ap biology chapter 24.4. process of making a species biological species concept: populations are no...

Download AP Biology Chapter 24.4. Process of making a species Biological Species Concept: Populations are no longer capable of interbreeding

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Is speciation a slow process? Fast process? Both?


AP Biology Chapter 24.4 Process of making a species Biological Species Concept: Populations are no longer capable of interbreeding Is speciation a slow process? Fast process? Both? Charles Darwin Gradualism: Slower process gradually developing species Support: Various fossil lineages Variation in large populations Allopatric speciation Stephen J. Gould Punctuated Equilibrium: Rapid process & is followed by long periods of stasis Support: Various fossil lineages Sympatric speciation Adaptive Radiation Convergent Evolution: Distantly related species converge on similar structures Bats, Birds, Butterflies wings are analogous structures Parallel Evolution: Similar environments produce many similar species Coevolution? Probably incorrectly applied to interspecific competition Evolution is not goal oriented! There is no primary body plan for any species Natural Selection must work with current body plan Ex: 6 wings on birds would be awesome Adaptations are often compromises Ex: Seal flippers instead of legs