api study abroad catalog - latin america


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Study Abroad Programs in Latin America


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T A B l e O F C O n T e n T S

G e n e r A l i n F O r m A T i O n –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––----------------------------------------------------------------------––––––––––––––––––---------------------––––––––––––––––––––

Why APi? 9

WhAT’S inCluded? 10

hOW TO APPly • APi FASTFind 18

PAyinG FOr yOur PrOGrAm 20

SuBjeCT OFFerinGS By lOCATiOn 22

TrAnSFer CrediTS 27

S e m e S T e r , q u A r T e r A n dC A l e n d A r / A C A d e m i C y e A r P r O G r A m S –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––----------------------------------------------------------------------––––––––––––––––––---------------------––––––––––––––––––––LEEDS 32

ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES 30

univerSidAd de BelGrAnO 32univerSidAd TOrCuATO di TellA 36

ArgEntinA MEnDOZA 40

univerSidAd de COnGreSO 43

chiLE VALpArAíSO 48

POnTiFiCiA univerSidAd CATÓliCA de vAlPArAíSO 50univerSidAd TéCniCA FederiCO SAnTA mAríA 52

chiLE ViÑA DEL MAr 56

univerSidAd AdOlFO iBÁÑez 58univerSidAd viÑA del mAr 60


inSTiTuTO SAn jOAquín de FlOreS 69

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ 72

inTernATiOnAl CenTer FOr develOPmenT STudieS 74univerSidAd veriTAS 76

cUBA hAVAnA 84

univerSidAd de lA hABAnA 86

S u m m e r P r O G r A m S –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––----------------------------------------------------------------------––––––––––––––––––---------------------––––––––––––––––––––

ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES

univerSidAd de BelGrAnO 93


POnTiFiCiA univerSidAd CATÓliCA de vAlPArAíSO 95


univerSidAd viÑA del mAr 96


inSTiTuTO SAn jOAquín de FlOreS 98


inTernATiOnAl CenTer FOr develOPmenT STudieS 100univerSidAd veriTAS 101


univerSidAd de lA hABAnA 103

MÉxicO QUErÉtArO 105

CenTrO inTerCulTurAl de queréTArO 106

cULtUrAL EMBrAcE BY Api lATin AmeriCA PrOGrAmS 110

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San Rafael






APi PrOGrAm SiTe

APi exCurSiOn SiTe

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Valle de Elquí





Isla de Chiloé


Isla Negra


ile APi PrOGrAm SiTe

APi exCurSiOn SiTe

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APi PrOGrAm SiTe

APi exCurSiOn SiTe

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Santiago de Cuba


Casa Fuster

Cienfuegos Santa Clara



Las Terrazas



APi exCurSiOn SiTe

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A P i G i v e S y O u T h e m O S T i n C l u S i v e A n d h i G h e S T q u A l i T y S T u d y A B r O A d e x P e r i e n C e F O r T h e P r i C e .

A W e A l T h O F O P T i O n SAPi offers study abroad programs year-round in 18 countries, in 40 cities. Programs can be as long as a full academic

year or as short as two weeks. With a wide variety of courses offered in almost every major discipline and in various

languages of instruction, it is easy for students to find a program that suits their academic interests. While courses

are available in english in many locations, if foreign language acquisition is the primary goal, APi offers high-quality

language and culture programs for all levels of language learners.

F O C u S O n A C A d e m i C e x C e l l e n C eAll APi students take courses at a partner institution or university based in their host country, rather than at a center

just for APi students. APi university and institutional partners are either fully accredited foreign universities or institutes

with u.S. schools of record.

C O m m i T m e n T T O e x C e P T i O n A l v A l u eAPi prides itself on the services and features it includes in its program costs so as to minimize out-of-pocket expenses

for students on-site. APi programs are designed to offer students a complete study abroad experience. The cost of an

APi program includes more than just tuition and housing. exciting overnight and day excursions, academic and cultural

support and resources, mobile phones, medical and life insurance, as well as social and cultural events are included in

the cost of the program. For most programs, the main out-of-pocket expenses are the cost of the international flight and

daily spending money for travel and meals. Additionally, once a student is accepted into an APi program and quoted a

program price, it will not change. With APi, a student can accomplish more for less money!

S u P e r i O r S T u d e n T S e r v i C e SStudying abroad is a very exciting process, but also one that leads to many questions. APi Program managers and

other u.S.-based staff are knowledgeable and readily available to assist students throughout the pre-departure process

and into their session abroad. Once abroad, on-site APi directors support students through the cultural transition

process, provide academic support and guidance and serve as a source of reference both for everyday questions and

emergencies. Whether the concern relates to academics, housing or daily life abroad, APi strives to provide students

with as much practical advice and guidance as possible.

Why APi?


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P r e - d e P A r T u r e S e r v i C e S––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– A d v i S i n GAPi staff members guide students through the administrative processes of the pre-departure phase of study abroad. Students and parents may contact APi staff as often as they desire with questions about academics, on-site logistics, special needs, visa procedures, etc. APi staff members, in turn, are frequently in touch with students regarding program updates, essential travel tips and recommendations for having a successful experience abroad.

@ A P i O n l i n e S y S T e mAll applicants have access to the @api online student account. This online system allows students to complete and check the status of their application, download and complete application and post-acceptance forms, and verify that payments have been credited to their account.

O r i e n T A T i O n m A T e r i A l S A n d r e S O u r C e S All APi students receive orientation information to help them prepare for their study abroad session. APi students have access to a unique online service, the APi Toolbox, which includes orientation materials, diagnostic exams, and language reviews. The Toolbox includes information on logistical details, cultural differences, what students can expect at their host university, health and safety concerns, travel tips and more. Additionally, in certain locations, APi offers pre-departure orientation sessions for students and parents on the home campus.


“i lOved APi! They Were very COmPrehenSive And underSTAndinG

ABOuT everyThinG Pre-dePArTure relATed. WiTh All The STreSS OF

APPlyinG, PrePArinG TO leAve FriendS And FAmily Behind FOr The

SemeSTer And juST The GenerAl ChAOS OF my hOme univerSiTy

ClASSeS AT The end OF The SemeSTer, APi WAS very OrGAnized And

underSTAndinG. They Were A PleASure TO WOrk WiTh!” - SArAh S.


m O B i l e P h O n eAll APi students receive a free phone with discounted calling packages. With these cell phones, parents, APi resident directors, family and friends at home and abroad can communicate with students and more easily contact them in the event of an emergency. When in the host country, incoming calls are generally free for students. Outgoing calls incur a per minute charge, and text messages also carry a fee per text.



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P e e r m e n T O r SThe APi Peer mentors are former APi students who are available to speak to future APi students about their program of interest. Peer mentors have completed extensive training sessions with APi and can answer questions students may have about the student experience.

S O C i A l n e T W O r k i n GAPi has created award-winning social networks which provide students the opportunity to communicate informally with past students, outbound students and APi staff members, as well as to be notified of upcoming events and program developments.

FAcEBOOk facebook.com/APistudyabroad tWittEr twitter.com/APistudyabroadinStAgrAM instagram.com/apistudyabroad gOOgLE+ apistudyabroad.com/googleYOUtUBE youtube.com/user/APistudyabroad FLickr flickr.com/photos/APistudyabroadthE Api BLOg apistudyabroad.com/blog tUMBLr apistudyabroad.tumblr.com

S C h O l A r S h i P SAPi awards over $400,000 in scholarships annually, in amounts ranging from $250-$1,000 per student. For more information on scholarship opportunities or to print an APi scholarship application form, visit the APi website.

O n - S i T e S e r v i C e S––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

A i r P O r T r e C e P T i O nAPi students are met at the airport by APi staff on the program start date. Students receive detailed flight instructions upon their acceptance into the APi program and should wait to purchase a flight until being accepted.

r e S i d e n T d i r e C T O r SAPi has highly qualified, trained and experienced english-speaking resident directors available to students throughout their session abroad. most resident directors are locals from the host country in which students will be studying and all are ready to provide practical information and insight into the host culture. Our resident directors greet students at the airport, introduce students to the ways of life in their host country, help students to register at the host university and support students throughout their stay. They are available in case of any personal emergency and are ready to implement the APi emergency response plans if needed.


“OverAll, WOrkinG WiTh APi hAS Been An exCellenT exPerienCe.

They reAlly mAde An eFFOrT TO individuAlize The PrOGrAm And

GeT The mOST OuT OF STudyinG ABrOAd!” - miChAel B.



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O n - S i T e O r i e n T A T i O nThe on-site orientation takes place during the first week of a student’s stay. APi orientations include tours of the city as well as practical information about life in the host city, including transportation, safety and local culture. The orientation is designed to minimize adjustment difficulties upon arrival and gives students a chance to get to know other participants in the program.

h O u S i n Ghousing is included in the APi program fee. depending on the host city, students may choose from various housing options, including apartments or student dormitories. Students can request single rooms on their housing form for an additional cost, although some sites may have guaranteed single rooms as part of the program fee.

A $250 security deposit is due by the final payment deadline for all programs. A fee of $75 will be retained from all security deposits to cover standard cleaning fees and general maintenance fees, including minor repairs and standard touch-up painting. The remaining $175 is refundable provided that: 1) no additional fees are assessed on-site for incidentals, damages or excessive utility usage; and 2) the APi program fee has been paid in full. housing for all year students during the period between the fall and spring semesters is not included in the APi program fee. most students take advantage of this time to return home to the u.S. or to travel around their host country. in most cases, APi can arrange between-term housing for students in their host city for an additional fee. refer to the city information sections for more specific housing information by location.


“APi OFFered SO muCh TO uS. deFiniTely mOre ThAn Any

OTher PrOGrAm i hAve heArd OF And FOr SuCh An AmAzinG

PriCe. iF yOu TOOk AdvAnTAGe OF everyThinG APi OFFered,

yOu reAlly GOT yOur mOney’S WOrTh. i WAS SO SATiSFied

WiTh everyThinG On-SiTe.” - TAliA h.


T u i T i O nAll programs include a fixed number of credits per term as part of the standard fee. The number of credits that a student can earn each session is detailed on each program page, and varies from 12-18 credits per semester session and 5-8 credits per summer session.


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m e d i C A l A n d l i F e i n S u r A n C emedical and life insurance is provided for all students during the program term. The coverage includes medical evacuation and repatriation, as well as 24-hour support services for medical issues.

e x C u r S i O n Sduring the program, students have the opportunity to broaden their classroom education through several organized excursions, which are included in the price of the program. Overnight lodging, breakfast, entrance fees and transportation to and from the excursion locations are included. excursions are subject to change depending on availability, weather and other factors.

S O C i A l A n d C u l T u r A l A C T i v i T i e SStudents are offered monthly APi-sponsored social and cultural activities, including outings to movies, concerts, theater performances, museums, cultural tours and more. All entrance fees are covered by APi. Students also enjoy welcome and farewell group meals.

v O l u n T e e r O P P O r T u n i T i e SOrganized by APi staff in many locations, the APi Gives Back Project may consist of an ongoing volunteer opportunity or a one-day commitment. The goal of the project is to help APi students express their thanks for the welcome they received from the local community.

r e - e n T r y S e r v i C e S––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

T r A n S C r i P Tupon completion of the academic session, an official transcript with a letter of translation (if necessary) is sent to each student’s home institution. APi encourages students to discuss their academic choices with home school advisors to determine how credits reflected on the transcript might be transferred toward their degree plan.


“i WAS OverAll exTremely imPreSSed By APi’S PrOGrAm, i lOved

iT SO muCh i reAlly WiSh i hAd dOne A yeAr!” - BrOOke C.


A l u m n i n e T W O r k A n d P r O F e S S i O n A l d e v e l O P m e n T O P P O r T u n i T i e Sreturning students have the opportunity to apply to become a Peer mentor with APi for an academic year. Peer mentors serve as resources for outbound students, participating in their home school’s study abroad fair, serving as a study abroad advocate, giving presentations to student groups and the community at large, and helping APi to keep its predeparture information relevant and student-focused. upon completion of their year of service, Peer mentors may apply for an internship with APi, a great résumé builder. Students are also encouraged to join our alumni groups on Facebook and linkedin for additional post-program networking opportunities and resources.

e x P e r i e n T i A l P r O G r A m SStudents who are interested in continuing their international experience may choose to participate in a intern, teach, volunteer, or work abroad program or service trip through Cultural embrace by APi. Please call 512-469-9089 or visit culturalembracebyapi.com for details.


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F i n d i n G T h e r i G h TP r O G r A m F O r y O u

thingS tO cOnSiDEr WhEn chOOSing A prOgrAM.

lAnGuAGe OF inSTruCTiOn • COurSe OFFerinGS

BiG CiTy Or SmAll TOWn • hOuSinG • durATiOn


verify admission requirements and program deadlines.

Go to apistudyabroad.com to start your application.

Submit supplementary application documents to APi.




S T e P S T O G e T y O u O n y O u r W A y !

narrow down the choices by focusing on programs that meet your academic needs and goals.

decide when you want to go.

Apply for or renew a passport. Start researching flights and your host country. Apply for APi scholarships.

visit your study abroad and academic advisors to determine how study abroad works at your home university. STArTinG TO PlAn AT leAST A yeAr in AdvAnCe iS hiGhly enCOurAGed!







i P










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W h A T T O e x P e C T A F T e r S u B m i T T i n G A n A P P l i C A T i O n

C O n T i n u O u S A C C e S S T O A P P l i C A T i O n S T A T u SAfter submission of the application, APi encourages students to visit their @api online account frequently to determine if there are any supplementary materials that must be submitted to complete the application.

P r O m P T n O T i F i C A T i O n O F A C C e P T A n C eOnce a complete application has been received, APi Program managers promptly notify the applicant of his/her acceptance. Students are notified by phone and sent an acceptance e-mail with detailed instructions regarding post-acceptance materials and how to submit them to APi.

u S e A P i F A S T F i n d T O d i S C O v e r m O r e

Go to apistudyabroad.com and enter the four digit code into the APi FastFind box and hit the “GO” button.

voilà! you’re there! APi FastFind takes you directly to the information you’re looking for. easy!



look for the APi FastFind box located on the program pages throughout the catalog.

1APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe liSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS BN98

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS BN99

FinAnCiAl A id And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

APi FASTFind iS The 2013 GOABrOAd.COm

innOvATive TeChnOlOGy AWArd Winner. Try iT OuT TOdAy TO See WhAT All OF The Pr AiSe iS ABOuT.

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A P i S C h O l A r S h i P SAPi awards approximately $400,000 annually in both need and merit-based scholarships. visit the APi website for more information on scholarship requirements, deadlines, and additional funding resources. key APi scholarship opportunities include:

gEnErAL SchOLArShip The APi General Scholarship offers awards that range from $250-$800 per term.

FirSt gEnErAtiOn SchOLArShip The APi First Generation Scholarship offers one deserving first generation college student a $750 award for a semester or academic year program.

S.t.E.M. SchOLArShip The APi S.T.e.m. Scholarship supports one deserving student on a semester or academic year program who is majoring in the science, technology, engineering or mathematics fields with a $750 award.

BEnJAMin A. giLMAn AWArD The Gilman Scholarship Program offers awards for undergraduate study abroad, and was established by the international Academic Opportunity Act of 2000. This scholarship provides awards for u.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide.

Students participating on an APi program who have been awarded a Gilman scholarship will be eligible to receive up to $1,000 in matching contributions from APi. To receive this funding, Gilman winners should submit their offer letters or other proof of the award. Students who are awarded another APi scholarship will receive a total of $1,000 between the scholarship and the Gilman matching award.

A P i P r O G r A m W i T h d r A W A l S A F e G u A r dAPi students have the option to purchase the APi Program Withdrawal Safeguard (PWS) as financial protection in case of an unanticipated event that requires withdrawal from an APi program prior to departure. more information on PWS (including deadlines for enrollment, exclusions, and corresponding fees) can be found on the APi website and is provided to students post-acceptance.

F i n A n C i A l A i d A n d S C h O l A r S h i P S F r O m y O u r h O m e i n S T i T u T i O nAPi is happy to accept institutional and federal financial aid that is processed by the student’s home university. Students who plan on using financial aid toward the cost of the study abroad session should meet with their school’s financial aid office eArly! All students, even those who are not currently receiving financial aid, are encouraged to meet with financial aid representatives at their home university to determine eligibility for scholarships, grants, or loans available during the study abroad semester. Some students are even eligible to increase the amount of their financial aid award based on the comparative cost of living abroad. APi signs consortium agreements as necessary to ensure that financial aid can be applied to the APi program cost.




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S = SUBJEct iS tAUght in SpAniSh E = SUBJEct iS tAUght in EngLiSh

BuSineSS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AccOUnting ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S




BUSinESS ADMiniStrAtiOn ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S


chiLE ViÑA DEL MAr uvm E S



cOMpUtEr SciEncE chiLEVALpArAíSO uTFSm S

EcOnOMicS ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S • uTdT E S



ViÑA DEL MAr uAi • uvm E S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ iCdS S • veriTAS E S

EntrEprEnEUrShip chiLEVALpArAíSO uTFSm S

FinAncE ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S


ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


intErnAtiOnAL BUSinESSArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S • uTdT E S


chiLEVALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi E S • uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E

inSUrAncE AnD riSk MAnAgEMEntArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S

MAnAgEMEnt cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E

MArkEting ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S


ViÑA DEL MAr uAi E S • uvm S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S

MAthEMAticS ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S


StAtiSticS ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S


COmmuniCATiOnS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cOMMUnicAtiOnSArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT E S



ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E


chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv E • uTFSm E S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E S • veriTAS E

grAphic DESign chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S



ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S



phOtOgrAphY chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E


enGineerinG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ArchitEctUrE ArgEntinA MEnDOZA S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S

ciViL/EnVirOnMEntAL EnginEEring chiLE VALpArAíSO uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi • uvm S22 Su










/ y



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cOMpUtEr SciEncE chiLE VALpArAíSO uTFSm S

ELEctricAL EnginEEring chiLE VALpArAíSO uTFSm S

inDUStriAL EnginEEringchiLE VALpArAíSO uTFSm S


MAthEMAticS ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S



MEchAnicAL EnginEEring chiLE VALpArAíSO uTFSm S

FOreiGn l AnGuAGe& l iTer ATure ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SpAniSh ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB S • uTdT S



SAn JOSÉ iCdS S • veriTAS S



l iBer Al ArTS & humAniTieS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ArgEntinE StUDiES ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB S • uTdT E S

Art hiStOrY ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S • uTdT S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm E S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S





chiLEAn StUDiES chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi • uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E S

cULtUrAL StUDiES ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S • uTdT E S


ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm S





EcOnOMicS ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E • uTdT E S


ViÑA DEL MAr uAi E • uvm S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E S


ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S

FiLM StUDiES ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E • uTdT E S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm E

ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S












/ ye


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gEnDEr StUDiESArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E • uTdT S


ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S

gEOgrAphY chiLE ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S


hiStOrY ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S • uTdT S


chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E S



intErnAtiOnAL StUDiESArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB • uTdT E S


cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E S

LAtin AMEricAn/ hiSpAnic cULtUrE ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm


SAn JOSÉ iCdS • veriTAS E S






ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S

LingUiSticS cOStA ricA SAn JOAQUín DE FLOrES S

LitErAtUrEArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E S • uTdT E S


ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S • uAi S



phiLOSOphY ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv E S • uTFSm S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

pOLiticAL SciEncE ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB • uTdT E S


chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv E S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S • uvm E S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ iCdS E S



chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTSFm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S

pUBLic ADMiniStrAtiOn cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ iCdS E S

SOciAL WOrk chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S



chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


nATur Al SCienCeS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––





chEMiStrY chiLE VALpArAíSO uTFSm E S


cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E


chiLEViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E

gEOgrAphY chiLE ViÑA DEL MAr uAi S












/ y


rS = SUBJEct iS tAUght in SpAniSh E = SUBJEct iS tAUght in EngLiSh

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MAthEMAticS ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uTdT S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S




nUrSing MÉxicOQUErÉtArO S

phYSicAL EDUcAtiOn/


phYSicS chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S • uTFSm S

SpOrtS SciEncE chiLE VALpArAíSO uPv S


STudiO ArTS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Art hiStOrY ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E • uTdT S

chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv E S • uTFSm E S


cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E



DAncE ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES uB E


cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

grAphic DESign chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv E

inDUStriAL DESignchiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S




pAinting/DrAWing chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

phOtOgrAphY chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S

cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E


BuSineSS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

BUSinESS ADMiniStrAtiOn cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S

EcOnOMicS cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S


intErnAtiOnAL BUSinESScOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

MArkEting cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S

COmmuniCATiOnS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cOMMUnicAtiOnScOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E







phOtOgrAphY cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

FOreiGn l AnGuAGe& l iTer ATure ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SpAniSh ArgEntinA BUEnOS AirES univ. BelGrAnO S


ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS S • veriTAS S












/ ye





S u m m e r P r O G r A m S

Page 28: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

l iBer Al ArTS & humAniTieS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ArgEntinE StUDiES cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S


ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E S


ViÑA DEL MAr UAi uvm S



EcOnOMicS cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E S





hiStOrY chiLE VALpArAíSO PuCv S




intErnAtiOnAL StUDiEScOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

LAtin AMEricAn/ hiSpAnic cULtUrE chiLE ViÑA DEL MAr uvm S


SAn JOSÉ iCdS E • veriTAS E S


LingUiSticS cOStA ricA SAn JOAQUín DE FLOrES S


cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS S

pOLiticAL SciEncE MÉxicOQUErÉtArO S

nATur Al SCienCeS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––












nUrSing MÉxicOQUErÉtArO S


STudiO ArTS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Art hiStOrY cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E


DAncE cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E



pAinting/DrAWing cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E

phOtOgrAphY cOStA ricA SAn JOSÉ veriTAS E










S = SUBJEct iS tAUght in SpAniSh E = SUBJEct iS tAUght in EngLiSh

Page 29: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

h O W T O F A C i l i T A T e C r e d i T T r A n S F e r A T h O m e

T A l k T O A S T u d y A B r O A d A d v i S O r A T h O m eeach u.S. university sets its own guidelines regarding how it accepts credit from abroad. All APi program participants are advised to discuss credit transfer policies with their home university. APi strongly recommends that students obtain pre-approval for coursework abroad whenever possible and speak with their study abroad advisor to obtain the necessary paperwork. Students should also take an advisor’s contact information with them abroad, in the event that course offerings change once on-site. An official transcript from the accredited u.S. or foreign institution with an english translation (as needed) is sent to the registrar or study abroad advisor upon each student’s successful completion of a program.

u n d e r S T A n d h O W u n i v e r S i T i e S m e A S u r e C r e d i T SOne unit of measurement that many American universities and foreign universities use to determine transfer credit is the COnTACT hOur. A contact hour is a 50 minute block of time spent in the classroom. To determine transfer credit equivalencies within the semester system, divide the total number of contact hours by 15. For a quarter system equivalency, divide the total number of contact hours by 10. Based on the successful completion of an average course load abroad, each student should expect to receive: 150-280 contact hours per quarter/semester (10-18 semester credit hours per quarter/semester) or 60-120 contact hours per summer session (4-8 semester credit hours per summer session).

k n O W h O W G r A d e S A r e d e T e r m i n e d A B r O A dGrades abroad are affected by attendance and class participation in most programs. Failing to meet the established attendance requirements may result in a failing final grade and no credit transfer. Grades are assigned by the host institution.

S P e A k W i T h T h e l A n G u A G e d e P A r T m e n T A B O u T C O u r S e l e v e l SAPi provides the following general guidelines for converting language courses abroad into the American system:


BEginning (100 level) – This level requires no previous language study. One semester of first-year, college-level Spanish is generally still equivalent to beginning level Spanish.

intErMEDiAtE (200 level) – To be considered for the intermediate level, students must have completed 2-3 semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent (i.e., by testing out of a student’s home university’s placement test or AP tests).

UppEr DiViSiOn

ADVAncED (300 level) – Advanced students have completed 4 semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent.

SUpEriOr (400 level) – The superior level is appropriate for students who have completed 6 or more semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent.










Page 30: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 31: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America




1,073,518 SquAre mileS


“en uniÓn y liBerTAd”SPAniSh FOr “in uniOn And liBerTy”


ArGenTine PeSO


SPAniSh; SOme iTAliAn SPeAkerS due TO hiSTOry OF iTAliAn immiGrATiOn

knOWn FOr



Wine induSTry


dinner in ArGenTinA mAy STArT AS lATe AT 10:00 P.m.

SeCOnd lArGeST COunTry in lATin AmeriCA (AreA)

ArGenTinA hAS A liTerACy rATe OF 97.4%

AS OF 2011, ArGenTinA iS The mOST viSiTed COunTry in SOuTh AmeriCA And The FOurTh mOST viSiTed in The AmeriCAS

Travel + leisure Magazine reAderS vOTed BuenOS AireS The SeCOnd mOST deSirABle CiTy TO viSiT AFTer FlOrenCe, iTAly Bie











Page 32: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh And enGliSh

hOUSing hOST FAmilieS

g.p.A. 2.75 - 3.0

tErMSemeSTer • ACAdemiC yeArCAlendAr yeAr • Summer

“in A CiTy AS BiG AS BuenOS AireS, i FelT ThAT The PrOGrAm iS eFFiCienT in ThAT iT GiveS yOu The knOWledGe And The reSOurCeS TO Seek GuidAnCe Or ASk queSTiOnS, BuT AT The SAme Time, yOu Are FOrCed TO leArn ThinGS FOr yOurSelF And FiGure ThinGS OuT in A COmPleTely neW envirOnmenT!” - mAry S.


Page 33: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

BuenOS AireS reSidenT direCTOr

Buenos Aires OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 3,000,000

BuenOS AireS iS The SOCiAl, CulTurAl And eCOnOmiC heArT OF ArGenTinA

ArChiTeCTurAl BeAuTy

The “PAriS OF lATin AmeriCA”

PrivATe univerSiTieS WiTh STrOnG rePuTATiOnS ThrOuGhOuT lATin AmeriCA

muSeumS, WOrld renOWned TheATerS, TAnGO dAnCe CenTerS

host universitiesuniverSidAd de BelGrAnO

univerSidAd TOrCuATO di TellA










Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS• Advising• @api Online resources• Orientation materials and Support• mobile Phone• Peer mentors• Social networking• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS• Airport reception• resident directors • APi Center• On-Site Orientation• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring• language and Culture Tools• medical and life insurance• excursions dAy TriPS, OverniGhT And inTernATiOnAl

• Social and Cultural Activities• Welcome and Farewell Group meals• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS• re-entry materials and Support• Post-Program evaluation• Transcript• Alumni network and development Opportunities

pASt ExpEriEncES incLUDE• ecological preserve projects• Working at food bank• Painting youth center

api gives backbuenos aires

WhY ShOULD A StUDEnt chOOSE BUEnOS AirES? “Buenos Aires is a great city - it has a strong local culture and at the same time, it is a very cosmopolitan place where foreign students can easily blend in. its european roots give it an old world flavor, but with its skyscrapers and wide avenues, it is as vibrant as the best in the new World. i think Buenos Aires has the best urban life in latin America - each neighborhood has a distinctive character. Porteños learned how to enjoy life decades ago, so students can enjoy a myriad of restaurants, cafes, theaters, discos and museums.” - Carmen, Buenos Aires resident director


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 34: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

ArGenTine And l ATin AmeriCAn STudieS PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de BelGrAnO (uB)

highlights• Options to take classes in english or Spanish, depending on Spanish proficiency

• housing: host families

• international excursion


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• no Spanish background required to take coursework in english

• Advanced-level Spanish proficiency required for courses in Spanish; completion of minimum of four semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• Curriculum vitae (résumé)

• Statement of purpose

• Two letters of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrSEArLY StArt SEMEStEr 18-21 SemeSTer CrediTSSEMEStEr 12-15 SemeSTer CrediTS AddiTiOnAl COurSeS mAy Be TAken FOr An exTrA Fee

Students interested in Argentine and latin American culture, economics, history, and politics are ideally suited to the Argentine and latin American Studies Program. The program caters to students at all levels of Spanish.

Students selecting the early Start option complete an intensive Spanish language course prior to the start of the standard semester. The intensive Spanish course consists of five hours of Spanish class, five days a week, for four weeks for a grand total of 100 contact hours of Spanish. The intensive course is equivalent to 3-6 semester credits, depending on how credit is awarded by the home university.

Once the regular semester starts, beginning and low-intermediate Spanish speakers complete four or five courses in english. Students with a minimum of four semesters of Spanish or the equivalent can choose to complete a combination of elective courses in english or Spanish. All courses are equivalent to 3 u.S. semester credits.

cOUrSES With ArgEntinE StUDEntSStudents with advanced Spanish language skills are welcome to select 1-2 courses with Argentine students in lieu of other elective courses. As the standard Argentine semester is 5-8 weeks longer than the academic session for visiting students, APi students who select courses with Argentines will be charged an additional fee to extend their APi housing.

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntSThe Argentine academic calendar follows the calendar year. The first semester in Argentina is actually the equivalent of the spring semester in the u.S. Students who wish to study for two semesters in Argentina are encouraged to consider the Calendar year option (spring/fall). Students selecting a Calendar year program have access to APi housing throughout their program and are not required to travel or return home during the semester break. in contrast, students selecting an Academic year option (fall/spring) will have a 2-2.5 month break between semesters during which APi housing is not provided. Both early Start options include two intensive-month Spanish courses, one before the start of each semester. each intensive course is offered for four weeks prior to the start of each semester.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive their transcript from the universidad de Belgrano upon completion of their program.


Page 35: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014 EArLY StArtearly February - mid june, 2014 $12,480

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Spring SEMEStEr 2014early march- mid-june, 2014 $10,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014 EArLY StArtearly February - early november, 2014 $24,780

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014early march - early november, 2014 $22,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 EArLY StArtmid-june - early november, 2014 $12,480

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 mid-july - early november, 2014 $10,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015 EArLY StArtmid-june, 2014 - june, 2015 $24,780

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015mid-july, 2014 - june, 2015 $22,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in enGliSh

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS BN05

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS BN06

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


ArtBusinessCultural Studieseconomics Gender StudiesGeography

historyinternational relationsliteraturePolitical ScienceSpanish language

BusinessCultural Studieseconomics Gender Studies

historyinternational relationsliteraturePolitical Science


Page 36: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTenSive l AnGuAGe PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de BelGrAnO (uB)

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families

• international excursion


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• no previous study of Spanish required

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents

Academic ProgramThe intensive language Program is designed for students who want to quickly advance their Spanish skills through study abroad in Buenos Aires. There are no cultural electives offered within this program; students complete a series of intensive Spanish language courses. Students can expect to advance a minimum of two levels during the semester.

cOUrSE OFFEringSelementary Spanish • intermediate Spanish i & ii • Advanced Spanish

note: 45 contact hours generally equate to three semester credits. Given the high number of contact hours per course, however, some home universities may award fewer credits for each Spanish course than the contact hours below suggest.

FALL StUDEntS earn a total of 210 contact hours of Spanish language for the regular start program and 310 contact hours for the early start program.

intEnSiVE MOnth (EArLY StArt StUDEntS OnLY) 4 WeekS100 contact hours5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

3 ADDitiOnAL MOnthS (ALL FALL StUDEntS) 14 WeekS210 contact hours3 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

Spring StUDEntS earn a total of 220 contact hours of Spanish language.

intEnSiVE MOnth 1 4 WeekS100 contact hours5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

2 ADDitiOnAL MOnthS 8 WeekS120 contact hours3 hours of class per day, 5 days per week


Page 37: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014late February - early may, 2014 $9,400

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 EArLY StArtmid-july - early december, 2014 $11,990

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 mid-August - early december, 2014 $10,490

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntSThe intensive language Program is best suited for a semester of study only. Students who wish to study in Argentina for the academic or calendar year should select the Argentine and Latin American Studies Program for the second semester.

BrEAk pEriODSStudents are advised that there are several break periods of various lengths throughout the semester. housing is included during these breaks. APi excursions may be scheduled during these intrasemester breaks and students are also welcome to travel independently.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive their transcript from the universidad de Belgrano upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS BN01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS BN02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



Page 38: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTeGrATed STudieS WiTh ArGenTineS PrOGrAmuniverSidAd TOrCuATO di Tell A (uTdT )

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish• housing: host families• international excursion


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.• must have completed five semesters of college- level Spanish, or the equivalent, for admission• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only• Completed APi application• university Contact information Form• One letter of recommendation• Program of study statement in Spanish• Official transcript• Course form• Oral interview to confirm Spanish language proficiency• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014mid-February - mid-july, 2014 $13,490

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014-2015mid February - late december, 2014 $26,790

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 mid-july - late december, 2014 $13,490

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015mid-july, 2014 - july, 2015 $25,990

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 12-16 SemeSTer CrediTS AddiTiOnAl COurSeS mAy Be TAken FOr An exTrA Fee

APi students at the universidad Torcuato di Tella (uTdT) complete a majority of their courses with Argentine students. Students must have completed a minimum of five semesters of Spanish language and be prepared to complete all coursework in Spanish.

Students start the semester with an intensive Spanish language and culture course (4 credits). This course was designed to help visiting international students to review grammatical concepts, perfect their writing and gain a more in-depth view of Argentine life and culture. during the standard semester, students will complete their classes with local Argentine students. if preferred, students may instead select from a limited number of courses that are designed for visiting international students. All courses are generally equivalent to 4 u.S. semester credits, and students typically choose 2-3 courses to complete during the semester.

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntSThe Argentine academic calendar follows the calendar year. The first semester in Argentina is actually the equivalent of the spring semester in the u.S. Students who wish to study for two semesters in Argentina are encouraged to consider the Calendar year option (spring/fall) rather than the traditional Academic year option (fall/spring). Students selecting a Calendar year program have access to APi housing throughout their program and are not required to travel or return home during the semester break. in contrast, students selecting an Academic year option will have approximately a 2-month break between semesters during which APi housing is not provided.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive their transcript from the universidad Torcuato di Tella upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS BN07

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS BN08

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


Subject Offerings ArtBusinesseconomics FilmGender Studies

historyinternational relationsjournalismlawliterature

mathematicsPolitical ScienceSociologyStatistics


Page 39: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 40: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America












APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Argentina outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi Buenos Aires programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

C O l O n i A d e l S A C r A m e n T O , u r u G u A y intErnAtiOnAL ExcUrSiOn F A L L • S p r i n g • S U M M E r 1 A n D 2 * A brief trip from Buenos Aires, Colonia has a unique history as the only Portuguese settlement along the río de la Plata. Founded in 1680, it was originally seen as a threat to the Spanish settlers and the port had to operate in secret, in violation of Spanish law. Today, the city is still a functioning port for a prosperous agricultural region of uruguay. The city has a historic center with cobblestone streets and picturesque architecture. its Barrio histórico was recognized by uneSCO and named as a heritage site in the mid 1990s.

e S T A n C i A v i S i T F A L L • S p r i n gA trip to Argentina would not be complete with only a visit to its capital city of Buenos Aires. Aside from the attractions offered by the city, Argentina is known for its cattle, its wines and its grain. Argentine legends and mythology often refer to the mysterious life of the Argentine cowboy, the gaucho. located less than a few hours from the city, local estancias, or ranches, are a wonderful introduction to the Argentina countryside; their tranquility and open spaces contrast with the bustle of Buenos Aires and will give students a completely different vision of life in Argentina.

i G u A z ú F A l l S F A L L • S p r i n g • S U M M E r 1 A n D 2 * The name “iguazú,” coming from the language of the Guaraní people who inhabited the area, means “Big Water.” Found within iguazú national Park, near the borders of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, the iguazú Falls are a stunning natural wonder. declared a World natural heritage Site by uneSCO, the iguazú Falls encompass nearly two miles of falls. in fact, the 275 cascades that make up iguazú Falls are not only taller than niagara Falls, they are also twice as wide.

T i G r e F A L L • S p r i n glocated less than 20 miles outside the heart of Buenos Aires, Tigre was founded in the first half of the 1900s on an island created by the local streams and rivers. its name is derived from its history as an area when early settlers hunted jaguars. Today the port is most known for its craft fair, known as the “Puerto de Frutos.”

*Combined session summer students (e.g. Summer 1 and 2, or Summer 1, 2, and 3) will not repeat excursions.

Page 41: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America









h O S T F A m i l y meAlS And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


in Buenos Aires, students live with local host families. APi places one or two students per family, though all students will have a private bedroom. host families serve as a unique introduction into Argentine culture, and may be made up of a retirement-age couple, a single woman with or without children, or a traditional two-parent household. Students are provided with two meals per day (except on Saturday evenings), as well as laundry service once per week. Students typically live in the Palermo and recoleta neighborhoods, which are approximately 15-45 minutes from their host university.


“i reAlly lOved my hOST FAmily. They Are WArm And WelCOminG And

my FAvOriTe ASPeCT WAS The BiG emPhASiS On FAmily in ThiS hOuSe. The

FAmily iS AlWAyS COminG Over And iT mAkeS me Feel mOre AT hOme. iT iS

deFiniTely A hAPPy hOme.” - lAuren G.


“my hOuSinG SiTuATiOn WAS FAnTASTiC. my hOST mOTher WAS mOre ThAn

i COuld ASk FOr And i reAlly FelT AS ThOuGh i WAS ABle TO COmmuniCATe

WiTh her ABOuT AnyThinG And everyThinG. Any PrOBlemS ThAT i hAd i kneW

i COuld GO TO her And She WAS very helPFul. We Were ABle TO TAlk FOr

lOnG PeriOdS OF Time And She mAde me Feel very COmFOrTABle. i reAlly

FelT AS ThOuGh She CAred ABOuT me AS One OF her OWn Children And i

Believe ThAT’S reAlly imPOrTAnT. i WOuld mOST deFiniTely reCOmmend [my

FAmily] TO FuTure STudenTS.” - SArAh l.


hOuSinG PhOTOS On ThiS PAGe rePreSenT The STAndArd APi STudenT ACCOmmOdATiOnS. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.


Page 42: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh And enGliSh

hOUSing hOST FAmilieS

g.p.A. 2.75

tErMFAll SPrinG


Page 43: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

mendoza OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 110,000 in citY cEntEr; nEArLY 1,000,000 in SUrrOUnDing ArEA

FOurTh lArGeST CiTy in ArGenTinA

lOCATed AT The FOOThillS OF The AndeS mOunTAinS

lArGe STudenT POPulATiOn

lOCAl WinerieS drAW mAny Wine COnnOiSSeurS TO The AreA

ideAl envirOnmenT FOr nATure enThuSiASTS

host universityuniverSidAd de COnGreSO








Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS

• Advising

• @api Online resources

• Orientation materials and Support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• Social networking

• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS

• Airport reception

• resident director

• On-Site Orientation

• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring

• language and Culture Tools

• medical and life insurance

• excursions OverniGhT And inTernATiOnAl

• Social and Cultural Activities

• Welcome and Farewell Group meals

• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS

• re-entry materials and Support

• Post-Program evaluation

• Transcript

• Alumni network and development Opportunities

ExpEriEncES MAY incLUDE• neighborhood beautification projects• Wildlife and animal protection projects• Serving disadvantaged children

api gives backmendoza

WhY WOULD A StUDEnt BE iMprESSED BY MEnDOZA? “mendoza is a beautiful city nestled in the foothills of the majestic Andes. it was the site chosen for the filming of the movie “Seven years in Tibet.“ The metropolitan area of mendoza is home to nearly one million inhabitants and the city is known for its lively nightlife and relaxed daytime atmosphere. The city offers great opportunities for sports enthusiasts and nature lovers to stay active and outdoors.” - Courtney G.



After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 44: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 45: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SOCieT y, develOPmenT And SPAniSh l AnGuAGe PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de COnGreSO

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish and english

• housing: host families

• Community service/volunteer options

• international excursion (fall only)


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• no previous study of Spanish is required

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Oral interview to confirm Spanish language proficiency (if coursework with Argentine students is desired)

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014early February - early june, 2014 $13,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014early February - mid-december, 2014 $25,680

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014mid-August - mid-december, 2014 $13,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014 -2015mid-August - early june, 2015 $24,980

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS MZ01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS MZ02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 12-15 SemeSTer CrediTS Students selecting the Society, development and Spanish language Program will study at the universidad de Congreso. Students have the option of completing Spanish language coursework in combination with elective courses in english related to Argentine culture and society, economics and politics. Coursework is designed for visiting international students, though elective courses in english are also open to Argentine students at the universidad de Congreso.

Advanced-level Spanish speakers have the option to complete coursework in Spanish alongside their Argentine peers. As the standard Argentine academic calendar begins earlier than the session for international students, taking courses with Argentines will require an additional fee and affect the program start date.

cOMMUnitY SErVicE/VOLUntEEr OptiOnSStudents interested in hands-on experience with “mendocinos”, as the local inhabitants of mendoza are called, are welcome to volunteer at local nGOs committed to the protection of wildlife, the environment and at-risk children.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive their transcript from the universidad de Congreso upon completion of their program.

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in enGliSh

Agribusinessecology history/Political Science

latin American Studiesviticulture & Tourism


Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh WiTh ArGenTineS

AccountingArchitectureBusiness AdministrationCommunicationseconomics

environmental management international relationslawPsychologyTourism


Page 46: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America




A e






APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Argentina outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi mendoza programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

i G u A z ú F A l l S S p r i n g The name “iguazú,” coming from the language of the Guaraní people who inhabited the area, means “Big Water.” Found within iguazú national Park, near the borders of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, the iguazú Falls are a stunning natural wonder. declared a World natural heritage Site by uneSCO, the iguazú Falls encompass nearly two miles of falls. in fact, the 275 cascades that make up iguazú Falls are not only taller than niagara Falls, they are also twice as wide.

S A n r A F A e l F A L L • S p r i n g San rafael, developed from the desert, is an oasis similar to mendoza due to its network of canals. By 1900, San rafael had become a major destination for european immigrants, drawn by the developing fruit orchards, olives groves and vineyards. San rafael is now an important economic hub in the southern part of the mendoza province. The torrential Atuel and diamante rivers have led to the creation of a number of hydroelectric dams, as well as a large reservoir and lakes, which have become major tourist sites. San rafael also has a dazzling canyon formed by the Atuel river, with incredible rock formations.

S A n T i A G O , C h i l e intErnAtiOnAL ExcUrSiOn F A L L housing more than one-third of the total Chilean population, Santiago defines Chile. it is a thriving metropolis with a wealth of museums, restaurants and other cultural activities. Surrounded by mountains and with its mixture of architecture reminiscent of both old europe and the united States, Santiago enthralls visitors.

v i n e y A r d A n d T r e k k i n G F A L L • S p r i n g nearly two-thirds of all the wine produced in Argentina comes from the province of mendoza. Students will have the opportunity to visit a local winery and learn how the wine is produced. Students will also visit the area around the Andes and enjoy the beautiful views.

h O S T F A m i l y meAlS And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


in mendoza, students live with local host families. As APi places one student per family, all students have a private bedroom. host families serve as an unique introduction into Argentine culture, and may be made up of a retirement-age couple, a single woman with or without children, or a traditional two-parent household. Students are provided with three meals per day (except on Saturdays), as well as laundry service once per week. Students typically live in the 5th or 6th neighborhoods of mendoza, which are approximately 15-20 minutes from their host university.


nO PhOTOS Are CurrenTly AvAilABle FOr APi hOuSinG in mendOzA. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.

mendOzA hOuSinG


Page 47: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 48: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 49: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America




291,930 SquAre mileS


“POr lA rAzÓn O lA FuerzA” SPAniSh FOr “By reASOn Or By FOrCe”


ChileAn PeSO


SPAniSh (OFFiCiAl)

mAPudunGun, AymArA, And rAPAnui (indiGenOuS)

knOWn FOr

GeOGrAPhiCAl diverSiTy


inCrediBle SeAFOOd




“Chile” meAnS “Where The lAnd endS”

The ChileAn CiTy OF AriCA iS The drieST CiTy On The PlAneTknOWn FOr iTS nATurAl reSOurCeS, SuCh AS COPPer And lAPiz lAzuli

Chile iS 2,700 mileS lOnG And On AverAGe 109 mileS Wide

Chile iS The WOrld’S FiFTh lArGeST exPOrTer OF Wine









Page 50: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh And enGliSh

hOUSing hOST FAmilieS

g.p.A. 3.0

tErMSemeSTer • ACAdemiC yeAr CAlendAr yeAr • Summer

“i CAnnOT SAy enOuGh GOOd ThinGS ABOuT k Arl A (Our reSidenT direCTOr). She Pl Anned GreAT OuTinGS FOr Our GrOuPS And She WAS SuPer helPFul And niCe. She helPed TO mAke my exPerienCe WOnderFul.” - AmBer h.


Page 51: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

vAlPArAíSO reSidenT direCTOr

valparaíso OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 264,000

A BuSTlinG POrT WiTh BeAuTiFul PACiFiC vieWS

ACCeSS TO PABlO nerudA’S hOme “lA SeBASTiAnA”

FOrTy “CerrOS” Or hillS TO Admire The SPArklinG OCeAn BelOW

SeAT OF The ChileAn COnGreSS

leSS ThAn TWO-hOur BuS ride FrOm SAnTiAGO

host universitiesPOnTiFiCiA univerSidAd CATÓliCA de vAlPArAíSO

univerSidAd TéCniCA FederiCO SAnTA mAríA


ExpEriEncES MAY incLUDE• Serving disadvantaged children and youth• City beautification projects

api gives backvalparaíso

WhAt DO YOU LikE MOSt ABOUt VALpArAíSO? “i grew up very close to

the mountains, but all my childhood memories are associated with the ocean.

i don’t remember when i first discovered valparaíso, i just know that i love it…

everything there is different: the houses seem to hang from the hills, the colors

are brighter and its people are always willing to help you. valparaíso is that

magical place that lives inside every person looking for adventures, that place

where you always want to come back.” - karla, valparaíso resident director









Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS• Advising• @api Online resources• Orientation materials and Support• mobile Phone• Peer mentors• Social networking• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS• Airport reception• resident directors• On-Site Orientation• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring• language and Culture Tools• medical and life insurance• excursions dAy TriPS, OverniGhT And/Or inTernATiOnAl

• Social and Cultural Activities• Welcome and Farewell Group meals• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS• re-entry materials and Support• Post-Program evaluation• Transcript• Alumni network and development Opportunities


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 52: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh l AnGuAGe And l ATin AmeriCAn STudieS PrOGrAmPOnTiFiCiA univerSidAd CATÓliCA de vAlPArAíSO

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish and english

• Advanced speakers may take courses with Chileans

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• no minimum study of Spanish required for Spanish language courses and english electives

• Six semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent required for students taking coursework with Chileans or completing the latin American Studies certificate

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 12-19 SemeSTer CrediTS

APi students studying at the Pontificia universidad Católica de valparaíso (PuCv) have the option of taking Spanish language courses at the beginning, intermediate or advanced levels with other visiting international students. Students also complete elective coursework in english or Spanish. Students who place into the advanced level of Spanish on the PuCv placement test are welcome to take coursework with local Chilean students in lieu of some elective courses. Courses with Chilean students will end later than courses with international students, and will require an extra fee for extended housing.

Students selecting the early Start option arrive four weeks prior to the start of the standard university semester and complete a 90-contact hour Spanish course to improve their Spanish skills.

LAtin AMEricAn StUDiES cErtiFicAtE - FALL OnLYAdvanced-level Spanish speakers studying abroad during the fall are eligible to earn a special latin American Studies Certificate from the Pontificia universidad Católica de valparaíso. To do so, students must complete coursework focused on the diverse aspects of contemporary latin America. This multidisciplinary track allows students to complete all coursework in Spanish. Students may select from coursework in literature, history, political science, sociology and geography. Some courses are offered just for visiting international students and other courses can be completed with local Chilean students.

Students may only complete this program during the u.S. fall semester.

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntS The Chilean academic calendar follows the calendar year. The first semester in Chile is actually the equivalent of the spring semester in the u.S. Students who wish to study for two semesters in Chile are encouraged to consider the Calendar year option (spring/fall). Students selecting a Calendar year program have access to APi housing throughout their program. in contrast, students selecting the more traditional Academic year option will have approximately a 2-month break between semesters during which APi housing is not provided. Both early Start options include an intensive Spanish course prior to the start of the first semester in Chile.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the Pontificia universidad Católica de valparaíso upon completion of their program.


Page 53: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate january - mid july, 2014 $13,290

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Spring SEMEStEr 2014late February - mid-july, 2014 $10,990

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014 EArLY StArtlate january - december, 2014 $24,390

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014late February - december, 2014 $22,390

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 EArLY StArtmid-june - mid-december, 2014 $13,290

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 mid-july - mid-december, 2014 $10,990

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015 EArLY StArtmid-june, 2014 - july, 2015 $24,390

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015mid-july, 2014 - july, 2015 $22,390

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh WiTh ChileAn STudenTS

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in enGliSh WiTh inTernATiOnAl STudenTS

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS VA01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS VA02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

Art historyChilean Culturehistory


AccountingAgronomyArchitectureArtBiochemistryBiologyengineering educationGraphic/industrial designhistoryjournalismkinesiology law

linguisticsmathematicsmusicPhilosophyPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychologyreligious StudiesSocial WorkSpanish and CommunicationStatistics Translation

Art historyCultural StudiesFilmGender Studies

historyinternational relationsliteraturePolitical Science


Page 54: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

l AnGuAGe And CulTure PrOGrAm univerSiT y OF BArCelOnA

highlights• Classes taught in english

• housing with host families, residencias and student apartments


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors only

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents (more information provided post-acceptance)


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2013mid-may - late june, 2013 $–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 2 2013late june - early August, 2013 $–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 3 2013late june - mid-August, 2013 $–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 1 & 2 cOMBinED 2013mid-may - early August 2013 $–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 1 & 3 cOMBinED 2013mid-may - early August 2013 $–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.


inTeGrATed STudieS PrOGrAmuniverSidAd TéCniCA FederiCO SAnTA mAríA

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• intensive Spanish course available prior to semester

• Semester-long Spanish course available every semester

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to advanced and superior-level Spanish speakers

• Six semesters of college level Spanish or the equivalent

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Cv or résumé

• Statement of purpose in Spanish

• Oral interview to demonstrate Spanish proficiency

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014late February - mid-july, 2014 $12,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014late February - late december, 2014 $24,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 late july - late december, 2014 $12,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015late july, 2014 - mid-july, 2015 $24,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 12-17 SemeSTer CrediTS

The integrated Studies Program at the universidad Técnica Federico Santa maría (uTFSm) offers students the opportunity to take courses at one of the most highly ranked universities in Chile alongside Chilean students. The university’s beautiful campus overlooks the Pacific Ocean and inspires students to spend time studying outdoors.

All students will complete a non-credit bearing 2-week intensive Spanish course prior to enrolling in courses alongside their Chilean peers. most u.S. students select courses in the social sciences and humanities. As no Chilean students at the uTFSm major in these areas, the courses are taught at a lower level and are considered less advanced. Students interested in science and engineering coursework may select any course for which they have completed the pre-requisite courses on their home campus.

interested students can choose to complete a semester-long Spanish course along with their other courses. Additionally, special courses designed for visiting international students, including topics such as anthropology, geography, history and more, may be offered if enrollment targets are met.


Page 55: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntS The Chilean academic calendar follows the calendar year. The first semester in Chile is actually the equivalent of the spring semester in the u.S. Students who wish to study for two semesters in Chile are encouraged to consider the Calendar year option (spring/fall). Students selecting a Calendar year program have access to APi housing throughout their program and are not required to travel or return home during the semester break. in contrast, students selecting an Academic year option will have approximately a 2-month break between semesters during which APi housing is not provided.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad Técnica Federico Santa maría upon completion of their program.

Subject Offerings

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

Architecture Civil engineeringChemistryComputer Science deFider (Sports) electricity

electronicshumanitiesmathematicsmechanicsindustrial engineering/BusinessScience of materials

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS VA05

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS VA06

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



Page 56: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

h O S T F A m i l y 2-3 meAlS Per dAy And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


Semester and summer students living in valparaíso will live with local host families. in Chile, APi places one student per family, and all students have a private bedroom. host families serve as an unique introduction into Chilean culture and may be made up of a retirement-age couple, a single woman with or without children, or a traditional two-parent household. Students are provided with two meals per day (except on weekends), as well as laundry service once per week.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––---–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

nO PhOTOS Are CurrenTly AvAilABle FOr APi hOuSinG in vAlPArAíSO. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.

vAlPArAíSO hOuSinG











APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Chile outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi valparaíso programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

C h i l O é S p r i n g • S U M M E r 1Chiloé Archipelago is made up by isla Grande and other 40 smaller ones surrounding it. it is separated from the Chilean mainland by the Chacao Strait, which can be crossed by a 20-minute ferry trip. Once on the beautiful and magical island of Chiloé, students will visit the famous churches in dalcahue - Achao and quinchao island and will go trekking in the Chiloé national Park.

i S l A n e G r A F A L L • S p r i n g isla negra was made famous by the decision of Pablo neruda, one of Chile’s greatest poets, to establish a home there. neruda described the island to be a place where “todo florece” (“everything flourishes”). Today, the island is filled with artists and writers, and considered as an amazing source of creative inspiration.

m A u l e F A L L • S U M M E r 1 This weekend trip is all about discovering Chile and its amazing people. Students will visit central-south Chile, taking a 4-hour train ride. during the visit, students will learn about the very specific arts and crafts of rari, a small village, visit an artisan vineyard and get to know a historical city where one of the most important battles within Chile occurred.

S A n T i A G O F A L L • S p r i n g • S U M M E r 1 & 2 * housing more than one-third of the total Chilean population, Santiago defines Chile for many visitors. it is a thriving metropolis with a wealth of museums, restaurants and other cultural activities. Surrounded by mountains, the city’s cleanliness and order enthralls visitors. With its mixture of architecture reminiscent of both europe and the united States, visitors from around the world feel comfortable in this most modern of Chilean cities.

v A l l e d e e l q u í S U M M E r 2in every travel guide the valle del elquí appears as a “must-see” in Chile, not only because it offers 300 days of sun per year, but also because of its exotic landscapes and relationship with the incan culture. The visit will include a trekking adventure through the Andes, a visit to the mamalluca Observatory, and a visit to the original inca towns in the area.

v i n e y A r d S p r i n g • F A L L • S U M M E r 1 & 2 *Chile is widely recognized for the quality of its wines, especially Carmenere, a variety of grape that was once close to extinction due to a plague in France. Students have the opportunity to learn more about Chilean wine and its roots dating back to the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.

*Combined session summer students (e.g. Summer 1 and 2) will not repeat duplicate excursions.

Page 57: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 58: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh And enGliSh

hOUSing hOST FAmilieS

g.p.A. 2.75 - 3.0

tErMSemeSTer • ACAdemiC yeAr CAlendAr yeAr • Summer

“kArlA jOFre iS GreAT! She WAS An AmAzinG reSOurCe durinG my Time in Chile. She COnSiSTenTly WenT WAy ABOve And BeyOnd her jOB deSCriPTiOn TO helP uS in Any WAy We needed And We Were Truly TreATed AS A PArT OF her FAmily. i leArned SO muCh ABOuT Chile And iTS CulTure FrOm her.” - Allyn C.


Page 59: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

viÑA del mAr reSidenT direCTOr

viña del mar OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 287,000

BuilT On The lAnd OF TWO FOrmer eSTATeS

A univerSiTy TOWn

lOCATed On The PACiFiC OCeAn

PlenTiFul BeACheS

A relAxed liFeSTyle

TOuriST CAPiTAl OF Chile

OFTen CAlled The “GArden CiTy”

Only TWO hOurS AWAy FrOm The ChileAn CAPiTAl, SAnTiAGO

host universitiesuniverSidAd AdOlFO iBÁÑez

univerSidAd viÑA del mAr

viÑA del mAr

ExpEriEncES MAY incLUDE• Serving disadvantaged children and youth• City beautification projects

api gives backviña del mar

WhAt DO YOU LikE MOSt ABOUt ViÑA DEL MAr? “viña del mar is the order after the chaos, the warmness of the sun, the sea in your living room and having tea with friends. i like the calmness of viña del mar, the great restaurants, museums and variety of activities. discover viña, and who knows, you may end up calling this city your home, just like me!” - karla, viña del mar resident director









Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS

• Advising

• @api Online resources

• Orientation materials and Support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• Social networking

• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS

• Airport reception

• resident directors

• On-Site Orientation

• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring

• language and Culture Tools

• medical and life insurance

• excursions OverniGhT And inTernATiOnAl

• Social and Cultural Activities

• Welcome and Farewell Group meals

• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS

• re-entry materials and Support

• Post-Program evaluation

• Transcript

• Alumni network and development Opportunities


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 60: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

BuSineSS And l ATin AmeriCAn STudieS PrOGrAmuniverSidAd AdOlFO iBÁÑez

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish and english

• Options to take courses with Chilean students

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to students at all levels of Spanish; one semester of Spanish language highly recommended

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014march - june, 2014 $12,000

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014late February - december, 2014 $23,500

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 late july - december, 2014 $12,000

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015late july, 2014 - june, 2015 $23,500

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2015pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2015–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 12-17 SemeSTer CrediTS

The Business and latin American Studies Program at the universidad Adolfo ibáñez is open to students at all Spanish levels. Students have the opportunity to complete Spanish language courses along with business, Chilean culture, and latin American studies courses in english or Spanish. Students with an advanced level of Spanish are welcome to select integrated courses with Chilean students from the standard university course offerings. Courses are available in business administration, engineering, journalism and psychology, as well as other areas of liberal arts and the social sciences. Students who elect to complete courses with Chilean students will need to stay several extra weeks in Chile due to a more extensive exam period.

during the orientation period on-site, all students complete a language placement test to determine their Spanish level.

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntS The Chilean academic calendar follows the calendar year. The first semester in Chile is actually the equivalent of the spring semester in the u.S. Students who wish to study for two semesters in Chile are encouraged to consider the Calendar year option (spring/fall). Students selecting a Calendar year program have access to APi housing throughout their program and are not required to travel or return home during the semester break. in contrast, students selecting an Academic year option will have approximately a 2-month break between semesters during which APi housing is not provided.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad Adolfo ibáñez upon completion of their program.


Page 61: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS VM05

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS VM06

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh WiThinTernATiOnAl STudenTS

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh WiTh ChileAnS

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in enGliSh WiTh inTernATiOnAl STudenTS

Art historyChilean CultureGeographyhistory

literaturePolitical ScienceSpanish


journalismlawliteraturenatural SciencesPhilosophyPsychology

BusinessCultural Studieseconomics Film

historyinternational relationsmarketingPolitical Science


Page 62: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh l AnGuAGe And l ATin AmeriCAn STudieS PrOGrAmuniverSidAd viÑA del mAr

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish and english

• Options to take courses with Chilean students

• volunteer and community involvement opportunities

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to students at all levels of Spanish; one semester of Spanish language highly recommended

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014early march - mid-july, 2014 $12,000

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

cALEnDAr YEAr 2014early march - december, 2014 $22,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 early August - december, 2014 $12,000

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015early August, 2014 - mid-july, 2015 $22,880

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE may 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 12-17 SemeSTer CrediTS

The universidad viña del mar is a private institution in Chile that offers visiting students the opportunity to complete Spanish language courses at all levels in combination with a variety of elective courses in either english or Spanish. All students complete a placement test upon arrival to determine their Spanish level.

All Spanish language and culture courses consist only of visiting students, but courses taught in english are also open to Chilean students. Additionally, advanced-level Spanish speakers have the opportunity to complete a “Cultures in Contact” course with local Chilean students. Students selecting this course may choose to complete volunteer work to further advance their understanding of the Chilean culture and society.

Advanced Spanish speakers who are interested in completing additional courses with Chileans are advised that integrated classes end a bit later than courses for visiting students. Students selecting this option would have a later program end date and would be required to pay an additional fee to extend their APi housing.


Page 63: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

AcADEMic AnD cALEnDAr YEAr StUDEntS The Chilean academic calendar follows the calendar year. The first semester in Chile is actually the equivalent of the spring semester in the u.S. Students who wish to study for two semesters in Chile are encouraged to consider the Calendar year option (spring/fall). Students selecting a Calendar year program have access to APi housing throughout their program and are not required to travel or return home during the semester break. in contrast, students selecting an Academic year option will have approximately a 2-month break between semesters during which APi housing is not provided.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad viña del mar upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS VM01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS VM02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniSh WiTh ChileAnS

Subject Offerings TAuGhT in enGliSh WiTh inTernATiOnAl STudenTS

Chilean CulturehistoryFilm

literaturePolitical ScienceSpanish language

Architecture/designeducationengineering health Sciencesjournalismlaw Psychology

Public relationsSociologySocial Work

BusinessCultural Studies environmental Studies

Gender Studiesinternational relationsPolitical Science

Page 64: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


A d



r e






APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Chile outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi viña del mar programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

C h i l O é S p r i n g Chiloé Archipelago is made up by isla Grande and other 40 smaller ones surrounding it. it is separated from the Chilean mainland by the Chacao Strait, which can be crossed by a 20-minute ferry trip. Once on the beautiful and magical island of Chiloé, students will visit the famous churches in dalcahue - Achao and quinchao island as well as go trekking in the Chiloé national Park, el Tepual Path.

i S l A n e G r A F A L L • S p r i n g isla negra was made famous by the decision of Pablo neruda, one of Chile’s greatest poets, to establish a home there. neruda described the island to be a place where “todo florece” (“everything flourishes”). Today, the island is filled with artists and writers, and considered as an amazing source of creative inspiration.

m A u l e F A L L • S U M M E r 1 This weekend trip is all about discovering Chile and its amazing people. Students will visit central-south Chile, taking a 4-hour train ride. during the visit, students will learn about the very specific arts and crafts of rari, a small village, visit an artisan vineyard and get to know an historical city where one of the most important battles within Chile occurred.

S A n T i A G O F A L L • S p r i n g • S U M M E r 1 & 2 * housing more than one-third of the total Chilean population, Santiago defines Chile for many visitors. it is a thriving metropolis with a wealth of museums, restaurants and other cultural activities. Surrounded by mountains, the city’s cleanliness and order enthralls visitors. With its mixture of architecture reminiscent of both europe and the united States, visitors from around the world feel comfortable in this most modern of Chilean cities.

v A l l e d e e l q u i S U M M E r 2in every travel guide the valle del elqui appears as a “must-see” in Chile, not only because it offers 300 days of sun per year, but also because of its exotic landscapes and relationship with the incan culture. The visit will include a trekking adventure through the Andes, a visit to the mamalluca Observatory, and a visit to the original inca towns in the area.

v i n e y A r d S p r i n g • F A L L • S U M M E r 1 & 2 *Chile is widely recognized for the quality of its wines, especially Carmenere, a variety of grape that was once close to extinction due to a plague in France. Students have the opportunity to learn more about Chilean wine and its roots dating back to the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century.

*Combined session summer students (e.g. Summer 1 and 2) will not repeat duplicate excursions.

Page 65: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America



A d

el m





h O S T F A m i l y Wi-Fi inTerneT, meAlS And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


Semester and summer living in viña del mar will live with local host families. in Chile, APi places one student per family, and all students have a private bedroom. host families serve as an unique introduction to Chilean culture and may be made up of a retirement-age couple, a single woman with or without children, or a traditional two-parent household. Students are provided with three meals per day, as well as laundry service once per week. Generally, if the student is at the university during the family’s lunch hour, the host mother will prepare a light meal for the student to bring to the university.


“my FAmily WAS WOnderFul. i FelT like A PArT OF Their FAmily inSTeAd OF

A FOreiGn inTruder. They PrOvided A niCe BAlAnCe OF inCluSiOn And

indePendenCe FOr mySelF.” - SArA S.


“i ABSOluTely lOve my hOST FAmily. They Are SO SWeeT TO me, eSPeCiAlly

The mOm. She iS PATienT, WillinG TO liSTen, And underSTAndS me even

When There iS A lAnGuAGe BArrier.” - mArGAreT m.


hOuSinG PhOTOS On ThiS PAGe rePreSenT The STAndArd APi STudenT ACCOmmOdATiOnS. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.


Page 66: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 67: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America




19,730 SquAre mileS


“PurA vidA”SPAniSh FOr “Pure liFe”




SPAniShSOme uSAGe OF indiGenOuS lAnGuAGeS SuCh AS BriBri

knOWn FOr

GAllO PinTO TrAdiTiOnAl riCe And BeAn diSh

ziP lininG

GreAT SurF BreAkS


inCrediBle nATurAl BeAuTy



11.5 TO 12 hOurS OF dAyliGhT All yeAr

nO miliTAry

mOre ThAn 25% OF COSTAriCAn lAnd iS dediCATed TO nATiOnAl PArkS

FOrmAl uSTed FOrm mOre POPulAr ThAn inFOrmAl Tú











Page 68: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh

hOUSing hOST FAmilieS

g.p.A. 3.0

tErMSemeSTerACAdemiC yeAr Summer

“APi GAve me All OF The eSSenTiAl inFOrmATiOn i needed While STill GivinG me my indePendenCe in COSTA riCA, An inCrediBle COunTry!” - elizABeTh v.


Page 69: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SAn jOAquín de FlOreS reSidenT direCTOr

San joaquín de Flores OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 16,000

ChArminG, COlOrFul And quAinTCOlOniAl TOWn lOCATedTen mileS FrOm SAn jOSé

WAlkinG diSTAnCe TO AlmOST everyThinG in The CiTy

90 minuTeS TO BeAuTiFul BeACheS

40 minuTeS TO nATiOnAl PArkS

host institutionsinSTiTuTO SAn jOAquín de FlOreS

univerSidAd lATinA de COSTA riCA

pASt ExpEriEncES incLUDE• Beach clean up• Teaching english to locals • volunteering at orphanage

api gives backsan joaquín de flores

WhY ShOULD StUDEntS StUDY ABrOAD in SAn JOAQUín DE FLOrES? “San joaquín de Flores is a small town where you can breathe fresh air and meet friendly people. Walking through San joaquín during the morning, you will see many people strolling and exercising in the streets. The town functions like a ‘big family’ because almost everyone knows each other. This makes San joaquín a peaceful place where students enjoy studying and meeting tico friends.” - Francy, San joaquín de Flores resident director









Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS• Advising

• @api Online resources

• Orientation materials and Support

• Peer mentors

• Social networking

• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS• Airport reception

• resident directors

• On-Site Orientation

• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• mobile Phone

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring

• language and Culture Tools

• medical and life insurance

• excursions OverniGhT And inTernATiOnAl

• Social and Cultural Activities

• Welcome and Farewell Group meals

• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS• re-entry materials and Support

• Post-Program evaluation

• Transcript

• Alumni network and development Opportunities

SAn jOAquínde FlOreS


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 70: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 71: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh l AnGuAGe And l ATin AmeriCAn STudieS PrOGrAminSTiTuTO SAn jOAquín de FlOreS ( iSjF )

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families

• volunteer and community involvement opportunities

• international excursion


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to advanced and superior level Spanish speakers

• Completion of four semesters of college level Spanish or the equivalent

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental post-acceptance forms

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014early january - mid-may, 2014 $11,980

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014late August - mid-december, 2014 $11,980

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE june 10, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE july 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015late August, 2014 - mid-may, 2015 $22,980

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE june 10, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE july 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 180-270 hOurS Per SemeSTer • 12-18 SemeSTer CrediTS

designed for American students, the program at the instituto San joaquín de Flores (iSjF) offers advanced and superior level Spanish language courses along with a variety of electives including the arts, literature, cultural studies, sociology, and environmental studies taught in Spanish. Students will have the opportunity to interact with “ticos” (as Costa ricans refer to themselves) outside of the classroom by participating in community service opportunities and cultural activities.

All students enroll in 4-6 classes per semester, and each course is equivalent to a total of 3 semester credits. All students are highly encouraged to enroll in a Spanish language class.

cOMMUnitY-BASED LEArning Students who seek active involvement with local community members in San joaquín are encouraged to select the Advanced Spanish Conversation course. As part of the course, students complete 20 or more hours of community service at local schools, libraries or retirement homes.

cLASSES With cOStA ricAn StUDEntS high-advanced or superior-level Spanish speakers have the option of enrolling in one class with Costa rican students per semester at the universidad latina de Costa rica (ul) for no additional fee. enrollment at the ul also allows APi students to participate in sports and other activities with Costa rican students. Subjects available include advertising, business, communications, education, law, and public relations. Students who choose to study at the universidad latina must submit an official high school transcript and copy of their diploma to APi in addition to their college transcript upon applying. An additional fee per class is charged for students who take two or more classes at the ul.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from u.S.-accredited Fairfield university upon completion of the program. Students who enroll in classes with Costa rican students receive an additional transcript from the universidad latina.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe deSCriPTiOnS SF01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SF02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

Subject OfferingsBusinessCinemaCommunicationsCultural Studiesecotourism

educationhistoryinternational relationsliteraturemusic

Political ScienceSociologySpanish



Page 72: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


n j



ín d

e F









APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Costa rica outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi San joaquín de Flores programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A r e n A l F A L L • S U M M E r 2Arenal volcano national Park is located in the central mountainous region of Costa rica, with elevations ranging from 3281 to 5436 feet. Surrounded by rainforests and cloud forests, the Arenal volcano is a sight to see! This active volcano was considered dormant until a major eruption in 1968. if students are lucky to observe the volcano on a clear night, they can see hot lava trails streaming down the mountain. nearby waterfalls and hot springs (heated by the volcano) make for a relaxing experience.

C A r T A G O S p r i n g • F A L L • S U M M E r 1 & 2Cartago was Costa rica’s first capital until 1823 and is home to Costa rica’s patron saint, Our lady of the Angels “nuestra Señora de los Angeles” or “la negrita.” Students visit the most important sites in the city, as well as the Orosi valley, founded by the Franciscan monks in 1561. it is home to the country’s oldest church still in continuous use, built in 1735.

C A h u i T A n A T i O n A l P A r k S U M M E r 1located on the Caribbean coast of Costa rica, Cahuita national Park boasts white sand beaches and miles of trails through woodlands. visiting students can enjoy a taste of Creole culture and appreciate the area’s laid back lifestyle. Walking along the park’s extensive trails, students can catch glimpses of the wildlife that inhabits the jungle. Bands of white face monkeys are often seen among the treetops; coatis, iguanas and raccoons might greet students during a walk along the beach.

P A n A m A O r n i C A r A G u A *intErnAtiOnAL ExcUrSiOn S p r i n g • F A L L BOCAS del TOrO, PAnAmA: The archipelago of Bocas del Toro offers white-sand beaches, lagoons, and incredible opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, diving and sunbathing. it is also an area rich in wildlife. Students may visit the Bastimentos island national marine Park, featuring incredible coral reefs and marine life, and a nearby bird sanctuary with a variety of local and migratory species. Four species of endangered sea turtles still visit the waters of Bocas and the turtles come ashore in great numbers during certain seasons.

GrAnAdA, niCArAGuA: Granada was founded in 1524 and is one of the oldest settlements in nicaragua. during the colonial period, it was one of the most important port cities in Central America. Students can observe its fascinating its colonial architecture and old-world feel.

i n B i O P A r q u e S p r i n g • F A L L • S U M M E r 1 & 2during this tour, students will experience a variety of tropical forest trails. Along the way, students will enjoy the flora and fauna of the area, including frogs, butterflies, iguanas, sloths, alligators, birds, turtles and snakes and different types of plants as orchids, heliconias and bromeliads.

m O n T e v e r d e S U M M E r 1The area around this world-famous cloud forest is idyllically pastoral, with emerald green mountain pastures grazed by black-and-white holstein cattle. Students will hike through the rainforest during the day and will also take a night walk in order to see the fauna that only come out at night. lying at 1500 meters above the sea level and with a population of around 5000 people, monteverde is recognized world-wide for its ecological contribution in the production of oxygen and for sheltering one of the richest and more fragile ecosystems: the cloud forest. This Cloud Forest Preserve has more than 400 species of birds and more than 3000 species of plants.

r i n C O n d e l A v i e j A n A T i O n A l P A r k S U M M E r 2This national park is named after the active volcán rincón de la vieja, the steamy main attraction. The region bursts with multihued fumaroles, hot springs, lively mud pots hurling clumps of ashy gray mud, a young and feisty volcancito, plus a cacophony of popping, hissing holes in the ground.

r í O C e l e S T e • T e n O r i O v O l C A n O S p r i n gThe beautiful river ‘río Celeste’ is named after the light blue waters caused by the presence of sulphur and calcium carbonates. Clouds and rainforest cover the park, which has many flora and fauna species, rivers, waterfalls and thermal hot springs. The Tenorio volcano, with multiple craters, and montezuma volcano, with twin craters, are both dormant.

* The international destination varies each session due to the influence of the local climate.

Page 73: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


n jO









h O S T F A m i l i e S meAlS And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


Students in San joaquín de Flores live with local host families. host families serve as a unique introduction into Costa rican culture, and may be made up of a married couple with children, a divorced or widowed woman with children still at home, or a family with some members living at home and others living outside of the city during the work week. As APi places one student per family, all students have a private bedroom. Students are provided with 2-3 meals per day, as well as laundry service once per week.


“i hOneSTly CAn SAy ThAT my hOST FAmily mAde my enTire STudy ABrOAd exPerienCe AS GreAT AS iT WAS. They Were very WelCOminG

FrOm The BeGinninG And i never FelT AWkWArd in Their hOme.” -

jenniFer P.


“i WAS very hAPPy WiTh my hOST mOTher. She WAS exTremely helPFul in imPrOvinG my SPAniSh SkillS. She WAS A kind WOmAn And A GreAT

COOk. i hAve nO COmPlAinTS.” - dAniel S.


“i WAS exTremely hAPPy WiTh my hOuSinG in COSTA riCA. i hAve CerTAin

mediCAl COnCernS WiTh FOOd reSTriCTiOnS. AFTer exPlAininG ThOSe TO

my reSidenT direCTOr, i WAS PlACed WiTh A hOST mOm WhO WenT ABOve

And BeyOnd TO mAke Sure my STAy WAS SAFe, enjOyABle And memOrABle.” - BrynnA T.


hOuSinG PhOTOS On ThiS PAGe rePreSenT The STAndArd APi STudenT ACCOmmOdATiOnS. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.


Page 74: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh And enGliSh

hOUSing hOST FAmilieS

g.p.A. 2.75

tErMquArTer • SemeSTer ACAdemiC yeAr • Summer

“i leArned SO muCh And develOPed inTO A muCh mOre indePendenT And COnFidenT PerSOn. i lOved ThiS OPPOrTuniTy i WOuldn’T TrAde iT FOr AnyThinG in The WOrld. The PeOPle Were AmAzinG And The PrOGrAm WAS very Well OrGAnized. BrAvO.” - lAuren m.


Page 75: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SAn jOSé reSidenT direCTOrS

San josé OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 2,600,000


WOnderFul ClimATe

GreAT muSeumS

ClOSe PrOximiTy TO BeACheS And mOunTAinS

host institutionsinTernATiOnAl CenTer FOr develOPmenT STudieS

univerSidAd veriTAS

pASt ExpEriEncES incLUDE• Beach clean up• Teaching english to locals • volunteering at orphanage

api gives backsan josé

iF YOU OnLY hAD OnE DAY tO ShOW A nEWcOMEr ArOUnD SAn JOSÉ, WhErE WOULD YOU tAkE thEM? “i would take them to the national Theater, the Cathedral, the national Cemetery and the national museum. Prior to 1948, the national museum was the headquarters for the national Army. in 1948, the government wrote the new constitution, which abolished the Army and after that, the building was converted into a museum that keeps pre-Columbian and other colonial artifacts.” - esteban, San josé resident director








Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS

• Advising

• @api Online resources

• Orientation materials and Support

• Peer mentors

• Social networking

• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS

• Airport reception

• resident directors

• APi Center

• On-Site Orientation

• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• mobile Phone

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring

• language and Culture Tools

• medical and life insurance

• excursions OverniGhT And inTernATiOnAl

• Social and Cultural Activities

• Welcome and Farewell Group meals

• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS

• re-entry materials and Support

• Post-Program evaluation

• Transcript

• Alumni network and development Opportunities

SAn jOSé


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 76: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

develOPmenT STudieS in lATin AmeriCA PrOGrAm inTernATiOnAl CenTer FOr develOPmenT STudieS (iCdS)

highlights• Classes taught in english and Spanish

• housing: host families

• volunteer and community involvement opportunities

• international excursion


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• no previous knowledge of Spanish is required, but one semester is recommended

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental forms

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014mid-january - mid-may, 2014 $14,680

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014mid-August - early december, 2014 $14,680

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE june 10, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE july 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 225 hOurS Per SemeSTer • 15 SemeSTer CrediTS

APi’s development Studies in latin America program in San josé introduces students to the main challenges of sustainable development in latin America. The analysis of case studies and hands-on engagement within the local community are features of this program.

Fall semester students will select from one of two tracks: 1) human rights, Society and development in latin America or 2) environment, Sustainability and development in latin America. Spring semester students complete the Spanish, Social justice and Sustainable development in latin America track. Students in both tracks will complete a Spanish language course, a service learning course and three additional courses in english. Students with an advanced level of Spanish may replace the Spanish grammar course with one of two electives taught in Spanish (subject to minimum enrollment requirements).

Though courses other than the Spanish language course are taught in english, students can choose to progressively incorporate Spanish into their coursework. Students may elect to complete readings in Spanish and submit all papers and other projects in Spanish as well. This gives this program a bilingual character which, combined with living with local families and numerous field trips to sites throughout the country, provides students with an excellent opportunity for linguistic and cultural immersion.

Teaching takes place at the universidad latina in lourdes de montes de Oca (San josé), both a business and residential area to the northeast of downtown San josé. universidad latina de Costa rica is the country’s largest private higher institution of learning. With a student body of 16,000, the university features a very modern infrastructure, including libraries, bookstores, copy shops, coffee shops and a food court.

AcADEMic FiELD tripSTo illustrate and better understand the subject of study, students benefit from several field trips where they can observe such varied activities as nature tourism, applied biological research, wildlife management and other examples of sustainable human development at work.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript issued jointly by the universidad latina de Costa rica and the international Center for development Studies (iCdS) upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe deSCriPTiOnS SJ01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

Subject OfferingsCultural Studiesecotourism environmental ScienceFilm

human rightsinternational relationsliteraturePolitical Science

SociologySpanishSustainable development



Page 77: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

lAnGuAGe, CulTure And CurrenT iSSueS in lATin AmeriCA PrOGrAm inTernATiOnAl CenTer FOr develOPmenT STudieS (iCdS)

highlights• Classes taught in english and Spanish

• housing: host families

• volunteer and community involvement opportunities

• international excursion


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• no previous knowledge of Spanish is required, but one semester is recommended

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental forms

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSpring QUArtEr 2014mid-march - mid-june, 2014 $12,280

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE december 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 30, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS Spring QUArtEr onLy 10 SemeSTer CrediTS / 12 quArter credItS

The language, Culture and Current issues in latin America Program is designed to give students the opportunity to learn about culture and current issues in latin America while improving their Spanish language skills. The program consists of two courses related to latin American studies taught in english and a Spanish class taught during a period of ten weeks. The program is complemented by cultural activities, visits to sites relevant to weekly topics and a weekend field trip.

Aside from the language course, courses are taught primarily in english with the option for students with advanced proficiency in Spanish to progressively incorporate their Spanish skills into the course dynamics and projects. This gives iCdS programs a bilingual character, which along with the home stays with local families, provides the students with an excellent opportunity for language and cultural immersion.

Teaching for iCdS programs takes place at the universidad latina’s main campus in San josé. The universidad latina de Costa rica is the country’s largest private, institution of higher learning. With a student body of 16,000, the university’s stimulating atmosphere is complemented by an efficient team of dedicated staff. The universidad latina’s campus features a very modern infrastructure and technologically advanced facilities, as well as libraries, bookstores, copy shops, coffee shops and a food court.

AcADEMic FiELD tripSTo illustrate and better understand the subject of study, the program includes a three-day academic field trip, as well as short tours and site visits to places of interest related to each course.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript issued jointly by the universidad latina de Costa rica and the international Center for development Studies (iCdS) upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe deSCriPTiOnS SJ03

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ04

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

Spring QUArtEr

Subject OfferingsCultural Studieslatin American StudiesSpanish


Page 78: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTenSive l AnGuAGe PrOGrAmuniverSidAd veriTAS

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS QUArtEr 288 - 300 COnTACT hOurS Per SemeSTer • 12- 19 SemeSTer CrediTSQUArtEr EArLY StArt368-380 COnTACT hOurS Per SemeSTer • 15-24 SemeSTer CrediTS

The intensive language Program at the universidad veritas facilitates rapid acquisition of Spanish language skills. Students participating in a quarter program will complete a series of three, 4-week intensive Spanish courses. each language course has a total of 80 contact hours; students are advised that u.S. universities may award 3-5 credits for each intensive Spanish course. All students will complete a Spanish placement test online prior to their departure to determine their Spanish level.

Students who select the early-start option in either the fall or spring quarter complete one additional 4-week intensive Spanish course prior to the start of the standard quarter program. This option is recommended for students coming from a u.S. university on the semester system.

Students in the intensive language Program are also welcome to select one 12-week elective course that will run concurrently with the intensive Spanish language courses. Contact hours for each elective course range from 48 to 60 hours and students are advised that their home institution could choose to award between 3-4 u.S. semester credits for each elective course.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad veritas upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe deSCriPTiOnS SJ07

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ08

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


Subject Offerings FOr eleCTive COurSe

ArtBusinessCommunicationsCultural Studiesdanceeconomicshealth & human Services

historyinternational relations marine BiologyPhilosophyPolitical ScienceSpanish literatureTropical ecology

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish• Progress up to two levels of Spanish in one semester• housing: host families• volunteer opportunities available • international excursion (spring and fall quarters only)–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors• no previous knowledge of Spanish is required, but one semester is recommended• Completed APi application• university Contact information Form• One letter of recommendation• Official transcript• Additional supplemental forms• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

dates and FeesWintEr QUArtEr 2014early january - late march, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Spring QUArtEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate February - late june, 2014 $10,480AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE december 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 30, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Spring QUArtEr 2014 late march - late june, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE February 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE February 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL QUArtEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate August - mid-december, 2014 $10,480

FALL QUArtEr 2014 late September - mid-december, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE june 10, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE july 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.


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l AnGuAGe And CulTure PrOGrAmuniverSidAd veriTAS

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS QUArtEr224 - 260 hOurS Per SemeSTer • 12-17 SemeSTer CrediTSEArLY StArt QUArtEr 304 - 340 hOurS Per SemeSTer • 15-22 SemeSTer CrediTS

The language and Culture Program at the universidad veritas offers students the opportunity to complete a Spanish language course and select from an incredible variety of elective course offerings in english or Spanish. Students participating in the quarter program complete one intensive, 4-week Spanish course (representing a total of 80 contact hours) and three elective courses. Contact hours for each elective course range from 48 to 60 hours and students are advised that their home institution could choose to award between 3-4 u.S. semester credits for each elective course. All students will complete a Spanish placement test online prior to their departure to determine their Spanish level.

Students who select the early-start option in either the fall or spring trimesters complete one additional 4-week, Spanish intensive course prior to the start of the standard quarter. Academic year students complete the standard fall, winter and spring quarters at veritas.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad veritas upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe deSCriPTiOnS SJ09

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ10

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


Subject OfferingsArtBusinessCommunicationsCultural Studiesdanceeconomicshealth and human Serviceshistory

international relations marine BiologyPhilosophyPolitical ScienceSpanish literatureTropical ecology

highlights• Classes taught in english and Spanish• housing: host families• volunteer and internship opportunities available • international excursion (spring and fall quarters only)–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors• no previous knowledge of Spanish is required, but one semester is recommended• Completed APi application• university Contact information Form• One letter of recommendation• Official transcript• Additional supplemental forms• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

dates and FeesWintEr QUArtEr 2014early january - late march, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Spring QUArtEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate February - late june, 2014 $10,480AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE december 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 30, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Spring QUArtEr 2014 late march - late june, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE February 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE February 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FALL QUArtEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate August - mid-december, 2014 $10,480FALL QUArtEr 2014 late September - mid-december, 2014 $9,200AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015 EArLY StArtlate August, 2014 - late june, 2015 $24,780AcADEMic YEAr 2014-2015 late September, 2014 - late june, 2015 $23,980AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE june 10, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE july 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.


Page 80: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


l ATin AmeriCAn STudieS And inTernShiP PrOGrAmuniverSidAd veriTAS

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS QUArtEr 170-200 COnTACT hOurS Per SemeSTer FOr SPAniSh And eleCTive COurSeS

160-240 inTernShiP hOurS14-18 SemeSTer CrediTS

QUArtEr EArLY StArt170-200 COnTACT hOurS Per SemeSTerFOr SPAniSh And eleCTive COurSeS

160-360 inTernShiP hOurS14-21 SemeSTer CrediTS

The latin American Studies and internship Program at the universidad veritas provides an opportunity for students to improve their Spanish language skills, gain professional experience, and earn academic credit toward their degree plan by studying and interning abroad in San josé, Costa rica. Students must enter the program with a minimum of a high intermediate level of Spanish. All students will complete a Spanish placement test online prior to their departure to determine their Spanish level.

StAnDArD QUArtEr prOgrAM Students will complete a 4-week intensive Spanish course (80 contact hours), along with one or two additional elective courses at the universidad veritas, during the quarter program. Contact hours for each elective course range from 48 to 60 hours and students are advised that their home institution could choose to award between 3-4 u.S. semester credits for each elective course. upon completion of the intensive Spanish course, students will begin an 8-week internship. The internship will require a minimum commitment of 4-6 hours per day, five days a week. Students will balance the internship hours with their ongoing elective courses.

The internship completed must be in the area of the student’s academic specialty or major. A professor at veritas, who guides the student through the completion of a major project, supervises each intern. At the conclusion of the internship experience, students present their projects for final assessment and grading. each u.S. semester credit offered for the internship requires a minimum of 45 hours of work within the local business, non-governmental or non-profit organization, or government agency.

highlights• Opportunity to complete a for-credit internship in business, education, health, international relations and social work• Complete an intensive Spanish language course and two electives• housing: host families• international excursion (spring and fall quarters only)–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors• minimum 4 semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent• Completed APi application• university Contact information Form• One letter of recommendation• Official transcript• Statement of purpose and resumé• Additional supplemental forms• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

dates and FeesWintEr QUArtEr 2014early january - late march, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 20, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 15, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Spring QUArtEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate February - late june, 2014 $10,480AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE december 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 30, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Spring QUArtEr 2014 late march - late june, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE February 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE February 15, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––FALL QUArtEr 2014 EArLY StArtlate August - mid-december, 2014 $10,480

FALL QUArtEr 2014 late September - mid-december, 2014 $9,200AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE june 10, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE july 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.78

Page 81: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS SJ15

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ16

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


Subject Offerings FOr inTernShiP COmPOnenT

Subject Offerings FOr eleCTive COurSeS


international relationsSocial Work

ArtBusinessCinemaCommunicationsCultural Studiesdanceeconomicsecotourismeducation

health & human Servicesinternational relations marine BiologymusicPolitical ScienceSociologySpanishTropical ecology

EArLY StArt Or ExtEnDED QUArtEr prOgrAMStudents wishing to complete an intensive month of Spanish prior to the start of the standard quarter are encouraged to select the early-start option. during the first month, students will concentrate solely on the improvement of their language skills. The internship placement will begin at the start of the second month and will last for either two or three months, depending upon the placement and the number of credit hours desired.

in addition to the internship and intensive Spanish course, early-start students will complete one or two courses at the universidad veritas in a wide variety of academic subjects.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad veritas upon completion of their program.


Page 82: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


n j


é e






APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Costa rica outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi San josé programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

A r e n A l F A L L All PrOGr AmS • S U M M E r 2 ver iTA S Only

Arenal volcano national Park is located in the central mountainous region of Costa rica, with elevations ranging from 3281 to 5436 feet. Surrounded by rainforests and cloud forests, the Arenal volcano is a sight to see! This active volcano was considered dormant until a major eruption in 1968. if students are lucky to observe the volcano on a clear night, they can see hot lava trails streaming down the mountain. nearby waterfalls and hot springs (heated by the volcano) make for a relaxing experience.

B O C A S d e l T O r O , P A n A m AintErnAtiOnAL ExcUrSiOn S p r i n g All PrOGr AmS • F A L L All PrOGr AmS

The archipelago of Bocas del Toro offers white-sand beaches, lagoons, and incredible opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, diving and sunbathing. it is also an area rich in wildlife. Students may visit the Bastimentos island national marine Park, featuring incredible coral reefs and marine life, and a nearby bird sanctuary with a variety of local and migratory species. Four species of endangered sea turtles still visit the waters of Bocas and the turtles come ashore in great numbers during certain seasons.

C A h u i T A n A T i O n A l P A r k S U M M E r 1 All PrOGr AmS

located on the Caribbean coast of Costa rica, Cahuita national Park boasts white sand beaches and miles of trails through woodlands. visiting students can enjoy a taste of Creole culture and appreciate the area’s laid back lifestyle. Walking along the park’s extensive trails, students can catch glimpses of the wildlife that inhabits the jungle. Bands of white face monkeys are often seen among the treetops; coatis, iguanas and raccoons might greet students during a walk along the beach.

C O r C O v A d O n A T i O n A l P A r k W i n t E r ver iTA S • S p r i n g iCdS SemeS Ter Only Corcovado has earned a reputation for being one of Costa rica’s best places to visit to view the nation’s diverse wildlife. The only way to see Corcovado is on foot, walking the trails and crossing streams and rivers. Students are amazed to see the scarlet macaw, the diminutive red-eyed tree frog and female marine turtles that can be found along the beaches.

m A n u e l A n T O n i O S p r i n g veriTAS SPrinG quArTer, iCdS SPrinG quArTer Although manuel Antonio Park is the smallest park in the national Park System of Costa rica, the beauty of the jungle, incredible beaches, and diverse habitat make it one of the most popular parks in the country.

m O n u m e n T O n A C i O n A l G u A y A B O S U M M E r 2 ver iTA S Only

This is the largest archaeological site found in Costa rica. largely unexplored, the area contains ancient trails, bridges, water tanks and home sites, as well as petroglyphs estimated to be about 3,000 years old. San jose Guayabo is thought to have been inhabited from about 500 B.C. to 1400 A. d. Archeologists believe that Guayabo was an important religious and cultural center.

n i C A r A G u AintErnAtiOnAL ExcUrSiOn S p r i n g S E M E S t E r iCdS Only • F A L L iCdS Only

Students will participate in a four-day, three-night trip to nicaragua as an extension of the iCdS academic program. Students will have the opportunity to compare and contrast sustainable human development efforts in nicaragua and Costa rica, experience the local culture of a small colonial city like Granada, and enjoy the natural beauty of the islands on the lake of nicaragua.

r í O C e l e S T e • T e n O r i O v O l C A n O W i n t E r ver iTA S The beautiful river ‘río Celeste’ is named after the light blue waters caused by the presence of sulphur and calcium carbonates. Clouds and rainforest cover the park, which has many flora and fauna species, rivers, waterfalls and thermal hot springs. The Tenorio volcano and montezuma volcano are both dormant.

v O l C Á n i r A z ú n A T i O n A l P A r k A n d v A l l e d e O r O S í S U M M E r 1 ver iTA S Only

At over 11,000 feet, volcán irazú is the highest volcano in Costa rica. its awe-inspiring height allows visitors standing at its peak to see both the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans. The volcano’s name was taken from the name of an indigenous village that was built on the flanks of the volcano, iztaru, which means “shaking thunder of the hill.” The picturesque valle de Orosí was home to the first Spanish settlement in the Central valley of Costa rica.

Page 83: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

h O S T F A m i l i e S meAlS And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


Students in San josé live with local host families. host families serve as a unique introduction into Costa rican culture and may be a married couple with children, a divorced or widowed woman with or without children still at home, or a family with some members living at home and others living outside of the city during the work week. APi generally places one student per family, though some families host multiple students. Students will have a private bedroom. Students are provided with two meals per day, as well as laundry service once per week.


“my FAmily iS ABSOluTely AmAzinG. They mAde me Feel like A PArT OF

The FAmily. i WAS TAken TO All FAmily FunCTiOnS And They reAlly

mAde me Feel WelCOmed.” - TAmArA C.


“[my hOST FAmily WAS]...mOre ThAn hOSPiTABle. i enjOyed every

SeCOnd ThAT i lived WiTh Them. They Were underSTAndinG And

reAlly Were my FAmily FOr FOur mOnThS. i APPreCiATe everyThinG

They did FOr me.” -jOhn P.


“lOved my FAmily-- SO eASyGOinG And ACCOmmOdATinG... i FelT

inCluded AS A memBer OF The FAmily, nOT juST A STudenT. i WenT On

FAmily TriPS WiTh Them.” - deirdre G.


hOuSinG PhOTOS On ThiS PAGe rePreSenT The STAndArd APi STudenT ACCOmmOdATiOnS. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.


n jO





Page 84: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 85: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America




109,884 SquAre mileS


“PATriA O muerTe” SPAniSh FOr “hOmelAnd Or deATh”


CuBAn PeSO/CuBAn COnverTiBle PeSO


SPAniSh (OFFiCiAl)

knOWn FOr

COlOrFul muSiC And CulTure

eliTe BASeBAll

CiGArS And SuGAr

WArm ClimATe

WArm PeOPle

eArly 20Th CenTury hOTSPOT


When COlumBuS lAnded in 1492 he ThOuGhT he hiT ChinA

CuBA reFerred TO AS “el COCOdrilO” (The CrOCOdile)

The TrOGOn (CuBA’S nATiOnAl Bird) hAS The SAme COlOrS AS The CuBAn FlAG

16Th lArGeST iSlAnd in The WOrld

heminGWAy Penned 2 OF hiS mOST FAmOuS WOrkS While livinG in CuBA

CuBA iS The mOST POPulATed COunTry in The CAriBBeAn









Page 86: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

cLASSES tAUght in SPAniSh

hOUSing reSidenCiA

g.p.A. 3.0

tErMSemeSTer • SummerjAnuAry Term

“CuBA iS AS ChAllenGinG AS iT iS FulFill inG, eSPeCiAlly AS A u.S. STudenT

COnFrOnTinG T WO diFFerenT WOrldvieWS On A dAily BASiS. iT’S ThAT

ChAllenGe ThAT mAkeS CuBA unique — The PhilOSOPhiCAl And POliTiCAl

COnverSATiOnS WiTh CuBAnS, hOuSemATeS, And PrOFeSSOrS, AdAPTinG yOur

OWn idiOSynCr ASieS TO enjOy CuBA’S, queSTiOninG lOnG-held PerSPeCTiveS

And SOlidiF yinG OTherS, And leArninG The CulTur Al Tr AdemArkS ThAT

mAke iT SO hArd TO leAve.” - Alli O.


Page 87: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

hAvAnA reSidenT direCTOr

havana OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 264,000

COlOniAl ChArm

Friendly PeOPle


inTernATiOnAl ArT And muSiC FeSTivAlS

One OF The OldeST univerSiTieS in The WeSTern hemiSPhere

AmAzinG CuiSine

host universityuniverSidAd de lA hABAnA


ExpEriEncES MAY incLUDE• Working with children and elderly on cultural projects• Community art outreach and beautification projects

api gives backhavana

WhAt DO YOU cOnSiDEr SpEciAL ABOUt hAVAnA? “my students who have studied in europe and in Cuba say that one of the differences is that students in europe often leave the host country and fly off to other countries on the weekends. While in Cuba, this is not possible. This means that they participate more in the many, many cultural events available to them for very little money. And if they do travel to another part of the island, they are still immersed in the host culture. integration with Cubans happens more easily here and students benefit tremendously.” - Sharon, havana resident director








Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS• Advising• @api Online resources• Orientation materials and Support• mobile Phone• Peer mentors• round-Trip Airfare miAmi-hAvAnA

• Social networking• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS• Airport reception• resident directors• On-Site Orientation• housing inCludinG lAundry,

BreAkFAST And dinner

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring• language and Culture Tools• medical and life insurance• excursions dAy TriPS, OverniGhT

• Social and Cultural Activities• Welcome and Farewell Group meals• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS• re-entry materials and Support• Post-Program evaluation• Transcript• Alumni network and development Opportunities


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 88: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

CuBAn And CAriBBeAn STudieS PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de l A hABAnA

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: residencia with other students (operated by Cuban host)

• round-trip airfare (miami-havana) included–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to advanced level Spanish speakers (with a minimum of 4-5 semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent)

• must be enrolled as a degree-seeking undergraduate student

• Completed application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• One official transcript

• Oral interview to confirm Spanish language proficiency

• Statement of purpose or writing sample

• entry requirements: valid passport with student visa–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

dates and FeesSpring SEMEStEr 2014February - may, 2014 $15,980

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE november 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE december 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

FALL SEMEStEr 2014 late August - late december, 2014 $15,980

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE may 15, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE june 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 12-16 SemeSTer CrediTS

Students who study abroad in Cuba with APi on the Cuban and Caribbean Studies Program will take a required Spanish language course throughout the term. This course uses the Cuban experience as a backdrop for language practice, discussion, and writing assignments. Students are also required to enroll in a course on Caribbean studies. Students choose their remaining courses from a selection of offerings in art history, communication, literature, and cultural/regional studies with local Cuban students. Courses are offered monday through Friday, in both the mornings and afternoons. Course work will be supplemented by numerous cultural activities and excursions.

trAnScriptSStudents receive transcripts from marist College for courses taken at the universidad de la habana. marist College is a four-year, fully accredited u.S. college in Poughkeepsie, new york.


Subject Offerings TAuGhT in SPAniShArt historyCaribbean StudiesCuban historylatin American Studies


APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS hA01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS hA02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


Page 89: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS hA03

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS hA04

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA

jAnuAry l AnGuAGe And CulTure PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de l A hABAnA

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: residencia with other students (operated by Cuban host)

• round-trip airfare (miami-havana) included


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to students at all Spanish levels

• must be enrolled as a degree-seeking undergraduate student

• Completed application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• One official transcript

• entry requirements: valid passport with visa


dates and FeesJAnUArY intErSESSiOn 2014early-january - late january, 2014 $4,200

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE October 15, 2013pAYMEnt DEADLinE november 1, 2013–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 4 SemeSTer CrediTS

Beginning through advanced-level students may elect to take a Spanish language course at the appropriate level. This course may consist of 60 hours of intensive language study and 15 hours of cultural topics over a three week period for a total of five semester credits. Alternatively, students may choose to take only the 60 hours of intensive language study over the same time period for a total of four semester credits.

intermediate and advanced-level Spanish speakers may elect to take a course in Cuban cinema to better learn the role of the instituto Cubano del Arte e industria Cinematográficos (iCAiC) in creating and disseminating both feature films and documentaries since the Cuban revolution. This course consists of 60 hours of instruction over a three week period for a total of 4 semester credits, and will give students a unique insight into Cuban culture and political thought via the medium of film.

Advanced and superior-level Spanish speakers may elect to take a course entitled “rhetoric and Composition: The Cuban experience” that consists of 60 hours of intensive language instruction and writing activities including cultural seminars for a total of 4 semester credits. minimum enrollment is required for this course to be offered.

Coursework will be supplemented by numerous cultural activities and excursions.

trAnScriptSStudents receive transcripts from marist College for courses taken at the universidad de la habana. marist College is a four-year, fully accredited u.S. college in Poughkeepsie, new york.



Page 90: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America










APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of Cuba outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi havana programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

C A S A F u S T e r S U M M E r Casa Fuster is located in the old fishing village of jaimanitas. josé Fuster, inspired by Gaudi’s work in Barcelona, has transformed his home and neighborhood into a wonderland of ceramic murals, fountains, benches and sculptures. visiting his home, workshop and galleries is a delight to the senses.

O r i e n T e • S A n T i A G O d e C u B A B A r A C O A S p r i n g • F A L LThe city of Santiago de Cuba, capital of the province of Oriente, the most eastern province on the island, was once the capital of Cuba (the capital was later moved to havana). Far from havana, it is a the city which has traditionally been the seat of rebellion. historical reminders of Cuba’s war of independence from Spain, such as San juan hill and Castro´s revolution, such as the moncada barracks, are important to visit. Famous for its rum, its music – the son, the trova, and its colorful carnival, it also has a nice morro fortress which guards its harbor, the Castillo San Pedro del morro. josé martí, Cuba´s venerated poet and writer, known as the George Washington of Cuba for his inspired efforts to galvanize his people to fight for independence from Spain, is buried in Santiago.

Baracoa, in the province of Guantánamo, was the actual first capital of Cuba and is Cuba’s oldest city, founded in 1511. it is relatively isolated in terms of transportation, which has enabled it to maintain its charm and friendly, hospitable atmosphere. it has been called the ¨Shangri-la of Cuba.¨ The Baracoa region is famous for its cacao, and of course, its chocolate treats. Baracoa is an artists’ haven, with many studios throughout the town.

T r i n i d A d • S A n T A C l A r AC i e n F u e G O S S p r i n g • F A L LTrinidad, a uneSCO World heritage site, now an major tourist destination, has preserved the stately colonial mansions and buildings built with the wealth derived from sugar mills. in addition to the town itself, a stop for the night at one of the south coast´s best beaches and a view of the escambray mountains, a strategic point in Fidel Castro´s revolution, make Trinidad a highlight of any trip through Cuba. The trip to Trinidad includes visits to the towns of Santa Clara and Cienfuegos.

Santa Clara is the capital of villa Clara province in the heart of Cuba. Santa Clara is also the final resting place of revolutionary Che Guevara, and it was site of the final battle of the Cuban revolution in 1958.

One of Cuba’s main ports, the city of Cienfuegos is a uneSCO World heritage site, being cited as the best extant example of the 19th-century early Spanish enlightenment implementation in urban planning. Cienfuegos played an important role in battles during the Spanish-American and Cuban revolutionary wars.

v A r A d e r O S U M M E rin the last 20 years, the Cuban tourism industry has increased greatly and has helped the government deal with the economic hard times of the 1990’s when Cuba lost the support of the Soviet union. now millions of tourists travel to Cuba and varadero is one of the most popular destinations with 20 km of white sand and tranquil turquoise waters. despite the increasing construction of hotels, Cuba has one of the most comprehensive sets of laws in the region for sustainability and protection of the environment. you will enjoy pristine beaches, water sports, salsa music on the beach, spectacularly colorful sunsets and may opt to explore nearby caves and ecological reserves.

v i Ñ A l e S • l A S T e r r A z A S S p r i n g • F A L L • S U M M E r The province of Pinar del río is the principal tobacco growing area of Cuba. lush, green fields, dotted with picturesque tobacco drying huts and thatched roofed homes (bohíos) of the local farmers, or ¨guajiros,¨ make for stunning scenery. The province’s main attraction is the famous valley of viñales, where huge, flat-topped limestone formations (mogotes) rise high above the valley floor. These “mogotes” are laced with spectacular caves, with flowing internal rivers which can be explored by hiking and boat rides.

las Terrazas is a small pioneering eco-village, originally a reforestation project and now a uneSCO biosphere reserve. A self-sustaining community, with a hotel, shops, a vegetarian restaurant and organic farming, it boasts a canopy tour, the remains of coffee plantations from the past century, and is a center for artist, and artisans of many kinds.

Page 91: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

r e S i d e n C i A meAlS And lAundry ServiCe Are inCluded


Students in havana will live with other students in a local residencia near the campus, run by a host mother. Breakfast and dinner are also provided as part of the program fee.


“iT SeemS ThAT The STudenTS WhO deCide TO STudy in CuBA Are

Genuinely inTereSTed in leArninG ABOuT The CuBAn PeOPle And

CulTure. inTerACTiOnS Are SO Friendly, And The PeOPle We meeT Are

helPFul And WArm. BuT WhAT mAkeS ThiS exPerienCe SO SPeCiAl iS

ThAT We meeT PeOPle WhOSe liveS mAy nOT Be eASy, yeT They hAve

SuCh A GreAT SenSe OF humOr And SO muCh reSilienCe. deSPiTe

The STrAined POliTiCAl SiTuATiOn BeTWeen Our TWO GOvernmenTS,

CuBAnS Are very WelCOminG TO uS.” - luCy h.


hOuSinG PhOTOS On ThiS PAGe rePreSenT The STAndArd APi STudenT ACCOmmOdATiOnS. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.








Page 92: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


Page 93: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

S u m m e r P r O G r A m S

Page 94: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

FOr exCurSiOn And hOuSinG inFOrmATiOn, PleASe See The SemeSTer SeCTiOn OF CATAlOG.

A r G e n T i n A

After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 95: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTenSive l AnGuAGe PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de BelGrAnO (uB)


highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families

• international excursion


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• no previous study of Spanish is required

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014late may - late june, 2014 $4,390–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 2 2014mid-june - mid-july, 2014 $4,390–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 1 & 2 cOMBinED 2014late may - mid-july, 2014 $7,200–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 1, 2 & 3 cOMBinED 2014late may - August, 2014 $9,990–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

SUMMEr 2 & 3 cOMBinED 2014mid-june - August, 2014 $7,200–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––


AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE march 15, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 1, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramThe intensive language Program is designed for students who want to study Spanish language only, as there are no cultural electives offered within this program. All students complete a Spanish placement test upon arrival.

SUMMEr 1 4 WeekS100 contact hours 5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

SUMMEr 2 4 WeekS 100 contact hours 5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

SUMMEr 1 & 2 8 WeekS200 contact hours 5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

SUMMEr 1, 2 & 3 12 WeekS300 contact hours 5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

SUMMEr 2 & 3 8 WeekS200 contact hours 5 hours of class per day, 5 days per week

Students complete a total of 100 contact hours per 4-week summer session. Though 45 contact hours generally equate to three semester credits, students are cautioned that u.S. universities may award fewer credits for each Spanish course than the high number of contact hours may suggest. nOTe: The Summer 3 option can only be combined with the Summer 1 and 2 or Summer 2 programs. Summer 3 is not available as a stand-alone option.

cOUrSE OFFEringSStudents complete one intensive Spanish language course during each summer session. elementary Spanish intermediate Spanish i intermediate Spanish ii Advanced Spanish

trAnScriptSStudents receive a transcript from the universidad de Belgrano upon successful completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS BN03

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS BN04

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



B u e n O S A i r e S

Page 96: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

FOr exCurSiOn And hOuSinG inFOrmATiOn, PleASe See The SemeSTer SeCTiOn OF CATAlOG.

C h i l e

After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 97: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

ChileAn CulTure And SPAniSh l AnGuAGe POnTiFiCiA univerSidAd CATÓliCA de vAlPArAíSO

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• no previous study of Spanish required

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014mid-may - late june, 2014 $4,490

SUMMEr 2 2014late june - late july, 2014 $4,490

SUMMEr 1 & 2 2014mid-may - late july, 2014 $7,690

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 90 hOurS Per Term • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

Students in the Chilean Culture and Spanish language Program have the opportunity to complete 6 semester credits of language and culture coursework.

Beginning and intermediate-level Spanish speakers will complete a Spanish grammar course along with a conversation and culture course.

Advanced Spanish speakers may choose to complete a grammar course along with an elective course or simply select two elective courses.

All courses are available only to visiting international students and are taught in Spanish. All courses are equivalent to three semester credits.

cOUrSE OFFEringSStudents complete courses in accordance with their Spanish levels, as determined by an on-site placement test. Students at the advanced level may choose any two of the five courses listed below.

BEginning LEVELConversation and Chilean Culture Spanish Grammar

intErMEDiAtE LEVELConversation and Chilean Culture Spanish Grammar

ADVAncED LEVELContemporary hispanic American literature Conversation and Chilean Culture latin American Film and literature Sociopolitical history of latin America, 19th-20th Centuries Spanish Grammar

trAnScriptSAPi students receive their transcript from the Pontificia universidad Católica de valparaíso upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS VA07

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS VA08

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



v A l P A r A í S O

Page 98: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTenSive l AnGuAGe PrOGrAm univerSidAd viÑA del mAr

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• no previous study of Spanish required

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014late may - late june, 2014 $4,790

SUMMEr 2 2014late june - late july, 2014 $4,790

SUMMEr 1 & 2 2014late may - late july, 2014 $8,400

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 90 hOurS Per Term • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

Students in the intensive language Program have the opportunity to complete six semester credits of Spanish language coursework during the month-long program. All students complete a Spanish grammar course along with a communication and culture course. All courses are available only to visiting international students, are taught in Spanish and are each equivalent to three semester credits.

cOUrSE OFFEringSBEginning LEVEL 10 0 levelSpanish for Communication and Chilean Culture Communication Strategies: Grammar and Composition

intErMEDiAtE LEVEL 20 0 levelSpanish for Communication and Chilean Culture: intermediate i Spanish for Communication and Chilean Culture: intermediate ii Communication Strategies: Grammar and Composition: intermediate i and ii

trAnScriptSAPi students receive their transcript from the universidad viña del mar upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS VM03

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS VM04

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


v i Ñ A d e l m A r


Page 99: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

FOr exCurSiOn And hOuSinG inFOrmATiOn, PleASe See The SemeSTer SeCTiOn OF CATAlOG.

C O S T A r i C A

After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 100: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTenSive l AnGuAGe And CulTure inSTiTuTO SAn jOAquín de FlOreS ( iSjF )

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to intermediate, advanced and superior level Spanish speakers

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental forms upon acceptance

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014mid-may - early july, 2014 $5,200

SUMMEr 2 2014early july - late August, 2014 $5,200

SUMMEr 1 & 2 2014mid-may - late August, 2014 $9,400

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 90 hOurS Per Term • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

This summer program at the instituto San joaquín de Flores focuses on intensive language and culture for students at the intermediate level of Spanish and higher. Students complete up to two classes for a total of 6 semester credits per session. each student will complete a placement exam administered upon arrival by the instituto San joaquín de Flores.

cOUrSE OFFEringSintErMEDiAtE LEVELintermediate level students will complete two, three-week intensive Spanish courses. each course meets for three hours each day, five days per week.

ADVAncED LEVELAdvanced level students complete two courses, each equivalent to 3 semester credits. Students may choose from advanced-level grammar and conversation courses, as well as elective courses in a variety of other subjects areas, including cultural studies, film, history, literature, music, and tropical ecology.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from u.S.-accredited Fairfield university upon completion of the program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS SF03

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SF04

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


S A n j O A q u í n d e F l O r e S


Page 101: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh FOr mediCAl PrOFeSSiOnS inSTiTuTO SAn jOAquín de FlOreS ( iSjF )

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Completion of a minimum of four college-level Spanish courses or the equivalent

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental forms upon acceptance

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014mid-may - early july, 2014 $5,350

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 90 hOurS Per Term • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

The Spanish for medical Professions Program is specifically designed for pre-med and nursing students. All students should have completed a minimum of four semesters of college-level Spanish or more to be prepared for the program.

Students will complete two courses and earn a total of six semester credits. The core course, entitled “Communication for medical Professions,” is designed to help students to communicate more effectively with Spanish speakers requiring medical attention and to learn how cultural norms can influence interactions between medical professionals and their patients. Students will extensively study the Costa rican healthcare system. in addition to the core course, students will complete a standard advanced Spanish grammar course. Students who have already completed advanced grammar courses at their home university are welcome to select a culture course from the intensive language and Culture Program. Students are advised, however, that the “Communication for medical Professions” course is very time-intensive and culture course options may be limited due to scheduling conflicts.

cOUrSE OFFEringSCommunication for medical ProfessionsAdvanced Spanish Grammar of another cultural elective in Spanish

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from u.S.-accredited Fairfield university upon completion of the program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS SF05

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SF06

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


S A n j O A q u í n d e F l O r e S


Page 102: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh FOr develOPmenT STudieS inTernATiOnAl CenTer FOr develOPmenT STudieS (iCdS)

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to students at high intermediate to advanced levels; four semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent is recommended

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental forms

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014early june - mid-july, 2014 $6,380

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 105 COnTACT hOurS Per SeSSiOn • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

The Spanish for development Studies program is designed for students with a high intermediate or advanced level of proficiency in the Spanish language. it is ideally suited to students interested in the field of international development studies. The program seeks to improve students’ Spanish proficiency, prepare them to read texts with a social, political, economic, and/or cultural focus, and teach them to write more cohesively and coherently so that they can communicate effectively in Spanish. The program is complemented with conferences and exercises on the topic of the week, and with a three-hour film forum weekly.

cOUrSE OFFEringSpanish and Sustainable development in latin America: Challenges and Perspectives

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript issued jointly by the universidad latina de Costa rica and the international Center for development Studies (iCdS) upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS SJ11

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ12

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



S A n j O S é

Page 103: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

inTenSive l AnGuAGe PrOGrAm univerSidAd veriTAS

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish and english

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to sophomores, juniors and seniors

• Open to students at all levels of Spanish

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• Additional supplemental forms

• entry requirement: valid passport with supporting documents


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014late may - late june, 2014 $4,180

SUMMEr 2 2014early july - early August, 2014 $4,180

SUMMEr 1 & 2 2014late may - early August, 2014 $7,280

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SUMMEr 5-8 SemeSTer CrediTS

Students participating in the intensive language Program at the universidad veritas focus on improving their Spanish skills rapidly through an intensive language course. Consisting of 80 class hours, or contact hours, students will attend class five days per week, monday through Friday, for a total of four hours per day. note that all students must complete an online placement test prior to the start of the program (includes both a written portion and oral interview). The test determines the students’ language proficiency level which is used to facilitate the course registration process.

SUMMEr 1 SESSiOn Students participating in the Summer 1 session at the universidad veritas complete an intensive Spanish course over the course of the four-week academic session

SUMMEr 2 SESSiOnStudents selecting the Summer 2 session complete two courses during the five-week session: one intensive Spanish course (selecting from the Spanish courses listed below) and one elective course in english.


ELEctiVE cOUrSESThe universidad veritas offers a wide variety of courses in english during the 5-week Summer 2 session. each course is equivalent to 3 semester credits. Courses are available in the areas of art and humanities; business, economics and communication; and history, political and international relations. Select literature and linguistics courses in Spanish are also available. These courses are subject to minimum enrollment requirements. Students are encouraged to visit the APi website for the most recent list of course offerings.

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the universidad veritas upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS SJ13

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS SJ14

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



S A n j O S é

Basic Spanish i & ii intermediate Spanish i & ii intermediate Conversational Spanish Advanced Spanish i & ii Advanced Conversational Spanish

Oral expression Techniques Advanced WritingSpanish for the health Professions BeGinninG/inTermediATe/AdvAnCed

Page 104: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

FOr exCurSiOn And hOuSinG inFOrmATiOn, PleASe See The SemeSTer SeCTiOn OF CATAlOG.

C u B A

After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

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Summer l AnGuAGe & CulTure PrOGrAmuniverSidAd de l A hABAnA

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: residencia with other students (operated by Cuban host)

• round-trip airfare (miami-havana) included


requirements• minimum 3.0 G.P.A.

• Open to students at all levels of Spanish

• must be enrolled as a degree-seeking undergraduate student

• Completed application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• One official transcript

• entry requirements: valid passport with visa


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014late may - late june, 2014 $5,250

SUMMEr 2 2014early july - late july, 2014 $4,650

SUMMEr 1 & 2 2014late may - late july, 2014 $9,450

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS 4-6 SemeSTer CrediTS

Students who study abroad in Cuba with APi during the summer language and Culture Program can select one of the following tracks based on their academic interest and Spanish language proficiency.

SUMMEr 1 OptiOnS (JUnE prOgrAM) Beginning through advanced-level students may elect to take a Spanish language course at their appropriate level. This course consists of 80 hours of intensive language study and 10 hours of cultural topics and activities for a total of 6 semester credits.

Advanced and superior-level students may elect to take a course in “rhetoric and Composition: The Cuban experience” that consists of 65 hours of intensive language instruction and writing activities, and 10 hours of cultural seminars for a total of 5 semester credits. minimum enrollment is required for this course to be offered.

SUMMEr 2 OptiOnS (JULY prOgrAM)Beginning through advanced-level students may elect to take a Spanish language course at their appropriate level. This course may consist of 60 hours of intensive language study and 15 hours of cultural topics over a three week period for a total of 5 semester credits. Alternatively, students may choose to take only the 60 hours of intensive language study over the same time period for a total of 4 semester credits.

OptiOn AVAiLABLE in EithEr tErMintermediate through advanced level students in Summer 1 or Summer 2 may elect to take a course in Cuban cinema to better learn the role of the instituto Cubano del Arte e industria Cinematográficos (iCAiC) in creating and disseminating both feature films and documentaries since the revolution. This course consists of 60 hours of instruction for a total of 4 semester credits, and will give students a unique insight into Cuban culture and political thought via the medium of film.

Course work will be supplemented by numerous cultural activities and excursions.

trAnScriptSStudents receive transcripts from marist College for courses taken at the universidad de la habana. marist College is a four-year, fully accredited u.S. college in Poughkeepsie, new york.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS hA05

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS hA06

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA



h A v A n A

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761,606 SquAre mileS


vArieS By STATeOne exAmPle: “PATriA, liBerTAd, TrABAjO y CulTurA” SPAniSh FOr “COunTry, liBerTy, WOrk And CulTure”



LAngUAgE(S) SpOkEn

SPAniSh And OTher indiGenOuS lAnGuAGeS, SuCh AS nAhuATl

knOWn FOr

AnCienT CivilizATiOnS, inCludinG The AzTeCS And mAyAnS

inCrediBle murAlS in méxiCO CiTy

AWe-inSPirinG PyrAmidS like ChiChen iTzA And TeOTihuACAn

hOSPiTABle PeOPle PrOud OF Their hiSTOry And nATiOn


remAinS The mOST FrequenTly viSiTed inTernATiOnAl deSTinATiOn FOr AmeriCAn TOuriSTS

méxiCO rAnkS FiFTh in The WOrld And FirST in The AmeriCAS By numBer OF uneSCO WOrld heriTAGe SiTeS WiTh 31

SeCOnd lArGeST TrAde PArTner WiTh u.S. AFTer CAnAdA









Page 107: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

queréTArO reSidenT direCTOr

querétaro OverviewpOpULAtiOn: 1,400,000

lOCATed in The heArT OF méxiCO, 124 mileS nOrThWeST OF méxiCO CiTy

One OF méxiCO’S COlOniAl CiTieS

neArBy nATurAl hOT SPrinGSAnd quAliTy heAlTh SPAS

ACTive niGhTliFe WiTh COnCerTS, TheATer And reSTAurAnTS

GATeWAy TO mAny OTher mexiCAn SiTeS OF inTereST

host institution

CenTrO inTerCulTurAl de queréTArO (Ciq) / inSTiTuTO TeCnÓlOGiCO de queréTArO



• Teaching english to elementary school students

api gives backquerétaro

WhAt DO YOU LikE MOSt ABOUt QUErÉtArO? “querétaro is a great place to live because it is a great combination of the past and the present - the most traditional festivals celebrated by today’s vibrant society, the old and the new architecture, all generations meeting together in the plazas. Students should come to querétaro, not just because learning Spanish is so important, but also because our countries are neighbors and it is important to get to know mexican culture and who we really are through firsthand experience, not just through what the media reports.” - Gabriela









Program includesPre-dePArTure ServiCeS

• Advising

• @api Online resources

• Orientation materials and Support

• mobile Phone

• Peer mentors

• Social networking

• Scholarships

On-SiTe ServiCeS

• Airport reception

• resident director

• On-Site Orientation

• housing inCludinG meAlS

And lAundry WiTh hOST FAmilieS

• Tuition

On-SiTe ServiCeS cOntinUED

• Tutoring

• language and Culture Tools

• medical and life insurance

• excursions

• Social and Cultural Activities

• Welcome and Farewell Group meals

• volunteer Opportunities

re-enTry ServiCeS

• re-entry materials and Support

• Post-Program evaluation

• Transcript

• Alumni network and development Opportunities


After your study abroad program is

over, extend your stay with an intErnShip

Or VOLUntEEr program add on and receive a 5% discount

on the program!

Page 108: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh l AnGuAGe & mexiCAn CulTure PrOGrAm CenTrO inTerCulTurAl de queréTArO

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• no previous study of Spanish required

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014mid-may - late june, 2014 $4,300

SUMMEr 2 2014late june - early August, 2014 $4,300

SUMMEr 1 & 2 2014mid-may - early August, 2014 $7,600

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 90 hOurS Per Term • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

APi students in querétaro attend courses at the Centro intercultural de querétaro (Ciq). Students at all levels are welcome to participate in this program, and all classes are taught in Spanish. Spanish language courses have been designed to encourage students to develop basic skills and help beginning, intermediate, and advanced students progress in their Spanish language acquisition, using the language in both real life and in academic situations. each language course focuses on building vocabulary, practicing speaking and increasing fluency, learning and applying grammatical principles, and improving listening, reading and writing abilities. each student’s Spanish level is determined by a placement exam administered upon arrival at the Centro intercultural de querétaro.

All courses are designed for APi students only. Students are required to pre-register for courses prior to arrival. Students are asked to indicate their choices in order of preference on the application form. Some advanced-level courses may require a minimum enrollment, and not all courses may be offered each session.

cOUrSE OFFEringSBEginning SpAniSh 10 0 levelBeginning Spanish Grammar Oral Communication

intErMEDiAtE SpAniSh 20 0 levelConversation and Culture intermediate Spanish Grammar and Composition

ADVAncED SpAniSh 30 0/40 0 levelAdvanced Spanish Grammar and Composition required Business in méxico Contemporary mexican literature mexican Art history

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the instituto Tecnológico de querétaro for courses taken at the Centro intercultural de querétaro (Ciq) upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS QU01

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS QU02

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


q u e r é T A r O


Page 109: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

SPAniSh FOr mediCAl PurPOSeS PrOGrAm CenTrO inTerCulTurAl de queréTArO

highlights• Classes taught in Spanish

• housing: host families


requirements• minimum 2.75 G.P.A.

• Open to freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors

• must have completed 2 semesters of college level Spanish or the equivalent

• Completed APi application

• university Contact information Form

• One letter of recommendation

• Official transcript

• entry requirement: valid passport


dates and FeesSUMMEr 1 2014mid-may - late june, 2014 $4,580

AppLicAtiOn DEADLinE April 1, 2014pAYMEnt DEADLinE April 10, 2014–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

ExcUrSiOnS, cOUrSES, EntrY rEQUirEMEntS, prOgrAM DAtES AnD FEES ArE SUBJEct tO chAngE. Students are encouraged to visit the API website for the most current information and official program dates for each session.

Academic ProgramtOtAL crEDit hOUrS SEMEStEr 90 hOurS Per Term • 6 SemeSTer CrediTS

The Spanish for medical Purposes program provides the opportunity to develop communication skills in Spanish while acquainting students with the cultural aspects of medicine as practiced in méxico. This program is designed for students pursuing a career or major in nursing, pre-med or other medical areas and for professionals in these fields. The program includes an intermediate or advanced-level Spanish course focusing on grammar and medical vocabulary and a practicum which includes visits to clinics and hospitals. Both the grammar and conversation classes emphasize medical vocabulary. Tasks are assigned according to linguistic competency levels.

cOUrSE OFFEringSintErMEDiAtE LEVEL AnD ADVAncED LEVEL FOr MEDicAL pUrpOSES 20 0/30 0 level

grAMMAr tAUght Within A MEDicAL cOntExt 45 hOurS (3 CrediTS)cOnVErSAtiOn AnD prActicUM 45 hOurS (3 CrediTS)

tEntAtiVE LEctUrE tOpicS in order to expand students’ understanding of the mexican health system, a series of lectures on health-related topics is offered. These lectures are given by experts in their field, and are created with the interests of the health care professional in mind. Some tentative topics include:

• COmmOn illneSSeS in méxiCO• COnCePTS OF heAlTh/illneSS • mediCine in méxiCO• méxiCO´S PuBliC heAlTh SySTem • relATiOnShiP PhySiCiAn/PATienT

trAnScriptSAPi students receive a transcript from the instituto Tecnológico de querétaro for courses taken at the Centro intercultural de querétaro (Ciq) upon completion of their program.

APi FastFind Tm

For additional information about this program, go to apistudyabroad.com and in the APi FastFind box, enter the two letters and two numbers that correspond to the information you are looking for. This will take you directly to that information in an instant. two letters. two numbers. You’re there.

COurSe l iSTinGS And deSCriPTiOnS QU03

CurrenT dATeS And FeeS QU04

FinAnCiAl Aid And SChOl ArShiPS FINA


q u e r é T A r O


Page 110: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America









S &





APi students participate in several excursions per session designed to help familiarize them with areas of méxico outside of the host city. The following is a comprehensive listing of all excursions for APi querétaro programs. All excursions are subject to change. visit the APi website for the most up-to-date excursions.

G u A n A j u A T O S U M M E r 1 The historic center of the town, declared a World heritage Site by uneSCO, does not fail to captivate visitors with its baroque art and architecture, intriguing underground tunnels, and lush parks and plazas. Guanajuato was one of the first areas of méxico colonized by the Spanish, and their influence is easily observed in the well-preserved churches in the center of the city. Some of the most famous attractions in the city include the “Callejón del Beso” (Alley of the kiss), juarez Theatre and mummy museum.

S A n S e B A S T i Á n B e r n A l S U M M E r 1 Students visit San Sebastián Bernal, one of the “pueblos mágicos” located about one hour outside of querétaro. in addition to climbing “la Peña de Bernal,” the third largest monolith in the world (at 350 m tall), students explore the charming town center, strolling through an artisan market and enjoying lunch.

S i e r r A G O r d A S U M M E r 2Students venture to the nearby Sierra Gorda, located in the northern part of the state of querétaro. This Biosphere reserve hosts an incredible range of biodiversity within its peaks and gorges. Students visit historic missions located in the mountains, and explore natural waterfalls in the region.

T e O T i h u A C A n P y r A m i d S S U M M E r 1 & 2Students spend the day exploring this archaeological site, which includes the famous Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the moon, and the Temple of quetzalcoatl. This ancient metropolis was constructed over hundreds of years, with the earliest buildings dating from 100 BC, and the later buildings dating from 100 Ad. The civilization living here reached its peak between 150 and 450 Ad, and then fell into decline, leading to the eventual abandonment of the zone, which at its zenith measured over 11 square miles. Teotihuacan became a uneSCO World heritage Site in 1987. Students will have time to climb all the pyramids they choose, although a note of caution – going up is always easier than coming down!

h O S T F A m i l y TWO meAlS Per dAy (exCePT On WeekendS), AS Well AS lAundry ServiCe OnCe Per Week


Students in querétaro live with local host families within the historic center of the city. host families serve as a unique introduction into mexican culture, and may be made up of a married couple with children, a divorced or widowed woman with children still at home, or a family with some members living at home and others living outside of the city during the work week. As APi places one student per family, all students will have a private bedroom. Students are provided with two meals per day (except on weekends), as well as laundry service once per week.


“my hOST FAmily WAS AmAzinG – mOre ThAn i COuld hAve

ever hOPed FOr. even ThOuGh They hAd Been hOSTinG

STudenTS FOr yeArS, i WAS STill TreATed like FAmily. They

ShOWed me hOW TO GeT TO SChOOl And even TOOk The BuS

WiTh me The FirST dAy. They inCluded me On All ACTiviTieS.

iF i ever did nOT underSTAnd SOmeThinG, my hOST FAmily

WOuld TAke The Time TO exPlAin ThinGS TO me.” - kim k.


hOuSinG PhOTOS On ThiS PAGe rePreSenT The STAndArd APi STudenT ACCOmmOdATiOnS. PlACemenTS Will vAry BASed On AvAilABiliTy.

Page 111: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America
Page 112: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America

group service trips group service trips include• housing with host families or in local hostels • meals vArieS dePendinG On lOCATiOn, hOuSinG PlACemenT And dAily ACTiviTieS

• 5 or 10 hours of one-on-one Spanish tutoring per week• local coordinator and Cultural embrace by APi program director on-site• Private ground transportation, including airport transfer• entrance fees and activities listed in the itinerary below• materials, supplies and donations to the local community• language tutoring

ecuadorenjoy a group program focused on service, designed to help you interact with local ecuadorians, embrace their fascinating history and culture and serve at-need communities. From the old city of quito, to the breathtaking Andean mountains, to the flora and fauna and indigenous groups, discover this rich and diverse country with Cultural embrace by APi.

guatemalaCultural embrace by APi offers an outstanding opportunity to participate in a group service trip in Antigua, Guatemala! enjoy the beauty of this colonial town and its surroundings while enriching your understanding of another culture and lending a hand to support local projects. volunteers will concentrate on supporting disadvantaged children and their families.


interested in serving in a different country?Cultural embrace by APi also offers groups service trips in Thailand, Turkey, and South Africa. Students who are interested in designing a more tailored service trip, such as a spring break trip, are encouraged to contact APi for more information.


Page 113: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America



costa rica

Students may apply to complete an internship or volunteer placement in Buenos Aires for as few as four weeks! Students can be placed in any of the following fields:

Participants who have received their undergraduate degree may apply for PAid teaching positions in Barranquilla, Bogotá, or medellín, Colombia. Placements run from 5-11 months. housing, a monthly stipend, an on-site orientation, online teacher training, and in-country assistance provided.

Students may apply to complete an internship or volunteer placement in San josé or manuel Antonio for as few as four weeks! Students can be placed in any of the following fields:

Add a latin American internship placement, volunteer placement, or teaching placement to your résumé and help others!Cultural embrace by APi wants to help you contribute to a host community abroad. Whether you are a student who wants to extend the study abroad experience, a recent graduate, a professional or a retiree, we will connect you with a volunteer placement, an internship or a paid teaching position that suits your schedule, budget and interests.

ArtsCommunity Service/nGOsengineeringevents managementinternational relationsjournalism

marketingmedicine/healthcarelawSociologyWeb design

Agriculture/FarmingCommunity Service/nGOsConstructioneducationFilm/Tvhealthcare Administrationhospitality/Tourism

journalismmarketingPublic PolicylawSociology/Social WorkWildlife Conservation

Call 512-469-9089 or visit culturalembracebyapi.com to apply.


Page 114: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America


Call 512-469-9089 or visitculturalembracebyapi.comto apply and for more info. V O L U N T E E R • I N T E R N • T E A C H • W O R K

learning transformed. life transforming.

Paid Work & Teachinternships

volunteer Programslanguage living

Group Trips CuSTOmized & Pre-deSiGned iTinerArieS

OppOrtUnitiES in 22 cOUntriES: ArGenTinA • AuSTrAliA • BrAzil • CAmBOdiA • Chile

ChinA • COlOmBiA • COSTA riCA • eCuAdOr • FrAnCe • GuATemAlA • indiA • indOneSiA • iTAly

méxiCO • neW zeAlAnd • Peru • SOuTh AFriCA • SPAin • ThAilAnd • Turkey • vieTnAm

Take your study abroad experience further.

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Page 116: API Study Abroad Catalog - Latin America