aphex systems product line - library of congress

Model 828M 'It Anaconda lll 64x64 Digital Snake Building on the wide aueptance of the original Anaconda, Aphex' new Madel 828M is a painHl)-jlOinl 64 channel bHlirectional make designed to easily and cost effectively connect digHal or analog audio systems as a mic snake or a drive snake for industry standard preamplifiers, consoles, DAWs and Jhe new Anaconda Model 828M features two MADI outputs as well as pass-through for digital audio al 96k1iz somple rale via SMUX protocol. Comprised of two units on either end of a long distance optical fiber run, the B28M offers eight ADAT opticol inputs and outputs on each unit for local interfacing. Wonl dock is generated by an ultra-predsion voltagHontrolled crystal; external word dock is fed through one BHC terminated with 750, and ward clock distribution through eight BHCs; and one RJ.45 for control and metering/status feedback for products such as the Aphex 18B and 17BBA mic preamplifiers. Each unH has two fiber trons£eivm with Ioilure switching for redundancy. Jhe trans£eivm use industry standard 5C connectors (or optional Sf connectml for use wHh low cost, readily available multimode liber. Two internal power supplies switch if one fails . Model 824 Anaconda"' Distribution Hub !'". I AN ACON DA " · _ .- . '1' DISTRIBUTIO>; HUB : Expands Anaconda system 10 odd up to four receivers. Connem Anoconda system to up 10 four Redundanlliber and redundant power supplies. Model 141 and Model 142 Mhannel D/A and A/D Converters -- -_. HiglHjuolity converters. Model 141 offers ADAT·fo.analog convmion. Model 142 provides onalog-to-ADAT and word clock input. Both feature 12d8 of continuous trim on eoch channel lor ideal interfacing with any analog system. Analog 'lio TASCAM standard 25 pin I).Sub Model 144 AES/ADAT/AES (onverter --- ., ADAT·AES and AES-ADAT converter. Converts lour stereo poin of AES and B channels of ADAT. ill via Aphex standanll5 pin I).Sub. Mhannel D/A and A/D Converters &-<hannel digital converters, similll" to the standard 140 Series convertm but also offering SMUX capabilities, allowing them to be used at 44.1 , 4B, BB .2, and 96k1iz somple rotes. Model141A offers Mode1142A provides analog-to-ADAT and word dock input. Both feature 12dB of continuous trim an each coonnellor ideal interfacing with any analog system. Analog connections via TASCAM standonl25 pin I).Sub. Model 144A , AES/ADATjAES Converter Bidirectional ADAT· AES ond AES-ADAT converter al up to 96kHz somple rates. Converts lour stereo of AES and 8 channels of ADAT. ill connections via Aphex stondord IS pin I).Sub. The worldwide standard in broadcast practssing for Iocilities thal demond the best in audio quality ond reliability. Digilolly controlled analog processor. Wide bdnd leveler, 4-OOnd compressor, split-band peak dipper , plus optional prHmpoosis filter, stereo generalor and digHall/O. The power of Aphex' unique and proprielory make the 2020 Mklll the laudes! yet deanest processor available today. ather features in dude passwonl security system, programmoble and aulomafable settings, remote and locol contral , , RDS input/output and dual compasHe outputs, headphone I/O monitor, and more. OigOOll/O indudes our palenled Drih Stabilized A to D The Madel 2020Mklll hos been hailed worldwide as the FM processor of choice for stations where sound quolity and loudness are equally important. Review after review references "clarity". "naturalness", "loudness", "lock of annoying artifacts", "grea1 value", "deep, rich baHom end", "deor , undouded midronge and highs" - the list of accolades goes on and on . Users of the 2020Mklll indude television, radio re<ording and mostering studios, and film/video post production facilities . For any traditional acoustic instrument with active or possive pickups. Voicing is dean and open. Gives beHer articulation, dority and with a feeling of fuller reach to the lowest notes. The Acouslic Xciter will l et )'Our dream be heard Allow me to introdm my gultor 's bll'1 friendl" (Thom Breshl Model 1402 Bass Xciter'" . ..... , ., .,........ 1 .... ;:.?: .' -;::.- r . .....;, :.,;:-.---- -- w For bassists who wont to truly bring out the best in their tane . Works with active or possive pickups, magnetic or piezo. Voicing is loilored 10 deep tone and sustain while adding life to the bite or slap. Makes smaller rigs sound bigger. and big rigs sound huge. Afavarite of many touring and session pros. Model 1403 Guitar Xciler lll A ... .: ' ...." . ••- ,' '\. :'-i .\ , .- . ,...:...... - X I - ....;':'-- ' . ILl Guitar . l: ),Q-.. - '; D. ' ( Providing 0 wider range of tone and depth lor ele<· tric guitarists. Tokes Aural Exdler ond Big BaHam te<hnology and voices H to provide the widest range of expression for rock, jozz, and pop guilar styles. Mokes amps seem mare powerful, with occe/eroted aHodu. Improves ovenlrive ones but can also run very dean. Model 1404 Punch Factory'" A studilHluality oplicol compressor in a pedal for· mat. Clean, transparent compression lor all instru- ments. Go from subtle to extreme compression wHhout altering your tone or breaking up. Punch through the mix, live or studio, with enhanced lone and dynamic control. "" - "'" n Professionol high headroom, high output, and high quality headphone ft.. distribution pod. Features four indepell- dent stereo power and choice -=.;: of diS£rete bolanced inputs or a stereo 0 0 Q unbdlanced input. Perfect for all types of - heodphones. Also availoble: optional mic stand maunfing bracket. -- -- -- - -- --

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Page 1: Aphex Systems Product Line - Library of Congress

Model 828M 'It

Anacondalll 64x64 Digital Snake

Building on the wide aueptance of the original Anaconda, Aphex' new Madel 828M is a painHl)-jlOinl 64 channel bHlirectional make designed to easily and cost effectively connect digHal or analog audio systems as a mic snake or a drive snake for industry standard preamplifiers, consoles, DAWs and reconle~. Jhe new Anaconda Model 828M features two MADI outputs as well as pass-through for digital audio al 96k1iz somple rale via SMUX protocol. Comprised of two iden~cal units on either end of a long distance optical fiber run, the B28M offers eight ADAT opticol inputs and outputs on each unit for local interfacing. Wonl dock is generated by an ultra-predsion voltagHontrolled crystal; external word dock is fed through one BHC terminated with 750, and ward clock distribution through eight BHCs; and one RJ.45 for control and metering/status feedback for products such as the Aphex 18B and 17BBA mic preamplifiers. Each unH has two fiber trons£eivm with autom~c Ioilure switching for redundancy. Jhe trans£eivm use industry standard 5C connectors (or optional Sf connectml for use wHh low cost, readily available multimode liber. Two internal power supplies outom~colly switch if one fails.

Model 824 Anaconda"' Distribution Hub !'". I AN ACON DA " · _ .- . '1' DISTRIBUTIO>; HUB :

Expands Anaconda system 10 odd up to four receivers. Connem Anoconda system to up 10 four re<eive~. Redundanlliber conn~ons and redundant power supplies.

Model 141 and Model 142 Mhannel D/A and A/D Converters

-­ -_.

HiglHjuolity ~onnel converters. Model 141 offers ADAT·fo.analog convmion. Model 142 provides onalog-to-ADAT and word clock input. Both feature 12d8 of continuous trim on eoch channel lor ideal interfacing with any analog system. Analog conn~ons 'lio TASCAM standard 25 pin I).Sub

Model 144 AES/ADAT/AES (onverter--­ .~ .,

Bidir~onol ADAT·AES and AES-ADAT converter. Converts lour stereo poin of AES and Bchannels of ADAT. ill conn~ons via Aphex standanll5 pin I).Sub.

Mhannel D/A and A/D Converters

Prafessiana~uality &-<hannel digital converters, similll" to the standard 140 Series convertm but also offering SMUX capabilities, allowing them to be used at 44.1 , 4B, BB .2, and 96k1iz somple rotes. Model141A offers ADAT~o-analog conve~an . Mode1142A provides analog-to-ADAT and word dock input. Both feature 12dB of continuous trim an each coonnellor ideal interfacing with any analog system. Analog connections via TASCAM standonl25 pin I).Sub.

Model 144A ~ ,AES/ADATjAES Converter

Bidirectional ADAT·AES ond AES-ADAT converter al up to 96kHz somple rates. Converts lour stereo poi~ of AES and 8 channels of ADAT. ill connections via Aphex stondord IS pin I).Sub.

The worldwide standard in broadcast practssing for Iocilities thal demond the best in audio quality ond reliability. Digilolly controlled analog processor. Wide bdnd leveler, 4-OOnd compressor, split-band peak dipper, plus optional prHmpoosis filter, stereo generalor and digHall/O. The power of Aphex' unique and proprielory innoy~ons make the 2020 Mklll the laudes! yet deanest processor available today. ather features in dude passwonl security system, programmoble and aulomafable settings, remote and locol contral, , RDS input/output and dual compasHe outputs, headphone I/O monitor, and more. OigOOll/O op~on indudes our palenled Drih Stabilized Ato DConverte~.

The Madel 2020Mklll hos been hailed worldwide as the FM processor of choice for stations where sound quolity and loudness are equally important. Review after review references "clarity". "naturalness", "loudness", "lock of annoying artifacts", "grea1 value", "deep, rich baHom end", "deor, undouded midronge and highs" ­ the list of accolades goes on and on.

Users of the 2020Mklll indude n~onolly~enawned television, radio broadcoste~, re<ording and mostering studios, and film/video post production facilities.

For any traditional acoustic instrument with active or possive pickups. Voicing is dean and open. Gives beHer articulation, dority and proi~on with a feeling of fuller reach to the lowest notes. The Acouslic Xciter will let )'Our dream be heard

Allow me to introdm my gultor 's bll'1 friendl" (Thom Breshl

Model 1402 Bass Xciter'" . ..... , ., .,........ 1

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For bassists who wont to truly bring out the best in their tane. Works with active or possive pickups, magnetic or piezo. Voicing is loilored 10 deep tone and sustain while adding life to the bite or slap. Makes smaller rigs sound bigger. and big rigs sound huge. Afavarite of many touring and session pros.

Model 1403 Guitar Xcilerlll

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Guitar . l: (V~r~ ),Q-..- :;r~ ~, " '; D. ~\,J~ ' (

Providing 0 wider range of tone and depth lor ele<· tric guitarists. Tokes Aural Exdler ond Big BaHam te<hnology and voices Hto provide the widest range of expression for rock, jozz, and pop guilar styles. Mokes amps seem mare powerful, with occe/eroted aHodu. Improves ovenlrive ones but can also run very dean.

Model 1404 Punch Factory'" AstudilHluality oplicol compressor in a pedal for· mat. Clean, transparent compression lor all instru­ments. Go from subtle to extreme compression wHhout altering your tone or breaking up. Punch through the mix, live or studio, with enhanced lone and dynamic control.

"" - "'" n Professionol high headroom, high output, and high quality ~utput headphone ~ ft.. ~

distribution pod. Features four indepell­dent stereo power amplifie~, and choice -=.;: of diS£rete bolanced inputs or a stereo 0 0 Qunbdlanced input. Perfect for all types of -heodphones. Also availoble: optional mic stand maunfing bracket. ------­--­-

Page 2: Aphex Systems Product Line - Library of Congress

WELCOME TO APHEX! Founded in 1975, Aphex Sys1ems is !he leading dewloper ond innO'IOIor 0/ signal prnassing, dynamics rontrol, mimlphone preamptrliers ond analog-tHigilol can'll!fsion systems. Aphex produm are designed for awide CT"055 sedion 0/ professional end users in broodcast, music production, liw sound reinmrtemenf, fixed installations, and ather applicolions in aualO around the world.


Reflected Plate Amplifier® (RPA) The ReIIeded Plore Ampfifie! (lIS Parent 15,450,034) i5 Dfive YDCUum rube cil(u~ which has !he desired audio charocterislics wilhout the hear, weight, Irogirrty, sonic 'IOriability, short lae ond HF rolklll 0/ other rube designs. Used in Models 207D, 230, 661, and 1100Mkll.

MicLim- ·lhe world's only mic !eYe1 ~mner lhe paterrted Miclim ~ a custorrHIesigned optical atlenuoror, located diredly on the mic input line, thor smoothly limits the microphone's output ~gnal acconling to the MicLim peak detedor's control current. Since attenuation romes prior to preamplili<oIion, the MicLim can increase effectiw headroom by up to 20dB. Used in Models 207D, 1100 Mkll and 17B8A.

V(A 1001 . World's fastest I'Ohoge controlled attenuolor lhe VCA 1001 's high slew rate and extremely low naise and distortion are essential for main!aining the audio qual~ of our produm and allowing their unsurpassed performance characteristics. Control feedthraugh in other VCA's typically causes clicks, pops and processing errors. lhese factors are almost nOlHlxistent in the VCA 1001, even when exertised ot high speeds.

APHEX TRADEMARKS AND PATENTS Aphex has never been satisfied w~h the limnorions of off-rhe-shell ports and tired cir· cun designs in the creolion of our innovative, award-winning produm. Over a dazen Aphex technolagies have been granted patenh (ond even more ore pending), ind~ cating that they truly aller a unique advantage aver less advonced tools. The fallow­ing Aphex proprietary tircu~s ore in many 01 the produm listed in this catalog: High Frequency Exponder, Wave Dependen! Compressor, Transient Discriminate Hormonies Generator, Reflected Plate Amplifier, logic Assisted Gare, BaSI Enhoncer, Aural Exctter, Ilynamic Verification Gate, Automatic Lim~ lhreshold, Parallel Path Dig~al Modulation, Frequency Dependent U!v!ler, Split Band dipper, Drih Slobilized AID Converter, Distributed Pre-emphasis Fiher, Sticky ~eler, Phase Coherent CrOSSO¥er, Post Crossover Muhiband Tedmique, Selectoble Peak Acreleroled Campressor. lhis cir­cu~ry is protected by the following U.S. potent5: 151SS769, 15483600, 15424488, 15450034,15334947,15359665,14150253, I457B648, 14843626, 15422602, 15463695,16266423. Other U.S_patents issued and/or pending. Other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.

Aphex, Aphex lhermionies, Aural Exctter, Big BoIIom, Compellor, Dominator, Easyrider, Expressor, Tubessence, MicLim, loCo/, leNA, Xctter, Punch Factory, Anoconda, and HeadPod are trodemarks of Aphex Systems, 1Jd.

All Aphex produm ore CE and UL or mrl51ed, and ore RoHS com~iont 0Iher US and Foreign patent5 issued or pending. Aphex is 100% owned and engineered in the U.S.A.


Model 230 Master Voice (hannel

IJ cGo cC~lueooQoo&OOoO lhe mast powerful processor ever designed specifically far voice - !poken word or singing. RPA" rube mic preamplifier, Easyrider4' compressor, Logic Assisted'" Gate, Splij band de-esser, Big Botrom<!>, Aural Exctter<!>, and parometric EO, plus 24-bij/96kHz A/D,all in a single rock space. Perfect for the studia, radio, TV, Podrom ar live. Touch yaur listeners with the 230!

Model207D Tube Micj Instrument Preamplifier

• •• O OOoo_ ll.II ·

Two channels of the award-winning tube mic and instrument preamp using the patented RPA" vacuum tube circutt for a present, open and detailed sound. Miclim­atrenuates signal before preamplification, giving up to 20dB more headroom. lhe 2070 adds AES3 and S/PDIF digijal interfacing at up to 96khz.

Model 1788A 8 (hannel Remote (ontrolled Mic Preamplifier

The world standard in remote control pleamplilication for touring, fixed installation, remote recording ond more. 8 channels of Jensen- translorrneHoupled mic pre's with Iw1l analog output5 and a new aptional 24-bit/192kHz AID wijh AES, (2) ADAT, and AES31D. Control via Ethernet with 0 PC or MD<, or the 1788A-RC hardware remate, MIDI or Pro Tool~. Miclim" proVides up 10 20dB oddttional headroam. leNA" allows input gain odjustment5 without any clicks or pops. Two test tones IOdBfs and -20d81s) far camplete system check. Headphone ou~ put. Can be (ontrolled by Yamaha digitol consoles via RS-422.

Model 1788A-RC Remote (ontrollerlor 1788A and 188 Mic Preamos

Cantrols up to 128 units 0/ 1788A or 188 preamps. Can interfare wiIh ather 1788AR.(, the 1788A PC and Mac sohware rontrol, Pro Toois<D commands via MIDI, Yamaha control via RS-421


Model 188 8 (hannel Remote Mic Preamplifier

Streamt,ned, clJS1.ellediw Sdlannel remote mic pre for liw sound ond remale recording. One anolog oulpul ~us Iw1l ADAT output5 for redundant aperation or higher IDmp~ng rnles via SMUX, 1RU roWpace design and lower pawe! !equirement5. Aperfect preamprdication choice for the Anoconda system.

Model120A Distribution Amp

--.... High performance audio distribution amplaier wtth one input, one thru-put, and four Law -Z SerYG-Balanced outpuh. Connections via XLR.

Model 124A Stereo level Interface

~;< j~ . -:,.; Sterea bHlirectianal -l0d8V ta +4dBu interfoce. Seamless signal level conversian via Servo Balanced +4 ond active single ended -10 I/O. +4dBu connections via XLR, -10dBV connertions via RCA.

.. ~) ~ ~Model 148 .,; : -:::7- _ ~;-. _ : '-. ..8x32 Digital Audio Spliller

lhe Model 148 splits 8 channels 14 poirs) of digttal audio into 32 channels (16 pairl AES3 connertions wijh up to 192khz sompling rnles. Connections vio Aphex standort! 15 pin D-Sub.

Model 228 8-(hannel Unidirectional level Interface

l~~.___ ~.. ,e _ _e_ _e_ _~A _e_ ,e_ ,._

~hannel cansumer -10dBV RCA unbalanced input5 feed 8channels of prafessional +4d8u XLII balanced outpuh. Perfed for interfacing CD/DVD/MPJ ployers wtth consoles, relorders, amplifiers and ather equipment. Trimmed for exactly 12dB of gain with up to 12dB of atlenuorion. Perfect to match multiple sterea sources w~ different output levels.

...~_Idto ........ lor. 100 Sect............

Improving The Way The World SoundssM


Model 240 Dual logic Gated (ompressor

Duakhannel compression ond gating using Aphex' industry-stondard Easyrider4' cam pression and Logic Assisted'" goling technalogy. Compressor ond gate ore gain locked to avoid conflicting dynamics pracessing.

Model 3200 (ompellor®

r:e' - -___ 4YJ'. '"' lhe ultimate automatic gain control. Cambines compressor, leveler, and limtter controlled by three proprietory "brains'. Duo I mana or stereo operorion. Model 3200 features AES3 digital input5 and outputs at up to 96kHz.

Model 661 Tubessence® Tube (ompressor

This pawerful compressor's RPA circutt makes your oudia warm and engaging. The high.frequency expander adds life and oir to campressed signals. Monual controls for all compressian parameters, plus Easyrider for nowless autamatic operation.

Model 720 and Model 722 Dominatorlli II Precision Peak limiters

Transparent stereo multibond brick-wall limiting. MultHJond te<hniques plus the patented Automatic Limit lhreshald ollaws for higher output leveliloudness) without distortion or hole punching. lhe excellent solution for getting the most out of digitul equipment while protecting your system lond your ears). Model 722 includes selectable 50 or 75~sec pre-emphosis and complementory de-emphasis.

Model 204 Aural Exciter® and Optical Big Bollom@

-• Two-channels af world renawned, patented Aural Exciter ond Big Botrom will add presence, clar~, fullness, body, punch, detail and depth, all withaut significontly increasing peak levels_ Clinically praven to increase intelligibility, it is perfect for every speech application. Even brings MP3s back ta life!
