“your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only...


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Page 1: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed
Page 2: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

We k n o w b e c a u s e we t o o a r e c o m m i tt e d t o p r ov i d i n g t h e

f i n e s t q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s , o u t s t a n d i n g s e r v i c e , a n d u n m a t c h e d

d e p e n d a b i l i t y.

Y o u p e r s e ve r e d t h r o u g h m a ny y e a r s o f h a r d w o r k w i t h u n w a ve r i n g

d e d i c a t i o n a n d c o n t i n u o u s i m p r ove m e n t t o e s t a b l i s h y o u r

r e p u t a t i o n f o r c o n s i s t e n t h i g h q u a l i t y p r o d u c t s , t i m e l y d e l i ve r y,

a n d c o m p e t i t i ve p r i c i n g . Yo u r i m a g e , y o u r p r o f e ss i o n a l i s m , a n d

y o u r r e p u t a t i o n f o r e xc e l l e n c e a r e y o u r m o s t v a l u a b l e a ss e t s .

Quality. consistency. reliability. trust.

“Your reputation

Page 3: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

“Your reputation is our guarantee”

Page 4: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

E ve r ke m D i ve r s i f i e d P r o d u c t s s p e c i a l i z e s i n t h e m a n u f a c t u r e o f s e a l a n t s ,

a d h e s i ve s a n d s p e c i a l t y c h e m i c a l c o m p o u n d s u s e d f o r c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d

i n d u s t r i a l a p p l i c a t i o n s .

L o c a t e d i n W i n s t o n - S a l e m , N C , t h e E ve r ke m f o u n d a t i o n i s b u i l t u p o n

i n n ov a t i ve m a n u f a c t u r i n g c a p a b i l i t i e s , p r o g r e ss i ve p r o d u c t s o l u t i o n s

a n d o l d f a s h i o n e d p e r s o n a l s e r v i c e a n d c u s t o m e r s u p p o r t .

We b e l i e ve t h a t t h e m o s t e ss e n t i a l i n g r e d i e n t t o b u i l d i n g s u c c e ss f u l

p a r t n e r s h i p s i s w i t h t h e c o m m i t m e n t t o e xc e e d t h e e x p e c t a t i o n s o f t h o s e

we s e r ve . F o r t h e p a s t 1 5 y e a r s we h a ve e s t a b l i s h e d a s t r o n g r e p u t a t i o n

f o r c o n s i s t e n t p r o d u c t q u a l i t y, r e l i a b l e a n d r e s p o n s i ve c u s t o m e r s u p p o r t

a n d c o m p e t i t i ve p r i c i n g .

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

Page 5: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

tabLE oF CoNtENtS

PaCkaGiNG oPtioNS.....................................................2

Product Packaging................................................................. 4

bulk / Display Packaging.......................................................8

art & Design Services.............................................................9

avaiLabLE CHEmiStriES..........................................10

Product Chemistries............................................................12

EcoSeal information............................................................20

ProDuCt / PaCkaGiNG matriX...........................22

tErmS & CoNDitioNS / DiSCLaimEr.............24


Page 6: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

Product Packaging ...................... 4Cartridges ........................................... 4

Squeeze tubes ................................... 5

bottles ................................................. 5

Cups ..................................................... 6

buckets ................................................ 6

Drums ................................................... 7

bulk / Display Packaging........ 8

Design Services ............................ 9

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

Packaging Options


Page 7: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS

Packaging Options


Page 8: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

10 Oz. Cartridges

Quart Cartridges

10 oz. caulking cartridges which fit most standard caulking guns. Can be filled from 9 to 10.3 fluid ounces.

tube & Nozzle options ▪ Standard fixed nozzle ▪ Fixed nozzle with screw-on tip ▪ Multiple styles of removable screw-on nozzles with

removable tips

artwork & Design options ▪ Paper labels available ▪ Pre-printed tubes available ▪ Design services available


k C







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Quart sized caulking cartridges which fit most bulk sized caulking guns.

tube & Nozzle options ▪ Removable nozzle

artwork & Design options ▪ Paper labels available ▪ Pre-printed tubes available ▪ Design services available


Page 9: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS




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squueze tubes


sQueeze tuBesEconomical, convenient packaging alternative. Standard 2.7 fl. oz. squeeze tubes, with custom options available.

tube materials ▪ Plastic ▪ Plastic Laminate

available Sizes ▪ 2.7 oz. standard size ▪ Custom options available from .5 ounces to 5.5 ounces.

*Contact Everkem Diversified Products for custom sizing options.

artwork & Design options ▪ Pre-printed tubes available ▪ Design services available

BOttlesPlastic squeeze bottles ranging from 1 fl. oz. to 32 fl. oz, with standard cap to maintain product life cycle and prevent waste.

available Sizes ▪ 1 oz. ▪ 4 oz. ▪ 8 oz. ▪ 32 oz. ▪ Additional options may be available

*Contact Everkem Diversified Products for custom sizing options.

artwork & Design options ▪ Paper labels available ▪ Transparent labels available ▪ Pre-printed bottles and labels available ▪ Design services available


Page 10: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com













Plastic buckets in a variety of sizes ideal for large projects where extensive tooling may be required.

available Sizes ▪ ½ gallon ▪ 1 gallon ▪ 2 gallon ▪ 3.5 gallon ▪ 5 gallon

artwork & Design options ▪ Paper labels available ▪ Pre-printed packaging available ▪ Design services available

Plastic cups in a variety of sizes ideal for applications where extensive tooling may be required.

available Sizes: ▪ 8 oz ▪ 16 oz ▪ 32 oz

artwork & Design options ▪ Paper labels available ▪ Pre-printed packaging available ▪ Design services available


Page 11: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS






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drumsDrum quantities available for all product chemistries for bulk consumption.

Drum materials ▪ Steel

available Sizes ▪ 50 - 52 gallons


Page 12: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

Bulk & disPlaY PaCkagingB





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ay P







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Multiple unit packaging that also doubles as a display unit.

Carton materials ▪ Cardboard

available Sizes ▪ 12 and 24 unit cartons standard ▪ Available in Brown and White ▪ Custom options available ▪ Design services available

*Contact Everkem Diversified Products for custom sizing options.

artwork & Design options ▪ Plain cartons available ▪ Pre-printed cartons available ▪ Design services available


Page 13: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS


t & d






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art and design serviCesWe understand that product packaging p lays an important ro le in market ing not

only your product, but your brand. After a l l , people are v isual creatures by nature.

T h a t ’ s w h y E ve r ke m D i ve r s i f i e d P r o d u c t s o ff e r s a r t a n d d e s i g n s e r v i c e s t o

o u r p r i v a t e l a b e l c u s t o m e r s a t n o a d d i t i o n a l c h a r g e .

O u r d e s i g n e r w i l l w o r k w i t h y o u t o c r e a t e i m p a c t f u l , u n i q u e , a n d f u n c t i o n a l

p r o d u c t p a c k a g i n g a n d a r t w o r k t h a t r e f l e c t s n o t o n l y y o u r p r o d u c t , b u t t h e

p e r s o n a l i t y, m e ss a g e , a n d p a ss i o n o f y o u r b r a n d . E ve n i f y o u a l r e a d y h a ve

a r t w o r k a v a i l a b l e , we ’ l l h a n d l e t h e e n t i r e p r o c e ss o f t r a n s f e r r i n g i t t o o u r

v a r i o u s p a c k a g i n g o p t i o n s .


Page 14: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

Product Chemistries ................................ 10

Latex Sealants ................................................. 12

Silicone Sealants ............................................. 14

Hybrid / High Performance Sealants ........... 15

Firestopping / blocking .................................. 16

refractory mortars ......................................... 17

Electrical Chemicals ........................................ 18

EcoSeal information.................................. 20

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

available Chemistries


Page 15: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS

available Chemistries


Page 16: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com


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White, general purpose caulking material suitable for multiple interior and exterior applications.

▪ Economical ▪ Applies Easily ▪ Excellent Adhesion ▪ Permanently Flexible ▪ Paintable ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:ASTM-C834Third Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

40 Year siliCOnized aCrYliC latex CaulkForms a long lasting thermal and moisture protective seal between most common building materials in both interior and exterior applications.

▪ Excellent Adhesion ▪ Durable & Long Lasting ▪ Mildew Resistant ▪ Paintable ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

SpecificationsASTM-C834Third Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

25 Year aCrYliC latex Caulk


Page 17: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS

latex ca





t ch




aCrYliC urethane sealantHeavy bodied, smooth consistency, extremely durable, professional grade sealant designed for top quality interior and extreme exterior applications.

▪ 50 Year Durability ▪ Permanently Flexible ▪ Paintable ▪ Mildew Resistant ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:ASTM-C920Third Part testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

aCOustiCal sOund sealantHigh quality latex-based sealing compound used as an essential component in construction assemblies for achieving and maintaining the required STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating as per IBC 1207.2 for air-borne sound.

▪ Excellent Adhesion ▪ Permanently Flexible ▪ Mildew Resistant ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:Meets ASTM-C90Meets ASTM C-834 Tested to ASTM-E84 Maintains 52 STCThird Party Testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details

available Packaging options:


Page 18: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com






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High performance, 100% silicone sealant which demonstrates high strength adhesion to a wide variety of non porous substrates and excellent weatherability in the most severe conditions.

▪ Premium grade, 100% silicone ▪ 50+ year durability ▪ High temperature (up to 400°F) performance ▪ Low temperature (-55°F) flexibility ▪ Mildew resistant options available ▪ Available in many popular colors ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:NSF 51 CertifiedASTM-C920Third Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

high temPerature siliCOne sealantHigh performance, temperature resistant silicone adhesive / sealant designed to withstand temperature ranges from -85°F to 500°F with intermittent exposure up to 600°F.

▪ High temperature performance ▪ Exposure up to 600°F ▪ 50+ year durability ▪ Mildew resistant ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:NSF 51 CertifiedMeets ASTM C-920 Meets FDA Regulation No. 21 CFR 177.2600 Meets Federal Specs TT-S-001543A, TT-S-00230CThird Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details

available Packaging options:

100 % aCetOxY Cure siliCOne sealant


Page 19: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS








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high PerfOrmanCe hYBrid sealantState of the art hybrid polymer chemistry designed to withstand severe climate, weathering, and environ-mental conditions. Can be applied to wet surfaces, in cold weather and possesses excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates.

▪ UV resistant ▪ Applies to wet surfaces ▪ Can be applied in low temperatures (30°F+) ▪ Fast curing ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:Meets ASTM-C920Meets ASTM-G26AAMA 802.3-10, 803.3-10, 805.2-10, 808.3-10 CertifiedMeets Federal Spec TTS-0230CThird Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:


Page 20: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com







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UL tested, highly flexible, general purpose firestopping sealant that conforms to ASTM-E814 standards for multi-family and commercial firestopping applications.

▪ Intumescent ▪ Elastomeric ▪ Up to 3 hour fire rating ▪ Identifiable color ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:ASTM-E814ASTM-E1966Meets 51 STC RatingThird Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

nOn-intumesCent, nOn-COmBustiBle COmmerCial firestOP CaulkUL classified sealant designed to resume the integrity of 1 and 2 hour fire rated floors and walls, forming an effective barrier to prevent the passage and spread of flames, smoke, and toxic gases.

▪ 2 hour fire rating ▪ Great adhesion ▪ Smooth consistency ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:ASTM-E814Meets ASTM-E136Third Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

elastOmeriC intumesCent firestOP Caulk


Page 21: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS





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nOn-COmBustiBle single familY residential fireBlOCk Caulk

furnaCe and retOrt Cement

Economical, non-combustible material used to fulfill fireblocking requirements by resuming the integrity of non-rated penetrations in single family residential construction.

▪ Great adhesion ▪ Smooth consistency ▪ Identifiable color ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:Tested to ASTM-E814Tested to ASwTM E-136Third Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details

available Packaging options:

Medium duty refractory mortar used to repair and seal openings, cracks, joints and seams encountered in fireboxes, furnaces, chimneys, stoves, and other refractory applications.

▪ Pre-mixed ▪ Smooth consistency ▪ Easy clean-up ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:Meets ASTM-C199Meets ASTM-E136PCE Value of 17-18Tested to 2700°FThird Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details

available Packaging options:


Page 22: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com









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Premium grade lubricant that reduces friction and limits surface tension, making wire pulling applications quick and easy.

▪ Safe for all cable types ▪ Super lubricity for quick and easy pulling ▪ Stable over 30°F to 120°F temperature range ▪ Dries to clear film ▪ Will not clog or corrode conduit ▪ Available in Cold-Weather formulation ▪ Low V.O.C.’s

Specifications:Manufactured to IEEE-1210-1966 Performance StandardsASTM-D1693 Environmental Stress Cracking StandardsThird Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

Oxide inhiBitOr COmPOundHigh quality, paste-like grease designed to prevent corrosion and the formation of oxide film in copper-to-aluminum and aluminum-to-aluminum connections, improve conductivity and overall service life of electrical connection.

▪ Stable over a wide range of temperatures ▪ Helps prevent aluminum oxidation ▪ Improves service life of electrical connections ▪ Improves conductivity ▪ Produces cooler electrical connection

Specifications:Third Party testing under your brand name available, contact Everkem Diversified Products for details.

available Packaging options:

Wire Pulling luBriCant


Page 23: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS 19

Page 24: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com20

Page 25: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS

We recognize the importance of environmental responsibility in our role as a manufacturer

of caulks, sealants and specialty compounds. Starting with our pursuit for the cleanest and

safest raw materials sourced from local suppliers and vendors in close proximity, to our

innovative manufacturing process and product formulations, Everkem Diversified Products

is committed to the movement towards sustainability in the built environment and playing

our part to help build a greener world.

everkem’s ecoseal stamp of approval

The EcoSeal stamp shown is a user friendly symbol that specifies which products within

our various product lines are “Eco Safe” and qualify as a low v.o.C. content sealant or ad-

hesive which meets one or more of the following guidelines:

▪ the u.S. Green building Council’s (uSGbC) LEED Green building rating System

▪ National association of Home builders (NaHb) model GrEEN Home building

▪ the South Coast air Quality management District (SCaQmD)

▪ the bay area air Quality management District (baaQmD)

▪ ozone transport Commission (otC)

▪ California air resources board (Carb)

v.o.c content

Creating an air tight building envelope to limit air infiltration and leakage is an essential

component to improving energy efficiency and conservation. In addition to the Interna-

tional Energy Conservation Code mandates, the use of caulks and sealants to seal the

building envelope are applicable to the following guidelines:

▪ the u.S. Green building Council’s (uSGbC) LEED Green building rating System

▪ Energy & atmosphere (Ea)

▪ Prerequisite 2 – minimum Energy Performance (required) and Credit 1 – optimize Energy

Performance (1-10 pts)

▪ During Construction (1 pt) and Credit 4.1 Low-Emitting materials, adhesives & Sealants (1


▪ National association of Home builders (NaHb) model GrEEN Home building

▪ Section 3 Energy Efficiency

▪ Item 3.3.1 Building Envelope – Incorporate Air Sealing Package to Reduce Infiltration (10 pts)

energy efficiency


Page 26: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

Product / Packaging matrix

10 oz. Caulk tubes

28 oz. Caulk tubes

2.7 oz.*

Squeeze tubes

8 oz. Cups

16 oz. Cups

32 oz. Pails

½ gal. Pails

1 gal. buckets

2 gal. buckets

3.5 gal. buckets

5 gal. buckets

1 oz. bottles

4 oz. bottles

8 oz. bottles

32 oz. bottles Drums

25 Year acrylic Latex Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■40 Year Siliconized acrylic Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■acrylic urethane Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■acoustical Sound Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■100% Silicone Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■High temperature 100% Silicone Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■High Performance / Hybrid Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Furnace and retort Cement ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Elastomeric intumescent Firestop Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Single Family residential Firestop-ping / Fireblocking Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Non-Combustible Non-intumescent Commercial Firestopping Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Wire Pulling Lubricant ■ ■ ■ ■Cold Weather Wire Pulling Lubricant ■ ■ ■ ■anti-oxidizing Electrical Compound ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Product Chemistries

Packaging Optionsstandard available

Other packaging options not listed are available dependend on annual expected quantities. Contact Everkem Diversified Products for more details.


Page 27: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

www.everkemproducts.com fx: (336) 661-7969 ph: 1-800-638-3160 EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS

10 oz. Caulk tubes

28 oz. Caulk tubes

2.7 oz.*

Squeeze tubes

8 oz. Cups

16 oz. Cups

32 oz. Pails

½ gal. Pails

1 gal. buckets

2 gal. buckets

3.5 gal. buckets

5 gal. buckets

1 oz. bottles

4 oz. bottles

8 oz. bottles

32 oz. bottles Drums

25 Year acrylic Latex Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■40 Year Siliconized acrylic Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■acrylic urethane Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■acoustical Sound Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■100% Silicone Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■High temperature 100% Silicone Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■High Performance / Hybrid Sealant ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Furnace and retort Cement ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Elastomeric intumescent Firestop Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Single Family residential Firestop-ping / Fireblocking Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Non-Combustible Non-intumescent Commercial Firestopping Caulk ■ ■ ■ ■ ■Wire Pulling Lubricant ■ ■ ■ ■Cold Weather Wire Pulling Lubricant ■ ■ ■ ■anti-oxidizing Electrical Compound ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Packaging Options

Other packaging options not listed are available dependend on annual expected quantities. Contact Everkem Diversified Products for more details.


Page 28: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

Hours of operation: Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM E.S.T.

ordering: Same day shipping on all “in stock” items with orders placed before 3:00 PM E.S.T. Standard transit times do apply. Orders may be placed by the following methods:

order by Phone: Contact your Everkem sales representative or customer service specialist at 1-800-638-3160 Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM E.S.T. To place an order after business hours please leave a detailed message in your account manager’s voicemail box or our general voicemail box and your order will be confirmed via your representative’s call, a fax confirmation, or e-mail the following business day.

Fax orders: (336) 661-7969. All fax orders will be acknowledged verbally, via fax confirmation, or e-mail. If you do not receive confirmation in one of those ways, your order may not have been received. In the event you do not receive confirmation we kindly request you contact us at 1-800-638-3160 to ensure your order will be processed in a timely manner.

Prices: All prices are subject to change without notice. We will make our best attempt at allowing a 30+ day advanced notice of any increase in price. Please contact your Everkem sales representative for current published pricing. All published prices are stated in minimum order quantities to obtain pre-paid freight. Price breaks may be allowed for greater quantities. Ordering a combination of different products can be used to achieve price breaks and pre-paid freight minimums. Please call 1-800-638-3160 for further price discounts.

terms: Net 30 day terms with approved credit. Please contact us to receive a confidential credit application, or fax credit information to (336) 661-7969. A 2% monthly cumulative penalty fee will be added to all delinquent invoices greater than 30 days past due.

Delivery / Freight: All orders include free shipping with specified minimums within the continental limits of the United States. Shipping charges will apply to all orders requested for less than the specified minimum.

Drop Shipments: Please contact your Everkem sales representative to discuss details and options for drop ship requirements.


Ordering information

OrderingPricing / termsshipping


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EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

Page 29: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

tHiS PaGE iNtENtioNaLLY LEFt bLaNk


OrderingPricing / termsshipping

#EvErkEm DivErSiFiED ProDuCtS ph: 1-800-638-3160 fx: (336) 661-7969 www: everkemproducts.com

Page 30: “Your reputation is our guarantee”€¦ · product packaging and artwork that reflects not only your product, but the personality, message, ... UL classified sealant designed

5180 Indiana Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Ph: 1-800-638-3160 Fx: (33) 661-79699
