“the dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the ... for cana… · “the...

“The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the interaction of Western arrogance, Islamic intolerance and Sinic assertiveness.” ~Samuel P. Huntington ~ “Somewhere in the world today, a critic of Islam will be censored online. It is the goal of the billionaire digital oligarchs to make political dissidents, such as myself, irrelevant by suppressing, if not erasing, every last vestige of our online existence. If you can't find someone online, do they really exist? This is the existential question of the digital age. Free speech and the debate of ideas in the public square is the foundation of an enlightened society. Censorship of speech and ideas is tyranny, it stifles creativity and is a step backward for humanity. If I die a digital death, what's to say you won't as well.” Thanks to Dr. Bill Warner

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Post on 23-Jul-2020




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Page 1: “The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the ... For Cana… · “The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the interaction of Western arrogance,

“The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the interaction of Western arrogance,

Islamic intolerance and Sinic assertiveness.”

~Samuel P. Huntington ~ “Somewhere in the world today, a critic of Islam will be censored

online. It is the goal of the billionaire digital oligarchs to make

political dissidents, such as myself, irrelevant by suppressing, if

not erasing, every last vestige of our online existence. If you can't

find someone online, do they really exist? This is the existential

question of the digital age.

Free speech and the debate of ideas in the public square is the

foundation of an enlightened society. Censorship of speech and

ideas is tyranny, it stifles creativity and is a step backward for

humanity. If I die a digital death, what's to say you won't as


Thanks to Dr. Bill Warner

Page 2: “The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the ... For Cana… · “The dangerous clashes of the future are likely to arise from the interaction of Western arrogance,


"Notes from the Cassandra Society"

by John Thompson

Now is the Summer of our Discontent

Yes, terrorism is not a concern for Canada, which is why so many of our politicians still refuse to think of the recent incident on the Danforth as such. We await their reactions for the inevitable next attack, which should be equally strongly worded and vaguely aimed, while avoiding the “J” word, the “I” word, or the “M” word, especially in association with the “T” word. https://www.actforcanada.ca/l/now-is-the-summer-of-our-discontent/

Canada: MP Maxime Bernier quits to start new conservative party, citing “extreme multiculturalism,” “fake Conservatives”

One thing is for certain: The Conservative Party of Canada needs to brush up on its commitment to traditional values as written in its policy package; otherwise, Maxime Bernier will be the new Donald Trump of Canada. Canada simply cannot afford to continue along the path of totalitarianism at the hands of a weak Conservative government, or a Liberal government with a leader who supports open borders and welcomes in Islamic State militants.




If writing off 2019 gets us a real conservative party, so be it by Barbara Kay

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Rub a dub dub, three men in a tub: Trudeau and Scheer fight for the oars, while a smiling Bernier rocks the boat. Did Bernier walk away from the CPC or was he pushed? Whatever, a poll immediately following Maxime Bernier’s exit showed striking positive reaction to his declaration of a projected new party, with 13 per cent support nation-wide (15 per cent in Quebec, second to Libs).


Christie Blatchford: How much do I love Max Bernier? Let me count the cartels

I love him so much I read Chapter 5 of his as yet unpublished book. The chapter is entitled “Live or Die With Supply Management.” I love his unabashed use of the word “cartel”— both in this chapter and in his daily language — to describe the supply management system used to keep the price of Canadian dairy, poultry and eggs artificially high.



Canada’s Ottoman Destiny: Maxime Bernier and


Those quick to criticize Mr. Bernier are not only naïve, but cowardly. Maxime Bernier is right – multiculturalism is a dead-end and should be dismantled. But first, let’s get the various shibboleths out of the way. Critiquing multiculturalism is not racism. Those who invoke this term to silence opposition should realize that they’re simply admitting to failure. If racism is still something to be feared in Canada, then multiculturalism (legally enacted since 1988) has been a colossal fiasco, and we should move beyond it.



Excellent Debate on Maxime Bernier’s tweet on Diversity and Multiculturalism

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Raheel Raza, Sohail Raza, Tahir Gora and Haleema Sadia discuss multi-culturalism in Canada. Does Max Bernier have a point when he says that government is pushing an extremist version? Should we rather focus on Canadian values based on individual freedoms?


Scheer Says Conservatives Welcome Muslims Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says his party welcomes Muslims and he’s glad they’re part of Canadian society. “My message is that the Conservative Party is an inclusive party, that welcomes the contributions of people of the Muslim faith, and I’m glad that they make up our cultural fabric,” said Scheer, in response to questions from National Observer at an Ottawa press conference. https://news.nbcm.ca/scheer-says-conservatives-welcome-muslims

Federal report calls for special treatment of immigrants Imagine a government that says we should use taxpayers’ dollars to ensure small businesses hire immigrants over Canadian citizens. Actually, in Justin Trudeau’s Canada you don’t have to imagine that. A government report, one originating from the prime minister’s own department, is calling for government grants to be used to incentivize small businesses to hire immigrants.


Justin Trudeau Thinks Canada Has No Covenant With Veterans, While Saying We Have ‘Obligations’ To Illegal Border Crossers

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When it comes to supporting our Veterans, Trudeau thinks they’re asking for too much, but when it comes to people violating the law and entering Canada illegally, we have “obligations.” It doesn’t get any more disloyal than that. This shows how upside-down things have become in our country, and all Canadians should be outraged by this. How can a country live with itself when the needs of illegal border crossing non-citizens are prioritized above those who put their lives on the line for our nation?




Canada: Police say cow being skinned alive in halal slaughter is “NOT ANIMAL CRUELTY case”

Police say the skinning of a cow shown on a video circulating online is not being treated as an animal cruelty case but the incident is being probed to ensure food safety regulations were followed. Ontario’s Ministry of Agriculture says it has also launched an investigation into the incident, and has described the scene shown in the video as “disgusting and gruesome.”


Freedom of Speech

Geert Wilders cancels “Draw Muhammad” contest amid massive protests, threats of violence

10,000 Muslims rallied in Pakistan, chanting “we will die for the Prophet” over Wilders’ contest, while Pakistan’s new Prime Minister, Imran Khan, announced that he was going to the UN to stop all Muhammad cartoon contests, including Wilders’ contest. “Khan vowed to take the matter [of blasphemy] to the United Nations, saying that few in the West understand the pain caused to Muslims by such activities.”



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On the Vital Necessity of Free Speech with Dr. Jordan Peterson (are you listening, Saudis)? The Montreal Press Club marked the occasion of its 70th anniversary in 2018 by initiating a “Freedom Award” to mark the accomplishments of a single exceptionally courageous individual in the world of journalism. They chose as their first recipient Saudi blogger Raif Badawi who has been tortured and imprisoned for his views by the oh-so-enlightened rulers of that state. I delivered this lecture on free speech on the occasion of the acceptance of the Press Club award by Raif Badawi's wife, Ensaf Haidar, April 26/2018 (video uploaded August 20). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuNeqawPuuY


The 'Science' of Islamophobia Islam has not evolved by interacting with the Enlightenment. It has remained medieval. However, when medieval is no longer merely antiquated, it becomes dangerous. The practice of medieval medicine would constitute murder. We see how the practice of medieval religion is equally toxic. All modern religion has undergone change. Judaism has dispensed with animal sacrifice and rebellious adolescents are no longer stoned in the village square. Catholics have ceased their allegations that

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Jews are guilty of deicide. And Protestants have stopped witch-burnings. These amputations have not caused damage to these religions. On the contrary, they allowed people to focus upon the central and common theme uniting them to Judaism: love your neighbor. Denying the latent toxicity of Islam perpetuates murder in the name of Allah. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/08/the_science_of_islamophobia.html

Persecuted Christians

Ethiopia: Muslims murder 15 Christian priests, torch ten churches

Ethiopia’s prime minister visited the leader of the country’s Orthodox Church on Saturday to express his condolences after 15 priests were killed and ten Orthodox churches damaged in the eastern Somali region last week. Nine evangelical churches were also vandalised or looted. Although state media reported the deaths of at least 30 people, according to local sources the number could be as high as 50.


Chad: Muslims intimidating Christians and driving them from public life under new rules prioritizing Islam

Christians in Chad are being intimidated and forced from public life, under new rules prioritizing Islam in violation of the North African country’s secular foundations, according to the Catholic Church. While the establishment media gets the vapors about alleged “anti-Islam activity” in the US, this is what actual discrimination on the basis of religion looks like.


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'Pure Genocide': Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly Women and Children

"Nigeria is drifting to [a path of] genocide through killing, maiming, burning and destruction of churches and other sacred places of worship, and forceful seizure and occupation of ancestral, worship, farming and dwelling lands of the indigenous Christians and other indigenous religionists in Northern Nigeria," it said. https://www.christianpost.com/news/pure-genocide-over-6000-nigerian-christians-slaughtered-mostly-women-children-225655/

Uganda: Church closes after months of Islamic jihad attacks

Imagine if a mosque had been forced to close after months of attacks from Christians. The international outcry would be immediate and prolonged. But no one will take any particular note of this. Will the Islamophobia never end?


Justice for Victims of Yezidi Genocide? “The Yezidi people have faced 74 genocides by Muslims because the Yezidis do not want to change the faith that was given to us by God,” Ismail proclaimed. “How can the Yezidis receive justice when the makers of international law do not have respect for the international law that they wrote? The benefits of international law and human rights do not apply to all peoples in the world. Those two types of important benefits apply to some nations to get what they deserve and those two types of benefits are also abused by its own creators in order to destroy some nations such as the Yezidis, Zoroastrians, Assyrians, Chaldeans, etc.



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Google, Facebook,


Banned from Twitterstan - an interview with Bosch Fawstin I’ve never gotten the amount of death threats that I’ve gotten this past week, as they’re now in the thousands. Death threats picked up after Geert Wilders announced me as the judge of the new Mohammad cartoon contest in June, but now, on all of my remaining platforms, and in public comments and private messages (it used to be only in private), average everyday Muslims – not ISIS – are threatening me in the most elaborate ways, and Facebook doesn’t consider a good number of these explicit death threats to be violating their “community standards,” as many fans have told me when they’ve reported the threats. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/271169/banned-twitterstan-mark-tapson

Citizens beware: MasterCard and Visa cross the line into totalitarian thought control

Every single day, reports emerge from the four corners of the earth about human rights abuses committed in the name of Islam, Islamic supremacist incursions into once-peaceful countries, the slaughter and injury of innocent people committed in the name of Islam, and jihad attacks. If reporting and discussing these facts are an offense to Muslims and deemed to be “hateful” and “racist,” then we need to have serious open discussions about why and how this is so. But there is a strenuous effort to shut down all discussion of these matters.


Google Rigging Search Results is a Fact

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Google's search engine is complete garbage. Take away the bells and whistles and its results are worse than you would expect from a search engine in 2004. Google is a monopoly. It controls 80% of search and it directs searches appropriately. How biased is it? Anyone who looks at its news portal can easily spot that Google favors lefty outlets. It will push material from Splinter, The Root and The Intercept. I rarely see anything from the Daily Caller, Breitbart, Front Page, etc...


Twitter: The guy who threatened the lives of Dana Loesch's children didn't violate any rules

Twitter is a complete cesspool. I don’t know why anyone spends time on there. If you’re surprised to learn there is such a thing as community standards on Twitter, you have to understand they mean the term a little differently than you and I would. And what is that meaning exactly? I’m not entirely sure, but I do know this: It doesn’t include objections to threats people make to kill other people’s children. That is perfectly fine in DorseyWorld.



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Antifa & The Left

Stalker of Turning Point USA Arrested

Antifa, which as a group has been warmly embraced by many Democrats, have regained prominence in the post-Obama era by assaulting conservatives and Trump supporters. The hyper-violent anarchists and communists of the Antifa movement are notorious for promiscuously labeling those they target as fascists, Nazis, and racists, in the absence of evidence. Like Chicago leftist Alexander Micah Cohen, Antifa activists and their supporters think it is hilarious when conservatives and Republicans are killed and maimed.


Antifa calls for the formation of a “Red Army” to “annihilate” their enemies The increasingly violent antifa group, Red Guards Austin, is now calling for the formation of a ‘Red Army’. “On the basis of our principled united front work, fascists and their collaborators can be drowned out, run out, routed, beaten bloody, and even annihilated. These are our principles and we aim to hold them to the very finish.”



Around the World


Aung San Suu Kyi Defends Policy Towards

Rohingya Muslims

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday defended her government’s actions in Rakhine state, where about 700,000 Rohingya Muslims fled from a brutal counterinsurgency campaign to neighboring Bangladesh. She said terrorism, not social discrimination or inequality, triggered the crisis.

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South Africa

Crying for the beloved country

Expropriation is never about justice and always about vengeance. Actually, it's about corruption disguised as vengeance passed off as social justice. I don't know how 72% of S.A.'s farmland came to be owned by whites, but it's been that way for centuries. And I know that with those farms in their hands, South Africans eat, the economy functions, and they actually have lives. By contrast, as when Zimbabwe expropriated its white farmers, the thugs who take over know nothing about farming.


Fake News defends racism and genocide in South Africa

The fake news, self proclaimed paragons of truth and virtue, managed to keep the American people in the dark about the extent of racism and genocide against whites in South Africa until Tucker Carlson reported it on Fox News. The media also took a shot at Tucker Carlson for having the courage to expose it. Attacking people who tell the truth is the media’s modus operandi. The murder rate of whites in South Africa is four times higher than that of the general population. According to their estimates over 70,000 whites have been murdered in cruel and often horrifying ways since 1994. That’s an average of over 2,916 white people murdered each year in South Africa.




Tourists watch as 50 Muslim migrants land boat on Spanish beach near luxury hotel

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Stunned tourists watch 50 migrants on packed boat storm Spanish beach near luxury hotel before clambering up cliffs. This is the astonishing moment migrants stormed a packed tourist beach and clambered up a cliff after jumping off their boat in southern Spain Sources said the minors would remain in Spain. One said: ‘We don’t know exactly how many people were on the boat but it’s obvious a number of the migrants managed to get away undetected.


United Kingdom

A Diversity of Acid Attacks, Witchcraft Abuse, Genital Mutilation and Terror Conservatives make rational arguments against the blind worship of diversity. Muslims fight and die to stop it. Immigrant groups mutilate, abuse and kill their own children out of hatred of diversity. Maybe it’s time to listen to those rational arguments. Either that or watch another 900%, 500% or 300% spike in honor killings, witchcraft child abuse, acid attacks and genital mutilations. Or the latest round of Islamic terrorist attacks tearing through London. They don’t want their children turning British and they’re willing to mutilate their genitals, smash out their teeth, run them over, and marry them off at a young age to make certain that they don’t.


Daring to Care in London

Baroness Cox works tirelessly for women’s rights under British law. She introduced the Arbitration and Mediation Services (Equality) Bill to the House of Lords, initially on 10 May 2012, with the observation that: “Equality under the law is a core value of British justice. My bill seeks to preserve that standard. Many women say: ‘We came to this country to escape these practices only to find the situation is worse here’.” Since then

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she helped many young women who were victims of Sharia Councils in Britain as well as victims of the grooming gangs in the country.


Who’s Really Racist – Boris or his Critics? This is the thing: there is more racism in Boris’s detractors than there was in Boris’s comments. It is the racism of relativism, the idea that it is wrong to criticise misogynistic or backward behaviour if it occurs among certain groups. The desire to protect the culture of the niqab or burqa from strong commentary or even jokes is more riddled with paternalism than any criticism of this culture ever could be. http://www.spiked-online.com/newsite/article/whos-really-racist-boris-or-his-critics/21677#.W4l69OhKjIV

United States

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Islamic Slavery

Comparing coddled, lionized, Leftist millionaire athletes with slaves forced to work in the fields in the scorching heat is obscene enough in itself, but Abdul-Jabbar looks even worse when one considers the fact that this

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famous, high profile convert to Islam has never said a word about the slavery that persists in the Islamic world. Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, owned slaves, and slavery is taken for granted in the Qur’an. Throughout Islamic history, the great caliphates and other Islamic political entities were slave societies.



CAIR in the Classroom: Islamist Group Partnering with Public Schools In 1993, Ibrahim Hooper, director of strategic communications for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), said that, “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.” Twenty-five years later, CAIR could be making headway on that goal, through its relationships with US public school districts in at least three states.



Latin American Invasion Of ‘Kissing Bugs’ Spreading Deadly and Dangerous Disease in U.S. According to experts on communicable diseases, Chagas disease, a potentially life-threatening disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, has become a concern in the United States as a result of mass immigration from Latin America where Chagas disease is endemic. “These blood-sucking parasites spread a dangerous sometimes deadly illness called Chagas disease. The disease, which has spread to the U.S., was previously only found in Central and South America as well as Mexico.” – Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

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New Mexico Suspects Released; Authorities Stunned

Three of the five suspects from the New Mexico Islamist cult compound were released after being absolved of child abuse charges due to a legal technicality. This means three Islamist extremists with a known desire to die as “martyrs” are free. Authorities in New Mexico are publicly pointing fingers and expressing their astonishment.



Other Articles

All Jihad, All the Time While admirably frank about the savagery of many of the Crusaders, Spencer leaves no doubt that apologists for Islam such as John Esposito are full of it when they depict the Crusades as ending centuries of “peaceful coexistence” of Christians, Jews, and Muslims under Islamic rule. To buy this lie is, among other things, to wilfully forget how those territories fell under Muslim control in the first place.


A Crime Against Humanity In socialist movements, as Hayek pointed out, there is a tendency for the most brutal and unscrupulous people to rise to the top because they are the types who are willing to take the necessary steps to seize power and who prize the kind of absolute power that socialism promises. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot — these were not the kinds of people one might have encountered in faculty lounges or middle-class town meetings. They were blackguards and thugs one and all, thuggishness being the key

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attribute for rising to the top in a movement in which power went to those willing to experiment with the most extreme measures.


Africa Destroyed: Poster Child for Liberalism The stripping of rights from Europeans has played out in some shape or form in virtually every postcolonial African country and is one of the leading causes of the political, social, and economic collapse that has characterized the “independence” era. And now maybe the final—but possibly the most horrifying and violent—chapter in this wretched saga may yet be written in South Africa with the ANC government signaling its intention to confiscate land without compensation from the white farmers who produce 85 percent of the country’s agricultural produce, much of which goes to countries north of the border.


Europe’s Mullah Appeasement Appeasing evil has been a European specialty. Whether it was Hitler, Arab dictators, Palestinian terrorists, or Iranian Ayatollahs. Beyond that hypocrisy of preaching human rights while propping up a brutal regime in Tehran, the Europeans have shown their disloyalty and betrayal of the U.S. Twice in the last century America has come to their rescue…it has protected them from the Soviet Communist menace earlier, and Russian aggression today. Undermining U.S. efforts to get a safer and better nuclear deal with Iran, which is in the interest of the global community, will only sink the EU further into the abyss.



Danes, Davos and Denial

Francis Fukuyama, Samuel Huntington's former pupil, argued a book or two back that democratic societies were all trying to "get to Denmark", but,

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if you've actually set foot in Denmark recently, you might be inclined to think that the challenge for Danes is to figure out a way to get back to Denmark. Elsewhere in Scandinavia, it's easier to imagine Sweden getting to Sudan than Sudan getting to Sweden. Huntington discerned a lot of this, as Fukuyama concedes.


YouTubes Bill Warner PhD: Jihad not Terror Precise language is necessary for critical thought. The use of the word "terror" instead of jihad is an example of using the wrong word. Jihad is the word that Islamic texts use and it is accurate. Probably the worst artificial word to be minted is "combating violent extremism". It sounds like it is straight from the novel, 1984. We need to use the words that come from Islam to describe Muslims' actions and thoughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYhVox3AjiQ

Child Terrorists Pledge Allegiance to ISIS

It appears a group of young boys was behind three separate terror attacks in the Russian republic Chechnya – one looks to be only 10 or 11 years old. ISIS claimed responsibility for the incidents and below you can watch a video of some of the children as they pledge allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. Four of the five children in the cell were killed after they attempted a car ramming, raid on a police station and suicide bombing.


Former Islamist Militant Tawfik Hamid Offers Hope

Tawfik Hamid is an author from Egypt. A self-described former member of the militant al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Hamid advocates a peaceful understanding of Islam that is compatible with universal human rights and intellectual freedom. In this video Tawfik Hamid presents his worldview with some great suggestions for a way forward.

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REMEMBERNG BESLAN September 1 – 3, 2004

In Russia, September 1 is the Day of Knowledge, a joyous annual event marking the start of the new school year. But Knowledge Day 2004 was different at School No. 1 in Beslan: A group of heavily armed rebel extremists stormed the school, holding more than a thousand children and adults hostage in a sweltering gymnasium for three days. The harrowing siege ended Sept. 3 in a series of explosions and hail of gunfire that killed some 350 people - half of them children.

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