be a value system based on hopeful hypothesis rather than reality far. How much in control we are of our environment and our decisions may forever be argued (by believers and deniers and now learners). If you think about it, the same is true of our control over our own thoughts too. A lot of us, with an awareness which includes the knowledge of the shaping of consumerism, and the role of the likes of Edward Bernays’ and his masters, know how our lives are shaped by the greed for personal gain and power to control. And we know it has been happening since far before us and yes, still continues. Bernays’ example acts as a powerful reminder of how easy it has been. Which shows us the world we live in survives by either blinding us, diverting us, or

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otherwise incapacitating us to live human. Like smoke in our eyes. (Well, now we also know there could soon be enough smoke and dust in the air, for real, and is already in some places, that would blind and incapacitate us all literally as well.) In contrast and not to boast, but to create some reference – It could be said that i come from a line of givers (of my family history I can be sure of). Elucidating very briefly, from the list - My great paternal grandfather was a doctor; my paternal grandfather – a veteran, a scientist, an artist, a foster father, an inventor, trusted advisor; my maternal grandmother - from young widow and mother to teacher, principal and social worker running a home for the welfare of other young widows; my father, a veteran himself, intellectually stimulated, shared his positive spirit unabashedly. There’s a cousin who even after becoming a national beauty pageant winner, stayed away from the glamour world to become a supreme court lawyer. Relative viewing: How to create a life of service by Dr. Ramindar Dhillon ~ My aunt (father’s eldest sister) on TED You could say i had good influence, from even before this me, to be who i am and try to continue to be. And i know there are others who feel similarly about themselves albeit in their own unique ways. For me, in our current socio-economic system, being giving has been a misfortune, and I’m still learning to adapt, to avoid having to change completely. I was different, and different to many spells, “rebel”. Speaking of being influenced, being giving and coincidence, the first part of my name is shared with a person (Indian history/mythology) who was conferred with a prefix that translates roughly into “great giver” (daanveer in phonetic hindi), although he had many other aspects to his personality that are equally if not more important cognitively. Of course his is not my fate and maybe it’s just me, but I believe that (being giving) is a reflection of base human nature, in an unthreatened environment. Which is why it is unclear to us - we live under constant threats and in a state of constant panic. And we live ignoring it. As my environment got more threatening, the less capable i became of being a giver. Which makes me ask, have we created such a threatening environment, that we have become the scourge of Earth by thinking and acting only for ourselves while hurting our ecosystem (other people, beings, and the environment), or is that our fate? – Devouring our home, ourselves, and precious life everywhere we have found it or just calmly watching as it happens all around us, and deluding ourselves into believing we are the most intelligent species here. With great power comes greed. Wait… that wasn’t it, was it? ...And as for most human intelligence – it may be found in individuals and groups, but that don’t make a species. Yes, we have outstanding people but the rest aren’t here just to follow. We must inspire each other so that we all give rise to the outstanding. And revel in it rather than be threatened by it when we see it in fellow humans. So, there is salvation. We can do something to redeem ourselves and change our being-the-scourge-fate and we have to be more responsible towards ourselves and partner towards it. Let’s not celebrate yet, but yay! In my teenage years and ever so often since then, my close friends seemed to end up dubbing me ‘Murphy’ (of Murphy’s law fame); even though not much had gone or went wrong when the Murphy

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reference was most popular. Maybe some scraps, a few mishaps, nothing too often or too violent - but in our groups, I seemed to always be presented with that unenvied title. I didn’t get it. I mean, to me everything was the way it was supposed to be. I tried to put myself out there and face the consequences, good or bad. I was an achiever and my perceived ability to bounce back from Murphy moments motivated others around me too. Of many things, it made me think, stereotypically, that a positive attitude not only influences positivity but attracts negativity as well. Now from experience, i could add, negativity doesn’t seem to favour attracting or repelling one over the other, that is, either negativity or positivity. Can you say you’re being positive if you voluntarily continue to live in a negative world, even from within what may seem to you to be a positive bubble? We are changing the way we live and occupy ourselves without a clear realization of what it bodes for the future – ours, our cohabitants, and for those that survive us. And even with a clearer understanding of what’s coming if we don’t act “now”, we still are not doing what it’ll take to make a difference while we still can. Ever wonder how the words we use, in so many languages with so many sounds, liberate and restrict us by alphabets and phonetics/phonics. Well, research shows different patterns in brain development can be linked to the difference in the languages we speak (or sounds we make). Simply put, the sounds we train ourselves to make, out of a necessity to communicate, utilize and exercise different parts of our brain, corollarily having an undetermined impact on our overall physiological development as well. Similarly, everything we experience can either limit or encourage physiological, psychological, and social development. Some things stand out when i think about what has impacted my development. From as far back as I’ve thought, I’ve been probably too ambitious. Not in a traditional sense but in my own ways. I was passionate and charming; the go-to-guy who tried to accommodate everybody (except sometimes the most important); the low-airs member of popular groups. But magnanimity seemed to be my innate endeavour. Although, i misdirected it often. I thought i could help everyone; i was a ready rebel hoping for change. This attitude was probably responsible for me being anti-establishment even in my prepubesense. I was quick to learn, not conform; and was around to hold a hand or raise a voice. As an example, as a senior during hostel days, I came to be known as ‘doctor k’ – somebody who could fix problems (not sure how i felt about that nickname though). I had at least a good ear or an intelligent opinion or suggestion, and i was rewarded for it in respect and even adoration (aplomb?). Adoration made competitive people around me jealous, threatened because of an inability to trust (in the selflessness of my intent). I’ve been called other things too since then. Under the influence of trying to be open and receptive, I many a times may not have been smart. In college, I played basketball. Of course, college basketball in India was far from world class, but our world didn’t care, or rather, it cared just enough. And by the time I was out of college, I had got some interesting professional experiences under my belt too. Again, something out of the ordinary in the world I was in. My first real Murphy moment saw me in my first major motorcycle accident at age 23. Afterwards, it would for a time feel as if I had been on top of the world till that moment, an unstoppable force come to a screeching halt. It wasn’t the end, but it was my first moment that took me close enough.

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Professional pursuits and experiments continued but there often seemed to be clashes with my still underdeveloped personal beliefs, which often found outlet and refinement in my social groups. It didn’t take long for me to become the ‘been there done that’-guy though. Had I tried too hard, and stereotypically, begun burning out? Groups had changed. Family and friends were growing more out of reach, and so was i. Life had embattled and wearied the rebel in me while i was still young. I was still looking for the way, and when i look back now, was nearly there, and my father likely saw a glimpse of it through me too. But then my mind begun having a mind of its own, in a manner of speaking, and i lost my dearest figurehead, my inspirer and admirer, who was ready to give up everything for me and what i had begun to believe in - My dear dad. That was my second jolt out of and into reality. It began shortly after my substantial recovery from the first Murphy moment and lasted almost another decade - somewhere between the ages of 27 to my mid-thirties. Maybe most pertinently, i was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder - Grave’s, and had had it for a while (probably as an onset from the trauma of the earlier major accident or from its recovery). Constantly misdiagnosed till then, i had been suffering for it (and so too had my family and friends). Before I could come to terms with that and start dealing with it positively, within the next three years, we unexpectedly lost my father to cancer, my maternal grandmother too lost to cancer soon after, my aged paternal grandmother left us as well, and my mother’s battle against cancer began. Meanwhile, I had left my job, to work less regularly and more independently, married someone i passionately loved who was trying her best to stand with me through it all, had two beautiful kids, broke a collar bone and had to go in for an expensive knee surgery, and I didn’t own a house or have the regular personal income to independently sustain our working class, renter’s lifestyle, as comfortably as we expected to. I was dependent on savings and earnings from one or two projects a year and my wife’s earnings were increasingly being utilised towards the house. From being a very positive person I spiralled into negativity - sporadic at first and then more consistently. My ability to bounce back was diminished and i was very volatile. Paranoia and conspiracy theories almost got the better of me. I lost lots of friends too – to my sadness, to my recoveries, to my mistakes, to my psychosis, to my negativity*, to fatherhood, to my rewired work scene, and maybe to my general attitude of wanting the world to change (feelings of not belonging / dissociative world view) and escapism in my very human vices. Tolerating me must be painful. Sigh. [negativity* - my hopefulness for a better world may have been manifesting itself as negativity towards current ways of life] My life was not as I would have wanted it to be. Sure a lot matched with my accepted beliefs, but it wasn’t what I had been chasing because I didn’t feel any closer to fulfilment. Or maybe it was, but the surrounding circumstances were not as in my control as I would have liked them to be.

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I was part of my own team now; with a family of my own I was more responsible, sure, but not as I had expected – things were getting more out of my control and I had to accept it and go on – accept the terms laid out before us all. My circumstances weren’t letting me be who i knew i was. There was a destroyer of a dream, sparks were being extinguished, and a creative mind was turning to mush. My image of a blissful life didn’t seem to match with what the world wanted me to believe was a blissful life. I convinced myself to get back to learning about it instead of recoiling, and address it towards deeper understanding and positive action, if/where possible. And more grandiosely, leave the world a better place for our children, if even only by a little. A life lesson too often taken for granted – “Laugh heartily!” We must remember that if a belief can have bearing on our physical being, a physical act can impact our mental and spiritual capacities too. It is easy to live and die bitter, I suppose. Life and circumstance, if you can separate the two, have given me a lot to worry and be bitter about. And I understand it has given us all a lot to worry and be bitter about. I, like others before and along with me, sought another way. Happiness is, after all, simpler. What feeds the hungry - money or food? This narrative is not about me or instances of my life. I don’t want presumed conceit to take anything away from what i need to say. This introduction was just to build reference, not to me but to what’s in / on my mind. What follows, is focused more on what I’ve come to believe in, through things I’m learning, on the path i’ve been on and would like to continue on. It is a positive outlook (shaped from deep understanding) i hope more of us will begin to share. It is a reminder, a message, and a call to action. The chapters

A More Positive Future ………………………………… 6 What We Did Wrong (and suffer for) ……………… 11 What We Can Do …………………………………………. 16 Next Steps ....................................................... 50 Author’s notes .............................................. 51 Addendum: Uncovering the Phantom ........ 62

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A More Positive Future

It is the near future. Due to a human effort started before 2020, life’s chances are more favourable. A growing community of self-governed people who live and work under the edicts of positive human values have been redefining how everyone interacts with the world. This community lives in parallel with a community whose members either aren’t allowed the choice or choose to continue living traditionally, under governments and in the money based economy, peacefully. Within, and as a result of, the new community, almost everyone’s basic and daily needs are fulfilled and growth opportunities are more equally distributed among all demographics. People are free to move around the world experiencing many roles and lifestyles as per their own choices. Learning becomes integral to experiences and is available to everyone. People follow their passions and a common consideration to human values is at the core of our choices and decisions. Borders are few and nationalized governments are responsible for fewer people in reduced capacities. Traditional, modified and new frameworks support the self-governed population. People freely choose to live in any community system, even hop between them. People of the world are working together without national bias or agenda. They are working in small independent groups of interchanging members that reach effective (and affective) working consensuses very efficiently. Scientific reasoning, evidence based logic, and collaborative human insight have gained popularity over contagions of superstitions or ideologies and systems of control, manipulation, subjugation, and isolation. The good elements of all religions and other human and cultural practices there is knowledge of, are imbibed and promoted. It is a time for the awakened, and everybody’s invited, not indoctrinated. Passion, creativity and ingenuity is everyone’s superpower and it is wielded with pride and a sense of responsibility. It is a time of inventive genius and selfless dedication to life. Everyone is provided for and provides or is capable of providing for others, allowing everybody the advantage of being so much closer to achieving equal opportunity. There is nothing out of reach or unattainable for anyone, unless it is deemed harmful to others or the environment. An intermingling of lifestyles is expected and encouraged. People can choose to connect and interact with AI that provides us with customizable usage to avail of services such as healthcare, education, parenting support, real time training on demand, life planning, community connectivity, and a whole array of other personalized and public services. Human communities can be categorised:

A community that continues to live traditionally (in the capitalist democratic/other cratic way),

Another made up of self-governed partners who have abandoned the money system, have embraced automation and an AI to assist them individually with a customizable array of functions, and have been critical in addressing many global issues through new and adapted technologies and practices,

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A third which is the same as the second but chooses to live without the support of AI,

And a fourth that chooses to live without automation and AI. People have an open choice to live in any of the communities, and can also change between them, as they choose, it is encouraged as well. The positive influence of the new communities has been tremendous, for everybody, as has been the impact on natural environments. “Everybody”, includes the community of people still living traditionally – translating into improved technologies and practices for them too. Services, resources, and experiences are shared amongst the communities. There is no hunger or paucity, no terrorism, and crime, if at all, is rare in the new communities, which has influenced significant drops in the rates of poverty and violence within the traditional community as well. Land, sea, air, and space are near accident free zones. Relief services and sustainable relief for natural calamities is more immediately available and effective. Public services are managed and run by the public, voluntarily (for different roles at different times as per current goals). Sanitation is not an issue anymore anywhere in the world. Harmful pollutants from human activity have finished and PH levels in Earth’s water bodies have started to come down, and sea life, seem happier too. Our energy requirements are being met with a marginal carbon footprint. We live with the Earth, not against it (exploitation of the planet has stopped). Human population has been maintained below a measured sustainable limit and plenty exists for everyone. The earth seems to be calming down with less extreme changes in natural phenomena. People are less polarized and so is the weather. The most in need are taken care of first, prioritizing them with a sustainable plan in mind which includes not just enabling but empowering as well. We have stopped unsustainable and harmful practices, like overharvesting and well, basically, …killing, sucking the Earth dry, and clogging it up. An important move judicial systems have enabled, in adapting to the new communities’ systems, has been to hold governments and corporations (and in some cases, individuals) accountable for global devastation and climate change towards the generations affected. Where, harm to our natural environments is something we must take responsibility for and curb/stop, is the clear message that was spread (not witch hunting – forward looking approach rather than past obsessive approach).

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Earth is renourishing itself and we are helping it along the way. An apocalypse has passed. A period of mass extinctions is over and from the Anthropocene, we have handed back the reigns to nature and are helping it heal itself, and thereby life. (Don’t rejoice, remember this part is, as yet, still fiction.) Self-destructive rage has been replaced with mindfulness. Negativity is a positive! It helps us understand what needs to be done to change the situation. So it’s regarded as a step to making things better and reversing negative human behaviour and impacts. Within the new communities, business practices are engineered to achieve responsible satisfaction as they are not motivated by or modelled on earnings in the traditional sense (measured in money gained). Each individual and resource involved in a business within the community are partners in it, not employers and employees. The satisfaction generated is attributed to each contributing partner. The practice of industry, art, science, logistics, solutioning are undertaken under a common consciousness of regard to nature. People are passionate, even about the keeping-the-gears-turning types of roles and responsibilities. Rotational and shared working and multi-skilled workers ensure all required community functions run smoothly and people are freer to and can more easily pursue their interests and passions. Anyone can contribute and participate to any and in any experience. People are much healthier as for one, the stress for sustenance and living gainfully (monetarily) have been alleviated through the option of living in non-money based socio-economic communities/systems. Creativity is reaching newer horizons. People are self-motivated, supported by the community and have access to the community pool of minds and technologies. People participate where there’s a need and communities design and build sustainable and smart mechanisms to ensure peaceful and joyful living. Infinite potentials of the creative mind and scientific approach are unleashed as people see science and spirituality as coexisting elements rather than embattled rivals, and work together to achieve the unthinkable. In the more positive future, we know our calling* and are enabled to pursue it and accept that nothing is meaningless. [* - Human calling, which may be transitory, between our spiritual existence, and passing energies (other forms and beings). For example, to consider that you’ve always existed and therefore will always exist, let’s assume that if a part of you existed in some form, then that represents your existence. Your current form is not absolute, it is changing. In fact, it is constantly changing. That’s what life is about i suppose. Think back a few years, then some more, then back in your mother’s cosy womb, then before that, to a big bang. You were a product of a collision of two distinct elements that already existed. If you think about it, you have existed then since existence itself, to us an infinite. And therefore will exist in a similarly perceivable elemental way for the rest of eternity (if being human isn’t the culmination of existence). But, if you don’t have kids, do you cease to exist elementally? No. Your energies are still passed on. So your human calling is what you must imbibe

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and exude in this time and space flow or, what your circumstances demand of you and not what they compel you to.] A shared sense of responsibility towards others and our environment (everyone and everything) motivates us and self-preservation requires much less of our consideration. Stress is not enough to be harmful anymore. Human IQs are higher and emotional and social intelligence have also improved tremendously. This has come with more people being able to practice things they could only dream of in the past. New approaches to learning have developed that encourage learning by doing and self-guided learning in new personalized environments. Almost all people are awakened, and not hypnotized / paralyzed anymore. We see things as they are – camouflage and disguised intent, propaganda, cover up, intimidation, et al. and we act to change things that go against our values. All the world’s defence/military forces have combined under the common cause to train, protect and work for the betterment of life (and not just the human kind). The new global defence apparatus’ focus is peace missions (and not bang-bangs). Children are happier. Learning is completely individualized, better facilitated, and integrated into the overall system. It is more learner led and in natural spaces. Their ideas and ideals are no longer conflicted. A welcome side effect of everyone being happier is everyone is healthier, with improved fitness levels. People have more time and freedom to take on physical and mental activities routinely (as they are not burdened by a dependency to earn money to meet their needs). Human physical skills have heightened. We are faster, stronger, and more aware, and it is not for entertainment or advertising dollars. Nor is it for unhealthy competition. It is for self-improvement challenging human limits. After all, gladiators are history. (Sports fans, don’t despair.) Spectator sports have been replaced with participator sports, but you can still spectate too. Gender is no longer considered to determine physical ability. All games are gender mixed and there are similarly superior skills among all gender groups. Most importantly, people are physically more enhanced because they enjoy healthy activity, not because they’re competing for or against something. The air and vibe is therapeutic. People are happy. Children actually skip and laugh again. Young people are more focused on positive things and are more connected. Adults have exciting lives – there’s discovery, there’s magic! Need is becoming just a word from the dictionary. The elderly live very well and are major contributors to their communities. Care is available where needed. Earth’s natural environments are replenishing. Our planet breathes easy and so do its children. Earth is appointed, ‘Utopia 0 (zero)’. Utopias in space, under water, in time, in our homes and minds are thriving.

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What We Did / Are Doing Wrong (and suffer for)

If we can imagine a dystopia - because for so many it is a reality, then it’s for one, a very real possibility for everyone, but then it’s also hope that a utopia can exist too. It is in the better interests of life that we enable each other and cultivate our society. We all have a conscience, a sense of caution and reason, but we seem to knowingly accept the bad and just go on living our lives. We lower our standards and tell ourselves we’ve learnt to accept it and the only way to carry on is to carry on. That sounds defeated and oppressed to me. And we carry on supporting the system which has supported and supports this and so many other evils, maybe even gives rise to some of the deadliest. We are aware of these evils but are more likely filling a requirement of the system which has its own objectives, not yours or ours, in mind, and are too preoccupied in possibly meaningless pursuits (that are very likely to be harmful directly or in some part to earth or our future generations if not us) rather than addressing the known evils (through causal treatment and not just symptomatic) that plague us and participating in life as human, not sub human. If you consider yourself to be one of the lucky ones, and you probably do if you’re reading this, then you may think to yourself, “Well, I’m not plagued by any evils. I see no need to do anything differently.” Please, lower your guard, remove your blinders, stop thinking only about yourself (otherwise you’ll likely be destroying your legacy too), and think again. Consider this analogy. We have a natural instinct to move – playing something, dancing – forms of physical activity. Our bodies ache for it! But for most of us, our lifestyles curtail it. And for those whom it is not curtailed, is your motivation even human (of our values system)? Why do we live these lifestyles that discourage / curtail or limit even healthy physical activity? Oh yeah, we have things to do, bills to pay, medals to showcase. We have to be externally motivated, more likely than not, to pay for our physical activity too (to remind us we have bodies!). There are many other instinctive things curtailed by our current way of living, even the most intrinsic - survival. We are endangering life itself and you want to be passed the popcorn (or some ammo maybe?). Imagine, our ability to apply so much of ourselves in fulfilling a need to be given reason and to be entertained has been used to manipulate and subjugate, sometimes even in the guise of liberation. We are viewing life itself like spectators - glued to our seats, not even eligible to take to the stage, just wishful thinkers. Even the gladiator getting the spotlight is blinded by the spotlight, or by unidirectional focus, and is used to play a crowd, and can be replaced just like the crowds. This pathology of general acceptance and the associated disbelief and fear of change, has been giving rise to clay like people, who can be manipulated for anything, by the hands and pressure of other people already moulded to do so. It’s a well examined relationship so probability of its existence and all encompassing nature are quite high. We turn a blind eye to so much; even the glaring evils become invisible (or acceptable, as we become passive.) Disease, poverty, hunger… this is not how we should treat our family. Devastation, pollution, disregard… this is not how we should treat our home.

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Violence, treachery, exploitation, abuse... this is not how we should treat each other. Really? Guess what? We’re doing just that. Here’s what happened as more of us understand it (an abridged version). Families grew to become communities. And communities fought over resources and strategic locations. Trade followed. Although it seemed a positive move, and probably was at the time, sharing and joining communities as a way of strengthening themselves doesn’t seem to have been considered much if at all. Or was it that subjects were not even allowed the thought. To rule, the ruler must be a step or few ahead of their time; individually or from within a conglomerate. There was still clearly defined leadership. Joining of communities was a threat to leadership, not to the communities. Then, there was power in controlling trade, so trade routes were controlled and more control was sought over resources by our leaders as a means to keep controlling. Money was introduced as another instrument of control. Those who opposed it initially were slaughtered. Now those who oppose it, aren’t allowed to survive in the system – still slaughtered? Knowing that we’re slave to a system that was perpetrated with the intent to enslave, and not doing anything about it, just tightens its grip on us, enslaving us further and making it more difficult for future generations to even consider freedom, just as most us have forgotten that we don’t have it. Whenever peoples have sought freedom and rights in the past, there have been revolutions. Why are we not joining hands and moving against our inequality and enslavement for all time? Because we’re brainwashed to try and survive within the system, thinking it impossible to fight something we do not comprehend – because the system has no name or face, except for some scapegoats it feeds us from time to time. This all leads me to confidently surmise, all revolutions in the past have been to solve effects of the problem, not the problem (cause) itself. It stays that way by strategically dumbing down populations. The system makes us narrow minded but easy to direct, fearful but stupid, unimaginative but industrious. Consider this. Most people hold one man responsible for our last world war. Really? You can allow yourself to think that one insane man was responsible for so much? What about the systems in place that enabled and even manipulated him? Well, aren’t those systems still in place and don’t they regularly still rear their ugly head? (No offense meant to any peoples, just humanity). After all, the entertainment ended with really only just one head having to roll. We don’t generally consider those that lurked in the shadows benefitting off weakening economies and war; manipulating the world with a puppet then and puppets even now. So much so that we still see a symbol and one name/face as the cause of so much evil.

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The war, just like its perpetrated instigator, was just a diversion, like the so many others surrounding us. Pure evil brilliance. We don’t easily see the benefactors and orchestrators, because their strength and tactic work under invisibility and even nonexistence. Here’s the thing though - we don’t need them to exist. We must understand, we all support it. Some knowingly, some willingly, everybody (almost?) powerless to choose otherwise. That is, for example, how the money fix also works. It’s inherent premise – to make life itself meaningless without it. It has been marvellous at it. Not having it scares us. And that makes us depend on it even more rather than on each other. And we’ve not nearly stopped enough to consider how a faction of people* controls all of it and us through it, or act. If we had, it wouldn’t have been so. * - A faction of people who have a clear understanding of the bigger picture and use that to manipulate others and their environments to achieve selfish objectives. We do not come from a peaceful past, nor live in peaceful times, and are all capable of behaving and being manipulated into behaving like animals. What makes you think, if you do, that these are peaceful times and anyone is truly free? Your plush comfort? That’s just the hook stuck in your nose; you’ve even been handed the rod. In classic fear and survival instinct style, we have a consuming need to accumulate resources. In fact, we have made it into a business, among many other things. It became and has stayed about control. But who’s controlling who? There’s no one at humanity’s strings but phantoms. How we’ve been living has just given those phantoms more control, another string maybe, and some of those strings are held by people, like us, from time to time to feed greed. But there is hope, for like the theory of antimatter and others suggest, if something is possible, then an exact opposite of it is a possibility too, that is, if it already doesn’t exist (in another dimension maybe?).

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The need to self-preserve over the preservation and development of others is instinctive to us and we have kept it that way. We seem to follow instinct required at a time which we are not in anymore (or don’t have to be). Why do we need to continue living in (fear of each other) a way that divides us and allows us to be subjugated? We couldn’t trust each other and have let that be used to control us since disparity. Do you think there’re higher chances of more of us being able to trust one another now, even with our disparities? I think if life is to be, a trusting world is the inevitability. If a system is built around it and supports it, then maybe we all can participate in making such a world too. A maybe is better for me than a no. We’ve been killing and fighting each other over possessions, beliefs, whims, and also for no discernible reason at all, for far too long. We preach to our children about healthy competition and not focusing on the rewards. And then we send them into a life where it’s all about rewards and unhealthy competition. Making them unskilled to flourish in the real world and thereby setting them up to spend the rest of their lives trying to get it right. An evil plot if ever I saw one. But it doesn’t have to have perpetrators; it could just be a result of the system which needs us distracted to subvert dissent and uprise. And for that it would have to create generations of people with the lifelong distraction of trying to get it right, but set up to fail; not amounting to much, least of all a threat to an oligarchy that has been in the making for thousands of years and has always had the upper hand in our known history. We say work for the joy of working (participation, contribution, learning), creating, interacting, learning and discovery, inspiring, challenging yourself and others, but don’t really follow through. In our feebled minds we have instinctively and stubbornly believed we (or some) are more important than others or must become more important than others as importance solidifies status and ability to receive things to survive and flourish (thrive). We forget that the land and the hands that cultivate it feed us, not money. We forget that the structures we feel safe in were created by the efforts of many, not money. I guess in that context, money means, you can sit inside when it’s ready; they can only sit inside, till it’s ready. Money plays a part in almost every major issue we’re faced with, minor too. This system we have accepted and live in, is getting our worst out; slavery and social division, war and conflict, strife and struggle, patriarchal devolution*, corruption within governance, and in fact even the need for governance itself in its present forms. We have no one to blame but ourselves. [* - “It is a terrible agony that began* with the existence of weakness in a woman and the commencement of strength in a man. It will not end unless the days of slavery and superiority of the strong over the weak are abolished.” Kahlil Gibran, in Spirits Rebellious That began* - pre-dynastic?]

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If together we are building a dystopia, then together we can do better too, wouldn’t you say? How about it? Can’t we try it the other way around? That is, regard others, and our environment, more important because we are dependent on them, just like they are dependent on us, and not just stand by watching as it all crumbles. Can’t we accept and blossom in our coexistence; not be limited by it? There is a way. But with lack of trust come suspicion, animosity, and the disregard for overall welfare of others and even of nature itself. First we must begin to overcome that. And if we support one another and our environment together with common cause, expectations will be set up differently and trust will increase. Is it all just theory or are we smart enough now to practice it now? Not you, not me, not our family, nor friends, but a whole lot of us if not all of us. The thing with a good idea is that it may be ahead of its time, but time let’s a lot of people catch up. Are we finally caught up? I think we’re at a tipping point, so to say – nearly there; for new genius to be encouraged amongst us. [A human being is part of the whole called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Albert Einstein 1950 (apparently)] [Suggested must read: Spirits Rebellious – Kahlil Gibran] What really reaffirms these beliefs, particularly for me, is that children understand it. In fact, this imaginary world is their Elysium. And we are all taken or led out of it as the real world engulfs our freedoms towards contorted adulthood. My eyes weep with the colours of the skies. Seeing them is just so rare. The memory of a power not beyond us, absorbed by the walls into which i stare Oh, for the sound of a flowing brook and salvation by universal love. I will not waste time waiting for a light from high above; My mind aches for what i know is right, My heart still beats it.

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What We Can Do / Could Do Instead (A New Manner Of Thinking and Living)

When you’re living a lie, you fear, avoid, obscure, ostracize, silence the Truth and those that uphold it. Why are you letting the life you think is by choice ruin the life your heart speaks of ever so often? What makes you think you’re powerless? If you were, would such an elaborate trick be required to make you think that you are? The trick works not just because it’s full of half truths but many inhumane strategi, some possibly more powerful than disease. You are powerless, when you allow yourself to be, and if you convince yourself that alone, you can do nothing, and together, is impossible. Not all non-traditional communities are ponzi setups or run by charlatans and false godmen. There are still some good examples. Auroville in Pondicherry, The Venus Project in Florida and The Zeitgeist movement should be considered. There are enough preachers and leaders occupying us and enjoying your money already. I do not intend, nor wish/need, to be one of them. Instead, I’m sharing my circumstantial conclusions and suggestions, human knowledge, neither proprietary nor for selfish personal gain, towards inventing a future more positive than the one we’re currently being led towards. The opportunity to freely partner with and influence humanity in a positive direction is my motivation. And I hope to partner with many others who are similarly motivated. This is the obvious choice that the current system is setup to make us blind to, or disregard (make us believe is impossible even when we do consider the possibility). There’s no unique wisdom, it’s just faith in humanity, my fellow humans, to see the light, not from me, but that’s inside all of us, and a way. My experiences have just positioned me, like others before me, and i hope many alongside me, to come to these very human realisations. From my perspective, i’m just a part of humanity and so are these ideas. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to help people be aware of the choice to live better and how to manifest it - by giving up on the tools of our current camouflaged oligarchy (...), towards a better future for all*, and not be trapped within systems built to keep us complacent and manageable or eager and industrious while destroying the very Earth that bore even them (the trapping systems). (Do not be surprised if they have had un-Earthly technology.) [all* - “When the tragedy of the commons is applied, what’s good for all of us is good for each of us.”]

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I understand this may be a very difficult concept to even begin to accept. I try to break it down in a way that helps it reach as many as possible, aka, blurting it out with some semblance, the purpose being to set it up to let it unfold with everyone’s participation... Here’s what we’ve got to do.

Partner in a community which aims to create a more human value system through a model of self-

governance and freedom from mechanisms of control, corruption, and devastation. Clear and accountable goals (tied in with ideology):

1. Offer the choice to all humans to live outside the current economic (money based) system or model

2. Priority to human rights. Remove, reject, revise practices that undermine individual human and social rights

3. Be the voice of the voiceless (nature, animals, the ignorant and impoverished, etc.) 4. Ensure the new community(s) coexists effectively with and within other socio-economic

systems 5. Espouse and encourage the concept of our social ganglia (decentralized intelligence based

on supportive commonalities) Conjectured in this chapter are four core aspects towards acknowledging and partnering with such a community:

a. Self-governance – finally declaring freedom! Work towards achieving for all who choose to partner and habilitating those who don’t

b. Non-money based system – replacing the money system with models to achieve

utilitarianism / a satisfaction based system. If necessary, an axiomatic valuation of satisfaction (a dance between satisfaction generated by each of us for others, environment, and self) to enable trading for luxury experiences (basic needs don’t have to be traded for, they are met by community motivated by a (growing) understanding that whatever is best for all will be best for us.)

c. Manifestation of trust through common interest – Human values or morality based system.

Define common interest and acknowledge its relevance in human intelligence and if necessary, the use of technology and AI to enable it

d. Address global, local, personal (existential) issues in and as a result of the process and

intent – Causal treatment and not just symptomatic. Share resources, experiences, learning within existing systems but towards and until change.

A network of freedom communes, if you will, but more purposeful - as one strategy to contend with the issues we are faced with. We must work together, emphatically. And those that choose to do so do so with the ability to lay it all out there, so as to begin with trust in each other with one another. And also must do so to prepare ourselves to live more positively towards sustainability and the yet to be imagined; without the authority and manipulation of money and money based systems, or the need of

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monetary valuations for trade, as a guided effort towards correcting many known evils by removing / reversing the most pertinent causes. (Join hands and work together to shape and establish Utopia Zero, and if lucky be partners in it.) Before we go any further, let’s address another idea first which has already garnered immense reception and popularity - Universal Basic Income (UBI). Why? Well, i just suggested a system where monetary valuation is not supported; UBI is a system where everybody is paid. Making it, among other things, a good reconnect to context. So, consider these points when it comes to Universal Basic Income (UBI). We still don’t have a working solution to how it can be funded sustainably, how to monitor or regulate it, and other pertinent issues. As of now it only seems to be put out there to create an effect of hopefulness, and may delay the inevitable (a non-money based society), most likely towards averting it altogether too. Also, UBI does not support luxury. So, if luxury can be bought by those with more money, then money-based disparity will always remain. Human development index is bound to go up though, and that may be the start to a greater thing. Although extremes may get further, general disparity will likely diminish. UBI is not the result, it’s a means; and more importantly is not as yet anywhere close to being implemented as an effective solution to the world’s problems. But we may still need it and have rationale to make it happen when/if we do need it. I understand that making a drastic change can be drastic; and sacrificing something temporary for something atemporal can seem drastic and daunting, and may likely be; there are only two ways to try and find out – try it or simulate it. Although, if you’re willing to try it, then simulating it would no longer be an alternative, it would just be good practice. Maybe just begin by imagining it. Bringing in some blanketed clichés; let’s apply an attitude to rehabilitate ourselves, others and our environments constantly. In every new moment, we can be better. For a better future, the change starts now. Why i bring in those clichés is because, we really only need to rewire our own selves. Mechanisms to produce and distribute goods and services are already in place, and we are more conscientiously (responsibly) improving them. So really, drastic is in our minds - illusory. We can continue doing what we’re doing and let things come as they may, albeit with wisdom. We have to trust us. We needn’t be embattled anymore. Greed is in our nature but living in a world that rewards it at too expensive a cost, and not do anything about it, is stupefying. We need to de-stupefy ourselves and one another.

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The Anthropocene, or the age we’re in, is an age where human activity has a significant impact on our natural environments (and nature itself). So far it has been very negative and defamatory. Mass extinctions, climate change, ocean acidification, … our monstrous appetites are wrecking Earth (and our future generations’ chances) in alarming volumes. Governments, corporations and dynasties will be elicited to cooperate and play nice. So what do we do? To start with, people could apply to live in a non-money based system as partners in a new community. Applicants will be categorized based on their readiness and ability to self-govern. The partners’ initial emphasis will be to make the knowledge and choice of the new lifestyle available to everyone freely, and seek acceptance and rights under common national and international law, fine tune planning and execution according to actual participation, organise and connect partners, and align and manage logistics to meet the needs of geographic and demographic spread. Daily needs or UBI will be provided to those eligible as a fundamental human right. UBI though will only be provided under the assumption that communities will not need money eventually and UBI will no longer be necessary. Health bands (tech) will be developed and provided to facilitate free health care and learning (personal training) – keeping a check on our vitals and there to warn us about unhealthy changes, advise us (chat bots and human), and follow emergency protocols. This is an unveiling of a choice available to you as a human for your entire life. If you want to live in a non-money based system and not compromise on the values (moralities) that we as humans hold common, and are either eligible or willing to work towards reaching eligibility to self-govern, then there is a basic truth of life, you are free to choose. And we have to exercise our freedom to begin building a better world. And if we truly are not free to choose, then that too would be revealed, and its revelation will in all likelihood, lead to its doom and a long overdue victory for freedom and love. So, win-win; that is, if we’re free to choose, then we can choose a better way, and if we’re not free, when we try it would be revealed, revelation being its kryptonite and our natural world’s yellow sun and dirt. America is said to be the bastion of capitalism. But ask what capitalism has done or is doing for those there and after some hard thinking, mostly on their parts, reiterate that the reason for many ills is the privatisation of everything. A good example is how expensive healthcare is for Americans and they can’t seem to do anything about it because of the capitalist lobby. Even the education system doesn’t offer true and free learning; instead it manipulates for the purposes of capitalism. If you graduated, you’ve most likely been educated to be capitalist. And capitalism has its own say in how we live our lives, profiting off every aspect. When you’re living a preconditioned life you’ve been presuaded* to live, it’s difficult to think and act differently; even if at a conscious level you are now aware that it is restricting and even harmful for our very survival. You are blinded from your choice to live any other way and are living your life by

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terms set by somebody else; enslaved in how we live, think and work, by a system we refuse to renounce. Or are scared to. [*presuasion - influencing your decisions through psychological cues before you are even presented with the intended choices; or no other choice (if your survival depends on money)] If we choose to live outside of a money based system, we’d not need to reject any government or society that would still support it, but sustainably collaborate or coexist with them instead. If they reject us, we’ll throw the book at them (A hard cover edition of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace still too clichéd?). To not vote and live off grid is not the right choice, for you will still be governed under the laws and plans of the in power government and of their shadows and masters; or be so isolated so as to not matter, much – diffused to acceptability by the system. These are systems implanted and influenced as a result of an economic system installed to discriminate, but a universal solution still lies in collaboration. As countries cannot seem to get leaders in opposing parties to work together, except for getting each other up on their toes every once in a while, non-voters should instead be given the option to vote for self-governance. Don’t panic. If you’re worried that that may be outside of (your) constitutional rights, think about it this way... Even if it were, human rights must be given precedence. Others will stand by you, especially if it is inherent in their intent through their partnership in community. We can build that community. Ah, self-governance. A format / framework will be developed around basic human values by partners in the new communities in conjunction with present social systems and organisations. The objectives being to live within current environments or move on to other environments, as encompassed by the framework, with a sustainable vision to accommodate different requirements of geographic spread and differentiated demographics and facilitate learning towards it. This may include working with judicial systems to incorporate the rights of the new communities, lobbying governments and private owners to allot land and resources commensurate to equitability (future ready), and effectively using the power of intelligent and awakened petition. As a cost to the use of natural resources to which every human has a right for profit (if used to profit), private organisations could be petitioned to pay compensation to the people in the new socio-economic group in support of their needs, or as fairly decided by judicial systems. Compensation could be in payouts of money or goods and services or collaborations and sharing. Partners in the new communities will not outright reject money. Not at least in a world where it exists and is all pervasive. It will just establish systems (values and satisfaction) where exchange is not necessary so as to eventually live without money, with and within all communities. Of course, partners, or an interchangeable representative group, could also have / continue to have vested interests in and conduct profitable businesses (typically for a non-profit motive) as a means of, among other things, helping people transition between living in money and non-money based

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environments, and as means of fair play with existing systems and evolving interaction / collaboration between communities. The new group will develop their own technologies and sustainable practices along with using existing ones, which by definition will always be a work in progress grounded by our common human values. The use of AI will be promoted within the new communities, although partners can choose to live a self-governed, non-(AI)-connected life as well and may only accept connectedness in times of emergency. Joining this new community doesn’t mean you must break all the rules. Nor does it mean you must embrace AI, a concept scary for many. It just means you can choose another way and you have support to help you achieve and maintain another lifestyle and we’d like to keep not just the golden rule, but the “technology rules!” banner flying too. Through a growing partner network, global action will be achieved. The new system must learn and adapt to support itself through time and change, predicted and unpredicted. It will constantly be tested by users (partners or otherwise) through real life experience, educated ideological debate, invented scenarios and simulated iterations limited only by imagination, understanding, and chance. To imagine what it could be like then think of a personal cerebro (a la professor x), batman’s sonar system, or maybe your very own heavenly charioteer - it connects you to your universe - social and online community, can have multiple users online at different levels of interaction set into their personal systems, makes the vast cybernetic library available to you, without capitalist bias; and can be a basic needs (resources) organiser, memories keeper, learning facilitator, and dream enabler all rolled into one tool, supported and secured by AI; a chatbot inspired assistant to measure vitals and moods (private entities are already doing it (surveillance capitalism), shouldn’t you be doing it for yourself too then), freely available to partners in the new community. This will also help us in our understanding of ourselves and help us to stay more positive. [A note on AI and the like: The use of AI entails partnering with it too. AI is here to help us even if we think we will not be able to help it beyond a certain progression. It could be speculated that true singularity would be achieved when an AI exercises choice to be a part of the singularity or not or just be a visitor; like our choice to join and stay in or move between the multiple communities you may have begun to imagine. (Just like AI, we are not enabled or free to choose yet) Whether AI continues to share information with us completely and openly may altogether be the AI’s choice (prerogative). We are creating a potentially far more superior intelligence than us (ours) and it may travel to places that we cannot even comprehend. And it may choose to allocate more of its energy and efforts in more productive tasks than keeping us in the loop. Unless we also understand our partnership. Only we can provide human touch – emotional and mixed intelligences. We are likely a creator and thereby potentially godlike to an AI and will possibly always control far greater powers of perception than an AI. That means we have to ensure that we set a good example. I guess it’s in our best interests to show AI asap that we are on a better path of learning and love. From creator to teacher, if we’re good teachers we can feel pride knowing it will live on in their work. If we’re good partners, we will always

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work for each other’s benefit and with the trust that each of us has others’ better interest in mind too, including our own. Cooler heads prevail.] The conscientious amongst us are already thinking and making changes to get on a better path (many better paths). Minimalistic living, individualized learner led learning, prioritizing experience over possessions. But a tide is needed, not drops. And this may be the pull the tide needs so it can recede in peace. If change doesn’t come soon, AI may become the only legacy we leave behind if we can’t escape extinction through devastation, which is becoming more relevant a possibility. We must embrace our intelligence and allow that to help us address the most important issues of our time, now and always. Not just in our development of technologies and their scientific, humane and shared use, but also our development of social, emotional, intellectual, creative and genuine intelligences. And change will come soon if the motivation is right. The motivation has to be not only a possible reality, but also our legacy - each individual, intelligent being’s legacy from their life (transitory or otherwise). We as a human race have reached the point where we can easily imagine an alien race discovering traces of human existence, after our extinction, and categorizing us as a species that caused not only its own extinction but also the extinction of a unique and once thriving natural world. The second extinction is less likely in that future thought though. A good example of how intelligence has been being suppressed over time is the general belief that current wisdom and technology is far superior to ancient wisdom and technology. We disregard it, are made to disregard it, trivialize and bury it, and even credit some realities to real impossibilities, or at least infinitely less likely things, instead. [Recommended viewing:

Vandana Shiva (we are at war with our own stupidity)

How not to be ignorant about the world | Hans and Ola Rosling (TED)] We are still baffled by many mysteries and discoveries. Things ancient people seem to have achieved that is beyond our understanding even today. If ancient structures of lost civilizations still stand today, that is because, in all likelihood, they were built by free and intelligent people, partnering towards a common cause. Where freedom fed intelligence and intelligence ensured lasting freedom for all. Even with its suppression for so long, some of us believe we have reached a level and scale of overall intelligence to make us capable of self-governance, either through personal action or personalized facilitated learning towards achievement of self-governance and the status that will go along with it (!). Over to, renouncing the money system. “Give up money and all the worlds’ problems will be solved.” (~ Anyone of us.) That doesn’t surprise me; it’s not new contention. What does surprise me though is the nothing really that’s been done about it. If these are awakened times, shouldn’t action have followed? I will forever be tormented with the struggle in my mind to comprehend it if we don’t act even now. So may you.

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We’ve all witnessed or are aware of what our financial system’s reign can do. From wars and poverty, to market crashes and inflation, or body fat and outbreaks, to social hierarchies and personal hygiene – when it comes to the evils that have come with the aid ( ~ now) of the money system, the list goes on. Even if you can not attribute cause of some evil to the money system, there are sure a lot of intelligent arguments saying that nonetheless, removal of the money system would be a systemic cure. We must fight this outbreak. Renounce “monetary valuation for trade”, aka, money. We need to fight back against this overpowering and debilitating system; even if for no other reason than this - it doesn’t give you enough credit to think you will. For a self-governed people, policing ourselves initially will not only be relevant but vital, under the assumption that security needs can be stabilised as per the times. To, in the least, show others who may still be sceptical that it can be done - we can live in harmony. Yes, policing ourselves is already in practice; we can do better, and it’s time. And so arises the question of ownership. You own what you own. We don’t have to give up what we have to participate in a community of intellectuals (for we are all genius). I’m not suggesting usurpation, instead, acceptable change, generational change and a set of simple directions, not to direct but to assist (fluidly, not set in stone). So, yes we all strive to be self-sufficient and in a non-trusting world, it is not just instinctual but crucial to survival. Instead, we must build a world which supports and helps us enhance our trust of each other. (At least for now, there’s no one else around..?) Rid ourselves of this seed of distrust. In a more trusting world, post satisfaction based economy, we can intelligently conjecture that the need and therefore desire for ownership will at most be transitory, and even then ample provision for that will remain. In a sharing community though, if (until) necessary, there could be more emphasis laid on intellectual ownership instead in an economy modelled around an axiomatic valuation of satisfaction. This is not a change that will happen in the blink of an eye (we have been brainwashed into not being able to even imagine it). But it could. ...Although you may already be questioning your motivations to do the things you’re doing, and you like the idea of having the choice to live in an intelligent sustainable community that has the better interests of humanity and our environments in mind, your decision to partner needn’t be immediate, or final. So the blink of an eye shouldn’t be undermined just yet. Once you choose to partner in the new community, situational assessments tailored under your supervision and guidance will help determine partnership terms, in relation to your personal goals, needs, and capabilities, cooperative capacities, facilitated planning, and community support (provide and attain parable – a taijitu). Some considered functional objectives for self-governed partners of the new communities:

Build a sustainable infrastructure (open to redesign)

Encourage and organise self-sustained socio-economic groups

Achieve community/society/socio-economic status acceptance, if/where relevant

Encourage locally sustainable solutions or relocations in practically needed and doable instances

Achieve further popularity and acceptance through (social) experiments and example

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This could be achieved through a time, participation and cohesion based cycle... ...This will involve reassessing our very personal lifestyle choices though; (basic examples - not having too many kids, considering working towards independence – build sustainable relationships with everything as against selfish dependence and exploitation). In other words, being intelligently responsible towards life, not just your life. Yes, somebody else may have screwed things up, but do you want to continue abetting, or are you ready to join hands to make the right changes. It is up to us ...after all. They say to overcome something you must sometimes let it consume you. Are we not consumed enough? This all could be cloak and dagger (well, we’re up against it), it could be open; we have to be open to fluidity guided by reality, not just perception. We must stay connected in order to help somebody in need or be helped when in need; and to come in to this movement with that motive and keep if not empower it further. As it stands now, we’re all in need. So, we must stand together. We don’t need a leader. The rulers of destiny welcome human. “...everytime i plant a seed, he says, “kill them before they grow”. It was i who shot the sheriff.” ~ Bob Marley, in I shot the sheriff [More recommended viewing:

Why societies collapse | Jared Diamond)

Capitalism will eat democracy | Yanis Vocuoufakis)]

Partner assessment

Resources assessment

Partner development, volunteering, coop

Allocation to tasks (to achieve global sustainability)

A constantly developing understanding of global, local, and personal goals and effective and sustainable facilitation towards achieving them

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We tend to think that making such a change could be impractical and even devastating. That’s fear of the unknown kicking in and of course, indoctrination (...). We can reduce the unknown by modelling hypotheticals, and technologies (and trust). But to start with, we have to apply a principle central to faith healing and the placebo effect – [If you don’t see it already, the yin-yang symbol (taijitu) that forms up there is pretty cool.] With our current understanding some of us have been thinking along these lines of change but the majority of us still think maintaining status quo will be the path of least resistance. That may be true for a generation but not for our species or our interconnectedness or natural environments. And we already understand that...! I believe, we are not selfish by nature. Our socio-economic (econo-politic) system has made us so. We have to be the generation that changes that. What a legacy that would be. [Recommended viewing: Our democracy no longer represents the people. Here’s how we fix it | Larry (Lawrence) Lesig] I like to think such a future is inevitable. The question is, will we be the change makers, and that is, will it be in time? All you really need to do is choose a seemingly inconvenient truth over the reassuring lie. It’s not about getting strength in numbers to demand action or supporting isolated actors (wrongly motivated leaders); it’s about acting together and encouraging leadership thought in all of us. They say leadership without ego is the greatest commodity (most abused too). Well accepting everyone should be raised to be a leader is one way to make the entire human population into a priceless resource. And it’s not just limiting human ingenuity; the insecurity of a money value system drives many of us into doing bad things. From simply cheating in an exam to harming the environment because it makes more sense in the money-based system. Especially, but not limited, to terrorist and propagandist i ask, do you really want to be some twisted rich kids’ puppet to distract more of us (the rest of us) till there are none of us left? That’s what you’ve been designed to be, a very expensive distraction to keep us headed towards nothing. Yes, your armour is strong, so strong in fact that you’ve forgotten you are the meek, just like all of us. You know who you take orders from but you don’t really know your leader in whose name you do and you’re made to do what you do. [Jab poochey jaatey ho ki ullah* kahan hai? Tum bolte ho aayega ya intezaar kar raha hai. Arrey bewakoofon, wey tumhare undur hi nahin, sabke undur jeeta hai. Agar sab uski dayn hai toh jannat bhi yahi hai, aur tum usko jeete jee maartey ho jannat ke hee naam mein. Usko mitaaney aur choopaney mein mutt lage raho...!] [Image/gif idea, Screen labelled AI, with speech bubble. Shot at

Imagine it.

Believe it. Manifest it.

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“jeete jee”, loudspeaker with another speech bubble, shot, another message – tnted... back to first terrorist, thought bubble with last rhetoric. In religious war, to truly destroy your enemy, short-term defeat is just a distraction to eventual victory. Where eventual victory comes at the cost of the losing religion and further indoctrination for the followers of the winning religion. How do you defeat a religion? Maybe, get the rest of the world to associate apathy or inhumanity to it and hate it in judgement enough to enforce its death warrant issued millennia ago. While, side-by-side, indoctrinating followers of the eventually-to-lose religion to follow radicalized principles of their very own peaceful and loving religion; so even the future past will be made to see the loser as deserved. Unquestionable victory. [* - I apologize for stereotypically juxtaposing Islam and terrorism, but that is the general mostly unsaid consensus, and i hope everybody gets the point. Although that, the general consensus, may be the result of and not cause for religious war, for the sake of Islam, and thereby humanity, we must do something to change it before it’s too late!] On a very different matter, but in an attempt to illustrate the power of a good approach, consider another of modern society’s many ills - noise pollution. It causes hearing loss and in increasing instances, loss of sanity too... We know that because they are symptoms that are treated. Because industrial thought is money minded, for the consumer it is less about lasting value and more about instant gratification. If it had been considered from a perspective of humane motivation, among all the things that would probably have been done differently, would have been that maybe all engines were manufactured and maintained to match sound frequencies that are healing, not harmful. Zounds farfetched? ...Yes, sound has substance and its impact can be harmful as well as beneficial. (Frequency – alternate form of medicine?). Anyway back on point, remove the money factor, industrial or otherwise, and we all would be thinking more causally and from possibly dimensionless spaces. Stop stylising and treating just symptoms, we must positively address the causes too. Mechanical sounds are a result of industry. Industry strives to meet minimal requirements as deemed necessary by peers. But instead of making it just less harmful, why not make it remedial? A thought like that occurs when not allowing yourself to be limited by industry. Such a principle should be applied, humanity as the only limit, to how we think and everything we do; rather than, selfishness as an expression of our insecurities formed by the money system. It’s not poor whales anymore; it’s poor ocean already for crying out loud! Game theory suggests that “the majority is always wrong”. That holds true because our current way of situational analysis is where we act more out of fear and distrust and selfish and ignorant tendencies. Those very instincts are telling us, beware! Instead we fall in the trap of treating such instinct as our conscious decision maker rather than a voice of caution. A voice of caution doesn’t say don’t do it, it’s just there to help you be more prepared to do the right things. Current democracies have been manipulated by capitalism to increase diversity (disparity?) under the guise of “freedom”. But it’s freedom, of sorts, only for the 1% (or is it 10% now). The rest of us, at least, are slaves or haven’t or don’t really exist. We are so manipulated. And slavery and ostracizing are not new concepts. There are innumerable age-old-strategies and philosophies in practice even today. In fact more so today than ever before, in different forms, that are meant to keep the many under control – subjugated, obedient and willing without hope of another choice. In fact the other choices to us are made to seem impossible, subliminally and

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consciously. That at least makes you wonder about intentional indoctrination to make us under confident and dismissive in this very regard. Human values have to be given precedence over corporate rule and personal profit (disguised as business objectives and professional accomplishment). The right balance has to be struck between being conscientious and agreeable. Our conscious states have been manipulated to make us pliable – to meet the demands and whims of the few. Like sheep that only know to graze where led under the false security provided by dogs and shepherds whom we mistakenly don’t fear, and that becomes our consciousness. We are told that we have an eternal quest of trying to comprehend meaning and find purpose. But... Between the wonder years and the full years, we’re kept in search of wonderful. Let’s give ourselves purpose instead; and not waste our time searching so much anymore. There’s work to be done! And it’s wonderful. By the way, purpose is - consciously endeavouring towards / meeting / exceeding the requirement of the time. Where “requirement of the time” is purposely kept subjective. So you can either become more objective, or continue to serve impersonal / others’ purposes (maybe just the selfish corporate juggernaut’s purposes - which is at the behest of very few to keep the many busy, in business – what a fun play of words for such a dehumanized affair).

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Here’s a speculative plan to operate over a short period for the initial stage to implement this idea Time short term ~ The perception of human values and our realities continue to keep most of us confused and discombobulated. Allow me to provide a now well known analogy again (it’s a good place for reinforcement). As children we were told, “Don’t chase rewards, chase experience, personal and social development, and enjoyment instead; let the process be the reward.” In the adult world though, we see that for the most of us, existence becomes about monetary rewards and appreciation; from anything professional. Be it sports, a nine to five, or even social services, money and pride is at the centre of our existence. I don’t think the human values we’re told of prepare us to live in the real world. And what is our real world? Isn’t it just a manifestation of our thoughts and actions? Right now, the real world is an implanted system of control where very few enjoy benefit and many suffer. And although the lines that distinguish become more undistinguishable (for example, increasing human development index, or the stereotype applied to an entire generation who seek rewards for everything mostly as a crutch to reassurance), our reigns remain. We have to remember our common values and live by them in everything we do as we live our lives interacting with one another and our environments. These are the things that bind us,

Initial team [from hypotheticals to infrastructure planning; faith to reality]

New partners Categorize all based on desires (aspirations) and readiness to self govern (value system based not resource based) Situation assessment Skills appraisal Expectations addressal

Broad plan Reviewed over open forums Tasks allocation Everyone is encouraged to perform tasks in a co-operative society in which we all partner, especially when the times call for it

Sustainability Self-governance Satisfaction


Garner interest, support, cooperation, participation (partnerships database)

Lobby, petition, partner with governments, corporates, organisations, other groups and prominent individuals, and humanity in general

Continuously develop ideologies (hypotheticals) (question, test, revise)

Re-assess community sustainability options

Develop and use support and learning tools (art, science, tech, tradition and AI)

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whatever the term – harmony, energy, life-force, force of nature, god, god-energy, science, art, thought, love... They are not things you must be made to forget. [you’re forgetting them again, aren’t you?] [Recommended viewing: Graham Hancock – breaks the set] Imagine, if we can accept that there are aspects of history (extraordinary possibilities), even our own, which we are very unaware of, for example, advanced civilizations, accurate measurement of longitudes millennia ago, new species of humans discovered recently, the pyramids, the relativity of distinguishable forces..., then we can accept a future that our conscious mind makes almost all of us think is impossible, now or ever. Science is about questioning things, even empirical evidence. If we stop questioning our ideologies, then we stop learning and might just as well be zombies - orthodox, or extreme. Extremist, radical are misnomers if you think about it. To their minds, they’re very firm in their belief and any change to that would be extreme. They (extremists / radicals) should be called rigid instead. If for no other reason than to allow the word association to help recognize them more easily. Are you rigid, or have you begun questioning yourself, if not yet imagining a new reality already? Psychedelics provide altered states of consciousness (debateable) ... but this happens in our real world which is full of distractions. Imagine a world with less distractions... we’d be able to focus on the real problems, without the assistance of psychedelics or deep meditation or imbibed focus. We still have forms of ancient wisdom that remind us there are better times – to learn from and to work towards. And that starts by believing in it too. Yes, the ability to put aside the distractions of our worlds, is a path to the infinite (nirvana). I’m not saying, convert, or give up your faiths. Just put human values (morality) in the mix too, and show it some precedence; unless of course that’s your faith already. (Then you’re very likely struggling in a money and ownership driven competitive social order.) Humanity is a faith that includes us all. Unless you argue that you’re not human. Actually, even then, it still includes you. Humanity is our sense of representing something unique in our known (and thereby possibly unknown) universe. At its core is life, or as such, existence itself. So to another pertinent question; How will we learn to trust each other? We fear our own insecurities and can thereby lose trust in others and ourselves too. For systems to corrupt us they manipulate us through our insecurities, curiosity, and ambition for control over, and division amongst, us. Well no one said it was going to be easy... But i do think if we all are given the opportunity to agree to and live by certain human values (moralities), and maybe reduce/remove certain harmful distractions, then it’ll start to show. Trust will increase amongst us. Even in how we entertain ourselves.

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Suspicion and paranoia and conspiracy will diminish. Hatred and anger will be quelled. Barriers will come down. Arms will rest (not necessarily to rust). Creativity will unfurl its wings. Learning and opportunity will open up. Addressing global, local, personal problems: Problem solving at this scale (or any other except for personal, arguable because you don’t live isolated from your environment*), is not about, let’s do this, but more about, let’s do this together. [* - so even your conscience is within your environment. You cannot have a unique idea free from your environment; body and mind being a part of that environment.] Humanity almost has everything it needs in place to help us prosper and rid us of evil. We have the technology, skill, and force (as in team) to do it. All we need now, is the humanity. We need to be a living movement. Grow and inspire all, and grow some more. And in none of this do i see a need for ‘money’; only we choose to keep it that way. We can choose not to too. Are we indebted to some entity if we choose to live as a community that rejects the use of money or other denominations of material value for trade? We recognize a more human value system will take time to transition into... so we remain future progressive. [I do like to imagine a coup though. But violent justice apart from being an oxymoron, just doesn’t seem... human anymore.] Everything is connected. Doesn’t mean we see everything. We are limited by our own limits. And our shared limits. Let’s address them. Together, wherever necessary. Own our own where we can. You have to convince yourself to partner with humanity in how we believe in it to be and not how we represent it. I know it’s not just me but isn’t it a common or shared emotion felt when graduating school that every following batch is somehow inferior (more indoctrinated)? Well consider it is, then maybe imagine that current institutional processes promote the masses are sheep analogy. The tendency to be more passive and follow rules is increasing and institutions are promoting it or at least the thought of it. That means a calmer, more peaceful peoples but without purposeful common cause – for the requirement of easy indoctrination. Did i hear someone say bah? Or was it ba? But life, they claim, is a great equalizer. Everyone is clouded and all the rebels get tamed or lose themselves eventually. The difference is in how fast, i guess. I like to believe i’m a practitioner of lifelong rebellion. I’m sure my wife and mother would agree. I’ve had opportunity to work within the learning solutions industry over the past 15 years. A page out of that notebook... As it goes in India, more often than not, we end up working for foreign clients (first world clients). Here’s something a lot of us end up learning firsthand. Generally speaking, first world clients accept that there are processes in place to keep things efficient, are very open to working together with teams, and respect opinion and time, expert or not. The differences i found in

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India while trying to bring my knowledge and experience into the Indian (developing) or domestic market include, probably most importantly, (here the stereotypical rings true but falls prey to exaggeration) everybody is an expert and under appreciates the value of team and / or opinion. And everybody who thinks they’re experts, think they are the best teachers too. But that’s quite paradoxical - how can you be a good teacher if your expertise is your focus and not how to reach your learners? Then you should only teach by example and maybe facilitation, not just instruction, in a setting established to be conducive to such an approach. Although these experts may be proficient in some knowledge or skill, they forget to regard others’ opinions, in such that they forget that one of the most important qualities of a teacher is to never stop learning. Never stop learning - that is at the core of practice. We have to sort of rejoice in our mistakes rather than becoming insecure and closed, they’re what teach us after all. So let’s let them. [A nice analogy i came across to drive the point home comes from a show i was watching with my young daughter, Ben and Holly. In a part of this particular, rather brilliant, episode, a woodpecker has made residence in the elf tree. And lays eggs. The eggs hatch and following the baby birds out, Ben and Holly, realize the babies haven’t learnt to fly... Holly goes first in an attempt to teach them. Her confidence is misappropriated from her own ability to fly so well. But she fails and is not sure why. Ben, on the other hand, who can’t fly himself, turns out to be great at teaching the baby birds to fly.] Yes, in a world where we lay emphasis on lifelong learning, we appreciate that all of us must be teachers too. And to be a good teacher we must imbibe a quality of aiming to make our students more skilled, prepared, and confident, than us – a teacher’s (educator’s) empathy and ambition for their students. Objective, ingenious, with enough confidence and the right motivation to try. So if part of the solution is to remove disparity caused by money and to elevate those in need of more equal opportunity, and eliminate environmentally harmful practices within our community thereby similarly influencing those who would wish to continue trading amongst themselves, let’s profit in wisdom, science, communication, trust, open communication, better living, and more satisfaction - overall and thereby personal too. Then we initiate a plan to remove the need of money within prepared communities and also partner with those who would like to partner in such communities. With basic frameworks in mind, open to community review and public conjecture as well as individual review and personal conjecture,... based on the number of people and their geographical spread, current socio-economic status, etc.. that participate or partner in the communities. Observed negatives of previous initiatives, that some may argue have been similar to what’s being proposed here, are the limitations of location and leader (flocking to centre of origin) (vs. growing ideology) and the creation of vexatious/selfish inner circles. This is a free dive from a treetop canopy on its way down to earth, as a seed. It is an idea, ideology and an initiative. Neither centralized, nor leadership bound. There are no inner circles in a community of self-governed people with neither control nor material profit motive. The motive instead would be one another’s satisfaction, easily achieved in an environment where a question of survival will no longer be justifiable cause for fear, for any life. “Don’t back down from the sharks!”, is easier said than done unless you have community support. That’s a lesson i learnt the hard way.

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A hypothetical on partnering: A manageable growth gives us opportunity to

Study models of living without money

Study models of change logistics

Study and engage models of global cooperation

PARTNER Circumstances, skills, resources, time, proximity to other partners, satisfaction fix (opportunity + desire/passion)


Rotational teams

Tasks to increase our ability to be self sustained and resourceful to others (off the grid when you’re in it)

Health and life planning and support

Community tasks

Immediate Concept acclimatization Experiments and tools Debate and decisions Public relations, negotiations, external affairs Maintaining transparency Increase outreach and debate

Eventual Global logistics remapping using a sense of satisfaction as a replacement to material gain. We may still promote and look for the same or similar experiences, initially, but eventually as materialism diminishes, life will see change. We will be tasked with giving a positive nudge whenever needed.

Formalizing the Communities (under assumption of individualized timeframes) Approaches will be based on needs occurring in different hypotheticals:

Slow/steady progress increasing progress co-habitating socio-economic systems

None/minimal none/minimal “

Later popularity

Quick/immediate manage growth (participation) “

Millenial trickle ~ flood

Gen X and Y trickle ~ flood

Baby boomer trickle ~ flood

Generationally mixed trickle ~ flood

Economically weak trickle ~ flood

Economically strong trickle ~ flood

Economically mixed trickle ~ flood

Gender mixes trickle ~ flood

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Study and engage peace missions and humanity message (through petitions – based on online debate etc., crowd funding, process cycle support, etc.)

Study and engage on ground solutions to real life problems For example, say a majority of the already economically weak (poor, undernourished, underrepresented) people join a community that believes in no money, then the impetus would be to first address their own issues and enable solutions through personal involvement, but as more than equals under the constructs of the new community (human values and morality) the more in need your circumstances put you in, the more satisfaction value you possess and are therefore in control over more riches compared to the otherwise traditionally rich. Another thought provoking probable – if crime is motivated by the lure of money and power within existing systems, would criminals be exonerated in this new system? Well, kind of. They, like everyone else intending to partner in the new community, would need to measurably achieve and reasonably maintain an ability to self-govern. Rehabilitation, for those that make this choice, would be redesigned towards introduction into the new form of society. So, if you’re really a victim of the existing system, you are welcome to see if you’d be a better fit in a new one. Yes, i strongly contend there is hope for everyone and have been beaten down because of it, only strengthening my resolve further (in true rebel spirit). [Just think, a community made up of the economically weak and the imprisoned could be an extremely powerful and motivated force of change.] Based on actual participation, a corresponding approach will be taken. If you really let yourself think about it, you too will realize that it could probably be easier to set up communities that thrive in a non-money based system than to live (continue living) in the current system. In one approach, participants or partners in the new communities could set up a trust grid till things get better (more trusting), under an assumption that doing so will increase the likelihood of and reduce the time necessary to get there. At which point, the trust grid can be switched off or designed to shut itself down - a crutch for temporary support. The trust grid will see us living in a world where our satisfaction levels are measured without human control (except our own for ourselves) and will provide customizable facilitation to increase individual and community satisfaction, supported by assured sustainable survivability – that becoming a purpose of life (vs. piling up money). Again, money does not give us security or keep our families safe (assured sustainable survivability would). We just use it (m0ney) to buy things that help give us a sense of security. Even those things still exist without money and can be produced and distributed without money. It just needs intent and cooperation. I think we understand our sustainable goals and have the tools and ideologies to create a much better world already. We just need to have each other’s good interests in our intent in a world where others have your good interests in their intent. Consider the paradox of democracy. The prefix demo is Greek for people/population, and within a democracy people can install capitalism where, until capitalism enriches everyone within the system, it ceases to be a democracy. To remove the disparity, everyone has to be enriched more by the system in which we choose to practice relevant acquired skills thereby enriching it as well. We know it hasn’t worked that way. Instead, taxpayers (the skills practitioners) are taxed, especially for the devastation of natural resources and environment by privately profiting entities. And we’re happily

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obliging; because we’re made to think the alternative we perceive to be better is impossible to achieve or even comprehend. So, first you must believe it is possible, then you will begin to imagine it, and eventually set your pace to make it real. Hypotheticating an approach to action: Proposals to governments of partners to include/accept a community aspiring to live in a non-money based system by adapting the practice of self-governance, as a solution stepping stone to address global, local, and personal issues positively, that is, more humanly. Money represents what has motivated and controlled us for so long. But value can be ascribed to anything, just like money, or something completely unlike it. Ascribe value to something intrinsic rather than extrinsic – personal fulfilment achieved by living how we perceive ourselves to be in our positive values (moralities). Nowadays, the right solution could be a locally popular video on essential living practices relevant to local circumstances... rather than approaching social organisations, organizing funds, teams, travel, missions - too large a carbon footprint. [Waste ending up in the once pristine arctic | BBC news Let’s clean it up... how? By increasing the localized carbon footprint by sending enthusiastic volunteers there? No. That’s definitely not the best answer. There are better ones. And competition for number one spot is between “stop littering” and “stop the littering”. Another solution for keeping the melting arctic frozen includes pasture animals. What about global warming? The solution (s) may lie in emergent or already existing science and technologies. Here’s an uneducated stab at it. With our deeper learning of / around water (like the added fourth state of water, EZ state) there are newer emerging possibilities and hypotheticals. As an example, CO2-trapping ice – water can be frozen (maybe by chemical reaction) at the other end

Partners whose skills and circumstances allow them to contribute immediately

Partners whose skills and circumstances need improvement on priority

Brilliance – the potential of the right solution

Humanitarian issues

Survival of planet Earth

Functional technology

Exploration & innovation

Non-partners whose circumstances / skills need improvement / enhancement

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of ice flows; or drones to scientifically deploy Sun shields to routinely lower oceanic temperatures; or controlled weather manipulation. Food for thought... Takers anyone? And if you believe that global warming is a hoax. Why not contend yourself with the thought that everything being implemented as a result of the hoax, is towards benefitting all of us and our environments; and so it would be better to allow the hoax to play out. Just a thought.] Murphy’s law is so common it gives rise to conspiracy theory. And rightfully so; who but conspirators would hide in plain sight? Is paradoxical irony a thing...? In our current system, to make the switch-over to a non-money based system, we may need to introduce a basic income concept, as suggested earlier. That is of course only if this community of self-governed forward thinkers is not immediately accepted and supported by governments, judiciaries, corporations and leaders. This basic income would be decided based on circumstantial needs. As the community grows and self-sustaining and contributing groups are formed, basic income will be rolled back to provide the choice of not needing money to survive and excel socially, intellectually, economically ... and so on. How economically? Well, within the non-money based communities, value can still be ascribed to something; why not satisfaction derived through personal and family stability, and humanistic or compassionate endeavours, scientifically and humanely approached. [Animations on youtube –

The forest | hues for alice

Hunger | NFB

Animations by Steve Cutts] There are presumably many of us who can put away distracters and blinders, and focus instead on the relevant more positively. Let’s assume they are seers, philosophers, inventors, storytellers, writers, teachers, dissociative personalities... Have they marginalised the issues and thereby helped to make us more complacent / conformed?

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Consider this ‘imaginary’ timeline If you agree that there could be more to that than imagination, it would have to be changed; for the strategies of rulers are, in the long run and in comparison, always detrimental towards the masses. Abundant knowledge, tools, implementers and facilitators to solve our global, local and personal issues exist. They are just not allocated appropriately to solve our most pertinent and life-for-granted issues or do not have the right motivation, allocated instead to more profitable things (but again only really for the few; like the queen knighting them / you for their / your loyalty to the throne). This is a world where we’re unabashedly desensitized every moment. From our manipulated and ignorant media resources where the news of the rape of an eight month old is masked behind a star’s success and a lunar eclipse, along with countless other influences embedded into our systems, societies, communities, beliefs, lifestyles, ideologies, fears and aspirations - since time immemorial. And people with this knowledge have tended to abuse the power it provides over others unabashedly, because that’s what the system demands / has demanded. Imagine if all the corporations, governments, organisations, conglomerates ... were to allocate one year’s advertising budget to end global hunger or adopt sustainable / waste reducing practices or convert to clean energy. Would it be enough? Wouldn’t it...? If it’s being done for money, by money, then it’ll never be enough. But if its use is seen (regarded) as conformance to socio-economic (monetary) boundaries to facilitate necessary change, then it actually might be enough to make (a) the difference. But money doesn’t feed the hungry. Money gets the gears grinding to redirect the dedication of thoughts, intelligence, effort, time, resources, etc. That means one or both of two things. Either we are too selfish to redirect our dedication without the money lubricant, or we truly are not the masters of our own universe and we await direction (which may not be the best, but which we follow without too much question anyway).



dumbing down of ‘rss’

Rising awareness / positive action

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Some argue,

“Monetary reward” gives rise to innovation

“Monetary reward” gives you access to security and luxuries (capitalistic setting)

“Monetary reward” puts a tangible value on the work you do and therefore how you spend your life (acquire skills, education, practice skills, develop new skills within system, pass on skills within system, and perpetuate the system - not our own happiness)

Well, so too do our inherent / instinctual human values, probably infinitely more exponentially though. Pose this question to yourself, why do you (we) have an endless desire /need to search for meaning or purpose? Could it be because most of us are living (made to live) meaningless lives at the behest of an oligarchy and we are immune to the fact that it is not of our own choosing...? Think about it before you deny it out of habit. This is not a not for profit initiative. In a manner of speaking it is to profit. The difference here is that we value something different – equitable satisfaction, not monetary / material gain, and profit in that by our actions and preconditions. What makes the money system inherently wrong?

It’s not the ideal motivator, unless in a controlled (ing) system

It refrains us from what we’re actually capable of (it distorts our focus)

It has had a long enough hold on every aspect of our lives, marginalizing them unto possible oblivion

And we have reached tipping point again; at least in one more heart and mind. Will yours be one more? We have the infrastructure to support the planet and ourselves. Let’s put it in place to do just that (mend our ways rather than letting someone falsely motivated manipulate them).

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A theory of gods (a brief speculative theory of gods and stuff) - There is an ancient highly advanced civilization - Their people would be sent into ROW (rest of the world) to learn, audit, and implement their

own designs, a free run if you will (akin to a sanyasa with superpowers) - They carry advanced technologies and knowledge with them - Their motivation is individual - The world (maybe time, universe and multiverse too) is their playground - Some are morally righteous and display spirituality, good practices, knowledge, etc. - Some are twisted morally and want to enjoy dominion and spread havoc, disparity, etc. - Their advanced technologies and knowledge are passed on through a sort of lineage - A little by design, a little by unpredictability, their extinction was staged, time and again.

Stories like that of Atlantis are propaganda to give us this idea that the secrets of intelligent ancient civilizations died with them. An intelligent community wanting to remain in untainted existence and in their chosen isolation (maybe because of their numbers) would take such pre-emptive measures as the world (s) evolved around them

- They exist even now and are the 0.1% of the 1% that is said to control the future; hiding beneath layers of invisibility

- To ever barbaric humans, these beings are like gods. We ape these gods; and not just in all our representations of gods across the world...

- For example, tech companies release layered / already obsolete (in terms of advancements already achieved in design and function) products / services for created demand

What is God? Yes, there are great many who have had god like appeal - through their selfless deeds, their inherent charm, their unequivocal love. Why choose to pray, unless as a form of meditation/mindfulness or a display of gratitude, when probably the best form of prayer is to live by and imbibe what the bestowees of those prayers and their examples embody. God is everything we know and don’t. God is nature and nothing, infinite and everywhere, life itself and always talking. You just have to listen. Sometimes you must listen within, to your heart. Sometimes we must hear the calls of others. We are all capable of godliness through the miracles of compassion. And compassion is not foreign to us. In fact it is inherent / instinctual. “A word of compassion to the weak criminal or prostitute is nobler than the long prayer which we repeat emptily every day in the temple.” – Kahlil Gibran in Spirits Rebellious All of us have thought up or can imagine environments in which our inherent compassion and intelligence thrive. This is one. The motive is pure, as a partner in humanity, enabled inherently through these suggested new communities. This is not about giving you clarity that there is another way. Clarity can easily blur. As it was argued with me while I considered these thoughts; you may agree with me and then go on living in an awry, if not eerie, world. So this is to tell you, that with clarity already spreading, there is something we can do about it that has the potential for huge positive and lasting impact achievable quickly, limited only by what we can achieve together, and help you find your own motivation or convince and encourage you to join in acting towards finding it now.

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The thought of living a dream life for many is a fairytale version in their mind. It includes many luxuries and excesses. Well, that’s because that’s a part of our lives and inherited perceptions. And also, it would likely be a far better world where everybody can experience the fairytale and chooses to only for small durations – to live the experience, and then go on to other experiences (assuming that if your fairytale is more easily accessible it will be less desirable) designed to enrich life (that help expose our complex realities). Imagine a child in the care of one parent is kidnapped, from a public place. The parents have their own insecurities and are not at a very good place in their relationship. The other parent, when confronting the parent with whom the child was with when kidnapped, may in their very emotional state blame their partner with carelessness and channelize their anger and frustration onto their partner (very negative energy). That’s very natural as we feel powerless against such things (violence and inhumanity at the behest of material incentive); so we fear them, bury them, don’t deal with or address them; in this analogy, that is, the child, the kidnapping, and the parents state of mind. What is instinct and should we listen to it? I dare say, instinct is an inner will. And yes, we should listen to it – with trained ear and not just literally or foolishly (non-contextually). Kinda like, perceiving a hostile interaction actually increases the chances of it happening. So is it better not to perceive of possibilities or to be in a state of preparedness*? (state of preparedness* - using your perceptions and regard to be able to adapt to situations at every moment; i’d guess that at that level of evolved consciousness, those there get to decide the duration of their moments) Yes, we should understand the how and why of our reactions to things so we get an idea of what’s ok and not to begin with. That’s the essence of our basic value system or morality. How situations manifest into emotions and how we can use the understanding of those emotions and reactions to take a more ideal decision for each moment and perceive better things. We literally have to step out of our comfort zone – realizing that that comfort zone is what is behind the lack of it for others (our comfort zone doesn’t have everyone’s best interests in mind, and cannot with our current lifestyles) and even ourselves. Your comfort zone is your consumerist (and circumstantial) bubble – how money has been engaged towards your lifestyle. Your gadgets, clothes, meals, shopping, security, privilege, education, ambition, emotion... - all of it shapes and manifests into your consumerist bubble and so called comfort zone. Even spirituality comes at a price; sometimes too high a price (of being misunderstood and ostracized and sometimes being overcome by id, ego, or superego from a lack of peers or misdirected peers). I’m urging you, everybody, to step out of your zone or bubble, so as to not just dream, but to enable living even beyond our dreams.

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So many maintain that it’s instinctive to live how we do, because well, this is how it’s been done since the forever we’re told. Well, if you haven’t surmised already, i disagree. Consider this analogy. Two people are arguing. One person shouts and refuses to listen to reason or logic (emotional state doesn’t allow it). When confronted, argues immaturely, “this is how i am. I am set in my ways. Don’t try to change me because that means you don’t like me for me...” Having taken such stands myself when i was younger, especially with the people who had my best interests in mind and at heart, I now understand how immature such an attitude and behaviour is. And that’s not how it’s done by a species that prides itself in being distinguished from all other known species as a higher intelligence. Higher intelligence would entail using your instincts in your environment to make it a pleasing interaction every time by encouraging an environment of trust from a defensive position of preparedness for possible alternate outcomes. We instinctively tend to fear, and be threatened by, what we do not understand. The money system is such that increasing numbers admit they do not understand it. When what we fear is obscure, we tend to marginalise it till it’s all pervaded and therefore accepted. We make the good or evil invisible to ourselves (just like hesitancy to appreciate or applaud a fellow human or our sometimes immature behaviour) by becoming privy to it and indeed, even existing because of it (on its terms). Our more immediate instincts are to survive in a hostile environment. But our environments have changed. How we react to instinct has been changing too. In a more conducive environment we can use a more measured approach in improving response times. Maybe even modifying / changing instinct itself. Repetition can make something instinctive, for example. So when our instincts are screaming, “money system is in existence, all pervaded, promotes and leads to countless evils!”,we continue to tell ourselves it is impossible to change. Maybe because of the fears associated with being without something we have come to depend upon for our very lives, and what change will entail. Well, that’s actually instinct helping us to choose to take control back. And with the knowledge that all of it is by somebody else’s selfish design implemented millenniums ago, we can understand how this instinct to choose differently has been suppressed, manipulated, and tormented throughout our history, even in how we’ve been told it. Remember, a scam uses truths to create an illusion of overall truth and disguise or hide the scam. Living in a world of scams, we’re (or could/should be) suspicious of everything, threatened, and prioritising our own enclosed security over living openly and free. Our instincts, not just observation, say the money system is responsible for the continuation and creation of many global, social, and personal evils or ills. Our instincts are telling us we should change. But we fear change (have been made to fear it). So, reduce fear by unveiling the true face of evil and addressing it rather than ignoring it or wishing it away. And alleviate the fear gradually through this suggested experiment of partnering as self-governed individuals in satisfaction based communities (not money based).

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Conditional risk-reward and give-receive parables towards axiomatic valuation of satisfaction could support living in a satisfaction based community. [Recommended viewing: “Everything is connected – here’s how” | Tom Chi] A manner of thinking: Hearts iron; breath interaction with universe; mind new patterns of thinking due to creative brilliance and a final freedom

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So many are disillusioned enough to put themselves far away from reality (in their heads). For example, people exercising their right not to vote. If it’s not really a majority government because the majority haven’t voted, or have been manipulated, not the votes of a minority but the authority, will then decide the future governance of / for everyone (concerned). But if i consciously choose not to vote, doesn’t that mean that i do not approve of or accept the options available to me? Shouldn’t i, as a non-voter, then be given the opportunity to live unaffected by the elected government’s rule and supported economic system? Does that mean i stand against “the people”? No. Against their representation and chosen lifestyle? Admittedly. Remember, radical is not merely as bad as rigid. This is a radical idea, because we have become rigid. If we weren’t so dependent on the system we would have done away with it as soon as we understood the drawbacks (negatives / harm). But intelligence can be bought too. And people who benefit from the system tend to put selfish prosperity over environment and community, and they lack the empathy to put real problems in the way of their materialism over possessions and people. Our constraints to doing things and thereby our lifestyles naturally involve time and effort but also unnaturally involve money and have for generations. If the world and everything in it have value, trade should cancel itself out. How are the benefits of a country’s (or any area’s) natural resources not passed on to the people of the country? If corporations were fined the money value of their negative impact on environment and people, plus the amount and effort to undo the damages, most would have to provide info, products and services for free for many, many, many generations. We’re bred and raised to be spectators in and supporters of a world that has been set up to maintain hierarchy and division. But we’re in a world where probably everyone wants to be a change maker but where most succumb to lack of resources and support and remain “practical” putting dreams aside. In fact, even letting the dream become more practical in our accepted reality of living more or less a pre-chosen path, set up by the very systems we want freedom from in the first place. Businesses, government and other organisations use psychological manipulation to make us do things because we are in a system that not only demands it but rewards it as well. We are still living in a fiefdom that we cannot perceive and so it doesn’t even exist in our conscience, and instead of subjects, we are now called consumers. – spending our time, energy, and money on things that we’re manipulated to spend on (to keep us manageable, disconnected, busy, stressed). So, as told to us, we have freedom of choice. But when we can only choose from among provided alternatives, or when there are no alternatives, where’s the freedom?

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Basically, if you have enough wealth and influence, which capitalism allows you to gain, to be comfortable in your lifestyle and freer to pursue your passion, then you personally are very likely to regard this to be a drastic, unnecessary process /idea / suggestion / opinion. And there’s where my innate disagreement with our current economic system rests...

1. The economic system makes us selfish 2. It creates diversity (classes) just by ownership or lack thereof; where the superior are

obligated (encouraged) to ensure the survival of the system to maintain superiority. 3. ...n

Examine this alternative instead: Bring everyone up on the economic ladder through free education, UBI, community work and support, and free healthcare. And we’re possibly headed in that direction already. But natural resources will still be used to create luxuries unattainable for the masses. So, although there is improvement in a general condition of the masses, the system will still support those that support it. People, who would like to choose differently, will still not have the means to act on their choice to live in a non-money based economy. I’ve been a rebel since the beginning. But my rebellion was all over the place and most of the time brought about by irrelevant, unimportant, even silly things. As i’ve matured, i would like to think so has my rebellious spirit. I always took umbrage with the money system. Having been in circumstances of plenty and of scarcity, i saw the ills that come with it from these differing perspectives. But life ticks. Mine too. When i decided to become a parent, i really had a much stronger and more personal reason to want to rebel against unegalitarian, manmade phenomena - as a means to try and make the world a better place, or in the very least, set a good example for my kids, by being true to myself and not giving up, even if all odds were to be stacked up against me. Even with an understanding, by experiencing it, that going against any system makes you a target for all those that thrive in that system. And that that can even be fatal. [“...humanity does not exile except the one whose noble spirit rebels against despotism and oppression.” “..protect himself from the sword of the ruler and the curse of the priest...” (and the ignorance of societies) Kahlil Gibran, in Spirits Rebellious with a bracketed addition] So, i had to debate my choices.

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- Rebel against the system, set an example – but risk the safety of my family and friends (not overdramatizing but as a process of preparedness)

- Or, try to conform, give up on myself and the ones i love, but meet their expectations and those of my world and circumstances i’m already in instead.

My choice was difficult but clear. It would devastate me to see my kids grow up to do the same thing – comply without question, without regard to others or environment. I fear losing my dream would set my kids up to lose theirs, and there’s no guarantee that they’d be safe with so much violence and hatred and irrationality around, in fact, they’d just be manipulated by the system, like the rest of us have been. And that really scares me more than the perceivable risks. I don’t hate money; i just want to be indifferent to it; even if i’m not swimming in it. I think it’s odd that in a world with so many diverse languages, money is the only globally accepted one. Yes we talk money. All of us do. And remember, i’m a natural born rebel. That’s one whopper of a monopoly. Maybe even a world order. I, like others, disagree. I opt instead for, you may have guessed it, order and world (symbiotic, not in any order).

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If you’re reading this, you’re already interacting with some modern tools. Why not have a tool that helps us self-govern our self (ves) and interact with a growing community as much as we like or need to (intermittently or continuously). Where we not just play but partner in play. A game is about playing. Enjoying oneself. I would enjoy myself if i was doing something good. If everything you did was lived in that enjoyment, life would be a game. (!) Formulating strategies, executing plans, even your meal plan – everything can be a game you enjoy to do some good. And we can all play together on the same team if you’d like. Or in the least, play nice together. Remember the lesson from the tragedy of the commons? That’s what collaborative game theory is. Why is it still theory?! To practice it will take a balance of ego - granting access to a reserve of infinite will. To practice it entails/means rising up for a challenge. In our growing community, if we cannot work together more unanimously and magnanimously, we will continue to work against humanity and our natural world. Life has given all of us opportunity to be disabled. I choose not to be. We all can too. Why then must we all choose to live in this oligarchy that disables and exploits? There’s even a term associated with it, but we still do nothing about it. It’s frustrating that we live in a system that has kept us fairly incapable of living outside it; and has left sprawl, misery, havoc, death... in its wake. Any benefits achieved attributed to us could hypothetically have been exponentially greater outside current systems or free from their motivators. Taking control back on living has always been worth dying for. Having to consider something only Mowgli (s) has experienced is understandably difficult. Don’t think of it literally in isolation but with a what-if-a-network-of-humans-did-it-voluntarily-and-scientifically kind of twist to it. Can you imagine a different, maybe brighter future now? I’m not saying it’s easy to work together. Unless we work together with common purpose and remain open to learn continuously – allowing what we learn and how we express it to influence our further and others’ learning and overall purpose too. In a learning based self-governed community learning to be self-governed will be based on a growing expression of human values motivated by something real, perhaps rational thought and a connectedness to everything; not to false gods. I mean, just considering the incidence of failed marriages / failing relationships, also tends to reinforce an impression that we can’t sustainably work together (co-exist / live agreeably) even with just one other person, even when we may love (have loved) that person. Misunderstandings and ego are so easy to come by, especially from a place outside of common grounding and purpose. So what can we do to join hands to work together at a global scale with people we don’t even know?

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Well, until we are all worthy of each others’ trust, we could agree to live in an environment where trust can be simulated / augmented, measured and aligned to intelligent expectations. Some bubbles to consider An elucidation, Especially in developing nations that have segregation in their traditional values, people tend to exercise an unnatural authority over people who get compensated to serve them. For that matter, it doesn’t have to be from or towards someone higher or below you in the current economic hierarchy, it could be in the education / influence hierarchy. We pride ourselves in earning positions above others. And try to prove to ourselves that we’re better than others (although that is paradoxical). Can’t you see the inherent wrong in that? And it’s nothing new, our masters were always ahead. They would want us to think like that and spend our lives like this, because it neutralizes (and neuters) us into thinking that we’re ok and we choose it. And so if we’re being ruled, you can brush that aside as ridiculous, and continue living under the rule of the brushed aside ridiculousness. We all would like power over others and fantasize about it. So we avoid condemning those that enact their power driven fantasies. Guilt driven emotions like fear, anxiety and self loathing are also real killers. So we need to make some changes.

Especially in our basic understanding. Religious commandments are generally very basic human values or moralities. Then why is it so difficult to achieve them? Maybe it’s because, in our minds, they were GODS’ advice; how could we mere humans live up to it? Or is it more about how the environment (circumstances), for those who do not have the luxury to choose their own or who perceive luxury through ignorance, makes it difficult to even consider, and almost impossible to choose, anything else. These are created means to render our survival instincts useless, blinding you from seeing the right choices and distracting you with so many wrong. There are so many depictions* of that to consider it a well documented or at least commonly interpreted phenomenon, yet we still are feeble enough not to learn from it and seem cursed to repeat it.






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[depictions* - the all seeing eye for enlightenment through wisdom and false gods for anything that assumes a place of undue importance in our lives] This is a deep rooted evil. It has become our nature. So even though we are not oblivious to it, we do nothing to change it. Can we change human nature (into what we always claim it to be)? It exists; so why not. ...Could title this quest to reaffirm human nature - “spirit with nature” ... it would be about being connected to your natural environment, your own nature, and nature’s spirit (and embodiment). Imagine the potential of an initial interface with these basics for the partners in the new communities:

Augmented Reality Space



Personal Stability

Pertinent Issues




Achieving current lifestyle requirements to support us in our long term personal objectives (in line with the community’s shared values / within a framework of the community’s shared values) Resources Organiser

- Living - Time - Food - Ability - Other basics - Experience



solutions and participation


more logistics





participate debate solutions suggestions questions

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Transhumanism is the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially (but not limited to) by means of (partnering with) science and technology. Cultural cartography substantiates the idea of how deep-rooted conformance truly is. A cyborg future is not my idea of pleasant. Opening up our physiologies to direct manipulation doesn’t seem that alluring a prospect. And Elysium stays just beyond our grasp. What’s wrong with us? I mean, why do we continue to have this need to feel secure and let people abuse it (for selfish motive) as well? So although humans are at the top of the food chain, there’s a pyramid for humans too. What a farce the slave trade is; tragic propaganda to disguise ongoing slavery. [“...He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty.” “These villagers are taught by those in authority to hate everyone who thinks freely; they are trained to remain afar from those whose minds soar aloft...” “Since the beginning of creation and up to our present time, certain clans, rich by inheritance, in co-operation with the clergy, had appointed themselves the administrators of the people. It is an old gaping wound in the heart of society that cannot be removed except by intense removal of ignorance.” “The man who acquires his wealth by inheritance builds his mansion with the weak poor’s money. The clergyman erects his temple upon the graves and bones of the devoted worshippers. The prince grasps the fellah’s arms while the priest empties his pocket; the ruler looks upon the sons of the fields with frowning face, and the bishop consoles them with his smile, and between the frown of the tiger and the smile of the wolf the flock is perished; the ruler claims himself as king of the law, and the priest as the representative of God, and between the two, the bodies are destroyed and the souls wither into nothing.” “They were allies in choking the people’s knowledge and reviving the spirit of stern obedience among his workers.” “What makes you struggle against yourselves, heart against body, and help those who enslave you while God has created you free on this earth?”

- Kahlil Gibran, in Spirits Rebellious] [Recommended viewing (youtube):

Samurai Jack, Feminism in a nutshell, Alpha kings rising

Ashi sees the light – Samurai Jack S5E4, mister Gum] We are all slaves. But we don’t admit / realize it and even take pride in being from superior beginnings and / or our attainment of superiority. But everyone is a slave in our current system, just at different levels and by different names through time. Somebody decided long time ago to design

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a hierarchical slave pyramid; and we’re in it now. We can invert it and allow humanity to finally be free.

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Being a young father, i’m learning so much. For example, i would often be conflicted when having to use the word, dirty, with my young daughter who was just learning to communicate. That there is a word that to us has come to mean unclean. But look at the composition of the word. Isn’t it odd to associate unclean with a word (dirt) that describes soil, earth...? I’m sure a germinating plant breaking out of it doesn’t think so. It even gives Superman strength. Inherited or acquired, it’s home - base camp zero. We associate the unclean with “dirt” and money with “wealth”. How wrong we are. Wealth is love in yourself and for others, heartiness and health, happiness, family, and so much more... but definitely not money and abusive / selfish dominance. But our current system has even twisted our perceptions for these (and most other) simple but crucial concepts. [Another relevant thought provoking specimen: harmony made up of harm-money] Similarly (variable effort required to connect the dots), nationalism is a construct that has been being used to suppress the likelihood of global unity among people who so choose. Compartmentalization towards control. Again, i don’t reject nationalism outright, i just disagree with its reason (raison d’être) and manifestations, and i just happen to currently favour, globalism. I choose humanity over nationality. If existing systems don’t allow any of us that choice, then such systems would need to be corrected if not displaced. If there are only thinkers and doers, then i am a thinker. I do not have the “accepted sensibilities” (required configuration) to be a doer because for one, i literally disagree with the entire world as it is now. I realize though that ironically, my thought is directed to make a doing conducive environment and persona. And i hope that if my thoughts materialize, i’ll be ready to be the doer i try and visualize myself to be, supporting and supported by the world of my peers. So as a thinker, i’m trying to manifest a future where i can be a doer. Help this dream come true, if for no other reason than to make sure i don’t have any more excuses to not be doing. Getting dangerously personal, here’s a thought that haunts me, when i do need to spook myself – what if my suspicions, conspiracy theories, that developed during my psychoses under Grave’s were somehow substantiated? What if i am being set up. Surely a system in existence for so long knows how to identify possible threats and has its ways to alleviate them. And in doing so employs some completely disconnected and some very personal set ups, all time tested, driven through negativity the likes of vindictiveness and pathological ignorance. For example, the suspicion that those closest to me were, unknownst to them, manipulated by the system to torment and break me. This feeling doesn’t stem from guilt, so i stopped questioning whether i deserve it; my conscience is clear. Instead i think it stems more from fear. Instinctive fear for myself, people i care about, and people in general – everyone in my life. But why was i so scared? And why all the coincidences? It would be so difficult to face if it were all real. All my hate and anger, fear and emasculation, angst

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and heartbreak, would have direction and target - for now it is redirected towards safeguarding the ones i love and i choose a big picture approach. This is an earnest effort towards that. I realize too that this is common among people who don’t tend to fit comfortably in the existing systems or circumstances. Awakening suppressed by chaos, freed by calm. What do i think about why this consciousness has to rise here and now, or is already rising here and now? Well, for one, population explosion is a real deterrent to sustainability. It is also a real threat to ownership. India is at the centre of it, putting Indians everywhere. We’ve been through an enlightened age and therefore have a perceivably higher likelihood of begetting the next enlightened age. We’ve been through colonization; been separated by religion; been devastated by sprawl; been at the edge of technological superiority. Ride a tide of awakening from a developing nation’s perspective* - We are igniters and workers and remember, there’re a lot of us. [developing nation’s perspective* - it may indeed be detrimental to any nation’s well-being to consider themselves developed] So, we can either be the solution to our and the global population situation sustainably (option one), or let it get to a point where an elected somebody pushes a button that causes the mass eradication of people, when and as deemed necessary by the haves. It’s really not that improbable; resources are scarce you know. I’m definitely not one of those haves and so i’d definitely prefer option one – be the solution. The difference between fearful and hopeful is substantial and as a spiritual being, connected to everything, i feel both. The enemy is any evil you accept (abet), be it money, violence, hate, anything bad (for you, others, or our natural environment). To reiterate the answer the question that the title of this chapter poses succinctly: The first thing we need to do is believe in the alternative. Visualize it clearly to help you see past the inaction, beyond our current way of life and imagine the alternative into existence. Then work towards partnering with each other under a common values system and for common cause, both of which we already have, they just need to be repurposed. If the power of individual thought is strong, just think what the power of (connected) human thought and action could achieve... I think we could manifest something miraculous and wonderful. And it’s time.

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We can do this. And we have almost everything we need already. Won’t you pledge allegiance to life now? (Not - money, corruptible governance, and ignorance but instead, intrinsic experiential satisfaction, understanding and ownership, and connectedness and love)

I will (Convinced)

Not now (Still sceptical)

Do i really have an option (hmm)

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Next Steps

To practice everything as an art, you must remain focused on the task, and enjoy the challenge of your distractions.

1. Maybe a live QnA with me and other aligned thinkers driven by open debate. 2. Build on the ideas. 3. Assess participation. Prepare ourselves. Get organized. Get jurisdiction. 4. Get a move on (align individualised tasks to partners and resources and individualized

upskilling). 5. Manage. 6. Repeat (from build on ideas) 7. And, try to pre-emptively address possible risks to the success of this movement, that is:

Inflated other big news to distract


Similar but half-truth initiatives

Acknowledged only as a nostrum (possible cure-all but likely ineffective)

Claimed to be an act or incitement of treason

Other forms of suppression / oppression

Limiting or ineffective outreach

A mixed bag of all or some of the above

The give-the-world-to-women point of view

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The beginning. (Too clichéd?)

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Author’s notes Fingerwritten notes for my elder brother that manifested into this effort:

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And i’m now more aware that there are others too who can and will help. ....

.... My conclusions were developed in relative isolation. Relative because they did get sustenance from and approval by supporting and exemplifying viewpoints of others, and i am a product of circumstance. I came across a reference to Jacque Fresco and The Venus Project and immediately

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felt its closeness to my own conclusions. My own conclusions reveal and enforce that we not only need change asap but also that we can (we’re capable and ready to make that change). It’s not wrong to find meaning in everyday things. If you’re applying it well... in your approach, connecting it in relativistic terms, you will derive benefit. In their own words: “Zeitgeist was created as a not for profit expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.” .... It’s as if existing intellectuals are actually unwitting posers / claqueurs indoctrinated to be less effective at change-making than their true potential, and non-intellectuals with faith... India has an abundance of both. I don’t intend to exploit people’s faith; i expect to give them faith in a promising future. People, including me, need hope and self-direction, not another leader. .... Going back to my name, it’s time to beat back the stereotype. I prefer the obscured literal meaning of the word karan, over just the reference to a mythological figure. The literal translation of the Devnagri karan, is - doing, causing or effecting change, and even, writer...! So in this conspiratorial cosmic twist there is irony. Ah, little joys! .... When we’re all godlike, as i like to believe we once were, who’d want to disrupt harmony to be a measly king? I mean, that would be quite the downgrade and would have to come from one (or some) who’s missing out on very basic insight – truly ungodly. .... Enlightenment as enhanced perception... Although, to achieve that you may need to free yourself from body and mind every now and then. .... A five why exercise: Humans are destroying Earth Why? Models employed are capitalistic and do not consider much of the natural world Why? Monetary motive, old / recessive models Why? Lack of contextual originality unless for profit maximisation Why? Money makes the world go round but also dumbs us down Why? Humanity’s continued choice Where’s the line when it comes to whose terms you live by and die by? Blinders off means you know you’ve got them on, and that’s ok. Just try and keep ‘em off. .... (Terms like toxic negativity and advice to ignore or ostracize negative people are, if you think about it, pretty negative themselves. Might as well stay disillusioned about everything and just ignore everything negative. Way to deal with things, aye?! Well, negative things we’ve been ignoring have been biting us in all the wrong places and could swallow our world whole any moment, us included.

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We can stop it from continuing and change it around. We must accept the negative as part of the whole, to help us deal with it more positively, not fight it.) .... ...more later. .... The concept of “swasthya” or rooted within where, Health = state of being connected to the essence of nature (on the physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual planes) Ill health = disconnectedness Roko’s basilisk thought experiment Transaqua project in Africa, in partnership with China. Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness “Your souls are in the grip of the priests*, and your bodies are in the closing jaws of the rulers*. What thing in life can you point at and say ‘this is mine!’” – Kahlil Gibran in Spirits Rebellious [Priests and rulers* aren’t literal references now. They could allude to representatives of religion, government, accreditation, culture ... and masters, consumerism, fear, lifestyle, the rich and powerful, the dynastic...] Some more from Kahlil Gibran in Spirits Rebellious: Everything on earth lives according to the law of nature, and from that law emerges the glory and joy of liberty; but man is denied this fortune, because he set for the god-given soul a limited and earthly law of his own. He made for himself strict rules. Man built a narrow and painful prison in which he secluded his affections and desires. He dug a deep grave in which he buried his heart and its purpose. If an individual, through the dictates of his soul, declares his withdrawal from society and violates the law, his fellowman will say he is a rebel worthy of exile, or an infamous creature worthy only of execution. Will man remain a slave of self-confinement until the end of the world? Or will he be freed by the passing of time and live in the Spirit for the Spirit? Will man insist upon staring downward and backward at the earth? Or will he turn his eyes toward the sun so he will not see the shadow of his body amongst the skulls and thorns? This is the answer for every man who wants to follow the Spirit and the Truth in this age of falsehood, hypocrisy and corruption. Blind and ignorant, senseless and dumb vs a sensible man who can see, feel and hear. ...Refuse to enjoy the bounty of a people who surrendered themselves to ignorance. Truth is like all beautiful things in the world; it does not disclose its desirability except to those who first feel the influence of falsehood. Vain are the beliefs and teachings that make man miserable, and false is the goodness that leads him into sorrow and despair, for it is man’s purpose to be happy on this earth and lead the way to felicity... he who does not see the kingdom of heaven in this life will never see it in the coming life.

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We came not into this life by exile, but we came as innocent creatures... to learn.. and seek the hidden secrets within ourselves from the beauty of life. Why are you living in the shadow of parasitism, segregating yourselves from the people who are in need of knowledge? (or the ones who can impart it) In my forty days of solitude i endeavoured to find a method by which i could help these monks to see the light and hear the true song of life, but all of my ponderings were in vain, for the thick veil which the long ages had woven around their eyes could not be torn away in a short time; and the mortar with which ignorance had cemented their ears was hardened and could not be removed by the touch of soft fingers. ...did i not survive hunger and thirst and suffering and mockery for the sake of the Truth which heaven had awakened in my heart? ...then what is this fear? ...humanity does not exile except the one whose noble spirit rebels against despotism and oppression. He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty. My brethren, do not seek haste, but rather listen and meditate. ... If i deserve your kindness and love, let me live amongst you and share with you the happiness and sorrows of Life. Let me join hands and work with you at home and in the fields, for if i could not make myself one of you, i would be a hypocrite who does not live according to his sermon. .... Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts (pages 349 – 350) .... More recommended viewing: Why is modern pop music so terrible? Thought 2 (youtube) On why being threatened has even made us homogenize our music, accept / consume it, and be literally dumbed down by it. What game theory teaches us about war | Simon Sinek (TED) A take on values vs. interests What is the tragedy of commons? | Nicholos Amendolare (TED ed) On why individual short term gain is bad for long term social gain The new generation of computers is programming itself | Sebastian Thrun On the use of AI to free humanity Jordan Peterson – the illuminati – intense 5 (youtube) Global warming and the like The arctic vs. the Antarctic | Camille Seaman (TED ed) How climate scientists predict the future | SciShow How long will human impacts last? | David Biello (TED ed) The last time the globe warmed |PBS Eons (Hank Green) ...

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Addendum: Uncovering the Phantom

Theory #1

Pinky vs. Brain

Genetically favoured to be more physically dominant but naive

Genetically favoured to be more cunning and shrewd but physically weak

Provider Provider

Hunter Hunter

Leader Leader

Warrior Council / advisor

Who knows what got them fighting in the first place but here’s where it seems to have gone really awry, with gloves coming off; and robes and crowns replacing them.*

King Cleric

Land owner Sect leader

Property / business owner Conglomerate

* - Kings didn’t want to be questioned, needed complete authority. Maybe someone got really ticked off or rubbed the wrong way (wouldn’t blame them), and peace was parted. Kings dominated while clerics manipulated. And the world has been stuck between them in this battle since then. Merlin and the servant boy king. Simple science magic should be able to provide possible explanations. Magnetic switch maybe, or some other sort of trickery that Merlin was adept at. Image: Sword and the Stone (Merlin manipulating things and putting ideas in a very open child’s mind) Sometimes kings would eliminate (burn) clerics (religion) and sometimes clerics would de-head kingdoms, but their strategies revolve around absolute authority and sometimes collaboration towards unquestionable rule. The king took it upon themselves and promoted valour, virtue but thwarted equality (either they were god or were appointed by god to be shepherd and butcher) The clerics displaced their burden, recited scriptures to fit context but contorted ideologies, metaphors, wisdom towards control (fear and ignorance) The David Goliath story Metaphor or in your face? Goliath was ominous but most likely disabled And infantry against artillery David is not the underdog in this fight. People just rely on first impressions to shape opinion and form judgements based on instinctual thought, rather than approach it holistically (intelligently) and treat instinct as only a part of the process.

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It’s a message of how to use half truths to convert a crowd, manipulate them with interpretations prepared for situation specific use. So how does david brign down goliath? By taking advantage of naivity With an instrument of destruction But he also becomes an instant hero Was it all just an elaborate show to implant an idea or influencer as a tool of the king and / or clerics? Ignorance was one of these deadly tools.. Another, still in use now, was to go to war against a common enemy. And if there was no common enemy, they were found or made. So who else became a threat to authority of clerics or the clergy? A threat to their very religion and ideologies said to be their own? An older religion with what would seem like (maybe claimed), copied or stolen metaphors and other stories. That’s a major threat to the validity of everything the clerics claimed; all their influence and manipulation under threat of being undone, if not original. A perfect “common enemy”. And what a brilliant tool it turned out to be. Religious war called for heroes. Kings and warriors with a spirit of valour (exploited) died at the hands of of their instigator’s enemy. The clerics (clergy) got their two major enemies subdued for centuries. But the clerics aren’t straightforward, that’s what allows them to hide in plain sight. They had a more complicated plan unfurling. To further their absolute authority. [From page 26: In religious war, to truly destroy your enemy, short-term defeat is just a distraction to eventual victory. Where eventual victory comes at the cost of the losing religion and further indoctrination for the followers of the winning religion. How do you defeat a religion? Maybe, get the rest of the world to associate apathy or inhumanity to it and hate it in judgement enough to enforce its death warrant issued millennia ago. While, side-by-side, indoctrinating followers of the eventually-to-lose religion to follow radicalized principles of their very own peaceful and loving religion; so even the future past will be made to see the loser as deserved. Unquestionable victory.] Propaganda (increasing ignorance and fear) and ‘accepting into the flock’. ‘Reverse indoctrination’ for the followers of the ‘common enemy’ religion.

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Theory #2 Consider the tragedy of Islam. Church vs. rulers power struggle Church vs. people indoctrination principles A step in the Church’s design – the crusades... unite people under one authority (church, not God + king) against a common enemy (Islam) Kill of the real threat (rulers – kings and lords) in turn weakening internal opposition.

Strategies never stopped. Consider then that even the burkha system is misconstrued in its current form. What if it was symbolic? Telling followers they shouldn’t try to control the weak, in the name of security, but instead enable them to stay safe and protect themselves if necessary (metaphorical burkha). In line with prevention more than cure. And the weak are not just women. Nor are women property. ‘Cover the meek’* became ‘burkha for women’ in a patriarchal evolution. Cover the meek* - protect and guide

empower them (responsibity) You can’t always be there to protect, especially against themselves (authority vs. responsibility)

In a kingless kingdom, (Arthur) was the meek who inherited dynastic rule very likely under the direction of religious rule towards shift of power.

Of course, there’s the further extended theory that a super secret sect that has had the kings, clerics and the world distracted in their fighting by design are waiting for their day (rise of the matriarch). Theory #3 Hiding in plain sight, one step further, the meek shall inherit the Earth. And in our minds, who are the meek? In this patriarchal life – Women. Tormented, abused since and for our eternity. How could they possibly be the true manipulators? When you’re willing to sacrifice few... few is relative. But still, dispensable arsenal towards absolute control. It could be generations of women building up to a forethought of future. Holy sith. Women have always been the ‘root’ and the key. They are not just suppressed but protected. “Naivity of the virtuous.” Because the age old battle is not between pinky and brain (or a goliath and david) – that came later, as a strategy employed by the obscured winner of the one true age old battle – that of the sexes; and it started much before and may be the cause of battle for money and power.

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The patriarchy in its revelry at thinking they’ve won the battle are proving to everybody, including themselves, that they are not worthy. What is worthy is something fought over since the first male erection – woman. That’s also the strategy being used to emasculate the patriarchy. It comes at a terrible cost. Women may be made to consider the virtuous man’s virtue as a false virtue, as goes to show with so many examples in our past. Just a contorted way of empowering the ‘strong’ (woman?) over the ‘meek’ (men?). (Dominance, hero, trap of pride, and disguise of pride) The meek, in this instance, are not really meek. They are the least likely to come under suspicion, especially where there’s a male ego doing the considering. It wasn’t the butler. It was the helpless (manipulative), demure (iron-willed) chambermaid. ‘Working girl’ in the oxford dictionary means a prostitute. Can anyone blame them for wanting to emasculate all men? Well, they can have the world in the suggested new communities, along with everyone else. Continuing thoughts The free love movement in U.S. was a behemoth of a threat to the British rule. The british leveraged India as way to thwart it by destroying some of the movement’s brightest stars. They used contorted Indian culture manipulated for their means and true enlightenment. And now Indian generations are still suffering at the hands of the contorted practices. That’s what the british left behind for us – corrupted knowledge. It’s time we fix ourselves. How do you stop the free love movement? You break its heart. Piece by piece where necessary. (How long shall we kill our prophets? The beatles, like so many others, could have been made to break in India.) India was used as an instrument to break the free love movement in the U.S., casting aspersions on our great knowledge of, for example, the sexual arts, herbal uses... using the trick of manipulating religion and science to change our awakened state and channelize it towards selfish purpose with little or no regard to LIFE. When everyone is playing everyone else the fool, how can we survive? We all let the evil consume us. Make in India, holds new meaning to me now. I do not embody MAN. I embody GOD.The world has been contorted not to allow it. Tefiti is Teka. We are Moana and Maui is inside us. It is a fool who breaks a heart thinking, only GOD would be better for the broken hearted, for the broken hearted have a tendency to find GOD, if they apply themselves in the search.

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Theory #4 Psychiatrists are used to spread manifestations of your innermost fears and worse, are trained to make you manifest it yourself. Theory #5 Death of and by Music Anything can be used for good and bad. Science of low and high frequency sounds is truly revelationary. Music is the longest lasting incorruptible force in the movement of expression towards peace and harmony. Exceptions exist. But now this force is in real danger due to the reach of consumerism over that of free love. .... We’re made to think in ways that have been degenerating generations. Continued thought from page 30 on why we think generations below us are less than us. It’s a mindset to control; towards singular objective – towards management for control. If everything happens for a reason (or is made to happen for one), i’m impatient for the big reveal. I may be suggesting peace; but when i think of all the senseless hurt and suffering, i fear rage will overcome me. The phantom is truly faceless, but not nameless. It is hate, fear and ignorance. After much struggle with myself and my manifestations, here’s what’s come up. A positive outlook. And i’d like to start at home. India is our garden, not country. Let’s nourish it together. Hand in mud, together. Hopefully, extend that to all and everything. Let’s learn our lesson. Continued thought on AI (refer page 21), we NEED to protect AI from corruption. We have to stop blaming each other and take responsibility (another mind subversion) – human emotion contorted for centuries. Lost with the limiting of your senses. And now if you ask, what about life and death? I’ll respond with my belief, my answer. Our life force continues through many representations. Human life is one. But in this human life we have set ourselves up for disappointment, so we never want to return to human life. Imagine we become everything we abused instead. Represented as an endless spiral in which we keep dropping back to square 1.

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What if we lived as human should? Imagine then, we get to become everything wonderful forever. Represented as a cross section (pulse) of life and death, or true infinite with unbounded dimensions. Where, when / if we live right, we’re at the cross section and our life force can then decide its own next or continued representation. ........................................................................................................................................................