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  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Appendix 4Simulated Certifcation Exam

    Questions1. Under the Kano model, which o the ollowin is most li!el" to occur as a

    result o competiti#e pressure$

    a. A %asic &ualit" eature will %ecome an expected &ualit" eature.

    %. An excitin &ualit" eature will %ecome an expected &ualit" eature.

    c. An expected &ualit" eature will %ecome a %asic &ualit" eature.

    d. Choices %. and c.

    Answer' d. Competiti#e pressures orce eatures that were once excitin to %ecome

    expected. A ood recent example is an air%a in a car, which was once reser#ed or

    luxur" automo%iles and is now ound in most all #ehicles sold.

    (. )he raph shown is interpreted as ollows

    *i A.1 +raph

    a. Customer satisaction is determined solel" %" the &uantit" o the

    product or ser#ice deli#ered.

    %. Customer wants can %e determined once and or all and used to desin

    hih &ualit" products and ser#ices.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. Customer wants, needs and expectations are d"namic and must %e

    monitored continuousl". ro#idin products or ser#ices that match the

    customer-s expectations is not enouh to assure customer satisaction.

    d. Customers will %e satisfed i "ou suppl" them with products and

    ser#ices that meet their needs at a air price.

    )he fure, %ased on the Kano odel, descri%es a situation o d"namic customer

    perceptions which are in/uenced %" man" actors, includin the competition. Choice

    c is correct. Studies o customer satisaction ha#e demonstrated con#incinl" that

    customer satisaction is not solel" determined %" the manuacturer-s perception o

    the &ualit" o the product or ser#ice0 conormance to enineerin re&uirements is

    an inade&uate standard o &ualit". As the fure demonstrates, competiti#e pressure

    will ma!e toda"-s wow2 eatures tomorrow-s must ha#e2 eatures. Customer

    expectations tend to increase steadil" o#er time.

    3. )he primar" reason or e#aluatin and maintainin sur#eillance o#er a

    supplier-s &ualit" proram is to'

    a. perorm product inspection at source.

    %. eliminate incomin inspection cost.

    c. moti#ate suppliers to impro#e &ualit".

    d. ma!e sure the supplier-s &ualit" proram is unctionin eecti#el".

    5hile all choices are #alid reasons or e#aluatin and maintainin sur#eillance o#er

    a supplier-s &ualit" proram, choice d is the primar" reason.

    4. 6ncomin7material inspection is %ased most directl" on'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. desin re&uirements.

    %. purchase order re&uirements.

    c. manuacturin re&uirements.

    d. customer use o the end product.

    )he !e" words aremost directly, and choice % is the %est.

    8. )he most important step in #endor certifcation is to

    a. o%tain copies o #endor-s hand%oo!.

    %. amiliari9e #endor with &ualit" re&uirements.

    c. anal"9e #endor-s frst shipment.

    d. #isit the #endor-s plant.

    6 the #endor isn-t amiliar with "our re&uirements, chances are he won-t meet them,

    e#en i he can. Choice % is correct.

    :. )he ad#antae o a written procedure is'

    a. it pro#ides /exi%ilit" in dealin with pro%lems.

    %. unusual conditions are handled %etter.

    c. it is a perpetual coordination de#ice.

    d. coordination with other departments is not re&uired.

    )he onl" #alid choice is c. ;one o the others are ad#antaes o written procedures,

    in act the" are amon the disad#antaes o written procedures

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    =. A #endor &ualit" control plan has %een adopted0 which o the ollowin

    pro#isions would "ou ad#ise top manaement to %e the least eecti#e$

    a. product audits.

    %. source inspection.

    c. certifcate o anal"sis.

    d. certifcate o compliance.

    e. pre7award sur#e"s.

    Answer' d.

    >. )he most desira%le method o e#aluatin a supplier is'

    a. histor" e#aluation.

    %. sur#e" e#aluation.

    c. &uestionnaire.

    d. discuss with &ualit" manaer on phone.

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' a. An anal"sis o the #endor-s past perormance is most useul in predictin

    uture concerns.

    ?. 5hen purchasin materials rom #endors, it is sometimes ad#antaeous to

    choose #endors whose prices are hiher %ecause'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. materials which cost more can %e expected to %e %etter, and "ou et

    what "ou pa" or.2

    %. such #endors ma" %ecome o%liated to %estow special a#ors.

    c. such a statement is %asicall" incorrect. Alwa"s %u" at lowest %id price.

    d. the true cost o purchased materials, which should include items such

    as sortin, inspection, contactin #endors and production dela"s, ma"

    %e lower.

    Answer' d. )he purchase price is onl" a portion o the total cost associated with the

    materials. @oner7terms costs must also %e considered.

    1.A &ualit" audit proram should %ein with'

    a. a stud" o the &ualit" documentation s"stem.

    %. an e#aluation o the wor! %ein perormed.

    c. a report listin fndins, the action ta!en, and recommendations.

    d. a charter o polic", o%Becti#es, and procedures.

    e. a ollow7up chec! on the manaer-s response to recommendations.

    )he !e" word here is %ein. Choice d descri%es acti#ities that occur at the start o a

    &ualit" audit proram. )he other choices descri%e actual audit acti#ities.

    11.Auditin o a &ualit" proram is most eecti#e on a'

    a. &uarterl" %asis, auditin all characteristics on the chec!list.

    %. periodic unscheduled %asis, auditin some o the procedures.

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    c. monthl" %asis, auditin selected procedures.

    d. continuin %asis, auditin randoml" selected procedures.

    e. continuall" specifed time period %asis, re&uenc" adBusta%le, auditin

    randoml" selected procedures.

    )he %est choice is e. Auditin prorams must re/ect the conditions, which #ar" o#er


    1(.An inspection perormance audit is made o eiht inspectors in an area o

    complex assem%l", all doin similar wor!. Se#en inspectors ha#e an a#erae

    monthl" acceptance rate o >: to ?(, one inspector has an a#erae rate o

    =( with approximatel" our times the dail" #ariation as the others. As

    inspection super#isor "ou should, %ased on this audit,

    a. promote the =( inspector as he is #er" conscientious.

    %. discipline the =( inspector as he is creatin needless rewor! and

    wasted time.

    c. initiate a special in#estiation o inspection and manuacturin


    d. discipline the other se#en inspectors as the" are not crac!in down.2

    )he audit result indicates onl" that a pro%lem exists, it tells us nothin a%out the

    cause o the pro%lem. Choices a, %, and d all presume inormation that was not

    i#en. )he dierence could %e in the trainin, auin, lihtin, or an" num%er

    o other thins. Dnl" choice c is reasona%le.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    13.)he &ualit" audit could %e used to Bude all o the ollowin except'

    a. a prospecti#e #endor-s capa%ilit" or meetin &ualit" standards.

    %. the ade&uac" o a current #endor-s s"stem or controllin &ualit".

    c. the application o a specifcation to a uni&ue situation.

    d. the ade&uac" o a compan"-s own s"stem or controllin &ualit".

    Choice c is clearl" not an appropriate acti#it" or a &ualit" audit. Qualit" audits are

    intended to pro#ide inormation on undamental pro%lems, not uni&ue situations. 6

    this is not immediatel" o%#ious, "ou should reread the reerence materials.

    14.Audit inspectors should report to someone who is independent rom'

    a. middle manaement.

    %. mar!etin.

    c. inspection super#ision.

    d. production sta.

    Dne o the uidin principles o &ualit" audit is that the" are carried out %" trained

    or experienced persons who are independent, i.e. the" ha#e no responsi%ilit" or the

    conduct o the acti#it" %ein audited. Sel7e#aluations and &ualit" sur#e"s are not

    the same as &ualit" audits. )his principle ma!es choice c correct.

    18.)he term &ualit" audit2 can reer to the appraisal o the &ualit" s"stem o'

    a. an entire plant or compan".

    %. one product.

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    c. one maBor &ualit" acti#it".

    d. an" o the a%o#e.

    )he term &ualit" audit is used in a #er" %road sense, choice d is correct.

    1:.ou would normall" not include data rom which o the ollowin

    in#estiations in &ualit" auditin$

    a. examination o all items produced.

    %. examination o customer needs and the ade&uac" o desin

    specifcations in re/ectin these needs.

    c. examination o #endor product specifcations and monitorin


    d. examination o customer &ualit" complaints and ade&uac" o

    correcti#e action.

    )he purpose o an audit is to assure that an eecti#e s"stem has %een de#eloped

    and is %ein ollowed. Choice a does not ft this purpose.

    1=.6n order to %e eecti#e, the Qualit" Audit unction should ideall" %e'

    a. an independent orani9ational sement in the Qualit" Control unction.

    %. an independent orani9ational sement in the roduction Control


    c. an independent orani9ational sement in anuacturin operations


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    d. all o the a%o#e.

    )he o%Becti#it" o the audit unction is %etter assured %" ha#in the unction report

    independentl" o the roups %ein audited. Choice a pro#ides this o%Becti#it".

    1>.)he ollowin are reasons wh" an independent audit o actual practice #ersus

    procedures should %e perormed periodicall"' 1. ressures ma" orce the

    super#isor to de#iate rom appro#ed procedures. (. )he super#isor ma" not

    ha#e time or orani9ed ollow7up or adherence to procedures. 3. Super#isors

    are not responsi%le or implementin procedures.

    a. 1 and ( onl"

    %. ( and 3 onl"

    c. 1 and 3 onl"

    d. 1, ( and 3

    )he %est choice is a, 1 and ( onl". All other choices are incorrect since the" include

    3 and 3 is not true.

    1?.A Fendor Qualit" Sur#e"'

    a. is used to predict whether a potential #endor can meet &ualit"


    %. is an audit o a #endor-s product or a desinated period o time.

    c. is alwa"s conducted %" Qualit" Control personnel onl".

    d. reduces cost %" eliminatin the need or recei#in inspection o the

    sur#e"ed #endor-s product.

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    )he correct answer is choice a. Gust how accurate this prediction is has %een

    de%ated or man" "ears. Choices %, c, and d are oten untrue.

    (.A &ualit" control proram is considered to %e'

    a. collection o &ualit" control procedures and uidelines.

    %. a step %" step list o all &ualit" control chec! points.

    c. a summar" o compan" &ualit" control policies.

    d. a s"stem o acti#ities to pro#ide &ualit" o products and ser#ice.

    A &ualit" control proram is more than Bust procedures, lists, or polic"

    summaries. 6t is the s"stem o all acti#ities that pro#ide &ualit" products and

    ser#ices. Choice d is %est.

    (1.A techni&ue where%" #arious product eatures are raded as to relati#e

    importance is called

    a. classifcation o deects.

    %. &ualit" enineerin.

    c. classifcation o characteristics.

    d. eature radin.

    )he &uestion descri%es classifcation o characteristics, choice c. )his is an essential

    acti#it" whose purpose is to separate the #ital ew characteristics rom the tri#ial

    man" so that an eecti#e allocation o resources is possi%le. Classifcation o deects

    is also &uite common. )he prospecti#e &ualit" manaer should %e amiliar with the

    concept o deect classifcations.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    ((.uch manaerial decision ma!in is %ased on comparin actual perormance


    a. personnel ratio.

    %. cost o operations.

    c. num%er o complaints.

    d. standards o perormance.

    Answer' d. )he standard represents the minimum accepta%le le#el o perormance.

    (3.5hich o the ollowin is not a leitimate audit unction$

    a. 6denti" unction responsi%le or primar" control and correcti#e action.

    %. ro#ide no surprises.

    c. ro#ide data on wor!er perormance to super#ision or puniti#e action.

    d. Contri%ute to a reduction in &ualit" cost.

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' c.

    (4.6n man" prorams, what is enerall" the wea!est lin! in the &ualit" auditin


    a. lac! o ade&uate audit chec! lists.

    %. schedulin o audits Hre&uenc"I.

    c. audit reportin.

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    d. ollow7up o correcti#e action implementation.

    Answer' d. )he implementation o the correcti#e action oten in#ol#es a #ariet" o

    personnel and unctional areas, and ma" re&uire extensi#e chanes.

    (8.5hat itemHsI should %e included %" manaement when esta%lishin a &ualit"

    audit unction within their orani9ation$

    a. proper positionin o the audit unction within the &ualit" orani9ation.

    %. a planned audit approach, eJcient and timel" audit reportin and a

    method or o%tainin eecti#e correcti#e action.

    c. selection o capa%le audit personnel.

    d. manaement o%Becti#it" toward the &ualit" proram audit concept.

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' e. Each o the items are essential manaement responsi%ilities.

    (:.5hich o the ollowin %est descri%es the specifc acti#it"2 t"pe o audit$

    a. customer oriented samplin o fnished oods.

    %. e#aluation or contractual compliance o &ualit" s"stem.

    c. assessment or sur#e" o potential #endor.

    d. an inspection perormance audit.

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' d.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    (=.5hich o the ollowin techni&ues would not %e used in a &ualit" audit$

    a. Select samples onl" rom completed lots.

    %. Examine samples rom #iewpoint o critical customer.

    c. Audit onl" those items which ha#e caused customer complaints.

    d. Use audit inormation in uture desin plannin.

    e. Use economic and &ualit" re&uirements to determine re&uenc" o


    Answer' c.

    (>.urin the pre7award sur#e" at a potential !e" supplier, "ou disco#er the

    existence o a Qualit" Control anual. )his means'

    a. that a &ualit" s"stem has %een de#eloped.

    %. that a &ualit" s"stem has %een implemented.

    c. that the frm is &ualit" conscious.

    d. that the frm has a &ualit" manaer.

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' a. )he existence o the &ualit" manual ma" also mean the other items are

    true, %ut at the least means that a s"stem was de#eloped and documented.

    (?.5hich o the ollowin &ualit" s"stem pro#isions is o the least concern when

    preparin an audit chec! list or the upcomin %ranch operation &ualit"

    s"stem audit'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. drawin and print control.

    %. ma!e7up o the LM Hmaterial re#iew %oardI.

    c. enineerin desin chane control.

    d. control o special processes.

    e. cali%ration o test e&uipment.

    Answer' %.

    3.An audit will %e #iewed as a constructi#e ser#ice to the unction that is

    audited when it'

    a. is conducted %" non7technical auditors.

    %. proposes correcti#e action or each item unco#ered.

    c. urnishes enouh detailed acts to determine the necessar" action.

    d. is eneral enouh to permit manaerial inter#ention.

    Answer' c. Action can onl" %e ta!en %" the responsi%le local personnel when

    suJcient inormation is pro#ided %" the audit report.

    31.5hich o the ollowin is not a responsi%ilit" o the auditor$

    a. repare a plan and chec!list.

    %. Leport results to those responsi%le.

    c. 6n#estiate defciencies or cause and defne the correcti#e action that

    must %e ta!en.

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    d. *ollow up to see i the correcti#e action was ta!en.

    Answer' c. 6n#estiations and their correcti#e actions su%se&uent to an audit is the

    responsi%ilit" o the local personnel responsi%le or the process.

    3(.)o ensure success o a &ualit" audit proram, the most important acti#it" or

    a &ualit" super#isor is'

    a. settin up audit re&uenc".

    %. maintenance o a chec!in procedure to see that all re&uired audits

    are perormed.

    c. ettin correcti#e action as a result o audit fndins.

    d. chec!in that the audit procedure is ade&uate and complete.

    Answer' c. rocess impro#ement is the o#erall o%Becti#e o the audit unction.

    33.6t is enerall" considered desira%le that &ualit" audit reports %e'

    a. stated in terms dierent rom those o the unction %ein audited.

    %. simple %ut complete.

    c. sent to the eneral manaer in all cases.

    d. &uantitati#e in all cases.

    Answer' %. Leportin is onl" useul when results can %e interpreted %" the


    34.Classifcation o deects is most essential as a prior step to a #alid

    esta%lishment o'

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    a. desin characteristics to %e inspected.

    %. #endor specifcations o critical parts.

    c. process control points.

    d. economical samplin inspection.

    e. a product audit chec! list.

    Answer' d. Classifcation o deects is separate rom classifcation o characteristics,

    which is more closel" related to the other items.

    38.Classifcation o characteristics'

    a. is the same as classifcation o deects.

    %. can onl" %e perormed ater product is produced.

    c. must ha#e tolerances associated with it.

    d. is independent o deects.

    Answer' d.

    3:.Characteristics are oten classifed Hcritical, maBor, etc.I so that'

    a. e&ual emphasis can %e placed on each characteristic.

    %. puniti#e action aainst the responsi%le indi#iduals can %e e&uita%l"


    c. an assessment o &ualit" can %e made.

    d. a &ualit" audit is compati%le with manaement desires.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' c.

    3=.A classifcation o characteristics ma!es it possi%le to'

    a. separate the #ital ew2 rom the tri#ial man"2 !inds o deects.

    %. direct the reatest inspection eort to the most important &ualit"


    c. esta%lish inspection tolerances.

    d. allow the inspector to choose what to inspect and what not to inspect.

    Answer' %.

    3>.Dne deecti#e is'

    a. an item that is unaccepta%le to the inspector.

    %. the same as one deect

    c. a characteristic that ma" %e unaccepta%le or more than one reason.

    d. an item that ails to meet &ualit" standards and specifcations.

    Answer' d.

    3?.6n recent months, se#eral &ualit" pro%lems ha#e resulted rom apparent

    chane in desin specifcations %" enineerin, includin material

    su%stitutions. )his has onl" come to liht throuh Qualit" Enineerin-s

    ailure anal"sis s"stem. ou recommend which o the ollowin &ualit" s"stem

    pro#isions as the %est correcti#e action'

    a. esta%lishin a ormal procedure or initial desin re#iew.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    %. esta%lishin a ormal procedure or process control.

    c. esta%lishin a ormal procedure or specifcation chane control

    Hsometimes called an ECD or SCD s"stemI.

    d. esta%lishin a ormal s"stem or drawin and print control.

    e. esta%lishin a ormal material re#iew HLMI s"stem.

    Answer' c. )he issues disco#ered are related to enineerin chanes.

    4.5hen i#in instructions to those who will perorm a tas!, the communication

    process is completed'

    a. when the wor!er oes to his wor! station to do the tas!.

    %. when the person i#in the instruction has fnished tal!in.

    c. when the wor!er ac!nowledes these instructions %" descri%in how

    he will perorm the tas!.

    d. when the wor!er sa"s that he understands the instructions.

    Answer' c.

    41.Studies ha#e shown that the most eecti#e communications method or

    transerrin inormation is'

    a. oral onl".

    %. written onl".

    c. com%ined written and oral.

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    d. %ulletin %oard.

    Answer' c.

    4(.)he most important reason or a chec!list in a process control audit is to'

    a. ensure that the auditor is &ualifed.

    %. minimi9e the time re&uired or audit.

    c. o%tain relati#el" uniorm audits.

    d. noti" the audited unction prior to audit.

    Answer' c. Chec!lists help achie#e conormit" in audits.

    43.Eecti#e super#isors'

    a. see their role primaril" as one o ma!in people happ".

    %. sometimes do a Bo% themsel#es %ecause the" can do it %etter than


    c. ha#e o%Becti#es o rowth and increased proft %" wor!in throuh

    other people.

    d. assume the unctions o plannin, decision ma!in and monitorin

    perormance, %ut lea#e personnel de#elopment to the personnel


    Answer' c.

    44.Essential to the success o an" Qualit" Control orani9ation is the receipt o'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. ade&uate and sta%le resources

    %. clear and concise proBect statements

    c. deleation o authorit" to accomplish the o%Becti#e

    d. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' d.

    48.)he &ualit" unction2 o a compan" is %est descri%ed as'

    a. the deree to which the compan" product conorms to a desin or


    %. that collection o acti#ities throuh which ftness or use2 is achie#ed.

    c. the deree to which a class or cateor" o product possesses

    satisaction or people enerall".

    d. all o the a%o#e.

    )he %est choice is %.

    4:.)he &ualit" assurance unction is compara%le to which o the ollowin other

    %usiness unctions in concept$

    a. eneral accountin.

    %. cost accountin.

    c. audit accountin.

    d. all o the a%o#e.

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    Answer' Qualit" assurance and audit accountin ha#e se#eral similarities. 6n %oth

    acti#ities we see! independent #erifcation %" &ualifed auditors that an ade&uate

    s"stem exists and is %ein ollowed. Choice c is correct.

    4=.)he prime use o a control chart is to

    a. detect assina%le causes o #ariation in the process.

    %. detect nonconormin product.

    c. measure the perormance o all &ualit" characteristics o a process.

    d. detect the presence o random #ariation in the process.

    Choice a descri%es 5alter Shewhart-s main reason or in#entin the control chart


    4>.6n preparin a roduct Qualit" olic" or "our compan", "ou should do all o

    the ollowin except'

    a. speci" the means %" which &ualit" perormance is measured.

    %. de#elop criteria or identi"in ris! situations and speci" whose

    appro#al is re&uired when there are !nown ris!s.

    c. include procedural matters and unctional responsi%ilities.

    d. state &ualit" oals.

    Choice c is not appropriate material or a &ualit" polic".

    4?.)he frst and most important step in esta%lishin a ood corporate &ualit"

    plan is'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. determinin customer re&uirements

    %. determinin manuacturin process capa%ilities

    c. e#aluatin #endor &ualit" s"stem

    d. ensurin &ualit" participation in desin re#iew

    Answer' a.

    8.)he most important measure o outoin &ualit" needed %" manaers is

    product perormance as #iewed %"'

    a. the customer.

    %. the fnal inspector.

    c. production.

    d. mar!etin.

    Answer' a.

    81.6n plannin or &ualit", an important consideration at the start is'

    a. the relation o the total cost o &ualit" to the net sales.

    %. the esta%lishment o a compan" &ualit" polic" or o%Becti#e.

    c. decidin precisel" how much mone" is to %e spent.

    d. the sellin o the &ualit" proram to top manaement.

    Answer' %.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    8(.A useul tool to determine when to in#estiate excessi#e #ariation in a

    process is

    a. 6@7S)718E.

    %. a control chart.

    c. ode7Lomi ADQ@ samplin ta%le.

    d. process capa%ilit" stud".

    Answer' %.

    83.Shewhart N7%ar control charts are desined with which one o the ollowin


    a. Leduce sample si9e.

    %. *ixed ris! o acceptin poor product.

    c. ecide when to hunt or causes o #ariation.

    d. Esta%lish an accepta%le &ualit" le#el.

    Answer' c.

    84.A &ualit" proram has the %est oundation or success when it is initiated %"'

    a. a certifed &ualit" enineer.

    %. contractual re&uirements.

    c. the chie executi#e o compan".

    d. production manaement.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    e. an experienced &ualit" manaer.

    Answer' c.

    88.)here are two %asic aspects o product &ualit"'

    a. in7process and fnished product &ualit".

    %. appraisal costs and ailure costs.

    c. &ualit" o desin and &ualit" o conormance.

    d. impact o machines and impact o men.

    Answer' c.

    8:.Esta%lishin the &ualit" polic" or the compan" is t"picall" the responsi%ilit"


    a. the mar!etin department.

    %. top manaement.

    c. &ualit" control.

    d. the customer.

    Answer' %.

    8=. Complaint indices should'

    a. reconi9e the deree o dissatisaction as #iewed %" the customer.

    %. pro#ide a direct input to correcti#e action.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. not necessaril" %e %ased on feld complaints or dollar #alues o claims

    paid or on ser#ice calls.

    d. inore lie c"cle costs.

    A #alid complaint index must somehow measure the deree o customer

    dissatisaction. A mildl" dissatisfed customer ma" still %u" "our product0 an

    extremel" dissatisfed customer ma" discourae others rom %u"in "our

    product. )hus choice a is %est. )he onl" possi%le alternate choice is choice %. 6t

    can %e arued that while complaint indices can %e used in correcti#e action, the"

    don-t in and o themsel#es pro#ide direct input into this process. 6n act, the

    input is oten &uite indirect.

    8>.*or a t"pical month, ? anuacturin Compan" identifed and reported

    the ollowin &ualit" costs'

    6nspection waes O 1(,

    Qualit" plannin O4,

    Source inspection O(,

    6n7plant scrap and rewor! O>>,

    *inal product test O11,

    Letest and trou%leshootin O3?,

    *ield warrant" cost O(8,

    E#aluation and processin o de#iation re&uests O:,

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    5hat is the total ailure cost or this month$

    a. O(44,

    %. O181,

    c. O(:1,

    d. O(8,

    e. O33(,

    )he ailure costs consist o 6n7plant scrap and rewor! O >>,0 Letest and

    trou%leshootin O3?,0 *ield warrant" cost O(8,0 )D)A@ O33(,. Choice e.

    ;ote' E#aluation and processin o de#iation re&uests is an appraisal cost.

    8?.6 pre#ention costs are increased to pa" or enineerin wor! in &ualit"

    control, and this results in a reduction in the num%er o product deects, this

    "ields a reduction in'

    a. appraisal costs.

    %. operatin costs.

    c. &ualit" costs.

    d. ailure costs.

    e. manuacturin costs.

    *ailure costs are defned as costs related to deects0 choice d is most correct. )his

    doesn-t mean that the other costs listed won-t chane too, %ut the onl" costs we

    can %e sure a%out are ailure costs.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    :.)he cost o writin instructions and operatin procedures or inspection and

    testin should %e chared to'

    a. pre#ention costs.

    %. appraisal costs.

    c. internal ailure costs.

    d. external ailure costs.

    Choice a is correct. A natural tendenc" is to classi" these costs as appraisal costs.

    erhaps it is easier to understand i one considers the case where we are writin

    procedures or anal"9in feld ailures. D%#iousl" it would %e a%surd to call the cost

    o de#elopin these procedures ailure costs.

    :1.5hich o the ollowin acti#ities is not normall" chared as a pre#enti#e cost$

    a. &ualit" trainin.

    %. desin and de#elopment o &ualit" measurement e&uipment.

    c. &ualit" plannin.

    d. la%orator" acceptance testin.

    Choice d descri%es an appraisal cost. Chares in this cateor" would include wor!

    done, or example, %" Underwriter-s @a%oratories.

    :(.6n selectin a %ase or measurin &ualit" costs, which o the ollowin should

    %e considered$

    a. 6s it sensiti#e to increases and decreases in production schedules$

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    %. 6s it aected %" mechani9ation and the resultin lower direct la%or


    c. 6s it aected %" seasonal product sales$

    d. 6s it o#ersensiti#e to material price /uctuations$

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    )he answer is e. Dne o the most widespread pro%lems associated with an"

    economic comparison o an indicator to a %ase is to determine whether an o%ser#ed

    mo#ement in the comparison index was due to a chane in the indicator or a

    chane in the %ase. Unortunatel", no eas" ormula exists to help "ou choose a


    :3.5hich o the ollowin &ualit" cost indices is li!el" to ha#e the reatest

    appeal to top manaement as an indicator o relati#e cost$

    a. &ualit" cost per unit o product.

    %. &ualit" cost per hour o direct production la%or.

    c. &ualit" cost per unit o processin cost.

    d. &ualit" cost per unit o sales.

    e. &ualit" cost per dollar o direct production la%or.

    )op manaement is more accustomed to #iewin most costs relati#e to sales than

    an" o the other indices i#en. )hus choice d is %est. Powe#er, other compan"

    roups Henineerin, manuacturin, etc.I ma" fnd the costs relati#e to one o the

    other indices more useul.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    :4.Le#iew o purchase orders or &ualit" re&uirements alls into which one o the

    ollowin &ualit" cost sements$

    a. pre#ention.

    %. appraisal.

    c. internal ailures.

    d. external ailures.

    urchase order re#iew is perormed to reduce appraisal and ailure costs, thus it is a

    pre#ention cost, choice a.

    :8.*ailure costs include costs due to'

    a. &ualit" control enineerin.

    %. inspection set7up or tests.

    c. certifcation o special7process suppliers.

    d. supplier anal"sis o non7conormin hardware.

    )he choices can %e cateori9ed as ollows' Choice a' re#ention0 Choice %'

    Appraisal0 Choice c' re#ention0 Choice d' *ailure.

    ::.)he %asic o%Becti#e o a &ualit" cost proram is to'

    a. identi" the source o &ualit" ailures.

    %. interace with the accountin department.

    c. impro#e the proft o "our compan".

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. identi" &ualit" control department costs.

    )he %asic o%Becti#e o a &ualit" cost proram is proft impro#ement, choice c.

    :=.Cost o cali%ratin test and inspection e&uipment would %e included in'

    a. pre#ention cost.

    %. appraisal cost.

    c. ailure cost.

    d. material7procurement cost.

    Dur cost cateor" defnitions clearl" place these costs in the appraisal cateor",

    choice %.

    :>.6n some instances, the ordinar" cost7%alance ormula is not #alid and cannot

    %e applied %ecause o the presence o #ital intani%les. Such an intani%le


    a. saet" o human %eins.

    %. compliance with leislation.

    c. apparatus or collection o re#enue.

    d. credit to mar!etin as new sales or warrant" replacements.

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    5hen human saet" is at issue the anal"sis must extend %e"ond cost7%eneft

    relationships and include, amon other thins, discussion o moral, ethical, and

    leal aspects o an" decision. Choice a is correct.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    :?.5hat is the standard de#iation o the ollowin sample 3.(, 3.1, 3.3, 3.3, 3.1$

    a. 3.(

    %. .>?4

    c. .1

    d. .4?>

    e. .(

    Choice c. )he a#erae is frst calculated, then the standard de#iation is calculated

    usin the ormulas %elow.

    n 5


    i 1 i 1

    x (3.2, 3.1, 3.3, 3.3, 3.1)16

    X 3.2n 5 5

    = == = = =

    n 5

    2 2 2 2 2 2


    i 1 i 1

    (x X) (3.2-3.2) (3.1-3.2) (3.3-3.2) (3.3-3.2) (3.1-3.2).04

    s 0.01n 1 5 1 4

    = =

    + + + +

    = = = =

    =.5hich o the ollowin is most important when cali%ratin a piece o


    a. cali%ration stic!er.

    %. maintenance histor" card.

    c. standard used.

    d. cali%ration inter#al.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    6 the cali%ration standard is inade&uate the other 3 items are meaninless. Choice c

    is correct.

    =1.5hich one o the ollowin %est descri%es machine capa%ilit"$

    a. the total #ariation o all ca#ities o a mold, ca#ities o a die cast

    machine or spindles o an automatic assem%l" machine.

    %. the inherent #ariation o the machine.

    c. the total #ariation o#er a shit.

    d. the #ariation in a short run o consecuti#el" produced parts.

    Choice % is %est. 6nherent #aria%ilit" is the #ariation that remains ater all assina%le

    causes o #ariation ha#e %een eliminated. 6t is oten called random #ariation.

    =(.achine capa%ilit" studies on our machines "ielded the ollowin


    achine A#erae H N I Capa%ilit"


    1 1.4?8 .42

    ( 1.8( .:2

    3 1.8 .1(2

    4 1.4?> .1(2

    )he tolerance on the particular dimension is 1.8R .82. 6 the a#erae

    #alue can %e readil" shited %" adBustment to the machine, then the %est

    machine to use is'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. achine 1.

    %. achine (.

    c. achine 3.

    d. achine 4.

    Since we can, %" assumption, shit the a#erae #alue, the N column can %e inored.

    )hus the %est choice is the machine with the least dispersion, which is machine 1.

    =3.Pow should measurement standards %e controlled$

    1. e#elop a listin o measurement standards with nomenclature and

    num%er or control.

    (. etermine cali%ration inter#als and cali%ration sources or

    measurement standards.

    3. aintain proper en#ironmental conditions and tracea%ilit" o accurac"

    to ;ational Mureau o Standards.

    a. 1 and ( onl"

    %. 1 and 3 onl"

    c. ( and 3 onl"

    d. 1, ( and 3

    All three options are necessar" or measurement standards control0 choice d is


  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    =4.5hen ma!in measurements with test instruments, precision and accurac"


    a. the same.

    %. the opposite.

    c. consistenc" and correctness, respecti#el".

    d. exactness and tracea%ilit", respecti#el".

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    )he terms precision2 and accurac"2 can %e descri%ed usin an analo" to taret

    shootin with a ri/e. 6 "our shots are closel" rouped, "our shootin can %e called

    precise, reardless o how ar "our roupin is rom the %ulls e"e. 6 the %ulls e"e is

    at the center o the roupin "our shootin is accurate, reardless o the scatter o

    the roup. A close roupin centered at the %ulls e"e is %oth precise and accurate.

    D%#iousl" precise and consistent are s"non"mous, as are accurate and correct0

    choice c.

    =8.Cali%ration inter#als should %e adBusted when'

    a. no deecti#e product is reported as accepta%le due to measurement


    %. ew instruments are scrapped durin cali%ration.

    c. the results o pre#ious cali%rations re/ect ew out o tolerance2

    conditions durin cali%ration.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. a particular characteristic on the ae is consistentl" ound out o


    Choice d descri%es a situation where the cali%ration inter#al should %e shortened.

    =:.Landom selection o a sample'

    a. theoreticall" means that each item in the lot had an e&ual chance to

    %e selected in the sample.

    %. ensures that the sample a#erae will e&ual the population a#erae.

    c. means that a ta%le o random num%ers was used to dictate the


    d. is a meaninless theoretical re&uirement.

    Answer' a.

    ==.An N7%ar and L chart was prepared or an operation usin twent" samples

    with f#e pieces in each sample. N7dou%le%ar was ound to %e 33.: and L7%ar

    was :.(. urin production a sample o f#e was ta!en and the pieces

    measured 3:, 43, 3=, 34 and 3>. At the time this sample was ta!en'

    a. %oth a#erae and rane were within control limits.

    %. neither a#erae nor rane was within control limits.

    c. onl" the a#erae was outside control limits.

    d. onl" the rane was outside control limits.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    e. )he inormation i#en is not suJcient to construct an N7%ar and L

    chart usin ta%les usuall" a#aila%le.

    Answer' c. )he a#erae o the sample o f#e measurements is 3=.:0 the rane o

    the f#e measurements is ?. Usin the L7%ar #alue pro#ided and the 4#alue o

    (.114 or n8 Hrom Appendix AI , the UC@ Hupper control limitI o the Lane chart is

    calculated as'

    4R 2.114*6.2 13.11= = =RangeUCL D

    )he @C@ or the Lane is 9ero. Since the calculated #alue o the rane statistic or

    the f#e piece su%roup H?I alls %etween the rane control limits, the su%roup is in

    control on the rane chart. Since the a#erae or the su%roup H3=.:I is larer than

    the process a#erae x7dou%le%ar H33.:I, we don-t need to calculate the @C@ or the

    a#erae chart to determine i this su%roup is in control on the N7%ar chart. Usin

    the A( #alue o .8== or n8 rom Appendix A, the UC@ or the N7%ar chart is

    calculated as'

    2 33.6 (0.577*6.2) 37.18= + = + =UCL X A R

    )he su%roup a#erae o 3=.: exceeds the UC@ or the N7%ar chart, so the su%roup

    is out o control on the N7%ar chart.

    =>.A chart or num%er o deects is called'

    a. np chart.

    %. p chart.

    c. N chart.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. c chart.

    Answer' d.

    =?.A process is chec!ed at random %" inspection o samples o our shats ater

    a polishin operation, and N and L charts are maintained. A person ma!in a

    spot chec! measures two shats accuratel", and plots their rane on the L

    chart. )he point alls Bust outside the control limit. Pe ad#ises the department

    oreman to stop the process. )his decision indicates that'

    a. the process le#el is out o control.

    %. the process le#el is out o control %ut not the dispersion.

    c. the person is misusin the chart

    d. the process dispersion is out o control.

    Answer' d. )he rane chart pro#ides inormation a%out the process dispersion. A

    su%roup plotted a%o#e the calculated upper control limit on the rane chart

    indicates the process dispersion has increased.

    >.A process is in control with p7%ar .1 and n 1. )he three7sima limits

    o the np7control chart are'

    a. 1 and 1?

    %. ?.1 and 1.?

    c. .1 and .1?

    d. .= and .13

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' a. )he lower control limit H@C@I and upper control limit HUC@I or the np

    chart are calculated as ollows'

    ( ) ( )3 1 (100 0.10) 3 (100 0.10) 1 0.10 1.0= = =LCL np np p

    ( ) ( )3 1 (100 0.10) 3 (100 0.10) 1 0.10 19.0= + = + =UCL np np p

    >1.A p2 chart

    a. can %e used or onl" one t"pe o deect per chart.

    %. plots the num%er o deects in a sample.

    c. plots either the raction or percent deecti#e in order o time.

    d. plots #ariations in dimensions.

    Answer' c. A p chart can %e applied to the com%ined eect o multiple deect t"pes

    Hchoice aI, althouh care should %e exercised in o%tainin a rational su%roup.

    Choice % reers to a c chart.

    >(.)he control chart that is most sensiti#e to #ariations in a measurement is'

    a. p chart

    %. np chart.

    c. c chart

    d. N7%ar and L chart.

    Answer' d. Choices a throuh c are used or attri%ute Hi.e. countI data. )he N7%ar

    and L chart is a #aria%les control chart useul or measurement data.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    >3.A p7chart is a t"pe o control chart or'

    a. plottin %ar7stoc! lenths rom recei#in inspection samples.

    %. plottin raction deecti#e results rom shippin inspection samples.

    c. plottin deects per unit rom in7process inspection samples.

    d. answers a, %, and c a%o#e.

    e. answers a and c onl".

    Answer' %. Choice a re&uires the use o a #aria%les control chart or measurements,

    such as the N7%ar and L chart. Choice c re&uires the use o a c chart or a u chart,

    dependin on whether the sample si9e is constant or #aried.

    >4.5hen su%roups are outside o the control limits and we wish to set up a

    control chart or uture production'

    a. more data are needed.

    %. discard those points allin outside the control limits, or which "ou can

    identi" an assina%le cause, and re#ise the limits.

    c. chec! with production to determine the true process capa%ilit".

    d. discard those points allin outside the control limits and re#ise the


    Answer' %.

    >8.ou ha#e Bust returned rom a two7wee! #acation. ou and "our QC manae

    are oin o#er the control charts that ha#e %een maintained durin "our

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a%sence. Pe calls "our attention to the act that one o the N7charts shows

    the last 8 points to %e #er" near the centerline. 6n act, the" all seem to %e

    within a%out one sima o the center line. 5hat explanation would "ou oer


    a. Some%od" ooed2 in the oriinal calculation o the control limits.

    %. )he process standard de#iation has decreased durin the time the last

    8 samples were ta!en and no%od" thouht to re7compute the control


    c. )his is a terri%le situation. 6-ll et on it riht awa" and see what the

    trou%le is. 6 hope we ha#en-t produced too much scrap.

    d. )his is fne. )he closer the points are to the center line the %etter our


    Answer' %. 6 this pattern occurred on a new control chart it would t"picall" indicate

    an issue with su%roups that are not rational' )he within su%roup #ariation is much

    larer than the loner7term %etween su%roup #ariation. A rational su%roup

    pro%lem would not t"picall" occur sporadicall" or ater a period o time, so ater

    #eri"in the method %" which the su%roups were collected durin "our a%sence

    "ou would loo! or special causes that reduce process #ariation.

    >:.6n which one o the ollowin is the use o an N and L chart lia%le to %e helpul

    as a tool to control a process$

    a. )he machine capa%ilit" is wider than the specifcation.

    %. )he machine capa%ilit" is e&ual to the specifcation.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. )he machine capa%ilit" is somewhat smaller than the specifcation.

    d. )he machine capa%ilit" is #er" small compared to the specifcation.

    Answer' c. 6 the machine capa%ilit" is much wider than, or e&ual to, the

    specifcation, the process will %e in statistical control e#en when the process is out

    o specifcation. 6n this case, 1 inspection o the process output is re&uired to

    sort the output relati#e to the specifcation.

    >=.Qualit" cost trend anal"sis is acilitated %" comparin &ualit" costs with'

    a. manuacturin costs o#er the same time period.

    %. appropriate measurement %ases.

    c. cash /ow reports.

    d. the QC department %udet.

    Answer' %.

    >>.D the ollowin, which are t"picall" appraisal costs$

    a. #endor sur#e"s and #endor aults.

    %. &ualit" plannin and &ualit" reports.

    c. drawin control centers and material dispositions.

    d. &ualit" audits and fnal inspection.

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' d.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    >?.5hich o the ollowin cost elements is normall" a pre#ention cost$

    a. recei#in inspection.

    %. outside endorsements or appro#als.

    c. desin o &ualit" measurement e&uipment.

    d. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' c.

    ?.5hen anal"9in &ualit" cost data athered durin the initial staes o a new

    manaement emphasis on &ualit" control and correcti#e action as part o a

    product impro#ement proram, one normall" expects to see'

    a. increased pre#ention costs and decreased appraisal costs.

    %. increased appraisal costs with little chane in pre#ention costs.

    c. decreased internal ailure costs.

    d. decreased total &ualit" costs.

    e. all o these.

    Answer' %.

    ?1.Qualit" costs are %est classifed as'

    a. cost o inspection and test, cost o &ualit" enineerin, cost o &ualit"

    administration and cost o &ualit" e&uipment.

    %. direct indirect and o#erhead.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. cost o pre#ention, cost o appraisal and cost o ailure.

    d. unnecessar".

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' c. 6n act, these are the three main cost cateories.

    ?(.5hich o the ollowin %ases o perormance measurement HdenominatorsI,

    when related to operatin &ualit" costs HnumeratorI, would pro#ide relia%le

    indicatorHsI to &ualit" manaement or o#erall e#aluation o the eecti#eness

    o the compan"-s &ualit" proram$ Qualit" costs per'

    a. total manuacturin costs.

    %. unit produced.

    c. total direct la%or dollars.

    d. onl" one o the a%o#e.

    e. an" two o the a%o#e.

    Answer' e.

    ?3.Qualit" cost data'

    a. must %e maintained when the end product is or the o#ernment.

    %. must %e mailed to the contractin oJcer on re&uest.

    c. is oten an eecti#e means o identi"in &ualit" pro%lem areas.

    d. all o the a%o#e.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' c.

    ?4.Dperatin &ualit" costs can %e related to dierent #olume %ases. An example

    o #olume %ase that could %e used would %e'

    a. direct la%or cost.

    %. standard manuacturin cost.

    c. processin cost.

    d. sales.

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' e.

    ?8.5hen operatin a &ualit" cost s"stem, excessi#e costs can %e identifed


    a. appraisal costs exceed ailure costs.

    %. total &ualit" costs exceed 1 o sales.

    c. appraisal and ailure costs are e&ual.

    d. total &ualit" costs exceed 4 o manuacturin costs.

    e. )here is no fxed rule7manaement experience must %e used.

    Answer' e.

    ?:.Qualit" cost s"stems pro#ide or deect pre#ention. 5hich o the ollowin

    elements is primar" to deect pre#ention$

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. correcti#e action.

    %. data collection.

    c. cost anal"sis.

    d. trainin.

    Answer' a.

    ?=.Qualit" cost anal"sis has shown that appraisal costs are apparentl" too hih

    in relation to sales. 5hich o the ollowin actions pro%a%l" would not %e

    considered in pursuin this pro%lem$

    a. wor! samplin in inspection and test areas.

    %. addin inspectors to reduce scrap costs.

    c. areto anal"sis o &ualit" costs.

    d. considerin elimination o some test operations.

    e. comparin appraisal costs with %ases other than salesTor example

    direct la%or, #alue added, etc.

    Answer' %.

    ?>.Anal"9e the cost data %elow'

    O1, Te&uipment desin

    O18, Tscrap

    O1>, Treinspection and retest

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    O48, Tloss or disposition o surplus stoc!

    O4, T#endor &ualit" sur#e"s

    O4, Trepair

    Considerin onl" the Qualit" Costs shown a%o#e, we miht conclude that'

    a. pre#ention costs should %e decreased.

    %. internal ailure costs can %e decreased.

    c. pre#ention costs are too low a proportion o the &ualit" costs shown.

    d. appraisal costs should %e increased.

    e. nothin can %e concluded.

    Answer' c.

    ??.)his month-s &ualit" cost data collection shows the ollowin'

    Leturned material processin O1,>

    AdBustment o customer complaints O4,8

    Lewor! and repair O1,=

    Qualit" manaement salaries O(8,

    5arrant" replacement O84,8

    Cali%ration and maintenance o test e&uip O(,8

    6nspection and testin O(>,

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    *or "our action- report to top manaement "ou select which one o the

    ollowin as the percentae o External *ailure2 to )otal Qualit" Costs2 to

    show the true impact o feld pro%lems$

    a. (

    %. 88

    c. 4>

    d. (4

    e. >

    Answer' c.

    1. ou ha#e %een assined as a &ualit" manaer to a small compan". )he

    &ualit" control manaer desires some cost data and the accountin

    department reported that the ollowin inormation is a#aila%le. Cost

    accounts are production inspection, O14,1>80 test inspection, O4,(:40

    procurement inspection, O(,1?>0 shop la%or O141,:?>0 shop rewor! O1,4(0

    frst article, O:=80 enineerin anal"sis Hrewor!I, O>480 repair ser#ice

    HwarranteeI, O(?>0 &ualit" enineerin, O(,1=80 desin enineerin salaries,

    O(41,4810 &ualit" e&uipment, O1>,=480 trainin, O(=80 recei#in la%oratories,

    O3>80 underwriters la%oratories, O1,(0 installation ser#ice cost, O?,'

    scrap, O1,1>(0 and cali%ration ser#ice, O=?4. 5hat are the pre#enti#e costs$

    a. O3,=(=

    %. O(3,=1

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. O(3,(:

    d. O3,(?8

    e. O(,48

    Answer' e.

    11. )he percentaes o total &ualit" cost are distri%uted as ollows'

    re#ention 1(

    Appraisal (>

    6nternal *ailure 4

    External *ailure (

    5e conclude'

    a. 5e should in#est more mone" in re#ention.

    %. Expenditures or *ailures are excessi#e.

    c. )he amount spent or Appraisal seems a%out riht.

    d. ;othin.

    Answer' d.

    1(. Dne o the ollowin is not a actor to consider in esta%lishin &ualit"

    inormation e&uipment cost'

    a. de%uin cost.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    %. amorti9ation period.

    c. desin cost.

    d. replacement parts and spares.

    e. %oo! cost.

    Answer' e.

    13. Dne method to control inspection costs e#en without a %udet is %"

    comparin as a ratio to producti#e machine time to produce the product.

    a. product cost

    %. compan" proft

    c. inspection hours

    d. scrap material

    Answer' c.

    14. A complete Qualit" Cost Leportin S"stem would include which o the

    ollowin as part o the &ualit" cost$

    a. test time costs associated with installin the product at the customer-s

    acilit" prior to turnin the product o#er to the customer.

    %. the salar" o a product desiner preparin a de#iation authori9ation or

    material produced outside o desin specifcations.

    c. cost o scrap.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. all o the a%o#e.

    e. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' d.

    18. 5hen pre#ention costs are increased to pa" or the riht !ind o

    enineerin wor! in &ualit" control, a reduction in the num%er o product

    deects occurs. )his deect reduction means a su%stantial reduction in .

    a. appraisal costs

    %. operatin costs

    c. pre#ention costs

    d. ailure costs

    e. manuacturin costs

    Answer' d.

    1:. )he &ualit" cost o writin instructions and operatin procedures or

    inspection and testin should %e chared to'

    a. appraisal costs.

    %. internal ailure costs.

    c. pre#ention costs.

    d. external ailure costs.

    Answer' c.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    1=. 5hen anal"9in &ualit" costs, a helpul method or sinlin out the

    hihest cost contri%utors is'

    a. a series o inter#iews with the line oreman.

    %. the application o the areto theor".

    c. an audit o %udet #ariances.

    d. the application o %rea!7e#en and proft #olume anal"sis.

    Answer' %.

    1>. 6ncluded as a pre#ention &ualit" cost2 would %e'

    a. salaries o personnel enaed in the desin o measurement and

    control e&uipment that is to %e purchased.

    %. capital e&uipment purchased.

    c. trainin costs o instructin plant personnel to achie#e production


    d. sortin o nonconormin material that will dela" or stop production.

    Answer' a.

    1?. )he modern concept o %udetin &ualit" costs is to'

    a. %udet each o the our sements' pre#ention, appraisal, internal and

    external ailure.

    %. concentrate on external ailures0 the" are important to the %usiness

    since the" represent customer acceptance.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. esta%lish %udet or reducin the total o the &ualit" costs.

    d. reduce expenditures on each sement.

    Answer' c.

    11. )he percentaes o total &ualit" cost are distri%uted as ollows'

    re#ention (

    Appraisal 33

    6nternal *ailure 38

    External *ailure 3

    5e can conclude'

    a. expenditures or ailures are excessi#e.

    %. nothin.

    c. we should in#est more mone" in pre#ention.

    d. the amount spent or appraisal seems a%out riht.

    Answer' %.

    111. Assume that the cost data a#aila%le to "ou or a certain period are

    limited to the ollowin'

    O (, T*inal test

    O38, T*ield warrant" costs

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    O1=, TLeinspection and retest

    O48, T@oss on disposition o surplus stoc!

    O4, TFendor &ualit" sur#e"s

    O3, TLewor!

    )he total o the &ualit" costs is'

    a. O:1?,

    %. O8=4,

    c. O:18,

    d. O8=,

    Answer' %.

    11(. Assume that the cost data a#aila%le to "ou or a certain period are

    limited to the ollowin'

    O (, T*inal test

    O38, T*ield warrant" costs

    O1=, TLeinspection and retest

    O48, T@oss on disposition o surplus stoc!

    O4, TFendor &ualit" sur#e"s

    O3, TLewor!

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    )he total ailure cost is'

    a. O88.

    %. O3,

    c. O38,

    d. O3>,

    Answer' a.

    113. A oal o a &ualit" cost report should %e to'

    a. et the %est product &ualit" possi%le.

    %. %e a%le to satis" 6@7Q7?>8>A.

    c. interate two fnancial reportin techni&ues.

    d. indicate areas o excessi#e costs.

    Answer' d.

    114. )he concept o &ualit" cost %udetin'

    a. in#ol#es %udetin the indi#idual elements.

    %. replaces the traditional proft and loss statement.

    c. does not consider total &ualit" costs.

    d. considers the our cateories o &ualit" costs and their eneral trends.

    Answer' d.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    118. Sources o &ualit" cost data do not normall" include'

    a. scrap reports.

    %. la%or reports.

    c. salar" %udet reports.

    d. capital expenditure reports.

    Answer' d.

    11:. 5hen one frst anal"9es &ualit" cost data, he miht expect to fnd that,

    relati#e to total &ualit" costs'

    a. costs o pre#ention are hih.

    %. costs o appraisal are hih.

    c. costs o ailure are hih.

    d. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' c.

    11=. Qualit" costs should not %e reported aainst which one o ollowin

    measurement %ases'

    a. direct la%or.

    %. sales.

    c. net proft.

    d. unit #olume o production.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' c.

    11>. )he %asic o%Becti#e o a &ualit" cost proram is to'

    a. identi" the source o &ualit" ailures.

    %. determine &ualit" control department responsi%ilities.

    c. utili9e accountin department reports.

    d. impro#e the proft posture o "our compan".

    Answer' d.

    11?. Accurac" is'

    a. ettin consistent results repeatedl".

    %. readin to our decimals.

    c. usin the %est measurin de#ice a#aila%le.

    d. ettin an un%iased true #alue.

    Answer' d.

    1(. easurement error'

    a. is the ault o the inspector.

    %. can %e determined.

    c. is usuall" o no conse&uence.

    d. can %e eliminated %" re&uent cali%rations o the measurin de#ice.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' %.

    1(1. recision is'

    a. ettin consistent results repeatedl".

    %. readin to our or more decimals.

    c. distinuishin small de#iations rom the standard #alue.

    d. extreme care in the anal"sis o data.

    Answer' a.

    1((. 6 a distri%ution is s!ewed to the let the median will alwa"s %e'

    a. less than the mean.

    %. %etween the mean and the mode.

    c. reater than the mode.

    d. e&ual to the mean.

    e. e&ual to the mode.

    Answer' %.

    1(3. Consumer ris! is defned as'

    a. acceptin an unsatisactor" lot as satisactor".

    %. passin a satisactor" lot as satisactor".

    c. an alpha ris!.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. a 8 ris! o acceptin an unsatisactor" lot.

    Answer' a.

    1(4. 5hen an initial stud" is made o a repetiti#e industrial process or the

    purpose o settin up a Shewhart control chart, inormation on the ollowin

    process characteristic is souht.

    a. process capa%ilit".

    %. process perormance.

    c. process relia%ilit".

    d. process conormance.

    Answer' a.

    1(8. 5hich one o the ollowin would most closel" descri%e machine

    process capa%ilit"$

    a. the process #ariation.

    %. the total #ariation o#er a shit.

    c. the total #ariation o all ca#ities o a mold, ca#ities o a die cast

    machine or spindles o an automatic assem%l" machine.

    d. the #ariation in a #er" short run o consecuti#el" produced parts.

    Answer' d.

    1(:. Leconi9in the nature o process #aria%ilit", the process capa%ilit"

    taret is usuall"'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. looser than product specifcations.

    %. the same as product specifcations.

    c. tihter than product specifcations.

    d. not related to product specifcations.

    Answer' c.

    1(=. A #aria%le measurement o a dimension should include

    a. an estimate o the accurac" o the measurement process.

    %. a controlled measurement procedure.

    c. a numerical #alue or the parameter %ein measured.

    d. an estimate o the precision o the measurement process.

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' e.

    1(>. 5hen speci"in the 1'1 cali%ration principle2 we are reerrin to


    a. the ratio o operators to inspectors.

    %. the ratio o &ualit" enineers to metrolo" personnel.

    c. the ratio o main scale to #ernier scale cali%ration.

    d. the ratio o cali%ration standard accurac" to cali%rated instrument


  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    e. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' d.

    1(?. easurin and test e&uipment are cali%rated to'

    a. compl" with ederal reulations.

    %. ensure their precision.

    c. determine andVor ensure their accurac".

    d. chec! the #alidit" o reerence standards.

    e. accomplish all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' c.

    13. A %asic re&uirement o most ae cali%ration s"stem specifcations is'

    a. all inspection e&uipment must %e cali%rated with master ae %loc!s.

    %. aes must %e color coded or identifcation.

    c. e&uipment shall %e la%eled or coded to indicate date cali%rated %"

    whom, and date due or next cali%ration.

    d. aes must %e identifed with a tool num%er.

    e. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' c.

    131. 5hat our unctions are necessar" to ha#e an accepta%le cali%ration

    s"stem co#erin measurin and test e&uipment in a written procedure$

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. cali%ration sources, cali%ration inter#als, en#ironmental conditions, and

    sensiti#it" re&uired or use.

    %. cali%ration sources, cali%ration inter#als, humidit" control and

    utili9ation o pu%lished standards.

    c. cali%ration sources, cali%ration inter#als, en#ironmental conditions

    under which e&uipment is cali%rated, controls or unsuita%le e&uipment


    d. list o standards, identifcation report, certifcate num%er and recall


    Answer' c.

    13(. Select the non7h"ienic moti#ator, as defned %" aslow.W

    a. salar" increases.

    %. loner #acations.

    c. impro#ed medical plan.

    d. sales %onuses.

    e. perormance reconition.

    Choice e is o%#iousl" correct. All other choices are h"ienic moti#ators. WActuall",

    this is Per9%er-s theor", not aslow-s.

    133. 5hich one o these human manaement approaches has led to the

    practice o Bo% enrichment$

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. S!inner.

    %. aslow.

    c. Per9%er-s P"iene )heor".2

    d. c+reor.

    Per9%er-s P"iene )heor" postulates that satisfers2 and dissatisfers2 are not

    opposites, rather the" are separate scales altoether. Satisfers2 are moti#ators

    that can result in impro#ed perormance. issatisfers are h"iene actors2 that

    must %e dealt with i moti#ation is to %e eecti#e. 5hile choice c is correct here, it is

    important that "ou re#iew the theories o S!inner, aslow, and c+reor as well.

    M.*. S!inner is a %eha#iorist who studied operant conditionin. aslow is amous or

    his need hierarch". c+reor is !nown or theories N and '

    )heor" NTEmplo"ees are %asicall" reed", la9", and uncooperati#e.

    oti#ation should %e in the orm o pa" penalties and incenti#es, disciplinar"

    action, etc.

    )heor" TEmplo"ees are sel7moti#ated0 %ut the" ma" lac! the proper

    trainin and tools to do their Bo%.

    134. 5hich o the ollowin is not a manaement initiated error$

    a. the imposition o con/ictin priorities.

    %. the lac! o operator capacit".

    c. manaement indierence or apath".

    d. con/ictin &ualit" specifcations.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    e. wor! space, e&uipment and en#ironment.

    6 we assume that lac! o operator capacit"2 means the operator is inherentl"

    incapa%le o perormin accepta%l" in spite o ade&uate trainin and resources,

    then choice % is correct.

    138. 5hich o the ollowin does not enerate product7&ualit"


    a. desiner.

    %. inspector.

    c. machinist.

    d. e&uipment enineer.

    6nspectors do not enerate &ualit" characteristics0 the" merel" compare them to

    operational standards. Choice % is correct.

    13:. Extensi#e research into the results o &ualit" moti#ation has shown


    a. the super#isor-s attitude towards his or her people is o little lon term


    %. moti#ation is too ne%ulous to %e correlated with results.

    c. moti#ation is increased when emplo"ees set their own oals.

    d. moti#ation is increased when manaement sets challenin oals

    slihtl" %e"ond the attainment o the %etter emplo"ees.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Choices a, %, and d ha#e %een shown to %e alse. Choice c is correct.

    13=. c+reor-s theor" N manaer is t"pifed as one who operates rom the

    ollowin %asic assumption a%out people wor!in or him or her Hselect the

    one %est answerI'

    a. erormance can %e impro#ed throuh tolerance and trust.

    %. eople ha#e a %asic need to produce.

    c. Status is more important than mone".

    d. Sel7actuali9ation is the hihest order o human need.

    e. eople are la9" and are moti#ated %" reward and punishment.

    Answer' e.

    13>. Qualit" moti#ation in industr" should %e directed at'

    a. manuacturin manaement

    %. procurement and enineerin

    c. the &ualit" assurance sta

    d. the wor!in orce

    e. all the a%o#e

    Answer' e.

    13?. 5ho has the initial responsi%ilit" or manuactured product &ualit"$

    a. the inspector.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    %. the #ice president.

    c. the operator.

    d. the &ualit" manaer.

    Answer' c.

    14. A ull" de#eloped position description or a Qualit" Enineer must

    contain clarifcation o'

    a. responsi%ilit".

    %. accounta%ilit".

    c. authorit".

    d. answers a and c a%o#e.

    e. answers a, % and c a%o#e.

    Answer' e.

    141. Dne o the most important techni&ues in ma!in a trainin proram

    eecti#e is to'

    a. i#e people meaninul measures o perormance.

    %. transmit all o the inormation that is e#en remotel" related to the


    c. set indi#idual oals instead o roup oals.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. concentrate onl" on de#elopin !nowlede and s!ills needed to do a

    ood Bo%.

    Answer' a.

    14(. 6n order to instill the &ualit" control emplo"ee with the desire to

    perorm to his utmost and optimum a%ilit", which o the ollowin reconition

    or sustainin moti#ation has %een ound eecti#e or most people$

    a. reconition %" issuance o monetar" award

    %. pu%lic #er%al reconition

    c. pri#ate #er%al reconition

    d. pu%lic reconition, plus non7monetar" award

    e. no reconition0 salar" he or she o%tains is suJcient moti#ation

    Answer' d.

    143. 5hich o the ollowin methods used to impro#e emplo"ee eJcienc"

    and promote an atmosphere conduci#e to &ualit" and proft is the most

    eecti#e in the lon run$

    a. oerin incenti#es such as %onus, praise, proft sharin, etc.

    %. strict discipline to reduce mista!es, idleness, and sloppiness.

    c. com%ination o incenti#e and discipline to pro#ide %oth reward or

    excellence and punishment or inerior perormance.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. %uildin constructi#e attitudes throuh de#elopment o realistic &ualit"

    oals relatin to %oth compan" and emplo"ee success

    e. all o the a%o#e pro#ided emphasis is placed on attitude moti#ation,

    with incenti#e and discipline used with utmost caution.

    Answer' e.

    144. An essential techni&ue in ma!in trainin prorams eecti#e is to'

    a. set roup oals.

    %. ha#e trainin classes that teach s!ills and !nowlede re&uired.

    c. eed %ac! to the emplo"ee meaninul measures o his perormance.

    d. post results o perormance %eore and ater the trainin proram.

    e. set indi#idual oals instead o roup oals.

    )he onl" choice that is trul" essential to eecti#e trainin is c. Dne could de%ate

    choices a or e, and choice e miht e#en %e counterproducti#e. Choice % implies that

    eecti#e trainin re&uires classroom teachin, which isn-t necessaril" so.

    148. 6n the pre7production phase o &ualit" plannin, an appropriate acti#it"

    would %e to'

    a. determine responsi%ilit" or process control.

    %. determine the technical depth o a#aila%le manpower.

    c. esta%lish compati%le approaches or accumulation o process data.

    d. conduct process capa%ilit" studies to measure process expectations.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' %.

    14:. S"stems are impro#ed'

    a. %" impro#in each o the processes within the s"stem to its %est le#el

    o perormance

    %. %" impro#in the process that is most important to the customer

    c. %" considerin how the processes wor! within the s"stem.

    d. sometimes at the expense o processes that operate within the

    s"stem. 6n other words, the perormance o some processes ma"

    impro#e, and others derade, to achie#e maximum s"stem


    e. choices c and d

    . choices a and %

    Answer' e

    14=. emin sa"s that the responsi%ilit" or optimi9in a s"stem rests with'

    a. the team leaders assined to that proBect

    %. the process wor!ers who !now the s"stem the %est

    c. manaement

    d. none o the a%o#e

    Answer' c

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    14>. Pow are the num%er o constraints in a s"stem determined$

    a. Since the" !now the pro%lems in the s"stem, the personnel wor!in in

    the s"stem are enerall" a%le to identi" the constraints in a

    %rainstormin exercise.

    %. Each tas! on the critical path is a constraint, so sum the num%er o

    tas!s on the critical path.

    c. Sum the num%er o critical tas!s on the critical path.

    d. )here is onl" one s"stem constraint at a time Hin each independent


    Answer' d

    14?. Constraint anaement is'

    a. a descripti#e theor"

    %. a prescripti#e theor"

    c. a h"iene theor"

    d. none o the a%o#e

    Answer' %

    18. Constraint anaement )heor"'

    a. explains how a constraint impacts a s"stem

    %. pro#ides a defnition or a constraint

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. pro#ides manaement direction or dealin with a constraint

    d. all o the a%o#e

    e. choice a and %

    Answer' d

    181. Constraints ma" %e descri%ed as'

    a. an"thin that limits a s"stem in reachin its oal

    %. the wea! lin! in a chain

    c. the poorest perormin process in a s"stem

    d. all o the a%o#e

    e. choice a and %

    Answer' e

    18(. Examples o constraints include'

    a. 6nsuJcient demand or "our product

    %. An internal polic" that slows response time to customer demand

    c. A process operation that acts as a %ottlenec!, slowin the deli#er" o

    product to the customer

    d. 6nsuJcient trainin resources pre#entin ade&uate Bo% s!ills

    e. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' e

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    183. 5hich o the ollowin is ;D) a %asic assumption related to Constraint


    a. S"stems ha#e oals and correspondin necessar" conditions re&uired

    to achie#e the oals. 5e must identi" these to eecti#el" impro#e the


    %. 5e must maximi9e the perormance o each lin! in the chain to

    impro#e the s"stem.

    c. )he perormance o the s"stem is dictated %" the wea!est lin!2 in the


    d. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' %

    184. Constraint anaement-s ocusin steps, in order, are'

    a. 6denti", Ele#ate, Su%ordinate, Exploit, Lepeat

    %. lan, o, Chec!, Act

    c. 6denti", Exploit, Su%ordinate, Ele#ate, Lepeat

    d. 6denti", Ele#ate, Su%ordinate, Exploit

    Answer' c

    188. Dnce we ha#e identifed the constraint, and ta!en actions to ma!e the

    most o its resources, we should'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. defne parameters or other s"stem elements to complement the

    constraint-s needs

    %. impro#e the capacit" o downstream processes

    c. reularl" #eri" that the constraint has not mo#ed

    d. all o the a%o#e

    e. choices a and c

    Answer' e. )he &uestion reers to completin the 6denti" and Exploit staes. Choice

    a reers to the Su%ordination phase. Choice c reers to the step 8 Lepeat stae.

    Choice % is incorrect since increasin the capacit" o downstream processes would

    not ha#e an" impact on the constraint or the a%ilit" o the s"stem to meet demand.

    18:. Muers are used to'

    a. increase capacit"

    %. decrease c"cle time o a constraint

    c. ensure that the constraint is not waitin or materials

    d. increase the s"stem c"cle time

    Answer' %

    18=. Muers should'

    a. %e used at each stae o the process

    %. %e used at the constraint, to protect aainst upstream c"cle time


  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. ne#er %e used in Constraint anaement

    d. protect the constraint rom %ein o#erwor!ed

    Answer' %

    18>. 6n Constraint anaement, %uers'

    a. are specifed in units o time, such as re&uirin deli#er" o material (4

    hours %eore it is needed.

    %. are specifed in production units, such as re&uirin that 1 more

    product %e deli#ered to the process step than is necessar" or the

    customer order

    c. are not recommended, since the" produce ineJciencies.

    d. none o the a%o#e

    Answer' a

    18?. 6n +oldratt-s rum7Muer7Lope, the rope'

    a. causes %ac!los at #arious staes, in order to impro#e the eJcienc" o

    the constraint

    %. pre#ents resources rom %ein allocated aster than the" can %e used

    %" the constraint

    c. acts to pull material throuh the s"stem, in contrast to push production


    d. pre#ents a critical resource rom %ein without material

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' %

    1:. Critical Chain reers to Constraint anaement applied to'

    a. critical processes

    %. repetiti#e production

    c. proBects

    d. choices a and %

    e. none o the a%o#e

    . all o the a%o#e

    Answer' c

    1:1. )he Critical Chain approach accounts or which o the ollowin


    a. estimatin tas! time loner than necessar" to a#oid late completion

    %. startin the tas! Bust prior to the scheduled completion date

    c. usin all o allotted tas! time, reardless o how lon it reall" ta!es

    d. assinin a i#en person multiple tas!s with deadlines

    e. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' e

    1:(. Critical Chain manaement'

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. ensures on7time proBect completion %" maintainin on7time completion

    o each acti#it" on the critical chain

    %. replaces time estimate paddin or acti#ities with time %uers at !e"

    points on the critical chain

    c. should %e used with caution i a resource has more than one tas!

    assined to it

    d. should not %e applied to manain multiple proBects at once

    Answer' %

    1:3. A !e" dierence %etween Critical Chain manaement and EL)VC

    critical path is'

    a. the critical path will alwa"s %e shorter

    %. tas!s eedin the critical path ha#e %uers imposed

    c. the critical chain considers dependent acti#ities in series, as well

    con/ictin resource needs

    d. )here is no undamental dierence %etween the two

    Answer' c

    1:4. )hrouhput ma" %e expressed'

    a. as the rate at which a s"stem enerates mone"

    %. as the marinal contri%ution o sales to proft

    c. or an entire compan"

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. as Sales Le#enue minus Faria%le Cost

    e. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' e

    1:8. 6n Constraint anaement, Dperatin Expense

    a. is the amount o mone" spent con#ertin 6n#entor" into )hrouhput

    %. includes la%or costs

    c. includes fxed costs and o#erhead

    d. all o the a%o#e

    e. choices a and c

    Answer' d

    1::. Accordin to Constraint anaement theor", as 6n#entor" costs


    a. ;et roft decreases

    %. Leturn on 6n#estment decreases

    c. ;et roft remains the same

    d. choices a and %

    e. choices % and c

    Answer' e

    1:=. Six Sima methodoloies

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    a. can onl" %e applied to companies that produce oods with lare


    %. concentrate on cost sa#ins rather than customer needs

    c. ha#e not %een successull" applied to ser#ice companies

    d. all o the a%o#e

    e. none o the a%o#e

    Answer' e

    1:>. A six sima le#el o &ualit"'

    a. implies ??.=3 o the output will meet customer re&uirement

    %. e&uates to a Capa%ilit" 6ndex o 1.33

    c. represents 3.4 deects per million opportunities

    d. pro#ides hal the deects o a 3 Sima le#el o &ualit"

    e. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' c. Choice a represents a 3 sima orani9ation, and choice % a 4 sima

    orani9ation, assumin no allowa%le process shits in %oth cases.

    1:?. As an orani9ation-s Sima @e#el increases'

    a. the Cost o Qualit" increases

    %. the Cost o Qualit" decreases

    c. the Cost o Qualit" is not aected

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. none o the a%o#e

    Answer' %.

    1=. As a compan" mo#es rom 3 Sima le#el o Qualit" to 4 and 8 Sima

    @e#els o Qualit", the" tend to'

    a. spend more mone" on pre#ention costs

    %. spend less mone" on appraisal costs

    c. spend less mone" on ailure costs

    d. impro#e customer satisaction, which can lead to increased sales

    e. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' e

    1=1. Companies that successull" implement Six Sima are li!el" to'

    a. initiall" spend a lot o mone" on trainin, %ut recei#e %enefts that

    miht %e hard to &uanti" o#er the course o time

    %. reali9e decreased &ualit" costs and impro#ed &ualit"

    c. see a reduction in critical deects and c"cle times

    d. all o the a%o#e

    e. choices % and c onl"

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' e. Choice d Hwhich includes choice aI is not the %est answer since a

    successul deplo"ment will emphasi9e trainin proBects that will reali9e %enefts

    reatl" exceedin the frst "ear trainin expenses.

    1=(. roBect Sponsors'

    a. ensure that the Six Sima proBects are defned with clear deli#era%les

    %. help clear road%loc!s encountered %" the proBect team

    c. are enerall" mem%ers o manaement

    d. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' d

    1=3. 6n a t"pical deplo"ment, +reen Melts'

    a. are ull7time chane aents

    %. maintain their reular role in the compan", and wor! Six Sima

    proBects as needed

    c. recei#e extensi#e trainin in ad#ance statistical methods

    d. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' %. +reen Melts enerall" retain their operational role, so do not act ull7time

    doin Six Sima proBects. )he" t"picall" recei#e much less trainin in statistical

    methods than Mlac! Melts.

    1=4. Examples o Six Sima proBects miht include'

    a. reducin cost o product shipments

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    %. reducin customs dela"s or international shipments

    c. reducin the desin c"cle or a new product

    d. increasin the mar!et share o a particular product throuh impro#ed


    e. all o the a%o#e

    Answer' e

    1=8. 6n the Six Sima roBect methodolo" acron"m A6C, the 62 stands


    a. 6nterate

    %. 6n#estiate

    c. 6mpro#e

    d. 6nore

    Answer' c

    1=:. )he efne stae o A6C'

    a. is lin!ed with the roBect Charter and pro#ides input to the easure


    %. stands alone in the methodolo", %ut is alwa"s necessar"

    c. is not necessar" when the proBect is mandated %" top manaement

    d. none o the a%o#e

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' a

    1==. )he Control stae o A6C'

    a. is onl" used when "ou need to defne control chart parameters.

    %. allows the impro#ements to %e maintained and institutionali9ed.

    c. is onl" needed i "ou ha#e 6SD ? certifcation

    d. none o the a%o#e

    Answer' %

    1=>. A top7down deplo"ment o Six Sima roBects'

    a. is discouraed %ecause proBects et dela"ed %" other manaement


    %. undermines the roBect Sponsors

    c. emphasi9es proBects that line wor!ers eel are important

    d. ensures that proBects are alined with the top7le#el %usiness strate"

    Answer' d

    1=?. 5hich o the ollowin are ;D) parts o eminXs s"stem o proound


    a. constantl" e#aluate all emplo"ees

    %. appreciation or a s"stem

    c. !nowlede a%out #ariation

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    d. theor" o !nowlede

    Answer' a.

    1>. 5hich o the ollowin are ;D) one o eminXs 14 points$

    a. 6nstitute a #iorous proram o education and sel7impro#ement.

    %. ut e#er"%od" in the compan" to wor! to accomplish the

    transormation. )he transormation is e#er"%od"Xs Bo%.

    c. Eliminate sloans, exhortations, and tarets as!in or 9ero deects or

    new le#els o producti#it".

    d. none o the a%o#e.

    Answer' d.

    1>1. Examples o Pidden *actor" losses include all o the ollowin except'

    a. capacit" losses due to rewor!s and scrap.

    %. stoc!pilin o raw material to accommodate poor "ield.

    c. rush deli#eries.

    d. All o the a%o#e are examples o Pidden *actor" losses.

    Answer' d

    1>(. An in#oicin process enerates onl" ten to fteen orders per month. 6n

    esta%lishin the statistical control o the in#oice process'

    a. use a su%roup si9e o one.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    %. use a su%roup si9e o f#e, which is enerall" the %est si9e.

    c. use a su%roup si9e o ten.

    d. use a su%roup si9e o fteen.

    Answer' a. Su%roups larer that one would include samples ta!en o#er too lon a

    period, increasin the chance o includin special causes.

    1>3. Eecti#e leaders'

    a. share man" o the same traits and responsi%ilities as eecti#e


    %. ha#e a #ision or the orani9ation.

    c. are %est suited or desinin the processes and s"stems or dail"


    d. All o the a%o#e.

    Answer' %.

    1>4. Eecti#e manaers'

    a. share man" o the same traits and responsi%ilities as eecti#e leaders.

    %. ha#e a #ision or the orani9ation.

    c. are %est suited or desinin the processes and s"stems or dail"


    d. All o the a%o#e.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    Answer' c.

    1>8. anaement trainin should include'

    a. coachin s!ills.

    %. theor" and practice o orani9ational s"stems.

    c. con/ict resolution s!ills.

    d. All o the a%o#e.

    Answer' d.

    1>:. 5hich o the ollowin is ;D) one o eminXs 14 points$

    a. ri#e out ear.

    %. Create constanc" o purpose.

    c. Pold manaement accounta%le or meetin the %usinessXs numerical


    d. 6mpro#e constantl" and ore#er each process or plannin, production,

    and ser#ice.

    Answer' c.

    1>=. )he manaement team has decided that there are three criteria or

    choosin proBects, with their relati#e importance weihtin shown in


    *inancial %eneftVcost ratio H.3I

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    ercei#ed customer %eneft H.8I

    Saet" %eneft H.(I

    *our proBects ha#e %een re#iewed relati#e to these criteria, with the scores

    or each criterion shown in the ollowin ta%le.

    roBect *in. MeneftVCost Latio Customer Meneft Saet" Meneft

    A 1( 14 3

    M > ( (8

    C 1 1 48

    14 = :8

    5hich proBect should %e selected$

    a. roBect A

    %. roBect M

    c. roBect C

    d. roBect

    Answer' Choice %. Usin a rioriti9ation atrix, the weihted score or each proBect

    is determined as ollows'

    roBect A H1(W.3IYH14W.8IYH3W.(I11(

    roBect M H>W.3IYH(W.8IYH(8W.(I1(?

    roBect C H1W.3IYH1W.8IYH48W.(I>?

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    roBect H14W.3IYH=W.8IYH:8W.(I?

    roBect M has the hihest weihted score.

    1>>. GoeXs proBect seemed to %e oin alon well until the proBect team

    started to implement the solution. At that point, a department that hadnXt

    %een in#ol#ed, %ut will %e aected, startin raisin o%Bections and pointin

    out pro%lems with the proposed solution. )his indicates'

    a. the team should immediatel" et the Sponsor in#ol#ed to settle the


    %. the department is araid o chane and needs to %e told to accept the

    teamXs fndins.

    c. the department should ha#e %een identifed as sta!eholders earl" on

    and included in the proBect team or the teamXs pro%lem sol#in


    d. choices a and %.

    Answer' Choice c. )he aected department is one o the sta!eholders that should

    ha#e %een identifed and included in the pro%lem sol#in, i not the team itsel.

    6n#ol#in the Sponsor should %e a last resort. )he team needs to satis" the

    departmentXs leitimate concerns, and help them understand wh" the proposed

    solution is the %est course Hi in act it is, i#en the departmentXs concernsI.

    1>?. Mo%, a team leader, is ha#in trou%le ettin %u"7in rom #arious

    mem%ers o the team. 6n one particular pro%lem7sol#in meetin, these team

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    mem%ers didnXt seem to listen to an" o Mo%Xs ideas, and were insistent that

    their ideas were more credi%le. Some reasona%le ad#ice to Mo% would %e'

    a. Leplace the team mem%ers with those more willin to wor! as team


    %. 5or! on his communication s!ills, displa" interest or othersX ideas, and

    use data to determine which ideas ha#e the most merit.

    c. As! their manaers or the proBect Sponsor to persuade them to et on


    d. choices a and c.

    Answer' Choice %. Leplacin team mem%ers or as!in or inter#ention rom a

    Sponsor would %e last resorts ater considera%le time has %een spent on more

    producti#e means o resol#in the pro%lems. )he pro%lems could most li!el" %e %est

    handled %" the ideas listed in Choice %

    1?. A particular proBect has man" sta!eholder roups. 6n an attempt to

    !eep the team si9e at a reasona%le le#el, some o the non7!e" sta!eholder

    roups were not included in the team. As a result'

    a. the team leader can %oost %u"7in rom these roups %" %rinin

    credi%le roup mem%ers into the pro%lem7sol#in as ad7hoc team


    %. the team leader should also restrict the distri%uted proress reports to

    onl" the !e" roups represented in the team to pre#ent conusion and

    intererence on the part o the non7!e" roups.

  • 7/23/2019 Appendix 4 ExamAnswers


    c. the Sponsor should ensure that the concerns o the non7!e" roups are

    met %" the team recommendations.

    d. all o the a%o#e.

    Answer' Choice a. Choice % is incorrect. 6n order to %oost %u"7in rom these roups,

    it is recommended to include them on proress reports, so the" can appreciate the

    concerns and Choices o the proBect team. 5hile the Sponsor pro#ides a useul

    chec!point to raise concerns a%out team recommendations, the Sponsor is not

    usuall" in a position to ade&uatel" present a sta!eholderXs concerns.

    1?1. MillXs team is ha#in a hard time areein on a plan or data atherin.

    )here are three eneral suestions that ha#e %een oered' one %" a process

    expert and two %" other team mem%ers. )o decide which plan to deplo", the

    team should'

    a. accept the idea oered %" the process ex