arxiv:1109.4144v1 shuichi kunori bayram tali update monojet weekly meeting 23/06/2013 inelastic dark...

arXiv:1109.4144v1 Shuichi KUNORI Bayram TALI UPDATE MonoJet Weekly Meeting 23/06/2013 Inelastic Dark Matter Analysis

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Page 1: ArXiv:1109.4144v1 Shuichi KUNORI Bayram TALI UPDATE MonoJet Weekly Meeting 23/06/2013 Inelastic Dark Matter Analysis


Shuichi KUNORI

Bayram TALI


MonoJet Weekly Meeting


Inelastic Dark Matter Analysis

Page 2: ArXiv:1109.4144v1 Shuichi KUNORI Bayram TALI UPDATE MonoJet Weekly Meeting 23/06/2013 Inelastic Dark Matter Analysis



pp collision create an ISR and dark sector which goes to If delta mass (delM = Mchistr – Mchi) large enough can go to and some other particles. can be decay in following ways and it can be seen in the CMS;

1) 2)

3) 4)

We are concentrate on third and fourth case so in final beside ISR we have two and two ( or and u ubar it is depend on delM in these cases.

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Analysis Strategy

Plans: (1) analysis of decay pions and decay vertex

We are working on Opeartor #4. For delatM= 200, 500, 1000 MeV

- pt(pi+), pt(pi-), pt(pi+pi-), pt(pi+)/pt(pi-) - opening angle of pi+ and pi- - decay vertex R=sqrt(x*x+y*y), z, 2Dplot(R vs z) - pt(chi+chi*) at IP (interaction point) - pt(chichi) ?

(2) test pythia for deltaM=3GeV (and 2Gev). Mass(chi*) 503.0 GeV M(chi) = 500 GeV chi* -> chi + u + ubar

Does Pythia produce hadrons for those u and ubar? If hadronization is done in pythia, check the following.

- multiplicity of hadrons - pt of each hadrons - decay points.




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Use MadGraph5_v1_3_33 for MC signal production / Analysis

Modifications: (1) new partcilce codes

--- DECAY 1000023 4.199420e-18 # Wchie # BR NDA ID1 ID2 ID3 1.00000000E+00 3 1000039 211 -211 # BR(chi~ -> chi pi+

pi-) --- New particle codes: 1000039 - gravitino for stable (chi) 1000023 - for chi*, which

decays to chi pi+ pi-

(2) in py file, for pythia 'MSTJ(22)=3 ! mode of cut-off on decay length, 1=default, 3=max decay lengh', 'PARJ(72)=100000. ! maximum decay length'),

Created LHE FilesChi MASS

100 200 300 400 500



0.2 No No No No No

0.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

0.4       Yes 

0.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Once try to hadronizetion Pythia could not create Generate Particles

I think it is because of MASS

For other cases it is working.


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Some Info. From Pythia

Unit of vertex point in Pythia: (Pythia manuel page 62)x position of production vertex, in mm. y position of production vertex, in mm. z position of production vertex, in mm.

Output of Pytia; 15 ~Gravitino (difined as chi) 1 1000039 10 0 0 -264.47600 283.74383 797.92612 1018.40277 500.00000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000Since then x = -25110.113 mm, y = 26923.528 mm and z = 75867.710 mm


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Some Info. From Pythia Output of Pytia;sN (id)===========15 ~Gravitino 1 1000039 10 0 0 -264.47600 283.74383 797.92612 1018.40277 500.00000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000=========== 98 (u) A 12 2 11 252 252 -0.71808 0.95556 6.00339 6.13012 0.33000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 99 (ubar) V 11 -2 12 252 252 -1.27873 1.01769 1.19158 2.04929 0.33000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000=========== 252 (string) 11 92 98 253 255 -1.99681 1.97325 7.19498 8.17941 2.69336 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 253 (eta) 11 221 252 456 457 -0.72964 1.18797 3.36903 3.68696 0.54745 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 254 (rho+) 11 213 252 458 459 -1.24315 0.47050 1.53512 2.17577 0.78140 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 255 pi- 1 -211 252 0 0 -0.02403 0.31479 2.29082 2.31668 0.13957 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000=========== 456 gamma 1 22 253 0 0 -0.48273 0.36165 1.77359 1.87335 0.00000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 457 gamma 1 22 253 0 0 -0.24691 0.82632 1.59544 1.81362 0.00000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 458 pi+ 1 211 254 0 0 -0.21007 -0.02017 -0.00456 0.25305 0.13957 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000 459 (pi0) 11 111 254 557 558 -1.03308 0.49066 1.53968 1.92272 0.13498 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000=========== 557 gamma 1 22 459 0 0 -0.31827 0.19280 0.41728 0.55910 0.00000 -25110.114 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000558 gamma 1 22 459 0 0 -0.71481 0.29786 1.12240 1.36362 0.00000 -25110.114 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000

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Some Info. From CMSSWSequence Number of Particle id 1000039 : 15

Mother ID of Particle id 1000039 -----: 1000023Mother Status of Particle id 1000039 -: 3

VX of Particle id 1000039------------: -2510.77VY of Particle id 1000039------------: 2692.75VZ of Particle id 1000039------------: 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 15Particle ID with the same vertexes : 1000039Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 98Particle ID with the same vertexes : 2Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 99Particle ID with the same vertexes : -2Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 252Particle ID with the same vertexes : 92Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 253Particle ID with the same vertexes : 221Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 254Particle ID with the same vertexes : 213Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 255Particle ID with the same vertexes : -211Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 456Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 457Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 458Particle ID with the same vertexes : 211Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 459Particle ID with the same vertexes : 111Particle Status with the same vertexes : 2

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 557Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

Sequence Number of Particles with the same vertexes : 558Particle ID with the same vertexes : 22Particle Status with the same vertexes : 1

VX of Particulare Particle : -2510.77VY of Particulare Particle : 2692.75VZ of Particulare Particle : 7584.84

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Some Info. From Pythia and CMSSW

Output of CMSSW;Sequence Number of Particle id 1000039 : 15

Mother ID of Particle id 1000039 -----: 1000023Mother Status of Particle id 1000039 -: 3

VX of Particle id 1000039------------: -2510.77VY of Particle id 1000039------------: 2692.75VZ of Particle id 1000039------------: 7584.84

Unlike Pythia CMSSW results are in cm so, x = -2510.77 cm, y = 2692.75 cm and z = 7584.84 cm

On the other hand x, y and z are not exactly the same there is a difference between those Pythia: x = -25110.113 mm, y = 26923.528 mm z = 75867.710 mm CMSSW: x = -2510.77 cm, y = 2692.75 cm z = 7584.84 cm

Output of Pytia; 15 ~Gravitino (difined as chi) 1 1000039 10 0 0 -264.47600 283.74383 797.92612 1018.40277 500.00000 -25110.113 26923.528 75867.710 96736.305 0.000

Since then x = -25110.113 mm, y = 26923.528 mm and z = 75867.710 mm


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Lets Concentrate on Analysis

Plans: These Results Just From Generated Particle Level.We want to see some basic information. (1) analysis of decay pions and decay vertex

We are working on Opeartor #3 and #4 of first page. For diff. delatM= 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and diff. chiM =100, 300 and 500 GeV

- pt(pi+), pt(pi-), pt(pi+pi-), pt(pi+)/pt(pi-) - opening angle of pi+ and pi- - decay vertex R=sqrt(x2+y2), z, 2Dplot(R vs z) - pt(chi+chi*) at IP (interaction point) - pt(chichi)


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(1) pt(pi+) Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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(1)pt(pi-) Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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(1) pt(pi+pi-) Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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(1) pt(pi+)/pt(pi-) Value Divide Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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(1) pt(pi+)/pt(pi-) Histograms Divide Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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(1) opening angle of pi+ and pi-

Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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Theoretical Decay Lenght


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(1) decay vertex R=sqrt(x2+y2), z, 2Dplot(R vs z) Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 1

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(1) pt(chi+chi*) at IP Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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(1) pt(chi+chi) Plots from DELTA MASS 0.3, 0.5, 1 GeV and CHI MASS 100, 300, 500 GeV with status code 3


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Lets Concentrate on Analysis

Plans: (2) test pythia for deltaM=3GeV (and 2Gev).

Chi Mass 100, 300 and 500 GeV chi* -> chi + u + ubar Does Pythia produce hadrons for those u and ubar? If hadronization is done in pythia, check the following.

- multiplicity of hadrons - pt of each hadrons - decay points.

These Results Just From Generated Particle Level with status code 1


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(2) multiplicity of hadrons


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(2) pt of each hadrons

Bayram Tali 2220/06/2013

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(2) decay points
