ashiq segi university college

BUS703 RESEARCH METHODS FOR MANAGERS ASSESSMENT TASK 3 RESEARCH PROPOSAL TITLE: “An investigation on cross cultural assumptions and values adaptation at XYZ institution and success”. SUBMITTED BY: MD Ashiq

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TITLE: “An investigation on cross cultural assumptions and values adaptation at XYZ institution and success”. SUBMITTED BY: MD Ashiq


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The XYZ organization is a higher learning private educational establishment in Malaysia since 1997. Mr Karan, a 6th Dan Taekwondo exponent is the Chief Executive Officer, having realized that his institution’s foreign students enrolment is steadily increasing but the percentage of these students completing their respective course of studies are not encouraging. The year 2005 recorded only 12 percent completing their studies against 77 foreign students enrolled in the program.

He is of the opinion that an understanding of cross cultural assumptions and values both by the students and the entity staff will bring about better results for both the students and the institution. He needs relevant data and analysis prior to implementing an action plan in the third quarter of the year. He has asked me to undertake this research investigation and provide the initial feedback with in a week.

This research proposal is a descriptive one and focuses on the nature of cultural assumptions and values among the students and staff and how theories on this subject can be used for improving the rate of student success and his business performance. A survey at XYZ institution via personal interviews via a structured questionnaires approach data will be collected and analyzed.

A non-probability, convenience sampling is being used. A 90 % response will be generated from as a sample size of 200. An univariate analysis will be carried out and the cost and time of this proposal will be kept to a minimal level to support the CEO’s strategic direction.

Table of Contents

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Executive Summary iii

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Background

3.0 Problem Definition

3.1 Management Problem

3.2 research Problem Questions

3.3 Research Objectives

4.0 Literature Review

5.0 Research Design5.1 Secondary Data Analysis

5.1.1 Internal Data5.1.2 External Data

5.2 Qualitative Research5.3 Methods of Collecting Quantitative Data/ Primary Data5.4 Questionnaire Design- Measurement and Scale Procedures5.5 Sampling Process, Strategy and Size5.6 Data Analysis

6.0 Additional Issues

List of ReferencesAppendix 1 Sample Questionnaire

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1.0 Introduction

The XYZ institution recruits foreign students from 12 countries. Yearly, this enrolment increases at an average of 50 students. However, the percentage of passes is below satisfactory. This has prompted the management to look at the ways of addressing the problem. Initially, quality academic staff and facilities were improved. But, the situation remained the same. The casual observation by the CEO and the feedback from lecturers finally lead to the issues in cross cultural dimension may be the roots of this problem.

Asma (1996) said that cross cultural competence will be a way of understanding how various cultural baggage influence behavior. Such insight is necessary for effective management of diversity of customers. In today’s global context and local challenges, culture should be a topic treated up-front and on a centre stage.

Undoubtedly, this research proposal will investigate the cross cultural assumptions and values adaptation at XYZ institution and success.

This report will consist of the following sections:

A background justification on why this study should be undertaken. A problem definition will be written to ascertain to support research objectives A literature review will further ascertain the benefits to be gained from this

research The research methodology will be explained to depict ethical behavior and

professionalism being observed in this research A section on the possible approach to data collection and analysis.

2.0 Background

At XYZ institution, the current performance of foreign students is not satisfactory.

Table 1: Percentage of Foreign Student PassesYEAR Number of Foreign

StudentsCumulativeIn Number

Number of Passes

Percentage of Passes

2002 56 56 7 12.52003 59 115 6 10.02004 33 148 5 15.52005 77 225 9 12

Table 1 shows a downward trend and it will have far reaching consequence if not addressed immediately. The word of mouth could be very damaging for the institute and could affect the future performance.

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The last decade witnessed swift changes in the Malaysian educational scene as more private higher educational institutions (PHEIs) were established and he government seeks to bring global attention to Malaysia as an educational centre.

The Malaysian Education Guide 2001 reported that there are more than 600 private colleges and universities in this industry. Quality and efficiency are seen in the graduates produced, the academic staff, the facilities available and also, in management. In short quality is the key word in all aspects of an institution.(

Education is a service related business. According to Lovelock and Wirtz (2004) service can be viewed as a system made up of three overlapping elements:

Service operation, whereby inputs are processed and the elements of the service products are created.

Service delivery, during which final “assembly” of these elements takes place and the product is delivered to the customer

Service marketing, which embrace all points of contact with customers, including advertising, billing and market research.

Part of the above system is visible to customers and others are hidden and customers may not even know their existence in the system. Lovelock and Wirtz (2004) cited the work of Chase (1978) and described the system as “front office “and “back office” in referring to visible and invisible parts of the operation.

It is noted that XYZ institution did some changes internally and did not work well as expected. An external perspective from the students point of view as customers will be significant towards conceptualizing a quality education.

The issues of quality dimensions as proposed by the government and researchers like Chase could well mean “an organization cannot afford to overlook these critical components for continuity of success”. It is vital to understand these foreign students cross- cultural orientations in Malaysia will be critical.

This study is aimed at investigating various dimensions on cross cultural assumptions and values adaptation as way for better performance. This investigation will provide the CEO an insight on cross cultural dimensions for formulation of quality policies that will be efficient and effective.

This study will cover the staff and students at XYZ institution. The sample size will be the limitation to this study as it is only confined to XYZ institution and not covering the students from other institutions.3.0 Problem Definition

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Zikmund (2003) stated ‘a problem statement as the indication of a specific business decision area that will be clarified by answering some research questions”.

XYZ institution is small in term of size and its operations. Steady progress in term of enrolment points towards growth. The nature of this education industry is very closely linked to the government policies and the socio-economic situation that prevails in the country. Geographical expansion will be the next stage of growth. Thus, it is imperative to position the institution well with quality as an essence for success.

Thus, at XYZ institution, the key issue at hand is the future performance. Satisfied customers are the proof of continuity of business. This can be interpreted as future returns and survival. Also noted the intense competition and the pitching for students to ensure a steady enrolment has become more challenging as the industry mature.

Mr. Karan’s vision to build upon the strength of this XYZ institution into a Taekwondo Academy with full residential entity will be squarely depend on the current and future track record of success. The outcome of this study on cross cultural issues will avoid any fatal flaws at XYZ institution and subsequent adaptation will ensure the above future strategic direction firmly in control.

3.1 Management Problem

The way how XYZ should be oriented to cross-cultural issues and formulation of quality policies that will ensure an efficient and effective institution are the broad decisions that Mr Karan wants to address. With such policies, he is optimistic that XYZ institution will be a leading educational provider in the region by 2010.

3.2 Research Problem

Many theories on culture have been put forward by scholars and researchers to ascertain the importance of culture at organization. For example, Hofstede (1983) and Handy (1981). Thus, using this vital information for designing of effective questionnaire on cross-cultural issues to formulate policies will be the challenge in this study. Time and cost will be the major constraints in this study.

3.3 Research Objectives This section illustrates the specific research objectives that will be attained via this study.

To identify the staff orientation on cross cultural adaptation and effective formulation of policies.

To identify the staff orientation on cross cultural adaptation and better foreign students performance

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To identify the staff orientation on cross cultural adaptation and students satisfaction level.

To identify the staff orientation on cross cultural adaptation and better student retention strategy.

To identify the staff orientation on cross cultural adaptation and fostering innovation.

Success can be measured in term of getting the valuable feedback from the staff and foreign students and deploying the various action plan on cross cultural dimensions immediately at XYZ institution.

4.0 Literature Review

Morgan (1997) identified eight ways of viewing organizations. One of them is “psychic prison” in which the organizational members are trapped by the construction of reality. Their inherited past affects the organization to the outside world. This is true at XYZ institution in term of being innovative and creative. Hence, the breaking away of deeply rooted negative values among the staff and forging an understanding will be essential for success.

Mullins ( 1999) cited the work of Goldtrope et al ( 1968) on types of orientation. One of them is “bureaucratic orientation” in which there will be a sense of obligation to the work of the organization and a positive involvement in terms of a career structure. There is a close link between work related and non work related activities. This perspective need to be strengthen at XYZ institution.

Drucker (1979) strongly advocated that management is the cornerstone of organizational effectiveness. It enable the organization to contribute a needed result to the individual. Thus, at XYZ the moral obligation to see the success rate of foreign students continue to improve will be the cardinal issue. As such, the intertwined cross cultural dimensions that affects the day to day communication, motivation, leadership and even the conflict management and the drive towards positive change cannot be taken lightly. Hence, this investigation seemingly vital at XYZ institution.

In 1870s the anthropologist Edward Taylor defined culture as that complex whole which includes knowledge, belie, art, morals, law, custom and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society( Hill, l999). Hofstede ( 1984) an expert on cross cultural differences and management, defined culture as the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another…..Culture in this sense, includes sytems of values and values are among the building block of culture. Zvi Namenwirth and Rober Weber (1987) see culture as a system of ideas and that these ideas constitute a design for living. In addition , both advocated further that values mean

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abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right and desirable. Values are shared assumptions about how things ought to be. Norms refer to the social rules and guidelines that prescribe appropriate behavior in a particular situations. And, finally society refer to a group of people who share a common set of values and norms.

In recognizing the above facts on culture, one of the interesting behavior of these foreign students are something that has been embedded for a long time and they seemingly practiced it effortlessly in their everyday life. As noted by Hill (1999), norms can be further divided as folkways and mores. The former illustrate the routine conventions of everyday life such as dress code, eating with correct utensils, neighborly behavior and the latter are seen as central behavior to the functioning of a society.

Diagram 1 illustrates the determinants of culture.Pg 69

At XYZ institution, the foreign students come form China, Middle East countries, the African nations and from the South Indian continent like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. Literally, the institute is experiencing an Asian culture with extreme from far East and West. This is where, it is imperative to unlock the cross cultural issues and adaptation will be the way forward. By using the above determinants of culture, the survey at XYZ institution will be carried.

In particular, the work of Hofstede (1983) as noted below will be the part of investigation on cross cultural dimension:

Power distance dimension focused on how a society deals with the fact that people are unequal in physical and intellectual capabilities.

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Individualism versus collectivism dimension focused on the relationship between the individual and his or her fellows.

Uncertainty avoidance dimension focused on how different cultures socialized their members into accepting ambiguous situations and tolerating uncertainty.

Masculinity versus femininity dimension focused at the relationship between gender and roles.

Asma and Gallagher (1994) cited that Hofstede’s survey findings carried out in the 1980’s which show that Malaysian tends towards collectivism and were ranked 26th among the fifty countries survey. This means that Malaysian value social harmony, face saving and place great importance on indirectness in expressing opposing views. A such at XYZ institution, policies towards this approach should be well formulated the staff should be training to handle case along his directive rather than confrontional.

Acknowledging the above theory, also noted at XYZ the need to solve any conflict due to the misunderstanding on the different groups of cultural values need to be addressed to ensure smooth operation. With respect to this issue, Egan (1985) that avoiding conflict is tantamount to avoiding opportunities for growth.

And, Khoo (1994) based on a comparative intercultural management study, concluded that how culturally similar individuals behave and interact in conflict situations cannot be simply generalized to how they will interact in conflicts with culturally different individuals.

Diagram 2 illustrates the work of Johnson and Scholes (1992) on cultural web dimension of an organization as follows:Pg 807

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Routines refers to the ways how an organization behave towards each other and towards those outside the organization

Rituals-refers to events through which the organization emphasizes what is particularly important and can be formal and informal organizational processes.

Stories refer to important events and personalities told by members of the organization to solicit favors to the organization.

Symbols refer to the logos, titles and type of language or terminology commonly used to again solicit favors for organization.

Hence, following the above guideline at XYZ institution cross cultural orientation will be tested to see to the exact effect on the power structure, control system and organization structure will be put in place with the concrete feedback and analysis from this study.

Handy ( 1999) strongly advocated that one way to approach the problem of finding the appropriate cultural diversity is to look at the type of activity which primarily characterizes each part of the organization. There are four principal activity types:

steady type Innovation Crisis Policy

Effective policies are determined by setting priorities, the establishment of standards, the direction and allocation of resources, the initiation of actions will mean success. To attain this, an appropriate culture should prevail at XYZ institution. This will be investigated in this survey.

In summation, from the literature review there are two aspect of cultural orientation that will have the bearing of success. Firstly, the external cross cultural orientation brought in by the foreign students and secondly the internal culture that will there is prevailing at XYZ needs the change or adaptation via policies that ensure efficiency and effectives at the operation that will uplift the performance and success in future.

This study will focus on the external cultural variables as depicted in diagram 1 and 2 and its findings will facilitate in the effective changes internally as depicted in diagram 3.

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5.0 Research Design

The research proposal will be a conclusive descriptive-inferential study. This research in precise will describe the characteristics of relevant groups, such as the students and staff adaptation to the cross cultural dimensions. This research will be ideal for this study due to the information needed is clearly defined. The research process is formal and structured. Also, a large sample which is representative is available. Finding used as input to decision making. Also noted that this research can leads to hypothesis testing and examine the specific relationships.

In addition a single cross sectional design will be used in this study. Basically one sample of respondents is drawn from the target and information is obtained from this sample once.

A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It details the procedures necessary for obtaining the required information and its purpose is to design a study that will test the hypothesis of interest, determine possible answers to the research questions and provide the information needed for decision making (Malhotra, 1999).

Following, Malhotra (1999) framework this section is written.

5.1 Secondary data analysis

5.1.1 Internal data

Internal data from the XYZ institution will be analyzed. Namely, the demographic data, courses that are being offered, the orientation sessions, the duration of the respective courses, the nature of examination the students sat for, the facilities given in term of support, number of revision classes and success rate will be analyzed in detail.

5.1.2 External data

The students country of origin and the value system that they have been exposed will be analyzed along the framework suggested by Hofstede (1983) Johnson and Scholes (1992). Also, publications from these foreign countries on their economic indicators and lifestyles will be gathered to ascertain their underlying assumptions. For example, central bank indicators and directories of business in print.

There are four main advantages of using secondary data. First, it can be obtained quickly, in contrast to collecting primary data, which may take time from beginning to end. Secondly, it is inexpensive when compared to collecting primary data. Third, it is usually available. Fourth, it enhances existing primary data.

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5.2 Qualitative research

This will be done via a discussion with the staff and some students to ascertain the cross cultural issues and success rate at XYZ institution. This will be a direct approach without any disguised component. In this manner, a great depth of insight can be uncovered with o social pressure to conform to group responses. This will be treated as pilot study.

5.3 Methods of collecting quantitative data/ Primary data

This study will use a survey design research design. Data will be collected by means of self –administered questionnaire. It is different from other survey methods as there is no agent –human or computer administering interview. The respondents are intercepted and asked to complete the survey questionnaires without any assistance from the researcher.

The questionnaire contains 30 items that included all the elements from the determinants of culture, Hofstede and Johnson and Scholes cultural web. Appendix 1 illustrates the sample questionnaires. The questionnaires were composed of five parts:

Background issues Cultural determinants and student’s adaptation to studies Hofstede’s cross cultural dimension and adaptation to studies Johnson and Scholes cultural web adaptation to studies Handy’s cultural adaptation at XYZ institution.

5.4 Questionnaire design-measurement and scaling procedures

It will be a structured data collection with formal questionnaire in a prearranged order. This will be a direct approach or non-disguised, in that the purpose of the project is disclosed to the respondents.

The items were rated on a five-point scale, asking for a response to the question “how important are the following activities to the effective studies and success rate?” where:

1 = not at all important 2 = slightly important 3 = moderately important 4 = very important; and 5 = extremely important

The above questionnaire are the interval scaled type.

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Subsequently, there are dichotomous questionnaire such as:

Please indicate your gender Male Female

Do you recall a specific advertisement or other promotional message of XYZ institution in the last three years?

__________No __________Yes

The above questionnaires are the nominal type.

Hence, both nominal and interval types of measurement of scales will be used in this investigation. Time is a constraint in this research, the above questionnaires are designed with simplicity in mind to capture information and vice versa to maximize the efficiency of tabulating and analyzing data.

5.5 Sampling process, sampling strategy and sample size

A sample is a subgroup of the population selected for the participation in the study. At XYZ institution, as the staff and students are on the move with minima disturbance, a non-probability- convenient sampling technique will be used.

The population will be the staff and students at XYZ institution. The sample size will be determined by the formula given by Burns and Bush (2003). Based on this formula for an unknown number of population with the degree of confidence at 95% and an error of 5%, the required sample size will be 200.

All the 200 respondents will be given the self administered questionnaire for their responses.

5.6 Data analysis

Burns and Bush (2003) advocated a data reduction exercise will condense the data matrix while retaining enough information so the client can mentally envision its salient characteristics.

Table 1 summarizes the four functions of Data Reduction

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Function ExampleSummarizes the data The average respondent’s age is…..

Applies understandable conceptualizations Few respondents are younger than 30……

Communicate underlying patters Most satisfied customers recommend our brand to their friends…….

Generalizes samples findings to the population

This means that from 70% to 80% of the target market is….

The above type of analysis often known as descriptive will be carried out in this study. This descriptive analysis is used to describe the variables (question responses) in a data matrix (all respondents’ answers). Descriptive measures are typically used early in the analysis process and become foundations for subsequent analysis.

Herewith, the statistical concepts such as mean, mode and median will be used to analyze the measures of central tendency; and frequency distribution, range and standard deviation will be used to analyze measures of variability.

Measure of tendency will summarize the “typical” respondents and measure of variability will describe how similar or dissimilar respondents.

The table 2 further illustrate a summary on when to use what statistical tools are noted below:

Level of Measurement

Nominal Ordinal Interval or Ratio

Central tendency Mode Median Mean

Dispersion/variability Frequency or percentage distribution

Cumulative percentage distribution

Standard deviation, range

///////////////////////////////// xxxxxxxxxxxxx ////////////////////////

Subsequently, to test hypotheses inferential analysis will be carried out. This analysis will be used to generate conclusions about the population’s characteristics based on the sample data.

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Diagram 3 illustrates the a general procedure for hypothesis testing ( Malhotra, 1999) will be used in this investigation. Pg 162

Finally, the conclusion reached by hypothesis testing must be expressed in terms of research problem and the managerial action that should be taken at XYZ institution.

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6.0 Additional Issues

With designing of questionnaires the survey should take about a week and the analysis should begin immediately with data coding and cleaning. The collected data will be analyzed using the Microsoft Window 2000 and SPSS. This should take about two weeks and another week for the initial report.

A budget need to be allocated to ensure that the entire data collection and analyzing will be carried out smoothly. The report should be in by four weeks for the attention of Mr Karan to discuss with the board. And, any positive changes should be implemented by the third quarter of this year.

The entire investigation should have the support of everyone in the institution for a prosperous year ahead.

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List of References

Asma, A (1996) Going Glocal: Cultural Dimensions in Malaysian Management, Kuala Lumpur; Malaysian Institute of Management.

Asma A and Gallagher, E L (1995). “Managing with cultural differences”, Malaysian Management Review, 30(2), pp 1-18.

Egan, G (1985) Change agent skills in helping and human service settings. Monterey, CA:Brooks/Cole Publishing.

Khoo, G P ( 1994). The role of assumptions in intercultural research and consulting: examining the interplay of culture and conflict at work”. Paper presented at Pacific region forum on business and management communication, David See Lam Centre for International Communication, Canada.

Maklhotra, Naresh ( 1999) Marketing erserach An Applied Oreintation Third editionUpper Saddle River, new Jersey, USA: Prentice Hall Inc pp 24, 149, 455.

Burns, A C and Bush, R F (2003) Marketing Research, Fourth edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA: Prentica Hall., pp 433, 445

Lovelock, Christopher and Wirtz, Jochen ( 2004) cited the work of Richard B Chase, “ Where Does the Customer Fit in a Service Organization?” Harvard Business Review 56 ( November-December 1978 ): 137-142.

Zikmund, W G ( 2003) Business Research Methods, Seventh Edition, Thomal Learning, Ohio, USA.

Morgan G (1997) Images of Organization, Second Edition Sage Publications. Drucker, P F ( 1979) Management Pan Books

Mullins, Laurie J ( 1999) Management and Organizational Behavior Fifth edition Financial times-Prentice Hall Harlow England. pp 20, 31, 807.

Johnson , G and Scholes, K ( 1997) Exploring Corporate Strategy, Fourth edition, Prentice Hall

Hills, C W L (1998) International Business Competing Global Marketplace Postcript 1998 International Edition Irwin McGraw Hill Boston USA pp 69, 86.

Hofsted G ( 1983) “The Culturral Realitivity of Organizational Practices and Theories” Jouranal of Inetrnational Business Studies, Fall pp 75-89.

Namenwirth J Z and Weber R B (1987) Dynamics of Culture Boston: Allen & Unwin.

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Handy C ( 1993) Understanding Organizations Fourth edition Penguin Books, London, England. pp 203. date accessed 2nd June 2006.

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Appendix 1 Sample Questinnaire

Cross Cultural Dimensions Survey QuestionnairePlease answer the following questions to the best of your ability. When you have answered all the questions please submit to the researcher. Please do not respond to this questionnaire more than one time.

Section A

1. What is your age ?__________________years

2. Your gender is? __________Male(1) _____________Female (2)

3. What is your race? _______Asian Chinese( 1) _____Asian Indian (2) _______African (3) ______Middle East (4)

4. Friendliness of employees: Are you…..Very Somewhat Neither Satisfied Somewhat Very

Satisfied Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Unsatisfied Unsatisfied (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 5. Knowledge of employees:

Very Somewhat Neither Satisfied Somewhat Very Satisfied Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Unsatisfied Unsatisfied (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 6. Quality of service provided:

Very Somewhat Neither Satisfied Somewhat Very Satisfied Satisfied nor Dissatisfied Unsatisfied Unsatisfied (5) (4) (3) (2) (1) 7. The institute handbook is informative and useful ________Yes _______No. 8. I had a positive experience of communicating in English ______Yes _____No 9. Good mannerism is an asset ___________Yes ____________No

10. Friendship during studies can be very helpful __________Yes ________No

Please fold your questionnaire and take it to the institute counseling offices to receive your free gift! Thank you very much!