api 510 qb a-f

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  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    SET - AAPI-510 Preparatory Course

    1. Following combination of Base metal and welding electrode was

    qualified by a certain PQR. Impact testing is not required.

    Base Metal = ! "#$ %rc Plates& '()* t+,

    -elding electrode = !- /01$& 1(#* dia.

    +is PQR will qualify w+ic+ of t+e following combinations of Base

    Metal 2 -elding electrodes.

    a3 1* t+, ! $1$gr /0 plates& /01' electrodes& $('" * dia.

    b3 1 4 * t+, ! "#$ grc plates& /01' electrodes& $('"* dia.

    c3 1 5 t+, plates plates !$1/gr60& 601# electrodes& '('"


    d3 7one of abo8e

    ". ! pressure 8essel is to be constructed to wit+ M9M = : "00F &

    M.;.< = ! "#$ gr < .Required s+ell t+ic,ness = 4 & Required

    dis+ed +ead t+ic,ness = 1 1(# * t+, torisp+3 9etermine if t+is

    material is suitable for>

    a3 Bot+ s+ell as well as 9is+ed +ead

    b3 uitable for +ead but not for s+ell

    c3 uitable for s+ell only but not for +eadP.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?

    i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om1

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    d3 7ot suitable for eit+er

    '. 7ame plate of a certain pressure 8essel +as name plate

    stamping as @ R ' @ for t+e radiograp+y& !ll -elds are type 1


    Aessel dia. = 6" inc+ I.9.

    M.;. < = ! $1$ gr 60 9esign temp = /00F

    !llowable stress at design temp = "0&000 psi

    If s+ell +ic,ness = $(#* and

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    mm and Minor dimension is '.0 mm. But upon using a powerful

    magnifier& it was re8ealed t+at actual defect is only ) E 1.$ mm.

    Based on !cceptance criteria of !sme ec. AIII& 9i8 1& t+e

    indication s+all be>

    a. accepted& as t+e magnifier s+ows indication wit+in

    acceptance standards

    b. accepted& as it is not a maGor defect

    c. reGected& as t+e 8isual inspection using magnifier s+ows

    critical indication

    d. reGected& as t+e dimensions s+own by t+e indication is

    abo8e acceptance standards

    #. ! lead letter of B is used in radiograp+y in order to ,now t+e

    scatter in well wit+in t+e limits

    a. By ,eeping t+e letter B on source side and image of B on

    film s+all be lig+ter t+an t+e bac,ground

    b. By ,eeping t+e letter B on source side and image of B on

    film s+all be similar or dar,er t+an t+e bac,ground

    c. By ,eeping t+e letter B on film side and image of B on

    film s+all be similar or dar,er t+an t+e bac,ground

    d. By ,eeping t+e letter B on film side and image of B on

    film s+all be lig+ter t+an t+e bac,ground

    H. For instrument calibration in ltrasonic esting& amplitude control

    linearity forms an important factor. +e allowable tolerance for

    amplitude +eig+t linearity of t+e nominal amplitude ratio3 is>

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    a. + $ J

    b. + 10 J

    c. + 1$ J

    d. + "0 J

    10. -+ic+ of t+e following penetrant system is generally

    considered least sensiti8eD

    a. -aterKwas+able 2 8isible dye.

    b. ol8ent remo8able 2 8isible dye.

    c. -aterKwas+able 2 fluorescent dye.

    d. PostKemulsification 2 8isible dye.

    11. MPI can not be adopted for w+ic+ of t+e following materialsD

    a. Iron

    b. teel

    c. !ustenitic tain less steels

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    1". -+ic+ of t+e following is an ad8antage of magnetic particle

    testing o8er penetrant testingD

    a. It can detect surface discontinuities wit+ foreign material

    imbedded in t+em.

    b. It is faster on indi8idual parts.

    c. It can detect nearKsurface discontinuities.

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e.

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    1'. -+ic+ of t+e following types of discontinuities is not normally

    detected by radiograp+yD


    a. Plate welds

    b. ubular products wit+ outer diameter up to '.$ in

    c. Large pipes wit+ outer diameter "00 mm and abo8e

    d. ea8y castings

    1$. Aisual c+ec, s+all be carried out.

    a. Before welding

    b. 9uring welding

    c. !fter welding.

    d. !t all t+e abo8e stages

    1/. -+ic+ of t+e following !M Boiler and Pressure Aessel

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    b. !M ection AIII 9i8 1

    c. !M ection IN

    d. !ll of abo8e


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    a. 7o pit dept+ is greater t+an one +alf t+e 8essel wall

    t+ic,ness eEclusi8e of t+e corrosion allowance.

    b. +e total area of t+e pits does not eEceed 6 square inc+es

    or )$ square cm wit+in any # inc+ diameter circle

    c. +e sum of t+eir dimensions along any straig+t line wit+in

    a circle of diameter # inc+es does not eEceed " inc+es $


    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    "0. ac+ 8essel abo8e ground s+all be gi8en a 8isual eEternal

    inspection preferably w+ile in operation at a frequency of>

    a. !t least once in e8ery $ years

    b. ame as t+at required for internal or on 2 stream


    c. +e lesser of @a or @b

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e are applicable

    "1. !n ellipsoidal +ead +as an internal diameter of 6/ inc+es and

    a dept+ of "1 inc+es including a straig+t face of " inc+es3.

    -+at s+ould its sp+erical radius be for t+e crown portionD

    a. 6/.0 inc+es

    b. '#.0 inc+es

    c. /#.) inc+es

    d. /0.# inc+

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    SET - BAPI-510 Preparatory Course

    1. ReKrating may be done after w+ic+ of t+e following

    requirements are metD


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    a. +e 8essel s+all be +ydro tested only

    b. +e 8essel s+all be internally and eEternally

    inspected before it is reKused

    c. +e allowable conditions of ser8ice s+all be

    establis+ed and t+e neEt period of inspection s+all be

    establis+ed for t+e new ser8ice.

    d. ;nly @b and @c

    '. ! new pressure 8essel s+ould be inspected to w+ic+ of t+e

    following codesD

    a. !PI $10

    b. !PI $6"

    c. !M ec. AIII 9i8. 1

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    ). For repairs as per !PI $10& t+e welders and welding

    procedures s+all be qualified to t+e requirement of>

    a. !PI 110) code

    b. !M ection A

    c. !M ection IN

    d. !- 9 1.1

    $. !ctual t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+. Minimum t+ic,ness

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    required = 0.6#6 inc+ +ic,ness at per8ious inspection $

    years prior to present inspection = 1.01$ inc+

    a. "0 years

    b. 1) years

    c. "# years

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e

    /. +e period between t+e two consecuti8e internal or onK

    stream3 inspections s+all not eEceedD

    a. ;ne +alf of t+e remaining life of t+e 8essel based on

    corrosion rate3

    b. 10 years

    c. cases w+ere t+e safe wor,ing life is estimated to be

    less t+an ) years t+e inspection inter8al may be t+e

    full remaining safe operating life up to a maEimum of

    " years

    d. +e least of abo8e

    6. !fter completion or repairs& a pressure test

    a. Must always be conducted

    b. +all be applied if t+e aut+oried pressure 8essel

    inspector belie8es t+at one is necessary

    c. Must ne8er be conducted

    d. +all be conducted only if repair is done on pressure


    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    #. If probable corrosion rates can not be determined& on stream

    determinations s+all be made after approEimately

    a. 10&000 +ours of ser8ice

    b. 1000 +ours of ser8ice

    c. $000 +ours of ser8ice

    d. !fter "&$00 +ours of ser8ice

    H. -+ic+ of t+e following documents referenced in !PI $10

    addresses recommended inspection practices for pressure


    a. !PI /"0

    b. !PI $6"

    c. !PI td $"/

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    10. !fter completion of alterations a pressure test

    a. 7ormally required

    b. ubGect to appro8al of t+e Gurisdiction w+ere

    applicable 3 appropriate 79 s+all be required w+ere

    pressure test is not performed

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    c. ubstituting 79 procedure for a pressure test after

    an alteration ay be done only after consulting a

    pressure 8essel engineer eEperienced in pressure

    8essel design and t+e aut+oried pressure 8essel

    inspector +a8e been consulted

    d. !ll of abo8e

    11. Materials used for ma,ing repair by welding in carbon steel

    8essels s+all +a8e t+e following limitationsD

    a. +ey s+all meet t+e requirements stipulated I 7!

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    1'. 9uring ydrostatic testing& ris, of brittle fracture& w+ic+ of t+e

    following action may be ta,en

    a. Replace ydro testing by pneumatic testing

    b. Recalculate test pressure based on material stress at



  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    d. -P s+all address A s and As w+ile PQR must record

    all As & As and 7As


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    e. ;nly @a and @b abo8e

    1H. -elders and welding procedures s+all be qualified to t+e

    requirement of

    a. !M ection AIII 9i8. 1

    b. !M ection A

    c. !M ection IN

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e


    !ctual t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+ Minimum t+ic,ness required =

    0.6$$ inc+ +ic,ness at per8ious inspection $ years prior to

    present inspection = 1.0"$ inc+

    a. "0 years

    b. 1) years

    c. "# years

    d. !ny of t+e abo8e depending upon ambient conditions

    "1. +e period between internal or onKstream inspections s+all not


    a. ;ne +alf of t+e remaining life of t+e 8essel based on

    corrosion rate3

    b. 10 years

    c. +e lesser of @a and @b

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    d. In cases w+ere t+e safe wor,ing life is estimated to be

    less t+an ) years t+e inspection inter8al may be t+e full

    remaining safe operating life up to a maEimum of "


    e. @c and @d abo8e

    "". !fter completion or repairs a pressure test

    a. Must always be conducted

    b. +all be applied if t+e aut+oried pressure 8essel

    inspector belie8es t+at one is necessary

    c. Must ne8er be conducted

    d. ;nly @aO and @b abo8e

    "'. -+ic+ of t+e following c+anges on a pressure 8essel could be

    termed as an alterationD

    a. !ddition of a reinforced nole of sie equal to an

    eEisting nole

    b. !ddition of a nole not requiring reinforcement

    c. !ny c+ange t+at effect t+e pressure containing

    capacity of t+e 8essel beyond t+e scope of items

    described in eEisting data reports

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    e. ;nly @b and @c

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    "). If t+e bolt s+an, corrosion is anticipated for foundation bolts&

    w+at testing met+ods are recommendedD

    a. ensile testing of equi8alent sied ri8ets

    b. ammer testing

    c. R at an angle to t+e s+an, aEis

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    "$. -+ic+ of t+e following documents referenced in !PI $10

    addresses recommended inspection practices for pressure


    a. !PI /"0

    b. !PI Recommended practice $6"

    c. !PI td $"/

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    "/. !fter completion of alterations a pressure test is>

    a. 7ormally required

    b. ubGect to appro8al of t+e Gurisdiction w+ere

    applicable 3 appropriate 79 s+all be required w+ere

    pressure test is not performed

    c. ubstituting 79 procedure for a pressure test after

    an alteration ay be done only after consulting a

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    pressure 8essel engineer eEperienced in pressure

    8essel design and t+e aut+oried pressure 8essel

    inspector +a8e been consulted

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    "6. -+ic+ of t+e following are typical conditions found on t+e

    eEternal surfaces of 8esselsD

    a. Blistering


    a. -ear plates on saddles

    a. Baffle plates

    b. Impingement plates

    c. !ll of t+e abo8e eEcept @a

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    '0.ow is +ammer testing utiliedD

    a. !s a supplement to 8isual inspection

    b. o be confirmed by subsequent 79

    c. 7one of abo8e

    d. ;nly @b and @a abo8e

    '1. +ells of 8essels adGacent to inlet impingement plates are

    susceptible to

    a. tressKcorrosion crac,ing

    b. rosion

    c. ydrogen embrittlement

    d. !ny of t+e abo8e depending upon ambient conditions

    '". -+ic+ of t+e following are common reasons for inK ser8ice of

    s+utdown inspection>

    a. o determine t+e p+ysical condition of +e equipment

    b. o determine t+e type& rate and causes of deterioration

    c. none of t+e abo8e

    d. @a and @b abo8e

    ''.-+ic+ of t+e following may be classified as @internals of



  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    d. @a and @c

    ').If any setting is noticed on a 8essel& w+ic+ of t+e following

    s+ould be doneD


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation


    API 510 Preparatory Course

    1. -+ic+ of t+e following are eEcluded from t+e scope of application

    of !PI $10D

    a. Pressure 8essels on mo8able structures co8ered by ot+erGurisdictional regulationsb. !ll classes of containers listed for eEemption from

    construction in !M ection AIII 9i8. 1c. Pressure 8essels w+ic+ do not eEceed 8olume of t+e fi8e

    cubic feet and pressure of "$0 psi

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    ". 9uring ydrostatic testing& to a8oid ris, of brittle fracture& w+ic+of t+e following action may be ta,enD

    a. Recalculate test pressure based on material stress at testtemperature


    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    a. urisdiction organiation

    b. Inspection organisation of Insurance company w+ic+ underwrites insurance of pressure 8essels

    c. Inspection organiation of ownerKuserd. !ny of abo8e

    $. Repair ;rganiation> !ccording to !PI $10 is>

    a. older of !M certificate appropriate code symbolstamp.

    b. ;wnerKuserc.

    a. ;wner userb. !PI a. ! welder performing procedure test is also qualified in t+at

    position.b. upplementary essential 8ariables become essential

    8ariables w+en impact test is specified.c. For procedure qualification& t+e test can be performed in

    any position as t+e position is not essential 8ariable for

    procedure qualification.d. 7one of abo8e.

    #. Following two combinations of nole pipe dia and s+ell t+ic,ness

    are gi8en of reinforcement. 8essel wall t+, = C * andnole sie 7P '&

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    a. For bot+ casesb. For none


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    1). In ! $1/ %r 60 specification t+e letter ! indicates>

    a. +at material is !M material. ! for !M3b. +at material is Ferrous materialc. +at material is 7onKFerrous material

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e

    1$. !ny t+ic,nessKoffset wit+in t+e allowable tolerance s+all bepro8ided a taper transition of>

    a. ' to 1 min.

    b. ) to 1 min.c. ' to " min.d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    1/. For calculating reinforcement pad requirements for gi8en 9esign

    Pressure& w+ic+ of t+e following statement is applicable>


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    a8ailable wit+ you are 0K$0 Tg(cm"g& 0K100 Tg(cm"g& 1K1$0

    Tg(cm"g and 0K"00 Tg(cm"g. -+ic+ two gauges are acceptable fort+is testD

    a. 0K$0 Tg(cm"g and 0K100 Tg(cm"gb. 0K100 Tg(cm"g and 0K"00 Tg(cm"g

    c. 0K$0 Tg(cm"g and 0K"00 Tg(cm"gd. 0K100 Tg(cm"g and 0K1$0 Tg(cm"g

    1H. Sou are c+ec,ing a plate recei8ed for t+e pressure 8essel

    fabrication. -+at will be your action planD


    a. 9rain noles

    b. addle wear plates

    c. Impingement platesd. a. and c.

    "". emper embrittlement is>

    a. Brittleness due to low temperature operation

    b. Brittleness due to ydrogen ulp+ide attac, at +ig+temperatures eEceeding 600 deg. F3

    c. Loss of ductility due to incorrect P- and ig+

    temperature ser8iceP.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?

    i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om26

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    d. 7one of abo8e.

    "'. Part M!-P for lower dis+ed +ead in Aertical 8essel will

    generally be>

    a. Lower t+an top +ead

    b. Lower t+an s+ell

    c. ig+er t+an bot+ s+ell and top +ead

    d. ame as bot+ top +ead and s+ell


    a. -ill depend on weld Goint efficiency 3b. 9epends on Aessel temperature

    c. 9epends on Internal

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    a. !PI 2 "01$

    b. !PI 2 $6/c. IR 2

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    a. ensitiation of stainless steelb. tress corrosion crac,ing

    c. Intergranular corrosion of stainless steelsd.

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    b. +e remaining life of pressure relief de8ice.

    c. +e spring coil diameter.

    d. +e body t+ic,ness.

    10. -+ere typically3 are balanced safety relief 8al8es used inrefineriesD

    a. For pressure control and bypass

    b. ;n steam boiler drums and super +eaters

    c. -+en t+e disc+arge from t+e 8al8es must be piped toremote points

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    11. -+ic+ of t+e following are possible reasons for improperperformance of 8al8esD


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    b. ! spring 2 loaded pressure relie8ing 8al8e t+at acts as a

    safety 8al8e w+en used in gas or 8apour ser8ice and as arelief 8al8e w+en used in liquid ser8ice.

    c. ! spring 2 loaded pressure relie8ing de8ice for liquidser8ice t+at begins to open w+en t+e inlet pressure

    reac+es set pressure. ;8ercomes t+e spring force andbegins to lift t+e disc off t+e seat and t+at continues to

    open as inlet pressure and t+e lift of t+e disc increase

    allowing t+e flowof t+e liquid to increase

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    1). -+ic+ of t+e following are reasons for inspection of pressurerelie8ing de8ices>

    a. o protect personnel and equipment

    b. o determine t+e condition of a de8ice

    c. o e8aluate inspection frequencyd. !ll of t+e abo8e

    1$. -+ic+ of t+e following could cause flutter(c+atter in 8al8esD

    a. Improper material of constructionb. ;8erpressure

    c. rosiond. Large lengt+ piping to t+e 8al8e inlet from t+e 8essel

    1/. !PI $6/ does not address>

    a. Aal8e testing on test benc+es in s+op

    b. !pplication of rupture discsc. raining requirements for mec+anics in8ol8ed in

    inspection and repair of pressure relie8ing de8ices

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    16. If any settling is noticed on a 8essel& w+ic+ of t+e followings+ould be done>


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    b. 7oles and adGacent s+ell areas s+ould be inspected for

    distortion and crac,ingc. se acoustic emission monitoring

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e1#. Recommended resistance of electrical grounding connections is>

    a. $ o+ms

    b. $0 o+msc. 100 o+ms

    d. none of t+e abo8e

    1H. For 8essels w+ic+ are supported on concrete saddles and

    wor,ing in an area w+ere t+e +umidity is +ig+ w+ic+ areas ont+em are typically susceptible to eEternal corrosionD

    a. !t t+e anc+or bolts in t+e foundationb. !t t+e Points of contact of t+e metal surface wit+ t+e

    concretec. !ll of t+e abo8e

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e

    "0. " is in sour crude is more +armful in presence of>

    a. ;Eygen

    b. -ater i.e. -et "3

    c. ulp+urd. VaO and VcO abo8e

    "1. +e lea, tig+tness of t+e relief 8al8es is tested on t+e test bloc,

    at a pressure equal to>

    a. ame as set pressure

    b. H0J of t+e set pressurec. ame as reseat pressure

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e

    "". 9uring ydrostatic testing& ris, of brittle fracture& w+ic+ of t+e

    following action may be ta,en

    a. Replace ydro testing by pneumatic testingb. Recalculate test pressure based on material stress

    at M9M

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    c. P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?

    i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om33

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    a. -ire brus+ing

    b. and 2 blastingc. ig+ pressure water blasting

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    "#. !ccording to !PI $10& aut+oried inspection agency is>

    a. urisdiction organiation

    b. Insurance company w+ic+ under writes insurance of

    pressure 8esselsc. Inspection organiation of ownerKuser

    d. !ny of abo8e

    "H. Repair ;rganiation> !ccording to !PI $10 is

    a. older of !M certificate appropriate code symbol

    stampb. ;wnerKuser


    a. 10 yearsP.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?

    i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om34

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    b. 1".$ years

    c. $ yearsd. 7one of abo8e

    ''. Inspection records s+all +a8e following information

    a. 9esign

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    '6. -+ic+ of t+e following is an ad8antage of magnetic particle

    testing o8er penetrant testingD

    a. can detect surface discontinuities wit+ foreign materialimbedded in t+em

    b. It is faster on indi8idual parts

    c. It can detect nearKsurface discontinuitiesd. !ll of t+e abo8e

    '#. In an !Kscan presentation& t+e amplitude of 8ertical indications

    on t+e screen represents t+e

    a. !mount of ultrasonic sound energy returning to t+e searc+unitb. 9istance tra8eled by t+e searc+ unit

    c. +ic,ness of material being testedd. lapsed time since t+e ultrasonic pulse was generated

    'H. +e nondestructi8e eEamination met+od to be used for a

    particular inspection s+ould be determined by t+e>

    a. a8ailability of certified 79 eEaminers.

    b. lengt+ of time since t+e last inspection.

    c. age of t+e component to be inspected.d. type& location& and orientation of t+e eEpected flaws.

    )0. -+ic+ of t+e following statements is trueD

    a. !ll defects are not discontinuities.

    b. !ll discontinuities are defects.

    c. 9iscontinuities are reGectable defects.d. 9efects are reGectable discontinuities.

    )1. -+ic+ of t+e following searc+ unit would contain t+e t+innest

    quart crystalD

    a. ! 1 mega+ert searc+ unitb. ! $ mega+ert searc+ unit

    c. ! 1$ mega+ert searc+ unit

    d. ! "$ mega+ert searc+ unit

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    )". -+ic+ of t+e following can be magnetiedD

    a. Iron

    b. 7ic,elc.

    a. quare of fluid 8elocity

    b. Linearly wit+ 8elocityc. Aaries as cube of 8elocity

    d. Aaries as square root of 8elocity

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    )6. For testing relief 8al8es for set pressure>

    a. ;nly air s+all be used

    b. ;nly water s+all be usedc. +e combination may be usedd. ;nly nitrogen s+all be used irrespecti8e of ser8ice condition



  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    SET-EAPI 510 Preparatory Course

    1. For repairs on 8essel walls& w+ic+ +a8e been subGected to

    P- as a code requirement and made of P1 or P' teels&for w+ic+ eEemptions eEist in !M ec. AIII 9i8 1 code&3

    w+ic+ of t+e following options may be adoptedD


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    metallic surfaces +ence sweet crudes are less

    corrosi8e.c. our crude contains +ig+ content " and sulp+er

    compared to sweet crude w+ic+ lead to se8eral typesof corrosion

    d. 7one of t+e abo8e.

    $. In planning for an internal inspection of a 8essel t+at +as

    acidic corrodents& w+at type and location of corrosion

    would you eEpect to find on t+e 8essel s+ell& away fromt+e weldsD

    a. ydrogen induced crac,ing in t+e 8apor space

    b. ydrogen embrittlement in t+e 8apor space

    c. ydrogen blistering near t+e liquid le8el

    d. ydrogen embrittlement below t+e liquid le8el

    /. -+at can be done to eEtend t+e life of a 8essel wit+ acorroded area in t+e s+ell plate 1" inc+es from t+e weld& a

    Goint efficiency of less t+an 1& and a corrosion t+ic,ness

    currently near t+e minimum required t+ic,nessD

    a. Recalculate t minimumfor current operating conditionsusing X 1.

    b. Recalculate t minimumfor current operating conditionsusing = 1.

    c. Recalculate t minimumfor design conditions using = 1.

    d. Recalculate t minimumfor design conditions using X 1.

    6. ! pressure 8essel constructed according to !M ec AIII 9i8

    1 wit+ s+ell t+ic,ness 6(#OO Material of

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    a. Full radiograp+y

    b. pot radiograp+yc. May be a& or b depending on Goint efficiency

    d. 9ata is not adequate

    #. ! $1/ %r 60 specification t+e number 60 indicates>

    a. Minimum yield strengt+

    b. Minimum ultimate tensile strengt+

    c. Minimum J elongationd. 7one of t+e abo8e

    H. -+ic+ of t+e following are reasons for inspection of

    pressure K relie8ing de8ices>

    a. o protect personnel and equipment

    b. o determine t+e condition of a de8icec. o e8aluate inspection frequency

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    10. +ells of 8essels adGacent to inlet impingement plates are

    susceptible to>

    a. tressKcorrosion crac,ing

    b. rosionc. ydrogen embrittlement

    d. !ny of t+e abo8e depending upon ambient conditions

    11. " is in sour crude is more +armful in presence of>

    a. ;Eygen

    b. -ater i.e. -et "3c. ulp+ur

    d. VaO and VcO abo8e

    1". +e lea, tig+tness of t+e relief 8al8es is tested on t+e test

    bloc, at a pressure equal to>

    a. ame as set pressureb. H0J of t+e set pressure

    c. ame as reseat pressure

    d. 7one of t+e abo8eP.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?

    i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om41

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    1'. -+ic+ statement is correctD

    a. !M ection II B deals wit+ consumables for weldingb. !M ection A gi8es acceptance standards for 79


    c. P- can be carried out after ydro test as a goodengineering practice

    d. Lower t+e

    a. 1b. "c. '


    1$. -+ic+ of t+e following is essential 8ariable for procedure


    a. -elder used for weldingb. -eld edge preparation

    c. -elding process

    d. !ll of t+e abo8e

    1/. Presence of +ydrogen can cause w+ic+ of t+efollowing defects at weldsD

    a. lag

    b. nderKbead

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    1#. ! stainless steel weld +as a crac, open to t+e surface.

    -+ic+ 79 met+od will re8eal it effecti8ely D

    a. Liquid Penetrant.b. Magnetic particle.c. Radiograp+y.

    d. !ll of abo8e.

    1H. Procedure Qualification Record is a document w+ic+ can be

    re8ised time to timeD

    a. rueb. False

    c. 9epends on company policyd. 9epends on client of t+e company

    "0. -+ic+ of t+e following are areas on pressure 8essel w+ic+are susceptible to

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


    Professional Training and Consultation

    c. ;t+er factors being same corrosion in abo8e

    temperature ranges will be samed. 7one of abo8e

    "'. Aessel M!-P for 8ertical 8essel is measured at>

    a. op most point of 8esselb. Bottom most point of 8essel

    c. !t t+e mid point between top bottom

    d. 7one of abo8e"). ot tapping is best described by statement>

    a. It is tec+nique of pre+eating t+e part of 8essel to

    specified temperature and tapping wit+ 1lb. rainded+ammer to detect wall t+inning

    b. It is tec+nique of pro8iding a tapping connection w+ilepipe system is in operation

    c. It is tec+nique of fiEing a water tap on +ot water lines

    for use during winter

    d. It is act of using t+e tap and die for t+reading w+en t+e

    part is +ot

    "$. @


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    0.$00 0

    0.)"$ $

    0.)00 10

    ;n t+e basis of t+e information abo8e& t+e longKterm

    corrosion rate for t+e location is>

    a. 1 C mils per year

    b. $ mils per yearc. 10 mils per year

    d. 100 mils per year

    "6. ! certain -eld in 8essel P1 material wit+ eEemptions in!M 2AIIIK9i8. 13 was required to +a8e P- initially

    according to code requirement. !fter 10 years w+en

    repaired by welding is to be carried out. Performing P-is found to be impracticable. -+at solution according to

    !PIK$103 would you offerD

    a. P- may be eEempted& if proper 79 is carried out


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    b. ! defect if it is of sie greater t+an ' mm

    c. +e lig+t w+ic+ is emitted from a signald. !ll of t+e abo8e

    '0. -elders carrying out repair(alteration according to !PI $10s+all be qualified according to>

    a. !PI 110) welding qualification code

    b. !M ec. IN code

    c. !ny one of a or b abo8ed. 7one of a or b abo8e

    '1. -+ic+ of t+e following represent grouping of weldKmetals

    in !M IND

    a. P 2 7os

    b. F 2 7osc. 2 7os

    d. ! K 7os

    '". ! PQR was qualified in $% position using a new welder. But

    production welding is to be done in "% position. -+ic+ oft+e following are applicable as a minimumD

    a. Bot+ procedure and welder s+all be reKqualified in "%position.

    b. +e qualified procedure can be used &only welder needsto be reKqualified

    c. +e welder is qualified& but t+e procedure needs reKqualification

    d. Bot+ procedure and welder need not be reKqualified.

    ''. For a 8essel& estimated remaining life is estimated as 6

    years from now& neEt planned inspection s+all not be latert+an>

    a. 6 Sears

    b. '.$ Sears

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    c. $ Sears

    d. / Sears


    !ctual t+ic,ness = 0.H$$ inc+Minimum t+ic,ness required = 0.6$$ inc+

    +ic,ness at pre8ious inspection $ years prior to presentinspection = 1.0"$ inc+

    a. "0 years& 10 years

    b. 1) years&$yearsc. "# years& 10 yearsd. 7one of t+e abo8e

    '$. !M ec AIII 9i8. 1 specifies different acceptance le8elfor weld reinforcement& w+ic+ of t+e following statements

    are true in your opinion>

    a. Permitted reinforcement for long. seems is +ig+er t+ancirc. seems

    b. Permitted reinforcement for long. seems is lower t+an

    circ. seemsc. Permitted reinforcement for long. seems is same as

    circ. seemsd. Permitted reinforcement does not depend on location of


    '/. -+ile deciding t+e go8erning t+ic,ness for crown portion

    for corroded ">1 ellipsoidal +ead& !PI $10 stipulates t+at

    crown t+ic,ness s+all be calculated>

    a. !ccording to rele8ant ellipsoidal dis+ed +ead formula

    b. !ccording to code formula for sp+erical +eads wit+ +ead

    radius equal to 0.H 9& w+ere 9 is s+ell dia meter.

    c. +ic,ness of crown s+all be same as ,nuc,le t+ic,ness

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    d. 7one of t+e abo8e.

    '6. For instrument calibration c+ec, Instrument response to

    energy input in dB3 in ltrasonic esting dB & amplitudecontrol linearity forms an important factor. +e allowable

    tolerance for amplitude +eig+t linearity of t+e nominalamplitude ratio3 is>

    a. : $ Jb. : 10 J

    c. : 1$ Jd. : "0 J

    '#. -+ic+ of t+e following !M Boiler and Pressure Aessel

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    )1. Materials used for ma,ing repair by welding in carbon steel

    8essels s+all +a8e t+e following limitationsD

    a. +ey s+all meet t+e requirements stipulated in 7!

  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    d. ;nly @b and @c

    )$. -+ic+ of t+e following classifications of +eat eEc+angers

    would +a8e Ktubes incorporated into itD

    a. ! type

    b. BM typec. !P type


  • 8/10/2019 API 510 QB A-F


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    $0. c+eduling of refinery s+utdowns for maintenance orinspection is usually arranged t+roug+ t+e collaboration of>

    a. Process groupb. Maintenance group

    c. Inspection groupd. !ll of t+e abo8e

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    SET-FAPI 510 Preparatory Course

    1. !n ellipsoidal +ead +as an internal diameter of 6/ inc+es anddept+ of "1 inc+es including a straig+t face dimension of "

    inc+es3. -+at s+ould its sp+erical crown3 radius beD

    a. 6/.H inc+es

    b. 1$./ inc+esc. /#.) inc+es

    d. all of t+e abo8e

    ". ! lead letter of B is ,ept between cassette and film in order to


    a. +e scatter in well wit+in t+e limitsK -+en B is dar,er

    b. +e scatter isn well wit+in t+e limitsK -+en B is lig+terc. For t+e purpose of measuring t+e intensification factor

    d. !s standard mar,ing on radiograp+s.

    '. -+ic+ of t+e following penetrant system is generally considered

    least sensiti8eD

    a. -aterKwas+able

    b. ol8ent remo8ablec. !ll equally sensiti8e

    d. PostKemulsification

    ). -+ic+ of t+e following is an ad8antage of magnetic particletesting o8er penetrant testingD

    a. It can detect surface discontinuities wit+ foreign material.

    b. Imbedded in t+em

    P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ?TEL (966) 3 !7 """6 ? #A$ (966) 3 !7 !2!! ?i%&o'oo*T+.om ? ---.oo*T+.om


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    c. It is faster on indi8idual parts.

    d. It can detect nearKsurface discontinuities.e. !ll of t+e abo8e.

    $. -+ic+ of t+e following types of discontinuities is not normallydetected by radiograp+yD


    a. Plate welds

    b. ubular products wit+ outer diameter less t+an #6.$ mmc. Large pipes wit+ outer diameter "00 mm and abo8e

    d. ea8y castings

    6. +e temperature measured at a weld layer is around 1'0 0

    a. 10 J of t+e transducer dimension parallel to t+e direction of

    t+e scanb. 10 J of t+e transducer dimension perpendicular to t+e

    direction of t+e scanc. 100 J of t+e transducer dimension parallel to t+e direction of

    t+e scand. 100 J of t+e transducer dimension perpendicular to t+edirection of t+e scan

    10. In t+e radiograp+y& penetrameter is put on t+e Gob to>

    a. 8aluate t+e image quality of t+e radiograp+. b. Measure t+e strengt+ of t+e penetrating radiation.
