article marketing tips.txt

Article Marketing Tips Article marketing is still an extraordinary direction to take in building a brand and lead generation for yourself on the Internet. I am not a genus in this area yet. Although I have read alot of great books on how to use article marketing effectively. I am always learning new ways to optimize these methods of marketing to increase page rankings, traffic and lead generation. Below I have listed 10 crucial lead generation article marketing tips why you must write articles and submit them to article directories: Article Marketing Tip#1. Public Expertise - The internet masses will come to know you as an expert in your field of choose and seek you for advice on the subjects you write about which will increase your credibility. Article Marketing Tip #2. Increasing your Credibility - If the information in your articles stick to a certain topic, make sense and is updated regularly. You will be seen as an expert in your field. As an expert article writer there are lots of great perks besides traffic, expertise and page rankings. You gain lots of knowledge from the information you write about as well.

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Post on 22-Apr-2015




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 Article Marketing Tips



Article marketing is still an extraordinary direction to take in building a brand and lead generation for yourself on the Internet. I am not a genus in this area yet. Although I have read alot of great books on how to use article marketing effectively.  I am always learning new ways to optimize these methods of marketing to increase page rankings, traffic and lead generation.

Below I have listed 10  crucial lead generation article marketing tips why you must write articles and submit them to article directories:

Article Marketing Tip#1. Public Expertise - The internet masses will come to know  you as an expert in your field of choose and seek you for advice on the subjects you write about which will increase your credibility.


Article Marketing Tip#2. Increasing your Credibility - If the information in your articles stick to a certain topic, make sense and is updated regularly. You will be seen as an expert in your field.  As an expert article writer there are lots of great perks besides traffic, expertise and page rankings. You gain lots of knowledge from the information you write about as well.


Article Marketing Tip#3. Personal Branding - You will self brand you Incorporated and your website so when people are looking for information on the internet on a specific topic they can easily find your information on public article directories. Having several articles can quickly boost you to  a top expert author at article sites in no time flat.


Article Marketing Tip#4. Your Ezine Exposure -  Ezine publishers  looking for an article in a individual niche  go to these article directories in order to get hold of an article in that niche. Whenever

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you have granted permission for your article to be put out to the public  it may be out before you're even realized.


Article Marketing Tip#5. Your Blog Exposure - . Many people are using blogs to express an interest in a specific niche. You can either publish your article in full to your blog or link to another author's article in the article-directory.


Article Marketing Tip#6. RSS Feeds - RSS feeds are used by many article directories these days for every category within their directories. You can run a feed on your website within a   specific niche and have great content for that particular area published to your blog or website.


Article Marketing Tip#7. Mainstream Publishing -Some publications chief for some tabloids magazine may  be impressed with your article and offer you money to write articles  for their publication company.


Article Marketing Tip#8. Archiving - Your article will be archived within their directory available by category or author search which makes it easy for publishers and others to locate the articles that you have written.


Article Marketing Tip#9. Website Exposure - If someone  reads your article or they put it on their own website, because your URL is published for everybody to see reading the article it gives you tons of exposure to your site.


Article Marketing Tip#10. Seo Marketing Strategy - The greatest reason to do article marketing and submit to article directories is to get high seo rankings, relative backlinks and to get those lonely

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websites of your's best friends with Google and all other search engines. If you are looking to build your business online this is a great way to do it and look good doing it because the search engines are always looking for lots of great valuable content.