ap rhetorical analysis body paragraphs1

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  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    Writing Body Paragraphs for Advanced Placement English Language

    Rhetorical Analysis Essays

    This file contains sample paragraphs from papers scoring 8s or 9s on AP English Language rhetoricalanalysis compositions. Please refer to my webpage on Writing the hetorical Analysis!" un#er

    Writing for the AP E$am!" for more #etaile# information.

    Loo% for patterns in the following essays.

    &irst! note that e'ery single paragraph will ha'e at least one ()*(ETE illustration. When

    i#entifying the authors choices! always! always! always illustrate with #irect +uotes.

    *e$t! note that the writers nearly always tal% about the au#ience. The author has ma#e his choices for a

    reason. ,e has intent." The ultimate goal! of course! is to change the min#s of his rea#ers. -o! obser'e

    how these writers e$plain W, the author ma#e these choices an# ,)W they might affect the rea#ingau#ience. The more time spent here! the hire the scores.

    Lastly! note that the writers ten# not to force technical wor#s. They simply i#entify something the

    author #i# an# e$plain why he #i# it /an#! of course! how it helps ma%e his point0. 1ost of the time!these writers simply tal% about the authors #iction /or wor# choice0 an# selection of #etail.

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    This simple analytical paragraph i#entifies the writers intent an# then shows ,)W /'ia #iction0 thewriter con'eys this un#erstan#ing. *ote that the writer #oes not say! The author uses #iction2."

    -imply i#entify the writers choices an# e$plain W, he ma#e those choices3or ,)W they

    contribute to his point.

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    *ote the simple structure of this paragraph4 5#entification of a rhetorical strategy. Presentation of

    E'i#ence. E$planation of significance. The writer integrates an impressi'e amount of concretee'i#ence to support his analysis! clearly showing the author Wilsons intent.

    E$tremely well #one. *ote how the writer seemingly integrates more than a few +uotes from the

    original source. Alos! consi#er that the writer #oesnt use any fancy" literary language. ,e simply

    points out what the author #oes an# W, he #oes it. Please see the 'alue of the small wor#s written atthe en#. ,ere the writer tal%s about the effect on the au#ience /shoc%s the rea#ers"0. 6ont 7ust say

    what the author #oes4 -ay W, he #oes it. What response #oes he want from his au#ience The more

    you tal% about the au#ience! the better.

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    5n the larger paper! most of this writers i#eas are elaborate# further. The writer was as%e# how the

    author characteries scientists. *ote that! in the last line! the writer tal%s about the effect on the

    au#ience. Also! note language in which the writer e$plains W, certain #e'ices were use# /e.g.! Thisanalogy is use# relate2"0. The official gra#ers praise# this writers #aring to be humorous /e.g.! Wile

    E. (oyote0. Also! the writer was able to i#entify a#'ance# techni+ues! such as antithesis.

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    :oo# paragraph. The writer +uotes two lines! both of which e'i#ence emotional appeals. The effect on

    the au#ience /fear0 is clearly in#icate#. The recognition of the para#o$ a##s #epth to the response.

    emember to tal% about the au#ience; /,e scares the au#ience2."0 5t is a pattern that we'e seen so

    far in papers scoring 8

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    This reference# passage cause# all sorts of trouble the year it was gi'en. =asically! there were 8>>

    wor#s! of which ?@> were in one long sentence. =ut this writer un#erstoo# W, the author wrote a

    single sentence that liste# the problems cause# by money. After rea#ing these two paragraphs! weun#erstan# the authors unusual choice. emember! the %eys to a rhetorical analysis4 /.0 5#entify a

    choice ma#e by the author to con'ey his i#eas. /B.0 E$plain W, this choice was ma#e. /C.0 5n#icate

    ,)W the rea#er is e$pecte# to respon#. The writer abo'e #oes all three /is enough to con'ince almostanyone of2."0.

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    -imply note what the writer is #oing. -he presents a strategy /first tone! then rhetorical +uestions0!

    followe# by e'i#ence an# e$planation. -he also performs the magic tric%4 Tal%ing about the rea#er

    /=esi#es entertaining the rea#er2."0.

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


    I hope by now that you see the pattern of success. Loo for the same pattern in the following

    samples taen from other essays that have scored ! or ".

  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1


  • 8/10/2019 AP Rhetorical Analysis Body Paragraphs1
