art of india

indian art is said to be the art form that holds most traditions and oldest history among all the art forms in the world. The aspect of art in India is said to be highly realistic. THE ART OF INDIA

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Page 1: Art of india

indian art is said to be the art form that holds most traditions and oldest history among all the art forms in the world. The aspect of art in India is said to be highly realistic.


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Portrait of Akbar the Great

Late16th century Manohar. Worked in late 16th century Watercolour and gouache. 29.2 õ 14.5cm

This portrait represents the Mughal Padishah Akbar the Great (reigned 1556-1605). Created by Manohar, a renowned artist of the Mughal school, the work is remarkable for its exquisite linear drawing, meticulous treatment of details and subtle combination of warm tones.

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The Indian period is unique in its art, literature and


Indian art is constantly challenged as it rises to the

peak of achieving the ideals of one philosophy in a

visual form, then begins a new for another.

This challenge and revolution in thought provides

Indian artists with reasons for innovation and creation,

and the process of visualizing abstract ideas and the

culture of the land.

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Each religion and philosophical system provided its

own tones, vast metaphors and similes, rich

associations, wild imaginations, humanization of gods

and celestial beings, characterization of people, the

single purpose, and the ideal of life to be interpreted in


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What has Influenced Indian Art? Architecture and rock cut art was an important step

taken for the progress of Indian art, initiated by the Buddhists and inspired Jains and Hindus who built similar kind of structures like Ajanta, Elephanta, Elora, Badami.

JAIN- Darma, meaning is a religion and philosophyJAINISM-is an Indian religion that prescribes a path of

non-violence towards all living beings. Its philosophy and practice emphasize the necessity of self-effort to to move the soul towards divine consciousness and liberation.

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What has Influenced Indian Art?

Visual art form painting started with rock

Painting at Stone Age.

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The first proof of India’s artwork

be found in the artistic work

and civilization of Mehenjo-Daro.

This was found in the Indus

Valley in 2500 BCE. This site\

reveals the ruins of carefully

planned city that thrived about

4500 years ago.

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Influence of Buddhism

One of the biggest influences in India’s art is

Buddhism. The teachings of Buddha, an Indian

prince can be seen in the creative art of the country.

One of the teachings of the Buddha is about

happiness and how to be free from sin if one can

learn to suppress all his desires. Many artists,

painters and sculptors made the image of Buddha.

Peace in the of the image of Buddha is noticeable.

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About Buddhism

One of the basic beliefs of Buddhism is the conviction that

happiness and good fortune are attainable to all, regardless

of age, race or background. Buddhists believe that all

negative mental states or "delusions" as they are referred

to, can be overcome through the practice of meditation. By

learning how to meditate, humans can develop peaceful

and positive mental states or "virtues", and be able to solve

the problems associated with their daily lives.

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Reincarnation is another essential component of Buddhism.

Buddhists believe that humans are reborn after dying, and

adhere to the notion that most humans go through many

cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth. These cycles will end

when the attachment to desire and the self is released.

Once this is accomplished, a state of liberation and freedom

from suffering is achieved. This is the state of Nirvana and

the desired destination for believers of the Buddhist faith.

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Art of IndiaArt in India is sacred and holy. To them art is one way of

expressing the message of religion. The theme of the

statue of Shiva, who is god, is a sacred way of

presenting the religious message. But the uniqueness

of an opposite presentation can be seen in the physical

appearance of the body of the god of Shiva. The legs

and thigh are physically enticing (highly attractive and

be able to arouse hope and desire). In this manner,

physical and spiritual characteristics of Shiva are

combined in this figure

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Why does the buddha have a bump on his head? Is it hairstyles? What would pull his ear lobes down?

The Buddha was born a prince in India. He wore

big, heavy gold earrings, which showed others his

wealth and power. These heavy earrings

stretched out his ears. He taught that suffering

and pain come from wanting things. To make

suffering stop, he worked hard to give up things,

and wanting things. He gave up his riches, took off

his fine clothes and earrings. That is why his

earlobes are long but empty. The bump is to show

that he learned to be free from suffering, that he is

wise. The word Buddha means a person who is

awakened (or enlightened).

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Why are his eyes half open?

His eyes are looking

down, half closed as if he is

sleeping, because he is

meditating (looking inward). The

artist wanted to show how calm

and quiet the Buddha is,

because he has given up his

desires for a lot of things.

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Buddhist Sculpture

Pillars are built with a lotus-

shape top bearing the figure of

lion, a symbol of Imperial rule.

Many pillars were built with

Buddhist symbols such as the

elephant, the bull, and the

lotus. The lion represented

Buddha, the lotus represent


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Influence of HinduismThis is the first religion in India.

Shiva is one of the gods of India as lord

of the dance. In many pictures and

images of Shiva, you will see drum in

one hand, a symbol of creation, and fire,

a symbol of destruction. You will also

notice that the two symbols are opposite

in meaning.

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About Hinduism

The three-in-one god known as “Brahman,” which is composed of: Brahma (the creator), Vishnu (the Preserver), and Shiva (the Destroyer). 

The Caste System. Karma.  The law that good begets good, and bad

begets bad.  Every action, thought, or decision one makes has consequences – good or bad – that will return to each person in the present life, or in one yet to come.

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CASTE SYSTEM -According to Hindu teaching, there are four basic castes, or social classes.  Each caste has its own rules and obligation for living.

The elite caste is the Brahman, or priest caste.  Second are the Kshatriyas, or warriors and rulers.  Third are the Vaisyas, or merchants and farmers.  Fourth caste is the Shudras, or laborers.  Outside the caste system are the untouchables.  The

untouchables are the outcasts of Hindu society.  Though outlawed in India in the 1940s, the untouchables are still a very real part of Indian society.  One does not get decide his or her caste – that matter is decided when one is born into a particular caste. 

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About Hinduism

Reincarnation.  Also known as “transmigration of souls,” or “samsara.”  This is a journey on the “circle of life,” where each person experiences as series of physical births, deaths, and rebirths.  With good karma, a person can be reborn into a higher caste, or even to godhood.  Bad karma can relegate one to a lower caste, or even to life as an animal in their next life.

Nirvana.  This is the goal of the Hindu.  Nirvana is the release of the soul from the seemingly endless cycle of rebirths. 

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Hindu sculpture

Small images Hindu gods were

carved on stones. Some gods

were given many heads or arms,

and were always carrying certain

emblems (is a pictorial image,\

abstract or representational, that

epitomizes a concept) It was

believed that the spirit of a temple

god could be transferred to the

statue when carried in a procession.

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Hindu Paintings

Walls were with carved and painted images.

Figures were painted realistically and firmly outlined.

Color is used for shading. In Mogul Dynasty, The subjects were about myths

or histories of kings. Akbar, one of the famous Mogul

rulers, encouraged the painters to paint subjects

around them. When British took control over India, South Indian

artist, Ravi Varana, made a large oil painting of

Hindu gods in the style of British portrait painting.

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Hindu Architecture

Hindu temple was not intended to accommodate

worshippers but was meant to be viewed from the

outside. Temple were used as altars, a residence

of gods, or a shelter for people who would worship

for enlightenment. Many temples were built in

Northern India and the most outstanding is the

Hindu temple in Khanjuraho in central India.

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Hindu ArchitectureIn Southern India, temples were built like palaces

which were surrounded by high walls and tall

gateways. The Islam faithful put up structures called

mosque where they could gather for prayer. Most of

these mosques have open courtyard surrounded by

a covered hallway. Taj Mahal is one of the famopus

Indo-Islamic architecture built in the 1600’s by Shah

Jaham, a Mogul emperor, as a tomb for his wife. It is

made of marble.

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BAHAI, Houses of Worship, including the Lotus Temple

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KONARK, temple architecture, and one of the most stunning monuments of religiou

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Khajuraho is a famous

tourist and archaeological

site known for its sculptured

temples dedicated to Shiva,

Vishnu and Jain. Khajuraho

has the largest group of

medieval Hindu and Jain

temples. famous for their

erotic sculptures.

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What are the Elements used in Indian Art?

The symbols for the five elements of nature are as The symbols for the five elements of nature are as follows:follows:

1.1. Earth: SquareEarth: Square

2.2. Water: CircleWater: Circle

3.3. Fire: TriangleFire: Triangle

4.4. Air: Half Moon (Ardha Chandra)Air: Half Moon (Ardha Chandra)

5.5. Sky: Shape of a DropletSky: Shape of a Droplet

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How Is contemporary Indian Art Characterized?

It has been said that art changesdimensions according to eras. Themodernity and tradition have beenmerged effortlessly in numerousartworks. The coexistence of differentperiod has put Indian art on a highpedestal.

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An image created by

gluing materials such

as paper scraps,

photographs and cloth

to a flat surface.

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It is a visual planning

device sketching out a

sequence of frames

for comic strip. film,

and video.

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RANGOLI is a traditional decorative folk

art from India. These are

decorative designs made on

floors of living rooms and

courtyards during Hindu

festivals and are meant as

sacred welcoming areas for

the Hindu deities.

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FRESCO A historical painting

technique in which pigment

is applied to wet plasters.

Any of several related mural

painting types, executed on

plaster on walls or ceilings.

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MOSAICA picture composed of

many small, separate

pieces of materials such as

clays, glass, marble, and

paper which are fastened

to a background.

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SKETCH An image-development strategy; a preliminary drawing.