arizona department of education exceptional student services assistive technology school days...

Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Assistive Technology School Days Graphics courtesy of Pete's PowerPoint Station What Special Ed Directors Need to Know Assistive Technology in the IEP…

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Arizona Department of Education Exceptional Student Services Assistive Technology

School Days Graphics courtesy of Pete's PowerPoint Station

What Special Ed DirectorsNeed to Know

Assistive Technology in the IEP…

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Hello QIAT friends

• This is an abbreviated version of our presentation. I have removed slides not relevant outside of Arizona. I hope you enjoy the AT Myths. They were initially created by me and Christine Flannigan from Glendale (AZ) Union High School for a presentation to school psychologists. They were so successful in creating great talking points that we embedded them in other presentations, including this one. If you have myths we need to add, we’d love to hear from you.

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Bruce Kennedy, MA, MPAAssistive Technology Specialist

[email protected]

Mary Keeney, CCC, SLPAssistive Technology Specialist

[email protected]

Ann Gortarez, MEd Assistive Technology Specialist

[email protected]

Arizona Department of Education

Exceptional Student ServicesAssistive Technology Team

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Learner Outcomes:

Learners will identify:

• Legal aspects of assistive technology (AT)• Low tech to high tech continuum of AT• SETT Framework for consideration• Common myths and misconceptions about

delivering AT services in the schools• ADE Assistive Technology resources and


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Special education lawdefines assistive technologyas both devices and services.

What is Assistive Technology?

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Assistive Technology Devices

“Any item*, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability.”

IDEA ‘04

*exceptsurgically implantable devices

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Any device (off the shelf, customized, or modified)

Used by a person with a disability

To improve functional capabilities




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In other words…•ANYTHING you can make, or buy, or change, that will help ANY student, with ANY disability, do ANYTHING.

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Assistive Technology Services• “... any service that directly assists an individual

with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.”

Evaluation and selection of anassistive technology system

Purchasing, leasing, or acquiring devices

Training and technical assistance for the individual, family/caregiver, and school staff

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AT in the IEP• Assistive technology must be

considered at every annual IEP meeting, regardless of the type or severity of the student’s disability.

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In other words…

• Consider assistive technology for every student, every disability, every annual IEP, every time.*

*at a minimum

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AT may be documented in a variety of places on the IEP:

• Special Factors• PLAAFP• Goals• Support Services• Supplementary Aids and Services• Related Services• Accommodations• Transition Plan

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Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities

Applies to all programs that receive federal funds, including the public school system

Students with disabilities must be given the same opportunities to participate in educational programs and activities as their classmates, and the use of AT may be considered as an accommodation.

If a child does not qualify for special education services, they may be able to acquire AT through a Section 504 plan.

PEA staff members may also fall into this category as employees with disabilities.

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Arizona Department of EducationAssistive Technology Services

• Grant funded trainings • District trainings• Regional trainings• Tech support• Consultation• Loan library-Any PEA (public or charter school) is eligible-Private schools, BIE schools not eligible

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Arizona Department of EducationExceptional Student Services

AT Loan

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AT Infomercial

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So, what AT do students with

______ need?

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Improve Functional Capabilities in…

• Activities of Daily Living• Communication• Composing Written

Materials• Computer Access• Control of the

Environment• Executive Functioning • Hearing• Learning/Studying• Math

• Motor Aspects of Writing

• Positioning & Seating• Reading• Recreation• Mobility• Vision

All ideas above quoted directly from the “Assistive Technology Consideration Quick Wheel” sold by TAM All pictures used with permission from ATEN of FL

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The SETT Framework (Zabala, 1995)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Student’s present levels of academic and functional performance and evaluation data

Environment where the student will make progress toward mastering the curriculum goals and objectives

Tasks and objectives that address the student’s needs within the general curriculum

Tools/AT devices and services required for the student to make progress toward the objectives

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S E T Tis an ongoing process





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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The public education agency (PEA) has written procedural guidelines that ensure equitable access to AT devices and services for students with disabilities, if required for a free and appropriate public education (FAPE).

• Intent: Clearly written procedural guidelines help ensure that

students with disabilities have the AT devices and services they require for educational participation and benefit. Access to AT is ensured regardless of severity of disability, educational placement, geographic location, or economic status.

©The QIAT Community (Revised, 2005). Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Services. For more information, visit the QIAT web site at

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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The PEA broadly disseminates clearly defined procedures for accessing and providing AT services and supports the implementation of those guidelines.

• Intent: Procedures are readily available in multiple formats to families and school personnel in special and general education. All are aware of how to locate the procedures and are expected to follow procedures whenever appropriate.

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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The PEA includes appropriate AT responsibilities in written descriptions of job requirements for each position in which activities impact AT services.

• Intent: Appropriate responsibilities and the knowledge, skills, and actions required to fulfill them are specified for positions from the classroom through the central office. These descriptions will vary depending upon the position and may be reflected in a position description, assignment of duty statement, or some other written description.

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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The PEA employs personnel with the competencies needed to support quality assistive technology services within their primary areas of responsibility at all levels of the organization.

• Intent: Although different knowledge, skills, and levels of understanding are required for various jobs, all understand and are able to fulfill their parts in developing and maintaining a collaborative system of effective AT services to students.

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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The PEA includes AT in the technology planning and budgeting process.

• Intent: A comprehensive, collaboratively-developed

technology plan provides for the technology needs of all students in general education and special education.

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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The PEA provides access to ongoing learning opportunities about AT for staff, family, and students.

• Intent: Learning opportunities are based on the needs of the student, the family, and the staff and are readily available to all. Training and technical assistance include any topic pertinent to the selection, acquisition, or use of AT or any other aspect of AT service delivery.

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Quality Indicators for Administrative Support of Assistive Technology

• The PEA uses a systematic process to evaluate all components of the agency-wide AT program.

• Intent: The components of the evaluation process include, but are not limited to, planning, budgeting, decision-making, delivering AT services to students, and evaluating the impact of AT services on student achievement. There are clear, systematic evaluation procedures that all administrators know about and use on a regular basis at central office and building levels.

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Top 10 Myths About Assistive Technology in Special Education

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# 10

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Bonus Myth:If you have UDL,

you don’t need AT.

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Resources and Handouts

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Contact InformationBruce Kennedy, MA, MPAADE/ESS Assistive Technology Specialist Northern [email protected](928) 679-8107

Mary Keeney, CCC-SLPADE/ESS Assistive Technology Specialist Central [email protected] (602) 542-4016

Ann Gortarez, MEdADE/ESS Assistive Technology Specialist Southern [email protected] (520) 628-6665