asian agriculture & food forum (asaff) 2018 -...

ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: Agricultural Innovation and Food Security JUNE 28th - JULY 1st 2018 JAKARTA CONVENTION CENTER

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Page 1: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in


Transforming Challengesinto Opportunities:Agricultural Innovationand Food Security


Page 2: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in

Greet ings

We are proud to say that we have entered an era where I ndonesia’s economy has grown t remendously in recent years. Such growth is dr iven by a booming per iod in the ser v ice and industr y sec tors. Fur thermore, Agr iculture has become one of the mainstays of the nat ional economy that has a major impac t on societ y. The agr icultural sec tor employs about 60% of the populat ion. I t i s t ime for I ndonesia to bui ld food sovereignt y and nat ional independence.

The I nternat ional Economics I ntel l igence Unit (E IU) and Bar i l la Center for Food and Nutr i t ion Foundat ion (BCFN) has re leased the Food Sustainabi l i t y I ndex (FSI ) . The results show that I ndonesia ranks 21st in the Food Sustainabi l i t y I ndex. I t i s our bel ief that the members of HK TI i s one of the major force behind such success.

Salam Petani ,

Ekonomi I ndonesia tumbuh luar biasa dalam beberapa tahun terak hir d idorong oleh sektor jasa dan industr i yang berkembang pesat . Per tanian menjadi sa lah satu andalan ekonomi nas ional yang member ik an dampak besar terhadap masyarak at . Sektor per ta-nian mempeker jak an sek itar 60% penduduk . Saatnya I ndonesia membangun kedaulatan pangan dan kemandir ian nas ional .  Lembaga r iset dan anal is is ekonomi internasional yak ni The Economist I ntel l igent Unit (E IU) dan Bar i l la Center for Food and Nutr i t ion (BCFN) Foundat ion mer i l i s I ndeks Keber lanjutan Pangan atau Food Sustainabi l i t y I ndex (FSI ) . Dalam hasi l r i set tersebut , I ndonesia tercatat menduduk i per ingk at ke -21 dalam I ndeks Keber lanjutan Pangan. Capaian tersebut merupak an per tanda baik bagi I ndonesia yang dira ih berk at ker ja keras berbagai p ihak .  Namun momentum per tumbuhan per tanian negara t idak dapat diper tahank an dalam jangk a panjang tanpa dorongan pada ink lus iv i tas dan keber lanjutan. Per lu adanya ink lus iv i tas dan keber lanjutan ditambah dengan daya sa ing yang t imbul k arena bebagai tantangan yang dihadapi sektor per tanian saat in i .  HK TI hadir dengan v is i dan mis i sebagai rumah besar bagi petani , d i mana petani berar t i harus ter l indungi dar i prakt ik-prakt ik yang justru merugik an petani i tu sendir i . HK TI harus menjadi solus i bagi set iap permasalahan petani dan per tanian I ndonesia , o leh k arenanya HK TI adalah mitra strategis pemer intah yang menjalank an program pro -petani dan menjadi jembatan antar inst i tus i .  I ndonesia merupak an salah satu motor penggerak per tumbuhan ekonomi di As ia . Bahk an I ndonesia menjadi negara 3 besar per tumbuhan ekonomi di negara-negara G20. Dan pada tahun 2045 I ndonesia ak an berada pada per ingk at atas ekonomi negara-negara maju.  Untuk membangun dan memperkuat ekonomi di k awasan Asia , per lu di ja l in ker jasama dan s inergi antar negara-negara Asia . K arena i tu HK TI mempelopor i kegiatan ASIA AGRICULTURE AND FOOD FORUM 2018 sebagai media interaks i s inergi st rategis dan ker jasama bisnis antar negara menuju ketahanan pangan Asia dan dunia .  K ami mengajak para pemimpin negara dan pemimpin bisnis d i As ia untuk bersama-sama membangun kegiatan in i sebagai momentum kebangk itan per tanian Asia .  Mar i semua stakeholders berpar t is ipas i akt i f untuk hadir bersama member ik an kontr ibusi besar untuk ketahanan pangan Asia .    Jenderal (Purn) DR M o eldoko


But this achievement cannot cont inue or be susta ined in the long run without any suppor t for inc lus iv i t y and susta inabi l i t y as requirements to compete in the agr icultural sec tor today. HK TI comes with a v is ion and miss ion as a big house for farmers, where farmers wi l l be protec ted f rom prac t ices that are detr imental to the farmers themselves. The associat ion a ims to be an instrumental force in implementing solut ions for farmers and the agr icultural chal lenges fac ing I ndonesia . To achieve this , HK TI a lso ac ts as a strategic par tner with the Government in implementing a pro -farm program, whi lst br idging dia logue and ac t iv i t y bet ween inst i tut ions.

Now let ’s move to the bigger pic ture. Our countr y I ndonesia is one of the dr iv ing forces of economic growth in As ia . I n fac t , nat ional ly we have become the 3rd largest countr y in economic growth amongst G20 countr ies. By the year 2045, I ndonesia is projec ted to become one of the largest economies amongst developing countr ies.

I n order to bui ld and strengthen the economies of the Asian region, we need to fur ther promote cooperat ion and synergy amongst As ian countr ies. Members of HK TI has a role to play in this matter. I n suppor t our nat ional economic development, the associat ion has pioneered the ac t iv i t ies of the ASIA AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM 2018 as a medium for enabl ing interac t ion, st rategic synergy and business cooperat ion bet ween countr ies, work ing towards achieving food secur i t y within Asia and the wor ld.

Therefore, we invite leaders of countr ies and business leaders across As ia to jo in us in this event to fur ther the momentum of the Asian agr icultural revival .

Let a l l s takeholders l ike HK TI par t ic ipate ac t ively to come together and contr ibute great ly to As ia’s food secur i t y.

G eneral (Ret) DR M o eldoko

Page 3: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in

Greet ings

We are proud to say that we have entered an era where I ndonesia’s economy has grown t remendously in recent years. Such growth is dr iven by a booming per iod in the ser v ice and industr y sec tors. Fur thermore, Agr iculture has become one of the mainstays of the nat ional economy that has a major impac t on societ y. The agr icultural sec tor employs about 60% of the populat ion. I t i s t ime for I ndonesia to bui ld food sovereignt y and nat ional independence.

The I nternat ional Economics I ntel l igence Unit (E IU) and Bar i l la Center for Food and Nutr i t ion Foundat ion (BCFN) has re leased the Food Sustainabi l i t y I ndex (FSI ) . The results show that I ndonesia ranks 21st in the Food Sustainabi l i t y I ndex. I t i s our bel ief that the members of HK TI i s one of the major force behind such success.

Salam Petani ,

Ekonomi I ndonesia tumbuh luar biasa dalam beberapa tahun terak hir d idorong oleh sektor jasa dan industr i yang berkembang pesat . Per tanian menjadi sa lah satu andalan ekonomi nas ional yang member ik an dampak besar terhadap masyarak at . Sektor per ta-nian mempeker jak an sek itar 60% penduduk . Saatnya I ndonesia membangun kedaulatan pangan dan kemandir ian nas ional .  Lembaga r iset dan anal is is ekonomi internasional yak ni The Economist I ntel l igent Unit (E IU) dan Bar i l la Center for Food and Nutr i t ion (BCFN) Foundat ion mer i l i s I ndeks Keber lanjutan Pangan atau Food Sustainabi l i t y I ndex (FSI ) . Dalam hasi l r i set tersebut , I ndonesia tercatat menduduk i per ingk at ke -21 dalam I ndeks Keber lanjutan Pangan. Capaian tersebut merupak an per tanda baik bagi I ndonesia yang dira ih berk at ker ja keras berbagai p ihak .  Namun momentum per tumbuhan per tanian negara t idak dapat diper tahank an dalam jangk a panjang tanpa dorongan pada ink lus iv i tas dan keber lanjutan. Per lu adanya ink lus iv i tas dan keber lanjutan ditambah dengan daya sa ing yang t imbul k arena bebagai tantangan yang dihadapi sektor per tanian saat in i .  HK TI hadir dengan v is i dan mis i sebagai rumah besar bagi petani , d i mana petani berar t i harus ter l indungi dar i prakt ik-prakt ik yang justru merugik an petani i tu sendir i . HK TI harus menjadi solus i bagi set iap permasalahan petani dan per tanian I ndonesia , o leh k arenanya HK TI adalah mitra strategis pemer intah yang menjalank an program pro -petani dan menjadi jembatan antar inst i tus i .  I ndonesia merupak an salah satu motor penggerak per tumbuhan ekonomi di As ia . Bahk an I ndonesia menjadi negara 3 besar per tumbuhan ekonomi di negara-negara G20. Dan pada tahun 2045 I ndonesia ak an berada pada per ingk at atas ekonomi negara-negara maju.  Untuk membangun dan memperkuat ekonomi di k awasan Asia , per lu di ja l in ker jasama dan s inergi antar negara-negara Asia . K arena i tu HK TI mempelopor i kegiatan ASIA AGRICULTURE AND FOOD FORUM 2018 sebagai media interaks i s inergi st rategis dan ker jasama bisnis antar negara menuju ketahanan pangan Asia dan dunia .  K ami mengajak para pemimpin negara dan pemimpin bisnis d i As ia untuk bersama-sama membangun kegiatan in i sebagai momentum kebangk itan per tanian Asia .  Mar i semua stakeholders berpar t is ipas i akt i f untuk hadir bersama member ik an kontr ibusi besar untuk ketahanan pangan Asia .    Jenderal (Purn) DR M o eldoko

But this achievement cannot cont inue or be susta ined in the long run without any suppor t for inc lus iv i t y and susta inabi l i t y as requirements to compete in the agr icultural sec tor today. HK TI comes with a v is ion and miss ion as a big house for farmers, where farmers wi l l be protec ted f rom prac t ices that are detr imental to the farmers themselves. The associat ion a ims to be an instrumental force in implementing solut ions for farmers and the agr icultural chal lenges fac ing I ndonesia . To achieve this , HK TI a lso ac ts as a strategic par tner with the Government in implementing a pro -farm program, whi lst br idging dia logue and ac t iv i t y bet ween inst i tut ions.

Now let ’s move to the bigger pic ture. Our countr y I ndonesia is one of the dr iv ing forces of economic growth in As ia . I n fac t , nat ional ly we have become the 3rd largest countr y in economic growth amongst G20 countr ies. By the year 2045, I ndonesia is projec ted to become one of the largest economies amongst developing countr ies.

I n order to bui ld and strengthen the economies of the Asian region, we need to fur ther promote cooperat ion and synergy amongst As ian countr ies. Members of HK TI has a role to play in this matter. I n suppor t our nat ional economic development, the associat ion has pioneered the ac t iv i t ies of the ASIA AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM 2018 as a medium for enabl ing interac t ion, st rategic synergy and business cooperat ion bet ween countr ies, work ing towards achieving food secur i t y within Asia and the wor ld.

Therefore, we invite leaders of countr ies and business leaders across As ia to jo in us in this event to fur ther the momentum of the Asian agr icultural revival .

Let a l l s takeholders l ike HK TI par t ic ipate ac t ively to come together and contr ibute great ly to As ia’s food secur i t y.

G eneral (Ret) DR M o eldoko

Greet ings,

There is no global greater chal lenge fac ing us than the chal lenge of providing ever y person with su�cient food to meet their requirement without any adverse impac t on the ecological system and mank ind now and in future.

ASAFF 2018 presents to respond to those global i ssues, especia l ly among Asian countr ies, requir ing a cooperat ive coordinated approach of food secur i t y and other agr icultural produc ts.


I t i s indeed an honor for me to chair ASAFF 2018 steer ing committee as a substant ia l forum to establ ish an integrated communicat ion that contr ibutes to food and agr iculture issues in As ia .

Let ’s work together to achieve food secur i t y through susta inable agr iculture.

See you at ASAFF 2018!

M ajor G eneral (Ret) B ambang Budi Waluyo, S.S os, M.Si

Tantangan global saat in i yang k i ta hadapi adalah tersedianya bahan mak anan yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tanpa berdampak buruk pada s istem ekologi dan umat manusia sek arang dan di masa depan.

ASAFF hadir menjawab tantangan tersebut , k hususnya bagi negara-negara di k awasan Asia , beker jasama membangun ketersediaan pangan dan ketahanan pangan ser ta produk-pooduk per tanian la innya.

Sungguh suatu kehormatan bagi saya menjadi Ketua Panit ia Pengarah ASAFF 2018, untuk melaksanak an forum nyata guna menjal in komunik as i terpadu yang member i kontr ibusi dalam memecahk an masalah pangan dan per tanian di As ia . Mar i k i ta beker jasama untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan melalui per tanian berkelanjutan.

Sampai jumpa di ASAFF 2018!

M ayjen (Purn) B ambang Budi Waluyo, S.S os, M.Si

Page 4: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in

I t i s indeed an honor for me to chair ASAFF 2018 steer ing committee as a substant ia l forum to establ ish an integrated communicat ion that contr ibutes to food and agr iculture issues in As ia .

Let ’s work together to achieve food secur i t y through susta inable agr iculture.

See you at ASAFF 2018!

M ajor G eneral (Ret) B ambang Budi Waluyo, S.S os, M.Si

M y Fel low Farmers,

Tak ing the momentum of ASIAN GAMES 2018 wherein I ndonesia wi l l be in global spot l ight , H impunan Kerukunan Tani I ndonesia (HK TI ) or I ndonesia Farmers Associat ion takes in i t iat ive to conduc t the Asian Agr iculture and Food Forum (ASAFF) 2018 on June 28th to July 1st , 2018 at Jak ar ta Convent ion Center.

With the theme “ Transforming Chal lenges into Oppor tunit ies : Agr icultural I nnovat ion and Food Secur i t y ”, ASAFF 2018 a ims to improve the communicat ion net work among the ac tors of the agr icultural sec tors in As ia that wi l l in turn forge a produc t ive value chain of agr icultural net work both upstream as wel l as downstream.


ASAFF 2018 is a major internat ional event throughout the cont inent and posit ioned as a leading exhibit ion for business re lat ions in the agr icultural sec tor which expec ted wi l l att rack 10.000 v is i tors, 200 exhibitors f rom 20 countr ies. ASAFF 2018 sets i tse l f the major goal of promoting the agr iculture produc ts through produc t iv i t y and the use of innovat ive and susta inable technologies. I t therefore makes ever y e�or t to ac t on the impor tant lever of t rade organizat ion and representat ion in di�erent farming sec tors.

EXPO ON AGRICULTURE & FOOD o�ers an ex tensive and high- qual i t y range of produc ts, equipment and ser v ices and wi l l provide an exclus ive oppor tunit y to supply solut ions which are ta i lored and designed specia l ly for the development of farming resources in the Asia regions, thereby substant ia l ly improving the farming produc t iv i t y to increase the v is ibi l i t y of �rms towards their par tners.

I n paral le l to the expo, HK TI BUSINESS FORUM enables the stakeholders dur ing indiv idual appointments, to bui ld business t ies and meet potent ia l c l ients, d istr ibutors or par tners to invest in one countr y of the other, and why not set out to conquer Afr ican markets together.

AGRICULTURE INNOVATION CONFERENCE, wi l l be given on the themes “issues re lat ing to a food safet y and nutr i t ion pol ic y in As ia” and “ Issues for the development of integrated and inclus ive agro business, or how to develop susta inable and competit ive agr i - food value chains”.

Two other features of program to the publ ic wi l l be the presentat ions of HK TI YOUNG INNOVATION AWARD which the watchwords wi l l be innovat ion and digita l technology for farming and FOOD FESTIVAL.

As I bel ieve that ASAFF 2018 wi l l make a growing contr ibut ion to the cause of inc lus ive and susta inable development of the Asia agr iculture and food sec tor, I sol ic i t your ac t ive suppor t and par t ic ipat ion.

Look for ward to welcoming you at ASAFF 2018.

M ajor G eneral (Ret) Winston Simanjuntak , S. IP, M.Si

Salam Petani ,

Mengambi l momentum ASIAN GAMES 2018 di mana I ndonesia ak an menjadi sorotan global , H impunan Kerukunan Tani I ndonesia (HK TI ) atau Asosias i Petani I ndonesia mengambi l in is iat i f untuk menyelenggarak an ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 pada tanggal 28 Juni - 1 Jul i 2018 di Jak ar ta Convent ion Center.

Dengan tema “Mengubah Tantangan menjadi Peluang: I novasi Per tanian dan Keamanan Pangan”, ASAFF 2018 ber tujuan untuk meningk atk an jar ingan komunik as i d i antara para pemain sektor per tanian di As ia yang pada gi l i rannya ak an membentuk rantai n i la i produkt i f dar i jar ingan per tanian baik di hulu maupun di h i l i r.

ASAFF 2018 adalah acara internasional besar di se luruh benua dan menempatk annya sebagai pameran terkemuk a untuk hubungan bisnis d i sektor per tanian yang diharapk an ak an dikunjungi 10 .000 pengunjung, 200 peser ta dar i 20 negara . ASAFF 2018 menetapk an sendir i tu juan utama mempromosik an produk per tanian melalui produkt iv i tas dan penggunaan tek nologi inovat i f dan berkelanjutan. Oleh k arena i tu, set iap upaya pada t indak an dan mengangk at kepent ingan organisas i perdagangan dan per wak i lan di berbagai sektor per tanian yang berbeda.

Expo Per tanian dan Pangan menawark an berbagai produk , peralatan dan layanan yang luas dan berkual i tas t inggi dan ak an member ik an kesempatan eksk lus i f untuk menyediak an solus i yang disesuaik an dan dirancang k husus untuk pengembangan sumber daya per tanian di k awasan Asia , sehingga banyak sek al i meningk atk an produkt iv i tas per tanian untuk meningk atk an v is ib i l i tas perusahaan terhadap mitra merek a.

Seja lan dengan expo, Forum Usaha HK TI memungk ink an para pemangku kepent ingan selama penunjuk k an indiv idu, untuk membangun hubungan bisnis dan ber temu k l ien potensia l , d istr ibutor atau mitra untuk ber investas i d i satu negara atau la innya, dan mengapa t idak berangk at untuk menak luk k an pasar Afr ik a bersama.

KONFERENSI INOVASI PER TANIAN, diber i tema ”masalah yang berk aitan dengan kebi jak an keamanan pangan dan giz i d i As ia” dan “masalah untuk pengembangan bisnis agro yang ter integras i dan ink lus i f, atau bagaimana mengembangk an rantai n i la i agr ibisnis pangan yang berkelanjutan dan kompetit i f ”. Dua �tur la in dar i program kepada publ ik adalah presentas i dar i H K T I YO U N G I N N O VAT I O N AWA R D yang mana semboyan ak an menja-di inovasi dan tek nologi d igita l untuk per tanian dan FESTIVAL PANGAN.

K arena saya yak in bahwa ASAFF 2018 ak an member ik an kontr ibusi yang semak in besar terhadap pembangunan sektor per tanian dan pangan Asia yang ink lus i f dan berkelanjutan, saya meminta dukungan akt i f dan par t is ipas i Anda.

Mengharapk an dan menyambut Saudara di ASAFF 2018. M ayjen (Purn) Winston Simanjuntak , S. IP, M.Si

Page 5: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in

ASAFF 2018 is a major internat ional event throughout the cont inent and posit ioned as a leading exhibit ion for business re lat ions in the agr icultural sec tor which expec ted wi l l att rack 10.000 v is i tors, 200 exhibitors f rom 20 countr ies. ASAFF 2018 sets i tse l f the major goal of promoting the agr iculture produc ts through produc t iv i t y and the use of innovat ive and susta inable technologies. I t therefore makes ever y e�or t to ac t on the impor tant lever of t rade organizat ion and representat ion in di�erent farming sec tors.

EXPO ON AGRICULTURE & FOOD o�ers an ex tensive and high- qual i t y range of produc ts, equipment and ser v ices and wi l l provide an exclus ive oppor tunit y to supply solut ions which are ta i lored and designed specia l ly for the development of farming resources in the Asia regions, thereby substant ia l ly improving the farming produc t iv i t y to increase the v is ibi l i t y of �rms towards their par tners.

I n paral le l to the expo, HK TI BUSINESS FORUM enables the stakeholders dur ing indiv idual appointments, to bui ld business t ies and meet potent ia l c l ients, d istr ibutors or par tners to invest in one countr y of the other, and why not set out to conquer Afr ican markets together.

AGRICULTURE INNOVATION CONFERENCE, wi l l be given on the themes “issues re lat ing to a food safet y and nutr i t ion pol ic y in As ia” and “ Issues for the development of integrated and inclus ive agro business, or how to develop susta inable and competit ive agr i - food value chains”.

Two other features of program to the publ ic wi l l be the presentat ions of HK TI YOUNG INNOVATION AWARD which the watchwords wi l l be innovat ion and digita l technology for farming and FOOD FESTIVAL.

As I bel ieve that ASAFF 2018 wi l l make a growing contr ibut ion to the cause of inc lus ive and susta inable development of the Asia agr iculture and food sec tor, I sol ic i t your ac t ive suppor t and par t ic ipat ion.

Look for ward to welcoming you at ASAFF 2018.

M ajor G eneral (Ret) Winston Simanjuntak , S. IP, M.Si

Salam Petani ,

Mengambi l momentum ASIAN GAMES 2018 di mana I ndonesia ak an menjadi sorotan global , H impunan Kerukunan Tani I ndonesia (HK TI ) atau Asosias i Petani I ndonesia mengambi l in is iat i f untuk menyelenggarak an ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 pada tanggal 28 Juni - 1 Jul i 2018 di Jak ar ta Convent ion Center.

Dengan tema “Mengubah Tantangan menjadi Peluang: I novasi Per tanian dan Keamanan Pangan”, ASAFF 2018 ber tujuan untuk meningk atk an jar ingan komunik as i d i antara para pemain sektor per tanian di As ia yang pada gi l i rannya ak an membentuk rantai n i la i produkt i f dar i jar ingan per tanian baik di hulu maupun di h i l i r.

ASAFF 2018 adalah acara internasional besar di se luruh benua dan menempatk annya sebagai pameran terkemuk a untuk hubungan bisnis d i sektor per tanian yang diharapk an ak an dikunjungi 10 .000 pengunjung, 200 peser ta dar i 20 negara . ASAFF 2018 menetapk an sendir i tu juan utama mempromosik an produk per tanian melalui produkt iv i tas dan penggunaan tek nologi inovat i f dan berkelanjutan. Oleh k arena i tu, set iap upaya pada t indak an dan mengangk at kepent ingan organisas i perdagangan dan per wak i lan di berbagai sektor per tanian yang berbeda.

Expo Per tanian dan Pangan menawark an berbagai produk , peralatan dan layanan yang luas dan berkual i tas t inggi dan ak an member ik an kesempatan eksk lus i f untuk menyediak an solus i yang disesuaik an dan dirancang k husus untuk pengembangan sumber daya per tanian di k awasan Asia , sehingga banyak sek al i meningk atk an produkt iv i tas per tanian untuk meningk atk an v is ib i l i tas perusahaan terhadap mitra merek a.

Seja lan dengan expo, Forum Usaha HK TI memungk ink an para pemangku kepent ingan selama penunjuk k an indiv idu, untuk membangun hubungan bisnis dan ber temu k l ien potensia l , d istr ibutor atau mitra untuk ber investas i d i satu negara atau la innya, dan mengapa t idak berangk at untuk menak luk k an pasar Afr ik a bersama.

KONFERENSI INOVASI PER TANIAN, diber i tema ”masalah yang berk aitan dengan kebi jak an keamanan pangan dan giz i d i As ia” dan “masalah untuk pengembangan bisnis agro yang ter integras i dan ink lus i f, atau bagaimana mengembangk an rantai n i la i agr ibisnis pangan yang berkelanjutan dan kompetit i f ”. Dua �tur la in dar i program kepada publ ik adalah presentas i dar i H K T I YO U N G I N N O VAT I O N AWA R D yang mana semboyan ak an menja-di inovasi dan tek nologi d igita l untuk per tanian dan FESTIVAL PANGAN.

K arena saya yak in bahwa ASAFF 2018 ak an member ik an kontr ibusi yang semak in besar terhadap pembangunan sektor per tanian dan pangan Asia yang ink lus i f dan berkelanjutan, saya meminta dukungan akt i f dan par t is ipas i Anda.

Mengharapk an dan menyambut Saudara di ASAFF 2018. M ayjen (Purn) Winston Simanjuntak , S. IP, M.Si














10,000 participants/visitors and 200 Exhibitors from 20 Asian Countries are expected join the event.Kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat menghadirkan 10,000 orang peserta dan pengunjung serta 200 exhibitor dari 20 negara di Asia.























DAY 3S at, 30/6/ ’18

Exp o Fo o d Festival

O p eningCeremony Exp o Fo o d Festival Conference Business Forum

& M atchmak ingDAY 1Thu, 28/6/ ’18

DAY 2Fri , 29/6/ ’18

Exp o Fo o d Festival Conference Business Forum& M atchmak ing

DAY 4Sun, 1/7/ ’18

ClosingCeremonyExp o Fo o d Festival HK TI Young

I nnovation Award






Page 6: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in


Theme :Agricultural I nnovations toward I ndep endenc y of Asia Fo o d S ecurit y and Resi l ience.I novasi Per tanian Menuju Kemandir ian, Keamanan dan Ketahanan Pangan Asia

Session Topics :Keynote : Agriculture Innovations System to Enhance Food Security

. Session 1 - The Agriculture Innovation System in Asian Countries: Learning from Good Practices. Session 2 - Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy for Agriculture Development. Session 3 - Agricultural Research and Education: Learning from International Good Practices

. Session 4 - The Role of Business and Enterprises (Agricultural Value Chain Actors and Organizations) in Agriculture Innovation to Enhance Food Security. Session 5 - Agriculture and Fourth Industrial Revolution: Building a Sustainable Food System. Session 6 - Engaging and Educating Youth in Agriculture Innovation to Enhance Food Security. Session 7 - Socio-Political Dimensions of Achieving Food Security & Agricultural Development in Rural Areas”

. Sesi 1 – Sistem Inovasi Pertanian di Negara - Negara ASIAN : Belajar dari Praktisi Terbaik. Sesi 2 – Ilmu pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Kebijakan Inovasi untuk Pengembangan Pertanian. Sesi 3 – Penelitian dan Pendidikan Pertanian: Belajar dari Praktisi Terbaik Internasional

. Sesi 4 – Peran Bisnis dan Dunia Usaha (Pelaku dan Organisasi Rantai Nilai Pertanian) di Bidang Inovasi Pertanian untuk Meningkatkan Keamanan Pangan. Sesi 5 – Pertanian dan Revolusi Industri Keempat: Membangun Sistem Pangan yang Berkesinambungan. Sesi 6 – Menarik dan Mendidik Generasi Muda di Bidang Inovasi Pertanian untuk Meningkatkan Keamanan Pangan. Sesi 7 – Dimensi Sosial Politik dalam Mencapai Keamanan Pangan dan Pengembangan Pertanian di daerah Pedesaan

Keynote : Inovasi Sistem Pertanian untuk Peningkatan Keamanan Pangan

Speakers are under Con�rmation


Andi Amran SulaimanMinister of Agriculture of the Republicof Indonesia

Menteri Pertanian Republik Indonesia

Minister of Youth & Sports A�airsImam Nahrawi

Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga RepublikIndonesia

Kundhavi KadiresanAssistant Director-General and FAO'sRegional Representative for Asia andthe Paci�c

Asisten Direktur Jenderal dan PerwakilanRegional FAO untuk Asia dan Pasi�k

Alan DupontFounder & CEO Congnoscenti Group

Pendiri & CEO Congnoscenti Grup

Minister of Trade of the Republicof Indonesia

Menteri Perdagangan Republik Indonesia

Enggartiasto Lukita

Ahli Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia

H.S DillonIndonesia Agricultural Economy Expert

Page 7: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in




This 2- days forum is to op en opp or tunit ies for par ticipants whom attending ASAFF 2018. Forum ini d iadak an selama 2 har i untuk membuk a peluang bisnis bagi para peser ta yanghadir pada kegiatan ASAFF 2018.

Form of activities to be implemented are :

. Buyers meet sellers (as B2B event) . Presentation slot for product launching. Networking opportunities. Individual meeting with presenters

. Business lounge/dealing table

Bentuk kegiatan yang akan dilaksanakan antara lain :

. Ajang pertemuan antara Penjual dan Pembeli . Bisnis presentasi. Membuka kesempatan untuk memperluas jaringan. Pertemuan individual dengan para pembicara. Menyediakan ruang bisnis dan transaksi


. Agriculture Pro duc tion S ec tor / Sektor Sarana Produksi Per tanian

. Agriculture Technolo gy & I nnovation S ec tor / Sektor I novasi & Tek nologi Per tanian

. L ivesto ck S ektor / Sektor Peternak an

. Agriculture Capital and I nvestment S ec tor / Sektor Permodalan & I nvestas i Per tanian

. Agriculture Exp or t & I mp or t S ec tor / Sektor Ekspor & I mpor Per tanian

. Agriculture & Fo o d Pro cessing S ec tor / Sektor Pengolahan Hasi l Per tanian & Pangan

Theme :



Awarding event dedicated for young innovat ive entrepreneurs in As ian who develop IC Ts for agr iculture solut ions to suppor t agr icul -tural va lue chains, providing employment and l ivel ihood oppor tu-nit ies.

Pember ian penghargaan yang didedik as ik an untuk wirausahawan muda yang inovat i f d i As ia yang mengembangk an tek nologi informasi dan komunik as i d i b idang per tanian guna mendukung jar ingan per tanian ser ta membuk a kesempatan ker ja .

. An avenue for attendees to fully experience the entertainment, art and business of food showcasing the best in local, Asia, and international cuisine, cutting edge food technology and cooking techniques, and the best beverages.. An opportunity to connect with all customers, irrespective of the socio-economic status and age.. The opportunity to promote enterprise by supporting the business, art and entertainment of food.

. Menyediakan area untuk para pengunjung sekaligus memberikan pengalaman hiburan, seni dan bisnis pangan

. Kesempatan untuk terhubung dengan seluruh pengunjung tanpa hambatan status ekonomi maupun usia

. Wahana yang memberikan kesempatan untuk mempromosikan usaha pangan melalui seni dan hiburan

Page 8: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in


. 1 unit standard improve booth

. �ooring �nishing carpet

. 1 unit table

. 2 units chair

. 1 unit company logo

. 1 set electricity 2 Amp

. 1 unit waste-paper basket

. 2 exhibitor pass



. 1 unit standard booth R8

. �ooring �nishing carpet

. 1 unit table

. 2 units chair

. 1 unit fascia name

. 1 set electricity 2 Amp

. 1 unit waste-paper basket

. 2 exhibitor pass



. 1 set standard improved booth

. �ooring �nishing carpet

. 1 unit table

. 2 units chair

. 1 unit fascia name

. 1 set electricity 2 Amp

. 1 unit waste-paper basket

. 2 exhibitor pass


Pember ian penghargaan yang didedik as ik an untuk wirausahawan muda yang inovat i f d i As ia yang mengembangk an tek nologi informasi dan komunik as i d i b idang per tanian guna mendukung jar ingan per tanian ser ta membuk a kesempatan ker ja .

Page 9: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in

1 Assembly Hall - Exhibition(Food Festival) Rp. 4.250.000,- (+VAT)

Main Lobby - Exhibition2 Rp. 2.750.000,- (+VAT) Rp. 4.250.000,- (+VAT)

Plenary Hall - Exhibition3 Rp. 2.750.000,- (+VAT) Rp. 3.500.000,- (+VAT)

Outdoor Area – Exhibition (Big Size Machinery)

Rp. 2.000.000,- (+VAT)4

NO. Hall Raw Space / sqm Standard Booth / sqm Standard ImproveBooth / sqm


1 Conference ticket (2 days)

Business Forum & Matchmaking2

Rp. 2.500.000,- (+PPN)Visit Exhibition Area3

Lunch 1 time, co�ee break 2 times (per day)4


NO. Activities Registration Fee


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Opening hours:June 28th – July 1st, 2018 at 09.00 – 18.00 WIB

Booth set-up:June 26th – 27th , 2018 at 10.00 – 22.00 WIB

Interior works:June 27th , 2018 at 14.00 – 22.00 WIB

Dismantling:July 1st , 2018 at 18.00 – 24.00 WIB

CANCELLATION & REFUNDS For written cancellation received by the exhibition organizer before April 15th, 2018, 50% registration fee will be refunded. No refund will be made for written cancellation received after that date. Refunds is also excluded bank administration and provision. All payment for refunds will be made only after the closing of exhibition.

BOOTH INFORMATION• Exhibitors not allowed to nail, screw, drill, paint or use the wall, �oor, carpet, partition or any other booth facilities at exhibition Hall. Panels can be a�xed to these wall with the use of double-sided adhesive tapes. If this instruction is ignored, the organizing committee reserves the right to charge to charge the exhibitor or contractor concerned for any damages of materials.• Exhibitor are responsible for all damage caused by the activity done within the exhibition area and will bear any cost that Jakarta Convention Center or contractor charge.• Exhibitor are advised to be ready at their own booth 1 (one) hour before the event start every day.• Exhibitors cannot leave/close the stand before closing time.• Aisle always indicated on the �oor plan must be kept clear of all exhibition goods or decorations materials in order to facilitate tra�c.• Booth design subject to be adjusted

REARRANGEMENT & RELOCATION OF BOOTHS Allotment of booth will be on FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis. The organizing committee reserve the right to rearrange or relocate the booths based on the actual number booths sold.

Page 11: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in


BUSSINESS ACTIVITY No business activity shall be conducted by exhibitors and/or his Co-Delegate outside their booth boundaries such as the distribution of promotional materials.

BADGE• All personnel (exhibitor & contractors) must wear badges for each booth. Any additional badge request will be charged IDR 400.000,-/person.• Exhibitor passes and temporary work passes only allows registered exhibitors to in the exhibition area.

SOUND & AUDIO VISUAL Exhibitors not allowed to produced loud sound use any audio visual facility that might disturb other exhibitors.

GOODS REMOVAL• For good removal “the move in & out form” must be obtained from the organizing committee (Dyandra Convex). This form must be completed and handed over by security guards on side as you leave the exhibition area.• For security & safety reasons, exhibit movement in or out of the venue during show hours is not permitted.

SMOKING Smoking is strictly not permitted in the exhibition hall all the times.

SECURITY• The organizer has arranged security personnel to ensure the safety of all exhibits in general. However, these security personnel cannot pay attention to each booth.• Exhibitor must arrange their own insurance to cover all stages of the exhibition.• Exhibitors and their sta� will not be allowed in the exhibition hall after the show hours. If you wish to hire security personnel to attend your stand exclusively during o� show hours, please contact organizing committee for information.• The organizer and Jakarta Convention Center not accept responsibility for theft, loss or damage of exhibits or any equipment belonging to exhibitors, contractors or visitors.

CLEANING• Exhibitors are responsible for the cleanliness of their own booth.• Exhibitors must clean their booth and remove all their debris (e.g. wooden crates, cartons, etc.) from the exhibition hall. Only general cleaning, such as vacuuming of the carpet is provided.

ELECTRICITY The o�cial contractor will carry out all electrical work (wiring, connection, lighting etc.) on all booths & charges on additional electrical works shall be paid by exhibitors. Should you need electricity supply, please contact directly to the o�cial contractor.

Page 12: ASIAN AGRICULTURE & FOOD FORUM (ASAFF) 2018 -… · Such growth is driven by a booming period in

S ecretariat

Asian Agr iculture & Food Forum 2018H impunan Kerukunan Tani (HK TI )J l . H .O.S Cok roaminoto No. 55-57Menteng, Jak ar ta Pusat


Paul ine : 0813 6072 5055Faiz : 0858 8178 9066

O rganizer

D yandra ConvexD yandra Bui ld ing, 2nd FloorJ l . Johar No. 9 ,M enteng, Jak ar ta 10350

PhFaxEmai l


Luh Ar iat iDian Noviant i

: +62-21-31997175: +62-21-31997176: info@asa�

: 0813 1432 8054: 0817 0018 184 w w w.asa�