assessment of groundwater contamination from …


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Thesis Abstract

The South Kingstown Lanafill is located adjacent to Rose Hi l l

Road approximately one mile north of Peace Dale Rhoae Island

Refuse has been deposited above at and below the water table in an

abandoned gravel auarry since 1967 No grouna-water protection

measures were taken to minimize pollution of the surrounding highly

permeable aauifer material Contamination in some neighboring wells

and in streams to the southwest and east of the landfill has

occurred This study analyzes the present situation by

investigating the areas geohydrologic characteristics grouna-water

flow patterns and contaminated zones Use of seismic refraction

surveys boring logs the USGS ground-water map ana monitoring wells

helped define aauifer geometry ana flow patterns Specific

conductance was measured in monitoring wells ana streams as an

indicator of contamination Electrical resistivity was used in a

known contamination zone The USGS Iterative Digital Moael for

Aquifer Evaluation is used to simulate conditions in the study

area evaluate possible remedial control solutions and make




This thesis is written according to the Standard plan The

Table of Contents lists sections included in the Main Body of

the thesis The Appendices include relevant material that is

referred to in the thesis Main Bodyand a Bibliography

Table of Contents


Title Page

Approval Sheet

Acknowledgement ii

Thesis Abstract iii

Preface iv

Tab I e of Contents v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Main Body

Introduction 1

Background 2

Description of Study Area 10

Field Studies and Procedures 15

Model Development 30

Model Calibration 41

Computer Simulations 42

Analysis ana Discussion 55

Remedial Measures and Recommendations 75

Conclusions and Recommendations 83


Appendix A Precipitation Records 86


Appendix C


Appendix E


Appendix B Boring Logs

Appendix D Computer Program Flow Chart

Appendix F Bioliography

CaliDration of Specific Conductance Meters in4

Computer Data Sheets Ill


List of Tables


1 Well point Water Elevations 17

2 Seismic Refraction Survey Results 20

3 S tream Fl ows 22

4 Specific Conductances in Well points 26

5 Specific Conductances in Streams and Observation Holes 27

6 Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding Results 27

7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table 105

Vl l

List of Figures


1 Location Map 2

2 Study Area 3

3 SupplyWel l Locations 4

4 Field Grouna-Water Table Contour Map 5

5 Ground-water Map 12

6 Geology Background Map 13

7 Fluctuation in Water Level in W e l l s 16

8 Seismic Survey Location 19

9 We i r Locations and Water Level Ranges 21

10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations 24

11 Fluctuation in Specific Conductance in W e l l s 25

12 Electrical Resist iv i ty Sounding Location 28

1 3 Model Grid 31

14 Simulated Ground Water Table Contour Map 32

1 5 Northern Drainage Area 34

16 Landfill West-East Cross-section between Wells W and EC 39

17 Landfill North-South Cross-section between Wells NW and SC40

18 Natural Conditions 43

19 Excavation without Landfill 45

20 Landfill without Excavation 46

21 Landfill Head Contour Cross-section 47

22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam 49

23 Summer Condition 52

24 Landfill ana Excavation without Dam 54

VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



Thesis Abstract

The South Kingstown Lanafill is located adjacent to Rose Hi l l

Road approximately one mile north of Peace Dale Rhoae Island

Refuse has been deposited above at and below the water table in an

abandoned gravel auarry since 1967 No grouna-water protection

measures were taken to minimize pollution of the surrounding highly

permeable aauifer material Contamination in some neighboring wells

and in streams to the southwest and east of the landfill has

occurred This study analyzes the present situation by

investigating the areas geohydrologic characteristics grouna-water

flow patterns and contaminated zones Use of seismic refraction

surveys boring logs the USGS ground-water map ana monitoring wells

helped define aauifer geometry ana flow patterns Specific

conductance was measured in monitoring wells ana streams as an

indicator of contamination Electrical resistivity was used in a

known contamination zone The USGS Iterative Digital Moael for

Aquifer Evaluation is used to simulate conditions in the study

area evaluate possible remedial control solutions and make




This thesis is written according to the Standard plan The

Table of Contents lists sections included in the Main Body of

the thesis The Appendices include relevant material that is

referred to in the thesis Main Bodyand a Bibliography

Table of Contents


Title Page

Approval Sheet

Acknowledgement ii

Thesis Abstract iii

Preface iv

Tab I e of Contents v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Main Body

Introduction 1

Background 2

Description of Study Area 10

Field Studies and Procedures 15

Model Development 30

Model Calibration 41

Computer Simulations 42

Analysis ana Discussion 55

Remedial Measures and Recommendations 75

Conclusions and Recommendations 83


Appendix A Precipitation Records 86


Appendix C


Appendix E


Appendix B Boring Logs

Appendix D Computer Program Flow Chart

Appendix F Bioliography

CaliDration of Specific Conductance Meters in4

Computer Data Sheets Ill


List of Tables


1 Well point Water Elevations 17

2 Seismic Refraction Survey Results 20

3 S tream Fl ows 22

4 Specific Conductances in Well points 26

5 Specific Conductances in Streams and Observation Holes 27

6 Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding Results 27

7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table 105

Vl l

List of Figures


1 Location Map 2

2 Study Area 3

3 SupplyWel l Locations 4

4 Field Grouna-Water Table Contour Map 5

5 Ground-water Map 12

6 Geology Background Map 13

7 Fluctuation in Water Level in W e l l s 16

8 Seismic Survey Location 19

9 We i r Locations and Water Level Ranges 21

10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations 24

11 Fluctuation in Specific Conductance in W e l l s 25

12 Electrical Resist iv i ty Sounding Location 28

1 3 Model Grid 31

14 Simulated Ground Water Table Contour Map 32

1 5 Northern Drainage Area 34

16 Landfill West-East Cross-section between Wells W and EC 39

17 Landfill North-South Cross-section between Wells NW and SC40

18 Natural Conditions 43

19 Excavation without Landfill 45

20 Landfill without Excavation 46

21 Landfill Head Contour Cross-section 47

22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam 49

23 Summer Condition 52

24 Landfill ana Excavation without Dam 54

VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974




This thesis is written according to the Standard plan The

Table of Contents lists sections included in the Main Body of

the thesis The Appendices include relevant material that is

referred to in the thesis Main Bodyand a Bibliography

Table of Contents


Title Page

Approval Sheet

Acknowledgement ii

Thesis Abstract iii

Preface iv

Tab I e of Contents v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Main Body

Introduction 1

Background 2

Description of Study Area 10

Field Studies and Procedures 15

Model Development 30

Model Calibration 41

Computer Simulations 42

Analysis ana Discussion 55

Remedial Measures and Recommendations 75

Conclusions and Recommendations 83


Appendix A Precipitation Records 86


Appendix C


Appendix E


Appendix B Boring Logs

Appendix D Computer Program Flow Chart

Appendix F Bioliography

CaliDration of Specific Conductance Meters in4

Computer Data Sheets Ill


List of Tables


1 Well point Water Elevations 17

2 Seismic Refraction Survey Results 20

3 S tream Fl ows 22

4 Specific Conductances in Well points 26

5 Specific Conductances in Streams and Observation Holes 27

6 Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding Results 27

7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table 105

Vl l

List of Figures


1 Location Map 2

2 Study Area 3

3 SupplyWel l Locations 4

4 Field Grouna-Water Table Contour Map 5

5 Ground-water Map 12

6 Geology Background Map 13

7 Fluctuation in Water Level in W e l l s 16

8 Seismic Survey Location 19

9 We i r Locations and Water Level Ranges 21

10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations 24

11 Fluctuation in Specific Conductance in W e l l s 25

12 Electrical Resist iv i ty Sounding Location 28

1 3 Model Grid 31

14 Simulated Ground Water Table Contour Map 32

1 5 Northern Drainage Area 34

16 Landfill West-East Cross-section between Wells W and EC 39

17 Landfill North-South Cross-section between Wells NW and SC40

18 Natural Conditions 43

19 Excavation without Landfill 45

20 Landfill without Excavation 46

21 Landfill Head Contour Cross-section 47

22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam 49

23 Summer Condition 52

24 Landfill ana Excavation without Dam 54

VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

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25 25

25 539

25 25

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25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

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25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974


Table of Contents


Title Page

Approval Sheet

Acknowledgement ii

Thesis Abstract iii

Preface iv

Tab I e of Contents v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Main Body

Introduction 1

Background 2

Description of Study Area 10

Field Studies and Procedures 15

Model Development 30

Model Calibration 41

Computer Simulations 42

Analysis ana Discussion 55

Remedial Measures and Recommendations 75

Conclusions and Recommendations 83


Appendix A Precipitation Records 86


Appendix C


Appendix E


Appendix B Boring Logs

Appendix D Computer Program Flow Chart

Appendix F Bioliography

CaliDration of Specific Conductance Meters in4

Computer Data Sheets Ill


List of Tables


1 Well point Water Elevations 17

2 Seismic Refraction Survey Results 20

3 S tream Fl ows 22

4 Specific Conductances in Well points 26

5 Specific Conductances in Streams and Observation Holes 27

6 Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding Results 27

7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table 105

Vl l

List of Figures


1 Location Map 2

2 Study Area 3

3 SupplyWel l Locations 4

4 Field Grouna-Water Table Contour Map 5

5 Ground-water Map 12

6 Geology Background Map 13

7 Fluctuation in Water Level in W e l l s 16

8 Seismic Survey Location 19

9 We i r Locations and Water Level Ranges 21

10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations 24

11 Fluctuation in Specific Conductance in W e l l s 25

12 Electrical Resist iv i ty Sounding Location 28

1 3 Model Grid 31

14 Simulated Ground Water Table Contour Map 32

1 5 Northern Drainage Area 34

16 Landfill West-East Cross-section between Wells W and EC 39

17 Landfill North-South Cross-section between Wells NW and SC40

18 Natural Conditions 43

19 Excavation without Landfill 45

20 Landfill without Excavation 46

21 Landfill Head Contour Cross-section 47

22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam 49

23 Summer Condition 52

24 Landfill ana Excavation without Dam 54

VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



List of Tables


1 Well point Water Elevations 17

2 Seismic Refraction Survey Results 20

3 S tream Fl ows 22

4 Specific Conductances in Well points 26

5 Specific Conductances in Streams and Observation Holes 27

6 Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding Results 27

7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table 105

Vl l

List of Figures


1 Location Map 2

2 Study Area 3

3 SupplyWel l Locations 4

4 Field Grouna-Water Table Contour Map 5

5 Ground-water Map 12

6 Geology Background Map 13

7 Fluctuation in Water Level in W e l l s 16

8 Seismic Survey Location 19

9 We i r Locations and Water Level Ranges 21

10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations 24

11 Fluctuation in Specific Conductance in W e l l s 25

12 Electrical Resist iv i ty Sounding Location 28

1 3 Model Grid 31

14 Simulated Ground Water Table Contour Map 32

1 5 Northern Drainage Area 34

16 Landfill West-East Cross-section between Wells W and EC 39

17 Landfill North-South Cross-section between Wells NW and SC40

18 Natural Conditions 43

19 Excavation without Landfill 45

20 Landfill without Excavation 46

21 Landfill Head Contour Cross-section 47

22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam 49

23 Summer Condition 52

24 Landfill ana Excavation without Dam 54

VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974


Vl l

List of Figures


1 Location Map 2

2 Study Area 3

3 SupplyWel l Locations 4

4 Field Grouna-Water Table Contour Map 5

5 Ground-water Map 12

6 Geology Background Map 13

7 Fluctuation in Water Level in W e l l s 16

8 Seismic Survey Location 19

9 We i r Locations and Water Level Ranges 21

10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations 24

11 Fluctuation in Specific Conductance in W e l l s 25

12 Electrical Resist iv i ty Sounding Location 28

1 3 Model Grid 31

14 Simulated Ground Water Table Contour Map 32

1 5 Northern Drainage Area 34

16 Landfill West-East Cross-section between Wells W and EC 39

17 Landfill North-South Cross-section between Wells NW and SC40

18 Natural Conditions 43

19 Excavation without Landfill 45

20 Landfill without Excavation 46

21 Landfill Head Contour Cross-section 47

22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam 49

23 Summer Condition 52

24 Landfill ana Excavation without Dam 54

VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974


VI 1

25 Infiltrometer Location and Drainage Feature 57

26 Results of Infiltrometer Tests 59

27 Schlumberger Sounding R-l 71

28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2 72

29 No Recharge over Lanafill 77

30 SI urry Wall 80

31 Slurry Wall without Recnarge Over It or Landfill 81

32 Precipitation Record 87

33 Computer Program Flow Chart 107


Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



Ground-water contamination of aauifers from municipal landfills

is a widespread problem Contamination of domestic supply wells and

neighboring streams has occured at the South Kingstown municipal

landfill which is located adjacent to Rose H i l l Road approximately

one mile nortn of Peace Dale Rhode Island (Fig 12) The polluted

neighboring wells have been relocated to their present locations to

remove them from tne leacnate plume (Fig 3) Fig 4 inaicates flow

patterns from the landfill which has contaminated streams to the

east and southwest of it The generation of leachate continues as

precipitation recharge and upgradient ground-water sources

infiltrate the refuse To effectively prevent or minimize

contamination from this landfill several remedial options are

available These w i l l be evaluated relative to the areas geologic

setting and hydraulic properties ground-water flow patterns

recharge characteristics and proximity to supply sources

The rate of ground-water flow out of the landfill into the

adjacent aauifer and flow patterns largely depend on tne hydraulic

gradient of the water table and the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill and aduifer material The hydraulic gradients were

determined by monitoring water-table fluctuations in several wells

located around the landfill and elevation siting in stream

locations and elevations This information enabled a ground-water

map of the area to be developed from where flow patterns can be

developed assuming flow lines are orthogonal to contour lines The

ground-water map in combination with Knowing aquifer and landfill




Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974





Fig 1 Location Map


peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



peoy ||H asoa

X ltbull


f c c


^ ^ o o f a

O OJ 83X1

o O

x o

seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974


seepage observation -t West

hole Landfill Area

Legend mdash landfill limit bull j--excavation limit r^-s stream copy WNWNEECSeuroSCSEN

monitoring well locations = = = unimproved road

A contaminated domesti supply well

D uncontaminated domestic supply well


Fig 3 Supply Well Locations


a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



a 03

N lo ^ gt

laquo c 2

mdash w


X o ^

3 O L

o CO

0 opound E bullo





uj ^

0 o o c

o $ bullA

E c o


bullo t_hraquo9 O

_OplusmnJ ca



ve I 51 H

bullo 0gt

UJ _c e poundbullo Mzbull w gt 0

laquorege cc

0gt -^^ o a5 raquobull bullo o sect 3 mdash laquoo o wcz _

3Ogt c $c o_ X

aw e 05 0 (0 3 bullo

o a 2 2 u

hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

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25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

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25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

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25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974


hydraulic properties and the subsurface geometry enable estimates of

ground-water outflow to be made Streamflow measurements were used

to verify these outflows Contamination levels using specific

conductance measurements as an indicator were measured in wells

streams and observation holes to help delineate the extent ana

degree of contamination An electrical resistivity sounding was

conducted in a known contamination zone

The primary objective of tnis study is to determine flow

patterns in the vicinity of the landfill ana recommend possible

actions to contain or minimize the impact of the contamination In

oraer to fully evaluate these goals the aforementioned parameters

were input to a computer model to produce simulated flow patterns

under different conditions The simulated present conditions were

matched with field water table and stream flow measurements to

calibrate the model A series of simulations were then run to

evaluate flow conditions before the excavations anaor landfill

existed Remedial measures such as reducing recharge to the

landfill and implementing a slurry wall to blocx off leachate flow

to endangered wells were simulated to evaluate their effectiveness

Based on this analysis recommendations are made as to how to

minimize leachate production ano best alleviate the immediate danger

of the contaminant plume spreading to unpolluted domestic supply



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



The South Kingstown landfill is in a geologic setting that is

very similiar to the nearby West Kingston landfill This is located

about 3 miles west of the South Kingstown landfill and has been

studied to assess leachate effects on groundwater quality using

specific conductance as an indicator of contamination levels

(222ltt) Both sites were located in abandoned gravel Quarries which

were filled in with refuse to create the landfill

In the literature numerous authors have shown that the character

of contaminant plumes from landfills are largely dependent on the

local geology and geohydrology A study on Long Island (27) in

similiar glacial material illustrates that the Quantity of flow is

dependent on the hydraulic conductivity of tne aauifer the

hydraulic gradient and the vertical cross-sectional area of the

aauifer it flows through This is expressed as Darcys Law (41)


wnere Q = flow quantity

I = hydraulic gradient

K = hydraulic conductivity of the aauifer

A = vertical cross sectional area of the flow area

Specific conductance was used as a contaminant tracer to show that

the plume from the landfill flowed downgradient and vertically

through the full thickness of the aauifer A study in Iowa (32)

indicates that the size ana shape of the contamination outflow from

a l a n d f i l l can be predicted from existing geohydrologic conditions

and that the horizontal shape of the outflow extends downgradient


from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974



from the source and parallel to ground-water flow lines Other

parameters which control the extent of the contaminant plume are

dilution and dispersion in the aquifer and the adsorption properties

of the aauifer material (31)

The amount of leachate generated depends largely on the amount

of water that infiltrates through the landfill to increase tne water

content of the refuse in the landfill The precipitation recharge

that percolates down through the unsaturated zone to the water table

moves in a vertical direction (35) Surface runoff soil moisture

storage losses and evapotranspiration account for tne precipitation

that is not transmitted tnrough the unsaturated zone of aeration

(3315) Upon reaching the saturated zone the water enters the

ground-water flow system Ground-water mounding has been reported

in landfills due to the decreased hydraulic conductivity of

compacted refuse relative to surrounding aauifer material (20)

Chemical processes within the landfill leachate outflow and

surrounding soil cation exchange capacity relative to water duality

of the surrounding aduifer have been studied in Pennsylvania (1) anu

in Delaware (5) A procedures manual for ground-water monitoring at

solid waste disposal facilities was developed by the US

Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (9)

Several reports have been written that investigate site

selection design criteria and remedial measures to correct

leachate problems (29) A survey of ground-water protection methods

for landfills in Illinois studies relationships to the water table

theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974


theory of liner installation and monitoring devices (13) Sanitary

Landfi11-Leaching Prevention and Control presents a review of

preventative methods such as means to minimize infiltration

interception of ground-water and other pollution control measures

(2 37) A study in Pennsylvania on actual measures implemented to

collect and treat a landfills leachate discharge presents a site

specific study (19) Leachate Quality Improvements After Top

Sealing1 shows that by minimizing infiltration at a landfill in

Connecticut the outflow leachate water quality can be improved

dramatically and contamination plume reduced significantly (6) The

most comprehensive reports on remedial approaches to upgrading waste

disposal sites and ground-water protection methods have been

compiled under USEPA contract (1542)

To assist in evaluating remedial measures the US Geological

Survey (USGS) computer model Iterative Digital Model for Aduifer

Evaluation was used It was originally developed as a model for

simulating two-dimensional aauifer problems (33) It had been

updated since its original development to accomodate different

options (43) This model has been applied to glacial outwash

regions in Rhode Island (717)


Description of Study Area

A map of tne landfill area (Fig Z) was obtained from tne town

of South Kingstown The excavation to the west of Rose Hill Roaa

the landfill area directly to the east and the presently operating

area to the east of the central stream comprise tne overall study

area This study will concentrate on the west landfill area whicn

has recently reached capacity and been closed to further dumping

This site received mixed refuse for the past 15 years The depth of

the excavation where the landfill presently exists was approximately

to bedrock in some places Tne exact depths of landfill material is


The landfill cover has been graded and sloped generally eastward

to convey surface runoff to the eastern side A sandy soil that was

excavated locally was used as tne cover material The northern

section has a vegetation cover and the recently filled southern

section has been seeded and mulched The six monitoring wells W

NW NE EC SE SC were placed by the town of South Kingstown to

provide water quality information

Referring to Fig 2 the west excavation stream drains the area

created by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and flows

throughout the year The central stream drains a small watershed

area which lies to the northwest of the landfill and drys up during

part of the year These streams flow into the Saugatucket River

which flows throughout the year and is larger than the west and

central streams combined


The USGS Groundwater Map (18) was initially consulted to proviae

information on the ground-water flow patterns (Fig 5) and the

geology of tne area (Fig 6) The surficial geology borings and the

vertical geologic cross-section at the base of the study area

indicate shallow water table and bedrocic and a nearly constant

saturated thickness (18) Boring logs at the W well ana a point

approximately 150 feet south of it indicate glacial outwasn material

which is primarily sana with a trace of gravel over bedrock at a

depth of approximately 33 feet Borings at the east landfill area N

and S monitoring wells indicate the same aquifer material

(Appendix B)

The ground-water map developed by Hahn is taken as

representative of conditions existing prior to the excavation of the

I l andfill (18) This indicates water-table contour lines that run in i

a general northeasterly direction This means tnat flow was

originally in a southeasterly direction However contamination of

domestic supply wells on the west side of Rose Hill Road has

occurred (Fig 3) strongly suggesting that the original flow pattern

has been altered by the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to the east of it Domestic supply wells were formerly

located directly to the west of Rose Hill Road but were aoandoned

when they became contaminated from landfill leachate New wells

were located to the south and west away from the contaminant plume

of tne landfill In addition a well located at the northeastern

corner of the landfill was contaminated and a replacement located to

the east of Us former location on tne opposite side of the central


Legend scale 124000

mdash-40 mdashground-water contour elevation

Fig 5 Ground-Water Map


Legend feet


Fig 6 Geology Background Map


stream This second wel 1 also became contaminated Domestic supply

wells located near tne northwestern corner of tne landfill and

approximately 300 feet south of it nave remained uncontaminated

These well locations serve as an indication of tne extent of the

landfill contamination which is largely dependent on the groundwater

flow patterns To furtner investigate this problem and provide

substantial information on which to base the geohydrologic analysis

field studies of the area were conducted


Field Studies ana Procedures

A map of the lanafill and an aerial pnotograph of the area were

obtained A tracing of these maps superimposed upon another

delineates stream landfill and monitor well locations (Fig 2)

The field investigation concentrated on the west landfill area ana

its aajoining streams ana monitor wells The east landfill area and

the three monitor wells in that area are induced in the latter

phase of the study in oraer to expand the model area

A traverse which establishea tne monitor well elevations was run

using a Carl Zeiss level These were originally sitea in by the

town of South Kingstown using a local USGS reference datum number 40

(18) The wells of known elevations then served as benchmarks for

referencing adjacent stream elevations This in combination with

the depth to water table measurements at each well enables tne

water-table surface geometry of the area to oe visualized

Water-table measurements of the west landfills wells were recordea

over a ten month period to record fluctuations (Fig 7 Table 1)

The east landfill areas wells were monitored for a five month

period Using a given water-table condition a ground-water map was

developea of the area (Fig 4) This indicates an outflow from

the landfill primarily in a southeasterly direction and partially

in a southwesterly direction

Additional bedrock and water-table information was ootainea by a

seismic refraction survey at several locations along the landfill

perimeter A Bison Model lb70C Signal Enhancement Seismograpn was

used to maxe the surveys Lines were run (to a length of kOO feet)



w s p bdquo S bdquo s S S a laquolaquo _

s 2 8


r bdquo

3 s a

-R s


S 3














C 5 S

shy raquo S s

1 3 s 3 2 5 ^ bull

5 m

s o

^ 3



R bull 5

s pound J O s

5 a 3 7 3 m

5 s a ^

iraquo a s rlaquo

M ^

^ c o 2 5 s 3 a S R

rd 3 y a O =J

^ bdquo

JJ s s 3 bull ~ I

~ s 5 3 a s a

(Ogt (U


-t =

r s s in

5 y

a s




5 a

^ a

3 a 51 a bullbull

sj 5 Ml

3 a bull

s raquo




^ mdash

a j -



g S


bull a


~ 3 o

2 s s 3 a bdquo s s $ Al s

(1) = $ s 3


c a a

3 e 5 s N s S a - 3 = s s a 5

a s s - 3 S shy



a s

bdquo tfH


3 a


s a

e bullfl s i s s a s a

3 nt

s s 3

g laquo s3 a

~ J s 2 a s o s S s 3 a a j laquo s o s

3 bull laquobull

2 a 7 3 a 3 a ^2

s mdash 5i o

bull bull


3 o

ss a

fc mdash

3 1-sect m ishy n


in both directions to provide a check and permit accurate estimates

of the depth to bedrockThe seismic results allow approximate

interpretations of the depth to the water table and bedrocK thus

permitting an estimation of the saturated thickness Ground

elevations at the location of the seismic surveys were determined

from a topographical map and field siting From this information

water table ana bedrock elevations estimates were made Bedrock

contours are listed in Fig 8 In addition a table which

summarizes the seismic refraction results for the unsaturated

saturated and bedrock layers velocities and depths at each survey

location is presented in Table 2

Scream gauging stations were established on the two streams

bordering the west landfill (Fig 9) Three stations were placed on

the central stream These provide information on the influent or

effluent condition of ground-water flow in the upper sections of the

stream and ground-water baseflow from an area adjacent to the

landfill into the stream (Table 3)

The stream gauging stations used were 90deg V-notch weirs The

weirs located in the SE and SW positions were placed in the

streamoea with a liner of plastic upstream to minimize underflow

The weirs located in the NW and E positions were cut to fit in

recesses of concrete culvert pipes Concrete plywooa interfaces

were coated with roofing cement to minimize bypass flow Upstream

water pressure and a snug fit hold the plywood sections in place

All weirs were implaceo according to AigtTM reouirements and flowrates

calculated using the standard 90deg V-notch formula (3)



seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Legend landfill limit excavat ion limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road -- WNES-number

seismic refraction locations

-40shy approximate bedrock contpur elevation


Fig8 Seismte Survey Location


c ^-^ c4j ^laquoc in -=r 3shyjj bull pn f- 4-gt bull in in OjJ bull bull a jo bull bull O JJ

co CM o on on CO CM CTNVO VO co CM o on on Q gt_x rH oj on a oj on a - rH oner

rmdash on sr i i

M z Z

gt gt gt

X-N CO laquomdashv CO CO bull igt gt bull

1 gt fc^gtgt bullbull ^ ^ ^

C 4-gt O t igt O J- 4J O H m o o o 3 bullH CO O rH in 3 bullH co vo o in 3 ~ 1 i-k -i ^trade fj rj ui ij o CO o n o rH =r co o n vo vo vo co o bullv O O O

O raquo On-3 rH O -bull- rH ON in _ IH in oj - rH bull rH VO OrH bull rH On ON pH d)u CO -UCO 4J OJ CO 4-gt gt

C mdashbull gt CM gt CM H-l O CO

v- ^^ N C 0

bull0 N CO

4-5 -0 _c^gt in in CO CO

C x~ c -^ t-oo in i 4J j_gt 41 4J bull 9 bull bull 4J bull

o j ON O O 3 (0 O4J O ON ON QJJ t~-^3- OJ 4-gt L

CO CM trade CO CM rH rH OJ co CM oj on Q ^ _ CO 3~Q-- n 45 Q mdash OJ OJ OJ C (0

1 11 3 nZ 2CO

gti gt gt CO CO CO ^-x m -s CO

rH rH ^ ro^^ bull gt bull ^ igt gt bullgt gtgt bull r O -Q 4Ji JJ O 5- JJ O pound- ^ O 4) oj o on (0 CO

3 bullH CJ O O in 3 bullH CO Cmdash VO on 3 pound-laquo H CO o n in inco co o n ma- r co g^ 5sect^ o

o rH on oj O bull- rH ONCO L O_ rH OJ VO M

rH bull rH =t rH bull - OJ T CO CO M CO 4-gt rH CO -U rH CO 4-) s


CO 4-gt 4-5 T3 gt CM gt CM gt CM cc CO CO CO

3 3gt oa tlp^ CO O CM O gt 4J O 40 i 3 r+ k C pound JS

CO pound

^^ s -bullgt cmdash on poundZ VO CTI trx 4J 4J 4J

) bull bull bull Q Q Q Q4J 3shyc O-JJ CTgt OJ OJ Q-IJ inco on CO CO CO o co CM oj on co CM oj on co CM on

Q Q QON^ Q bullH Q^

rH rH 4J rH

O bullraquo L Z bull CO CO CO

i gtgt rH oj on gt tgtshyCM ^ cO^-s CO ~ CO

CO CO J X fc^_ bull^gt bullgtgt bull gt gtgt bull gt CO

j_ jJ O pound- Jj -P O Li deg =fObullH co on f- ^ 3bullH CO CO O in 3bullH CO

g^ -^2

poundsect HO



3 CO in in in in in in co o n co o n

o -^ r oj in O rHCO CO rH bullrH bull rH =T OrH bull rH OJ f-CO 4J bull- CO 4J rH O0) J-)

gt CM gt CM gt CM 4J

CO N_^ m^

bull OJ

t t poundshyCO CO CO CO rH J3 gt r-t oj on gt r-i oj on gt gt r n o j o n

lto co lto CO T bull ii-4 laquomdash bullmdashH

bullo CO L L 0)

CM CO cc




seepage observation

hole West Landfill

0NE I47-509


Weir 45


0 EC Al3-467

Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bull---excavation limit r-s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

Weir location and elevation


Fig 9 Weir Locations and Wate r Level Ranges



S shy S


bull ry m



(M raquo 1 03 or NO m

JT O O raquo

O NO 03 (j

PW tn in ^4 fraquo

m CN) f O O (M Oj

mdashraquo 3 M

s cshy -raquoraquo

o in in ^


laquobull NO ON

o bull-lt ^

H fy (NJ


1 4 03 O



03 CM



7 raquo


IM i iev NO

i in

i ru

i 0 rsi -or^



03 raquo

1 O3

pound o ro CNJ


tn B OJ

o 03

m oi





CO i M 03

m N ltn ~+ ltM -


O M O ^ ^r-

oo m

8 a


^ NO

8 fNl


m - in

o laquoO

bull3 as m o 03 03 4

i O

i ^



ltM bull^

ON f tn H 1 4 raquo4 i-4 H P-t

^^ lt-l


^ 1 1 1 1

pound raquoraquo O)t o gtz

bull bull ltbull


1 pound OJ

3 oi g bull


1 pound laquolt bull

3 bull o a


5 laquo15

f bull 3 Jl s

5bull 1 5


A field study to determine the infiltration capacity of a

section of tne landfill topcover was conaucted A modified version

of a double ring infiltrometer was used to study infiltration rates

(4) The cylinder diameters useo in this study were 8 inches and 18

inches A constant head of 6 in was maintained in the

infiltrometer and rates of infiltration were determined Tnese

results and an analysis of surface infiltration into the landfill

are included in tne analysis and discussion section

Specific conductance levels in the monitoring wells in the

streams bordering the landfill and at observation holes near the

landfill were measured (Fig 10) This is a good indication of the

mineralization of water (39) Specific conductances were measured

intermittently over the ten month period to develop a picture of the

extent and degree of contamination in the wells (Fig 11 Taole4j

and in the surface contamination monitoring locations (Fig 11

Table 5) A comparative standardization of the Beckman (short and

long probes) and YSI specific conductances is in Appendix C

A surface electrical sounding using the Schlumberger array was

conducted adjacent to Rose Hill Road at the R-l location (Fig 12)

in an attempt to delineate the vertical extent of the contamination

zone Well W was used as a centerpoint and a reference for

water-table depth pore water conductivity and depth to bedrock A

Schlumberger array electrical resistivity sounding was also

conducted in an uncontaminated area at tne R-2 location (Fig 12) to

provide a comparison background interpretation A seismic

refraction survey N-4 was conducted at the same location (Fig 8J to



excavat ion

Seepage West observat ion Landfill hole


Stream 1 Seasonal observation 0 EC


East Stream2

Legend sw Weir landfill limit j--1--^ excavation limit

copyWNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

== unimproved road


Fig 10 Surface Contamination Monitoring Locations




O bull U) W6000


0 sc A NE O W


a EC

1 O N D J F M M

Time months Flg11 Flucuatlon In Specific Conductance in Wells


Table 4 Specific Conductances in Wells (pmhoscm at 25degC)

West East Landfill Landfill


81581 851 938 236 2356

102981 171 3268

11381 3268

111081 304 988 1100 258 3800

111481 426 2736 1216 186 4560

111781 304 3610 433 389 4560

121981 380 1406 129 103 380

1982 160 152

31582 274 760 1064 61 334 8000+ 182 53 84

52182 450 1500 1125 112 712 8000+ 175 255 150

52282 425 1320 1200 110 850 180 320 170



ct c r i c o o o o o c M o m o in CO CM unp^

3bull t- fmdash o^ co tmdash vo co in co cmdash co in a

bull bull1 1-1 trade4 rH rH^ CO 4)2

~ plusmn4J o O CM ^_

o n CO vO J oraquo 0C0M

cu rH rH rH rH rHin tmdash

3 iCM 4J

^j CO CO

E O0 ltU -H n o c E






rH O in 0 0 O O 0

O o x rH Cmdash

0 0n

cu rH mdash O tmdash X o o o o c o o o o r H r H i n o i n i n o O

bull L in oo co oo oo o cy cr o rH CM o cr ONc fcJ bullH on en m m rn c^n rH rH rH0 pound CO 3 CO

t CM0gt s o o o in rA n ^o oo in tmdash oo 0gt zr =r a- JT JT$_


~ E CO ^ _bdquo ltu CO g r H r n c n i n o o r H r H

vgtO ^D O ^^ ^O CO ^^ ^^ JJ 2 4) rH rHCO t

c CO

CO c 9) rH 0

CO -^ C c CO ltuo famp O trade t iH


bullo co n ^


o ^^ bullH m

i co rn O CQ O1 CO CO 4) c2Q 3


mdash^ bull cmdash CMin 1 gt rH vO vO O CTgt CO

s CTgt CO OO Ogt Craquo- tmdash cu O CO rH z 0


H bull L o in r in o oo in 3 rfy ff^ tir f^ CO C^~


Z 3

^ ^ ^ ^ H r H r H r H r H rH r H C O r H C O a O C O a O a O C O C O r H i H r H CO OO - gt 0 0 ^ - gt ^ raquo - ^ ^ 1 - gt ~ gt - C O C O O O

U ^ raquo ^ - ~ raquo O ^ ^ O t ~ C O r H - r r ^ - ^ ^ JJ r H C M v O r H r H r H r H r H C M C M r H i n c r gt rH CO CM gt laquolaquo - - -^ bullmdash mdash bullraquoraquobullgt -v -v ^^

~ v O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H lt M C M C M CM O O r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H r H rH

in rH cmdash

CO vo


41 rH CO

CTgt rH raquo CM rH

cn CO

o 0 rn

CO cmdash

tmdash fshy

CM ao

iT rH


ogt ao

O o vO

CO t-

tmdash Cmdash





O vO in


in c^

CM ao





CO bO C bullH T3

cy ~


CJ E 3 ^ n c bullH






West Landfill


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -bullbull--bullexcavation limit r~~s stream

copy WNWNEECSESCSEN monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road

electrical resistivity sounding

feet Fig12 Electrical Resistivity Sounding Location



allow estimates of depth to water table and bedrocic to be made

Soundings were carried out to 500 foot electrode spacings to insure

that hredrock was penetrated and to facilitate interpretation These

results and a discussion of the soundings interpretation are

included in the analysis and discussion section Schlumoerger

resistivity soundings were made using a Soiltest R-bO unit


Model Development

The USGS Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation was

usea to develop steady state flow models of the study area (43) A

flow chart of the computer model and a brief explanation of the

subroutines usea is presented in Appendix D The stream locations

elevations and aauiferlandfil1 geometry and hydraulic properties

were input to the model to compute head values at each 200 foot

grid spacing node (Fig 13) The input data which is for the

existing excavation and landfill conditon is listed in Appendix E

The head values that are computed at each grid space are in turn

loaded into the CalComp plotting routine (44) where a grid spacing

is setup with the computed head values at each node The contouring

program linearly interpolates between these head values and

generates a contour map The computer simulated ground-water

contour map for the excavation and landfill is presented in Fig


The streams in the model generally serve as controlling boundary

conditions When using computer simulated geohydrologic models of

an area choosing the boundary conditions for the model that are the

same as prevailing conditions in the field is a critical step in

model development Extending the models boundaries to areas in the

field that have a minimum influx of ground-water across them

simplifies the proolem of calculating fluxes from outside the model

area The eastern boundary is bordered by glacial till which has a

low hydraulic conductivity estimated to be 67 ftday(2) This

contrasts to the high hydraulic conductivity of glacial outwash that

makes up the model area of approximately 107 ftday(3036j

31 N

o 9

bullO O



The Saugatucket River serves as the controlling boundary on the

east A small drainage area directly to the east of it provides a

minimal influx

Beyond the moaels northern boundary the glacial outwash valley

extends to the base of a till covered h i l l on the western half ana

on the eastern side extends along the Saugatucket stream Due to

the relatively large drainage area that lies upgradient from the

northern boundary a recharge flux eduivalent to 10 inyr over the

drainage area on the till hill and outwash area north of the model

area was input as underflow (Fig Ib) Part of this was input at

each northern boundary node Till has a lower infiltration capacity

than outwash so more of the precipitation w i l l be transmitted as

overland runoff resulting in a lower ground-water baseflow The 10

inyr of recharge that results in a ground-water inflow from the

combined till and outwash region represents an estimate that is

smaller than the 14 inyr recharge for glacial outwash areas in

Rhode Island (25)

The glacial outwash valley extends beyond the western boundary

No significant ground-water recharge flux was estimated at this

boundary A relatively low ground-water gradient exists to the west

of this which does not provide a significant flux across this

boundary Tne southern boundary is basically the outflow region for

the area and therefore would not reauire any ground-water flux into

the moael area across this boundary This boundary was set south of

the point that the streams in the model merge together Therefore

the streams which lie to the north of it are the controlling


scale 124000

Fig 15 Northern Drainage Area


boundary conditions The flux out of the downgradient outflow

region approximately eauals the influx from precipitation recharge

and boundary influxes

When tne stream configuration in the moael area are reviewed it

can be seen that they comprise a large portion of the boundary

area The screams can act as sources or sinks for water in the

model thus providing to and removing water from the aquifer The

leakance option was used in the model which provides for a confining

bed and aouifer area beneath the stream to be input

The leakance is defined as the hydraulic conductance of the

streambed divided by the streambed thickness which in this case is

taken as 1 foot The leakance value at each streambed node

restricts the flow between the aduifer and the stream The

streambed hydraulic conductivity is typically 01 the value of tne

hydraulic conductivity of the aduifer (717) The value 107

ftday was used for a streambed conductivity based on a value of

107 ftday for the aquifer The aduifer and stream hydraulic

inputoutput exchange at eacn node is calculated by initially

finding the difference between the initial field stream head

elevations and the computed head elevation values at the

corresponding nodes This head value is then multiplied by the

(Leakance value at each node) x (stream area of each node)

Therefore if the aduifer head was lower than the stream head the

stream would act as a source of water for the aquifer and vice



Tne leaxance input at each stream node is the ratio of the

actual field streambed area in each node to the area of each node

which is 200 ft x 200 ft = 4 x 104 ft2 The west

excavations stream width is approximately 3 ft central 4 ft and

east 5 ft Therefore if tne west stream traverses the node

directly without meandering it presents a leakance of 3 ft x 200

ft4 x 104 ft = 015 Leakance and streamhead values were

input at each node to set up the stream flow parameters in the


A recharge value of 14 inyr over the entire area was input at

each node This represents a value of precipitation that is

transmuted into tne ground-water rather than being directly

evaporated evapotranspired through plants or overland flow

runoff The precipitation recharge flow from the stream into the

aauifer and boundary fluxes provide the model witn input flow


From analyzing the available information it was determined that

the study area lies within a glacial outwash area with a relatively

shallow bedrock The seismic survey around the landfill generally

indicates a depth to bedrock below the land surface of approximately

29-43 ft with corresponding saturated thicknesses of 19-33 ft as

seen in Table 2 This agrees with borings from tne USGS groundwater

map in the stuuy area (18j The seismic survey was run at a low

water table condition which was several feet below the high water

table level (Fig 9)


High water-table saturated thicknesses were used to develop

model parameters For the purpose of this model study the saturated

thickness was set at 30 ft except in the vicinity of well W where

there is a bedrock high (Fig 8) At this location a high water

table saturateo tnicxness of 8 ft was estimated In tne vicinity

the seismic survey was conducted the bedrock elevation at this

location is the highest and the saturated thickness the least Tnis

can be seen by an east-west cross section of tne landfill (Fig 16

The boring log for well W indicates a sand trace gravel outwash

material (Appendix B) Boring logs at the eastern landfill area N

and E indicate similar material On this basis the hydraulic

conductivity was estimated at 107 ftday (3036) Witn the

exception of the landfill and the bedrock hign areas the

transmissivity values were set at 107 ftday x 30 ft = 3210

fto day From the literature the hydraulic conductivity of the

landfill material was estimated at I ftday (19) The

transmissivity of the landfill material in tne nortnern section was

estimatea at 1 ftday x 30 ft = 30 ft^day or approximately two

orders of magnitude lower than the outwash In tne landfills

southern section the original excavation was not as deep as in the

northern parts The landfill material was estimated to makeup only

one half tne saturated depth the remainder being the original

glacial outwash material (Fig 17) Therefore the transmissivity

at the southern end was estimated at 15 ft x 107 ftday + lb ft x

1 ftday = 1620 ft^day These values were graded into the 30

ft^day values at the landfills northern halfway point These


were input as transmissivity values to the model at their respective

locations This model did not use the water taole option so

water-table fluctuations did not affect the transmissivities



-8 Oi0

co o


o Oin


O or

bullo c 10

ogt o laquorf o

c o o e 0i

CO to o k O

co CO LU I

09 O

bullo c 01





o ltD

a o co


o o


coI co co O w O

o CO I


l_ o Z

bullo c 09


oin uo|BA8|a

Model Calibration

A simulation was run using the initial estimates of stream

parameters aquifer and landfill hydraulic conductivities

transmissivities boundary and recharge conditions to approximate

water taole conditions in tne fiela Initially the existing

condition of the excavation area to tne west of Rose Hill Road and

the landfill to tne east were modeled in order to calibrate the

model to current field conditions as shown on Fig 4 The simulated

well values (Fig 14) fall within tne range of field values (Fig

9) The resulting contours also provide an approximate matcn This

can be seen by comparing Fig 4 with Fig 14 An additional check

was to match the flow loss and gain in the streams between tne weirs

in the central stream which w i l l be discussed later The

simulated flow value from the excavation drainage stream is the same

as that measured at the SW weir location Having calibrated the

model by approximately matching well water levels nead contours

and scream flow values different field conditions and possible

remedial measures can be simulated

When the model grid was laid out over the study area as viewed on

Fig 13 the stream configuration rarely traversed the grid nodes near

their central axis When the stream locations were input to the

computer the information was documented as crossing the central axis

of the grid nodes The result of this is a slight aberration when

the actual stream configuration is laid over the computer graphics

head contour output The streams dont always cross the groundshy

water contour at the logical location Rather than modifying the

actual stream configuration to adjust then to the computer output

their actual locations are presented



i The primary focus of the computer modeling is to analyze flow

patterns under changing conaitions in the near vicinity of tne raquo

landfill The study areas overall flow patterns as they exist

today are first presented in order to realize the lateral east-west

head contour lines between the stream that directly borders the

landfill on the east side and the SaugatucKet stream (Fig 14)

This indicates a general southerly flow direction in that area As

different conditions are modeled these contours generally maintain

their east-west orientation In order to facilitate interpretation

of flow patterns in the near vicinity of the landfill flow patterns

to the west of the stream that borders the east side of the landfill

r are presented in the subseauent models

L- Natural Conditions

The results of modeling the original natural conditions are

shown in Fig 18 The excavation and stream to tne west of Rose

Hill Road and tne landfill did not exist in this simulation The

southwestern boundary consists of a drainage stream that was

delineated using an aerial photograph and stream elevations were set

using the topographical map The USGS ground-water map (18) was

used to estimate head values between the west excavation and north

streams These were input to the model as constant heads on the

models western boundary The resulting simulation generally matches

the southeasterly flow direction that is indicated on the

ground-water map (Fig 5)



x-^- stream 400 = = = unimproved road

I f ee t

Fig 18 Natural Conditions


Excavation Without Landfill

The condition of the excavation to the west of Rose Hill Road

with its resultant drainage stream without the landfill was modeled

next (Fig 19) The extent of the excavation ana the location of

the new drainage stream were delineated using the aerial

photograph The west stream elevations were sited in the field and

used in the model The concept of a confining streamoed layer was

excluded in tne excavation drainage stream under the concept tnat no

significant organic layer had been built up within the 25 year

period that the excavation had been initiated Head values between

the west and north stream boundaries were interpolated and input as

constant head values on the northwestern boundary The west

excavation drainage stream creates a condition that alters the

natural ground-water flow patterns by creating a more southerly flow

condition the drainage stream providing a more immediate surface

outflow in that area

Landfill Without Excavation

The hypothetical case of a landfill without the excavation was

modeled next (Fig 20) The low hydraulic conductivity zone of the

landfill changes the natural flow conditions and creates noticeable

mounding This is evidenced by the decreased spacing of the head

contour lines and deviation from the lateral contour lines of the

natural conditions and higher head values (Fig 21)



excava t i on s t ream

400 unimproved road

f e e t

Fig19 Excavat ion without Landfill



landfill limit

bull - s t ream 400 copy WNWNEECSESC

monitoring well locations f ee t bullbull-bull=bull unimproved road

Fig 20 Landfill without Excavation


oin CM


m u



bullo 9

bullo 9

o rf o o CO 1

lt0inO O

T ^ogt

c o


o9 aI 0)

ot_3 O laquolaquo coO bull3 OJ oX

bulla caj




Landfill ana Excavation

The condition of tne existing landfill and the excavation with

the dam is the next condition modeled (Fig 22) The ground-water

elevations used to calibrate tne model correspond to an actual high

water table condition Between the NVJ and pound weir a streamflow loss

of approximately 102 gpm occurs aoout 60 percent of this flow is

lost at the dam site which maintains a head of b-6 feet over an area

of approximately 1800 feet^ This approximates a field value of

1144 gpm influent to the aduifer between the NW and E weir on ]2

December 1981 (Table 3) From the E weir to the SE weir a net

increase in flow occurred of 74 gpm which corresponds to field

increase of b62 gpm

The surface runoff from tne landfill flows primarily toward tne

eastern side of the landfill Increases in water-table elevations

on the eastern side after heavy rains such as the 11 November 1981

storm indicates that this runoff increases outflow gradients to the

stream and therefore increases streamflow Surface runoff input is

not modeled which explains in part why field stream inflow values

are slightly higher than model predictions especially for periods

after a storm has occurred The flow from the SW weir located at

the southern end of the excavation represents drainage outflows from

that area The net flow calculated in the model was 140 gpm

which approximates field conditions of 1642 gpm on

December 9 1981


d f l f reg N E



landfill limit -bullgt-bullgt- excavation ^-N_X- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road

-40mdash approximate groundwater contour



Fig 22 Landfill and Excavation with Dam


The modeled flow patterns suggest how the various contamination

zones around the landfill have developed to their present state

They indicate a flow to both the southeast and southwest on their

respective sides of the groundwater divide Evidence of a

southwesterly contaminant flow is presented when the continued high

specific conductance contaminant level in tne observation seepage

hole is realized (Table 5 ) In addition the specific conductance

increase in the west excavation stream is evidence of an influent

contamination flow

Contamination flow to the eastern and southeastern side of the

landfill is obvious High specific conductance levels in the wells

on the eastern side (Table 4 ) a specific conductance increase

between the E and SE weirs (Table 5 ) and contamination in the NE

domestic supply well (Fig 3) present conclusive evidence of

contamination to the eastern side of the landfill

An anamalous condition that exists is a domestic supply well

located approximately 300 feet due south of the landfill remains

uncontaminated (Fig 3) Flow patterns indicate that contamination

would be transported from the landfill south to this area

(Fig 14) One explanation is that a pocket of clay at the southern

end of the landfill area was discovered in the original excavation

for the landfill (lt6) This evidently prevents leachate from

reaching this wells radius of influence


Summer Conaitlon

As described earlier during dry months of the year the stream

that normally borders the northern and eastern side of the lanafill

may dry up as far as a point southeast of the E well Tnis

condition existed from the 15 August 1981 to the 27 October 1981

period when streamflow commenced in the northern part of the stream

yet did not overflow the north dam until 17 November 1981 This

created the present day continuous flow condition throughout the

stream These summer conditions were modeled by removing the stream

above the aforementioned location while other conditions remained

the same (Fig 23) Summer condition well water levels listed in the

model generally match field low water table conditions (Fig 9)

Because there is no stream upgradient from the landfill to provide a

stream head and infiltration through the streambed groundwater

runoff from the area north of the lanafill is the controlling flow

input In these moaels an average recharge of 14 inyr was used

which represents a yearly average The summer recnarge conditions

are prooably lower given the effects of decreased rainfall and

increased evapotranspiration during the summer months A domestic

supply well whicn exists northeast of the landfill (Fig 3) nas a

greater potential to be contaminated from the lanafill at tnis time

than when the stream is flowing Flow patterns from the landfill

are such that during an upper stream no-flow condition groundwater

flow patterns are more in an easterly direction than in a

southeasterly direction The stream would act as a source of

infiltrated water upgradient from tne landfill and provide a


I ^N gt i I i j i -r- -bull- bullr -T- t- -r- i- TJ JV

bullbullT laquo ^ O - laquo bdquo xi cshy

H r^~ I -~- --^ X- = mdash x^ N

^--^ A bull O^NW -v - gt-bull Ni i I _____mdash - bull laquo l - mdashmdash 1 deg I ^ltv I C

I reg NE A

Js bull vbull A ~ - v T gt- ^ ix - N

-5Z- | N TfS lV I -bull bull iA i gt gt I ^ bullr-Ky L bull 1 _- copy]wgt-- - bull- mdash - - shy

= r Y ~mdash ltmdashA A

^^-lt A _ - - - - bull Hmdash - reg EC x ^-mdash mdash I ---mdash_mdash -t-V-^N - y

I- -bull - r x i X

V ^ 7 I -v (^~~^^r ^^^

sc Emdash-bull vV JI - - - ~ r )N y- -

X - bull r bulllt

^bull^ y y Jlaquo^ - -lt shy

T s^ lt^ ^ +^-b (



landfill limit j-j-bullraquobull excavat ion gt^ -x- s t ream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locat ions

= == unimproved road fee t

Fig 23 Summer Condition



constant head across tne northern section of the landfill This

would tend to orient the flow in a more southerly aowngradient

direction In addition the stream which flows adjacent to the

northeastern well could provide a source of infiltrated clean water

to it which would minimize the possible contamination from landfill


Without Dam

During tne spring scream flow condition the dam failure which

occurred between the 15 March 1982 ana 9 April 1982 monitoring

periods decreased flow to the aauifer and landfill This eliminated

the 5-6 foot head difference over a 19000 ft^ area which had

created a larger area and elevation head for infiltration to occur

The condition without the dam was modeled by reducing the area

encompassed by the dam to a 4 foot wide stream channel thus

reducing the leakance value at that node (Fig 24) The flow change

from the stream to the aduifer between the NW weir and E weir

reduced the model flow loss to 50 gpm Tnis corresponds to the 9

April 1982 monitoring period which indicates a 30 gpm loss

As compared to the previous flow loss in the upper stream

sections to the aauifer the 21 April 1982 and 22 May 1982

measurements between the NW and E weirs indicate a flow gain The

streamflow conditions have changed from an influent

stream-to-aauifer condition to an effluent aduifer-to-stream

condition that increases flow downstream



landfill limit j--i--i- excava t ion x-gtmdash^- stream 400

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= == unimproved road f e e t

Fig 24 Landfill and Excavation without Dam


Analysis and Discussion

In order to fully understand flow patterns and Quantify leachate

outflows at the landfill it is necessary to arrive at an estimate

of flow inputs from precipitation ana upgradient sources In the

following analysis it will be demonstrated that the rainfall input

to the landfill is the factor which controls leachate generation A

calculation using the H inyr recharge over the area of the

landfill was made to estimate the leachate outflow due to rainfall

infiltration An estimated 134 gpm is generated from the entire

landfill area Simulation of the existing conditions (Fig 24)

indicates a groundwater divide in the landfill is located

approximately at the western third Therefore approximately 23 of

the generated leachate flows to the eastern side of the landfill or

9 gpm The effect of the flow input from the upgradient stream is

evident when tne summer condition witnout the stream is viewed

(Fig 23) Without the stream to infiltrate the landfill and the

recharge and northern boundary condition as the flow inputs the

head at the northern end of the landfill drops about 5 feet from its

previous value A flow pattern from the north central part of the

landfill to the eastern side indicates a 12 feet head difference

with recharge - but with the upgradient stream a 16 foot head

difference occurs Considering the transmissivity change the

stream would increase the leacnate outflow from the landfill

approximately 43 under a low water table stream influent condition

to the aauifer This would increase leachate outflow to the east

side to approximately 129 gpm This value approximates the


outflow at the SE weir location during the summer monitoring period

when the upper stream was not flowing (Table 3) The outflow from

the western third of the landfill whicn lies to the west of the

ground-water divide would be approximately 63 gpm

Realizing the importance of infiltration to tne landfill as a

major influence on the generation of leachate an analysis of this

w i ll be discussed An estimate of infiltration was made using the

precipitation recora for October ana November (Appendix A) During

this time period a minimum of direct evaporation ana

evapotranspiration occured and the grouna is not yet frozen The

top cover over the lanafill is generally 05 ft to 2 ft of local

sandy soil and subsoil availability determined what was used The

top of the landfill is at an elevation of 92 ft as compared to the

ground surface at well W which is at an elevation of 76 ft

(Fig 25) This compares to the well W water level which is at an

elevation of approximately 52 ft This creates a long path for

infiltration through the unsaturated zone The topcover generally

slopes eastwara at a grade of 2-5 The west side maintains a

relatively steep slope of 10-15 ft drop within 50 ft ana the north

and eastern slopes have a more gentle slope of approximately 10 ft

within 100 ft distance An unlined surface arainage swale channels

surface runoff from the northern section of the landfill past the

NE well to the eastern side ana low area in the vicinity of the E

well This has a drainage swale to an area near the stream but

doesnt directly connect to tne stream A poorly graaed drainage

swale exists on the landfills left side The landfill material has



seepage observation ^


Legend bullmdash landfill limit -^--excavation limit r^s- stream

copy WNWNEECSeSCSEN monitoring well locations

--- unimproved road O location of amp Inf i l t rometers O


Fig 25 Infi ltrometer Locat ion and Drainage Feature


been placed in 10-12 ft cells and covered with 1 ft of soil at the

end of each day The material has settled differentially creating

areas for depression storage

An estimate of the percentage of precipitation that infiltrates

the landfill was made from precipitation records recorded well

elevations and an estimated specific yield for the landfill

material The volume of water that infiltrated should eaual tne

specific yield multiplied by the well water level rise Several

recharge periods were studied using this relationship Once the

percentage of precipitation that has infiltrated is determined the

percentage that is translated into runoff is simply the remaining

percentage if evaporation is neglected

From the literature for a slightly inclined slope of 2-5

typical runoff coefficients range from 10-20 in either sandy or

heavy soil (16) The landfill cover is generally sloping to the

east which creates a long path (approximately 400 ft) before the

runoff reaches the steeper slope on the eastern side of the landfill

of 15-20 The long drainage distance creates a greater time for

rainfall to infiltrate Another consideration is the actual

capacity of the soil to conauct water into the soil which was tested

in the field using double ring infiltrometers An average initial

percolation of 8 mmhr the first hour and a subseauent rate of b

mmhr occurred (Fig 26) The 8 mmhr rate compares well with

other sandy soil infiltration rates (14) Therefore if the

intensity of the rainfall exceeded a 5 mmhr rate for several hours


CO + 09 o

E o


o Z pound C



o DC



ogt CO N- to -4 CO CM

jq tuu i U O | raquo B J J | | J U |


on a poorly drained surface the additional rainfall would be

translated into runoff because the soils infiltration capacity had

been exceeded

The initial 8 mmhr infiltration rate was due to the pore spaces

in the sandy soil being filled and the subsequent 5 mmhr rate was

percolation into the low permeability landfill material The tests

were conducted in November assuming a minimal evapotranspiration

and the field capacity of the sandy soil had been maintainea

The W well was used as representative of the water elevation

changes in the landfill because it is directly adjacent to the

landfill 900 ft distant from the upgradient stream This minimizes

the effect of infiltration from the stream and maintains a high

contaminant level During periods of high runoff conditions excess

surface water ponded in a poorly graded drainage swale on the west

side and directly adjacent to the landfill This influenced the W

well at a time the contamination level dropped (Fig 11) Before

this occurence in mid-December the rise of the W well closely

matches that of the SC well and a background well SK6 which is

located outside the study area (Fig 7) Therefore it was analyzed

as a valia indication of the water level rise during the mid-October

to mid-December period The monitoring of the SC well was

intermittent due to inaccessaoility because of 10 ft extensions

being placed on the well as the refuse was being filled in arouna it


A high rainfall period from 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981

was chosen for the initial study period The effects of

evapotranspiration were neglected due to the cool temperatures

experienced at this time Therefore it was assumed that the field

capacity haa been reachea and tnat any additional input to tne

unsaturated zone would result in direct percolation to tne saturated

zone During the time period 14 November 1981 to 22 November 1981

029 ft of rainfall fell and the well W rose from 488 ft to 493

ft - a 05 ft increase During the next 8 day period there was no

precipitation yet the W well continued to rise to 4972 - a 042 ft

increase The slow percolation of water through the landfill

material would account for the latent rise in the well water level

From previous reports a specific yield for refuse was estimated to

be 028 (1920) This value is dependent on the original compaction

of tne material age and resulting consolidation

During the 14 November 1981 to 1 December 1981 period 029 ft

of rain fell and the well increased 092 ft The following

relationship is used to evaluate the infiltration value and runoff

I = (Sy) h

Sy = specific yield

h = well rise

I = volume infiltrated

I = (028) (092 ft) = 0261 ft


The difference between the precipitation and the infiltration is

the runoff (assuming no evapotranspiration) Therefore 029 - 026 =

003 and furthermore 003029 - 13 runoff This corresponds in

the literature to a typical runoff coefficient for an inclined

surface of 2-5

Analyzing a longer precipitation period from 18 October 1981 to

1 December 1981 a net precipitation of 043 ft (accounts for

evaporation) occurred less 10 for runoff or 039 ft infiltrated

This results in a 139 ft elevation increase The well water level

actually increased 132 ft shy only a 5 deviation from the


From tnis investigation it is seen that a large proportion of

the precipitation has the potential to be transmitted into the

landfills saturated zone Exceptions are wnen heavy precipitation

periods exceed the soil percolation capacity frozen ground prevents

infiltration and direct evaporation and evapotranspiration recycles

the ponded surface water and infiltrated soil moisture back to the

atmosphere In retrospect water temperatures within the monitoring

wells could have been measured to indicate thermal effects from the

landfill on ground-water temperature Ground-water temperatures

were assumed to be 50deg F (9)


Specific conductance measurements serve as an indication of

contamination levels These measurements are used to trace leachate

movement which represents ground-water flow patterns Factors which

must be considered when monitoring pollutants are the attenuation of

the leachate contaminants which occurs both in the zone of aeration

and the saturated zone The former is a more complete process

Dilution dispersion and cation exchange are the primary factors

involved in decreasing leachate concentration in the saturated

zone The glacial outwash materials of southern Rhode Island do not

have a cation exchange capacity or a high buffering capacity so

attenuation is simply by dilution and dispersion (22)

The NW well consistently exhibits relatively low specific

conductance levels even though it is in landfill material It is

situated in a drainage swale and ground water elevations range from

543 to 5944 This is several feet below the upgradient stream

elevation of 64 feet which is less than 400 feet away The bottom

of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 5312 feet well into the

landfill material Infiltration from the stream to the landfill has

occurred at this location

The W well is situated on a bedrock high adjacent to the

landfill approximately 900 feet from the upgradient stream and its

water level is higher in elevation than the excavated pit (West

Observation Hole) which is 300 feet directly west The W well

maintains a contaminated level A poorly graded drainage swale to

the west of the landfill provides areas for extensive ponding and

infiltration to occur which explains the drop in conductance after

a high runoff period


The SC well is located in landfill material and has a

conductance of over 8000 umhos This indicates that leachate is

undiluted The oottom of the wellpoint is at an elevation of 389

feet which is situated in the landfill material

High specific conductance measurements in the west observation

hole and well W and their relative elevations indicate a

west-southwesterly flow direction from the landfill Infiltration

recharge and leakance from the stream into the landfill provides the

necessary elevation to cause outflow in this direction

Contamination from the landfill to the surrounding streams is

evident (Table 4) During the period 15 August 1981 to 27 Octooer

1981 there was no flow in the stream that Borders the northern and

eastern side of the landfill until a point just south of the E well

was reached High specific conductance levels in the EC and NE

wells were recorded (1000 jjmnos) At a point directly east of well

EC a pool of water existed that was relatively uncontaminated which

is designated as the East Stream] location (Fig 10) At a point

just south of that (East Stream^ polluted water in the streambed

was flowing at a low rate This was measured at the SE weir

location and which had a high conductance also Flowrates varied

between 6 and 23 gpm and specific conductances were over 350

pmhos This low water table condition flowrate is the baseflow from

the eastern side of the landfill and indicates a southeasterly flow

direction from it

Streamflow commenced in tne northern part of the stream 21

October 1931 and the north dam oegan to f i l l Stream specific


conductances were low indicating a clean water source Tnis

continued until 17 November 1981 when the dam overflowed ana flow

throughout the east stream began A weir was placed at the Rose

Hill Road NW location and was compared to flowrates at the SE

location Flowrates decreased and specific conductances increased

between these two locations

To further investigate the condition of a lower flowrate

downstream than upstream an intermediate weir was placed at the E

weir location (Fig 9) This snowed tnat the stream from the M

weir to the E weir was losing water to the aauifer (influent

condition) and gaining water at the SE weir (effluent condition)

The condition of a net loss of water between the NW and SE weirs

remained until 19 December 1981 when a snowmelt rain condition

caused increased surface runoff and a net increase in flow at the SE

location Upon analyzing the March and April 1982 streamflow

conditions the expected case of a net ground-water pickup from the

E to SE weir continued The explanation for tne initial net loss of

ground-water is the fact that the leakance from the upstream section

was being discharged into aauifer storage to raise the ground-water

table to an eduilibrium level Upon reaching a high recharge

equilibrium steady state condition any additional input will

eventually be transmitted as baseflow out of the landfill and a

downstream net pickup will occur A hign water table condition

prevailed during the January through May period maintaining this

condition In April the north dam broke through reducing the head

in that area by 4-6 feet The 9 April 1982 monitoring revealed that


an influent condition remained between the NW and E weirs but at a

reduced rate The 21 April lower stream flow condition shows a

small pickup of water between the NW and E weirs indicating the nigh

water table and low stream flow conaitions combined with the absence

of the dam had changed the conditions to an effluent condition

This was evident in the May monitoring period

Evidence of contamination on both the western and eastern sides

of the landfill supports the existence of a ground-water divide in

the landfill The west stream which drains the excavated area to

the west of Rose Hill Road shows contamination pickup between its

northern section and the SW weir The W well and ooservation hole

indicate high contamination levels which reinforces the concept of a

contaminant outflow to tne west excavation stream

As shown previously flow towara the eastern side of the

landfill is evident from the nign specific conductances and specific

conductances increases in the stream This is especially evident

during low flow conditions when the stream starts at a point to the

east of the landfill and flows with high specific conductance levels

From the literature a relationship between specific conductance

and dissolved solids exists the dissolved solids (mg1) are

approximately equal to the specific conductance times a factor

ranging between 55 and 09 (39) in this case it is taken as

065 (41) The dissolved solids increase coupled with the stream

flow increases provides a basis of calculating the dissolved solids

outflow to tne stream This calculation method was used in a

previous study (26)


The relationship

=Cinout Coutflow Qoutflow - Cupstream Qupstream Qinput

where the numerator is the streamflow pickup and the C- and

Q-jnput is the concentration and flow input from the ground-water

This can be used to estimate dilution level outflows from the

landfill Initially this is used for the ambient ground-water

pickup between the E weir and the SE weir This entire flow doesnt

come from tne lanafill but much of it is conaucted in the high

transmissivity area between the lanafill and stream from upstream

leaxage ana surficial recharge Tnis is evident when this section

of the flow pattern is analyzed on Fig 22 Therefore the landfill

outflow is mixed with tne ambient groundwater flow which dilutes the

landfill leachate before it enters the stream To illustrate-this

concept a calculation using the 9 December 1981 monitoring is used

At this time a flow of 672 gpm occurred at the SE weir with a

specific conductance increase of 7 ymhos between the E and SE

weirs The dissolved solids increase would be approximately 795

Today in tne stream


Co = 90 jumho at SE weir

Qo = 672 gpm at SE weir

Cus = 83 jumho at E weir

Qus = 606 gpm at E weir

Qinput = 66 gpm gain

Cinput = 154 jumho


The 154 jumho value represents the contaminant level in the

ground-water adjacent to the landfill

This relationship is applied to approximate the concentration

level dilution in the ambient ground-water between the landfill and

stream The aforementioned relationsnip is in turn applied to the

landfill outflow into the ambient ground-water flow adjacent to the

landfill The ground-water receives landfill leachate dilutes it

and then transmits it to the stream The previously calculated

value of 129 gpm was used as the outflow from the landfill

Co 154 jumho flows into stream

Qo = 67 gpm flow into stream

Cus = 83 jumho background level

Qus = 67 gpm - 129 gpm = 541 gpm

Qinput = 129 gpm from landfill

Cinput = 451 jumhos

Approximately tne same contaminant levels from the landfill (tbl

umho) are arrived at as existed in the summer streamflow conditions

when the upgradient ground-water flow adjacent to the landfill was

at a minimum

In addition to using specific conductance to define

contamination zones electrical resistivity can be used to indicate

contaminated areas The measured earth resistivity is inversely

proportional to the conductivity of ground-water Water containing

contaminants with high ionic concentrations are more electrically

conductive and will have lower resistivity values than surrounding

natural ground water Therefore resistivity methods can be used to


delineate plumes of contaminated ground-water that have hign

specific conductances This has been demonstrated by several

investigations (11122328374045)

In this study a Schlumberger vertical electrical sounding R-l

was made in an area of known contamination at the W well (Fig 12)

Given the geologic constraints provided by the well boring log a 4

layer computer model was used to match field survey values A

Schlumberger sounding R-2 in an uncontaminated area north of the

landfill in the same geologic setting was used to provide a

comparison background sounding (Fig 12) A seismic survey N-4 was

made to obtain water table depth and depth to bedrock as input

parameters to a four layer resistivity model (Fig 8) Tne results

of the electrical soundings have been tabulated in Table 6 and

plotted in Fig 27 and 28 respectively

The ascending portion of the field Schlumberger curves were

initially matched using a two-layer ascending type master curve to

provide an approximate depth and apparent resistivity of the

overburdened topsoil layer (8) Tne second unsaturated layers

apparent resistivity was determined by using the graphical

interpretation of total transverse resistance The total transverse

resistance is approximately eoual to the peak value of the curve

times the corresponding Ab2 distance it occurred at This in turn

is eaual to the sum of the first two layers apparent resistivity

times their corresponding layer depths



OJ bull bullH 4J CO CM

c ce G bullrH

j-gt ca c c a 3 ltu O L

co CO 0

bullo Q bull laquos c n 3 -U OrH f~ 3 bO ltn y CO O cc CO ^mdashN

QQ bull

bO bOJJ C C Ci_i

O l T i O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O bullH bullH mdash^ bullo 0 C c3 f| 3 O raquo O CO CQ




L 4J


i- 1 ^n ^b O 4-) bull2 CM bullH C OJ 1 -U bullH CO C L O a ^-^ 0) a

rH c a L CD ltu (1) 3 tlt bO cO I

3 a 0) a Q 4J laquoa e CO 3 (H bO c C O bullH

CO TJ C 3 bull

bull O bO -i-3

0 CO C O3- O G O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ft rt1 -raquo - t l S^ ft tfigt f I mdash^ K_ l_ raquo mdash I gt fgt I l 1

(1) 0 rH CO CJ JD o^^ CO CO CQH lts



A actual field measurement

-e- interpretat ion

10000 bull

6000 bull 5000



pound2000| ltD

_ r 1000


5 600 pound 500 - 400

I 300 a a lt 200

100 10

Fig 27

20 30 4050 100

Distance AB2

Schlumberger Sounding




400 600



6000 5000 4000


laquo2000 e

r 1000

raquo 600 pound 600 ~ 400

$ 300 a a lt 200



A actual field measurement


10 20 30 40 50 100 200 400 600 Distance AB2 feet

Fig 28 Schlumberger Sounding R-2


Formula T = f

Background Sounding (9000)(15) = (3110j (1 7) + gt2(8)

= 16214 n- ft

W Wel l Sounding (b200)(60) = (500) (2) + pound2(28)

= 13250 SL- ft

To determine a resistivityp3 value for the third layer a

graphical interpretation for the longitudinal conductance S was

used(48) This is eaual to the sum of each individual layers depth

divided by their apparent resistivity

Formula S = -r1 +~r-raquobull-ra

Background Sounding 0017 = yyg + ~^

= IbOU - ft

W Well Sounding 0285 raquo -ggg 7^3 J~

= 179 v-ft

These values were input to a program which calculates a

schlumberger sounding curve (47) The theoretical sounding curves

approximately match the field curve as viewed on fig 27 and fig

28 To provide a check on the apparent resistivity of the saturated

layer at the W well the following relationship was applied 1OOOO

= spec-jfic conductance (umhos)


At the W well the specific conductance was measured to be 3 00

jmhos at approximately 10degC

Assuming a formation factor of 45 for the glacial outwash (23)

material Archies law is applied to estimate an apparent resistivity

of the third layer (7)

fgt FF x p

A= 45 x 103-n-ft

A= 4G3 JL-ft

This is a reasonable approximation to tne 3i= 179^-ft calculated

analytically from the sounding curve interpretation


Remedial Measures

With the analysis of f low patterns and contamination zones

recommendations to minimize the environmental impact of the leachate

can be reviewed The basic technique is to minimize all sources of

water reaching the refuse so that leacnate production is minimized

The oiversion of precipitation by a relatively impermeable cover and

proper channeling of runoff would minimize percolation into landfill

material Caps and seals can be constructed of clays fly ash

soils soil-cement lime stabilized soil memorane liners

bituminous concrete and asphalttar materials (15) Proper

contouring and grading will help minimize infiltration If a soil

cover is used a vegetative cover can be planted which will utilize

some of the infiltrating flow through evapotranspiration losses

during the growing season By minimizing the length of slopes and

providing proper drainage channels tne surface runoff can be

conveyed to a downgradient area outside the recharge zone

Therefore this surface water will not increase leachate production

from the landfill Also by increasing the slope of the cover over

the landfill itself a higher percentage of runoff and lower

infiltration will occur

To minimize upgradient ground-water influx to the landfill an

impermeable subsurface barrier or intercepting trench could be

used Barriers can be made of bentonite slurry-trench cutoff walls

grout curtains or sheet piling cutoff wal ls extending to the bedrocic

or an impervious layer to effectively prevent water passage or

create a head loss that wil l lower the water table In addition an


intercepting trench which has a perforated drain at tne lowest part

of the water seepage zone could be used to intercept and divert the

entire flow

These possibilities have been evaluated with the help of the

model to determine workable solutions for this landfill The

primary concern is to eliminate leachate flows to domestic wells

Initially a simulation was run that eliminated recharge over tne

landfill area (Fig 29) This had a considerable effect on the

ground-water flow patterns of the landfill area The mounding that

had previously occurred under normal recharge conditions was

eliminated and a general drop in the water taole within the landfill

of 2-3 ft occurred The effect of eliminating recnarge over the

landfill when the upper stream is running would cause greater

infiltration from the stream as evidenced by only a 2 ft head loss

in the landfills flow conditions This is evident when comparing

Fig 29 with Fig 24 Tnis indicates that this measure would only

marginally reduce the resultant leachate flow from the landfill

material that lies below the water table In another situation

where there is not such a strong potential for upgradient flow this

measure has proven quite effective (6) In this case the landfill

cover consisted of four layers an intermediate sand and gravel

cover immediately above tne regraded waste materials a 4 inch sana

bed designed to protect the overlying membrane a ilO mil flexible

PVC membrane and an 18 inch final cover of sand and gravel



landfill limit -raquo- -^ -raquobull excava t ion x-^x- s t ream

400 copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= -= unimproved road fee t

Fig 29 No Recharge over Landfill


Controls such as 10-30 mil polyvinyl chloride covers favor the

development of an anaerobic environment which increases waste

decomposition time and would necessitate installation of gas vents

at several locations on the landfill cover Tne integrity of tne

synthetic cap may be further threatened by subsidence which create

differential stresses on liners Settlement would create areas for

ponding and depression storage and eventually necessitate regrading

the landfill surface The landfills south-central area has oeen

filled within the last year and will prooably need to be regraded

due to settlement within the next few years

Another possibility for a liner would be a soil-bentonite

cover A layered cover consisting of natural materials with low

permeabilities such as bentonite clay followed by a layer of highly

permeable material such as sand and finally a layer of topsoil can

be used Due to potential drying out and cracking of the clay liner

a synthetic liner is the preferred method

The most immediate technique is to grade contour and vegetate

the landfill cover which has been done at this site Althougn an

impermeable cover would probaoly reduce the amount of leachate

produced it would not eliminate the upgradient flow and provide

guaranteed protection of wells in the vicinity of the landfills

northwestern section

A slurry trench along the northwestern perimeter of the landfill

would effectively cutoff upgradient infiltration and divert recharge

infiltration in a southeasterly direction thus removing possible

leachate outflows from the radius of influence of the neighooring


wells This has been simulated using the computer moael ana flow

patterns as shown in Fig 30 Contour lines are distorted in the

vicinity of the slurry trench due to the 200 ft nodal spacing

Transmissivity values of 1 ftday were input at the slurry

locations to simulate an impermeable barrier Tne surface recharge

at those nodes does not infiltrate the relatively impermeable grid

nodes at the slurry locations and flows to the edge of the noae

thus creating a dramatic head loss within a short spacing To

effectively simulate this a variable grid spacing should be used

with reduced node grid spacing at trench locations to eliminate

distortion The computer simulation shows that the slurry trench

could direct flow in the landfill area in a southeasterly direction

and away from endangered wells In addition it would reduce

upgradient infiltration from the stream into the landfill This

measure would prevent leachate from spreading beyond this carrier to

possibly contaminate neighboring wells

The combination of both the slurry wall and impermeable cover

would be ideal measures to minimize generation of leachate and to

stop its spread to neighboring wells The slurry wall without

recharge over it or the landfill is simulated in Fig 31 This

indicates a lower water table tnan eliminating the recharge to the

landfill The slurry wall has blocked upgradient ground-water flow

at its location to the landfill



landfill limit -laquo- j -laquobull excava t ion ^^- stream

copy WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road ssi slurry wall

f e e t

Fig 30 Slurry Wall



landfill limit j- j- J- excavat ion x-v^gt- stream

reg WNWNEECSESC monitoring well locations

= = = unimproved road s==s slurry wall



Fig 31 Slurry Wall without Recharge Over It or Landfill


An intercepting drainage trench is considered next If a trench

was excavated to a 30 ft depth in the outwash material extensive

shoring would be required In addition difficulties would arise

when the trench was excavated below the waterline Tne trench would

be sloped to provide drainage and backfilled with a highly pervious

material to intercept and divert leacnate locally a conouit which

is perforated on the top to allow infiltration and unperforated on

its lower perimeter to permit continuous drainage to the collection

treatment center would be installed on the bottom of the graded

trench The difficulties involved in excavating below the water

table ano shoring the sidewalls to permit implacement of a drainage

conduit at a 30 foot depth make this option increasingly infeasible


Conclusions and Recommendations

The location of the South Kingstown landfill in permeable sand

and gravel glacial outwash material (107 ftday) combined with the

high hydraulic gradient across the landfill area (20 ft1600 ft)

creates a high potential for ground-water contamination to occur

This is intensified because refuse nas been placed below the water

table The low hydraulic conductivity of the compacted refuse (1

ftday) and the excavated area to the west of Rose Hill Road have

both contributed to modifying the original southeasterly flow

pattern These modifications have created a ground-water divide in

the landfill at approximately the western third section Tnis

results in approximately 13 of the leachate flow from the landfill

or 63 gpm flowing in a southwesterly direction and 23 or 129

gpm flows in a southeasterly direction Infiltration from

precipitation recnarge over the landfill (up to 9Upound) and from tne

upgradient stream during low water-table periods provides tne

necessary influx into the landfill Evidence of contamination is

clearly seen on both the east and west sides of the landfill which

reinforces the previously stated flow patterns

Of the several remedial measures reviewed the contouring and

grading of the landfill topcover and drainage swale provides the

most immediate protection The topcover has been graded mulched

and seeded to provide a low runoff slope generally to the east

The drainage swale on the left side of the landfill has improperly

graded sections which should be corrected Its northern section

could be drained into the northern sections swale and the southern


section drained to the southeastern section of the landfill Tne

point of the drainage swale which divides the northern drainage

swale from the southern one should be determined by a field survey

Cost is a major contributing factor when determining which

remedial measure is to be applied to the given situation For the

purpose of this report cost estimates are not presented but rather

the effectiveness and feasibility of the remedial measures are tne

primary considerations As was reviewed and simulated in the

computer models the slurry trench and impermeable cover over the

landfill are two viable options that would effectively provide

protection to the domestic supply wells in tne vicinity The

impermeable cover would eliminate precipitation recharge into tne

landfill yet drop the water table only a few feet due to upgradient

infiltration from the stream This would decrease the hydraulic

gradient thus diminishing the potential for a contaminant outflow to

surrounding wells The supply well of primary concern is one to the

west of Rose Hi l l Road marked well D on Fig 2 If contamination

occurs in this well the most effective measure would be to block

off leachate flow in this direction by installing a bentonite slurry

trench at the location indicated previously This would effectively

prevent leachate flow in the westerly direction and diverts it to a

more southeasterly direction In addition the slurry trench

precludes infiltration flow into the landfill from the upgradient



Tnis report has effectively reviewed tne original ana existing

flow conditions and contaminant levels in the vicinity of the Rose

Hill landfill The purpose was to provide an understanding of

ground-water contamination patterns and study possiole remedial



Appendix A

Precipitation Records

Monthly normal precipitation 1941 -197O

i$l Total monthly precipitation




^JO T I bullbullL

pound 111 laquobull
















-bullraquolaquo H


K3~~f$s bull


i1S 1


171 1 iI1



Fig 32 Precipitation Record

- - - -

IM 1 MtvJrflgtlgt c ortli-A t lUN I r nraquo rl - -

gt|MO CLIMATOLOQICAL OUSERV ATIONshyr-r bull JK gt raquo - 1

i5fWA I VAPOR Al IOH -bull AIM If MPCRATUM bullF 0 riccipn AT ION UNO IlMf

bull 14 H 14 H mdash Vshy ADDITIONAL DATA IfUAlUS OATt 1 bull raquof bull bull 1 ta

14 Hw rlaquo4 w bullbull bull 1 114 1mdash4 (llrl 1 1 1fl Hll

0 kmdash

Mraquo M4 raquo i T i 4 bullraquo-laquobull i i

Lgt f 1 21 S 1 Hbull - - bullbull -

ltJL 1 2 01 - - _ _ 1



1 12 _ Q I

mdash shy

mdash 4 (C ( - - fVi 1 - 0

1 (1

^ 1

Vvraquolaquo IJ1^ raquo CP O 3L 1 Z - i bull j-t-J

1 J

LH Vb T n 0

1 gt fl oo O ~l 2 L - bull 1 P )laquo jn iP IP - OOI L5L mdash shy

-t 84 ^(^^ ^fi P i flja 0 JO II 10 tl tcgt 7 J IV wllaquo

h l2L bull 0 lt -_ shy

-id VJ lt 3C 2 ft OOL -mdash

U 71 C1 Sr 2 13 2 nl JLJraquopound HP r M ltf1- (

IMe 2 ii O It

n jlt dl 1 1 bull o o-il ST i 1 i 25 2-x-1



i tlL O mdash gtbull bullgtlt 1ft -o- is Oil So iJK 2-io otv u 31 fil loi 2 il Oll it Of wr is i1raquo -iZ 1 deg|0 01

M IT So - mdash

- 13 1 CT mdash i - mdash 21


Tl Ci av ZUll IMT 0 IM Pe v _ 1) T) S) ii3( dlt Ii 2 lt^2 II li- S1 riivi To 7HX lt3lO 14 ^2- iTi I li 011 -- - -i -^IS no 5^ or i | T Jift laquoV OoH bullla It Va iCO mdash L OIL 11 bullvf poundgtpound lS_ flv oh P-lfe 1 poif _ shy11 IB kl (4 itlaquoT lamp llt0 oot^

mdash -n

It T1 |ir( L1 HI 2 0 oil

U 1M ft go C ICf^ -^2 Z laquo-|o

11 it 5 bulln - TO o abull Li u-i IT1 -- Iw O ltM (I bullbull bdquo-I(K 1mdash -tilltLlA ttfe

i Dgt ac -- U 44 4 11 1 1- ytd i i_i J-K 0 i if -i i i V t Wl raquoOHM 1-1 US D C P A R T M f N T OF COMMfRCE t 4 1 IUII 1 1 ^~) mdash

llaquo- Hi NC bull bullh bull bullJL^V HBl CO 00



^ | TKu

|-_t_ bull(

IIMgt I I Mt|UU III- II 11


I 1 1 IMX



E V A F O R A T I C r i Jttffl laquo amp hMIlaquoJllaquoJIIlaquoBgt



tp 01 (1 Of Ll OOI ooo

0^1 o-i 10 tl |00 102

OC (1 13 Ofl

it i rc DS os an

(1 SV o

Ul 010

(ISl 101 I on


II 5= Otl

ss lt 001 (IK Ml

jt il HIT

7 it

ow Wo 17 Top 2-01 OIO

(0 oov zi oot

u CO ^A 0 to Zoi CLflS

bull50 01 ljtj

nshy 5H LO OIt

50121 IVO QJO

14 Co Ho LO Hl ^pound Jl 1

ltM ool fllc

H Tl 01 II

11 11 Q1


HO 2 llaquol 11 II



NAtlOHAL gtIATnlaquoll raquotraquoVlClaquo CD


All TCUMMATUNI ^V UII rgt ITmi 1 Cwphu Obic i gtn t ngir-H 30


JJ T I rTJ-rimdashr-iramj|MP CLmATOLOQ

laquolaquo jftilCiii bullIHO




(1 2 IO OO

Hl ii SO

us OIM


a A3 Hi SZ Sf^ bull 12J2


OOl 10 (310 sn 310

if HI (0 ^01

bullit SO 28H poundJ1 11 006

14 35 TX oon II (bull2 it zr II c-S

rr Zll lo 31 OP an 31 a 31 oor

CSW O-ll Si CC Of 011

Oll _ I |ft


u i oerraquolaquoTMiMr of c NOAA


TC^S lk)oiVroTJA


1raquolaquolaquo 4 bdquo ir lt er ni I^OV ltqgl j--^ TQ



b5NO ctiUATOtoiCAL oeit^



Mlaquoh bullbullbull- rshy laquo

I- ltltriu HI I 4 bulllaquobullbull1


30 Dfellt otvt

at HA



iJ_S2 HI if

bull- 20 SI 2i So




I (



r j -bull ie MA

Irill iiol

in^ 14




21 1P





11 i ir- I J Ktf^c


K AIlaquo Ttupf lATuit r


oJud (El

VIM i Uraquo


EVAPORATIOH flnrft bull A ftufiifccdll



Mr bullH Oo|

M Si lift

bull221 IHI

ZS Ji 40 IZV

icr KS I

HZ 111

bullT 21


v^ ft

1M 2Sshy IT Tl

71 V |

i I 31 1deg a

uty^ U bull3

ons 1 CiO TxX

HHO (10

3H 19 12 10 IP

raquo3H raquo | 5t io




F ngt TIHH

iiicffwiffc 4 rJ (TIM bull Cempltit Obitittiio



U4laquo4 +

03H Ji


rc a 1 16 oi ii

tiiy 10


II i23 or o 13 -y~ou HO

II 3V III i 3 t

V laquop oot

OM1 SS ne

T an -i IP

Olt zr LTV

3T 001

a -11 2T

10 an 31

-1 raquo 131 UP 3H lf 14 Lpoundshy

it 14 30


Ui O I P A K T M f H T OP COWlf ICfM O A A

NATJONAI V C A T M C n f t K M V l C K

bullbullbullbullbullshy -2 o AIlaquo TIMMRATUM f fKICIPITATIOH


ZP 51 lo icr

011 111


Ut 003 am

3o 13 ao

4A X 05shy

H4 i IjJyiV131 ooc js

IH oi 01 tL 18 13 a

No 11-7

rivgtp OO| M Hi 03 01

It 12

bull I 41 bull7119 14 ^^ raquo 31 15 lampk n M ho i

Jo -j-



Ml H^ I _

amp2ampUi^= LS 0 S 0-f bullTTT

-Vmdash gt U_ bull 1 rOHM I- 11 OI OCPARTMlNT OF COMM(NCC

HO NATIONAL W f A T M f H ftfraquoVlCI


Appendix B

Boring Logs


X iHECT 1 ff 2

OAT American Drilling amp Bor ini I Co Inc

wo WATH smn EAST PR ov IDENC E ft 1 Town of South Kingstown South K ngstown R I MOLENO X-J

TC 100 RCSS bull ujrMonitorinq Well Installation | South Kinqjtown R I UNC a STA Pf KXICCTHJ LOC ATK3N

bull cfrserrr TO above S MPLES S FNTTO _ _ |laquolaquor A-109 SURF ELEV RE PORTSEr

GROUND WATER O6SE RVATC MS 1 CDREraquolaquo m-T nn75 laquo A 256 - 20 mdash Hew y

Instolled 32ofT-l2 PV C - JO- COMPUTE 111275 K toia 3- I-WI 1-38 TOTAL MRS bdquo10 screen BORING FCACUAM J K lanq MAI rraquo HomnwWI 300 140 IampPCCrc Mamlaquor Fall 24 30 lampaaiona SOLS ENGR


Coung Samplt Tjp Blow per 6 Manure SOU IDENTIFICATION Strata SAMPLE ^^^yV Bloot



From- To



on Sampler

0-6 1 -6-13 12-18

Dentity or

Conmt j

Chang Remark include colo^ graaation Type of tod lie Rao-coMr type condition nordshynetiDntotf time leamt and tie No Pen Rtlt

2 No top sample 5 12

1 loamy fine sand

bull)^ 40 30 36

5- 616 0 23 20 16

noist iense

Brown fine to coarse SAND some fine to coarse gravel Trace silt


1 18 18

36 8-0shy57 40 30 V 35

|0-||-6 D 14 24 20 Srown medium to coarse SAND Some fine gravel cobbles

7 IRshy 16

27 75 37 3

IS- I- D 5 14 16 3bull

ISshy 15

42 50 I9--0shy50 65 20-2ll-6 D 9 23 26 bull Jrown fine to coarse SAND Tbullwshy 1Z 75 90

22-0 Trace silt trace fine gravel

124 120 74 60 52 41

7S-ltlaquoil-A DX 71 16 13 wet very dense

Gray-brown fine to coarse SANC Some fine to coarse gravel little silt

H IR u

40 30--0




38 4-434





7 IflO

94 6

we tr j

y se

ft irox


31 -4shy

Gray-brown fine to coarse SAND Trace silt

Gray-brown fine SAND some lilt trace fine gravel

Too of Rock 31 -4shy

Gray-pink GRANITE

6 7



IltJ A



IQ mdash



5 i Hard

ft 5ome seams bull

GROUND SURFACE TO J 4 U3CD_ ^JVrf bullbull( tutu t to 4o 4 SampM Type Proportion UMd MOB Wtx 3 OfaM on 2OD Sampler SUMMARY-

OOry CCartd WltWen4 Hoc OlolO Canmonieraquoi Don any CoKeem CarMWncy Earm Barrlaquoj 11 14

UPgtUnOigtturod Piuon trite (Oto20dego 0-Kgt Loei it 0-4 Sait 3O+Hofd Rock Corng 14 Kgt-30 laquo4 0 rte 4-8 MSHM Samplet TPTtitPit Ai Auger Vvanefett tarn 2Olo39 3O-M Owlt n laquo-lS Strlf rinit nn v 1

UTiUndlshffbed ThrMOll and bull 33to9O 5O Very 0laquo nraquoe 19-30 V-3trraquof - | OLE NO X-l

TOVH rim - iA it raquotoraquo



WO WATEt STUET [AST ft OVIDENC pound a i American Drilling amp Bor ing Co Inc


LIME A STA KXICCTMJ tuf same as 1 | tame as i LOCATION

W PORTSEf mo OB nj urt eflaquo T

illtPLES S


CVTTO nlaquo mun orv


START Typi COMPUTE tome at 1 same aiH




Counf Blo-t



From To

0( on SampMr

0-6 f 6-IZ


Oonuty or


Strata Ctnngc

SOIL OCNTiriCATION Rtmorkt ineHifl cotot grqdotion Typlaquo of Mil etc Roo-axtrPlaquo condition Mrdshynlaquot Drog tun ttomt end tic


No Ptfl RfK

434-4o4 c

approx 7 minj

per toot 454

Gray pink GRANITE Hard Fairly solid core

lt_4 24

Bottom of Boring 45 -4



bull 1

GROUND Sorrow Tye


bull OiOry CgtCord WWothod UPUnditiurMd Piston TPlaquoTtraquotPtt AtAuotr VVor

UTltUndinrvd TTMMO bull bulltat

iivnPilaquo(onioni Uraquot4

me OioiOItttt laquoraquo20

wmt Z0ie33

and 361090

c M

C1 5 Si



IOtgtWtigt bullnlot Dn 10 Loci M Mod 04 SO Dm 1shy Viry 0laquo

s _

TMEN 0 hMl on 200 SoiTBUr laquoity ConcMMt Conorawncy gtbull 0-4 Sort 30shym 4-B MStlfl M BH9 Strtf bull ts-so v-swt bull

t-HOrt Ear Bern RoetCorrt

i ^^^^^ bull

-[MOLE no x-i


raquoMEC rAmerican Drilling amp Bor in g Co Inc 1 ofj_ DATE wo WATlaquo smn UST Plaquo IOIDCNC j laquo i

Town of South Kingstown South Kingstown 8 MOLE MO Jlt Z TC rx MCS3

rtprr uAurMonitorina Well Initollation | South KinqitowrxRI UNC A STA P KATIOM ME POCT ^rwT TO above I OFFSZT

uD^r laquorlaquorTTO 6 -109 suw tLEv Sgt louffJOCNO


26 ^_ 12 $TAlaquoT UL 2Z2i Ji r TTP NW ltA sr IJZC Z5 CCOMPLETE

SitLO 3 I-3B- 1-38 TOTAL MAS 41 BOAINO FOACMAN JK1 ana nf ni n MonwwWl 300^ 140 BIT bullK^CT

gttonvrar Foil J^laquo 30mdash Diamond SOOJIEMGM


iCaunq SampM Trplaquo BMMtpw6 UOIIIK- SOIL DCMTIFKATION Siraia SAUPLE Blow DlaquoPIAraquo of on SompMr HtmorU mcJuo cotes gradation Type of Dwuily

pw or CXang writK Roel-eolorlyp condition tvort-From- To Vfoot 0-6 f 6-2 12-18 Coniitt egt rwtiOnAngtimt wamaondtte No Praquon Rtlt

2 Brown fine SAND little silt 2 2-0shy5 15 18 moist Browi fin to coarse SAND 18 5- 6-6 0 14 25 27 vlaquo Troc fin aravel | 25 wy Ifl 11

dlt tns 35 40 38 moist n in-il-i Lgt U 15 18 ie is li1 Irl IS 31 I2-0

~~43 1

A) Jrown coars to medium SAI MD 48 moist Little fine to coarse gravel

|5-IA-Xlaquo 14 47 41 fn D laquo y Little silt rrqa coarse sane 3 18 I1

68 In IS 44 32 34

n ^n-^i-A- w 2o 19 29 wet 4 la -59 lens ltfO no

25-0 2amp bulllaquo- 77 c BOULDER r[ 4 i

27-0 5X ~W 24 24 bullWar- 5 Ifl irown tine to coarse SAND some

dens 29-0- Fine-coars gravel trace silt

30-3I oxx 30 32 30 moist irown -gray fine SANDiom e 6 l rr Vlaquoy 31 -0 silt trace fine oroveTILL

Bottom of Boring 31 -ampbull shyBent casing -pulled out and moved over 4 - washed amp tJrovlaquo casing to 30 -Installed 3C gtof 1-12- PVC - 10 screen

WOUND SUraquoraquofCE TO 3pound 1 yijfD MW t ASIMC TMCJ laquo olaquorod -bor of borina

SomoU T]Fplaquo ProigtuliOraquoH UMd MIOtgtWLx3Orolt lon2OASanlaquoMr SUUMARY-D=Dry CCorad Wlaquoworaquonraquod bullact OiaiO CanM gnMM Daonty CIMIH Caamraquoci EffW 8or^ 2pt

UPiUnairurMd Pition Itnt laquoM2O O- O UKraquolaquo 0-4 Soft 3O-hHard Roelaquo Corrig o- JO M0mlaquo 4-8 MSNff SOTipM 1 p^ 3O-9O OwgtM bull-IS Slid

TPlaquoTraquojraquoPit AAugtr ViVon mini tamt 20to39 UTtundiifir6d TrwMOtf and JSloSO 50-raquobull Vary 0nlaquo [HOLE NO x-2 B-3O V-3Mf lev rim - IAIT raquosectlaquoraquo


300 iu 24

1 UMnii ffi 140 laquo 30


gt taWCTf

bull 0gtlaquo i R Cook Jr_ R Millineton1 Wttn


1 VAMtl CtMG

1 W HO-t MO

1 Oraquo 1 laquo0~ twt

L 1 laquo-raquo VfcM^lf [wlaquoraquoCI ^ ^ K3Ot III laquo

0-LS D

5-65 D

LlQ 10-115 D

15-16 Tgt

Lraquo 70-51 n

25-26 D


I O-O Ci

A Allstate Drill ins Co vi o i

PROVIDING R 1bull raquoraquo uvraquonn~ N M O M I T O P I N G HE1 _^lt -^ PI-Traquo UJU

CUM Town of South Kineraquotown raquoraquo 1 1TA maoer Propolaquolaquod Sit for Slude Disposal nltn

laquo V-449 iampAAtut i a 138 ort STI bull r 42777 CtOuMO IKVtllON

Cill bdquo 258 DA II MN ru 42777 rilaquolaquodO laquoraquoTti rum 1911


MMUI1 raquolaquogtlaquolaquo laquoKiO itXHHKraquoriOi of sous MUAHI nMTKlion Ot CMlaquoMC|kOraquort tl CO~VH DXltgt raquomlaquo laquotf IMi COIOI C4l II I 1raquo gtlaquo^ Oraquo 1Ol rC t Xgttgt VtfKOe Craquo Mi 1 ft liMraquoK laquo0^tlaquot nfgt

1-2-1 10 TOP SOIL FINE LIGHT BROWN SAND traclaquo of ilt


22-24-21 100 FINE TO MEDIUM LIGHT GRAY SAND trace of fine gravlaquol and raquopoundLt

lfl-37-34 150 LIGHT BROWN FINE TO MEDIUM SAND little poundinlaquo gravel

21-17-15 200 MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND bullomc fine gravel



Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taktn

bullbull B-23 ow

^w^ 265 I raquo bull raquolaquo bull I W

11 laquot gtbullraquo Vlaquo 14 W gt_ c-shyji bull alaquo bull jraquo VI laquoHshyw bullbull m raquobullbull D-6 raquo Mshy

bull bull laquo Vshy


bull bull



MAMMII Allstate Drilling Co ulaquorr 1 or 1 FftOVIOCKZ H L traquolS mTArm^S MONITOR NR WEL

VNO wr3JJO__raquoraquou_24__ HCU MO P-74 n iu riBwi Town of Slt7H^ Xirpin

mdash^ laquo0J P 1 1 bull ^n^ciit^o TVlaquow^laquott1 bullraquoit wt 140 nu 30 olaquor fBu lkv Waste Disposal Arcai

MUTAH a V-449 R Cook Jr UMlaquoiigti D 1 38 0t| raquoIJ raquo 5277 rlaquo SUMO luvlaquorv-laquow

mdash 5277 fipe -raquoT pfpm 150

H MCIO IMNTlXAflON Of SOU t(kAIlaquoS rrn 0-laquoraquo

5 -SF 01 w in laquobull -raquo ^ lit

D 1-2-2 TOP SOIL V-1-oraquo


5-65 D 37-27-35 some silt

10-11 D 20-14-18

15-165 D i 17-14-14 155

BROWN COARSE TO MEDIUM SAND little fine to coarse gravel trace of silt

20-211 D 4-4-2


25-26J D 7-8-9 AND SILT 265 fvarvedl

Observation well installed

NOTE No casing blows taken

wta 10 n uuraquo c^imdashbull IgtM laquolaquobull- B-24 ow ~ 14 ltfc laquoraquobull vlaquo^ M laquobull r O 0 fmtt bull W-L 26 5

-0- CgtCmdashgt bull laquolaquobull mdash laquo 1 - raquoraquo 1 gt 1laquo bull 1 gtraquor to bull mdashbull bull bull bulllaquo I t l~laquo 1lt Uraquo mdashbull ) bull 1 gtbull ft 0~ H laquoy bullM ta bull -IN la laquobull OPUM bull($ IMI

mdash H raquo laquo-bull


Appendix C

Calibration of Specific Conductance Meters


Specific conductance measurements were made using a beckman RB

338 temperature compensating meter and a YSI rtooel 33 salinity

conductivity temperature meter The YSI meter is not

temperature correcting A formula to compensate for temperature

differences to standardize YSI measurements was used (21)

A long probe for the Beckman meter was used to measure conductivity

in the wells Differences in conductivity between the YSI ana

Beckman meters and the Beckman short and long probes exist These

were calibrated in the laboratory using 001 N and 01 N KC1

solutions Values presented are Beckman short probe values The

Beckman long probe values were reduced by 76 and tne YSI values

were multiplied by 11 to adjust to Beckman short probe values The

YSI meter was used in the latter phases of the study for the

stream contamination due to the greater accuracy of the dial readout


Table 7 Specific Conductance Meter Calibration Table

Concentration (KCL) 0001N 001N

Specific Beckman short 145 143 143 1247 1245 12GO

Conductances Beckman long 190 191 188 1639 1650 1665

umhocm 9 25 C YSI 132 131 128 1131 1140 1150

average values Beckman shortBeckman long = 075

Beckman shortYSI = 11


Appendix D

Computer program Flow Chart


F1g 33 Computer Program Flow Chart-

1TpoundR MAP TCO






108 The following is a description of the USGS two-dimensional computer

program Iterative Digital Model for Aquifer Evaluation updated

December 1972 by P C Trescott The program written in Fortran

consists of a MAIN program and six subprograms or subroutines which

themselves are organized into subprogram sections The subroutines and

their sections are listed below

MAIN Program




The program begins in the MAIN program which controls the sequence

of passage to the subroutines Sequential steps are described in the

program as shown in the flow chart of Fig 32 Emphasis is placed on the

steady state confined aquifer case as applied in this study First data

input is read in the DATAIN subroutine This data includes transmissivities

or permeabilities starting heads storage coefficients and grid spacings

Nodal transmissivity values are then computed for the water-table problem

in the TRANS section (COEF subroutine) This procedure is necessary here

because the subsequent routine for computing iteration parameters (ITER)

keys on nodal transmissivity values which would not have been input to

the water-table problem In the water-table option these would have been


computed from given bedrock and water-table elevations to obtain the

saturated thickness component of the transmissivity calculation In this

study water-table option was not used and the transmissivity values were

input directly The program then passes to the ITER section (DATAIN

subroutine) to compute the iteration parameters which expediate or even

cause convergence Next the MAP section (DATAIN subroutine) is utilized

to initialize data for an alphanumeric map if this was requested in the

input options Transmissivities are then computed for the confined

(artesian) aquifer case (water table not specified with input options)

in the TCOF section (COEF subroutine) These coefficients are harmonic

mean values of adjacent nodal transmissivities weighted by grid sizes

Time parameters and pumping data for a new pumping period are then read

in the NEWPER section (DATAIN subroutine) followed by entry into the

NEWSTP section (COMPUT subroutine) which calculates the size of the

time step Leakage coefficients (hydraulic conductivity of the confining

bed divided by confining bed thickness) are next computed in the CLAY

section (COEF subroutine) if leakage was specified in the input data

which was used in this study

A new iteration is then initiated in sections NEWITO (COMPUT

subroutine) NEWITO saves the current head values and compares them to

the updated head values for determining closure This is followed by

nodal transmissivity values being computed for the water table or water-

table artesian conversion problem Transmissivity coefficients are then

computed for the water-table problem in TCOF (COEF subroutine) Total

head values are then computed with the alternating direction implicit

procedure using the Thomas algorithim first along rows in the ROW section

110 and then along columns in the COLUMN section both in the COMPUT subroutine

Then if a solution is not obtained (because the error criteria for

closure is not satisfied) the MAIN program branches back to NEWIT1 subshy

sequent sections TRANS TCOF ROW and COLUMN repeatedly until a

solution at the particular time step is achieved NEWIT1 increments the

iteration counter and is immediately followed by NEWITO The program then

moves to the STEADY section of the COMPUT subroutine to check if the

closure criteria for steady state has been satisfied Output is then

printed in the OUTPUT section of COMPUT if steady state has been reached

or if the particular time step is designated for output

The program then branches back to NEWSTP (COMPUT subroutine) and

moves through the subsequent routines until the last time step in the

pumping period is reached Output is then promoted in the DRY section

of COMPUT if specified in input data If the last pumping period in

the problem has not been reached the program branches back to the

NEWPER section and moves again through subsequent sections otherwise

the program will terminate or start a new problem if one follows

This study was simulated as a steady state problem which can be

simulated by setting the storage coefficient of the aquifer and the

specific storage of the confining bed to zero and using one time step

of any length


Appendix E

Computer Data Sheets


10 ROSE HILL LANDFILL MODEL 20 30 40 LEAKAGE 50 60 70 CHECK 80 90 100 HEAD 110 120 1 23 IQ 100 5 001 37E-OU 0 130 100 001 0 0 1 4 0 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 1 i i i i i i 1

ISO 1 10 0 1547E-05 01 10 1 1 160 04642 200 200 1 1 i it

1QO 190



100 110 120 130 131 132 140 141 142 150 151 152 160 161 162 163 164 165 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 1BO 101 190 191 192

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 539

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 25

25 58






25 621





25 662

25 25



193 194 IVb 196 197 190 200 201 202 210 211 212 220 221 222 223 bull 224 225 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 23B 239 240 241 250 251 252 253 254 255

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 23 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25- 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 - 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25


25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25


25 25


25 25




25 25

25 25


25 25

25 25

25 25



25 25


25 25


STORC 1512 FRI 19 FEB 82

100 110 -1 -1 - 1 - 1 0 0 120 130 140 ISO 160 170 100 190 200 210 220 230 240 230 251 260 261 262 263 270 271



100 110 120 02 130 _ 18 02

I ltu 18140 025 150 02015015015 19 deg25

02 160 022 bull-laquo- J1 5 j 1 z laquo- l^

170 015 180 016 laquo02

190 016 OE025

200 02504019022021025 2 5 i S lt03 0252i2 n

230 030 deg23 deg2 deg2 deg2 -02023023 240 022 250 022025025 02

027043 013025

30() 025025025 310 025031 320 024025



Appendix F



1 Agpar MA and 0 Langmuir Ground-Water Pollution Potential of a Landfill Above tne Water Table Groundwater V 9 No 6 1971 pp 76-96

2 Allen William B Hahn GW and RA Brackley Availability of Ground Water Upper Pawcatuck River Basin Rhode Island USGS US Government Printing-office GS 66-624 19bb

3 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 Open Channel Flow Measurement of Water and Waste Water by Weirs D 2034-68 1975

4 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 19 Infiltration Rate of Soils in Field Using Double-Ring Infiltrameters D 3385-75 1975

5 Baeaecner MJ and W BacK Hyarogeological Processes and Chemical Reactions of a Landfill Ground Water V 17 no 5 1979 pp 429-437

6 Beck WW Dunn AL and Grover H Emrich Leachate Quality Improvements After Top Sealing1 8th SHwRD MERL Symposium 1982

7 Beckman WK Transient Modeling For Estimating Sustained Aauifer Yield master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1978

8 Bhattacharya PK and HP Patra Direct Current Geoelectric Sounding Elsevier Publishing Co New York 1968 135 p

9 Bouwer H Ground Water Hydrology McGraw-Hill Book Co New Yoric 1978 p 378

10 Braids 0 Cocozza pound Fenn D Isbister J Rous P and B Yarc Procedures Manual for Ground Water Monitoring at Solid Waste Disposal Facilities Environmental Protection Agency530SW-611 Cincinnati Ohio 1977

11 Cartwright K and MR McComas Geophysical Surveys in the Vicinity of Sanitary Landfills in Northeastern Illinois Groundwater V 6 no 5 1968 pp 23-30

12 Cartwright K and Fd Sherman Jr Electrical Earth Resistivity Surveying in Landfill Investigations Reprinted from Proceedings of ohe lOtn Annual Engineering and Soils Engineering Symposium Moscow Idaho 1972

122 13 Clark TP Survey of Ground-Water Protection Methods for

Illinois Landfills Groundwater V 13 no 4 1975 pp 321-331

14 Dunne T and LB Leapold Water in Environmental Planning WH Freeman and Company San Francisco 1978

15 Faro DG Upgrading Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites Remedial Approaches US Environmental Protection Agency500SW-677 Cincinnati Onio 1978

16 Fenn DG Hanley KJ and TV Degeare Use of the Water Balance Method for Predicting Leachate Generation From Solia Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency530SW-lfa8 Cincinnati Ohio 1975

17 Geisser 0 An Electric Analog and Digital Computer Model of the Chipuxet Ground Water^ Aquifer Kingston Rhode Island master thesis presented to the University of Rhode Island Kingston RI 1975

18 Hahn GW Groundwater Map of the Narragansett Pier Quadrangle Rhode Island Rhode Island Water Resources Coordinating Board GWM 5 1959

19 Hemsley William T Koster C Wallace Remedial Technique of Controlling and Treating Low Volume Leachate Discharge USEPA National Conference on Management of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Oct 1980

20 Hughes GM RA Landon and RN Farvolden Hydrogeology of Solid Waste Disposal Sites in Northeastern Illinois Final Report to US Environmental Protection Agency PUD SW-l^d Cincinnati Ohio 1971

21 Keller GV and FC Frischknecht Electrical Methods in Geophysical Prospecting Pergamon Press New YorK NY 19bb

22 Kelly WE West Kingston Landfill An Evaluation of Its Effect on Ground-Water Quality Rnoae Island Water Resources Board Water Information Series Report 1975

23 Kelly WE Geoelectric Sounding for Delineating Ground-Water Contamination Groundwater V 14 No 1 1976 pp fa-10

24 Kelly WE Ground-Water Pollution Near a Landfill ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 10 No EE6 Dec 19b pp nay-nyy

25 Kelly WE personal communication January 1982


26 Kelly WE and OW Urish A Study of the Effects of Salt Storage Practices on Surface ana Ground Water Quality in Rhode Island NTIS FHWA-RI-RD-8001 1981 54 p

27 Kimmel GE and OC Braids Leachate Plumes in a Highly Permeable Aauifer Groundwater y 12 no 6 1974 pp 388-393

28 Klefstaa G Senalein LVA ana RC Palmauist Limitations of the Electrical Resistivity Method in Landfill Investigations Groundwater V 13 No 5 1975 pp 418-427

29 Landon RA Application of Hydrogeology to the Selection of Refuse Disposal Sites Groundwater V 7 no b 19b9 pp 9-13

30 Lang SM Bierschenk WH ana WB Allen 1960 Hyaraulic Characteristics of Glacial Outwash in Rhode Island Rhode Islana Water Resources Coordinating Board Bulletin No 3

31 LeGrand HE Patterns of Contaminated Zones of Water in the Ground Water Resources Research v 1 No 1 1965

32 Palmauist R and L Sendlein The Configuration of Contamination Enclaves from Refuse Disposal Sites on Floodplains Grouna Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 167-181

33 Pinder GF A Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation Techniaues of Water Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Bk 7 Cl 1970

34 Purushattam D Tamxe GR and CM Stoffel Leachate Production at Sanitary Landfill Sites ASCE Environmental Engineering Division Journal V 103 no EE 6 Dec1977 pp 981-988

35 Remson I Fungaroli AA ana AW Lawrence Water Movement in an Unsaturated Sanitary Landfill ASCE Sanitary Engineering Division Journal v 94 no SA2 April1968 pp 307-316

36 Rosenshien JS Gouthier JB and WB Allen Hydrologic Characteristics and Sustained Yield of Principal Ground-Water Units Potowamut-Wickford Area Rhoae Island USGS US Government Printing Office GS 67-324 1968

37 Roux PH and B Vincent Electrical Resistivity Evaluations At Solid Waste Disposal Facilities US Environmental Protection Agency SW-729 Cincinnati Ohio 1978


38 Salvato JA Wi lk ie WG and BE Mead Sanitary Landfill Leaching Prevention and Control Water Pollution Control Federation Journal v 43 no 10 Oct 1971 pp 2084-2100

39 Sawyer CN and PL McCarty Chemistry for Environmental Engineering McGraw Hill 1978

40 Stellar RL and P Roux Earth Resist ivi ty Surveys - A Method for Defining Ground-Water Contamination Ground Water v 13 no 2 1975 pp 145-150

41 Todd OK Ground Water Hydrology John Wi ley and Sons Inc New York 1959

42 Tolman AL Ballestero AP Beck WW and GH Emrich Guidance Mannual For Minimizing Pollution From Waste Disposal Sites US Environmental Protection Agency-500SW-677 Cincinnati Ohio 1978

43 Trescott PC Iterative Digital Model for Aauifer Evaluation US Geological Survey Open file report 1972

44 University of Rhode Island Academic Computer Center CalComp Contouring Manual

45 Warner DL Preliminary Field Studies Using Earth Resistivity Measurements for Delineating Zones of Contaminated Ground Water Groundwater v 7 1969 pp 9-16

46 White EF A Report to the Town of S Kingstown Utility Survey Engineering Corp 1967

47 Zohdy AAR A Computer Program for the Calculation of Schlumberger Sounding Curves Over Horizontally Layered Media Using the Method of Convolution US Geological Survey Denver

48 Zohdy AAR Eaton GP and DR Mabey Application of Surface Geophysics to Ground-Water Investigations Technidues of Water-Resources Investigations of the US Geological Survey Book 2 Chapter 01 Washington US Government Printing Office 2401-02543 1974