august 2009 property book

Property Book the WHY HOMES ARE THE NEXT HAVEN Residential Clock’s Big Hand on Recovery PAGE TWO Fixed Or Variable Home Loans - Which Is Better? PAGE THREE Renting With Pets – It’s A Matter of Responsibility PAGE FOUR Local Property For Sale PAGES SIX TO ELEVEN NEWS. COMMUNITY. HOMES. Phone: 07 55960055 [email protected] AUGUST 2009 The residential property market has a logic of its own, something that has become increasingly apparent to the doomsayers of last year as 2009 has unfolded. Last year, the value of Australia’s commercial property trusts fell by more than 30%, according to Super Ratings’ property index. Some ‘experts’ predicted falls of up to 40% in residential home values would mirror the collapse of property values in the US and UK, as a result of the global financial crisis (GFC). RP Data indices (available monthly on Gateway) show the median value of Australian residential property fell by around 3% in 2008, and in the first four months of 2009 has risen by 2.8%. In Melbourne, prices have re-bounded by around 4.5%. When the sharemarket falls, businesses tighten their belts and put any expansion plans they had on hold. This directly effects to the commercial property sector. YOUR LOCAL NEWSLETTER & BUYERS PROPERTY GUIDE Demand for office space, factories and industrial complexes fall and commercial property trusts soften. History indicates that falling sharemarkets have the opposite impact on residential property. Following the 1987 sharemarket crash, the residential property market in Melbourne grew by 20% per year for the next two years. The same thing happened again in the 2000 and 2001 sharemarket downturn, driven by the effect of the “tech wreck” and September 11. The property market again grew by 20% per year in 2001 and 2002, double its long-term average. During economic recession, businesses contract and share markets fall. To counteract this the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lowers interest rates to continued on page 3 Top 10 Growth Top 10 Growth Areas In Australia Areas In Australia 1. Brisbane, QLD 17,368 2. Gold Coast, QLD 13,210 3. Moreton Bay, QLD 11,831 4. Wyndham, QLD 8,874 5. Sunshine Coast, QLD 8,734 6. Wanneroo, WA 8,552 7. Casey,VIC 8,014 8. Ipswich, QLD 6,014 9. Melton,VIC 6,016 10. Cairns, QLD 5,985 Source: REIQ Journal, June 2009

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Nerang First National's Property Book for August 2009


Property Bookthe


Residential Clock’s Big Hand on Recovery


Fixed Or Variable Home Loans - Which Is Better?


Renting With Pets – It’s A Matter of Responsibility


Local Property For Sale



Phone: 07 [email protected]


2 0 0 9

The residential property market has a logic of its own, something that has become increasingly apparent to the doomsayers of last year as 2009 has unfolded.

Last year, the value of Australia’s commercial property trusts fell by more than 30%, according to Super Ratings’ property index. Some ‘experts’ predicted falls of up to 40% in residential home values would mirror the collapse of property values in the US and UK, as a result of the global financial crisis (GFC).

RP Data indices (available monthly on Gateway) show the median value of Australian residential property fell by around 3% in 2008, and in the first four months of 2009 has risen by 2.8%. In Melbourne, prices have re-bounded by around 4.5%.

When the sharemarket falls, businesses tighten their belts and put any expansion plans they had on hold. This directly effects to the commercial property sector.


Demand for office space, factories and industrial complexes fall and commercial property trusts soften.

History indicates that falling sharemarkets have the opposite impact on residential property.

Following the 1987 sharemarket crash, the residential

property market in Melbourne grew by 20% per year for the next two years. The same thing happened again

in the 2000 and 2001 sharemarket downturn, driven

by the effect of the “tech wreck” and September 11. The property market again grew by 20% per year in 2001 and 2002, double its long-term average.

During economic recession, businesses contract and share markets fall. To counteract this the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) lowers interest rates to

continued on page 3

Top 10 Growth Top 10 Growth Areas In AustraliaAreas In Australia

1. Brisbane, QLD 17,368

2. Gold Coast, QLD 13,210

3. Moreton Bay, QLD 11,831 4. Wyndham, QLD 8,874

5. Sunshine Coast, QLD 8,734 6. Wanneroo, WA 8,552

7. Casey, VIC 8,014 8. Ipswich, QLD 6,014 9. Melton, VIC 6,016 10. Cairns, QLD 5,985Source: REIQ Journal, June 2009

This year, Nerang State School is running a Support-A-Reader program across four year levels, involving 15 volunteers who give up their own time to listen to 64 struggling readers.

The program is an important intervention in the school and because of the amount of children now involved in the program. The speed at which they are progressing through the books


means the school is now running out of reading materials to support the program. When Nerang State School put out

a call for help to raise funds for the program, Nerang First National were only too happy to answer.

If you would like to support the Nerang State School Support-A-Reader program, please contact Anita Wilson or Kathy Stone on 5578 1522.

the market was at 7pm and 22% opted for 8pm. A further 10% believed it was at 9pm, the trigger point for an upswing.

Grant Dearlove, Colliers International’s residential managing director, sees good signs for all markets but believes longsuffering Sydney may be the first to flex it residential muscle. He likens the harbour city to a sleeping giant.

Brisbane may be at the bottom of the property clock, but Colliers International believes still booming population growth will drive a market in which developers try to meet residential product demand. On that basis, the agency considers it a good

If a survey by Australia’s largest apartment selling agent is right, the alarm has been turned off and the property clock is ticking much faster, especially in Sydney and Melbourne.

Colliers International recently surveyed 570 everyday investors and buyers on where they thought the property market stood. The results predictably showed four markets at or near rock bottom, but they also revealed that 64% believed the worst had passed and the market was poised for recovery or already in a recovery phase.

Colliers International’s survey method was to put the property market cycle on a clock face with the top of the market being 12 o’clock and the bottom at 6pm.

On that basis, Brisbane and Canberra are sitting right on 6pm, according to those surveyed. Adelaide and Perth are still headed south at 5pm, but Sydney and Melbourne are past the worst at 7pm.

Overall, 30% of respondents thought

RESIDENTIAL CLOCK’S BIG HAND ON RECOVERYtime for investors in the Brisbane market.

It also believes the residential sector will lead a wider property recovery,

as it did during the 1990s recession.

Dearlove says there are already some signs of a return to the market by apartment developers

after an 18-month absence. ‘‘We are seeing developers who have options over sites exercising those options and

seeking development approvals for residential

apartment developments where they would have previously contemplated

a commercial development,’’ he says. Dearlove says this year and next will be about securing property in areas with lasting appeal and enduring value.

Nevertheless, he urges home buyers and investors to stay focused on the fundamentals of property, which he says have always been affected by the three main factors of population growth, employment and infrastructure.

‘‘It is easy to forget the long-term appreciation associated with real estate, especially when shrouded in negative press and sentiment [that] forces many to focus on the short term rather than the long-term outlook.’’

In a time of rising unemployment, it’s a big call to say the housing market is past 6 o’clock, but talking to real buyers sums up a mood hope, or at least relief that Australia seems to be escaping the worst of global financial crisis.


try to get the economy moving again. As interest rates fall residential property becomes affordable again.

Unemployment can have a negative effect but if unemployment rises to 7 or 8 per cent, as most economists predict, it simply returns to the levels we saw in 2001 - the start of the last property boom. For more than 90 per cent of the population who ultimately have job security, property becomes a viable investment option.

Interest rates have fallen by almost half in the past six months resulting in a rapid return of affordability for investors. Today an investor can buy a blue-chip piece of real estate and incur holding costs that are about a


With interest rates falling dramatically over the past few months, the key question is whether or not borrowers should fi x their home loans.

Almost every industry expert has a different view. Some senior economists are forecasting further large falls in the RBA cash rate whilst others say we’re nearing the bottom of the cycle. To the ordinary borrower, it can all be very confusing.

Of course, the reasons for choosing a fi xed rate mortgage as opposed to a variable product may differ based on individual circumstances. For fi rst homeowners who are on a tight budget, a fi xed rate mortgage is a great way to lock in a rate and know exactly what the payments will be for a few years while they are settling into their home. Fixed rates may be slightly higher than a

variable option, but if knowing the rate is locked in helps borrowers sleep at night, it can be a great option. On the other hand, a mortgage product with a variable rate may provide greater fl exibility for homeowners looking at selling their property or who are looking to pay off their mortgage faster

with extra repayments.

So what are the main things to be aware of?

A fi xed rate loan may be costly to leave early The majority of fi xed rate loans

will charge a break cost that is based upon the economic cost to the lender of reversing the funding they have locked away for the life of the loan. So if you anticipate paying out the loan early, a variable rate option may be more appropriate.

Do you want to pay off more than the required repayments? Most fi xed rate loans limit any additional repayments to a specifi c amount each year (eg $5,000) and if you put more into the account, the lender could pass on any costs.

Read the fi ne print Variable rate loans can offer more fl exibility when paying the loan back early, but this could incur high exit fees with many ‘introductory’ rate loans. It’s important to understand the terms and conditions of the product that you’re applying for.

Looking ahead, it seems that we may be in for several more rate cuts as variable and fi xed rates continue to fall. But how far is anyone’s guess. If you’re comfortable that you can afford the repayments on your mortgage, the question of whether to fi x or not comes down to what is most suitable to your individual circumstances. That means weighing up your plans for the next few years against any savings you might pick up from renegotiating your loans.

Congratulations Andrea! Andrea recently joined our team as Sales Coordinator after Ebony returned to Uni to complete her studies.

EMPLOYEEOF THE MONTHtenth of what they were 12 months


A downturn in the sharemarket forces investors to change their strategy. Many look to preserve capital by moving assets into cash, but when interest rates fall so does the return on their deposited funds. The residential property market is the next haven because, unlike other investments that are driven purely by investors, property values are underpinned by home buyers and tenants who are looking to secure a primary need - shelter.


South East Queensland electricity distributors Energex has warned that new home buyers and tenants could face hefty fi nes for removing electrical disconnection seal stickers.

When previous owners of tenants vacate a property, Energex switches off the power at the request of the electricity retailer and a yellow seal is attached to the main switch. The unauthorised removal of this seal

can attract a $75,000 fi ne or six months imprisonment under the Queensland Electricity Act.

The avoid penalty, the seals must remain in place until the new owner or tenant has connected their chosen electricity retailer, who in turn will request Energex to switch the power back on. This process usually occurs within a24-hour period.

With around two-thirds of Australian households owning a pet, there are plenty of tenants out there looking for pet-friendly accommodation – a tough ask, but one that can be overcome by being responsible.

Landlords aren’t out to rid the world of pets, they just want to know that you are a responsible pet owner that will respect their concerns, and their property.

Responsible pet owners make excellent long-term tenants and tend to abide by the housing rules, because they know it can be difficult to find animal-friendly accommodation elsewhere and want to avoid the difficulty of having to look for it.

So, they will go to greater lengths to look after the property and keep their landlords happy.


There are a few tips pet owning tenants can keep in mind to show a prospective landlord their properties will be in safe hands.

Be a good neighbour.• Provide your pet with plenty of attention and exercise, so that its physical and social needs are being met.

By doing so, you will cut down on nuisance barking, one of the most common complaints of neighbours. Clean up after your pet,

preventing not just a messy smelly yard, but also a serious health issue. Consider enrolling in obedience training and grooming. Nothing says ‘responsible’ to a landlord and neighbour better than a well-behaved well-groomed pet.

Honesty.• Do not try to sneak your pet into a ‘no pets allowed’ property and do not misrepresent your pet’s breed. Some pet

friendly properties restrict certain breeds or have weight limits or restrict the number of pets allowed. If you are not completely honest with your landlord and get caught, this just makes landlords more hesitant to rent to pet owners. Remember, this may not just be your landlord’s rules, some municipalities have Breed Specific Legislation or Pet Limit Laws. Check with the local Council.

Show goodwill. • Write up a Sample Contract to present to your potential landlord stating that you agree to abide by all of the property rules including cleaning up after your pet, keeping your pet secure and supervised at all times, ensuring your pet is friendly and approachable to neighbours and to keep your pet vaccinated and free of fleas, ticks and parasites. If it is not in your rental agreement, offer your landlord a pet deposit to make it perfectly clear that you are responsible for any damage to the property caused buy your pet. This will not only make a lasting impression, but show your landlord that you are serious about renting and that you will care for the property.

Landlords should also keeping in mind that a well-managed, pet-friendly rental offer can help improve their returns, broaden the pool of prospective tenants and also promote a sense of tenant safety and security.

Responsible pet owners make excellent tenants because caring for pets takes as much, or more, effort and responsibility as caring for where we live. What’s important for the landlord is to have a clear set of guidelines on keeping pets on the property.

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Price: $297,000Web ID: 1120110 Contact: Robert Lewis 0411 342 326 Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

3 good sized bedrooms• Tri-level design• Spacious living with raked • ceilingsFunctional kitchen with plenty • of roomDownstairs powder room•

Shady, private front & rear patios• LU garage plus shaded parking bay• Pool and tennis court in complex•

CARRARACARRARA Terrifi c Block, Awesome ViewsTerrifi c Block, Awesome Views

Price: $279,000Web ID: 1086159 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

640m2 lot• Elevated and slightly sloping• Build a 2 story home to get • awesome viewsSurrounded by quality homes in • a prestige estate 360 degree views from Surfers •

to the HinterlandEasy M1 access without the noise!•

NERANGNERANG You’ll Be Impressed!You’ll Be Impressed!

Price: $259,000Web ID: 1085923 Contact: Andrew Davidson

0411 760 600

3 bedrooms• Open plan living and dining• Timber look fl ooring• Lovely modern kitchen• Covered patio area• 2 air conditioning units• End lot in unit block •

Auto LU garage plus loads of visitor • parking nearbyPool and tennis courts in complex•

NERANGNERANG Top Property, Low Price!Top Property, Low Price!

Price: $259,000Web ID: 1093725 Contact: Susie Gale

0406 901 350

Renovated ground fl oor unit• 2 double bedrooms• Big lounge room with timber • look fl ooringGood sized kitchen with loads • of cupboard spaceModern bathroom•

Undercover parking space• Block of 10 with low body corp fees• Located close to train station•

HIGHLAND PARKHIGHLAND PARK Close To Everything!Close To Everything!

Price: $265,000Web ID: 1090097 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958 Robert Lewis 0411 342 326

Two bedrooms• Spacious open plan design • downstairsWell sized functional kitchen• Downstairs powder room• Rear covered patio• LU garage•

Pool and tennis court in complex• Walk to local amenities - shops, • schools, pool, video store and more!


Price: $215,000Web ID: 1006637 Contact: Andrew Davidson

0411 760 600

2 bedrooms• Downstairs powder room• Open plan living area• Separate well appointed kitchen• Carport plus visitor parking• Small complex with low body • corp fees

Currently tenanted until October • 2009 at $240 per week





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55 search these properties and more at

MAUDSLANDMAUDSLAND Acreage Block, Prestige EstateAcreage Block, Prestige Estate

Price: $399,000Web ID: 1037421 Contact: Andrew Davidson

0411 760 600

4060m2 building block• Elevated with lovely bush • outlookCorner block with great • frontageSurrounded by prestige acreage • homes

Town water• Located in • Lakeview Downs EstateOnly minutes to CBD•

UPPER COOMERAUPPER COOMERA Impressive Modern TownhouseImpressive Modern Townhouse

Price: $397,000Web ID: 1106138 Contact: Susie Gale

0406 901 350

4 big bedrooms, ensuite• Large study or offi ce • Beautiful modern kitchen • Spacious open living • Air conditioning • Great sized private garden with • paved entertaining area

PET FRIENDLY complex with pool • and BBQ area Plus lots more... •

NERANGNERANG Great First Home!Great First Home!

Price: $369,000Web ID: 1106852 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

4 bedrooms• Extensive tiling throughout• Open plan living• Air conditioning• Good sized kitchen with plenty • of cupboard spacePrivate fenced yard•

Covered outdoor entertaining area• Conveniently located only minutes • from Nerang CBD schools & shops.

NERANGNERANG Perfect Position & Presentation!Perfect Position & Presentation!

Price: $305,000Web ID: 1120122 Contact: Robert Lewis 0411 342 326 Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

Two double bedrooms• Open plan design• Stunning modern kitchen• Air conditioning• Downstairs powder room• Small complex with pool• LU garage with internal access•

Short walk to all CBD amenities• It’ll be love at fi rst sight! •

HELENSVALEHELENSVALE Gated Complex, Free Standing HouseGated Complex, Free Standing House

Price: $324,000Web ID: 1080246 Contact: Robert Lewis 0411 342 326 Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Open plan living area• Spacious open kitchen• Auto LU garage• Security gated complex with • massive pool, BBQ area and onsite manager

Schools, shops & playgrounds only a • short walk awayPets up to 10kg are welcome•

CARRARACARRARA Reach Out And Touch The Coast!Reach Out And Touch The Coast!

Price: $351,000Web ID: 1075872 Contact: Susie Gale

0406 901 350

796m2 vacant lot• Elevated corner block• 270 degree views from Burleigh • to Main BeachNew estate in popular Carrara • Central to everything on the • Coast

Easy M1 access• Take a drive past, experience the • views!





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HIGHLAND PARKHIGHLAND PARK Views From The OutlookViews From The Outlook

Price: $419,000Web ID: 935699 Contact: Robert Lewis

0411 342 326

Enjoy dazzling panoramic views • of the Gold Coast & OceanIdeal quiet cul d sac position to • capture uninterrupted viewsSurrounded by prestige homes • in sought after Highland Park’s “Outlook Estate”

689m2 prestige vacant land site • Located only 15 minutes to Gold • Coast beaches and entertainment

NERANGNERANG Character Home, Prestige Area!Character Home, Prestige Area!

Price: $449,000Web ID: 1106862 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

Double brick construction• 3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Open plan design with cathedral • ceilings 577m2 leafy private lot backing • onto parklandInground pool•

Covered poolside entertaining area • Quiet cul-de sac location in a highly • sought after street

ASHMOREASHMORE Position And Dual Living Potential!Position And Dual Living Potential!

Price: $469,000Web ID: 1097090 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301

4 large bedrooms • Bathroom to each level• Large lounge room with balcony• Great sized kitchen with adjoin-• ing dining areaSeparate family or rumpus• Air conditioning•

Big downstairs living area with bath-• room - perfect for dual living!Double shade sail car parking•

NERANGNERANG The Perfect Renovator!The Perfect Renovator!

Auction: 29th August 2009Web ID: 1120691 Contact: Shawn Barber

0404 257 243

Three bedrooms, ensuite• Open plan living• Large, fl at landscaped 1100m2 • blockPrivate tropical inground pool• Kids cubby house• Double LU garage•

Fully fenced yard• Sensational renovator for the right • person

NERANGNERANG Warm & WelcomingWarm & Welcoming

Price: $419,000Web ID: 1115969 Contact: Robert Lewis 0411 342 326 Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

3 generous bedrooms• Split level living area with raised • dining area and built in barTall raked cathedral ceilings• Large kitchen/dining area• Charming internal brickwork• Air conditioning•

Rear covered entertaining area• Fully fenced inground plunge pool• LU garage, carport plus shade sail •


Price: $399,000Web ID: 1047399 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Separate lounge and dining• Good sized kitchen with adjoin-• ing family roomHuge enclosed entertaining area• Air conditioning• Double garage with workshop •

Big backyard with large garden shed• Roll up your sleeves and break out • the paint brush...





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LOWER BEECHMONTLOWER BEECHMONT Acreage with Awesome ViewsAcreage with Awesome Views

Price: $499,000Web ID: 1106159 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Open plan living and dining• Combustion fi replace• Beautiful modern kitchen• Timber fl ooring• Wide, full length covered deck • with amazing coastal views

Double carport with workshed• 6033m2 lot with bush surrounds• Only 12 minutes to Nerang CBD•

CLAGIRABACLAGIRABA Acreage DiamondAcreage Diamond

Price: $525,000Web ID: 1120699 Contact: Steven Hayes

0421 643 871

2.5 acre property• Four bedrooms• Open plan tiled living• Air conditioning• Extra large, eat in kitchen• Shaded inground pool • Pad cut for a 7mx7.5m shed•

Double carport• Surrounded by state forest with • horse riding trail to rear of property

CARRARACARRARA Perfect Position, Brilliant Block!Perfect Position, Brilliant Block!

Auction: 22nd August 2009Web ID: 1106112 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958 Robert Lewis 0411 342 326

Open plan, split level design• 3 bedrooms plus study• Ensuite to master• Tall raked, pitched ceilings• Spacious lounge room• Separate open family and dining • room

Large functional kitchen• Gigantic 1385m2 corner lot • Plenty of off road parking•

GILSTONGILSTON Stylish And SophisticatedStylish And Sophisticated

Price: $499,000Web ID: 1102632 Contact: Andrew Davidson

0411 760 600

2 year old home • 4 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Lovely formal lounge room• Open plan family & dining area• Ultra modern kitchen • Air conditioning• Massive entertaining deck with •

undercover area & new poolLandscaped lot backing to reserve • Double LU garage•

LOWER BEECHMONTLOWER BEECHMONT Living High, Living Big!Living High, Living Big!

Price: Offers Over $490,000Web ID: 1106122 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

5 bedrooms plus study• 2 main bathrooms • Spacious open plan living• Extra large, modern kitchen• Air conditioning plus • combustion fi replaceBig downstairs living area/rumpus•

Wide, covered wrap around deck• Good sized landscaped yard• Double carport plus off road parking•

HIGHLAND PARKHIGHLAND PARK Let Me Entertain You!Let Me Entertain You!

Price: $529,000Web ID: 1061430 Contact: Robert Lewis 0411 342 326 Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

3 bedrooms plus study• Ensuite to master• Formal lounge with plenty of • natural lightingLarge tiled family room• Air conditioning• Fantastic inground salt pool•

Large covered outdoor living areas• Double LU garage• Walk to schools, shops & transport•







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GILSTONGILSTON Delightful Dual Living HomeDelightful Dual Living Home

Price: $619,000Web ID: 1090120 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312

4 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Self contained 2 bedroom • granny fl at with own entranceExpansive open plan living area• Stunning big modern kitchen• Separate family room• Air conditioning & 9ft ceilings•

Huge covered outdoor • entertaining areaDouble LU garage•

MUDGEERABAMUDGEERABA Beautiful Nature SurroundsBeautiful Nature Surrounds

Price: $619,000Web ID: 1072088 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409870301 Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

4 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Beautiful modern kitchen• Spacious formal lounge room• Ducted air conditioning• Open plan informal living & dining• Massive covered entertaining • deck plus 2nd deck with spa

Established gardens with water tank• Double LU garage• 4932m2 lot with bushland outlook•

CARRARACARRARA Your Own Gold Star Cinema!Your Own Gold Star Cinema!

Price: $559,000Web ID: 1090368 Contact: Susie Gale

0406 901 350

3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Separate & spacious living areas• Magic kitchen with Blanco • appliancesMagnifi cent purpose built cin-• ema lounge; fully equippedDucted air conditioning•

14x4m hardwood merbau deck• Private inground pool• Double auto garaging•

HIGHLAND PARKHIGHLAND PARK Ocean Views, Prestige PositionOcean Views, Prestige Position

Price: $529,000Web ID: 1101688 Contact: Shawn Barber

0404 257 243

Located in the prestigious • Outlook estateMassive 1024m2 usable lot• Views of Surfers Paradise to • Coolangatta and the western hinterland area 3 fenced boundaries, all retaining •

walls in placeSoil test, contour plans and • covenants available

NERANGNERANG Spacious In Style and SizeSpacious In Style and Size

Price: $569,000Web ID: 1115319 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp

0409 870 301

4 bedrooms plus offi ce• Ensuite to master• Dual living potential• 3 separate living areas• Beautiful modern kitchen• Undercover entertaining area • Workshop with power•

Inground pool with bar area• Double carport plus secure off road • parking for bikes, trailers etc.

GAVENGAVEN Attention Tradies, Truckies, Boys With Toys!Attention Tradies, Truckies, Boys With Toys!

Price: $630,000Web ID: 1097109 Contact: Susie Gale

0406 901 350

3 bedrooms, ensuite • Formal lounge with open fi re-• place, separate family roomAir conditioning• Double garage converted to ex-• tra living space - easily reversedHuge30 x 8.5m workshed•

Massive bird aviary• Undercover entertaining area• Fully fenced 5277m2 lot with dam•

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HIGHLAND PARKHIGHLAND PARK Grandeur with Amazing ViewsGrandeur with Amazing Views

Price: $775,000Web ID: 1055143 Contact: Robert Lewis 0411 342 326 Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958

Architectually designed• 3 generous bedrooms plus offi ce• 3 bathrooms• Massive open main living area• Gourmet kitchen • Large 12m inground pool• 2 levels of outdoor entertaining•

Sauna for relaxing in after work• Double auto LU garage plus auto • security gate


Price: $799,000 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643871 or Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870301Web ID: 1014693

Superbly built, this immaculate modern home is quality built with many fea-tures exceeding Australian standards & offers serenity, space & wildlife at your back door. Relax on the rear deck or take up a hobby in the 12x7.5m shed!

Modern spacious steel frame home• 4 bedrooms, walk in robe and stunning ensuite with spa to master • Classic timber double door entry with stone pitched features• Spacious formal lounge and dining rooms• Large modern kitchen with huge walk in pantry• Informal living and dining areas• Undercover entertaining deck with bush outlook• 12 x 7.5m double bay shed with power, water and extra carport• Double LU garage with internal access• Beautiful landscaping with impeccable stone retaining walls• 6132m2 (1.52acres approx) lot •

LABRADORLABRADOR Terrifi c Duplex Pair On 1 TitleTerrifi c Duplex Pair On 1 Title

Price: $640,000Web ID: 1090128 Contact: Shawn Barber 0404 257 243

Each Features:2 bedrooms• Open plan tiled living• Air conditioning• Good size kitchen with dish-• washerPrivate front courtyard•

Flat backyard with covered patio• Auto LU garage• Fully fenced and backing to reserve•

GAVENGAVEN A Breath Of Country AirA Breath Of Country Air

Price: $699,000Web ID: 1078295 Contact: Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409870301 Steven Hayes 0421 643 871

4 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Very generous offi ce/study• Separate living areas• Modern country style kitchen• Air conditioning plus ceiling fans• Covered entertainment patio • 70,000L pool with shade sail•

Double LU auto carport, double • garage plus 6x6m shed4005m2 usable acreage lot•

GUANABAGUANABA P Private Horse Lover’s Retreatrivate Horse Lover’s Retreat

Price: $785,000Web ID: 1093664 Contact: Paul Moitzi 0423 589 958 Robert Lewis 0411 342 326

3 bedrooms, ensuite to master• Formal lounge room• Air con, combustion fi replace• Extra large family room• Rear timber deck plus wide • front patioPrivate inground pool •

Extra tall double carport, single • carport plus huge 2 bay shed Massive 8.45 acre lot with dam•






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NERANG - SURFERS COUNTRYNERANG - SURFERS COUNTRYOne Of A Kind Acreage TreasureOne Of A Kind Acreage Treasure

Price: $949,000 Contact: Ray Ellis 0407 116 559 or Joanne Ellis 0438 126 312Web ID: 1115367

This unique 50 square, 4 bedroom masterpiece will astound you. Styles from a past era combine with ultra modern touches throughout to create an encapsulating atmosphere of prestige and homeliness.

Four double bedrooms• Modern ensuite plus 2 main bathrooms• Awesome, huge ultra modern kitchen with gas cooking, granite • benches and massive island benchFormal sunken lounge with open fi replace• Sports room with large wet bar and sunken seating area• Expansive sunroom and family areas• Inground pool and spa plus indoor sauna• Extra large gazebo style BBQ area• Double LU garage, triple carport plus extra tall carport • 5339m2 prestige lot in sought after Surfers Country Estate•

CLAGIRABACLAGIRABAA Prestige Equestrian OasisA Prestige Equestrian Oasis

Price: $1,200,000 Contact: Steven Hayes 0421 643 871 or Julie Morgan-Kemp 0409 870 301Web ID: 1098875

If you are an avid horse lover, this 14 acre property is perfect for you. Situated in the sought after Clagiraba/Guanaba valley, it offers a secluded & tranquil location, yet only 20 mins to beaches & 8 minutes to shopping.

Fully renovated and re-wired home - looks like new!• 3 bedrooms with ensuite plus offi ce or storage downstairs• Air conditioning plus ceiling fans, fully insulated• 60 x 20m ELD dressage arena with mirrors• 6 stables plus tack room and feed shed• Round yard plus 4 large day yards with post & rail fencing. • 3 large paddocks with electric fencing• 2 dams plus bore and permanently running creek • Renovated workers cottage• Inground pool• 7 x 10 x3.5 3 bay shed - extra height for horse fl oats•

EMERALD LAKES - CARRARAEMERALD LAKES - CARRARAPrestige Waterfront LivingPrestige Waterfront Living

Price: $839,000 Contact: Robert Lewis on 0411 342 326Web ID: 1085980

Enjoy absolute waterfront living in the stunning Emerald Lakes community. Only 3 years old & boasting the best in fi nishings & technology, you’ll also have the advantage of the close by cafes, boutique shops, & a central location!

3 bedrooms plus 6x6 gabled loft - great 4th bedroom• Executive master suite with walk in robe, ensuite with spa bath plus • private balcony with Surfers viewsUltra modern kitchen with stone benchtops and gas appliances• Hard wired fi bre optic internet with super fast speed• Covered al fresco dining area looking to the water• Ducted air conditioning, alarm system, Vaccu-maid• Secure grassed yard with established gardens• Double LU garage with golf cart storage plus off road parking• Enjoy lakeside walks, resort style pool, tennis & golf course access• Pets up to 10kg welcome!•





Nerang First National Real EstateCnr of Price and White StreetsP.O Box 176Nerang QLD 4211

Phone : 07 - 55960055Fax : 07 - 55960074Email : [email protected] Web :

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Wonderful service from your agency. Shawn was fantastic. Very thorough and always accessible. Always helpful, honest and had our best interest at heart. Went above and beyond what any other agent was prepared to do and found ways to help us save money.Grant MacCombie

Andrew was very helpful and the house is coming up great!Tahlia Helmreich & Kristian Garoni

We were very happy with everything to do with our dealings with First National.Teina Maoate

Andrew was, we believe the key to our successful transition from home vendor to new home owner. We would argue that he exhibits the following characteristics of a fi rst rate real estate agent and also a genuine human being.David and Cynthia Hugo

Susie Gale is excellent in her work. She to me is more than a real estate person. Her warmth and caring means so much. Julie Brown