application servers – ibm websphere. installing the...

Cognos Proprietary Information DOC ID: AS00 Version Application Servers – IBM WebSphere. Installing the Application Server Product(s): Cognos 8.3, IBM Websphere Area of Interest: Infrastructure

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Page 1: Application Servers – IBM WebSphere. Installing the Application Server – Base Provides

Cognos Proprietary Information

DOC ID: AS00 Version

Application Servers – IBM

WebSphere. Installing the Application Server

Product(s): Cognos 8.3, IBM Websphere

Area of Interest: Infrastructure

Page 2: Application Servers – IBM WebSphere. Installing the Application Server – Base Provides

Installing the Application Server

Cognos Proprietary Information


Copyright © 2008 Cognos ULC (formerly Cognos Incorporated). Cognos ULC is an IBM Company. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or technical inaccuracies may exist. Cognos does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in this document. This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any improvements or changes to the information contained in this document will be documented in subsequent editions. This document contains proprietary information of Cognos. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Cognos. Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos ULC (formerly Cognos Incorporated) in the United States and/or other countries. IBM and the IBM logo are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both. All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Information about Cognos products can be found at

This document is maintained by the Best Practices, Product and Technology team. You can send comments, suggestions, and additions to [email protected] .

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Installing the Application Server

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1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Purpose..............................................................................................................................................1

1.2 Scope.................................................................................................................................................1

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations.......................................................................................1

1.4 References.........................................................................................................................................1

1.5 Assumptions......................................................................................................................................2

1.6 Versions of WebSphere ....................................................................................................................3

2 WebSphere 5.x Installation...................................................................................................................4

2.1 WAS 5.x Base Installation ................................................................................................................4 2.1.1 Extract WAS Files from the Distribution Archive ..................................................................4 2.1.2 Installation LaunchPad ............................................................................................................4 2.1.3 Installation Wizard ..................................................................................................................6 2.1.4 First Steps ..............................................................................................................................14

2.2 WAS 5.x Network Deployment Installation (Optional)..................................................................18 2.2.1 Federating Nodes (ND) .........................................................................................................21

2.3 WAS 5.x Fix Pack Installation........................................................................................................24 2.3.1 updateWizard.........................................................................................................................24 2.3.2 Fix Pack Install Verification..................................................................................................29

2.4 WAS 5.x JRE Updates ....................................................................................................................30

2.5 Creating Servers & Clusters............................................................................................................30 2.5.1 Creating Servers ....................................................................................................................30 2.5.2 Creating Clusters (ND)..........................................................................................................33

3 WebSphere 6.0.x Installation..............................................................................................................38

3.1 WAS 6.0 Base Installation ..............................................................................................................38 3.1.1 Locate the WAS Distribution Archive ..................................................................................38 3.1.2 Installation LaunchPad ..........................................................................................................38 3.1.3 Installation Wizard ................................................................................................................39 3.1.4 Creating Servers ....................................................................................................................48

3.2 WAS Version 6.0 Network Deployment Insallation (Optional) .....................................................53 3.2.1 WAS 6.0 ND Installer ...........................................................................................................53 3.2.2 Federating Nodes (ND) .........................................................................................................60 3.2.3 Starting and Stopping WAS ..................................................................................................65

3.3 Creating Servers & Clusters............................................................................................................66 3.3.1 Creating Servers ....................................................................................................................66 3.3.2 Creating Clusters (ND)..........................................................................................................69

3.4 WAS 6.0 Maintenance Package Installation ...................................................................................76 3.4.1 IBM Update Installer .............................................................................................................76 3.4.2 Backup The Current Configuration .......................................................................................81 3.4.3 Verify the WAS Version .......................................................................................................82

3.5 WAS 6.0 JRE Updates ....................................................................................................................82

4 WebSphere 6.1 Installation.................................................................................................................83

4.1 WAS 6.1 Base Installation ..............................................................................................................83 4.1.1 Locate the WAS Distribution Archive ..................................................................................83 4.1.2 Installation LaunchPad ..........................................................................................................83 4.1.3 Installation Wizard ................................................................................................................84 4.1.4 Creating Servers ....................................................................................................................91 4.1.5 Starting and Stopping WAS ..................................................................................................95

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4.1.6 Backup The Current Configuration .......................................................................................96 4.1.7 Verify the WAS Version .......................................................................................................96

5 Application Server References / Resources.......................................................................................97

5.1 Common commands / Utilities........................................................................................................97

5.2 Troubleshooting (Application Server logs).....................................................................................97

5.3 Web Sites ........................................................................................................................................97

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

This document is intended for those who have limited experience with WebSphere and who wish to set up a WebSphere Server environment in which to run Cognos 8. Except where noted, the primary focus of this document will be to cover the setup steps required for Cognos 8.3

1.2 Scope

The instructions in this document will work across supported operating system platforms however the examples shown may be based on a Windows install. UNIX installations require slight modifications to syntax but should otherwise be identical. For example, regarding the syntax for variables, use ${VARIABLE} for UNIX and %VARIABLE% for Windows. Consult your UNIX documentation for more information regarding commands, syntax and scripting. This document will take you through the steps to install WebSphere and setup an appropriate environment into which you will be able to deploy and run Cognos 8.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Term Definition

WAS IBM WebSphere Application Server

IHS IBM HTTP Server (Apache)

WLM IBM WebSphere Work Load Management

WAS ND or ND IBM WebSphere Network Deployment version

WAS Base IBM WebSphere Base version – Stand Alone

1.4 References

Ref. ID Author/Paper Location

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1.5 Assumptions

Before continuing, make sure the following prerequisites have been met.

• Licenses – WebSphere is a licensable product from IBM. You must ensure that you or your organization has valid licenses before installing the software. Customers must have their own licenses.

• Hardware and Operating Systems– There are many dependencies for both WebSphere and Cognos 8. As these are numerous, please consult the IBM website and/or the WebSphere documentation to determine the software and operating system requirements for WebSphere. The Cognos customer support web site should also be consulted to determine the minimum requirements for the Cognos 8 product.

• WebSphere Installation and Update software - That you have the necessary files to perform the installation and any applicable updates. These can be acquired from IBM (customer) or internally (Cognos). Install kits from internal sources in Cognos are not available for external distribution.

• That you have the necessary access rights to perform the installation. It is recommended that the user account used to install WebSphere is the same user account used to setup and run Cognos 8. Root access maybe required, at least temporarily, on some platforms. On Windows, the user should be a member of the Administrators group.

• That you have the necessary system resources to perform the installation. There is considerably more memory, hard disk space and CPU power required to run any full Application Server than to run Tomcat. The minimum requirements for WebSphere should be compared to available resources. Running with less than 768MB of RAM for the Maximum Heap Memory is not suggested (although it may be possible for testing purposes only), 1GB should be considered a minimum to ensure performance and reliability.

• 500 MB of temporary working disk space must be available in addition to the Application Server requirements to allow for building and deploying application files.

• The JRE must meet minimum conformance levels for both WebSphere and Cognos 8. The JVM used must be the one shipped with WebSphere when available. JRE’s may be updated through an official IBM WebSphere JRE update mechanism.

• That you have the customer documentation for both WebSphere and Cognos 8 available as a resource.

• That you are familiar with the operating system (O/S) with which you are using. This document assumes you are familiar with the O/S. This includes user commands at the command line, syntax and scripting.

• That you are familiar with Cognos 8. You should already know how to setup and run the product using Tomcat.

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1.6 Versions of WebSphere

There are different versions of WebSphere available. A short description of these versions is provided below. Parts of the following descriptions are from the IBM web site which should be referenced should there be any ambiguity.

WebSphere Application Server – Express Offers an affordable entry point to e-business - an out-of-the-box solution for managing simple yet dynamic Web sites with a simplified Web application server and a development environment based on WebSphere Studio. A basic J2EE engine-only solution.

WebSphere Application Server – Base Provides a full range of services, ideally suited for a single server configuration. J2EE engine, Java Bean support, web server and other essential core offerings.

WebSphere Application Server – Network Deployment (ND) The “Base” installation plus workload balancing, clustering and failover.

WebSphere Application Server – Enterprise The “Network Deployment” version with additional features. An extended J2EE and Web services, build-to-integrate platform to create, compose and choreograph dynamically adaptable networked application flows and behaviors. These terms reflect the current designations for 5.x and 6.x installations.

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2 WebSphere 5.x Installation

This section outlines the steps that are necessary to install WAS 5.x Base, WAS 5.x Network Deployment and apply the various fixpack and JRE updates to WAS 5.x products.

2.1 WAS 5.x Base Installation

The following section will outline the steps necessary to install WAS base. A combination of WAS 5.0 and WAS 5.1 was used for the various screen captures so your install may vary slightly from the examples shown.

2.1.1 Extract WAS Files from the Distribution Archive

Locate an appropriate archive file, or CD, from IBM or internally. Downloads from the IBM site have coded names. For example, we will be installing WebSphere version 5.0.2, which is named c51vdml.exe. Extract the contents of the distribution, if necessary, to a temporary folder either manually (Unix, use the gunzip, tar or equivalent commands.) or by clicking on the executable (Windows).

2.1.2 Installation LaunchPad

Locate the LaunchPad startup script LauchPad.bat (Windows) or (Unix) on the CD or file folder. If running from a CD-ROM under Windows, there may be an autorun function that will start the LaunchPad automatically. If you are unable to locate the script, check in the documentation provided from IBM and follow their setup directions. In this example, WebSphere v5.0.2 requires that you run LaunchPad.bat located in the <path_to_extracted_files>\windows2003 folder.

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Cognos Proprietary Information LaunchPad Main Menu

A dialogue box will appear requiring you to select the language to be used for installation.

Select “Install the Product” from the LaunchPad.

The LaunchPad will stay resident in the background and a new Java process will be started after the JVM has been located and verified.

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2.1.3 Installation Wizard Language Selection & Welcome Page

Selecting “Install the product” from the LaunchPad will initiate the Installation Wizard. Again, you will be prompted to select the language you wish to use for installation.

Select “Next” from the initial Installation Wizard screen to move on from the Welcome page.

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Cognos Proprietary Information License Agreement

Read the License agreement and select the appropriate response. If you decline the agreement, you will not be able to proceed. WAS Install Detected (Conditional)

If you have another version/copy of WebSphere installed, you may receive the following message. To install a new instance, select the appropriate radio button and then proceed. Note: This dialogue will not appear if another copy of WAS is not present or not detected by the installer.

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Cognos Proprietary Information System Prerequisites

The installation wizard will verify that your system is compatible with the installation about to be performed. Should you run into any issues, correct them before proceeding. One of the primary checks performed is O/S patch levels. Recommended, but missing, patches will be listed and should be evaluated for install prior to completing the WAS installation. Ports & Selected Components (Conditional)

If the installation process has detected a previous install, you will be asked if you wish to modify the default parameters so that the two installs do not conflict with each other.

Note: This dialogue will not appear if another copy of WAS is not present or not detected.

Selecting the check box will result in a window opening in which you can verify and set the alternate port parameters. The installation wizard makes a “best guess” as to the port values based on your previous install using default values.

Make note of all the port values as they will be non-default and you must know them to access the


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Cognos Proprietary Information Setup Type / Feature Selection

Some of the WAS options are not required and you can make the installation easier and shorter by running a custom install and selecting only the options that are mandatory for Cognos 8 to run correctly.

From the list of available options, unless you have a specific requirement, it is safe (and recommended) to unselect the following from the default list:

• Application Server samples

• Embedded Messaging

• Performance And Analysis Tools (good to have in a production environment) If you plan on using an alternate Web Server (such as Microsoft IIS) then you may also unselect the IBM HTTP Server. A web server is not strictly required. You can access Cognos 8 via the dispatcher directly or the servlet gateway in addition to the standard web server gateways. For a simple install, the Web Server Plugin is not required unless you specifically want to install and configure this aspect of WAS. Leaving it enabled has no impact if it is not used (other than minimal disk space).

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Note the HTTP (Web) Server is optional. Only select it if you need it.

Note the Performance and Analysis Tools are optional, but useful for monitoring the environment. Installation Paths

After your selections have been made you will be prompted for the installation directory (or directories dependant on the selections made). Ensure that the drives have an appropriate amount of free space. This will be referenced as the <WAS_Root> later in the document. It is strongly recommended that you do not use a path that contains spaces for either the WAS install or the Cognos 8 install.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Node Name, Host Name & Run As Service Settings

After selecting the drive and path for installation, you must enter a Node and Host Name (or IP) that will be used to identify this server within the WAS environment. The default values in most cases are acceptable and should be used. Change these values only if you have a specific reason for doing so. If your system has more than one NIC or IP address you may want to alter the values to select one specifically.

Optionally, you may install WAS and/or IHS as a Windows Service or use the associated batch files/scripts to start and stop the processes.

Unselect the check boxes to start/stop the services using batch/script files. In most testing environments, it is simpler to run the scripts to start/stop the processes and we will use that scenario in this example. If you decide to run these processes as services, then you will have to enter appropriate credentials. The user account specified must have the appropriate rights to the WAS and Cognos 8 directories.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Summary and Progress Indicator

A final verification window will appear providing you with one last chance to change your configuration before the installation of the files begins.

WAS will now be installed. This process should take approximately 5-15 minutes depending on your system components and resources.

Once WAS is installed, IHS will be installed if it was selected. There is no prompt prior to this step; the window will simply change as appropriate. This step takes only a few minutes to complete.

Once WAS and IHS have been successfully installed, the default web applications (and the sample applications if selected) will install. Again, there will not be an additional prompt at this point. This step takes only a minute or so to complete.

DefaultApplication installation:

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ivtApp installation:

adminconsole installation: WAS Registration

Once the DefaultApplication, ivtApp and adminconsole applications have completed you will be prompted to register online. For this example we will not be registering so unselect the check box.

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2.1.4 First Steps Verify Installation

If all goes well, then the installation process has completed and the “First Steps” window should open. Verify the installation by selecting the appropriate menu option to ensure that the system is functional before proceeding.

The WAS server will be started and queried at this time. The results of the verification process will be displayed in the text window. If the verification does not pass, consult your WebSphere documentation or uninstall/reinstall the WebSphere product after correcting the problem.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Administrative Console

Clicking on the Administrative Console option will open a browser window and take you to the administration pages. The Server must be started for the console to open (you will receive a 404 error if the server is not running), either by clicking on “Start the Server” or “Verify Installation”. This admin console can be accessed at any point directly from your browser and it is a good idea to create a bookmark entry at this time to capture the appropriate port and url information. Note that the default port is 9090 and the url path is /admin.

You may enter any name at the login prompt as it is used solely to track changes. As long as security is not enabled, you will not be prompted for a password.

The WAS Administrative Console should now load. Note the version and any fixpack information will be displayed in the scrollable About text box on the upper right side.

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WAS is now installed and running. You may exit the Administrative Console (close the browser window). If you plan to install any service packs, then click the Stop the Server link and wait for WAS to shutdown (see example below) and then exit First Steps.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Close Installation Windows

Click “Finish” to close the Installation Wizard window.

Click “Exit” from the LaunchPad window to close it.

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2.2 WAS 5.x Network Deployment Installation (Optional)

The Network Deployment version of WAS runs through a very similar process as the Base install, but there are fewer options to select. Only key screen captures will be provided.

Unpack the distribution archive for your platform or mount the appropriate CD, then start the Launchpad by running Launchpad.bat (Windows) or (Unix).

Ensure that “Network Deployment” is displayed in the UI, then select “Install the product”.

The installation wizard will launch in a new window. Select “Next” to move past the Welcome screen.

Navigate the installation wizard selecting the appropriate options for the License agreement etc until you reach the port selection page. It is critical that the ports used by the ND install do not conflict with other applications or other versions of WebSphere. Change the port values if necessary.

Note: Make sure to note the ports that you will be using. In particular, you will need to remember the Admin Console port in order to be able to access the WebSphere Administration UI.

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To reduce the disk space usage, you can unselect the “Web Services” and “Embedded Messaging Client” unless you require them. They are not required for a simple install of Cognos 8.

When prompted for a directory location into which WAS ND will be installed, enter and appropriate location that has sufficient space allowing extra space as portions of Cognos 8 will also reside in this location.

Note: Once again, it is recommended that you do not install into a path (Windows) that contains spaces as this causes for scripts that pass command line arguments to programs.

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Note: The installation location must not be the same as the WAS Base install if you are installing both on a single system.

The default values for Node, Host and Cell Name are likely to be acceptable in your environment. Only change these values if you understand the implication of doing so.

Allow the install to complete. Watch for and correct any errors prior to proceeding.

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2.2.1 Federating Nodes (ND)

It is necessary to federate existing WAS Base installs into the WAS ND environment if you intend to manage them from a single console.

Start the WAS Base server instance using the startServer.bat (Windows) or (Unix) command followed by the default server name of “server1”.

Start the WAS ND manager instance using the startManager.bat (Windows) or (Unix) command.

Launch the WAS ND Administration Console by initiating a browser session and accessing the host and port of the WAS ND Console. For example localhost:9091/admin

Expand “System Administration” and then select “Nodes”. The current ND node will be displayed in the list along with any other existing Nodes. Select “Add Node”.

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Enter the host name of the WAS Base system that you wish to Federate into the cell along with the JMX connector port. Click “OK”. If there is an invalid entry or the system cannot be contacted, you will receive an error message.

The system in question will be contacted and various processes will be run to federate the node into the cell. Watch for any errors and correct them as required. When complete, log out and then back in as directed.

When you log back in, expand “System Administration” again and select “Nodes”. The name of the node you just added should appear in the list.

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Verify that “Server1” is now showing under the list of available Application Servers.

Repeat these steps to federate as many nodes as are required in your environment.

Now that the server has been federated, the startServer command cannot be used. The startNode.bat (Windows) or (Unix) command must be used to start the node agent instead.

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The WAS ND Manager process however still uses the startManager and stopManager commands.

2.3 WAS 5.x Fix Pack Installation

IBM releases updates to WAS in the form of fixpacks and cumulative fixes. Should you have any fix packs or cumulative fixes to install, create a directory (example “updates”) located within the {WAS_Root}\WebSphere\AppServer tree and expand the archive into that directory. Note: other fix packs may have other installation procedures. These directions apply to standard fix packs. Note: You should read any information that accompanies the fix pack / cumulative fix as it may supersede the information included in this document. Note: Depending on the fix pack, there may be additional installation options that appear. In particular, it is common for the fix pack to include updates to the JVM and/or IHS components. It is recommended that if the fix pack includes any of these elements, that you install each separately, restarting the update process until each have been successfully updated (starting with the JVM). Note: In some cases the same fix pack applies to both the Base and ND versions of WAS. In other cases there are distinct downloads for each version. Be sure to select and apply the correct fix pack for each version. You should also keep the systems in sync so that all installs have the same fix packs applied.

2.3.1 updateWizard

Unpack the update into a temporary folder in the <WAS_ROOT> location. It is recommended that you leave this folder in place after the update so that you can uninstall the update if necessary. Select and run the updateWizard.bat (Windows) or (Unix) file to walk through the update process. Reminder: Ensure the WAS server is shutdown prior to installing an update.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Language Selection

Similar to the initial install process, the first prompt will request the language you wish to use for installation of the fix pack. Update Welcome Screen

Click “Next” to proceed past the Update Installation Wizard welcome screen.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Options

The Installation Wizard should automatically find and recognize any previously installed versions of WAS. Select the one from the list that you wish to apply the fix pack to or manually select the location if it is not automatically found.

Select the type of fix pack being applied. In most cases it “Install fix packs” (default) will be appropriate.

The Update Installation Wizard will attempt to locate the directory in which the fix pack files reside. If the prompted value is correct, click “Next”, otherwise browse to the appropriate location.

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The fix pack directory will be scanned and the WAS location will be scanned to determine which fix pack is to be applied and which fix packs have already been applied. Fix Pack Status & Summary Pages

The Fix Pack description and installation state will be displayed. If you have more than one fix pack to apply or already applied other fix packs, they will be shown in the list. Select the appropriate buttons to install or uninstall the fix pack.

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A final confirmation box will be displayed showing you the current selections. This is the last opportunity to make changes before the process will be initiated.

The fix pack will be installed as directed after you click “Next” on the screen above. Post Install Summary

A success or failure message will be displayed at the end of the fix pack install. If the fix pack installed successfully, click “Finish” to exit and close the wizard window. If it failed, try again and/or check the IBM documentation for more information.

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2.3.2 Fix Pack Install Verification Start WAS

Verify that the fix pack installed correctly. Start the WAS service using the Service Manager, the Programs menu option or from a Command prompt (as shown in the example) using startServer.bat (Windows) or (Unix). Note that the syntax shown applies to WebSphere 5.x on Windows where it is necessary to specify the name of the server that you wish to start (“server1” is the default administrative server created automatically by the installation). Administrative Console

Access the administrative console using your browser. For Windows and Unix, enter the WAS admin port and /admin directly (or the bookmark you created previously) or, for Unix, select the Administrative Console from the Programs menu. Note that the version number should have been updated and/or there will be multiple entries that list the various fix packs that have been installed. In this example, the version now indicates

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2.4 WAS 5.x JRE Updates

We have encountered a number of issues with the various older JRE/JVM/JDK releases from IBM. The issues have been fixed for all appropriate platforms and the steps necessary to apply the update vary depending on how it was released. JVM updates may be incorporated into a Cumulative Fix, Standalone fix or Fixpack. For the most part it is therefore possible to follow the directions listed above to install the update. In other cases, unofficial or stand alone fixes have been released. Typically these come with install instructions that should be followed. In most of these cases the JVM is shipped as a standard zip file that should be extracted over top of the existing <WAS_Root>/java directory. It is strongly recommended that a backup of the current directory be taken prior to any update.

Apply the appropriate JRE update now.

2.5 Creating Servers & Clusters

Servers and / or clusters must be created into which Cognos 8 will be deployed. Creating a server or cluster that is separate from the administrative functions and other applications is essential to performance and proper operation. A server instance allows Cognos 8 to make full use of the JVM instance and allocated resources. Both WAS 5.x Base and WAS 5.x ND versions support the creation of application servers. Only the WAS 5.x ND version supports the creation of clusters.

2.5.1 Creating Servers

Access the WAS administration console. Expand “Servers” and select “Application Servers”. This will display a list of all available servers in your environment. Select “New” to create a new application server instance.

Note: If you intend to build a cluster, it is not necessary to build servers first. This can be done automatically as part of the cluster creation. See the next section for more information.

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A server name must be provided for the new application server instance. It is recommended that you incorporate the version, function or other meaningful information into the server name so that you can easily recognise the intended use of the server from the list of names.

In this example, we will create an application server instance which will be used for the Cognos 8 Content Manager functions. Note that a single server instance can be used for Content Manager and Application Tier Components if desired.

Each server instance that you create should have a unique set of HTTP ports so that there are no conflicts between instances. Ensure the appropriate check box is selected when creating the application servers.

If the information on the summary page reflects your intentions, click “Finish” to create the application server instance.

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For demonstration purposes, create another application server instance into which the Application Tier Components will be deployed.

If the Servlet Gateway is to be used in your environment, create another application server instance into which the Cognos 8 Gateway will be deployed.

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When all the additions have been made, save the changes. Ensure the “Synchronize changes with Nodes” check box is selected in a distributed WAS environment to propagate the changes to all affected systems.

Verify that the changes have been made and save properly by selecting “Application Servers” and viewing the list of available servers.

In this example, you can see the 3 server instances that we created.

2.5.2 Creating Clusters (ND)

The WAS ND version allows for the creation of server clusters that will allow for Cognos 8 to be distributed to more than one JVM instance. A vertical cluster (scaling up) is made up of multiple server instances on the same machine, typically a large multi-processor system. A horizontal cluster (scaling out) is made up of application server instances that reside on different physical machines. Clusters may be vertical, horizontal or a combination of both depending on the resources available to you.

To create a cluster, access the WAS ND Administration console. Expand “Servers” and select “Clusters” and then click on the “New” button.

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Enter an appropriate name for the cluster and select “Next” to continue.

The cluster is made up of application server instances which you can now enter and they will be created automatically.

Enter the name for the first application server instance that you want to create as a member of this cluster then click the “Apply” button (not the “Next” button).

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The server name that you entered will now drop to the list located at the bottom of the page.

Enter the name of the next application server that you wish to create as a member of the cluster and again press the “Apply” button (not the “Next” button).

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Once again, the application server name that you just entered will drop to the list at the bottom of the page.

If you press “Next” instead of “Apply” on this page, your last selection may not be included so be careful to check the list of names before proceeding.

Repeat the above steps until all the application servers that you wish to create have been added to the list. Then click the “Next” button to move to the summary page. Verify that the information presented accurately reflects what you want to accomplish then click “Finish”.

Save the changes and then select “Clusters” to ensure the cluster you just created is in the list. Select the cluster that you just created to verify the cluster members.

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Select the “Cluster members” link.

All the application server instances that you specified should be listed as cluster members.

Also verify that the list of cluster members shows up in the list of available application servers.

Cluster creation is now complete. Repeat these steps as necessary to create other clusters if desired.

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3 WebSphere 6.0.x Installation

The WebSphere 6.0.x installation will be broken down into WAS 6.x Base, WAS 6.x Network Deployment and WAS 6.x updates.

3.1 WAS 6.0 Base Installation

The WAS 6.x Base installation is similar to the WAS 5.x installation however, being a newer product, most of the UI has been updated, but the fundamental principals still apply.

3.1.1 Locate the WAS Distribution Archive

Locate an appropriate archive file, or CD, from IBM or internally. Downloads from the IBM site have coded names. For example, we will be installing WebSphere version on Windows, which is named Extract the contents of the distribution. For Unix, use the gunzip, tar or equivalent commands and for Windows, use winzip (or equivalent).

3.1.2 Installation LaunchPad

Locate and run the LaunchPad startup script LauchPad.bat (Windows) or (Unix) on the CD or file folder. If running from a CD-ROM under Windows, there may be an autorun function that will start the LaunchPad automatically. If you are unable to locate the script, check in the documentation provided from IBM and follow their setup directions. In this example, WebSphere v6.0.0.0 requires that you run LaunchPad.bat located in the <path_to_extracted_files> folder.

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From the main LaunchPad (Base) screen, select the option to launch the installation wizard.

3.1.3 Installation Wizard Installation Wizard Welcome Screen

Select “Next” from the initial Installation Wizard to move on from the Welcome page.

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Cognos Proprietary Information License Agreement & Prerequisite Check

Read the License agreement and select the appropriate response. If you decline the agreement, you will not be able to proceed.

The installation wizard will verify your system is compatible with the installation about to be performed. Should you run into any issues, correct them before proceeding. One of the primary checks performed is O/S patch levels. Recommended, but missing, patches will be listed and should be evaluated for install prior to completing the WAS installation.

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Cognos Proprietary Information WAS Install Detected (Conditional)

If you have another version/copy of WebSphere installed, you may receive the following dialogues. To install a new instance, select the appropriate radio button and then proceed. Note: This dialogue will not appear if another copy of WAS is not present or not detected.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Paths, Ports & Selected Components

You will be prompted for the installation directory (or directories dependant on the selections made previously). Ensure the drives have the appropriate amount of free space. This will be referenced as <WAS_ROOT> later in the document. It is strongly recommended that you do not use a path that contains spaces for either the WAS install or the Cognos 8 install.

Select the setup type that you wish to use. We will be removing some of the default optional components so we will use the Custom Installation.

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From the available list of WAS 6 features, you may unselect the Application Server Samples since you will not need them and they will consume available system resources. Port Selection

The Installation Wizard will allow you to enter port values that the various WAS processes will use. Ensure the ports are available in your system. These values will be automatically incremented should the Installation Wizard detect another WAS install on your system. Make note of the Administrative ports and the HTTP transport ports as these will be required later.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Node Name, Host Names & Run As Service Settings

After selecting the ports, you must enter a Node and Host Name (or IP) that will be used to identify this server within the WAS environment. Te default values in most cases are acceptable and should be used. Change these values only if you have a specific reason for doing so. If your system has more than one NIC or IP address you may want to alter the values to select one specifically.

Optionally, you may install WAS and/or HIS as a Windows Service or use the associated batch files/scripts to start and stop the processes. If you select to run as a service, appropriate user credentials on the local system must be supplied. The user account specified must have the appropriate rights to the WAS and Cognos 8 directories. In this example, unselect the check box to run as a Windows Service as we will use the scripts/batch files instead.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Summary and Progress indicator

A final verification window will appear providing you with one last chance to change your configuration before the installation of the files begins.

WAS will now be installed. This process should take approximately 5-15 minutes depending on your available system resources.

Various other components will also automatically be installed based on the selections you made previously.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Completed

You will be provided with a notification at the completion of the installation. Check for and correct any errors messages at this time. You may optionally launch the First Steps Console. We will perform the tasks manually in this example instead. After Installation

When the installation Wizard has completed, you will be left with a dialogue that indicates it should be run after installation. If the installation was successful, then click the “Next” button to complete this task.

Select “Finish” to complete the install.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Start the Administrative Server & Console

Navigate to the <WAS_ROOT>/bin directory and start he WAS server. By default the server name will be “server1”. Issue the command to start the server followed by the server name. On Windows, run “startServer.bat server1” and on Unix, run “ server1”.

Launch a browser and connect to the server using the administrative port (default 9060) and appropriate url (“/admin”). If security is not enabled, you will not require a password. The User ID entered will be used only for tracking purposes so any value will wok such as “admin”

After you have verified that you can access the Administration Console, shut down the server. Issue the command to stop the server followed by the server name. On Windows, run “stopServer.bat server1” and on Unix, run “ server1”.

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3.1.4 Creating Servers

WebSphere 6.0 introduces the concept of “profiles” whereby server settings can be built from a single install. Multiple server instances are no longer possible in the base edition, the Network Deployment version in required for that. You can build profiles though to setup multiple server instances and run various Cognos 8 (and/or ReportNet) components in each profile. Launch the Profile Creation Wizard

To create a profile, launch the Profile Creation Wizard. On Windows, this is located in the <WAS_ROOT>/bin/ProfileCreator directory and is called pctWindows.exe. On Unix platforms, this is located in the <WAS_ROOT>/bin/ProfileCreator directory but will have a name unique to the Unix platform. i.e. On Solaris, it is called pctSolaris.bin. On AIX, it is called pctAIX.bin. On HP/UX, it is called pctHPUX.bin.

Select “Next” at the Profile Creation Wizard welcome page. Profile Name, Directory, Node and Host Names

Each Profile that you create must have a unique name in the WAS environment. The default value may be used or you can enter a name that may be more meaningful and appropriate for your environment. Typically, these name should be kept short and not contain “special” characters or spaces.

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Each profile will store its configuration files and other important information in a separate directory. In most cases the default directory path is acceptable. Modify only if necessary.

The default Node and Host names are also likely appropriate in your environment and should only be modified if necessary.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Port Assignment

Each profile can have an associated set of port that must be unique if multiple profiles will be run simultaneously. Each time the Profile Creation Wizard is run, the port values will automatically be incremented. It is important to make note of the port values, in particular the Administration and HTTP Transport ports, since you will need these to access WAS and to configure Cognos 8.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Windows Service Definition (Conditional)

Should you desire, similar to the primary installation performed previously, you may elect to run the server profile as a Windows service. If so the appropriate selections/entries should be made. In this example we will not run as a service but we will use the command line options. Profile Creation Wizard Summary & Completion

A summary page will be displayed at the last step of the wizard. Clicking “Next” will allow the wizard to create the profile based on your previous entries.

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When the wizard completes, check for any warnings, errors or other important information that may require action on your behalf. In this example we will not run the First Steps Console so it can be unselected.

The Profile Creation Wizard can be run as many times as necessary to create unique profiles that can be used for distributed Cognos 8 installs, multiple versions or shared access to a single WAS install.

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3.2 WAS Version 6.0 Network Deployment Insallation (Optional)

3.2.1 WAS 6.0 ND Installer

Similar to the base version, extract the downloaded install image or mount the CD for the ND version of WAS. WAS 6.0 ND Launchpad

Run the Launchpad, launchpad.bat (Windows) or (Unix), to begin the installation process.

Verify that the top of the launchpad indicated the ND version. Ensure the launchpad for the base version is not running before continuing.

From the Launchpad ND, select “Launch the installation wizard for WebSphere Application Server”

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Cognos Proprietary Information Welcome page and Installation Location

Select “Next” to continue past the welcome screen.

Enter or browse to the directory into which you wish to install WAS ND. Do not use the same directory that you installed the base version into, each must be in a unique path.

Note: It is recommended that you do not install into a path that contains spaces (Windows) as this may cause problems for scripts that pass parameters to program files.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Wizard Summary

If the installation summary page accurately reflects your selections, select “Next” to continue.

When the installation is complete, ensure that no errors are reported. If there are errors, correct the problem and run the installation again if necessary.

The Profile Creation Wizard will allow you to create multiple configuration sets that you may use independently or simultaneously. Each profile is distinct from the others from a configuration point on view, but share common program files keeping disk usage to a minimum.

You must create at least one profile for WAS ND before you will be able to start and use the product. The Profile Creation Wizard can be run at a future time or right now by leaving the check box selected.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Profile Creation Wizard

Similar to the other installs, a welcome screen will be displayed indicating the start of the Profile Creation Wizard. Profile Type and Name Selection

There are three profile types that can be selected. In our scenario, we will select to create a Deployment Manager profile. This will allow us to use this install as a manager for the base WAS install that we performed earlier.

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Each profile must have a unique name in your environment. In this example we will use the default value but you may change this to something that is easier to remember if you wish. Make sure to keep track of the name used as you will require this information later.

Profiles can be stored anywhere on your file system but it is easiest to use the default path which will keep the profiles grouped together under the WAS ND installation path. It is also a good idea to leave the directory name the same as the profile name as an easy reference.

Changing the node name, host name and cell name is possible but only recommended if you understand the implications. In this example, we will use the default values.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Profile Port Selection

Port values will be presented and you should ensure they are available for use in your environment. In most cases, any previous installs will be detected and the port values incremented as appropriate. Make note of the port values as they will be used later in the install process.

Note: One difference between WAS 5.x and WAS 6.x is that the default admin port changes from port 9090 (5.x) to 9060 (6.x).

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Cognos Proprietary Information Windows Service Definition (Conditional)

Similar to the base install, you may run the ND version as a Windows service. In our example, we will not run as a service so uncheck the box where appropriate. If you do run as a service, then you must enter suitable credentials. Profile Creation Wizard Summary

After all the selections are complete, a Profile Summary page will indicate your choices. If the information is correct then select “Next” to continue.

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The profile will only take a minute or two to be created as only the configuration information is copied to the profile directory.

When the profile has been successfully created, you may optionally launch the First steps console. in this example we do not need to use the console so we will unselect that option.

3.2.2 Federating Nodes (ND)

WebSphere nodes that were installed as standalone entities can be federated into the Network Deployment environment and managed via the ND Administration Console. This is an optional step that makes managing a distributed WAS environment much easier. This is only possible on the WAS ND version. WAS ND Administration Console

Start the WAS Base instance by running the startServer,bat (Windows) or (Unix) program followed by the server instance name, server1 in this case.

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Start the WAS ND instance by running the startManager.bat (Windows) or (Unix) program from the appropriate directory and passing the profile name that you created during the install, Dmgr01 in this case (default).

Access the administration console from your browser. Add a Node

Expand “System Administration” and select “Nodes” and then the “Add Node” button. Node Type and Name

There are two types of nodes that you can add into the environment. We will be using Managed Nodes so ensure the proper selection is made and select “Next” to continue.

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Enter Host name and connection information of the node you wish to manage. Node Agent Service (Conditional)

On a Windows platform you may optionally select to start the WAS node agent as a Windows service. We will start he nodeagent manually in this example so unselect the check box.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Federating the Node in Progress / Completed

On a Windows system you will see the progress of the node federation as it occurs in a new window.

The same information is also displayed in the browser session / administration console. Look for and rectify any issues prior to proceeding.

As indicated in the administration console, you must log out and log back in to the administration console to see the effects of the node federation. You can click on the link to do so at this time.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Verification of Node Federation

Log back in to the Administration Console and verify that you now have 2 nodes listed. One represents the base installation and the other represents the ND installation.

Also verify that server1 is listed in the list of Application Servers.

Note: Repeat these steps to federate as many nodes as desired so that they can be managed from a single administration console.

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3.2.3 Starting and Stopping WAS Stopping and Starting WAS Base

To stop and start the WAS Base install, you no longer use the stopServer and startServer commands as control is now done through the nodeagent and WAS ND Administration Console. You do however need to stop and start the node agent using the startNode.bat / stopNode.bat (Windows) or / (Unix) commands. Stopping and Starting WAS ND

To stop and start the WAS ND install, use the startManager.bat / stopManager.bat (Windows) or / (Unix) commands. Append “-profileName” to the command followed by the actual profile name that you wish to start or stop.

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3.3 Creating Servers & Clusters

3.3.1 Creating Servers

Whenever possible, Cognos 8 must be run in a clean environment to ensure that there are no conflicts with other applications. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create new server instance into which Cognos 8 will be deployed. If the resources are available, then this can even be done to create a distributed environment within a single WAS install (vertical distribution). Horizontal distribution is of course also possible distributing the work load over multiple physical systems.

Unlike WAS 5.x, it is not possible to create multiple server instances in the base version of WAS6.0. Multiple profiles must be used instead. The profile used for Cognos 8 in this case should only contain the WAS administration routines and no other user applications.

In WAS 6.x ND, it is possible to create distinct application server entries. WAS ND Administration Console

Access the WAS 6.x ND administrative console after starting the node agent and WAS ND manager.

Expand “Servers” and select “Application Servers” then click “New” to create a new server entry. This server process will run in a segregated JVM instance where you can set the specific values appropriate for Cognos 8 without impacting any other server instance. Application Server Information

Select the node on which you wish to create the application server instance and enter a name to be used by this instance. It is desirable to enter a name that represents the processes that will run on that server instance.

This example will demonstrate a simple 3-way distributed install creating 3 application server instances, one for each of the major components, Content Manager, Application Tier and Gateway. Fewer or additional servers can be created depending on your environment and distribution. Clusters can also be created, see the appropriate section in this document for more information.

Provide a name for the server instance. It may be helpful to incorporate the product release, type or usage information into the server name. In the example below, we will create a server instance to be used for Cognos 8 Content Manager.

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You may select an application server template when creating your application server. If you are building numerous application servers and have to perform many changes to the configuration you may want to consider this option. See the WAS installation information for more details. For the purposes of this sample installation, we will make all the changes through the Administration Console and therefore will not use templates. Unique HTTP Port Selection

It is critical that you leave the check box to create unique HTTP ports selected if any of the server instances you will be creating are expected to run concurrently as any other server instance. Even if you do not plan on doing so, it is wise to always leave this selected.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Application Server Creation Summary

Verify that the information presented matches your intentions and click “Finish” to perform the action of creating the Application Server instance.

Repeat the steps above as necessary to create an application server instance for the Application Tier Components (ATC) if you are performing a distributed install.

Repeat the steps above as necessary to create an application server instance for the Servlet Gateway if you are performing a distributed install.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Verification of Application Server Creation

Return to the main console page and select “Servers” and “Application servers” and ensure that the servers you just created are in the list.

3.3.2 Creating Clusters (ND)

WAS 6 servers can be built and used as part of server clusters. Clusters can then be managed as a single entity and applications can also be deployed once to all cluster members automatically. Application Server instances do not need to exist prior to building a cluster, they will be created as part of the cluster creation when you add members to it. Start the Node Agent and Network Deployment Server

Start the node agent on all systems that you wish to manage.

Start the Deployment Manager server.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Launch the Administration Console

Access the WAS Administrative Console using your browser and expand “Servers”. Select “Clusters” from the server type list to see any existing clusters. Select “New” to create a new server cluster. Enter New Cluster Information

The cluster must be given a unique name to identify it in your environment. Enter a name that is meaningful and easily recognised for its intended purpose.

You may optionally specify existing servers that you wish to make part of the cluster, however in this example we add/create the server instances at a later step.

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Review the summary page and select “Finish” if the information is correct.

Don’t forget to save the changes, then return to the server cluster listing and click on the cluster you just created.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Add Members to the Cluster

Select “Cluster members” to create and add server instances to your cluster.

Select “New” to add a new member to the cluster.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Cluster Member Information

Enter a name to be used by this server instance and then click “Apply” (not the “Next” button). Leaving the “Generate Unique Http Ports” checked is important to ensure servers are unique in your environment. In this example, we will create 2 cluster members.

The name of the application server will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

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Enter another application server name to be part of this cluster and press the “Apply” button (not the “Next” button).

Repeat these steps as often as required until all cluster members appear at the bottom of the page. Once all entries have been completed, select the “Next” button.

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A summary page will be displayed indicating the server names you just entered. Click “Finish” if the information is accurate and you wish to continue. Verification of Cluster Members and Application Servers

Return to the cluster member screen to ensure that the server names as displayed.

Once you save the changes, the server names that you entered as cluster members must also appear under “Servers” -> “Application Servers”. This should occur automatically.

The cluster has now been built and is ready for use.

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3.4 WAS 6.0 Maintenance Package Installation

IBM releases updates to WAS 6 in the form of Maintenance Packages. Should you have any maintenance packages to install, create a directory called “updateinstaller“ located within the {WAS_Root}\WebSphere\AppServer tree and expand the archive into that directory. Note: other maintenance packages may have other installation procedures. Some maintenance packages are dependant on the directory name being correctly specified as updateinstaller. Note: You should read any information that accompanies the maintenance pack as it may supersede the information included in this document. Note: Depending on the maintenance pack, there may be additional installation options that appear. In particular, it is common for the maintenance pack to include updates to the JVM and/or IHS components. It is recommended that if the maintenance pack includes any of these elements, that you install each separately, restarting the update process until each have been successfully updated (starting with the JVM). Note: In some cases the same fix pack applies to both the Base and ND versions of WAS. In other cases there are distinct downloads for each version. Be sure to select and apply the correct fix pack for each version. You should also keep the systems in sync so that all installs have the same fix packs applied.

3.4.1 IBM Update Installer Launch the Update Installer & Welcome Page

Select and run the update.exe (Windows) or update (Unix) file to walk through the update process. Reminder: Ensure the WAS server is shutdown prior to installing an update.

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The update utility will launch and load the Welcome Page. WAS Directory, Maintenance Package Selection

The location of the WAS install that you wish to apply the maintenance package against must be entered. In most cases the default value will be correct.

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The same utility can be used to install and uninstall maintenance packages, so ensure the “Install” option is selected.

The update installer will look for and display available maintenance packages. If more than one is found, select the appropriate one before continuing.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Maintenance Package Install

In this example, the maintenance package also includes a JRE update. This portion of the package will be installed first and then the update installer will be relaunched to continue the update.

Example of the JRE being updated by the installer.

Upon completion of the JRE update, the installer will indicate the current status of the update. Any failures should be corrected prior to proceeding with the remainder of the update. The wizard only requires you to select the relaunch option at this time.

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The update installer will exit and relaunch and you will be prompted once again for the maintenance package that you wish to install. Make the appropriate selection.

The remaining components that the maintenance package will update will now be displayed.

Various progress messages will be displayed during the update. All components will be saved to a backup location prior to being updated so that the maintenance package can be safely removed if there are any issues with either WAS or your applications such as Cognos 8.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Update Installer Completion

Again, it is important to verify that the update installer was successful in updating WAS. Check for and correct any problems before proceeding.

3.4.2 Backup The Current Configuration

Prior to making other configuration adjustments to the WAS environment, it is recommended that the configuration be saved. WAS provides a utility to perform this task in the <WAS_ROOT>/bin directory called backupConfig.bat (Windows) or (Unix). This may be run as often as necessary, and should be run after any significant configuration changes in your WAS environment. Caution: This process may stop any servers/profiles that are currently running so proceed with caution if in a live environment.

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3.4.3 Verify the WAS Version

The WAS version can be verified by accessing the Administration Console or by running a batch/script file located in the <WAS_ROOT>/bin directory. Run versionInfo.bat (Windows) or (Unix) to display the current WAS component versions. You should see an indication here of any maintenance packages that you may have applied in your environment.

3.5 WAS 6.0 JRE Updates

Currently, WAS 6.0 JRE updates are included in the maintenance packages. Note that this is subject to change and outside our control. No examples can be provided at this time.

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4 WebSphere 6.1 Installation

The WebSphere v6.1 installation will be broken down into WAS 6.1 Base, WAS 6.1 Network Deployment and WAS 6.1 updates.

4.1 WAS 6.1 Base Installation

The WAS 6.x Base installation is similar to the WAS 6.0 installation however, being a newer product, most of the UI has been updated, but the fundamental principals still apply.

4.1.1 Locate the WAS Distribution Archive

Locate an appropriate archive file, or CD, from IBM or internally. Downloads from the IBM site have coded names. For example, we will be installing WebSphere version on Windows, which is named Extract the contents of the distribution. For Unix, use the gunzip, tar or equivalent commands and for Windows, use winzip (or equivalent).

4.1.2 Installation LaunchPad

Locate and run the LaunchPad startup script LauchPad.bat (Windows) or (Unix) on the CD or file folder. If running from a CD-ROM under Windows, there may be an autorun function that will start the LaunchPad automatically. If you are unable to locate the script, check in the documentation provided from IBM and follow their setup directions. In this example, WebSphere v6.1.0.0 requires that you run LaunchPad.bat located in the <path_to_extracted_files> folder. From the main LaunchPad (Base) screen, select the option to launch the installation wizard.

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4.1.3 Installation Wizard Installation Wizard Welcome Screen

Select “Next” from the initial Installation Wizard to move on from the Welcome page. License Agreement & Prerequisite Check

Read the License agreement and select the appropriate response. If you decline the agreement, you will not be able to proceed.

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The installation wizard will verify your system is compatible with the installation about to be performed. Should you run into any issues, correct them before proceeding. One of the primary checks performed is O/S patch levels. Recommended, but missing, patches will be listed and should be evaluated for install prior to completing the WAS installation. WAS Install Detected (Conditional)

If you have another version/copy of WebSphere installed, you may receive the following dialogues. To install a new instance, select the appropriate radio button and then proceed. Note: This dialogue will not appear if another copy of WAS is not present or not detected.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Install Sample Applications

You will be prompted to install sample Applications deselect the Install the sample application check box then select the “Next” button Installation Paths, Ports & Selected Components

You will be prompted for the installation directory (or directories dependant on the selections made previously). Ensure the drives have the appropriate amount of free space. This will be referenced as <WAS_ROOT> later in the document. It is strongly recommended that you do not use a path that contains spaces for either the WAS install or the Cognos 8 install.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Summary and Progress indicator

A final verification window will appear providing you with one last chance to change your configuration before the installation of the files begins.

WAS will now be installed. This process should take approximately 5-15 minutes depending on your available system resources.

Various other components will also automatically be installed based on the selections you made previously.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Installation Completed

You will be provided with a notification at the completion of the installation. Check for and correct any errors messages at this time. You may optionally launch the First Steps Console. We will perform the tasks manually in this example instead. Installation Verification

When the installation Wizard has completed, you will be prompted to verify the installation through the First Steps application.

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Select “Installation verification”.

The verification tool will indicate whether the installation was successful or not.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Start the Administrative Server & Console

Navigate to the <WAS_ROOT>/bin directory and start he WAS server. By default the server name will be “server1”. Issue the command to start the server followed by the server name. On Windows, run “startServer.bat server1” and on Unix, run “ server1”.

Launch a browser and connect to the server using the administrative port (default 9060) and appropriate url (“/admin”). If security is not enabled, you will not require a password. The User ID entered will be used only for tracking purposes so any value will wok such as “admin”

After you have verified that you can access the Administration Console, shut down the server. Issue the command to stop the server followed by the server name. On Windows, run “stopServer.bat server1” and on Unix, run “ server1”.

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4.1.4 Creating Servers

WebSphere 6.1 uses the concept of “profiles” whereby server settings can be built from a single install. Multiple server instances are no longer possible in the base edition, the Network Deployment version in required for that. You can build profiles though to setup multiple server instances and run various Cognos 8 (and/or ReportNet) components in each profile. Launch the Profile Creation Wizard

To create a profile, launch First Steps. Select “Profile management tool” to start the profile wizard.

The Welcome page for the Profile management tool will be displayed. Select Next to continue.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Profile Name, Directory, Node and Host Names

Each Profile that you create must have a unique name in the WAS environment. The default value may be used or you can enter a name that may be more meaningful and appropriate for your environment. Typically, these name should be kept short and not contain “special” characters or spaces. Select the default of Application Server then click Next.

Each profile will store its configuration files and other important information in a separate directory. In most cases the default directory path is acceptable. Modify only if necessary. When creating a profile usually select the default Typical Profile creation. Select Next to accept and continue. This choice will use default ports and names for you profile. If you do not want the default select the Advance Profile creation radio button.

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Cognos Proprietary Information Administrative Security

Administrative security can be added to restrict users to this profile. For our purposes we will deselect the security option. Select Next to continue. Profile Creation Wizard Summary & Completion

The profile summary will be displayed for the user to review before creating the profile. To create the profile select Create.

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When the wizard completes, check for any warnings, errors or other important information that may require action on your behalf.

The Profile management Tool can be run as many times as necessary to create unique profiles that can be used for distributed Cognos 8 installs, multiple versions or shared access to a single WAS install.

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4.1.5 Starting and Stopping WAS Stopping and Starting WAS Base

To stop and start the WAS Base install, you no longer use the stopServer and startServer commands as control is now done through the nodeagent and WAS ND Administration Console. You do however need to stop and start the node agent using the startNode.bat / stopNode.bat (Windows) or / (Unix) commands. Stopping and Starting WAS ND

To stop and start the WAS ND install, use the startManager.bat / stopManager.bat (Windows) or / (Unix) commands. Append “-profileName” to the command followed by the actual profile name that you wish to start or stop.

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4.1.6 Backup The Current Configuration

Prior to making other configuration adjustments to the WAS environment, it is recommended that the configuration be saved. WAS provides a utility to perform this task in the <WAS_ROOT>/bin directory called backupConfig.bat (Windows) or (Unix). This may be run as often as necessary, and should be run after any significant configuration changes in your WAS environment. Caution: This process may stop any servers/profiles that are currently running so proceed with caution if in a live environment.

4.1.7 Verify the WAS Version

The WAS version can be verified by accessing the Administration Console or by running a batch/script file located in the <WAS_ROOT>/bin directory. Run versionInfo.bat (Windows) or (Unix) to display the current WAS component versions. You should see an indication here of any maintenance packages that you may have applied in your environment.

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5 Application Server References / Resources

5.1 Common commands / Utilities

startServer.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to start individual application server instances

startNode.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to start the node agent

startManager.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to start the Deployment Manager

stopServer.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to stop individual application server instances

stopNode.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to stop the node agent

stopManager.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to stop the Deployment Manager

versionInfo.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to display WebSphere version information

backupConfig.bat (Windows), (Unix) – used to take a backup snapshot of the WebSphere configuration files

5.2 Troubleshooting (Application Server logs)

When troubleshooting the installation, the first source of information is the WebSphere logs. For WAS 5.x the logs are located off the <WAS_ROOT> path. For WAS 6.x the logs are located off the <WAS_ROOT> path as well as under the profile directory.

5.3 Web Sites

Subject to change.

Recommended Updates for WebSphere Application Server Base and Network Deployment editions

Verify Java SDK version shipped with WebSphere Application Server fix packs

WebSphere Application Server Version 5.0 information center

WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.x information center

WebSphere Application Server, Version 6.0 Information Center

“Virtual Host/WebGroup not Found" Error When Submitting HTTP Request

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Through the UI, navigate to Servers -> Application Servers -> [server name] -> Web Container -> HTTP Transport and note the port values that are in use. Then navigate to Environment -> Virtual Hosts -> default_host -> Host Aliases and add the Host:* and port value to the table. Save changes and restart the instance.

IBM Software Support Lifecycle Policy

How to change the temporary directory for the updateInstaller for WebSphere Version 5.0

The initial Java™ heap size should not be set equal to the maximum Java heap size

A List of firewall ports that must be open for communication between the deployment manager and the nodeagent

Fine-tuning Java garbage collection performance