audience, certificate and institutions


Upload: charlotte-dyer

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Audience, certificate and institutions


Page 2: Audience, certificate and institutions

Audience For my opening sequence there is only one protagonist: A 18 year old woman, who is on a mission to seek revenge for her sisters death. My demographic will be mainly men aged 15-30, I chose this because it is around the age of my protagonist which would help to give the appeal to the demographic and believe that the audience would be able to become interested in what the outcomes would be as well as being enhanced with what the outcome will be in the end. From my research I discovered that the age range I chose for my film is generally the age range for horror films.

Page 3: Audience, certificate and institutions

Age Certificate

From doing some research into the British Board of Film Classification I have decided that the age certificate for my film would be a 15 due to the fact that it has a lot of gore and blood in it as well as swearing and dangerous behaviour and violence being used, which makes it unsuitable for anyone under this age.

Page 4: Audience, certificate and institutions


After researching thoroughly at institutions, who produce and distribute horror films from websites such as IMBD and, I have decided to choose Lionsgate as my distributer as they have distributed (and produced some) well known horror films such as : ‘American Psycho’, ‘Saw (1-6)’ and ‘The Decent’. For my production company I have decided to choose Dimension Films as they have produced films such as the ‘Scream Series’, ‘Halloween’ and ‘The Others’. I chose these companies as I believe that they would fit in the best for my opening sequence.