attract or address

How did you attract/ address your audience?

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Post on 21-Jun-2015




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How did you attract/ address your audience?

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Front Cover

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In my central image I decided to feature flawless make up, hair and fashionable, tight clothing. This ultimately attracts females as they aspire to be as perfect as these image. However, the females body language is rather provocative and the combination of the body language with the tight clothing attracts and lures in the male audience.

I chose puffs in order to immediately grasp the attention of my target audience and draw them in. The bright colours which i creatively chose to use for my puffs is beneficial as it amplifies the design, drawing in more readers.

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I decided it would be wise to enhance the text size of the high profiled celebrities names, as it would lure in any fans of that particular artist. Richard Dyer would see this as selling the artist and the name rather than the item itself. If the audience is interested in that artist there is also a very high possibility that they are interested in the genre as well, therefore they will consider purchasing this magazine.

My Masthead consumes 5th of my overall magazine front cover. My reasoning behind this was that the audience usually buy the same magazine over and over again. Therefore, if the reader enjoys they'd recognize it by its outgoing, large name and it will also be easy to find in stores filled with magazines.

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Contents Page

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Situated in the top right hand corner of my contents page is the image of my front cover. This clarifies with the audience which magazine or issue they have picked up. This can be extremely useful when the reader is choosing a magazine to purchase in the store and there is a large selections.

The other two images I have featured on my contents page are more informal, this welcomes the reader into the magazine making them feel more comfortable. My images consist of two females getting read for a night out having a good time. This essentially makes the magazine more relatable for the readers as this is what the typical target audience does over a typical weekend.

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The layout is consistent throughout all three pages. I have organised the interior of my magazine to have 3 columns of writing. As you can witness I have followed this through my contents page and double page spread. M reasoning behind this was to follow the house style through, which leaves me with a structured layout. The out come of this is when the audience flicks through my magazine and sees this layout they will automatically recognise it and associate it with the name.

Finally I have also included some institutional presence at the bottom right hand corner. This directs the audience to the magazines webpage which allows them to subscribe to my magazine, or simply find out more background information about the magazine.

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Double Page Spread

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In the bottom right hand corner you will notice a small image. This is in fact the album cover which the article is in fact based on. This will attract readers, if they have seen this album before they may be interested to hear a little about it. If they however haven’t seen the album before this will be useful in case they are interested in purchasing the album after reading the article.

The pull quote is another characteriser designed to catch the attention if the audience and tempt them into reading it. If you were to read something which is very positive and intriguing it automatically makes you want to read the article. This also give the reader a slight indication to what the article is about.

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Finally, the reason I chose such a large image which takes up to almost a whole page is due to celebrity status. I have previously mentioned the Richard Dyer theory before and here is another example of it yet again. My magazine sells the artist rather than the content, therefore it’s wise to feature large images to draw in the audience. So for example if a reader was interested in my magazine and picked it up and flicked through the pages, this image would appeal to them, manipulating them to purchase my magazine.