august 9, 2020 tenth sunday after pentecost

August 9, 2020 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

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August 9, 2020Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Page 2: August 9, 2020 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

In my home office hangs a framed copy of Proverbs 3:5. You probably know it by heart, but in case you don’t, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” A colleague in the first-year writing program at SMU gave it to me. She knew how I worried and fretted about things that didn’t matter but seemed monumental to me. I planned my fall semester in July even after teaching the course several years. I over-prepared every lesson. I practiced explanations, wrote extensive notes, anticipated questions and possible responses. And every day as I walked from my office in Dallas Hall to the classroom, I prayed, “Dear God, please keep my heart, brain, eye, ear and mouth connected,” so afraid I was of looking foolish and forgetful or sounding silly and stupid. In short, I was afraid of failure.

Ironically, after hours of preparation and sleepless nights, I entered the classroom and seldom looked at my notes. Instead, I looked in my students’ eyes, opened discussion and somehow knew how the lesson would play. Psalm 34:4 says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” Only when I became self-conscious did

I falter, feel the room shrinking and me sinking. Saint Matthew gives us a clear picture of what happens when our trust in the Lord falters. When Peter asks Jesus if he might walk on water, Jesus replies, “Come.” And Peter walks confidently toward Jesus until he allows his fear to surface, and he sinks into the sea.

It has taken years memorizing Proverbs 3:5, and searching scripture, to turn over my fear to God. I’ve always believed in God, but haven’t always trusted Him. In most situations, I relied on my own “understanding,” spending hours worrying about “getting it right.” At the last moments before class, I asked God to intervene in my teaching; and He did. God was there keeping fear away and the lesson relevant, offering students a safe place to learn without fear of failure.

Now, during these virulent days, classrooms and other gathering spaces remain mostly empty because we fear a killer illness. Fear separates us from each other, but not from God. In Joshua 1:9, we are told to “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you [are].”

— Mary Kay Jackman

Preparing for worship

ON THE COVER: Christ Walking on Water, Bror Julius Olsson Nordfeldt, 1951, oil on canvas, Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Wilshire Baptist Church4316 Abrams Road | Dallas, Texas 75214

(214) 452-3100 | wilshirebc.orgPartnered with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Building a Community of Faith Shaped by the Spirit of Jesus Christ


Page 3: August 9, 2020 Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

August 9, 2020

11:00 a.m.

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Chiming of the Hour

Prelude When in Our Music God is Glorified arr. Al Travis

Opening Sentences Laura Smith

We invite you to worship this morning. Whether you are rested or restless, whether you are calm or

anxious, whether you are focused or distracted, you are not alone. You are part of the body of Christ.

Scattered? Yes. Connected by the Spirit? Absolutely. We are one in Christ, so come, let us worship together.

Hymn 584 My Faith Has Found a Resting Place landås

Greeting to Worshipers and Invitation to Give Darren DeMent

Interview with Ashley Robinson and Jenna Sullivan George Mason


Your faithful and generous giving to Wilshire is allowing the church to continue its ministries in new and creative ways. Although we’re not in the building, the work of the church continues. Thank you for giving.

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Reading from the Hebrew Scriptures — Isaiah 55:6–9 Dennis Smith

Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake their

way, and the unrighteous their thoughts; let them return to the Lord, that he may have mercy on

them, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor

are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways

higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

This is the word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

Busquen al Señor mientras se deje encontrar, llámenlo mientras esté cercano. Que abandone el

malvado su camino, y el perverso sus pensamientos. Que se vuelva al Señor, a nuestro Dios, que

es generoso para perdonar, y de él recibirá misericordia. “Porque mis pensamientos no son los de

ustedes, ni sus caminos son los míos — afirma el Señor —. Mis caminos y mis pensamientos son

más altos que los de ustedes; ¡más altos que los cielos sobre la tierra!

Esta es la palabra del Señor.

Gracias a Dios.

Prayers of the People Leanna Coyle-Carr

Solo Prayer for Peace Benjamin Harlan

Blake Brown, baritone

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace.

That where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon;

Where there is doubt, let there be faith; where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,

To be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love.

It is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;

It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

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Gospel Reading — Matthew 14:22–33 Mary Lu Hare

Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while

he dismissed the crowds. And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up the mountain by

himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone, but by this time the boat, battered by the

waves, was far from the land, for the wind was against them. And early in the morning he came

walking toward them on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were

terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them

and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.” Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command

me to come to you on the water.” He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat, started walking on

the water, and came toward Jesus. But when he noticed the strong wind, he became frightened,

and beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” Jesus immediately reached out his hand and

caught him, saying to him, “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” When they got into the boat,

the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

This is the word of the Lord.

Thanks be to God.

En seguida Jesús hizo que los discípulos subieran a la barca y se le adelantaran al otro lado

mientras él despedía a la multitud. Después de despedir a la gente, subió a la montaña para orar

a solas. Al anochecer, estaba allí él solo, y la barca ya estaba bastante lejos de la tierra, zarandeada

por las olas, porque el viento le era contrario. En la madrugada, Jesús se acercó a ellos caminando

sobre el lago. Cuando los discípulos lo vieron caminando sobre el agua, quedaron aterrados.

—¡Es un fantasma! —gritaron de miedo. Pero Jesús les dijo en seguida: —¡Cálmense! Soy yo. No

tengan miedo. —Señor, si eres tú —respondió Pedro—, mándame que vaya a ti sobre el agua. —Ven

—dijo Jesús. Pedro bajó de la barca y caminó sobre el agua en dirección a Jesús. Pero, al sentir el

viento fuerte, tuvo miedo y comenzó a hundirse. Entonces gritó: —¡Señor, sálvame!

En seguida Jesús le tendió la mano y, sujetándolo, lo reprendió: —¡Hombre de poca fe! ¿Por qué

dudaste? Cuando subieron a la barca, se calmó el viento. Y los que estaban en la barca lo adoraron

diciendo: —Verdaderamente tú eres el Hijo de Dios.

Esta es la palabra del Señor.

Gracias a Dios.

Message “The Miracle of Faith” George Mason

Second in a series, Miracles: Signs of the New Creation

Sharing of Decisions George Mason

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Benediction George Mason

Affirmation of Faith New Doxology old 100th, alt.

Text: Paula Meador Testerman

Postlude Rejoice, the Lord is King arr. Raymond Haan

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Meet today’s worship leadersBlake Brown grew up at Wilshire and has served this summer as a Children’s Ministry intern. Blake will be at sophomore this fall at Villanova University and is the son of Kile and Leigh Anne Brown. Mary Lu Hare grew up at Wilshire and is married to Thomas. Her parents are Wilshire members Scott and Jeanne Spreier. Mary Lu teaches in seventh grade Sunday School and is a member of Ithaka Class. She works as professional education manager for scientific sessions at the American Heart Association.

Dennis and Laura Smith joined Wilshire in 2001. Their daughter Amanda Doran and her family are also at Wilshire. Dennis and Laura are directors of the Foundations of Faith Class and both serve as deacons. Laura also teaches in first grade Bible Skills. Dennis is chief operating officer of AgileMesh and Laura is a retired schoolteacher.

George A. MasonSenior Pastor

(214) 452-3132

Heather MustainAssociate Pastor(214) 452-3110

Darren DeMentAssociate Pastor(214) 452-3102

Doug HaneyAssociate Pastor(214) 452-3123

Jeff BrummelAssociate Minister of Music/

Organist(214) 452-3122

Jessica CappsMinister to Senior Adults

(214) 452-3129

Julie GirardsMinister to Children

(214) 452-3104

Joan HammonsMinister to Preschoolers

(214) 452-3141

Leanna Coyle-CarrPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3154

Leigh CurlPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3152

Ashley RobinsonPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3153

Jenna SullivanPastoral Resident

(214) 452-3155

David NaborsDirector of Business Admin.

(214) 452-3157

Dale PrideFacilities Manager

(214) 452-3101

J. Preston BrightAssociate Pastor Emeritus

Staff contacts

To email any staff member, use the first letter of the first name combined with the full last name and add

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Wilshire Mental Health NetworkAll mental health providers are invited to the inaugural meeting of the Wilshire Mental Health Network. We hope this initiative will help us as Wilshire members and mental health providers to better get to know one another as well as discuss how we can support our community. The first meeting will be held via Zoom on Sunday, Septem-ber 13, at 12:30 p.m. For questions or to get the Zoom link, please contact Rachel Murphy, LCSW, LCDC: [email protected].

Flu shots September 19Flu shots will be offered at Wilshire on Saturday, September 19, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Advance registration will be required and strict safety pro-tocols will be followed. Shots will be administered outdoors in the porte-cochère. More information will be available as the date gets closer.

Faith in Democracy event Aug. 23Wilshire is one of several churches co-hosting Faith in Democracy: Lifting Dallas Faith Voices for Justice on Sunday af-ternoon, August 23. Hosted by Texas Impact, this online event will feature faith and communi-ty leaders in four panel discus-

sions concerning the upcoming election and the 2021 legislative session. Texas Impact is a statewide grassroots network established to be a voice of religious social concern to the Texas Legislature. It provides concrete strategies for people of faith to work for justice. The event is free but registration is required. To register, visit and look in the Events section of the site.

Facebook Live Bible studyA rotation of teachers leads the Facebook Live Bible study class Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Pastoral Resident Leigh Curl teaches on August 9. All are invited to join via Wilshire’s Facebook page at

New resident interview videosWilshire’s two new pastoral residents will be interviewed by their second-year colleagues in a pair of upcoming midweek videos. On Wednes-day, August 19, Leigh Curl will interview Ashley Robinson. One week later, on August 26, Leanna Coyle-Carr will interview Jenna Sullivan.

WOW! Book Clubs■ The Women of Wilshire Tuesday Evening Book Club meets via Zoom once a month at 7 p.m. The next meeting is August 18, when Carla Siegesmund will lead a discussion of Sheldon Vanauken’s A Severe Mercy. To register, contact Debby Burton at [email protected].■ The WOW! Brown Bag Book Club meets via Zoom the first Thursday of each month. On September 10, the group will discuss The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson. To register, contact Abbey Adcox at [email protected] or Carolyn Murray at [email protected].

Unified Budget update July gifts: ..................................................... $282,315July budget needs: .....................................$287,000 YTD budget gifts: ....................................$1,926,398YTD budget needs: ................................ $2,091,000YTD budget income deficit: ......................$164,602

New Members: Blake and Emily Donovan, Ashley Robinson, Jenna Sullivan, Ellen Menning, R.G. and Carlita Huff

Condolences: Dana and David Bunch on the death of Dana’s mother, Sue Nyquist, July 27. Grandchildren are Betty Sue, Bobby and Charlie Bunch; Jill and Larry Granberry on the death of Jill’s father, Charles McKay, August 4. Grandchil-dren are Emma and Ross Granberry.

The Wilshire Tapestry

Keep up with all the Wilshire news at or by using our Wilshire app or via social media. Worship is livestreamed Sundays at 11 a.m. on Wilshire’s website and YouTube channel.

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Beginning August 23, Wilshire’s online worship service will debut on YouTube at 8:30 a.m. Sunday instead of 11 a.m. This change honors our tradition of offering an early service and gives all viewers more flexibility in viewing the service. Everything besides the time change will stay the same.

The service will continue to be offered as a YouTube Premiere, meaning it will play in real time starting at 8:30, and you are encouraged to engage with your fellow wor-shipers using the live chat feature. When the service is over, around 9:15, it will remain on YouTube and can be watched at any time.

The direct link to the service will still be sent in a church-wide email from Doug Haney on Saturdays. It will also be shared on Wilshire’s Facebook page before 8:30 Sunday morning. Even without the link, the service should be easy to find on our YouTube chan-nel at

Worship can also be viewed on the church website at

Worship moving to 8:30 premiere

Photos sought for Blessing of BackpacksFamilies are invited to submit a photo of their school-age child with their back-pack or book bag to be used in a Blessing of the Backpacks video montage during the August 23 worship service. Photos should be sent to David Hammons via email ([email protected]) or text message (214-499-3998) no later than Thursday, August 20.

Wilshire will mark the traditional start of fall programming with Promotion Sunday on August 23, when children and students in preschool through grade 12 will promote to the next class. Parents can expect to receive more information soon from the appropriate age-graded department.

For adults, Promotion Sunday offers a natural opportunity to try out a different class. Most adult classes are meeting via Zoom or another platform, but times vary. To get connected to a class, contact Carolyn Murray, Wilshire’s coordinator of congregational life, at [email protected].

Mark the date for Promotion Sunday & more

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Wilshire MOPS is kicking off its 2020–2021 year with a new virtual lineup. Our theme this year is Decide to Rise. As mothers of preschoolers during this pandemic, man, have we had some decisions to make for ourselves and our families. So how do we Decide to Rise? MOPS has identified three steps: Be strong. Do your work. Chase joy.

We are committed to doing this by provid-ing a meaningful and engaging experience for our group — no matter the times. Please join us!

What will Wilshire MOPS look like this fall?BE STRONG. As you can imagine, MOPS

will look different than before, at least for the time being. For the fall semester, we will meet virtually in the evening (8:30 p.m.) for one to one and a half hours on the first and third Tuesday of each month. We hope the Spring semester meetings can happen in person. Our virtual meetings will feature an exciting and diverse speaker lineup, as we are not confined to speakers in the Dallas area. We will also provide a range of digital content beyond live speaker events to meet different needs: recorded announcements, tutorials, Facebook Live events, meetups, etc.

Wilshire is making decisions that will ensure

a Safe Experience for Every Body and is using the Dallas County COVID-19 Health Guidance green zone as a minimum standard for large gatherings. You can follow Wilshire’s COVID-19 updates here:

DO YOUR WORK. In addition to meet-ings, members will be assigned a small group of five or six members lead by a Discussion Group Leader. This year our main focus is making connections easy. We will attempt to align members who have more in common (think: neighborhood, school, church, kids’ age ranges, etc.) as well as similar comfort levels to allow us to support each other in all ways needed during this time.

CHASE JOY. Finally, steering is planning social engagement beyond the computer as safety allows, including drive-by pickups (nifty gifties!) and socially-distanced activi-ties when appropriate.

To sign up or for more information, please contact us at [email protected]. The cost for the fall semester is $35, which covers your MOPS International dues.

—Janet Stegner and Whitney Catarella, MOPS Leadership

MOPS registration open for 2020-2021

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As schools and school districts make difficult preparations for beginning the

academic year during COVID-19, we have compiled a list of Wilshire members

who work in education. Keep them in your prayers and consider offering

encouragement in the form of a note, email or phone call. We apologize for

any omissions; please let us know of names that should be added to the list.

Kelly Akins

Amy Anderson

Debbie Atchley

Hugh Atkinson

Lynne Beard

Casey Boland

Leigh Ann Brown

Laura Brown

Jake Bruehl

Reagan Brumley

Kristin Cabaniss

Hillary Campbell

Sunny Carroum

Karen Cotter

Silvia DeLaCruz

Joannah DeMent

Elizabeth Felton

Shana Gaines

Thomas Hare

Dawn Hallman

Sherry Hicks

Katie Koshkin

Thomas Lee

Jack Levison

Jennifer Madding

Ralph Manuel

Candy McComb

Tricia McCoy

Christie Michie

Ellen Mooney

Wendy Moore

Mary Morgan

Meredith Mosley

Monica Mullins

Shannon Nadalini

John Parnell

Paige Pendery

Mary Lea Phillips

Robin Pokladnik

Priscilla Pope-Levison

Lyn Prater

Michael Prysock

Aaron Reindel

Sarah Rose

Gerald Shilling

Jeanne Spreier

Megan Thompson

Sara Tinsley

Carol Tommey

Janis Townsend

Jonni Walls

Jenn Weaver

Katie Wilke

Jenny Wolff

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Preston AdkinsTanya BensonGina BiddleCayce BrumleyJoni CabanissAnn CossumKaren CotterKelli Culpepper Hall Joannah DeMent Diana EarlyJanda Edwards Linda EggertLinda Garner Kirsten Granberry Linda GregoryRita Hamilton

Joey HamiltonDeborah HerfordJeff JonesTori Korson Wingfield Desiree Krieger Micki Lacker Bobby Louder Linda Martinez Kim Mason Marty McElya Alyssa McElya Sheri McShan Allison Moore Sheri Mosser Monica Mullins Chad Mustain

Mike Plunk Ross Prater Lyn Prater Nancy Quelland Katie Smalling Connie Smith Jim Sterling Nancy Stretch Robin SullensClaire Tommey Jim Walton Amy Wilson Jenny Wolff Alan Wright Rebecca Yarbrough

Pray for all Wilshire health care workers

Rapid-response teams availableHealth Response Team is comprised of medical professionals in the church who are willing to make themselves available for general counsel and encouragement. These volunteers are not dispensing medical care but are available for general questions and guidance, especially when it may be harder to get to a doctor. Lead contact is Linda Garner, [email protected] or (214) 452-3151. Food and Supplies Response Team is comprised of volunteers from our Missions and Advocacy committees who are at the ready to help those who are isolated and need food or other supplies brought to them. We have identified existing designated and budget funds that will be used to meet urgent needs of members, such as food and medicine and limited rent assistance. Lead contact is Heather Mustain, [email protected] or (214) 452-3110. Spiritual Support Response Team is comprised of trained lay leaders and staff who are available to talk with members who are lonely, scared or just need to talk during this time of isolation. This is not a substitute for professional counseling. Volunteers will call care receivers on at least a weekly basis to listen to them and offer emotional support. Other referrals for additional identified needs will be made to the appropriate teams or staff. Lead contact is Gail Brookshire, [email protected].


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Five ways to support Wilshire’s mission

1. By mail: Send to Lori Gooden, Wilshire Baptist Church, 4316 Abrams Road, Dallas TX, 75214. Please write on your check if it is intended for the Unified Budget or another purpose.

2. Online: Schedule a recurring or one-time gift charged to either your debit or credit card or directly as an ACH from your checking account. Visit (be sure you have enabled cookies on your phone or tablet) or scan the QR Code in today’s order of worship.

3. Automatic bank pay: Go to your bank’s website, log in to your individual bank account and follow

your bank’s instructions to set up Wilshire as a new payee. Your bank will print and cut a check.

4. Text: Using your smartphone, text WILSHIRE and the dollar amount (example: WILSHIRE 50) to 73256, then follow the link that pops up. The first time you use this option, you will enter credit card and contact information. All text gifts will be applied to the Unified Budget.

5. Wilshire app: Download the Wilshire app from the App Store or Google Play to make gifts easily from your phone or tablet.