as level media fashion magazine production treatment

Fashion Magazine Production Treatment Petra A. Divac

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Fashion Magazine Production Treatment

Petra A. Divac

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IntroductionFor my Media Studies Foundation Portfolio Task I researched how current magazines display their information through front covers, content pages and double spread articles. I analyzed the various font styles, photo types, as well as celebrity styles to construct a successful magazine. I have proceeded to work towards designing and evolving my magazine in order to appeal to a particular target audience.

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Why Teen Vogue Interests Me

I like the style of the masthead, as well as, the contradiction between the two fonts. This brings attention to the target audience.

I’m intrigued by the headline which uses present-day language to grab the attention of the target audience. It also caught my eye because of how bold it is and how it stands out.

The color scheme is visually noticeable due to the contrast in colors used for the masthead and the headlines – they all contrast from the blue background. Yet stand out because vibrant colors have been used.

I believe that a medium shot of a celebrity is the traditional shot type used in most, if not all magazines. The main image is of the rising country singer AnnaSophia Robb which will be attractive to the target audience as she is young and the target audience can relate to her.

The uses of icons are eye catching as they contrast from the text as well as the color of the text alone. They also add more to the article subject.

Making key words bold and a different color makes them all stand out as they contrast from each other and other text as well as the background.

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Why Seventeen Magazine Interests Me

I find the title of the magazine interesting as it stands out by color and font. As well as, being behind the main image meaning that the magazine is known so it doesn’t have to show. I like how the main image is of a teen mentor and has very unique, vibrant styling so she stands out to the target audience. The fresh and natural look she has in her face is very inviting to the reader.

The use of the sub-stories is important as well as making them stand out to the reader, as Seventeen Magazine has done so.

The color scheme is made up of various colors as well as very vibrant colors that stand out to the target audience. They are very warm and visually attractive colors. All colors contrast from each other - the yellow and black from the background and the main headline from the whole magazine being pink.

The pugs draw my attention to the whole magazine because they are little hints indicating what will be found on the inside of the magazine. As well as, what the whole magazine is about.

I like the layout of the magazine, very unique in its own way. The masthead behind the main image and the way the main article is in a very vibrant color that stands out in contrast to the rest of the magazine.

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Content Page InspirationI like that the magazine title is included in the content page, as well as a sub-title as to what is found on this page. In this case being “fashion&friends”.I like that there is only one

image on the page – this shows that it is the main article in the whole of the magazine. While other important articles have a heart around the page number which is unique and very helpful to the reader to find their way around the magazine.

I find the descriptions below the subheadings quite helpful because it makes the content page look more efficient and more organized yet help the reader know what the article is about.

I find the neutral color scheme make the content page look very elegant, classy and sophisticated. The main image has most color which makes it stand out, while the subheadings and mast head are in black and bold.

I like how the main article is the main focus point of the whole page as it will catch the eye of the reader first.

The layout of this content page is quite interesting as there is no difference between all articles, meaning cover stories are not differentiated from other articles. As well as the way it looks plain, it might not catch the readers eye. It is interesting the way the heart is around the page number. Also the way they put a famous singer as their main article which will catch the attention of the target audience.

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Content Page Inspiration

I like that the masthead is done in a very vibrant, strong, sophisticated color – red. It is a very feminine color and will stand out the reader.

I like the layout of the content page, the way it has categories which makes it easier for the reader to find their way around. Also, the main article being separated on the side.

The color scheme of this content page is quite simple indicating that the magazine is classy and sophisticated. The red and white and black all contrast from each other and stand out. The red and black lettering stand out from the black background.

I like that the other main image gives an idea to the reader what the magazine is about – fashion. As well as contrasting from the rest of the text and colors catching the readers eye.

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Double Page Spread InspirationI find this layout interesting as it is quite different compared to the conventional magazine layout. I quite like this layout and may incorporate this idea into my magazine. I like how the summary to the article is above the masthead as it informs the reader what the magazine and other articles are about. It also rhymes which will catch the attention of the reader.

The position of the masthead is a quite unique as it is in the middle of the page covering the main image. It is bold and stands out and the font is very classy and elegant.

The layout of the supporting images and text creates a feel that is visually attractive.

The various font sizes and font styles give and overall effect of diversification, which shows that the articles content is about various fashion aspects.

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Double Page Spread Inspiration

I find that the large capital ‘S’ looks formal and sophisticated and shows the article where the article begins.

I visually enjoy that the masthead is bold, black, and across the first page. It shows the reader what to read and what the article is about. It might even get them engaged quicker.

I do like how there is a selection of pictures amongst the text, as it makes the article more visual and interesting as it is not just text. It can be visually attractive to the target audience.

The layout of the text is organized in many columns which I personally enjoy the visual look of. I may potentially include this in my fashion magazine design.

I like how the double page spread has the main image covering more than half of the second page. This indicates what the article will be about, may even attract the target audience.

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Possible Fashion Magazine Name

La Mode



Fashion 101

This is a potential title for my magazine because it means “in fashion” in French. This would tell the reader what the main aim of the magazine is about, and would grab their attention right away.

In Italian “Bellezza” means “beautiful” which is what fashion is all about – beautiful trends, and fashionable trends. Most fashion trends do come from Italy as well. Although the problem with this title is that some of the target audience may not understand what it is about.

This title is based on what teenagers say and do today. It is a very conventional name for a fashion magazine. Most of my target audience may find themselves in the title and be interested. It will intrigue them to read what is inside the magazine.


Chic is also a French inspired word that is quite known in fashion and teen vocabulary. It would look well on the front cover of a magazine for various reasons; being a short name, catchy, a world-known word, etc. It is sophisticated and could be misunderstood to be a magazine for an older, wider range, market.

Runway would be a magazine name that is straightforward and the target audience would know what the magazine is about. It is short, eye-catching, and appealing to todays’ teenagers. It would be a magazine mainly about fashion items being worn around the world in items from the runway.


Icon magazine is yet another short, simple, yet sophisticated name. It has a bold meaning behind it which would catch the attention of the teenager target audience. I would consider using this as it can be used in the sense as ‘fashion icon’, meaning someone bold with a fashion statement.

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Magazine Name Column Chart

Icon La Mode Bellezza Fashion 101

Chic Runway0








I asked 20 teenage girls, between the variety of ages 14-19, to chose which name they would enjoy seeing on a magazine, and which would attract them most. Here are the results:

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Chosen Magazine Name‘Chic’ is the magazine name that appears to be most popular with my target audience as it represents fashion items that will always be ‘in’ as well as always fashionable. My personal favorites were ‘Bellezza’ and ‘Runway’ as Italy makes up a vast majority of the fashion world, they even have popular Milan Fashion Week. It has a great impact on modern fashion. On the other hand, runway has a hidden meaning as something is always fresh, moving along, things are always new. Although, some didn’t understand the meaning behind either, so I believe the most suitable magazine name, as it appeals to teens is ‘Chic’.

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Font InspirationGlamour magazine uses a capital, bold, outlined font. This way of using the font is eye-catching to the reader as it will intrigue them to grab the magazine. As the masthead of the magazine is covered by the main image it can be concluded that the magazine brand is quite well known and has consistent target marketing. Also by only showing two letters at a time “GL” and “UR” the target audience can already start to recognize what magazine it is.

Teen Vogue, being as known as it is world wide has a mixture of fonts used to make a statement about the masthead itself. ‘Teen’ is not capitalized which represents the young and relaxed aspects of teens. Nonetheless, “Vogue” is in a capitalized, more sophisticated font which shows formality, and a sense of seriousness to the magazine. Through this the magazine has communicated with their target audience that this is a high quality fashion magazine for teens that has a serious side to it as well.

Cosmopolitan magazine uses a slim, bold font due to the name being long. The main image is slightly covering the masthead here as well, it shows that the target audience is already known and familiar with the magazine name. The color contrast between the light blue background and the bright, hot pink masthead are eye-enticing which will appeal to the target audience, even other readers just searching for a magazine.

Vogue’s masthead is yet again, covered by the main image. This shows that all these magazines have in common that they are well known and noticed around the world. The masthead here is don’t in a serif, bold, slim font that makes it stand out as a very sophisticated magazine. It seems to come off as a magazine for people in their 20s but can be used for teens too. The color scheme here contrasts the red from the yellow, flowers, and winown in the background. This is important because it brings out the masthead, the main image, and the background separately but they look eye-catching together.

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Potential Fonts Chic – This font is ‘Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold’. The

impression it gives off is it could be associated with bold, sophisticated, free spirits, which is quite a popular fashion style. The font looks edgy and contemporary which would work well with my fashion magazine as it is aimed to be produced for teenage girls.

Chic – This font is a potential font called ‘Big Caslon’. This font is bold, easy to read, and eye catching which could result in a better connection between the target audience and the magazine itself. As it is visually attractive, it looks as if someone has handwritten it and could relate to the iconic history of fashion which I will incorporate into my magazine.

Chic – This font is called ‘Wide Latin’. It is a font that is similar to my first choice. They are both bold, except the difference is that this is serif and comes off as italic. It stood out to me because of the way it looks as if made for a teenage magazine because it is very layed-back but then again it has a sophisticated, older look to it.

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Chosen Masthead FontI chose “Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold’ because I felt it would be most appropriate to be on a teenage magazine as it stood out the most to me, being a teenager myself it made me feel as if it was an easy read, it caught my attention for being simple, yet bold. It gives off an edgy look as well as a very modern look. It will not only attract my target audience but it will set the tone of the magazine for the readers visually. It is also quite a contrast from the existing magazine fonts which will help my product be different from other existing magazines and future competitors.

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Main Image ResearchHair and Make up: I like that her make up and hair are both bold and big. It makes her stand out, as if she is giving a statement to the world to be bold. It makes her stand out and inviting. As make up is effective and emphasizes the celebrity’s beauty.

Styling: Her wardrobe is different, modern and memorable. It is a distinct bright color which makes her stand out as it is also casual. This gives the target audience a sense of what the magazine is about.

Pose: Her pose is very bold, yet it is also as if she is covering herself from something. She is facing the camera head on, embodying her feminine side.

Shot type: The shot type is a medium shot which allows readers to notice what the magazine is selling. For example, fashion tips, health tips, make up tips etc.

Set: This photo-shoot was done on a plane white background which makes her stand out even more. This also indicates to the audience that the main focus is on the main image on this magazine’s front cover.

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Main Image ResearchHair and make up: her make up and hair are very limited and natural. She stands out from more natural beauty. Make up and hair have a great effect on celebrities and their natural beauty.

Set: The set is, again, a plain white set. She contrasts off the white background considering she is dressed in black, her natural beauty and hair all contrast as well.

Styling: Her styling is fairly simple and modern. It is even eye-catching how simplistic she looks. This is the look most teenagers go for these days.

Pose: Her pose is a side pose, she looks very happy and inviting and welcoming. She is ever so slightly turned to the side, we can’t see what the rest of her body language is saying. I will incorporate this in my magazine.

Shot Type: Most magazines have this shot in common, the shot is a medium shot. This gives readers access to the magazine and to the front page. They can see everything vividly and no cluttering or clustering will happen.

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Main ArticleIdeas

Fashion Week

I find this topic to be quite interesting as it is an international topic. Fashion Week occurs all around Europe – Milan, Paris, Belgrade, etc. With this I would be able to describe and explain all the various types of fashion that exist, how readers can get the latest fashion trends. Nevertheless, it is quite a detailed subject, that had many key aspects to it

Style Guide 101

This is an article that would be interesting to write as it has various aspects to it, as I would be writing about the different styles, the various styles around the world that exist and how they all differ from each other. Although this is a difficult subject to write on as not that many people have the same style, so I can’t just focus on a small variety.

Life As A Designer

This is a potential article because it would show my target audience “behind the scenes”. It would show that fashion is not an easy industry to work in, that there is a “mastermind” behind ever piece created and shown on the runway. This article could be interesting and maybe inspire someone to become a designer.Runway

An article like this would show my target audience what life is like in a models shoes. I would add a potential interview with a model asking- what they do, what they eat, their hobbies, a ‘typical’ day in the life of a model. Also, to take us behind the scenes as to what happens at a fashion show.

Current Fashion Bloggers Review Latest Fashion Trends

This is a potential article I would write about. It is something most people like to read. Critiques on fashion trends are always interesting because my target audience would know what to and what not to wear. As I would write, what not to wear, the latest fashion trends, etc.

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Initial Double Page Spread Topic

Life As A Designer I have decided to choose ‘Life As A Designer’ for my double page spread topic because it is an interesting topic that you don’t hear about or discuss in your everyday life. It would be interesting to share the experience of interviewing a fashion designer with my target audience. This would make my magazine differ to other competitors, as it would maybe intrigue some readers more than others. Not only is this a subject I already know about but I, myself, would like to learn more on this subject as it is quite interesting to me as well. I will ask about what it is like being a fashion designer, what they do “behind the scenes”, how they feel after all the shows that they do, what inspires them for the work that they do, how they come up with designs, how do they come up with a whole collection in a certain amount of time, etc. I believe this is a good subject to write about for my magazine as designers are behind the, almost, the whole of the fashion world. Designers inspire others, and are the reason for high end fashion that gets changed throughout culture, city, and continent.

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Content Sample For Front Cover

For my front cover I will include four sub-stories to intrigue my target audience. My sub-stories are:

Everyday Style - Hottest everyday trends! All affordable and in stores near you

Beach Trends - Live in a warm place and need beach advice?

Runway Makeup – How to look as if you’re fresh off the runway