“assessment on the front end”: system status report bill moore, sbctc college readiness retreat...

“Assessment on the Front End”: System Status Report Bill Moore, SBCTC College Readiness Retreat February 2012 For more information and resources see the Precollege Education wiki site

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“Assessment on the Front End”:

System Status ReportBill Moore, SBCTC

College Readiness RetreatFebruary 2012

For more information and resources see the Precollege Education wiki site

• “Multiple measures”

• Placement reciprocity

• Transcript-based rubrics

• Core to College initiative

Topics to Address

• Colleges will use multiple measures of readiness in determining student placement. And colleges will provide a comprehensive pre-test orientation process so that students can understand the importance of placement assessment and evaluation.

• The community and technical colleges will create a statewide reciprocity agreement regarding pre-college placement.

Official “System Efficiency” Recommendations

• General preparation for assessment process (format, significance, etc.)

• Skills refresher or practice strategies

• Testing mode/interface alternatives

• Post-test test follow-up, targeted advising/ counseling

“Promising Practices” Interventions

Placement Alternatives

“Other”: advisor discussion, placement results or transcripts from other colleges

# of total responses: 14

A student who places into a pre-college level in math, English, or reading either through course completion or local skills assessment at any Washington CTC can

expect to have that placement level honored at another Washington CTC if the student so requests, even if the

courses may not be exact equivalents.

Placement Reciprocity Proposal

• 10 states over 3 years (2012-14)• Engaging higher education systems

in Common Core State Standards work

• Washington plan:– broad and deep faculty agreement around math

and English college-readiness; – faculty collaboration among the three sectors

building from existing curriculum and college placement work;

– curricular redesign for math at the high school, developmental, and freshman college course levels; &

– institutional and inter-sector agreement on adopting the assessments as indicators of college-readiness.

Core to College Project