asking effectively from important people & newtorking at thefamily by colette ballou

Networking, influencing and getting the meetings and other stuff you want Colette Ballou September 9 th 2015 @balloupr @coletteballou

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Networking, influencing and getting the meetings and other stuff you want

Colette BallouSeptember 9th 2015


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Culled and consolidated from a series of articles and conversations with

journalists, investors, founders.

And more than a little personal experience.

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Page 8: Asking effectively from important people & newtorking at TheFamily by Colette Ballou

The people you want to connect with, the ones whose advice or input may

really make a difference for you – they are busy people.

Really busy. And they have their own jobs.

But most are good people who like helping others, and who remember

what it was like to need help.

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This is not an all-you-can-eat buffet.

You don’t just join the ecosystem and start asking for favours from everyone

you meet.

(Well some people do and it’s not cool)

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Remember: every time you ask something of someone, you are taking

their time.

Their private time.

Time they may want to spend with their family, their company, working

out, or maybe just catching up on sleep

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So the biggest rule?

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Myths about networking

• It’s about meeting people so that they can do things for you

• It’s about power and influence

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Myths about networking

One of the most important things that 90% of people don’t understand is that to be effective, networking must be a two-way street.

Don't do it just to get something out of it. Successful networkers give back to the ecosystem, and people who do nothing but take are identified quickly by the herd. And marginalized.

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Rules for networking

1. Show respect the other person’s time constraints/understand that you are adding to their plate

2. Have a very specific “ask”3. Keep it short4. Be direct and honest5. Always give an out/no option6. Make it as little work as possible for the person you are asking for

something7. Give something back (or at least offer)

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Keeping these points in mind when talking with founders, investors,

journalists, and others in the technology scene is incredibly

important to growing your network and being respected.

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More specifics on networking (including epic fails)

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Networking online

Pretty simple, really – prepare, do your research. And remember the rules for networking:

1. Have a very specific “ask”2. Keep it short3. Be direct and honest4. Give an out/no option5. Make it as little work as possible for the person you are asking for something6. How respect the other person’s time constraints7. Understand that you are adding to their plate8. Give something back

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Networking in person

Further your business goals: meet prospects, partners, influencers, media or recruit employees.

Have goal clearly in mind, know what you need to get from that conversation, and realize that you’re likely not going to get it right there, but will make steps towards it.

Types of events and how to handle:• No idea who is there (look for Twitter hashtags – other ideas?)• Event list is public• You attended last minute, without time to prepare

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Networking in person

Relax. Let it flow. Remember the rules for networking:

1. Show respect the other person’s time constraints/understand that you are adding to their plate

2. Have a very specific “ask”3. Keep it short4. Be direct and honest5. Always give an out/no option6. Make it as little work as possible for the person you are asking for something7. Give something back (or at least offer)

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Oh but wait, you’re terrified

Just get started – the more familiar you are with your target, the more comfortable you’ll feel.

• Do your research/know your target if you can• Approach them with something nice to say, and, if you can, something intelligent• Compliment, but don't suck up• Be careful about challenging people in your first encounter: usually doesn’t work, especially

with Americans. “I read that article you wrote and I really disagree with our premise” doesn’t start things out on a good foot.

• At the end, say you enjoyed speaking to them, can you stay in touch, ask for card, give yours

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Examples of bad networking that have happened to me

1. Let’s say she was at attache to an embassy. Let’s say she was an acquaintance I met once or twice, not a friend. Once he found out I was in PR, she would make introductions to people offering my time and advice without asking my permission. On all kinds of things. I was regularly offered up on a plate, To build HER network. I was saddled with the follow-through.

You can imagine what happened. I shut that down fast and blocked all emails from her.

2. Let’s say he was a VC. Let’s say he was and still is a friend. Let’s say he “suggested” that I take a day out of my weekend to entertain the daughter of an American partner who was 19 years old and studying abroad in London, cc’ing his partners in the email.

I did it because I was given no way to back out of it without appearing rude and having it reflect badly on him to the partnership. I called him and told him directly that he had hijacked my time without my consent. He doesn’t do that to people anymore.

3. Let’s say he is a friend, and the spouse of a current client. Let’s say he keeps asking for freebies that our other clients pay for.

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Examples of how not to ask for things

“Can we meet for coffee so I can pick your brain?”

“Can you read our business plan and tell me what VCs we should approach?” – do your own damn work

Followed by …

“Can you make introductions to the VCs you suggest?” “Can you introduce me to your media contacts who might be interested in my company?”

Or worse: The Bad Networker – the person who gets your card and then endlessly asks for favors or volunteers your time to others to make themselves look helpful.

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Great resources

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Ask for introductions effectively

Most people will introduce you to someone they know if they know you and/or if it’s going to be of interest to the either party. Roy Bahat of Bloomberg Beta wrote a great post on this (@roybahat) – in fact, start networking now, mention that @coletteballou is talking about him, that he’s trending in Paris.

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Specifically: investor introductions Do the work upfront. Don't ask me to identify investors for you, or to write the pitch email. Hunter Walk of Homebrew wrote a great post on this (@hunterwalk) – again, start networking now, mention that @coletteballou is talking about him, that he’s HUGE at The Family in Paris.

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The forwardable email for an investor introduction (can be modified for other purposes)

If I’m excited about the product, founder, and industry, I will forward this email to whomever I’ve been asked to do so and tell them why I’m excited.

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The forwardable email for an investor introduction

SUBJECT LINE: Intro to X at [company name] Hey Y,

I would like to get in touch with [X] from [company name]. They have a very strong portfolio of on-demand mobile services such as[insert company names here] and would be a great strategic fit with my company, [enter your company name].

Below is a quick blurb you can forward. *********Insert short description about you/your company.

Show traction/reason for requesting the meeting, have links – to AngelList profile, etc.

Traction:- $XM sales run-rate in Y months- Growing X% month-over-month- Average transaction size is $X

We are raising our seed round and would love to talk.

Thanks, [You}

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