assignment 4.1 edp270

SMARTboard Adaptation By: Kim Brochocki Assignment 4.1 for EDP 279 Section A Miami University

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Page 1: Assignment 4.1 EDP270

SMARTboard Adaptation

By: Kim Brochocki

Assignment 4.1 for EDP 279 Section A

Miami University

Page 2: Assignment 4.1 EDP270

Technology in the Classroom is Growing

SMARTboards wi l l be preva lent .

Page 3: Assignment 4.1 EDP270


th is presentat ion.

Page 4: Assignment 4.1 EDP270

Have a wider range of word levels for children.

•  Not a l l ch i ld ren learn the same

•  Need to meet a l l

deve lopmenta l needs •  Have more d i f f i cu l t and

eas ie r l eve l s /words

Page 5: Assignment 4.1 EDP270

Use only sight words that children were

familiar with.

If children can’t read, they won’t be

able to complete this game.

Page 6: Assignment 4.1 EDP270

Ob j e c t s t h a t a r e i n t h e r oom .

Use words that we interact with in class.

Labe l ed ob j e c t s .