archery gb - amazon web services · 2020-02-05 · archery gb . what is your fe offer to colleges?...

This booklet is designed to provide an overview of NGBs engaging with AoC Sport, Sport England and the FE sector and have a participation offer and/or programme available for students. This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as and when additional offers and/or programmes are developed, both by NGBs already working in the sector and as new NGBs engage. June 2015

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This booklet is designed to provide an overview of NGBs engaging with AoC Sport, Sport England and 

the FE sector and have a participation offer and/or programme available for students. 

This list is not exhaustive and will be updated as and when additional offers and/or programmes are 

developed, both by NGBs already working in the sector and as new NGBs engage. 














June 2015 


Page 2: Archery GB - Amazon Web Services · 2020-02-05 · Archery GB . What is your FE offer to colleges? One focus of Archery GB’s Whole Sport Plan for 201317 is to foster regular archery

Archery GB

What is your FE offer to colleges? One focus of Archery GB’s Whole Sport Plan for 2013-17 is to foster regular archery participation in Further Education (FE). To do this, we aim to:

1. Establish 10 new satellite clubs on FE sites (five in Year one have already been established and five in Year two). The target age group is 16 to 19 year old male and females

2. Provide support to existing archery clubs on FE sites – Archery GB has launched an Incentive Funding Scheme for existing FE archery activity and/or clubs to apply for. To meet the criteria for funding, FE institutions will need to demonstrate how the funding will help them either increase/retain participant numbers or enhance the archery experience for current participants

3. Provide support to colleges to initiate archery activity (no funding is available at this level) Students of all abilities and disabilities can participate in Archery and research has shown that students who do not normally participate and enjoy sports-related or extra-curricular activities seem to love and are good at this sport - it is a great option for the non-sporty and semi-sporty, as well as those who wish to try something new. We aim to engage students in archery in familiar surroundings and encourage them to continue within the community club environment. Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country? No If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? N/A Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? Archery GB will grant £1,800 for each satellite club to help set it up. The main costs for running an archery satellite club are the equipment costs;

• Many clubs would prefer to be able to store heavy targets at the college, and bring in suitable beginner bows and arrows for the sessions

• Club members will be able to provide guidance on what equipment will be required • Further Sportivate funding to initiate the first few weeks of activity before launching a club

will contribute to equipment and/or coach costs • It is difficult to put an exact figure on the amount required, as it depends what each

club/college has in place already in terms of trained coaches/leaders and equipment What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?

• Archery GB Satellite club guide • Archery GB can provide guidance and information on membership, venue, facilities &

equipment, competitions, linking with local clubs, risk assessments, coaching, insurance, funding etc.

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• College archery clubs can take advantage of the support of our club development programme - ontarget

• Archery GB has a range of Handy Guides which offer advice and guidance • One to one support from a member of the Archery GB development team • Archery GB can provide an editable promotional poster for archery activity • If the county where the FE establishment is located has a County Development Co-ordinator,

they can offer support and advice to anyone who is interested in growing and developing archery

• Each county has a County Coaching Organiser who can provide support and information regarding coaching and coaching courses

• The County and Regional Associations also provide coach education and competitions. Clubs will normally affiliate to their County and Region to take advantage of these services.

Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer Facilities: College facilities are usually more than suitable for archery activity (indoor and outdoor). We suggest a local club representative and college look at the facility together to discuss if it is appropriate before discussing projects further. Guidance on facilities can be found here. Workforce: We recommend that clubs supporting colleges have coaching capacity to deliver progressive archery sessions (Level 1 enables archery coaches to coach alone). Archery GB is working with clubs and colleges to identify the existing workforce whilst also exploring opportunities to train up additional staff/members where there is an interest or need. The Instructor Award is suitable for non-archers to undertake and will enable college staff to provide support alongside club members effectively whilst also being able to deliver their own fun and safe introductory archery sessions. If an Archery GB coach is delivering a session as part of their club activity, they will be covered under Archery GB’s insurance.

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     England Athletics                      What is your FE offer to colleges?  

 Run England  The official England Athletics recreational running project which aims to get the whole nation running!  

Campus based running groups led by qualified leaders  

Supporting and encouraging people to get running  

Inclusive and beginner‐friendly environment  

Special one day Leadership in Running Fitness (LiRF) course  

Support & online resources from the England Athletics team  

Online ‘group finder’ at   Find out more at  321 Running Routes  A range of marked out running or jogging routes that anyone can have a go at!   

Marked routes of 3, 2 and 1 kilometres, miles, or laps (these can be adapted to other distances based on specific requirements) 

Suitable for anyone to have a go...when they want! 

Routes devised and set up locally with support from local EA staff 

England Athletics provide support and online resources 

‘Push England’ wheelchair route markers available  

Online ‘route finder’ at   

Find out more at‐2‐1   We also offer links to core track and field opportunities in local clubs and can support with talent identification and coach development as part of our national and local coach development programmes. We have 52 Athletics Networks across the country and are keen to link up with institutions for research projects with local clubs, coach and volunteer recruitment, sports science support and access to specialist coaching and facilities.  Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  Although the majority of our work is nationwide and can be developed to meet local demand we do have specific focus areas where we have Activators in post. Specifically these are London (17 boroughs covered) Manchester, Bristol, Nottingham, Leeds, Birmingham, Liverpool and Portsmouth. Whilst these areas will have more dedicated support available to advise on projects we have Club and Coach Support Officers (CCSOs)covering the whole country.  

If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  Yes 


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Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? 


Run England: Leadership in Running Fitness courses are charged at £155 per head (£135 if leading 

sessions as part of an affiliated EA club.) This is the only cost associated with Run England and setting 

up local groups.  


321 routes: there is minimal cost involved with purchasing the distance markers. These are 

aluminium disks and cost £2.49 each. Additional costs would be determined locally when installing 

the disks. 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   Support will mostly consist of staff support through one of our Activators or CCSOs. We do have capital funding available that could be accessed through a grant application to support with running route projects.  Is it a new or existing FE offer?  Existing  Any further relevant information for universities on the FE offer  We are in the early stages of developing a new running offer for teenage girls. The offer will based 

on embedding running into areas we know have a strong interest for this audience, such as music, 

fashion, beauty and fashion. 



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Page 7: Archery GB - Amazon Web Services · 2020-02-05 · Archery GB . What is your FE offer to colleges? One focus of Archery GB’s Whole Sport Plan for 201317 is to foster regular archery out more

• Beginner running groups for students

• Group Leader qualification through one day Leadership in Running Fitness course

• Convenient marked-out 3-2-1 Routes – perfect for student life!

• Opportunities to compete, coach or volunteer at an athletics club

• Support, discounts and online resources


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 Badminton England          Badminton England FE Offer:  New and improved offer includes equipment, training & resources free of charge. This is on the 

proviso on the delivery of a number of targets. 

For the promotional presentation please see the following link. 

Badminton England is working in partnership with the College/ Sixth Form on the FE programme in order to achieve the following objectives:  

To provide opportunities that get more students active through playing badminton  To retain current players moving into and out of Further Education 

 Key Benefits: 

Access to the ‘PlayBadminton’ Framework (includes No Strings, SmashUp! Battle & Essentials) 

Access to the ‘Partner resource’ (to personalise & download marketing materials)  Either a SmashUp! kit bag (worth £350) or racket & shuttle bag (worth £100)*  One year license to deliver the Young Leaders Award  in house (worth £150)  ‘Recruitment pack’ resource for a student badminton leader role  2 x t‐shirts (for student leaders)  Dedicated Moodle log in, access resource bank with case studies and support 

 Key deliverables: 

Commit to run at least one weekly No Strings, SmashUp! or recreational badminton session   60 unique student participants playing at least once by the end of the academic year  30% of unique participants retained (attending 4 out of 6 sessions)  Deliver one Young Leaders award course and ensure this is completed by any students supporting SmashUp! and/or No Strings Badminton  

Deliver one inter or intra college competition or event  Basic data collection & reporting each term 

 Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? N/A 


Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? No 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   In addition to the support and resources previously stated, there is a FE project manager available to support colleges & regional staff to support community links. 

 Is it a new or existing FE offer? New  

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 What is your FE offer to colleges?   

Hit the Pitch – Further Education‐the‐pitch/further‐education  Think  colleges and  sixth  forms,  think  students,  think  friends playing baseball or  softball  together, having a great time and meeting new people.  Baseball and softball are fast becoming a part of the college sports landscape and our Hit the Pitch programme will help you expand your current sporting offer. Whether  it be students  looking to try something  new,  an  intra‐mural  sports programme  for  students  looking  to make new  friends  and socialise or a chance to enter local softball or baseball college competitions, Hit the Pitch will help you achieve your aims.   BaseballSoftballUK  (BSUK)  has  put  together  a  programme  tailored  to  the  needs  of  students  and colleges. There are already over 50 colleges and sixth form institutions with softball or baseball clubs, so why not join them to broaden your sports offer and improve the student experience? Whether you want to run an  introductory day, set up a team or run a  league at your college, we have a support package designed for you.  Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  This is a national offer although our Regional Development staff cover the following regions: East Midlands  West Midlands South East London (including Kent) North West (including West Yorkshire)  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  


No – although we will endeavour to support the HEI in the best way we can. 

Where possible this may involve support from local clubs and leagues. 


Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


The programme has 3 different packages: Day, Team and League. 

Each of these packages have bespoke price points and these can be discussed further with BSUK 

development staff. 





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       What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   Support can be provided in the following ways: 

National participation programme of Hit the Pitch. This contains all of the resources a university will need to establish a baseball or softball programme at their institution and includes: dedicated website, resources, promotional materials, training. 

Dedicated development staff to discuss your university’s needs in focus regions. 

Comprehensive coach education programme to develop capacity and capability for students.  

Is it a new or existing FE offer? New  This is a new bespoke offer for the FE sector – building on the success of the former generic Hit the Pitch programme.  Optional ‐ Case Study from a college that you are currently linked to   

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BSUK Case Study Template

What area(s) of BaseballSoftballUK's work does this relate to?

New Adult Leagues Children &

Young People Workforce Governance

Higher Education Clubs/Leagues Talent Leadership & Volunteering

Further Education x Coaching Competition Facilities

Case Study Title: Stockport College

The Challenge: BaseballSoftballUK in the North West wanted to raise the profile of baseball and softball amongst students attending Further Education Colleges and in particular those at colleges located near an existing club/league. Manchester has a long track record as a city in playing both softball and baseball. Stockport also has an established softball programme running at local secondary schools. BSUK identified and targeted Stockport College to establish a softball programme.

Context of the problem: Stockport College is General Further Education College in Greater Manchester. It is located in the centre of the town and has limited sports facilities on site. It has also has a limited enrichment programme through sport for its students and the 16 – 19 age group shoes the highest percentage drop in sports participation. Due to the summer playing season of our sports and the academic year dates in the UK, students are rarely at college after Easter and when they are they are normally sitting exams or in study leave.

What did we do? In the Greater Manchester area BSUK worked with Greater Sport Manchester (CSP) to get our sports promoted amongst the Further Education Colleges through their forum and in particular through the College Sports Makers network. By delivering a presentation about what softball had to offer to their students, individual conversations were picked up with Colleges showing an interest, including Stockport.

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We planned with the Director of Sport to introduce Softball to all the tutor groups in the Sport Department, 9 in total. Softball was introduced as a mixed ability and mixed gender sport and these facets engaged the students and staff. Introductory sessions were delivered to the students to engage them and once this has been achieved, a further discussion with the staff at the College saw them commit further to plan a sustainable programme. An intra-mural softball competition was established and a further club was established at the College for students to play. The initial sessions were staged at the College but tournament play for the students was taken to Parrswood High School, home of the Manchester Softball League. Exit it routes through the Manchester Softball League were introduced early in the discussion. The project was funded through the Sportivate programme, accessed through the relationship with Greater Sport Manchester.

What changed as a result? The programme is now in its second year and the college now considers softball as part of their yearly plan of activity for their students. An intra-mural softball programme has been established at the College for students and staff. The College now funds the coach delivering (either from their budget or by them applying for the Sportivate funding) and have invested in training members of its

teaching staff via our teachers course, so their staff can deliver themselves and promote the sport more confidently to their students. This programme is now used to provide opportunities to give coaching hours to newly qualified coaches in the area or people wanting to get into coaching. Because of this our workforce has expanded and are more confident and experienced. Other colleges in the area have heard from the Stockport College staff and students and our Further Education programme in the North West has now grown across Greater Manchester as a result.

The lessons - what did we learn?

Time to let things work. Relationship management is key – ideally with more than one member of staff as

turnover of staff is high. Persistence – these type of enrichment programmes are often not high on College

staff’s priorities and often the traditional sports offer an easier way of doing things. Promote work across the sector and others will become interested – if it works

somewhere else they may just want to replicate something at their institution, but the evidence of success is crucial.

What were the underlying principles we used? Communication, Communication, Communication ! Understanding really well how the Further Education College is structured and

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why will they benefit from our sports. Understanding the exit routes and pathway for the students wishing to play


What were the key success factors?

Relationship management with key staff at Stockport College. Time to let things work. Work out how our sports can support their aims and objectives.

What are the next steps? The most important next two steps are:

1. To make sure the partnership with Stockport College continues to develop and expand.

2. Ensure the intra-mural programme continues to run effectively. 3. To strengthen the link between the programme and the local league. We are

forming a (Sport England) Satellite club in a nearby school (due to venue availability at Stockport College and getting a player/coach from the league to get involved with this club). The next step is to form a team that can play in the Manchester Softball League or at the very least short term to provide certain amount of players to the different teams in the league. An under 19 off-shoot of the Manchester Softball League is also being considered.

Further information from: www...

BSUK Contact Details:

Name Luis Arrevillagas

E Mail [email protected]

Phone 0796 874 7116

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    Basketball England           

 What is your FE offer to colleges?   BE 3x3 

3x3 Basketball is an easy to run social opportunity for all which you can run within your College or 


This game is enormously popular around the globe; from kids playing in the park to organised FIBA 

competition. All you need to do is get involved! Find some people, find a hoop, find a ball, and get 


We encourage all to get involved no matter what level you play at. Please use of basic guidelines to 

help you run 3x3 games and our league creator to start you off! We also encourage those of you 

who wish to take this further to look at the FIBA 3x3 guidelines to give you a more in depth overview 

of the official ruling.‐3x3 

Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?     BE 3x3 is a programme that is available for all Colleges & Universities In all geographical areas.  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  




Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


The BE 3x3 guidance can be downloaded free through the Basketball England website.   

What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   

National support is available to all colleges by contacting [email protected].  

 Is it a new or existing FE offer?   BE 3x3 is a new priority format for informal basketball participation in Colleges & Universities.  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer   This offer is based purely on participation and enjoyment. We are not disregarding the 5x5 full court aspect of the game however there are other avenues for this through Basketball England & AOC Sport competitions.  

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British Canoeing  

 What is your FE offer to colleges?  U Canoe aims to offer participant centred, resource supported sessions where participants choose their outcomes, plugging gaps in current provision, encouraging new participants to the sport.  U Canoe Wired aims to provide the  initial excitement of canoeing by using the  latest  indoor kayak machines whereby participants can undertake a range of challenges, learn technique, challenge their friends  or  simply  canoe  led  by  trained  18+  year  old  ‘Activators’.  British  Canoeing  hires  2  Indoor Kayaking Machines, trains College Sport Makers as U Canoe Wired Activator Tutors, who can then train 14‐25 year old students to be Activators and lead the activity on site at a time to suit.  U Canoe Unleashed is the perfect first step to getting on the water and becoming a regular paddler. It aims to provide a fun,  informal, participant‐led experience and will give the opportunity to try a range of activities, which will develop their skills without having a structured coaching session.  Canoe Development Officers help broker relationships with local centres who can deliver Unleashed sessions for students and help access funding to reduce costs.  Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?   Yes (If yes please list priority areas below)  Devon and Cornwall Duchy College, St Austell College, St Lukes College, Truro College, Exeter College, Launceston College, Cornwall College  East and West Midlands Bournville College, Derby College, Bilborough College, Bishop Grosseteste College, Central College, Lincoln College, Moulton College, North Warwickshire and Hinkley College, Oswestry College, Warwick College, Grantham College, Brooksby Melton College  East Bedford College, Cambridge Regional College, Easton College, City College, Epping Forest College, Huntingdon College, Peterborough Regional College, Shoeburyness College, South Essex College, North Hertfordshire College, College of West Anglia,  South East Reading College, South Downs College, Peter Symonds College, North West Kent College, UTC Reading  North West Hugh Baird College, Liverpool Community College, Reaseheath College, West Cheshire College, 

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Burnley College, City College Manchester, West Lancashire College, Wirral Metropolitan College, Furness College, Rosebury College, Kendal College  London Hertford Regional College, Barking and Dagenham College, Newham College, College of Haringey, Enfield & North East London, College of North West London, Havering College  Yorkshire Dearne Valley College, Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, Thomas Rotherham College, Askham Bryan College, Barnsley College  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?   Yes  Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  To purchase Unleashed kit bag = £96.00‐ucan001.htm To hire 2 x Indoor Kayaking Machines = £30 for 6 weeks and £60 for 12 weeks U Canoe Wired training = free of charge, delivered by The British Canoeing Development Team  What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?  Support and training for Canoe Development Officer U Canoe resources Support accessing funding Brokering of relationships to on the water sessions U Canoe mobile APP aimed at helping monitor participation  Is it a new or existing FE offer?   Existing  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer Please contact your Canoe Development Officer for what we can do for you.  Optional ‐ Case Study from a college that you are currently linked to http://www.canoe‐‐study/ 


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     England and Wales Cricket Board           

 What is your FE offer to colleges?   Our offer aims to provide any FE student, regardless of ability, the opportunity to play cricket in their college environment, all year round.   Through Indoor 24, cricketers can enjoy playing socially, in the winter with their non‐cricketing friends, and entry‐level players can learn the basics through a selection of short, fun and inclusive games. This is an intra‐college offer but can progress to inter‐college festivals and National Final.  The AoC Sport Regional T20 competition provides players  to progress and play hard‐ball cricket  in competitive fixtures against other colleges within their AoC Sport Region.  Colleges benefit from an offer which fits with enrichment and which can also aid learning as part of the curriculum.  Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? N/A 


All colleges receive  the same  ‘base  level’ support  from ECB and AoC Sport.   Those  that register  for 

Indoor24 will receive a free kit bag containing 2 x willow bats, 3 x soft balls, 2 x sets of plastic stumps 

and a set of cones.  They also receive access to our online support resource, and training through our 

ECB Activators course (E‐Learning module available in September 2015). 


It is also possible to integrate the ECB Activators course into BTEC units – we are currently piloting this 

at Walsall College. 


Some County Cricket Boards may also provide further support in terms of coaching or providing club 



AoC Sport support both offers through a central administrator and Regional support staff. 


Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


The Indoor24 kitbag is provided free of charge, and there is no entry fee to participate in the Regional 

festivals.  Access to the E‐Learning training will be free to students, however, if colleges are interested 

in linking the Activator course with BTEC units, there is a small cost for this for resources and tutor. 




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There is an entry fee of £50 for the AoC Sport Regional T20 competition. Where colleges do not have 

access to outdoor facilities, ECB will support by linking with local clubs.  Funding is also made available 

from ECB and AoC Sport to pay for match day umpires. 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   As listed above, Support is offered through kit and a training resource.  We also provide spot prizes and 

incentive prizes (test match tickets etc) throughout the year as a way of saying thank you for helping 

to deliver the offer. 

Each County Cricket Board is made aware of each college’s involvement in the programme, and they 

may choose to add further support – especially if the delivery is linked with a particular target group 

(girls / south Asian communities / disability). 

Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer   Indoor24 can be very flexible in how it is used – please feel free to discuss how it would best fit in your college.    Our strategic focus at the moment includes increasing the opportunities for women and the disabled to play cricket.  We are also very keen to re‐shape the mainstream offer for any disability or girls only projects. If any college is looking to develop cricket within these two areas, we’d be keen to discuss in more detail.  Optional ‐ Case Study from a college that you are currently linked   At  present, we  have  over  80  colleges  delivering  intra  –college  Indoor24,  some  focussing  on  club 

players, some aimed at inspiring new players and some totally mixed.   Each year the numbers increase 

and our offer improves – providing more support to those that deliver cricket, and a better experience 

for those that play. Next year we hope to engage with over 100 colleges. 


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Football Association  

  What is your FE offer to colleges? The Football Association works in partnership with AoC Sport to deliver the football offer for Further Education. ECFA is the recognised brand for college football and represents the football delivery arm of AoC Sport. The further education football offer is driven through a dedicated football development team funded by the Football Association and based within AoC Sport which consists of a National Football Development Manager, National Football Development Officer and a Football Development Administrator. This team provide strategic support to colleges to develop appropriate development plans to get more college students involved in the game. In addition to FA funded staff, AoC Sport employ two competition administrators to support the growth and retention of 11‐a‐side teams competing in ECFA Leagues and cups. Furthermore a network of 51 County Football Associations across England exists and can provide local, technical and delivery support to colleges in addition to the 20 Children and Young People Football Development Officers who are a dedicated local football development resource for colleges.   The Football Association has an extensive offer tailored for the FE Sector, delivered in partnership with AoC Sport and the English Colleges FA, including:  ECFA League, Cup and National Championship Competitions  

A robust league structure operates across ECFA competition offering a wide variety of high quality football for college students from recreational to performance.  

TEAM NINETEEN  Our high profile intra‐mural football product that encourages friendly footballIn a relaxed social atmosphere between friends. Apply for a TEAM NINETEEN centre license and receive a free benefits pack to support your league.  

Just Play   

Recreational activity great for students who want a flexible relaxed approach to‘Turn up and play’. Apply for a Just Play centre license and receive a free benefits pack. 

SOCCERCISE  Get fit, improve and boost your energy levels, aid weight loss, tone up and feel great about yourself, are all benefits of taking part in Soccercise which aims to increase the number of female students taking part in football. 

FE Football Development Hubs 

A revenue grant to become a specialist football hub servicing students, staff and the wider community with the aim of increasing participation and aiding transition into community football. 

Football Development Quality Framework  

The Quality Framework enables colleges to access guidance, view case studies, apply for training and download Ofsted‐aligned quality indicators to support with football development planning. 

College Football Activators  

A programme to specifically recruit, train and deploy a football workforce of new student activators into 80 colleges to increase male, female and disability participation. 

Football Futures  Access rewards, training, resources and opportunities to support and Inspire your students through our leadership and volunteering pathway.  

Student Management Teams (SMT) 

Support colleges to develop student management teams which will drive the delivery of Team Nineteen in colleges. Provide training to staff to support the development and sustainability of these student leadership groups. 

FE Referee Hubs 

A concept born from the AoC Sport competition review consultation with members. Funding is provided to colleges to create 50 new qualified and active student referees to address a shortfall for Wednesday afternoon fixtures and drive a culture change to recruit more qualified student referees 

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Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country? Yes We have widespread coverage across the country, through our County Football Associations and welcome relationships with all colleges in all areas. We also have our network of 20 full‐time Children and Young People Football Development Officers who are specialists, deployed across the most populated areas of the country. Their role is to be proactive in supporting FE Colleges with developing football participation and exit routes into community activity, providing support, guidance and connectivity with the variety of FA and partner opportunities.   If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? Yes  Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? Other than ECFA league and cup competition all development programmes are free to access and we go further and offer a variety of resources, benefits or funding packages to support delivery of our products. Quality delivery is important to us, especially where our brand is concerned, and so a license is issued for products such as Just Play and TEAM NINETEEN in line with releasing funds. This ensures that we get a clear return on investment for each centre with quality and sustainable delivery which is attractive to users.  What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer? In addition to the development teams that we have in our County Football Associations, we also have a network of 20 full‐time Children and Young People Football Development Officers who are our specialist officers deployed across some of the most populated areas of the country. Their role is to be proactive in supporting FE Colleges with developing football participation and exit routes into community activity.  Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing with enhanced features  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer Our participation pathway enables young people to have a flexible and enjoyable football experience throughout their time at college. This includes reach‐down work at the 14‐17 age group through our “Football Mash Up” product, to support the transition of football participants prior to or having just joined college. We also work with AoC Sport to offer a comprehensive inter‐college competition pathway for colleges through a tailored category structure from recreation through to performance under the ECFA brand. This ensures all participants can compete at a level that is right for them and move across the pathway as preferences change and other variables come into play. See below diagram   

  Optional ‐ Case Study from a college that you are currently linked to: We have a range of interactive case studies available from high performing colleges on our Football Development Quality Framework website‐development‐framework.aspx. These case studies feature a variety of different profile colleges who have specialism working in one or more of the four main areas of football development provision; Participation, Leadership & Volunteering, Coach Development and Player Development. All of the case studies are continually updated with new material and provide a refreshing mix of practical advice, downloadable sample materials, video features, interviews with college staff and students and tips to help colleges draw inspiration for their own programmes. 

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England Handball Association What is your FE offer to colleges? The EHA has 3 strands to its FE offer; Participation, Workforce development and Work experience Participation #Theboxthatrocks package provides the college with everything needed to start handball delivery, equipment, session plans, marketing material and free places on a leaders course to enable the sessions to be student led. The EHA also has plans during the next academic year to introduce an informal level of FE competition. FE Activation Programme-Workforce development and work experience The EHA will provide colleges with a number of courses including a Level 1 coaching and an officiating qualification. A number of students will then have the opportunity to apply to be part of our placement scheme, as part of the scheme the students will gain valuable sports development experience through:

Coaching in local primary schools, Event management in organising and delivering a primary school festival, Supporting level 2 & 3 school games activity Supporting regional rounds of EHA national schools competition

Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country? Yes – To be confirmed If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? Depends on the local workforce capacity, please contact Stacey Andrews ([email protected]) in the first instance. Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? #Theboxthatrocks package costs £165. There will be no cost associated with the workforce development programme other than providing space to run the courses. What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer? The college will receive regular 1-1 support from either a local Handball Development Officer or Participation Manager depending on area of the country during the delivery of the workforce development programme. There will also be regional networking opportunities for the placement students.

Is it a new or existing FE offer? New

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England Hockey

What is your FE offer to colleges? Hockey offers colleges a layered menu of options which link together to support wider participation. Alongside the traditional 11v11 version of the game Rush Hockey presents colleges and students with a small sided alternative. Rush Hockey is made up of: a bigger lighter ball; fewer rules; mixed sessions and it can be played both indoors and out. It’s aimed at students who still want their hockey fix at times which suit them. Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country? No If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? Yes

All FE colleges receive the same level of national and regional support regardless of their location

Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?

We offer an attractive equipment package to support the delivery of Rush Hockey for £246.54 +VAT.

For this colleges receive:

- 14 Rush Hockey sticks (7 white and red and 7 black)

- 6 Rush Hockey balls

- A pair of Rush Hockey goals

Additional costs for colleges could include facility hire (Rush Hockey can be played both indoors and

outdoors) and payment of Rush Hockey activators. Many colleges are recruiting students to support

Rush Hockey delivery.

What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?

We have a team of Relationship Managers and National staff who work with colleges across the

country to set up and sustain Rush Hockey activity.

Colleges offering Rush Hockey receive items including: promotional posters and flyers, promotional

give-a-way items, and a 5m banner. To support Colleges with promotion and delivery we are

continuously developing tools (such as marketing tools, promotional videos and activator support

packs) to support activators in delivering quality, fun sessions.

Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing

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Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer If you’d like to discuss increasing hockey participation at your college contact Bev Blackburn, National Manager – Adult Participation on 07540 201081 or [email protected] Optional - Case Study from a college that you are currently linked to

Rush Hockey Festival

We recently attended a Rush Hockey Festival hosted by Yeovil College who were joined by teams

from Strode College, Bridgewater College and Somerset College of Arts and Technology.

Back ground information

Bridgewater College have run Rush Hockey since in the autumn of 2013 with a participation focus to

increase the number of students taking part in sport at the College.

Somerset College trialled Rush Hockey in the spring of 2013, prior to this the college’s hockey

provision was non-existent. After receiving positive student feedback the college decided to include

a weekly session in their enrichment programme from November 2013.

Strode College provides Rush Hockey to their students alongside the 11v11 version of the game.

Rush Hockey caters for those players who don’t want to commit to a team or want to play in a more

informal environment.

Yeovil College had previously offered 11 a side hockey at an off-site facility. However in preparation

for a new build Hockey pitch on their main campus, secured Sportive Funding to purchase

equipment and used Rush Hockey as a means to kick start hockey provision at the college.

The Festival

The colleges involved decided that it would be mixed team

festival played in a round robin format. With squads of eight

players and games lasting 12 minutes it allowed the players

to have lots of game time.

Experiencing Rush Hockey for the first time, Declan from

Strode College found it “energetic and a lot of fun”.

Tom from Bridgewater College, who also plays hockey for a

local club, enjoyed the afternoon and said “the mixed

format was good as it gets everyone involved and it was fast

paced in the smaller area”.

On the day Yeovil College ran out as winners of the festival

however all of the colleges involved are already planning

their next festive before the summer break and hope to have even more colleges involved.

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    English Lacrosse               

 What is your FE offer to colleges?  

English Lacrosse has developed two offers for FE colleges to access.   English Lacrosse staff would 

support any FE programme by developing a bespoke programme for students to benefit. 

Participation Offer The participation offer consists of two main elements: 

Recreational: accessed on site through introductory sessions led by a qualified coach or linked to a community club 

Formal: Field playing opportunities accessed at community clubs or on site through new competitive playing programmes for FE  

Learning Offer The learning offer consists of three elements: 

Leadership: utilise qualifications to deliver participation activities in local communities and on‐site, 

Work Experience: develop opportunities with English Lacrosse development staff to deploy sport students in local communities to deliver sport coaching/development programmes. 

Qualifications: affordably priced learning products (Level 1 & Level 2) on the Qualifications and Credits Framework (QCF) 

 Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  However, lacrosse is prioritising geographic areas where community hubs can support FE delivery  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? No  


English Lacrosse looks to provide its full offer to all colleges who wish to access it.  However, in some 

areas where direct coaching delivery is required it is difficult to access EL’s coaching network. 


In these areas, EL has recommends that FE colleges utilise the learning offer detailed above to 

deliver participation programmes.  


This has enabled EL to foster strong partnerships in these areas where its own sustainable 

programme can be put in place 


Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


There are costs to access English Lacrosse’s offer which mainly include: 

‐ coaching time for delivery of sessions 

‐ course fees to access educational products.  


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English Lacrosse would work with each college to ensure that the costs are clearly articulated in each 

application and value for money provided. 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   English Lacrosse can provide staff time to develop the lacrosse offer in each college and educational resources to support student volunteers who lead lacrosse activities.  English Lacrosse can also provide promotional materials to attract students to lacrosse activities.  Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer  As highlighted above English Lacrosse conducted engagement with the FE sector in developing this offer to FE.    The specific engagement has included: 

consultation meetings coordinated by Sport England with and AoC Sport,  development meetings with Northwest and London AoC Sport  pilot delivery through a NW project. 

 This has been supported by further research conducted by surveying students directly to gain insight to better engage with FE students and allow English Lacrosse to create an offer to best suit students to participate in lacrosse.     

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England nEtball

activE collEgEs

offErget involved

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England Netball are committed to increasing participation amongst females and want to work with colleges striving to achieve the same outcome. Our offer is a menu of programmes designed to enable colleges to pick and choose the programme(s) which best suits their students’ needs. By offering a choice of programmes, students with different needs, motivations and commitment levels can be engaged in the type of netball that they wish to participate in.

The programmes available are:

* Back to Netball* Netball Now* College Netball Club * Intra-College Netball League For those students wanting to access social competition The Netball Challenge Cups are one-off local festivals aimed at those students taking part in Active Colleges netball sessions

It’s great when we get a

chance to test our skills against other teams… and have a

laugh at the same time.Girls! Get


for more information

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It’s great when we get a

chance to test our skills against other teams… and have a

laugh at the same time.Girls! Get

What do you get?* England Netball delivery guide for each programme you run* Posters to promote sessions* Support to identify a Level 2 coach for Back to Netball or a

College Netball Club * Support from a Netball Development Community Coach in

England Netball priority areas* Access to The Netball Challenge Cup

our offEr* Menu of programmes* Netball Development Officer time and

guidance to pick the right programme for your students

* Posters to promote your sessions * 10% off at the I heart netball shop for

all colleges running England Netball programmes

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MEnu of PrograMMEs

Back to Netball Coach-led, social netball sessions covering basic netball skills.

Coached sessionGame playSocial environment

Regular commitment


Netball Now Not coached, just turn up and play a game. Short games, position swaps and scores not recorded.

Game playSocial environment

Coached session

Regular commitment


College Netball ClubCoached sessionGame playCompetition

Social environment

Regular commitment

Intra-College Netball League

CompetitionSocial environmentRegular commitment

Coached session

Compete against other colleges

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Pentathlon GB              

 What is your FE offer to colleges?   Modern  Pentathlon  offer  allows  the  opportunity  to  combine  a multi‐sport  offer  into  one  sport. Individuals can choose 2 or more of the 5 disciplines to provide a challenge in new events, or combine different skills  into one event with competitive opportunities available  including a student biathlon and pentathlon open to students with BUCS points available where applicable.   Offers can be  from simple  taster days, Biathlons, Battle Biathlon, Modern Triathlon, Tetrathlon or Pentathlon with the new and exciting opportunity of the Run Shoot product which is now available and can act as a challenge between teams, or add an alternative skill element to a run event   Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?     NORTH: Nottinghamshire, Cumbria, Durham, Northumbria, Lancashire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Warwickshire, Herefordshire, West Yorkshire, N/E Yorkshire  SOUTH: Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Wiltshire,  Kent, Surrey, Hertfordshire, Essex, Hampshire, Oxfordshire  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  


Not to the same level. Multi‐sport activity can be supported with advice from Officers. 


Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  

 Generally costs associated with the offer would be coaches, equipment can be borrowed in the short term, but if regular and long term activity continued purchase of equipment may be needed. However officer support would be available to help with this. Facility hire would require depending on college provision and planed activity. 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   Financial support may be available depending on the planned activity and the geographical area; However there would be staff support on hand to help and advise the running of the project and facilitate links to ensure sustainability.  

 Is it a new or existing FE offer? New 

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Why not take on the challenge of Modern


The Olympic Sport of Modern Pentathlon comprises of the five sports, swimming, horse-riding, fencing,

shooting and running. This choice of five diverse and unrelated sports arose out of the romantic and tough

adventures of a liaison officer whose horse was brought down in enemy territory. Having defended himself

with his pistol and sword, he swims across a raging river and delivers the message on foot.

Fun and competitive opportunities from two to five disciplines

Combine your strengths

Challenge yourself to learn new sports

If your college would like to be involved in an event or setting up activities please contact your Regional

Development Officer for more information

Development Officer: Rachael Hares- [email protected] (07590444372)

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The Rugby Football League What is your FE offer to colleges?

13-a-side Rugby League

Rugby League is a fast actioned packed exciting sport. The RFL have developed three products for colleges to engage in. Emerging college festivals are a great starting point for colleges new to the sport and who want to play without a commitment to regular weekly competition. Regional leagues provide regular, centrally administrated competition within the college locality, whilst the National Colleges Cup competition is open to all Rugby League playing colleges across the country. Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country? Yes Yorkshire and Humber North West and Cumbria North East London and the South East South West If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? No Colleges outside the priority areas are able to take part in Emerging festivals or Merit League fixtures organised periodically throughout the season. Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? Colleges are required to pay match official fees for home fixtures What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer? All institutes playing Rugby League are provided with: • Education Officer support • Centrally administrated competition • Centrally appointed Match official • Access to online promotional and marketing material • RFL affiliation with the associated benefits of being an affiliated member

Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing

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Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer The RFL provides a range of products for students and institutions to engage with Rugby League across 5 strategic stands

• Competition • Participation • Player Pathway • Curriculum • Income generation

Rugby League is a great opportunity for Colleges to offer a fast exciting game that Rugby League clubs to offer additional opportunities to meet the needs of those students who may not necessarily want to play full contact Rugby League but enjoy playing in a team environment.

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    What is your FE offer to colleges?   O2 Touch is a non‐contact, simple and flexible format of rugby union that offers social sport for fitness and fun aimed at increasing participation. O2 Touch is about encouraging new audiences to try rugby and can be played by anyone, indoors or outdoors and at any time. All colleges who wish to deliver O2 Touch will receive training for staff and students, as well as dedicated support from England Rugby staff.   Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? N/A  Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?   No, there is no cost involved for the college to deliver O2 Touch. However, all colleges that deliver O2 Touch must ensure that at least one member of staff attends an O2 Touch Training course. O2 Touch training courses are free of charge and courses are arranged regionally with England Rugby covering the cost of transport.   What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   In addition to the free O2 Touch training, all colleges that deliver O2 Touch will receive initial support from England Rugby staff to help plan, organise and activate O2 Touch. Students will lead O2 Touch, and England Rugby will help identify and train at least two O2 Touch Ambassadors from your college. Free O2 Touch branded kit including balls, cones and bibs will be provided, along with online access to the O2 Touch marketing suite including videos, digital media and editable PDFs.  

 Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer  For more information on O2 Touch, please visit the website   Optional ‐ Case Study from a college that you are currently linked to   Easton and Otley College in Suffolk have taken up O2 Touch with great enthusiasm.  With gregarious, passionate volunteers and great support from the college, they have held taster sessions with huge numbers  coming  along,  and  regularly  get 20‐25  coming down  each week during  term‐time.    The volunteers have picked up skills  in training about how to use digital marketing and social media to drive numbers to their sessions. 

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      Snowsport England                  What is your FE offer to colleges?   

‘GO SKI GO BOARD’ is our national participation campaign helping college students get on the slopes without breaking the bank. Offering an all‐inclusive price (slope and lesson costs, equipment rental and clothing) students follow a 4 stage pathway at GO SKI GO BOARD facilities progressing towards ‘GO RACE GO FREESTYLE’ entry‐level opportunities. All artificial and indoor facilities have university offers available to view on 

 Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  Yes  

Yes ‐ Yorkshire (Castleford and York), North East (Sunderland), Manchester (Trafford), Lancashire 

(Rossendale), Cumbria (Kendal), Midlands (Tamworth, Swadlincote), Shropshire (Telford), 

Gloucestershire (Gloucester),  Buckinghamshire (Milton Keynes), Hertfordshire (Hemel Hempstead), 

Devon (Plymouth), Hampshire (Southampton), Dorset (Christchurch), Berkshire (Bracknell),  Somerset 

(Mendip), London (Hyde Park), Norfolk (Norwich), Kent (Chatham), Birmingham. 

 If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  



Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


There is an all‐inclusive session cost payable to the local GO SKI GO BOARD facility by the participant, 

cost vary from site to site dependent on locality. 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   Personal one‐to‐one support from our regional Snowsport England Development Officers, on 

a regular monthly basis. 

GO SKI GO BOARD Resources (offline and online) for advertisement and promotion 

throughout college. 

Support with facilitating and brokering a relationship with local GO SKI GO BOARD facilities. 

Assistance in creating targeted Sportivate and Satellite Club opportunities. 

Tailored approach per college to ensure participation is sustained throughout a term. 

 Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer   Some GO SKI GO BOARD facilities encourage linking activity into college courses in highlighting key skills that can be gained through participating in Snowsports and taken into future areas of work. 

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                               England Squash & Racketball    What is your FE offer to colleges?   The National Big Hit HE offer, aims to; 

Raise the profile of both sports through social participation 

Increase informal participation in both squash and racketball 

To collect customer data to facilitate enhanced communication  The Offer: 

8 weeks of beginners coaching 

Suitable exit routes for students to continue to play 

Link to Big Hit resources 

Support with writing funding bids  ESR will work with colleges to promote their sessions and suggest suitable exit routes for students to continue playing once the delivery has finished.  Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  There would need to be courts  local to the College  if there aren’t any on site, as delivery must be undertaken on a squash court.   If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  


The offer  is available to all colleges and can be adapted to the specific needs and demands at the 



Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


There would be a cost to cover for the coach and/or the hiring of courts where ESR cannot access 

them for free. ESR will either write a sportivate bid for the delivery programme or support the CSM in 

writing the bid to access the funding.   


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?    ESR would support the college through marketing resource. Equipment will be provided  if required 

and a coach will be sourced if the college are unaware of any. 

Is it a new or existing FE offer? New  The Big Hit offer has only existed over the past 12 months so is still new.  

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 Tennis Foundation / Lawn Tennis Association          What is your FE offer to colleges?   Aim: The Further Education Tennis Programme continues to be focussed upon growing the number of young people aged 16‐19 years participating, competing, volunteering and coaching tennis. The LTA/ TF are encouraging colleges to choose tennis as a driver for college improvement, giving learners experiences  within  and  beyond  the  curriculum  that  will  help  them  to  develop  valuable  social, vocational and life skills.  Colleges can access a range of support and resources aimed across five key areas:  Curriculum/  sport  study  programme  support;  enrichment  support;  sports  leadership/ workforce development; competition; linking with local tennis venues and coaches.  FE Core Tennis offer: 

A range of free downloadable online resources to support colleges to incorporate tennis into enrichment  and  sport  study  programmes  (Competition  resources;  BTEC  Sport  ‘Links  to Qualifications’; activity cards; ‘My Tennis Toolkit’ for designing flyers/ posters) 

A  free  tennis equipment pack enabling  colleges  to  run Short Tennis/  touchtennis on  their enrichment programme (limited to one per college). If accessing a free equipment pack, the college will be required to complete a simple online monitoring form twice per year.  

Intra College Timed Tennis Competition offer 2015‐16 ‐ Timed Tennis is a fun way to play quick fire tennis matches, we will be encouraging colleges to run touchtennis events using smaller courts,  shorter  rackets and  sponge balls, making  it  ideal  for  recreational players or  tennis ‘newbies’. Timed Tennis can be run in a variety of formats – team events, singles or doubles competitions. Sign up before October half term to receive a ‘Timed Tennis pack’ in return for delivering a minimum of 3 Timed Tennis sessions over the 2015‐16 academic year.  

Sports staff can access a free 3‐hour Cardio Tennis Teacher Training Course. 

Tennis  Leaders  course  ‐  Sports  staff  can  access  free  resources  to  deliver  Tennis  Leaders modules.  

Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country?  No  Whilst the LTA and Tennis Foundation has identified approximately 65 priority local authority areas across Great Britain, which receive focussed time from our Regional Tennis Participation Managers, the FE Core Tennis offer is available nationwide to all FE colleges. We also have an additional team of five Regional Tennis Education Officers who can support colleges in their respective regions.  If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available?  Yes  


As mentioned above, the FE Core Tennis offer is available nationwide to all FE colleges. 

The  Regional  Tennis  Participation Managers  and  Regional  Tennis  Education  Officers will  identify 

colleges in priority areas and colleges that have been proactive building upon the core offer.  We can 

provide additional support through the FE Enhanced Tennis offer as detailed below: 

Up to £500 revenue funding, allocated towards a detailed College Tennis Action Plan which links the college to a local tennis venue.  

An additional £200 per college will be available as a personal development grant for a Student Tennis  Ambassador  to  support  staff  with  promoting  and  delivering  tennis  enrichment 

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sessions. There will be additional training opportunities for all Ambassadors as we launch the new Tennis Ambassadors Network in September 2015.  


Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer?  


There is no cost to FE colleges wishing to engage in either our Core offer or Enhanced offer. 


What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer?   

Local support from the Regional Tennis Education Officers, as the first point of contact for any colleges wishing to access the core offer.  Colleges selected  for  the FE Enhanced Tennis offer will be able  to access  termly support  from  the regional staff and the revenue funding package as detailed above.   Otherwise, an element of central support from our national education team will be made available, including termly updates and e‐newsletters to all colleges supported. Colleges can contact us for more information and support by emailing: [email protected]  

Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing but expanding.  Any further relevant information for colleges on the FE offer   More information on the Tennis Foundation and LTA’s Further Education Tennis Programme can be found via:  

The Guide to Further Education Tennis 2015 

Further Education Tennis webpages  

Please visit: 

Or by emailing: [email protected]    Optional ‐ Case Study from a college that you are currently linked to   Read  case  studies of how  colleges  have developed  tennis  using  our  resources,  see  link  below or 

website address as above: 

Further Education Tennis Case Studies 


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Welcome to Volleyball!  Volleyball England’s Further Education Offer provides colleges with a range of opportunities. We are delighted that you are taking an interest in the only hi‐energy, zero contact, mixed team sport you can play indoors and outdoors – whatever your ability!  Go Spike! Go Spike is Volleyball England’s recreational way to play. It provides people of all ages and abilities the opportunity to experience volleyball.    It is based on a 4v4 game but can be played with as many people as you have available. Go Spike volleyball can be played anywhere at any time ‐ indoors, on grass or on the beach!  Set up and play with the Go Spike Game in a Bag. It’s the easiest way to play volleyball.  The ribbon is your net, just tie it between two posts or a couple of trees, hold it, or even lay it on the floor. The ball is a blow up beach ball which can be inflated within seconds, it’s soft, and easy to use. Alternatively use the Go Spike ball, it’s a 230g softer ball that is ideal for beginners playing volleyball indoors or outdoors.  For further information go to or for equipment go to   Developing a Workforce  Go Spike Student Activator Award (£35.00 per person) TARGETTED AT RECREATIONAL SESSIONS The award will upskill students to deliver sessions engaging  players of all abilities, keeping sessions fun and focusing on participation through challenges and adapted games.  The Activator may have a coaching background but the role is to facilitate activity, not ‘coach’, and to develop personal leadership skills.  The Go Spike Student Activator Award course will cover the following themes: 

What makes a good Activator? 

Session Planning 

STEPs principle (Space, Task, Equipment, People)  

Practical: Challenges and Adapted Games 

Where next and participant retention   

UKCC Level 1 Award in Coaching Volleyball (£180 per person) TARGETTED AT COACHING COMPETITIVE TEAMS 

The UKCC Level 1 Award in Coaching Volleyball (QCF) is ideal for those who are new to coaching, but who have some knowledge of the game and would like to learn about how to apply that in a coaching environment 

The qualification allows coaches to act as assistant coaches ‐ enabling them to focus on their development and gain experience whilst working with a more qualified coach 

3 day course, consisting of three modules and a final assessment and focuses on the technical and skill based aspects of volleyball coaching. 


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Young Referee Award 

The Young Referee Award is aimed at 14‐19 year old students, wishing to develop their refereeing skills.  

4 ‐ 6 hour award and does not require participants to have any previous knowledge of volleyball.  

The award can be delivered by any PE Teacher or Level 2 Coach, supported by the Tutor Resource Pack. This easy‐to‐follow resource plans your sessions for you, is national curriculum friendly and can be delivered in one go or as part of PE lesson time. 

Cost:  £50 per delivery pack   

Funding  Investment Zones Volleyball England has 5  Investment Zones where funding  is available to develop volleyball activity  in  further education colleges, please contact your Volleyball Relationship Manager for help with accessing specific funding streams.   

Volleyball Relationship Manager Contact Details 

Greater Manchester  Steve Kerr  [email protected]  

Teeside, Tyne & Wear  Samantha Jamieson  [email protected] 

Staffs & Black Country  Liz Fletcher  [email protected]  

East London & Essex  Rachel Laybourne  [email protected]

Dorset & Hampshire  Mark Simmons  [email protected] 

 Sportivate  Sportivate provides  funding  to  increase participation  in  sport  through offering  six‐to‐eight weeks’ worth of activity  for people aged 14‐25 years old. This can be used  to attract new students to Volleyball and start up a club or session.   This  is a Sport England  funding stream, however  the application and awarding of grants  is administrated directly by each  individual County Sports Partnership. Sportivate grants are operated on specific timed round basis, therefore different County Sports Partnerships will have different opening and closing times for applications. Please contact your  local County Sports Partnership for more specific information.  Sport England Small Grants  Small Grants are available to clubs and colleges who wish to start or develop some form of new physical activity, with the focus being on the 14‐25 age group. The scheme is open for applications from £300 to £10,000 all year round.  Examples of what  this money  could be used  for  include,  coaching  courses, equipment, or facility improvements, for example installing a net wall slider systems.‐different‐funds/small‐grants/  


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Competitions  Inter College festivals or leagues Competition keeps people playing, but it needs to be at the right level and accessible. Set up a festival or a recreational league at your college or invite other colleges to play against. For more information see the case studies included at the end of the document.  Volleyball England Competitions 

Indoor Student Cup  The Indoor Student Cup is one of the biggest indoor student volleyball competitions in the country in which all affiliated colleges and universities are eligible to enter. Qualifying rounds are held in the North, Midlands and South in November/December with 16 Men’s and 16 Women’s teams qualifying for the Student Cup Finals held in February.  

Beach Student Cup The Beach Student Cup is the largest student beach volleyball event in the country.  Each year, over 200 students take part in the competition during a weekend in June. The three categories are Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles and Mixed 4s.   For more information please go to the Volleyball England competition website.  AoC Sport Competitions  AoC Sport  is  the membership organisation  for  further education and  sixth  form  sport and physical activity.  The host the following volleyball competitions: 

National Championships Colleges play  in regional  leagues. Winners of each  league play at AoC Sport Championships (April) 

National Cup and Plate Finals Open  to all FE and 6th Form colleges  (must be affiliated to Volleyball England through AoC Sport). Regional pool playoffs (November/December). Finals held for cup and plate (May) 

National Mixed Volleyball Cup Open  to all FE and 6th Form colleges  (must be affiliated to Volleyball England through AoC Sport).  Regional  pool  playoffs  (October/November).  Finals  held  for  cup  and  plate (December). 2v2 knockout competition held annually (June)  Case Studies  Greater Manchester Mixed College Grand Prix   Volleyball England and Greater Manchester Volleyball  League, developed a College Grand Prix  to  develop  participation  volleyball  for  local  colleges  to  run  from  October  to  May (2014/2015).  The  Grand  Prix  is  designed  to  offer  students  structured  recreational competition.  It  is open entry and teams have the opportunity to compete  in as many or as little of the Grand Prix’s as they wish. The more games you play the more chance you have at  winning  the  Grand  Prix!  The  competition  is  participation  based  therefore  a  fun  and sociable atmosphere is essential.  The FE Grand Prix will be hosted by colleges who enter in September 2014 and runs monthly on the 2nd week of each month.  

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Each college competing must host a minimum of one Grand  Prix  during  the  season,  at  a  time  and  date suitable  to  the  host.  Months  include  October, November, December, February, and March, with the finals taking place in May.  Competition Format Teams  are  encouraged  to  enter  as  many  of  the planned Grand Prix’s as possible, the host college must organise  the  fixtures  and  record  the  results.  It  is  the responsibility of the host college to assign officials and scorers, and email the results post event.  All teams that compete will be awarded one point for attending. The  following point  scoring  system will be used: three points for a win, one point for a  loss. The final  league  position will  be  calculated  based  on  the number  of points  accumulated  from  the  total  games 

played.  If  the points are even,  then  the  following will determine  the  league order: win percentage, game points for, game points against, points per match played.   Once  the  final positions have been determined all  teams will qualify  for  the  finals night. The top  four teams will playoff  for the trophy with the remaining teams  left fighting  it out  for a shield. This allows all  the  team  to still compete  for silver wear and have an aim in the last week regardless of league standing.  

Birmingham Metropolitan, Stourbridge College  In  the  space of  six months BMET  Stourbridge College  transformed  their  volleyball provision  from  nothing  to  weekly  vibrant  sessions  with  38  unique  participants attending  Through  Volleyball  England  interventions  and  a  newly  created  competition  and workforce  framework have provided  the  college with all  the necessary  support  to develop volleyball.   

In  order  to  achieve  this  goal  a  clear  and  simple process was set.  Pro‐active students were trained to  become Activators,  a  role which  encompasses recreational  session  delivery,  tournament organisation  and  officiating.      This  was  followed with a weekly club being established, driven by the College  Sports  Maker.    Finally  a  competition schedule  was  created  to  provide  a  series  of informal inter‐college festivals led by activators.  

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“Our Activators have not only embraced volleyball as a new sport within the college but have driven the sport forward at the college. They have improved as coaches and really developed as students at the college.  I honestly feel this  is because they have been able to develop a sport  independently with the help of the CSM”.   James Cox (College Sport Maker)   “I  have  enjoyed  the  volleyball  festivals,  socialising with mates  and  playing  other colleges as it's my only opportunity to play volleyball.  The best part is playing lots of matches as it keeps it fun”.  Jake Higgins (Student, BMET Stourbridge).               Leyton Sixth Form College. 

 Leyton  Sixth  Form  College  in  North  East  London  has  been  developing  their recreational  volleyball  through  workforce  development  and  competitive opportunities through the College Sports Makers and Leadership programme.  The College runs a Leadership programme, which encompasses a Community Sports Leaders Award, and they have now added the Go Spike Student Activator Award, to further their volleyball provision.  Leyton  Sixth  Form  College welcomed  teams  from  across North  East  London  for  a recreational  tournament.  Teams  from  seven  different  colleges  competed  in  two recreational  tournaments  one  outdoors  during  the  summer  and  an  indoor  one  in winter.   The  competition  has  led  to  all  the  colleges  involved  running  their  own  weekly recreational volleyball activity.     

For more information about volleyball development in FE institutions, please contact Rob Payne, Young People Manager [email protected] or 01509 227738 

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British Water Ski & Wakeboard What is your FE offer to colleges? Offer 1: ‘On the Edge’ is our fantastic adult participation programme – it offers new adult skiers and riders the chance to get into a water sports discipline and develop their skills.

On the Edge follows a step by step progression of skills through Bronze, Silver and Gold levels (similar to Cutting Edge) so it is easy to track your progress and see how much you have achieved. There are 2 strands of the ‘On the Edge’ programme - Water Skiing and Wakeboarding. Offer 2: Facilitating and brokering a relationship with a locally accredited site. Is the offer focused in particular areas of the country? Yes Hampshire Sussex Bedfordshire Kent Surrey Liverpool Manchester Sheffield Lincolnshire Bucks Oxfordshire Essex Cornwall Berkshire If a college is not in a geographical priority area is the same level of support available? No Support is available however the above project may not be offered at their local site there will be over programmes available. Is there a cost involved to the college in delivering your offer? There will be a cost payable to the local site ranging from £10 to £25 per person. What level of support can you provide to the college if delivering your offer? On the Edge material Staff Support Support with facilitating and brokering a relationship with a local site.

Is it a new or existing FE offer? Existing