army men pazcik rulebook v2.0

Army Men PAZCIK (Pirates, Aliens, Zombies, Cowboys and Indians & Knights) Rules v!" #his miniatures war$game is divided into % distint 'hases, Rei norements, Movement, ho oting and Clo se Combat ! Results are determined by die rolls, with eah die re'resented by the word *+, so die would be *+! Each dice can be re-rolled ONCE at the very most.  *istane is measured in inhes, usual ly with a ta'e measure and is indiated by these signs - so ./ would be . inhes! A standard gaming tableto' is assumed to be roughly 0 1 2 3eet (+" inhes by 2+ inhes), any olding table will do! o to 'lay Army Men PAZCIK you will re4uire the ollowing5 .) " 6 0" die reommended ) Measuring ta'e (in inhes 'reerably) 2) A #able to 'lay on & Players %) A irle inhes in diameter or e-'losions, 0) A tear dro' tem'late 7 inhes in length ending in a irle, +) At least armies o e4ual si8e (eah model is worth a set amount o 'oints, or e-am'l e, a standard Ar my Man is worth % 'oints 'oint or %'ts)! Army Men PAZCIK Deployment #he reommended dis tane between o''osi ng armi es is about % inhes so that they an get to lose ighting within #urns . 6 ! et u' terrain & over irst! #hen roll to see who goes irst and set u' that army in over on their side o the battleield, then set u' the other army9armies in over on the other side o the battleield! 'read out terrain and over by about + to . inhes or in a mutually agreed way! :ot measuring the e-a t dis tane bet ween armies ma; es game more hallenging and a little more realisti!

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Army Men PAZCIK (Pirates, Aliens, Zombies,Cowboys and Indians & Knights) Rules v!"

#his miniatures war$game is divided into % distint 'hases,

Reinorements, Movement, hooting and Close Combat!Results are determined by die rolls, with eah diere'resented by the word *+, so die would be *+! Eachdice can be re-rolled ONCE at the very most. *istane ismeasured in inhes, usually with a ta'e measure and isindiated by these signs - so ./ would be . inhes! Astandard gaming tableto' is assumed to be roughly 0 1 23eet (+" inhes by 2+ inhes), any olding table will do!

o to 'lay Army Men PAZCIK you will re4uire the ollowing5

.) " 6 0" die reommended) Measuring ta'e (in inhes 'reerably)2) A #able to 'lay on & Players%) A irle inhes in diameter or e-'losions,0) A tear dro' tem'late 7 inhes in length ending in a irle,+) At least armies o e4ual si8e (eah model is worth a setamount o 'oints, or e-am'le, a standard Army Man is

worth % 'oints 'oint or %'ts)!

Army Men PAZCIK Deployment#he reommended distane between o''osing armies isabout % inhes so that they an get to lose ighting within#urns . 6 ! et u' terrain & over irst! #hen roll to seewho goes irst and set u' that army in over on their side othe battleield, then set u' the other army9armies in over

on the other side o the battleield! 'read out terrain andover by about + to . inhes or in a mutually agreed way!:ot measuring the e-at distane between armies ma;esgame more hallenging and a little more realisti!

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nits!<very model is 'art o a unit and has individual statistis andmay have s'eial rules, as do their wea'ons inluding theollowing5

"o# nits Operate!<ah unit o'erates as a whole= it moves together, shootstogether and ights in Close Combat together!

Model $tatistics!#he ma-imum value o eah statisti or stat is ."

#oughness (#)5 measured against trength to determine

how diiult it is to a wound a model

Initiative (I)5 used to determine the order o whih modelsatta; in lose ombat

trength ()5 measured against #oughness to determinehow diiult it is to a wound a model

>ounds (>)5 ounters o how many wounds a model an

reeive beore being removed rom the table

ave5 models who are wounded have ?:< hane to savethemselves and 'revent a wound via die roll and this anbe aorded in dierent ways5 Cover ave, *odge ave,:umb ave or Armour ave! Each model can only rollone die each in order to $ave and prevent a %o&nd'even i( m&ltiple )inds o( $ave are available.

Armo&r $aves!An Armour ave o 2@ or e-am'le means that a roll o a 2,%, 0 or + will 'revent a wound on that model! o the @/indiates that you must roll this result or higher! Armoursaves an be modiied or even ignored by some wea'ons!3or e-am'le, Maes are $ Armour v whih means it will

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$"I0IN/ "E 4A+ANCEI the other 'layer has an army that is larger than yours in'oints value then you have the o'tion o ma;ing u' thedierene through Reinorements! #he standard way or

them to enter 'lay is rom the ba; o your side o the tablebut they an also enter as Portal Reinorements! 3ore-am'le, in a battle between the ?range :ation and .""hadow Astronaut Zombies, the ?ranges had +"'ts more intheir army, so the hadow 'layer o'ted to have .0Astronaut Zombies (worth +"'ts) added as Reinorementslater in the battle and waited until .0 o his AstronautZombies had died beore 'laing them on the table at agood moment!

Other %ays (or ein(orcements to Arrive!$Canoe (Indians)$Rat (Pirates)$hadow Cage (hadows)$raaainnns (Hndead)$huttle #rans'orts (Hndead)

Canoe ein(orcements

Indian models, or Indians/ or short, an arrive asReinorements via Canoe! Roll a *+ and on a .$ the Canoemodel arrives on yo&r le(t side o the table' on a 2$% itarrives on yo&r ri*ht side o the table, on 0$+ you anhoose let or right! In the Reinorement Phase, when'laing the Canoe model, 'lae it lat against the table edgein a vertial ashion, then 'lae the unit / away rom theCanoe, 'iling out the sides o it! #he unit then untions as anormal unit and an lin; u', move, shoot, ight Close

Combat et!

a(t ein(orcementsPirate models (Pirates, Pirate Militia and Zombie Pirates) anarrive as Reinorements via Rat, whih is a''ro-imately +/in length! Roll a *+ and on a .$ the Rat model arrives onyo&r le(t side o the table' on a 2$% it arrives on yo&r ri*ht

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side o the table, on 0$+ you an hoose let or right! In theReinorement Phase, when 'laing the Rat model, 'lae itlat against the table edge but aing the other side o thetable so that it 'rotrudes about +/ onto the table! #hen

'lae the unit / away rom the Rat, 'iling out the rontlong edge o the model! #he unit then untions as a normalunit and an lin; u', move, shoot, ight Close Combat et!

4raaaiinnns5Hndead units arrive by brea;ing out o the ground at a 'ointwhih has already been reahed by riendly Hndead models(see Astronaut Zombies vs! nd >orld >ar ritish Army asan e-am'le o this)! o i you had two ;eleton Hnits and

one was 0/ onto the table (measured rom your side o theboard) and the other unit was 2"/ onto the table, and theunit whih was 2"/ was destroyed, this would not im'edeyour ability to 'lae Hndead Reinorements at the urthestdistane travelled onto the table, whih was still 2"/whether or not there is a unit urrently there!

Placin* ndead 54raaaiinnnns6 ein(orcements>hen an Hndead unit arrives in this way they 'lae . model

and then all the others lum'ed in around them using the /irular tem'late! 3rom here, they are allowed to 'erorm dierent ations5 Run or Charge! I their Charge ontats anenemy unit then the Hndead unit ounts as harging!

$hado# Ca*es!#he hadow Army uses their hadow Cages made out ola; 'lasti muh li;e a s'ae elevator9tele'orter o sortswhere their hadow reinorements 'o' u' / around the

Cage, wherever it may lie, and move as normal! hadowCages also 'rovide a Cover ave o +@! Plae u' to 2hadow Cages on the table at the start o the game on yo&rside o the table (this is reommended, but they ould be'laed in any way that your o''onent will agree to, this alsoa''lies to the number o hadow Cages)! #hese Cages atas a beaon or hadow Reinorements! *uring the

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Reinorement Phase, hadow units an arrive at A:B o thehadow Cages you desire, i there is s'ae or your unit! Ithere isn/t s'ae or your unit ne-t to the Cage, use anothermeans o Reinorements 'laement suh as Portal

Reinorements or Rat Reinorements (i it is a Pirate unit)!

$h&ttle 7ransport8! %"'ts$ #oughness .", >ounds It lands in Reinorement Phase, an it u' to " Zombies(any model with Zombie/ in its title) and annot store;eleton units as they would be shattered by the im'at olanding! H'on arrival, the unit inside annot do anything andenemy units an shoot at the huttle in their own turn withthe ollowing results below! In the ne-t owning Hndead

'layer/s turn, the unit 'o's out / in the ReinorementPhase and then an Move, Run and Charge as normal!

Dama*in* a $h&ttle ransporta8oo;a Anti$#an; shots (7) and ight Cannons (G) willwound the huttle on a roll o 9,Deavy Cannons will wound it on a :3  (.", will deal .wound to it or eah even number, so .$ J . wound, 2$% J wounds, 0$+ J 2 wounds)! I the huttle is destroyed,

eah Zombie model inside will suer a % hit and then theunit will 'o' out / around the huttle whih CA: result in aharge, so move enemy models ba; so the new Zombieunit an it ne-t to the huttle #rans'ort!

ein(orcement /eneratin* errain$#reasure Chests (Pirates)$atellite *ishes (Hndead)

$#ee'ees (Indians)

reas&re Chests!#reasure Chest models, oten ound with Pirate models, anbe owned by a 'layer i they have at least . Pirate Modelne-t to it! In the Reinorement Phase, roll a *+ or eah#reasure Chest you own, or eah result, one Pirate is

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generated! #ally u' the results o all the die 'ut togetherand then divide the result by , rounding u'! o i yourolled a +, a 2, and %, you would divide it by , whih woulde4ual G (rounded u')! #he new unit arrives as Rat


$atellite Dish 7o&*hness ;' %o&nds <8! %"'tsatellite *ish models, oten ound with Astronaut Zombiemodels, are small, metalli and silver in olour! Plae themon the table at the beginning o the battle on your side othe battleield (this is reommended, but they ould be'laed in any way that your o''onent will agree to)! #heyat as beaons or Hndead Reinorements and summons *+

Astronaut Zombies 'er #urn (so in #urns 6 0) rom the*ead Moon during the Reinorement Phase, whether theatellite *ish model is in Close Combat or not! #his new unito Astronaut Zombies now ats as a normal unit and is'laed within 2/ o the atellite *ish and an in; H', Move,Run or Charge as normal! atellite *ishes ost %"'ts eah!

Dama*in* a $atellite Dish!A atellite *ish is wounded on a %@ by a ight Cannon (G),

on a 2@ by a a8oo;a Anti$#an; shot (7) and on a @ byDeavy Cannon (.")

Optional Campai*n &les<ah model is worth a ertain number o 'oints and or thevitorious 'layer, they alulate the value o all theirsurviving models and add this value to their army and anbring these models on as reinorements in a later battle!#he reinorements added to your army are reommended

to be made u' o C?R< H:I#! ee the setion on Army istuilding on 'age 7.

I these reinorements are destroyed, then the 'layer whoowned them will have to wait until they win another game toget more reinorements added to their army! At the start othe game, both 'layers must have the same number o

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Movement 4loc)in* errain!ome terrain is so solid that it annot be limbed over orwal;ed through, so terrain whih is ategori8ed as olid/!

>alls, Castle >alls and #owers are lassiied as olid/terrain and an only an be moved around, not through!

De(ended Obstacles!#owers, Castle >alls and >ooden Platorms are lassiied as *eended ?bstales/ and an grant Cover aves and rules tothe unit whih is ou'ying it! Models wishing to enter a*eended ?bstale must move towards li;e terrain (rollingthe highest o *+ and hoosing the highest) and 'lae as

many models as an it on the to' to show that the*eended ?bstale has been ou'ied! *eended ?bstalesan hold " models at the most and all models ou'ying itan ire their ranged wea'ons rom it! %ooden Plat(orms!Models ou'ying it have no Cover ave, but gain the *auntless/ rule in Close Combat (see 'eial Rules on 'age.), and beome IL in Close Combat!

o#ers and Castle %alls! Models ou'ying either o these have a Cover ave o %@,the *auntless/ rule in Close Combat and beome IL in CloseCombat!

Capt&re Artillery! I an Artillery Model (Cata'ult orCannon) is Charged by an enemy unit and there are noriendly models within /, then the Artillery Model is

a'tured by the enemy army! o long as . o their models ismanning the Cannon, it remains under their ontrol!!!unlessthe Cannon (#oughness 7, . >ound or #oughness + .>ound or a ight Cannon) is destroyed by another Cannon,'otentially! ?r destroyed by something suiiently strong todamage it, see 'age G or the trength vs #oughness #able 

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D??#I:E PDA<

>D? CA: D??# +INE O0 $I/" >hen hooting with a unit, the unit hoose . target (someterrain an be shot at and destroyed) or enemy unit to shootat, with eah model who an see the enemy unit being ableto shoot, 'rovided that they are in range as well! I you arenot sure who an see, loo; down through the view o themodel9models in 4uestion at the enemy unit and see who islearly able to be shot at5 this is alled the model/s ine oight/, whih is neessary or hooting and or delaring aCharge in Close Combat!

Pre-Meas&rin*>hen delaring a Run/ with a unit in the hooting Phase,delaring hooting in the hooting Phase or delaring aCharge in the Close Combat Phase, you must delare 3IR#beore measuring the distane between your unit and theenemy unit! #o measure irst is alled Pre$Measuring/ andthis is :?# allowed as it adds some hallenge andguesswor; to this miniatures wargame!

Meas&rin* an*e (or $hootin*Measure range or hooting rom the ront o the model/sbase

&nIn the hooting Phase, a unit an hoose to Run/ instead ohooting and will roll a *+, the unit may move any distanerolled and this movement is not slowed by terrain!Movement lo;ing #errain will still have to be movedaround though!

23 to hit in $hootin*#he deault to hit roll in hooting is 2@ (with somee-e'tions noted below) and an be redued by s'eii

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andbag arriades#rainsow >allsRo; Mounds

?verturned Ro;etsiege hields (wooden)

errain #ith a :3 Cover $ave5Castle >alls, #owers

errain #hich bloc)s +ine o( $i*ht5Ruined >alls or #all >alls#owers and Castle >alls


Oil Dr&ms 7Destr&ctible errain8?il *rums5 #% >, an only be destroyed by <-'losives(Erenades, Mortars, a8oo;as), and when destroyed willatta; all models within *+ and they will ta;e an automatitrength % hit! Also, any hadow Hnit whih is aeted bythis ire rom the ?il *rum will be hit li;e a normal unit (so

on a @ or ni'ers and 2@ or everyone else) in thathooting 'hase!

Oil i*s 7Destr&ctible errain8?il Rigs have #." >. (#oughness, . >ound) and have thesame rules as ?il *rums, but when they e-'lode, measureout rom the edge o the model and units will ta;e a % hitwithin a radius o *+ ( 6 . inhes) instead!

rain rac)s!#rain tra;s5 :o Cover ave, but units ount as movingthrough terrain when moving aross this terrain!

0irin* thro&*h 0riendly nits!Hnits ire at enemy units through riendly units without'enalty!

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Close Combats bloc) +ine o( $i*ht to $hootin*!A Close Combat between a riendly unit and an enemy unitwill blo; ine o ight li;e a #ower or a >all would!

0irin* thro&*h Enemy nits!3urthermore, you annot ire at an enemy unit behindanother enemy unit as they blo; line o sight in this way! Ian enemy unit is in a *eended ?bstale, you an ignore thisunit and ire at other units whih are not in *eended?bstales! <levation is not a onsideration in any other aseDills do not allow units to ire over enemy units!

$hoot at one ar*et per &nit

<ah one o your units are only able to ire at . unit in itsown hooting Phase, you annot s'lit your ire!

$tren*th o( an*ed %eapons<ah ranged wea'on has a trength value and may haverules relevant to aves (Cover et) or may inlude a Rele-hot/ atta;!

e(le@ $hots

A Rele- hot atta; means that the unit will be able to ire. shot eah (no matter how many are usually available) andmay not re$roll misses at an atta;ing enemy unit!

Models #ith "eavy #eapons cannot (ire e(le@ $hotsModels with Deavy ranged wea'ons inluding ni'ers, DandCannons, a8oo;as, Mortars and Deavy Mahine Eunsannot have Rele- hot atta;s as they are assumed totem'orarily abandon their wea'ons and ight or their lives!

e(le@ $hots #hen Enemy nits char*e Coverand (ail>hen a unit harges an enemy unit whih is in over, andthe harge doesn/t ma;e it all the way into base to baseontat, then the enemy unit will get Rele- hot atta;s to'unish the unit that didn/t 4uite ma;e it i allowed!

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Order o( $hootin*! /&ess %eapons 0irstIn the shooting 'hase, resolve shooting with Euess >ea'onsirst5 Mortars and Cannons (Deavy and ight) A>AB ireirst out o all shooting i available! #his is to 'revent the

unair advantage o measuring rom another riendly unitand using this to aid the range guessed or Mortar ire

0irin* #ith /&ess %eapons! Mortar B Catap&lt*elare an enemy unit to shoot at (in the normal way,within ine o ight and :?# in Close Combat) and thenEuess a range rom your unit to their unit (minimum ./and u' to %7/) and then 'lae the / irular blast tem'latewhere the measurement ends! 3or e-am'le, i you ired 2"/

at an enemy unit that was 0/ away, then hanes are thatvolley o Mortar9Cata'ult ire will hit nothing or hit modelsrom a unit that was not its intended target! #his ouldresult in riendly models being hit or even models in CloseCombat being hit unintentionally!

0irin* #ith /&ess %eapons! "eavy CannonDeavy Cannon J trength .", ight Cannon J trength G!*elare an enemy unit to shoot at (in the normal way,

within ine o ight and :?# in Close Combat) and thenEuess a range rom the end o your Cannon to their unit (u'to +"/) and then ma;e a note or 'lae a mar;er where theCannon ball hit! 3rom there, the Cannon all will boune!#here is a hane that it will have a Cannon Misire

0irin* #ith /&ess %eapons! +i*ht Cannonight Cannon J trength G! *elare an enemy unit to shootat (in the normal way, within ine o ight and :?# in Close

Combat) and then Euess a range rom the end o yourCannon to their unit (u' to %7/) and then ma;e a note or'lae a mar;er where the Cannon ball hit! 3rom there, theCannon all will boune!

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Cannon Mis(ire Roll a *+ eah time a Cannon ires, on a . it ails to ire andan/t ire Era'eshot either that turn! I it misires, don/t rollor boune

 Cannon 4all 4o&nceRoll a *+ and add inhes to this (*+ @ /), this is how arthe Cannon all will boune through models, riend or oe!Models will be wounded on a roll o @ in almost all ases(e-e't huttle #rans'orts and Moon uggies whih arewounded on a roll o %, 0 or +) and this an result in the tronger #han/ rule (see 'age . or 'eial Rules)! Anymodel in the 'ath o a Cannon all oune annot ta;e

Armour aves, Cover aves or :umb aves against this, butan ta;e *odge aves i available!

Cannon /rapeshotEra'eshot (% 3lamethrower L/ teardro' tem'late, an beused against harging enemy units as Rele- hot i it didnot Misire that turn)! Cannons an ta;e their Rele- hotalled Cannon Era'eshot rom the 'oint where the enemyunit began their harge (so i their unit was 2/ away, ta;e

the shot at them rom 2/ away)! ut i the enemy unitharged rom urther away than the 3lamethrower tem'late(this ould ha''en i harged by Cavalry who harge ./),'lae the L/ tear dro' tem'late A3#<R the enemy unit is inbase$to$base ontat with the Cannon model/s unit! emovin* Dead Models>hen removing models who have been wounded, havingailed whatever ave was available, the 'layer who owns the

models hooses whih models are removed!

Cannot destroy Enemy Models #ho are o&t o( an*e3urthermore, you annot ;ill an enemy unit with shootingwhih is out o range! et/s say your unit is within ./ oanother unit o Rilemen and you/re in range o the ront lineo their unit, but not the other two lines behind them, in that

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ase you would have to remove the models who were inrange and not beyond that! o in that senario, 0 Rilemenwould be removed but not the ." Rilemen behind them inthat same unit!

E@plosive %eapons can destroy any Model in that &nit>hen an <-'losive >ea'on (Mortar or a8oo;a) ires at anenemy unit, they are assumed to hit the unit as a whole!Mortars normally ire in barrages and assumed to land shellsin a ew 'laes! a8oo;a shots an hange ourse at the lastmoment and send shra'nel everywhere and also assumed tohave a blast radius larger than the / tem'late!

"o# E@plosive %eapons hit modelsMortars and a8oo;as hit enemy models by overing them,even i ever so slightly, with the / irular blast tem'late!Models whih are hit ta;e a % hit and rolls are made toresolve wounds and saves!

E@plosive %eapons m&ltiply their hits by Models (irin*>hen Mortars or a8oo;as ire, multi'ly the number o hitsby the number o Mortars9a8oo;as iring (.-, - or 2-)! o

i you hit 0 enemy models with 2 a8oo;as, then that woulde4ual .0 trength % hits in total! It is 'ossible to hit enemyunits that have not been targeted 'rovided that their base isovered slightly by the / blast tem'late, but that is ust aha''y oinidene! <-'losive >ea'ons annot deliberatelytarget a Close Combat either!

0irin* #ith 0lamethro#ers3lamethrowers hit enemy models by overing their base,

even i ever so slightly! Plae the L/ long tear$dro'3lamethrower tem'late at the end o no88le o the3lamethrower model when iring! #hey are also assumed tohit the enemy unit as a whole as it bathes them in ire andan 'otentially destroy any model in the unit!

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e(le@ $hots #ith 0lamethro#ers3lamethrowers an ta;e their Rele- hot rom the 'ointwhere the enemy unit began their harge (so i their unitwas 2/ away, ta;e the shot at them rom 2/ away)! ut i

the enemy unit harged rom urther away than the3lamethrower tem'late (this ould ha''en i harged byCavalry who harge ./), 'lae the L/ tear dro' tem'lateA3#<R the enemy unit is in base$to$base ontat with the3lamethrower model/s unit!


$tron*er than

I a model suers an unsaved wound by an atta; whih isdouble the target model/s #oughness (e!g! #2 ta;es anunsaved wound rom a G atta;), then the model isremoved immediately regardless o e-tra >ounds!

e(le@ $hot5 . shot rom eah model with a ranged wea'on(e-e't Mortar, a8oo;a, Dand$Cannon, Deavy Mahine Eunor any ranged wea'on designated as Deavy/)

Da&ntless5 I this unit is deeated in Close Combat, theyreeive . wound (whih an be saved i available) or eahwound that they lost by, but the *auntless unit will not bedestroyed via CCR (Close Combat Resolution)

$lo#! Hnit moves li;e A>AB in terrain, so 'i;s highest o*+ when moving and harging

Do**ed! Hnit is allowed to move and shoot with all

wea'ons, inluding Deavy wea'ons!

&n and /&n! Hnit is allowed to shoot with 3ast 3iringwea'ons A:* Charge in the same turn!


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C?< C?MA# PDA<

3or eah unit a 'layer owns, there is a ste' by ste' 'roessto ollow in the Close Combat Phase

.) Charge) *eenders Reat2) Resolve atta;s in order o Initiative%) Calulate number o unsaved >ounds on eah side0) Close Combat Resolution roll+) itory Run$ done across able a(ter all CC (inishedG) *eenders get Rele- hots (i available)

<8 Char*e! /rants 3< Attac)' 3< Initiative3or eah unit a 'layer has, they have the o'tion o delaringa Charge, whih is at the same rate as the model/smovement in the Movement Phase (usually +/ and an beslowed by terrain etN)! ?ne must delare the Chargebeore measuring the distane to the intended enemy unit!I your unit ma;es it into base$to$base ontat (so bases aretouhing eah other) with at least . enemy model rom their

unit, the Charge is suessul!

Char*in* M&ltiple nitsI your Charge is suessul, you an engage multi'le unitsin Close Combat with your unit 'rovided that you ma;e itinto base$to$base ontat with at least . o their modelsrom their units!

=8 De(enders eact

>hen Charged by an enemy unit, your unit must move u' to +/ in order to get as many models into base$to$base ontatwith the enemy unit as 'ossible, even i that meanssurrounding a unit or 'laing them around the other side oit i there is a big lum' o them! #his annot be used tobegin new Close Combats that the *eender unit was notalready 'artii'ating in!

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0ailed Char*esI the unit does not ma;e it into base$to$base ontat witheven . enemy model rom the intended enemy unit, the

Charge has ailed, and the Charging unit will :?# move,even i the enemy unit is in Cover! ee bottom o  'age .Gor Rele- hots when an <nemy Hnit ChargingNails/ 

%ho can attac) in Close Combat1Models who are in base$to$base ontat or within / o ariendly model who is in base$to$base ontat are allowed toatta; in Close Combat! Erenades are the only e-e'tion tothis and will atta; i within +/ o a riendly model in base$

to$base ontat!

%hich models can be destroyed in Close Combat1Any model in a unit whih is in a Close Combat an bedestroyed, muh li;e how Mortars & a8oo;as atta; awhole unit, in Close Combat the two o''osing units mergeinto one in brutal hand$to$hand ighting!

O#nin* Player decides #ho is removed

As is the ase with hooting, the 'layer who owns the unitan deide whih models to remove when they aredestroyed in Close Combat!

28 Models attac) in Close Combat in order o( InitiativeModels will have an Initiative value whih is used in CloseCombat! A standard Modern Rileman has I2 or Initiative 2but an Indian has I%, so in Close Combat, the Indian wouldatta; irst, ollowed by the Rileman! I models have the

same Initiative, they atta; at the same time and will not beaeted by asualties (as in, they will get all o theiratta;s)! In the ase o Erenades, they are thrown at thesame time, being Initiative ."! ear in mind that modelswho are harging will have a @. Initative bonus, so thatIndian would be I0 i he harged and the Rileman would be

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I% i he harged! #he Erenade would still be I." as this isthe ma-imum!

:8 Calc&late total n&mber o( nsaved %o&ndsModels didn/t 'ass their saves or had none or were ignoreddue a rule have suered unsaved wounds! Calulate thetotal number o Hnsaved >ounds dealt on eah side! I bothsides sored the same number o wounds, then the ombatontinues and both units move u' to +/ to get the mostnumber o models into ombat, but this annot engage otherunits whih are not already 'artii'ating!

?8 Close Combat esol&tion 7CC8 olls#he losing side rolls die and adds the number o unsavedwounds they sored to this! o it/d be *+ @ > (wounds)and add this all together (e!g! G @ 0 unsaved >ounds J .)!#he winning side does the same (*+ @ >)! I the winningside manages to sore an e4ual or greater result than thelosing side, then the losing unit is destroyed! 3or e-am'le, iwinning side sored a total o . or higher, they woulddestroy the losing side!

Co&ra*eo&sI the losing side sores . on the *+, the unit isCourageous and will not be destroyed and the Combat willontinue with both sides moving u' to +/ to 'ut as manymodels into base$to$base ontat as 'ossible in this ombat!

Destroyin* M&ltiple nits thro&*h CC  RollsI there are multi'le units in the same ombat, then theunits will ombine their unsaved wounds dealt and aeannihilation all together i they olletively lose the ombat!o . unit an destroy or more enemy units they haveengaged in lose ombat i those @ units lose the ombat!

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98 ictory &n- done A0E all CC is esolved#he vitorious unit in the Close Combat and an then'erorm a itory Run whih is *+ inhes and not slowed byterrain (whih is not movement blo;ing that is)! #his an be

used to in;$H', and this Run an also bring them into loseombat with . more enemy units and ounts as Chargingand ollows rules or Charging (must ontat at least .enemy model in base$to$base ontat)! itory Runs areonly resolved ater all Close Combat Resolution Rolls havebeen arried out! Put a mar;er ne-t to the units whih needto 'erorm itory Runs to hel' remember this i need be!

ictory Collision

It is im'ortant to resolve all itory Runs at the end o allCCR aross the table! #his will 'revent new units entering aombat whih should have inished beore they arrived! Itwo units on a itory Run harge towards eah other andwould ma;e it into base$to$base ontat, then this is aitory Collision and both sides ount as Charging andreeive the @. Atta; and @. Initiative bonus!

;8 De(enders *et e(le@ $hots

I a unit is harged by an enemy unit on a itory Run, thedeending unit will get a Rele- hot atta; whih will notontribute to wounds in lose ombat! #hese shots will li;elybe out in the o'en and hitting as they normally would (see'age .%5 2@ to hit in hooting)!

hro#in* /renades in Close CombatAlso, models with Erenades an atta; even i +/ away rom

a riendly model o their unit in base to base ontat with anenemy model! Erenades an only be thrown ?:C< 'erombat and are thrown at Initiative ."! 3or e-am'le, i aunit o ." Mahine Eunners and 0 Erenadiers are harged by0 Astronaut Zombies, then they throw Erenades at themand use their normal 2 atta;s in later rounds! I they

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destroy the unit o 0 Astronaut Zombies then they an useErenades at the 'oint where they enter a new ombat!

/renades thro#n at Oil Dr&ms B Oil i*s

A unit with Erenades is assumed to throw their Erenade +/and thus will only be harmed by an e-'losion or ireresulting rom an ?il *rum, #rain or ?il Rig i it is aughtwithin the blast! A unit harging an enemy unit an throwtheir Erenades, i they have them, at the destrutible terrain'iees suh as these instead o the enemy models! Anymodels wounded by this will ount towards Close Combatresults! 3or e-am'le, i you destroyed % enemy MahineEunners and o your own Rilemen, this would ount

towards the tally in Close Combat Resolution!

/renades #hen a Combat ends and another be*insI you are already engaged by an enemy unit in loseombat, you annot throw grenades again as your unit isstill 'art o a Close Combat!

Can only thro# /renades at one &nit

IMIARB, i you are harged by @ units at the same timethen you an hoose whih units to hit with the grenades (soyou still 0 hits to alloate i you have 0 grenadiers not 0 'erenemy unit)!

trength vs #oughness #able

trength same as #oughness J %@ (%, 0 or +)trength is . higher than #oughness J 2@

trength is higher than #oughness J @trength is . lower than #oughness J 0@trength is or 2 lower than #oughness J +trength is % or more lower than # J bounes o

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Deavy Mahine Eun (Deavy ME) J Deavy, %, 2 shots, 2+/,an re$roll . miss or eah Deavy ME model

Mortar J Euess /. 6 %7/, %, / irle blast, Ignores Coveraves! Pi; a unit, guess a range and the / blast will landat that range! ee 'age .7 or 3iring a Mortar/ 

Eatling aser J Automati, .7/, %, 2 shots

Assault Rile J Automati, .7/, 2, shots

Deavy Cannon J Euess u' to +"/, .", Era'eshot5 %, L/

teardro' 3lamethrower tem'late! ee 'age .7 & .L (3iring aDeavy Cannon)

ight Cannon J Euess u' to %7/, G, Era'eshot5 %, L/teardro' 3lamethrower tem'late! ee 'age .7 & .L (3iring aight Cannon)

Cata'ult J Euess /. 6 %7/, %, / blast irle, ignoresCover! ame rules as Mortar ('age .7)! It/s ust Medieval!

Dand Cannon J Deavy, %, shots, Ignores 0@ and +@Armour aves 

Army +ist 4&ildin* B 4alance!

#he value o a model is measured in 'oints ('ts) and botharmies (or eah army i 2 or more) are ideally both the samesi8e in 'oints to the nearest .'t! #he value o a model in'oints is wor;ed out either by their durability (#oughness,>ounds, Armour ave et) and9or oensive a'abilities (anywea'ons with a tem'late and how many shots you get)!ome models have great oensive a'abilities (li;e aMortar) but very little durability (#2 >., oten with no save)!

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4rie( nit $tatistics3or the sa;e o brevity, the statistis o eah unit will beoutlined in its brieest orm (e!g! #2, >., 2, A., I2meaning #oughness 2, >ounds ., trength 2, Atta;s ., and

Initiative 2)!

nit Cate*ories! COE' $PECIA+I$' "EA,Models are divided into 2 dierent main ategories5 CoreHnits, 'eialist Hnits and Deavy Hnits!

#he 'ro'ortion o eah ;ind o unit is de'endent u'on howmany 'oints worth o Core Hnits are in a 'layer/s army!

Core Hnits are not limited in any way!

3or eah 'oint s'ent on 'eialist Hnits, . 'oint must bes'ent on Core Hnits! 'eialist Hnits are also limited to 0" oeah ;ind o unit, this will be restated in the Army istetion!

3or eah 'oint s'ent on Deavy Hnits, 'oints must be s'enton Core Hnits!

An E@ample <= point Army!2 a8oo;as J .%%'tsG Mahine Eunners J 77'ts0" Erenadiers J 0"'ts+2 Rilemen J 0'ts.G 3iremen J +7'ts

Model +imits (or nits!

" Models 'er Hnit at the most is the largest si8e that a unitan begin the game at! #his is suggested or le-ibility andsurvivability and the unit an grow bigger through in;$H'Moves i desired!

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Ne&tral- COE nits!(Can be 'layed by A:B Colour, unmodiied, stats areas they are written below),

Orc #ith Cl&b 7Cavemen #ith /reen $)in8! 7'ts#%, >., I, 0, A., :o ave! Redues Armour aves by $!

roll #ith A@e 7Cavemen #ith /reen $)in8! 7'ts#%, >., I%, A., %, Rele- hots always! #hrowing A-e (.7/,%, Automati) 

Ne&tral $PECIA+I$ nits+imit o( ? Ninas! Can be 'layed by A:B Colour, as theyare as they are written below

Nina! .%'ts$#2, >., A2, 2, I+, 2@ *odge ave, an re$roll Run move,ignores A terrain when moving inluding Movementlo;ing #errain, huri;en (./, 2, . shot, Automati),Always gets Rele- hots when Charged!

Ne&tral Critters (Can be 'layed by A:B Colour,unmodiied, stats are as they are written below),limit o 0" o eah)!

or'ions$ .'ts$#%, >2, 2, I2, A2, %@ Armour ave! Atta;s are Poisoned(any hit on a roll o + will automatially wound its target,annot wound vehiles (Moon uggy, huttle #rans'ort) or#errain o any ;ind in this way)! Can arrive as

Reinorements in raaaiinnnns/ way mentioned on Page 7

la; 'iders$ 7'ts$#2, >, 2, I+, A, 0@ *odge ave, Cavalry 7moves +/ asnormal but an Charge ./), Atta;s are Poisoned.Climbers! ignores #errain when moving, even Movementlo;ing #errain!

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Eiant Rats$ 7'ts$#2, >, 2, I0, A, %@ *odge ave, Moves L/

Co;roahes$ .'ts$#%, >, %, I2, A, 0@ :umb ave, 3ire atta;s and Maesare 0 against Co;roahes

Ne&tral- "EA, nits!

Cata'ult$ %7'ts, imit o L, limit o 2 Cata'ults 'er unit!$#%, >, ", I", A", :o ave! Moves +/, 0irin* a

MortarFCatap&lt  (see Page .7) Capt&re Artillery 7ee'age .2 )

Deavy Cannon$ L+'ts, imit o $#7, >., ", I", A", :o ave! 0irin* a "eavy Cannon('age .7), Capt&re Artillery 7ee 'age .2 ) ight Cannon$ L+'ts, imit o $#+, >., ", I", A", :o ave! 0irin* a +i*ht Cannon ('age

.7), Capt&re Artillery 7ee 'age .2 )

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Desi*ner6s Notes

he eal %orld#he Real >orld (our world, <arth) whih the Army Men have

ventured into sine they disovered the irst 'ortals on thePlasti >orld and ollet 'lasti rom, is e-tremelydangerous or Army Men! It is not easy being in a world ogiant 'eo'le and animals om'ared when you/re a tiny . anda Dal inh igure and they an/t ;now that you are alive!Ater all, Army Men are made out o lieless/ 'lasti! It is'ossible or 'lasti to be blown to bits and unuseable buteven melted 'lasti is good or something! o Army Men willontinue venturing into the Real >orld and will no doubt

enounter resistane rom Eiant Rats, Co;roahes andother nasties in order to harvest more 'lasti and maybeeven ind Moulds whih no other Colour has aess to yet!

$)eletons!#he ;eletons began to stir when the bodies o 'lastisoldiers rom wars o 'ast ages were not harvested or re$sha'ing into new 'lasti soldiers and withered away toalmost nothing! #heir ;nowledge o battle remained andthey have begun to awa;e and 're'are or war again againstthe living o Plasti >orld!

Co#boys and Indians5#he Cowboys and Indians are engaged in a onstant warwith themselves and eah other in the largest 'lasti desertstate! #he Indians live in a anyon with their te'ees and raidCowboy wagons, tageoahes, trains and isolated #owns!

#he Cowboys and Indians both hire themselves out as hiredguns wherever beneiial!

he Pirates5#hey are raiding seaarers who 'lunder oastal settlementsand o'erate out o a 'ort ortress! It is heavily deended byDeavy Cannons and short Pirate Militia! #he Pirates

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onstantly ight eah other on islands and elsewhere or loot,treasure hests and usually on the run rom the ores o lawand order5 #he Royalist :avy with its regiment aterregiment o Mus;eteers!

eterans 7$pace A*e8!#he eterans are genetially engineered su'er soldiers withaess to uture tehnology suh as Dand Cannons andCyborgs! #hey an also enlist e-$onvit rawlers who wontheir reedom in the Arena! #hey are signiiantly taller andtougher than a normal Army Man and are armoured!

Astrona&t Zombies5

#hey originate rom the *ead Moon/, ;nown one as thePlasti Moon where olonists rom the Plasti >orlddisovered anient 'lasti men there whih ame to lie inthe aves and raters o the *ead Moon and onsumed theolonists and gained aess to their buggies, satellite dishes,shuttles and ro;ets! #hey ;now use buggies as trans'orts,shuttles or inter$'lanetary invasions, satellite dishes ortele'orting more Astronaut Zombies rom the *ead Moononto a given world! #heir Ro;ets are used to bombard the

enemy rom aar!

A Note on /ame 4alance!Ater e-tensive 'laytesting over the ourse o ".2, I haveome u' with a 'oints value system ater testing eah unit/sdurability and oensive a'abilities! #o that end, a ew unitsin 'artiular 'roved to be 'artiularly devastating and Isuggest limiting these units to a 'artiular number to'revent them unbalaning the game o Army Men PAZCIK!

#o that end, I reommended limiting a8oo;as, Mortars,Cata'ults and 'otentially even Deavy MEs to L 'er army ona tableto'! I also reommended limiting Cannons to due totheir $tron*er han rule!

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Army 4alance Contin&ed!I also ound that some units serve very well as Core Hnits tobuild an army around and others are more s'eialised andshould be limited in 'ro'ortion to how many Core models

you already have in an army! 3or e-am'le, when I 'lay witha Modern Army Men Army I would ount Rilemen andMahine Eunners as Core Hnits but Erenadiers andCommandos I would lassiy as more s'eialised! #o thatend, I would not have more than 0" Erenadiers orCommandos (I might have both) in an army to ;ee' itbalaned! I would ha''ily have ."" Rilemen and9or MahineEunners though and would have handuls o Erenadiersintegrated into Mahine Eunner units throughout the army

where 'ossible!

Combined Arms! Erenadiers & 3lamethrowersErenadiers, u' to hal as many as the total ore unit it is'art o, an and should be 'art o Mahine Eunner orRilemen units! 3or e-am'le, i I had a s4uad o .% MahineEunners then the suggested limit on Erenadiers in thats4uad would be G! Also, you an have u' to 2 3lamethrowersattahed to a Rilemen or Mahine Eunner 4uad and i it so

ha''ens that two s4uads with 3lamethrowers lin;$u' and bylin;ing u' 'ush this number u' urther, don/t worry about it!I reommended a limit o .0 3lamethrowers in an army, with2 'er unit at the most where 'ossible!

"o# B %hy to play Army Men PAZCIK#he 'oint o this game and the reason that I designed it thisyear, is to have 3H: and onnet with other 'eo'le! I wouldlove to hear that athers are 'laying with their sons, riendsare 'laying together, boyriends are 'laying with theirgirlriends, ust onneting together over a game about'lasti models that ight eah other!

Hsually when I 'lay this game I end the battle when all othe other models are destroyed but you ould end it at #urn

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+ i you wanted! #here are lots o little lags & mounds to'ut them in that ome with Army Men and these ould beused as obetive mar;ers! >hoever has . riendly unitwithin 2/ o an obetive an laim it, unless there is an

enemy unit within 2/ as well, then it is ontested onlyounts or hal!

#his game is meant to be e-'ansive! I started out with a ewO bags o Bellow and ?range 'lasti Army Men rom adisount store at the unshine Coast and develo'ed therules and ba;ground and musi over the ourse o the year!I added new units to ;ee' balane in the game and ma;eunits om'etitive by hanging their stats and adding terrain

and a 'oints system to the game hanged it 4uite a ?#! utmy 'oint is5 ome u' with new units yourselves and omeu' with stats, rules and ba;grounds or them! It/s un andwill ;ee' the game resh and e-iting and the same goes orterrain rules!

#he way that I have balaned Army Men PAZCIK is internallyand by 'eriod! o what that means is that eah army isdesigned to ight in a ertain 'eriod against other armies o

its same time! ome units are terrii or ;illing the Hndeaddue to their redution o :umb saves but 'robably not greatagainst normal models or ones with Armour! #o this end, theCowboys and Indians have been 'laytested together, ashave the Pirates with eah other, and the eterans andModern Army Men armies! #he only army to ross over the'eriods is the Hndead and they have been balaned to ightarmies o all 'eriods! It an be really un and will ;ee' thegame resh and e-iting and the same goes or terrain rules!

#he way that I have balaned Army Men PAZCIK in ".2 isinternally and by 'eriod 7Prehistoric' Medieval etc' yo&#ill see these in the Army +ists8! o what that means isthat eah army is designed to ight in a ertain 'eriodagainst other armies o its same time! ome units are terriior ;illing the Hndead due to their redution o :umb saves

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but 'robably not great against normal models or ones withArmour! #o this end, the Cowboys and Indians have been'laytested together, as have the Pirates with eah other,and the eterans and Modern Army Men armies! #he only

army to ross over the 'eriods in ".2 was the Hndead andthey have been balaned to ight armies o all 'eriods!

%here to (rom here1#he ne-t stage in 'laytesting will be to balane Army MenPAZCIK to enourage and sustain battles over 'eriods ohistory in the Plasti >orld (e!g! Cowboys ighting Knights)and to ma;e it more streamlined, easy to 'i; u' and asterto 'lay! I would li;e to than; my riends who have 'layed

this game with me this year and anyone who ever showedinterest in it! Bou ;now who you are, than; you J)! #hegame and everyone who 'lays it and will 'lay it diretlybeneited rom your time, advie and enthusiasm! #he ne-tste' in e-'anding the game will be more e-tensive'laytesting and building ommunities who 'lay it, here inAustralia and ho'eully in the Hnited tates and aross theworld in due time, onneting 'eo'le to eah other andma;ing riends aross the world!