april fool's day


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Page 1: April fool's day
Page 2: April fool's day

Many people think April Fool's Day is the funniest day of

the year. This holiday originated in France. When the

French first adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1582,

some people continued to use the old calendar and

celebrated the New Year's Day on April 1. These people

were called April fools.

funny (funnier/the funniest) – забавный, смешной

originate - возникать

first - первый

adopt - принимать

continue - продолжать

call - называть

Page 3: April fool's day

The custom of playing tricks on this day became popular

in France and then spread to many other countries.

Whatever the trick, if you fall for the joke the prankster

cries: 'April Fool!'

custom – обычай

trick - фокус, хитрость, трюк, шутка

become (became/become) – становиться, делаться

spread - распространяться

country - страна

whatever - любой, какой бы ни, независимо от

fall for – попасться на уловку

prankster - шутник

cry - кричать

Page 4: April fool's day

Most April Fool jokes are in good fun and are not meant

to offend anyone. Here are some typical jokes:

- Calling the zoo and asking to speak to Mr Lion.

- Putting salt in the sugar-bowl.

- Setting the clocks back an hour.

mean (meant) – иметь в виду, значить

offend – обижать

anyone – кто-нибудь, кто-либо

put – положить

bowl – чаша, миска

set – ставить, класть (здесь: настроить)

clock - часы

back - назад

hole - дырка

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- Saying to a friend, 'Oh my. You have four big holes in

your coat... Buttonholes'.

- Fixing a string to a wallet and leaving a wallet in the

middle of the street. When someone tries to pick it up, the

prankster pulls it out of the reach.

hole – дырка pick up – поднимать, подбирать

coat - пальто prankster - шутник

button – пуговица, кнопка pull out – тянуть, дёргать, тащить

string – верёвка reach – достигать, доставать

wallet - бумажник

leave – покидать, оставлять

in the middle of - посередине

try - пытаться

Page 6: April fool's day

Some people though prefer more cruel jokes, which are

called 'practical jokes'. April Fool's jokes as any other

jokes are as humorous or cruel as the people who

perform them.

though – хотя, всё-таки

prefer – предпочитать,

cruel - жестокие

which - которые

perform - исполнять

Page 7: April fool's day

On this day of national good humour, television and

newspapers join in the fun. British television once told

the story of a building that had been built upside-down by

mistake. They showed an example of modern architecture

which actually looked better when it was turned the other

way. Many people must have been fooled, and, perhaps,

the architect himself was puzzled.

newspaper – газета look – выглядеть, смотреть

join – присоединяться turn - поворачивать

once – однажды have been fooled – были одурачены

tell (told) – рассказывать perhaps - возможно

building – здание, строительство himself – себя, сам

build (built) – строить puzzle - озадачивать

upside-down - перевёрнутый вверх дном

by mistake – по ошибке

show - показывать

example - пример

modern - современный

actually - действительно

Page 8: April fool's day

In all countries, in all times the best joke has always been

the one which makes everyone laugh, especially the

person on whom the joke is played. The famous

American writer Mark Twain said: «'The first of April is the

day when we remember what we are the other 364 days of

the year.

laugh – смех

makes everyone laugh – заставляет смеяться всех

especially – особенно

whom – кем

famous – известный

writer – писатель

say (said) – сказать, говорить

waiter - официант

Page 9: April fool's day

But the tricks era played only in the morning of April, 1.

Then, if anyone tries to fool someone later that day, or on

the next day, he is met these words:

"April Fool is past.

And you are the biggest fool at last.

era – эра, эпоха, время

meet (met) - встречать

past – прошлый, минувший

at last – в итоге, наконец, в конце