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SEO & Digital Marketing Alive and Well And Why It Will Never Die

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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SEO & Digital Marketing Alive and WellAnd Why It Will Never Die

It’s fashionable to write about the death of SEO/Online marketing. As if somehow without it a website can break through the distractions and ‘noise’ on the web.

Each location and niche has thousands of sites, all competing with each other to get on page one of Google.

Is it really so difficult to understand that YOU must do something to bring YOUR website to the top?

Unless you have a million dollar advertising budget (and even then) you need to bear in mind the ideas we share with you on the following slides.

Because they work – Because SEO done correctly works – Because online marketing works – Because without it your business will whither and die on the vine.

Online Marketing – Because It works

If you’re to do well with Google, it needs to trust you. At least, it needs to trust your brand.

Do you rank number one for your brand?

Are people talking about your brand?

The way we use the internet has changed and will continue to change as technology gets more sophisticated.

Search engines have changed the way they look at websites and now look for brand value. Has your online marketing changed in the last year?

Your online marketing needs to evolve

Visibility is vital if you want to grow your business. To be visible you need to build trust with Google. Your brand has to be valuable in Google’s eyes.

Build Trust > Create Value > People Talking = Greater Visibility = More Business

• Website is easy to use, has great content & responsive design.

• Local places, G+, Bing, Yahoo.

• Social media, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

• Local and niche directories.• Review sites.• National directories.• Trade blogs.• Influencer blogs• Forums

All these help to build trust with Google. They confirm where you are, who you are and what you do.

You need to have all that in place to start.

But what Google really wants is to know what people are doing with your content and saying about your brand. This is where your marketing has to evolve, you need people talking about your brand and interacting with your content.

Get that in place and Google will reward you with greater visibility and more visitors.

Consistency is the key to online success. Doing something just once every 3 months is not enough to build trust with Google.

Press releases build buzz. Social media builds buzz and allows you to join in the conversation.

Reviews help consumers decide to do business with you. Bad reviews will cost you customers, good reviews will gain you customers.

The customer experience MUST be exceptional!

Online Marketing Works & SEO Is Alive and Well

It’s very fashionable to write about the ‘death’ of SEO. It makes a great eye catching headline and lots of business owners feel righteous about their refusal to pay attention to it.

Unfortunately, that’s just wrong. SEO/Online marketing is alive and kicking *ss. Look at the results on the left. Imagine if this were your business? Total domination of the first page could be yours.

How would you feel about that? Do you feel the first tingles of excitement? Do you hear the cheers of your employees and the teeth gnashing of competitors?

Or just imagine if that were a competitor? How would you feel then? Can you feel the drop of your stomach as you listen to the wails of employees. Can you feel the anger as you hear the smug laughter of your competitors?

Online marketing and SEO is alive and well – because it works!

How are your customers finding you now?

Are you integrating your off and on line marketing?

What are you doing to gain their attention?

Do you know who your customers are? What’s their age range, their income bracket, their interests and passions?

People look at an average of ten places to research a product, service or company before they make a decision to buy. How many places can they find you?

Are you on platforms where they expect to find you?

How do you make them feel special?

Is your marketing about you or them?

Brand Value

Who is your marketing about?

Do you just shout out about your product or service?

Where’s the value to the consumer in that?

WIIFM this should be your watchword and stands for What’s In It for Me from the perspective of the consumer.

Your marketing should be about them not you.

Go online and search for anything, how many results are there? How do you show the consumer you’re the best choice?

Brand MessageWhat does your brand stand for? Is your marketing message simple and easy to understand?

People have too many choices which makes it difficult for them to decide. Your brand message should help them recognise what your brand stands for.

Think of powerful brands like Nike, Disney, Google, Ebay, Amazon and Volvo.

Volvo’s brand message is ‘safety’ it’s so strong that people still believe a Volvo is safer than other cars. Even when it doesn’t make it into the top ten safest cars.

Keep the message simple, consistent, easy to understand and you’ll help people to decide to buy from you.

Did you know that 57% of ALL Americans use their mobile to access the internet?

Did you know that 34% of those mostly use their phone to go online?

What‘s really important though is that 80% of mobile searches lead to a sale within one day. Considering 57% of ALL US residents use their mobile to go online, that’s a lot of business you’re missing if your site does not show well on a mobile.

Does it load fast and is configured to show well on any screen?

Your ReputationA good reputation can take a lifetime to build and five minutes to destroy.

Think about how many people have mobile phones and how many of them use those phones to access the internet.

Now think about how quickly they can post a comment or review online. You need to know what people are saying about you, where they’re saying it and you need to be part of the conversation.

If the service is good and they’re happy, ask them to leave a review on your Facebook page, review site or G+.

If they’re unhappy, they don’t automatically have a ‘cooling off’ period, where they need to go home and write a letter. They can go online and post their thoughts, they can upload images and videos. All that, then gets seen by their friends and passed on.

Social Sharing on Social Media

People like to talk. They talk about themselves (mostly) their passions, their family, friends and their pet hates.

They talk about all this on social media. Trust me, they’re talking about you too. Even where you refuse to have an online presence, never mind getting involved in Social Media.

But if you’re not part of the conversation, you can’t promote your brand, make sales or even spot an opportunity when it’s presented.

If you’re not on social sharing sites like Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest and LinkedIn you can’t show the people on those platforms your marketing message.

With all the other competition out there, interacting, sharing, advising, communicating and getting involved YOU will lose business.

Remember, online is a very competitive medium, and you need to stand out, not by being absent because people just won’t know about you. But by being present and more importantly active.

Social media when done correctly is a very powerful marketing tool. Are you using it?

Because It Works!

And to prove it, here you are - reading our message.

If we work with you, we'll use the right tools to get your customers’ attention too.

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