august2013 $ trinity united methodist church, idaho fallstheoutreach $ trinity united methodist...

The Outreach Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho Falls August 2013 Inside this issue: On Forgiveness 2 New Leadership 3 Soup Kitchen 5 Christian Living 6 ),6+ µQ¶ 6FRXWV 7 Reaching Out 89 Events 1011 %ULQJ \RXU FKLOGUHQ JUDQGFKLOGUHQ QHLJKERUV QHLJKERU¶V grandchildren, any child you know to Vacation Bible School August 59 at Trinity! The hours will be 9 am to noon. The FKLOGUHQ ZLOO OHDUQ DERXW WKH $SRVWOH 3DXO¶V DGYHQWXUHV DQG *RG¶V LQFUHGLEOH ORYH 9%6 LV RIIHUHG IUHH WR WKH FRPPXQLW\ Join Trinity as we travel to ancient Athens with Paul! Visit Paul and Silas in Prison and learn of their miraculous escape! Hear about angry mobs, HDUWKTXDNHV DQG 3DXO¶V faith through it all! Sing songs, make crafts, play games, eat snacks, all while you learn about *RG¶V ORYH

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Page 1: August2013 $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho FallsTheOutreach $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho Falls August2013 $ Inside this issue: On#Forgiveness# 2# New#Leadership#

The Outreach Tr in i ty Un i t ed Me thod i s t Chu r ch , I daho Fa l l s

August 2013

Inside this issue: On Forgiveness 2

New Leadership 3

Soup Kitchen 5 Christian Living 6


Reaching Out 8-­9

Events 10-­11

grandchildren, any child you know to Vacation Bible School August 5-­9 at Trinity! The hours will be 9 am to noon. The

Join Trinity as we travel to ancient Athens with

Paul! Visit Paul and Silas in Prison and learn of their miraculous escape!

Hear about angry mobs,

faith through it all!

Sing songs, make crafts, play games, eat snacks, all while you learn about

Page 2: August2013 $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho FallsTheOutreach $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho Falls August2013 $ Inside this issue: On#Forgiveness# 2# New#Leadership#

Prayer Chain We offer prayers of thanksgiving for the birth of a beautiful baby girl to Ben and Maria Langhorst;; the announce-­ment of another expected arrival to Amanda and Nathan McClure;; for the many children and youth who have attended church camp;; for the wedding of Whitney Wade and John Stone Gunsch on August 23;; for the wedding of Aseneth Kimmel and Gregory Jen-­sen on August 10;; for the wedding of Sarah Forbes and Jimmy Stoker on August 17;; and for the arrival of our

church directories! Prayers for Giovanni Castillo, whose cancer has returned;; for Lloyd Kin-­dred, who is recovering from surgery;; for Sherry Jacobs, who is recovering from surgery;; for all who are grieving, including the family of Richard Green-­halgh;; for those who are aging and have given up driving, or who are con-­sidering no longer driving. Continued prayers for Bev Kemp, Leo and Ruth Howard, Richard and Jean Gildersleeves, Carol Bruinsma, Mary Meyers, Jamie Dazey and John Casper.

Who Can Be On The Prayer Chain?

The prayer chain at Trinity is an email group. There is no one you need to call to pass on the prayers. Please consider being part of the prayer life at Trinity! If you would like to be added to the prayer chain, please email Sharon Eld at [email protected], call Sharon at 522-­5827, write your request on the back of the communication card on Sunday, or call the church office at 522-­7921.

Page 2 The Outreach

A few years ago I preached a sermon series on forgiveness. Forgiveness is what we have all received from God, but what we find so difficult to extend to others. We all encounter people who are angry about one thing or another, and who have difficulty letting go of the anger. There are people who hurt us, or hurt the people we love. There are people who want things their way, and who blame others when they don't get their way. There are many who need our forgiveness. And to be honest, there are others whom we pray will be able to forgive us! A Christian who is consumed by anger and bitterness is not able to share God's love effectively.

This is one of the inserts I put in the worship bulletin during the series. I hope you will find it helpful.

We are a people of grace, called to work toward reconciliation. May we at Trinity be moral leaders as we seek to live gracious lives. May the peace of Christ be with you! Amen. ~Brenda

Offerings On Forgiveness Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Consequences of Not Forgiving: 1.We become bitter people 2.We become vindictive 3.We become slaves to the person who wronged us 4. The stress may lead to physical illnesses 5. Our emotional growth may become stunted 6. We experience separation from God 7. We experience separation from other people 8. We give evil a foothold as it becomes easier and easier to not forgive

Forgiveness Looks Like: 1.We have a peace within us

3. We no longer avoid the other person 4. We have a sense of freedom, as the other person loses their power 5. We find it easier to forgive other things

8. We stop wasting our time thinking about it 9.We pray for the other person 10.We can ask God not only to forgive them, but to bless them

A Moral Inventory: 1.Am I up to date on my forgiving? 2.Am I holding a grudge against anyone? 3. Do I harbor any bitterness against any person? 4. Am I talking too much about what other people have done to me? 5. Do I feel and act like a victim? 6. Have I forgiven those closest to me who have hurt me so deeply? 7. Have I asked God to forgive me as I have forgiven others?

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Page 3 The Outreach

Lay Leaders: Ron Ayers and Judy Cope

Chair: Patti Edwards Recording Secretary: Marilyn Taylor

Members at Large: Don Taylor, Jake Robinson, Dave Bybee, Joyce Ayers

Richard Dickson, Robin Stewart, Sara Jensen, Linda Milam, Scott Taylor, Brenda Sene, Shanda Walker

A church conference to elect leaders for 2013 -­2014, presided over by Rev. Carolyn Bowers, was held on July 9th. These are our leaders for the next year.

1. Patti Edwards 2.Ron Ayers

Lay Members to Annual Conference 2013-­2016(quadrennium)

1. Judy Cope 2. Jim Anderson

Alternate Lay Members to Annual Conference

Coordinators: Joanne McCray & Trudy Esparza Members at Large: Joanne McCray, Shirley Cowell, Trudy Esparza, Judy Cope, Martha Drake, Joy Christian

Bereavement Team

Regional Council Representatives: Sara Jensen and Linda Milam

Church Council

Trustees Chair: Richard Dickson

Class of 2014

1. Cheryl Siedelmann

2. Richard Dickson

3. Vince Esparza

Class of 2015

1. Dave Bybee

2. Vicente Gonzalez

Class of 2016

1. Paul Robinson

2. Mike Bean

3. Doug Stewart

Staff-­Parish Relations Committee

Vice-­Chair: TBD by committee Lay Member of Annual Conference: Patti Edwards

Class of 2014

1. Jill Summers


3. Alyce Gonzalez

Class of 2015

1. Bev Hindman

2. Tommy Lew


Class of 2016

1. Roger Haga

2. Kelly Carney

3. Cordy Koelsch

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Page 4 The Outreach

Class of 2014

1. Scott Taylor

2. Gene Summers

3. Richard Dickson

Class of 2015

1. Diane Croson

2. Amanda McClure

3. Ron Ayers/Judy Cope

Class of 2016


2. Patti Edwards

3. Marilyn Taylor

Committee on Lay Leadership

Pastor: Brenda Sene Lay Member of Annual Conference: Ron Ayers

Chair of Church Council: Patti Edwards Representative from SPRC: Representative of Trustees: Lay Leader: Judy Cope

Finance Staff: Administrative Assistant

Finance Committee Chair: Scott Taylor

Membership Secretary: Administrative Assistant Lay Speaker Coordinator: Judy Cope

Prayer Advocacy Coordinator: Sharon Eld Progressive Dinner Coordinators: Ruth Oar, Kristi Campbell UMW Representative to Church Council: Marilyn Taylor UMM Representative to Church Council: Gene Summers Scouting Representative to Church Council: Robin Stewart

Class of 2014 1. Marilyn Taylor 2. Kathy Harder 3. Lorraine Driskell 4. Judy Carroll

Class of 2015 1. Joyce Ayers 2. Emily Scarborough 3. Elaine Flatland

Class of 2016 1. Heather Redding 2. Kim Remien 3. Sara Jensen

Missions Committee Chair: Marilyn Taylor

Endowment Committee Chair: Diane Croson

Class of 2014

1. Ron Ayers

2. Linda Milam

3. Ron Hilker

Class of 2015

1. Roy Simonds

2. Bev Hindman

3. Liz Herrmann

Class of 2016

1. Lyn Bingham

2. Lyle LaBonte

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Page 5 The Outreach

Chairs: Gene Summer and Terry Robinson Sunday School Superintendent: Betty Anderson

This area will be led by Gene Summers. Quarterly meetings will be held, with the agenda in the Outreach. The people related to the agenda will be invited to the appropriate meetings: Sunday School Teachers, Youth leaders,

Camping Coordinators, pageant directors.

Education Area

Chair: Amanda McClure

Outreach Area

Website: Cheryl Siedelmann and Sara Jensen

Soup Kitchen Coordinator: Joanne McCray and Kathy Harder NIRDA Representative: Betty Anderson

Sage District Missions Society: Jim Anderson

Chair: Camille Blackburn Blair Nelson, Jim Dahlgran, Jared Sene, Ruth Farkas, Cordy Koelsch, LeRoy Meyer, Judy Cope

Worship Area

Communion Steward: Angie Pannebaker

know how to get involved.

The Soup Kitchen is located at 301 S Boulevard, at the Community Outreach Center. It has been in operation since 1985, and serves over 45,000 lunches each year. It is a ministry of the Episcopal Church, although many churches and organizations serve at the Kitchen. The Soup Kitchen has recently been serving about 150 lunches each day.

The food for the lunches is donated by many people in the community. The interfaith service project (which we participated in) donated much food this summer. Crew chiefs from each organization that volunteers go to the Soup Kitchen ahead of their volunteer day to see what is available to use, and plan the meals accordingly. These Crew chiefs are licensed food handlers, which entails reading a brochure and taking an online test.

Trinity feeds the community on the first, third and fifth Mondays, and the fourth Sunday of every month. If you would like to be a Crew chief, the church will help you get your license. If you would like to help cook, call the church office to volunteer (522-­7921). If you would like to help serve and clean up, show up at the Soup Kitchen at 11:30 on one of our days.

When you arrive at the Soup Kitchen, someone will direct you to where you may help. There are table preparers, dishwashers, food handlers (piling the food on plates), food servers, drink pourers, table cleaners ...enough work for everyone!

The guests eat from noon to 1pm seven days a week. They are treated as guests;; they do not serve themselves cafeteria style, but sit and wait to be served. Most of the guests are very appreciative, but some are tired and anx-­ious. We do this work not because we need thanks, but because people are hungry and we are called to serve.

How to Work a t the Soup Kitchen

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Page 6 The Outreach

Pastor Jeremiah Steepek (pictured) transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the 10,000 member church that he was to be introduced as the head pastor at that morning. He walked around his soon to be church for 30 minutes while it was filling with people for service, only 3 people out of the 7-­10,000 people said hello to him. He asked people for change to buy food -­ NO ONE in the church gave him change. He went into the sanctuary to sit down in the front of the church and was asked by the ushers if he would please sit n the back. He greeted people to be greeted back with stares and dirty looks, with people looking down on him and judging him. As he sat in the back of the church, he listened to the church announcements and such. When all that was done, the elders went up and were excited to introduce the new pastor of the church to the congregation. "We would like to introduce to you Pastor Jeremiah Steepek." The con-­gregation looked around clapping with joy and anticipation. The homeless man sitting in the back stood up and started walking down the aisle. The clapping stopped with ALL eyes on him. He walked up the altar and took the microphone from the elders (who were in on this) and paused for a moment then he recited,

who are blessed by my Father;; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in

feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you

for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,

After he recited this, he looked towards the congregation and told them all what he had experienced that morning. Many began to cry and many heads were bowed in shame. He then said, "Today I see a gathering of people, not a church of Jesus Christ. The world has enough people, but not enough disciples. When will YOU decide to become disciples?" He then dismissed service until next week. Being a Christian is more than something you claim. It's something you live by and share with others.

Being a Christian: What It Really Means

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Page 7 The Outreach

Scouts! Troop 6 and Pack 6 at Trinity

The Cub Scouts will begin taking applications for boys who will be entering 1st Grade in the Fall. They can then participate in summer activities that are available. All Boys of any age are invited to consider being a part of Pack 6 Cub Scouts and Troop 6 Boy Scouts.

Ice Cream Social The best time to consider becoming a United Methodist Woman is surely during the month of August, when the UMW holds its annual ice cream and cookie social. This year the event will be on Thursday, August 8th, at 1:00 in the church Parlor.

This gathering brings women together, and helps them catch up and share with one another. Kay Kiefner will be speaking about the Idaho Falls Community Food Bank.

Needed for FISH!

FISH helped 921 students last year. Can you help FISH?

FISH (Friends in Service Here) provides needy students with school supplies.

We need all basic school supplies:


*yellow pencils

*filler paper


*adult scissors

*4 oz. glue

*glue sticks


*red pens or red pencils

*Crayola crayons


*colored pencils

Donations may be left at the Regional Council Office in the basement of Trinity UMC or checks may be mailed to

P.O. Box 2236 Idaho Falls, ID 83404.

If you would like to help fill orders or deliver to schools please call Liz Herrmann, 522-­0493.

Troop 6 is sponsored by Trinity United Methodist Church in Idaho Falls, ID. It has been in existence for 93 years, since November, 1920. It provides a program of year round camping and high adventure. The leaders are

program. The troop has earned the Quality Unit award every year since its inception. Meetings are every Wednesday at 7:30 at Trinity. This is a traditional troop which welcomes all members of the community.

Page 8: August2013 $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho FallsTheOutreach $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho Falls August2013 $ Inside this issue: On#Forgiveness# 2# New#Leadership#

The best food of the year, and the most fun travelling to get it will be on September 20! If you have never partici-­pated before, this is the year to start a new family tradi-­tion. It is inexpensive, delicious, and the money goes to a good help feed the hungry in Idaho Falls. Five churches participate every year: Trinity UMC, First

and the LDS. Tickets ($6) may be purchased at any of these churches in early September. Each church is respon-­sible for one course of the meal. Trinity is responsible for salads this year. Ruth Oar and Kristi Campbell will be inviting all of us to show off our culinary skills by asking all of us to provide our very best salad for the evening. On September 20 we will meander (by foot or by car) be-­

with appetizers! You may eat the meal in any order that sounds good to you. If you have always wanted to eat dessert first, this is your opportunity.

Community Progressive Dinner Have You Ever Attended?

Page 8 The Outreach

(Nicaraguan Rural Development Agency) August 16 17, 2013 Friday and Saturday All Day

1730 St. Clair Road, Idaho Falls It gets bigger every year.

We need donations of Good, Clean, Stuff! We have a GARDEN STORE can take plants in pots do you have extra flowers that need to be thinned? we take fresh produce to sell too. We have a BOOK STORE -­come help -­ organize, sell and have fun. We welcome large items as long as we can get help to move them. Items can now be dropped off at the church M Th. from 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. We will pick up too. All proceeds support the work of NIRDA with education in rural Nicaraguan schools. Eastern Idaho persons have been working with this project since 1999. Many people have been to Nicaragua working with the students. Anyone is welcome to help and get involved with a future trip.

Volunteers Needed Can you HELP? -­ set up, monitor the sales or clean up? We welcome trucks for moving in and cleaning up. Can you

Trinity UMC or we can pick them up.

of her church friends, so she put out an appeal on Face-­Book. She invited women of Trinity to go to lunch with her on a Tuesday at noon. Six women gath-­ered for lunch and decided that it needed to keep happening.

You are invited to join the women of Trinity for lunch at noon on Tuesday, August 13, at the Olive Garden. Please

call Lola to let her know if you will be able to at-­tend, and she will make all of the arrangements at the Olive Garden for us. Her number is 552-­0665. We thank Lola!

This evening is fun for all ages. Children are welcome to participate. September 20, a lovely fall evening of seeing old friends and eating delicious food~ how much better can it get?

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Page 9 The Outreach

What is UMCOR? UMCOR is the relief agency of the United Methodist Church. Wherever there is a disaster, Methodists quickly arrive to provide assistance. Through UMCOR

man Trafficking, and we work to prevent and treat HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe. In addition, we support missionar-­ies, plant churches, seek justice and promote education. Once a year every United Methodist Church takes up a collection for One Great Hour of Sharing. This money is used for the administrative costs of UMCOR. By doing this, 100% of our donations the rest of the year go to-­ward the many areas of need.

volunteers were deployed in the United States in re-­sponse to 42 disasters in 2012;; 23,544 cleaning buckets were distributed to help with cleanup from super-­storm Sandy, and 32,820 health kits were sent in response to Hurricane Isaac.

What are the Current Needs? School supplies are needed for children in the United States, as well as around the world. Trinity will have a workshop for making School Bags on September 17 in Mary Dawson Hall. NOW is the time to stock up on School Supplies as they are on sale in stores. The items needed: pencils (plain colors), pink erasers, blunt scissors, crayons (24), 12" ruler, spiral notebooks, hand held pencil sharpeners. All donated items may be left at the church office, or dropped off on Sunday mornings. More details on the Workshop will come in the September Outreach. Questions: Contact: Betty Anderson -­ 523-­8272

The purpose of the 2013 Interfaith Community Service Project was to provide for the needs of the Haven, the Ruth House, the City of Refuge, the Ark, the Soup Kitchen, the St. Vincent de Paul Outlet, the Idaho Falls Community Food Bank, and the Falls Baptist Food Bank. This summertime collection was the only significant collection on their be-­half. Much of this collection was done during June and July 4th with participation in the parade. On Wednesday night, July 17, close to 75 people (from ages 2 months to 85 years) met at the storage units used for the collected items and in an hour packed everything to be

2013 INTERFAITH COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Trinity UMC Joins Hands With Other Faiths to Make a Difference

distributed to the eight agencies. This included food for the Food Bank ,St. Vincent de Paul, the Falls Bap-­tist Food Bank, the Soup Kitchen (60 gallon cans of fruit, 90 gallon cans of corn, 30 gallon cans of green beans, 30 gallon cans of chili plus MANY cans of baked beans, cream soups, lemon-­ade, tuna, chicken, chicken broth, plus macaroni), cleaning supplies and cloth-­ing for the Haven, City of Refuge, and the Ark, plus many items for F.I.S.H.. Monetary amounts, ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 will also be given to each of the agencies. Trucks, a trailer and other vehicles were there to deliver items yet that night.

Churches involved were St. John's Lutheran, Christ the King Catholic, Holy Rosary Catholic, St. Luke's Episcopal, Trinity United Methodist, First Presbyterian, First Lutheran, St. Paul's Methodist, Hope Lutheran, First Christian and the LDS Ammon West Stake. Under the strong, amazing leadership of Dr. Fritz Schmutz, organizational meetings were held, contributions were received, needs of the receiving agencies were assessed and an Inter-­faith Community worked together in faith and mutual respect. For more information, the website


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August Birthdays

Page 10 The Outreach

Sunday Volunteers August 4, 2013 Counters: Jim Anderson & Shirley Cowell Sound/Radio: Dylann Rhys & Max Harrison August 11, 2013 Counters: Bob Siedelmann & Kathy Harder Sound/Radio: Jacob Robinson & Jared Sene

August 18, 2013 Counters: Ron Ayers & Ted Watanabe Sound/Radio: Max Harrison & Jakob Bryan August 25, 2013 Counters: Jeff Bryan & Ron Hilker Sound/Radio: Dylann Rhys & Jared Sene

Cordy Koelsch 08/01 Don Taylor 08/01 Alasdair McCall 08/03 Ben Oliver 08/04 Linda Milam 08/05 Olivia Lower 08/06 Rob Brochu 08/07 Sharon Eld 08/07 Patti Wade 08/07 Carolyn Taylor 08/08 Connor Carroll 08/10 Jakob Bryan 08/11

Paula Burr 08/17 Jan Davenport 08/18 Deb Smith 08/19 Edward Brown 08/20 Kevin Fuhrman 08/20 Abigail Weaver 08/21 Kay Rice 08/22 Gene Hochhalter 08/23

08/23 Jake Robinson 08/23 Pat Koelsch 08/24 David Hampton 08/28

Nancy Lybeck 08/28 Jackie Schnuckiel 08/28 Ken Brown 08/31

2013 Radio Broadcast Sponsorship

August 4, 2013 ________________ September 1, 2013 ________________ September 8, 2013 ________________ September 29, 2013 ________________

October 6, 2013 ________________ October 13, 2013 ________________ October 20, 2013 ________________ October 27, 2013 ________________

November 3, 2013 ________________ November 17, 2013 ________________ December 8, 2013 ________________ December 15, 2013 ________________

December 22, 2013 ________________ December 29, 2013 ________________

The 11:00 am radio broadcast of our Sunday worship service is valued by many people within our congregation and our community. It is an important ministry that Trinity has been honored to provide. Please sign up to sponsor a radio broadcast. In honor of a person or occasion, or in memory of a loved one.

The cost of our broadcast is $90 each week. If you want to help sponsor a broadcast, but cannot afford the full $90, it is fine to contribute toward the broadcast whatever amount that is within your

budget. Get your sponsorships in soon, to make sure you can get the date you want.

****(Please make sure to clarify Honor/Memory of whom

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 930 UMW EX Board

2 930 Community Partners


4 1000 Worship

5 ~Vacation Bible School~ 1130 Soup Kitchen 615 TOPS 700 NA

6 ~Vacation Bible School~ 630 PEO

7 ~Vacation Bible School~

1030 Prayer Shawl 130 NAMI 730 Boy Scouts 730 Marnie Circle

8 ~Vacation Bible School~ 100 Ice Cream Social 630 Missions Committee

9 ~Vacation Bible School~


11 1000 Worship

12 1000 FISH 100 RCCM 615 TOPS 700 NA

13 900 Sermon Study

Olive Garden 730 Church Council


1030 Prayer Shawl 130 NAMI 330 Cooking Class 730 Boy Scouts 730 Marnie Circle

15 16 17 800 UMM

18 1000 Worship

19 1130 Soup Kitchen 615 TOPS 700 NA

20 900 Sermon Study Noon Lunch and Communion at Fairwinds


1030 Prayer Shawl 130 NAMI 730 Boy Scouts 730 Marnie Circle

22 23 24

25 1000 Worship 1130 Soup Kitchen

26 615 TOPS 700 NA

27 900 Sermon Study


1030 Prayer Shawl 130 NAMI 630 Susannah Circle-­picnic 730 Boy Scouts 730 Marnie Circle

29 30 31

Pastor: Rev. Brenda Sene [email protected] Admin. Assistant: Shanda Walker [email protected] Church Phone:

208-­522-­7921 Office Hours: Mon-­Thurs: 9-­noon, 1-­3 Church Website: Trinity UMC

237 N Water Ave Idaho Falls, ID 83402 Webmaster: Cheryl Siedelmann [email protected]

Page 11 The Outreach

Contact Information

Page 12: August2013 $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho FallsTheOutreach $ Trinity United Methodist Church, Idaho Falls August2013 $ Inside this issue: On#Forgiveness# 2# New#Leadership#

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Trinity United Methodist Church 237 N Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402 Phone 208-­522-­7921

Return Service Requested

Email: [email protected] Publication Deadline

Articles for the Outreach are due no later than the 15th of each month.

Expect the next Outreach to arrive around September 1, 2013.

at 11:00 am, KBLY 1260 AM or KBLI 690 AM.

Trinity United Methodist Church The Vision of Trinity United Methodist Church is to humbly:

*Be safe and nurturing, *

* Reach out to the community, * Break down walls within and outside of the church.