atmospheric university seattle

A PRELIMINARY REPORT OF AIRBORNE STUDIES BY THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON OF THE EFFLUENTS FROM THE MT. ST. HELENS VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS by Peter V. Hobbs, Lawrence F. Radke, Mark W. Eitgroth and Dean A. Hegg Cloud and Aerosol Research Group Atmospheric Sciences Department University of Washington, Seattle. WA 981 95 June 12, 1980

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Peter V. Hobbs, Lawrence F. Radke, Mark W. Eitgroth and Dean A. HeggCloud and Aerosol Research GroupAtmospheric Sciences Department

University of Washington, Seattle. WA 981 95

June 12, 1980

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Peter V. Hobbs, Lawrence F. Radke, Mark W. Eitgroth and Dean A. HeggCloud and Aerosol Research GroupAtmospheric Sciences Department

University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195


Mt. St. Helens ended its 123 year of dormancy on March 20, 1980 with a

single small quake registering 4. 1 on the Richter scale. Seismic activity

increased steadily, becoming nearly continuous by March 25. The first eruption

occurred on March 27 at 1236 Pacific Standard Time (PST) when a thick dark pl ume

of ash was reported reaching 16,000 ft. The University of Washington’s (UW)

Cloud and Aerosol Research Group began regular airborne observations and

measurements of the volcanic effluents on March 28.

In view of the considerable interest in the nature of the emissions from Mt.

St. Helens, we provide here a short prel iminary overview of our airborne

measurements to date. These airborne measurements are continuing, with one

fl ight a week when volcanic activity is low and more numerous fl ights when the

activity increases. A fu1 1 scientific report of our studies wil l be publ ished

n due course.

* Before using or quoting in publ ications or reports any of the scientificresults reported herein, written permission must be obtained from ProfessorHobbs.

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Measurements made aboard the UW’s B-23 research aircraft are isted in Table

1. As can be seen, the instrumentation permits comprehensive measurements of

the sizes, concentrations and nature of airborne particles over the size

range ~0.01um 4.5mm, and of the nature and concentrations of a large number

of trace gases.

Measurement Procedures

Each fl ight commences in the vicinity of Mt. St. Helens and continues with

measurements at increasing distances downwind in the pl ume of the effluents from

the volcano. The altitudes of the fl ight paths range from about 4000 to 18,000


Measurements of the size spectra of particl es, filter samples for chemical

and optical analyzes, and gaseous measurements are obtained by feeding "grab"

samples of air through the appropriate instruments and devices aboard the

aircraft (concentrations of sulfur, nitrogen oxide and ozone are measured

continuously). The "grab" sampl es of air (volcanic pl ume or ambient) are

collected in a large (150 gal on) myl ar bag and/or stainl ess steel cannisters in

5 seconds. The "grab" sample technique is desirable for two reasons. Firstly,

it permits col ection of sufficient sampl es of effluent for subsequent measure-

ments without requiring the aircraft to be flying within the volcanic pl ume for

long periods of time (this is necessary, for safety reasons, when the pl ume is

very thick). Secondly, it al lows acquisition of a series of essentially point

sampl es, and each set of measurements is made on the same point sampl e.

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Parameter Instrument type Range Principal Investigators

Size spectrum ofaerosol particles

Size spectrum ofaerosol particl es

Size spectrum ofaerosol particl es

Size spectrum ofaerosol particles

Size spectrum ofaerosol andcloud particl es

Size spectrum of cloudparticles and largeash particl es

Size spectrum of pre-cipitation particl esand large ash particl es

Concentrations ofAitken nucl ei

Images of cl oud^articles and largeash particl es

Images of precipitaionparticl es and largeash particl es

Sizes and types ofaerosol particl es

Mass concentrationof aerosol particles

"articul ate sul fur

Electrical mobil ityanalyzer

90 l ight scattering

Forward1 ight-scattering

Diffusion battery

Forward1 ight-scattering

Diode occulation

Diode occul ation

Rapid expansion andl ight transmission

Diode occul ation

Diode occulation

Direct impaction

0.0032 to 1.0 vm

0.3 to 12 urn

1.5 to 40 vm

0.01 0.2 pm

1.5 to 70 urn

20 to 300 pm

300 to 4500 urn

10 to 106 cm-3

25 to 1000 urn

100 to 5000 urn

5 to 100 urn

Profs. P. V. Hobbsand L. F. Radke

El ectrostatic deposition 0.1 to 3000 ug m-3onto matched oscil ators

Pali fl ex filters 0. 1 to 50 pg m-3(then flash volatil ization)

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Parameter Instrument type Range Princi pal Investigators

Chemical constituentsof particul ates (S04=,NOT, C1 -, Br-, Na^Ca^, NH4-1-, K’1’, P04",F-, etc. )

El ectric field

Space charge


Total gaseous sulfur(sequential scrubbersal low separation ofSOx, H^S, inertgaseous species)

NO, N02, NOx(NH3 occasional ly)


Windspeed andduration

"Inert" gaseousspecies (e.g. COS,CO, C02. CH4, CS2,t^O, CH3C1 andhalocarbons)

Identification ofel ements n sizesegregated aerosolparticl es

Ion exchange chromatograph Variable(sol ution extracted from ^in-8 ^i

tefl on filters) >10 mol ar

Profs. P. V. Hobbsand L. F. Radke

Field mill

Conductivity meter

35mm time-lapse camera

Flamephotometric detector

Chemil uminescence (03)

Integrating nephel ometer

Doppler navigator

+ 0 to 100 kV

2 x 10-9 10-15 A

1 s to 10 min

0 to 10 ppm

0 to 5 ppm

0 to 2.5 x 10-4 m-1or0 to 10 x 10-4 m-1

0 to 360,0 to 100 m s-1

"Grab" samples with post Variabl efl ight analysis withmultiple col umn gas chrom-atograph, mass spectrometer,and flame ionization detection

Lundgren impactor (computer Variablecontrol l ed). Analyzed byPIXE (18 MeV a particl es)

Prof. D. CronnWashington StateUniversity, WA

Prof. T. CahillUniversity ofCal ifornia at Davis CA

Inert" gases (e.g.02, Ar, N2, CO, C02,He, H2, CH4, C2He,H2S)

Radon Gas

Optical Absorptionof Particl es

Cascade impactor from Variabl e"grab" sampl e. PIXE analysis(5 MeV protons)

Gas chromatograph Variabl e(with thermal conditionerdetector)

"Grab" sample Unknown

Integrating pl ate Unknown

Dr. A. Lesl ieFl orida StateUniversity, FL

Dr. W. EvansUSGS. Meni o Park, CA

Dr. D. Dougl asEPA, Las Vegas, NV

J. Ogren (U.W.

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Overview of Observations and Measurements

A very brief summary of the observations and measurements obtai ned on the

sixteen fl ights that we have made to date is given in Table 2. A few further

comments, and illustrations of some of the measurements obtained, wil l suffice

to complete this prel iminary report.

The emissions encountered on our first fl ight over Mt. St. Helens on March

28, 1980, were impressive (but fairly small compared to the emissions from the

St. Augustine volcanic eruptions which we studied in 1976*). The size spectra

of particl es measured in the effluents from the volcano at 7 nautical miles

downwind on March 28 are shown in Fig. 1. It, can be seen that the concen-

trations of particles from ~1-10 un, measured in a puff of ash, were up to a

factor of 1000 greater than in the ambient air, but for particl es <lum the con-

centrations were simil ar to those in the ambient air. The mass concentration of

particles less than 2 urn in size in this cl oud of ash and in the ambient air were

3~660 and 30 vg m respectively. The concentrations of total sul fur gases in

the pl ume reached val ues of 240 ppb and consisted mostly of hydrogen sul fide.

Between March 28 and May 17, when the volcanic activity was fl uctuating,

seven further fl ights were made (see Table 2) On April 2, April 4, April 8 and

April 11 the total sul fur concentrations were in the range 15-38 ppb with

fluctuations in the hLS and SO., components. On May 8 however the total sul fur

"Airborne Particl e and Gas Measurements in the Emissions from Six Volcanoes"by J. L. Stith, P. V. Hobbs and L. F. Radke, J. Geophysical Research, 8J3,4009-4017 (1978).

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Date (1980) Fl ight(times inPST to

nearest hr’’


March 20

March 25

March 27

March 28 1






e sei













h p


ume rep

ilumes u

orted to 16,000

p to 20,000 ft.


DurationSecond eruption. Ash plumes up to 20,000 ft. Durationof ash eruptions 5-10 min with more frequent andshorter steam explosions. Aircraft fol lowed one ashburst 55 miles east (minor activity compared to the1976 eruptions of St. Augustine, Alaska). Total sul furgases up to 240 ppb mainly H^S.

March 30-April 1

April 2 2(1000-1400)

April 4 3(1200-1500)

April 8 4(1300-1500)

Infrequent ash eruptions.

Brief ash and steam explosions.COg concentrations in the ash pl ume ranged from 360-411ppm compared to ambient level s of 320 ppm.

Sampled moderate vol umes of ash which was rather cool(ash decended rapidly after emission). Sl ight H^Semissions. First fl ight on which significant con-centrations. of S04=, C1 and F~ were detected. Sampl edash (mostly old l ithic material with some freshlyfractured silaceous material

Frequent minor ash eruptions and steam explosions.First significant concentrations of SO^ measured (sinceMarch 28 eruption).

April 8-April 10

April 11 5(1200-1400)

April 12-April 22

April 23 6(1000-1300)

April 24-May 6

Bul ge on upper north fl ank of mountainMinor activity.confirmed.

Geyser-type steam explosion with water in craterdraining into vent and then exploding up to ~500 ftabove mountain top. Mi nor sul fur gas emissions (~50%S02).

Activity continued to decl ine

Lowest level of activity observed on fl ights so far.Very sl ight particle and gas emissions.

Activity continued to decl ine.

Al l times in this report are given as Pacific Standard Time (PST). AfterApril 27, local time is obtained by adding hour to the stated PST times.

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Date (1980) Fl ight(times inPST to

_______nearest hr)


May 7

May 8

May 8

May 9-May 16

May 17

May 18



9 & 10(1000-1500)(1600-2000)

May 19 11(1100-1400)

May 20-May 22

May 23 12 & 13(0800-1200)(1300-1400)

May 25 14(0800-1300)

Ash and steam eruptions resumed.

Ash and steam eruptions sampl ed from ai rcraft (somewhatsmal ler than those of April 2).

Sul fur gas emissions back to several hundred partsper bill ion (ppb) with mostly H;?S but occasional lysignificant SO^* Peak altitude of eruptions ~13,000ft. MSL.

Ash and steam eruptions continued with decreasingfrequency.

Activity nearly ceased.

First major explosive eruption at 0732 PST. North faceof mountain col apsed. Many hot aval anches (nueeardentes). Eruptions reported to reach altitudes inexcess of 60,000 ft. UW fl ight out to ranges of 240nautical mil es downwind. Sul fur gas emissions very low(near ambient level s) except in a singl e area near thetop of the pl ume late in the day when 1 part per mil ion(ppm) of H2S was measured. High particl e mass loadingsmeasured throughout both fl ights.

Eruptions continued with heavy ash deposition to theeast but at a much reduced rate. H2S emissions high inmost sampl es (~0.5 ppm). SO^ concentratons in pl umenear ambient.

Eruption activity continued but at much reduced rates.

Measurements simil ar to May 19 but quantity of ash muchreduced. Airborne measurements extended to EasternWashington with emphasis on measurements of particl esresuspended (bl own up) from ground. Visibil ity verypoor in bl owing ash.

Second major expl osive eruption. Ash reported to al ti-tudes of ~40,000 ft. Ash deposited in WesternWashington and Oregon (Portl and). Airborne sampl esconsisted mainly of old l ithic silaci ous rock with nofresh gl assy material s. Some elevated C1 (HC1 ?).Gaseous sul fur generally less than 100 ppb and mostlyH2S.

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Date (1980) Fl ight(times inPST to

_______nearest hr)


May 26- Decl ining volcanic activity. Amonts of ash in eachMay 29 explosive pul se al so less.

May 30 15 Heavy steaming and very light ash to 11 ,000 ft.(0900-1300) Incandescent lava reported in crater but discounted by

our observations. Sulfur gas ~0.5 ppm (mostly H^S).

May 31- Activity simil ar to May 30.June 3

June 4 16 Visually similar activity to May 30 but sul fur gas con-(1000-1300) tained 30% SO^ with observations of SO^ up to 200 ppb

(the highest yet observed). Particles in airborneeffl uents rich in C1 ~, F~, Br- and 504s.

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Particle size distributions at 10,000 ft altitude and 7nautical miles downwind of Ht. St. Helens at 143 PST onMarch 28, 1980: (a) in the emitted ash (solid line) and(b) in the ambient air (dashed line)

lO-^- 10-’ 10 10’ 102PARTICLE DIAMETER D (^m)

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concentrations had returned to val ues simil ar to those treasured on March 28

with 230 ppb of H2S and 53 ppb of SO^.

By May 18, seismic and visible activity had virtual ly ceased when, without

warning, a major eruption occurred at 0732 PST*. The north face of the mountain

collapsed in avalanches and pyroclastic flows, devastating a wide area north and

east of the mountain. The explosive eruptions ejected material to an altitude

of over 60,000 ft. and ash was carried eastward over Washington, Idaho and

Montana within a few hours (Fig. 2).

The UM research aircraft was in the air in the vicinity of Mt. St. Hel ens by

~1100 PST on May 18. The dark black cloud of ash over and downwind of Mt. St.

Helens was the largest we have seen in al l of our volcanic studies and was much

too thick to penetrate. However, measurements were obtained at the peripheral

edges of this ash cl oud using the "grab" sampl e technique. Shown in Fig. 3 is

one set of measurements of particl e size spectra obtained at a distance of 5

nautical miles downwind of Mt. St. Hel ens about 4l/2 hours after the start of the

major eruption. It can be seen that the concentrations of particles in the ash

cl oud varied from about a factor of 4 to over 1000 times greater than in the

ambient ai r. For particl es less than 2 urn in diameter, the mass loading in the

periphery of the ash cl oud was ~93 pg m whil e in the ambient air it was <0. 1

ug m~ The concentrations of sul fur gases, nitrogen oxides and ozone measured

in the periphery of the ash cl oud were not significantly different from the con-

centrations in the ambient air.

* 0832 local time.

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Spread of the emissions from the expolsive eruption ofMt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980, as deduced from satelliteobservations. (Note: local time is obtained by adding1 hour to the PST times shown. )


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!0-2 10-’ 10 10’


Particle size distributions at 9700 ft attitude and 5nautical miles downwind at 1209-1227 on May 18, 1980:(a) at the periphery of the main ash cloud (solid line)and (b) in the ambient air (dashed line)

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In addition to the very black ash cloud, small er outlying "whitish" looki ng

clouds of effl uents were observed on May 18. These clouds were sufficiently

smal l that they could be penetrated completely by the UM aircraft and measure-

ments obtained in thei r interiors. Particl e size measurements obtained in such

a cloud are shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen that the concentrations of par-

ticles less than about 0.1 \im were no higher in these cl ouds than in the ambient

air, but for particles from about 0. 1 to 30 pm the concentrations were up to 100

times greater than in the ambient air. The mass concentrations of particles

l ess than 2 urn in the "whitish" clouds and in the ambient air were about 31 and

5.5 pg m~ respectively. The concentration of sulfur gases in these clouds was

at least 13 ppb (compared to ambient concentrations of 6 ppb) and was primarily

SO?. Nitrogen oxide and ozone concentrations in the "whitish" clouds were simi-

l ar to those in the ambient air.

Late in the evening, as the volcanic activity decl ined, our final measure-

ments were taken near the top (17,000 ft) of the main visibl e plume from the

volcano. These sampl es proved very rich in sulfur gas, about 1 ppm of mostly

hydrogen sul fide.

Another fl ight was carried out the fol lowing day (May 19) Emissions were

stil considerable, but much less than on May 18. Particle concentrations

measured in the peri phery of the main ash pl ume and in the ambient air, 12

nautical miles downwind of Mt. St. Helens are compared in Fig. 5. At this

range, mass loadings for particl es less than 2 urn in the pl ume and in the

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111.1,. //Whi teeffluentclouds-^


0 o





10-4^10-3 0 -2 10 -’ 10 0’ 10



Particle size distributions at 10,500 ft altitude and 70nautical miles downwind at 1830 18&? PST on ’lay 181980: (a) in the "whitish" effluent clouds (solid line)and (b) in the ambient air (dashed line)

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10-3 10-2 10-’ 10 10 102PARTICLE DIAMETER D (^m)

Particle size distribution at 8900 ft altitude and 12nautical miles downwind of Mt. St. Helens at 1338-1340 PSTon Y-ay 19,. 1980: (a) on the periphery of the main ashcloud and (b) in the anbient air (dashed line)

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ambient air were 63 and 5 ug m respectively. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations

in the pl ume were high (about 0.5 ppm) but SO., concentrations were near ambient

val ues.

Exactly one week after the first explosive eruption of May 18, a second

violent eruption occurred. This eruption, which began at 0132 PST on Sunday May

25, sent an ash-rich cloud to 45,000 ft. by 0145 PST. Despite poor visibil ity

and rain showers (some ash-laden) our airborne measurements began in the erup-

tion cloud by 1000 PST. Particle size measurements in the ash pl ume (Fig. 6)

were simil ar to those obtained on May 18. However, unl ike May 18, we detected

fairly high levels of total sulfur gases in most of the ash clouds: 6-110 ppb

(compared to 6-14 ppb in the ambient air) with 13-95 ppb of hydrogen sul fide and

3-6 ppb of inert sul fur species.

Measurements on May 30 and June 4 showed the gaseous emissions to be con-

tinuing while the amount of ash decl ined. A significant fraction of the smaller

particles now appeared to be condensed sol uble material with quantities of

SO, Br", F~ and Cl’.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Thanks are due to al members of the Cl oud and Aerosol Research

Group who hel ped (well beyond the normal cal l of duty) in obtaining these


Without prompt administrative action on funding by Drs. B. Fogl e, E. Bierly,

R. Di rks and D. Senich of the National Science Foundation and Dr. w. Wil son of

the Environmental Protection Agency, the measurements reported herei n would not

have been obtained.

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10 10 10 10 10 01


Particle size distributions at 11,400 ft altitude and 5

nautical miles downwind of Mt. St. Helens at 1029 PST on

May 25, 1980: (a) in the ash cloud (solid line) and (b)

in the ambient air (dashed line)