assignment 3 - feedback

Tutor Report Form Student name: Molly Cartwright Student number: 504244 Course/Module title: The Art of Photography Assignment number: 3 Overall Comments You’ve made some good photos for this assignment, showing much learning and t echnical ability. These are mostl y clearly design ed images with colou r impact and cont rol of colour emphasiz ed well. It’s also nice to see you branching out into more complex subject-matter – the photo of the blurred London bus works nicely as a visual idea. But do continue to broaden your perspectives, capturing wide views of either interior, urban o r natural subjects. I think you will find i t far more interesting when you master that, than sticking with the easy compositions of close ups. Feedback on assignment Complementary Colours 1 Red berries against green leaves do make a strong complementary colour impact in this photo. It looks a bit like you’ve lifted the colours a bit too muc h. Sometimes incre asing Saturation is necessary, but it can go too far, making pictures look clearly artificial. 2 I like this strange pa interly mixture of vio let and gold. The blur works in your favour here mixing the colours, and you’ve retained the ‘anchor’ of the structure moving through the frame into the distanc e and lifting the ey es up with it. There’s something futuristic about this – well spotted. 1

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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