“elijah hides out”...lesson application elisha could have done many things when he heard the...

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection Fall A Lesson 1 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A. “Elijah Hides Out” 1 Kings 16:29-33; 17:1-6 Today we began a unit called “Elijah Depends on God.” Over the next several weeks we will be looking at what God is like and how dependable and faithful he is. Today our lesson was found in I Kings 16:29-33 and 17: 1-6. We learned that when evil King Ahab was ruler in Israel, God protected Elijah from the king, and even sent birds to feed him. Lesson Application Sometimes things seem to go wrong in my life. Circumstances and people around me may make life very uncomfortable for me. I need to remember that God knows what I need and is aware of the details of my life. He will care for me, even if no one else does. At Home Encourage your child to view life’s circumstances as opportunities to trust God-- in both happy, pleasant times, and difficult, challenging times. God is able to help them in every situation! Discuss a situation in your child’s life where they need God’s help. Pray for this together. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

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Page 1: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection Fall A Lesson 1

This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A.

“Elijah Hides Out” 1 Kings 16:29-33; 17:1-6

Today we began a unit called “Elijah Depends on God.” Over the next several

weeks we will be looking at what God is like and how dependable and faithful he is.

Today our lesson was found in I Kings 16:29-33 and 17: 1-6. We learned that when

evil King Ahab was ruler in Israel, God protected Elijah from the king, and even

sent birds to feed him.

Lesson Application

Sometimes things seem to go wrong in my life. Circumstances and people around

me may make life very uncomfortable for me. I need to remember that God knows

what I need and is aware of the details of my life. He will care for me, even if no

one else does.

At Home Encourage your child to view life’s circumstances as opportunities to trust God--

in both happy, pleasant times, and difficult, challenging times. God is able to help

them in every situation! Discuss a situation in your child’s life where they need

God’s help. Pray for this together.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present

help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

Page 2: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 2 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Never-Ending Flour and Oil” 1 Kings 17:7-16

Today’s lesson was found in I Kings 17:7-16. After God fed Elijah near the brook in the

Kerith ravine, He sent him to a widow in Zarephath. She only had enough food for one

meal, but willingly gave some to Elijah. God caused the oil and flour jars to not run out

because she had obeyed.

Lesson Application

Sometimes there are situations in my life that seem impossible to resolve, just like the

last of the food seemed to be a sure “death sentence” to the widow. However, I need to

depend on God’s power, just as the widow and Elijah did. I serve the same God that they

obeyed, and He doesn’t change. God has power to change my life too!

At Home Be sure to memorize this week’s verse with your child. When facing difficulties in your life

or your child’s- pray about them together. Recite this truth about God together!

“You are the God who performs miracles; you

display your power among the peoples.” Psalm 77:14

Page 3: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection Fall A Lesson 3

This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Contest at Mount Carmel” 1 Kings 18

Today we continued the unit called “Elijah Depends on God.” Our lesson was found in I

Kings 18. In this dramatic display of God’s power, Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal

to show what their god could do. Then he prayed and asked God to demonstrate his

power. God sent fire from heaven and gave the people a clear choice-a God who listened

and had the power to answer or a man made creation with no power to help them.

Lesson Application

There are potential “gods” in my life that can keep me from giving my loyalty to the one

true God. Some of them are popularity, financial gain, my personal appearance, my edu-

cation or intellectual abilities, etc. I need to bow and worship the true God ONLY.

At Home Encourage your child to apply the lessons they learn at Sunday School throughout the

week. When correcting or guiding your child, try to remind them of the spiritual principle

behind your words. Worship is for Monday through Saturday too!

“Acknowledge and take to heart this day that the Lord is God in

heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other.”

Deuteronomy 4:39

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Page 4: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 4 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Elijah Goes to Heaven” 1 Kings 19; 2 Kings 2:1-15

Today we concluded the unit called “Elijah Depends on God.” Our lesson was

found in I Kings 19 and II Kings 2:1-15. We learned that God provided a helper, El-

isha, to take over for the prophet Elijah when he had finished the work God had

for him to do. God miraculously took care of Elijah when he despaired because of

evil in Israel and God took him to heaven in a whirlwind as Elisha watched.

Lesson Application

In this world lots of things change--in fact everything changes except for God.

He is the one person I can count on to never change and to always keep his word.

He will do what he says!!

At Home Your child will begin to notice in the next few years (if they haven’t already) that

you are not infallible. This is a good time to remind your child that although we as

humans try to be honest, to keep our word, etc.-only God is completely trustwor-

thy and powerful enough and wise enough to ALWAYS keep his promises!

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for

he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

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Page 5: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

“This is what the Lord Almighty says: “...show mercy and

compassion to one another.””

Zechariah 7:9

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 5 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Elisha Helps a Widow’s Family” 2 Kings 4:1-7

Today we began a unit on “Elisha shows God’s love.” Our lesson was found in II Kings 4”1-

7. We learned that a widow came to Elisha with a problem. She had a huge debt that she

could not repay. Elisha helped her to repay the debt through a miraculous showing of

God’s power.

Lesson Application There are many people in the world who are hurting and feel that they have no one to help

them. Sometimes it might be a person at school who other people tease and avoid

playing with, or it might be someone I know who does not have as much money as my

family does. Whenever I encounter people, I have an opportunity to show God’s love.

At Home Help your child memorize this verse today and then challenge them to find one person

each day this week who can be shown God’s love through their actions! See if by next

Sunday your child has purposefully helped 6 people!

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Page 6: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 6 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Dear children, let us not love with words or

tongue but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18

“Elisha’s New Room” 2 Kings 4:8-37

Today we continued our unit on “Elisha shows God’s love.” Our lesson was found

in II Kings 4:8-37. We learned that Elisha befriended a woman and her family.

One day the woman came and told Elisha that her son had died. Elisha travelled

with the woman back to her home and with God’s power, the boy was raised from

the dead.

Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s

son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help her. In addition to

telling people about God’s love, I need to be willing to show them by my actions.

At Home How does your family show God’s love in your neighborhood? in your extended

family? at school? at church? Take the time this week to think about how you

can be people who show God’s love, as well as talk about it in your community.

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Page 7: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 7 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Each of us should please his neighbor for

his good, to build him up.” Romans 15:2

“A Slave Girl Cares for Naaman” 2 Kings 5:1-19

Today we continued our unit on “Elisha shows God’s love.” Our lesson was found

in II 5:1-19. We learned that a slave girl from Israel took compassion on her

master when he was diagnosed with leprosy. She told him that Elisha would be

able to help him. Because of her care for him, her master was not only healed of

leprosy, but learned about the one true God whom Elisha served.

Lesson Application One of the ways that people who do not know God can learn about his love for

them is by watching how I behave. When I care about the problems others have, I

am showing them the love of the God I serve.

At Home Encourage your children to pray for their friends and to tell their friends that

they are praying for them. Look for ways that your child can help out when those

he knows are facing difficult times. The best way to learn to do this is to have a

good model to follow. How are you doing as a model of God’s love?

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Page 8: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 8 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to

those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray

for those who mistreat you.” Luke 6:27, 28

“Elisha Cares About His Enemies” 2 Kings 6:8-23

Today we continued our unit on “Elisha shows God’s love.” Our lesson was found in II Kings

6:8-23. We learned that God’s mighty power temporarily blinded the enemies of Israel so

that Elisha could bring them to the king of Israel. When they were before the king, the king

asked Elisha if he should kill them. Elisha directed the king to feed them and send them

back to their own country.

Lesson Application How I choose to treat those who are unkind to me, or have shown themselves to be my en-

emy is one of the dramatic differences people can see in my life if I love God. I can choose

to be kind to my enemies because I know that my powerful God loves me and will always

care for me.

At Home Take time to memorize the verse below with your child. Ask him or her to relate a scenario

from their own life when another person behaved as an “enemy” toward your child. Then, ask

them to describe what specific actions on their part would reflect the truth of today’s

verse! Pray together that they will do good toward their enemies!

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Page 9: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 9 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terri-

fied...for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave

you nor forsake you.”

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Daniel Takes a Stand” Daniel 1

Today we began a unit on obeying God. For the next five weeks we will look at events in

the life of Daniel and Esther that teach us that it is wise to obey God in all situations.

Our lesson today was found in Daniel 1. We learned that Daniel was taken captive by

people who did not obey God. He showed courage by obeying God’s rules even when oth-

ers did not know or respect God.

Lesson Application I live in a world where many of my friends and even the laws of my country do not respect

the standards God has set for me to obey. I know that God loves me and so I need to

choose to obey him no matter what happens to me because I obey.

At Home As your child moves through the next several years of life, talk together as situations

come up in the news and in their personal life. Be watching for opportunities to point out

that what is legal or fair is not necessarily what is right for God’s children. Our highest

allegiance needs to be to Him.

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Page 10: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 10 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“We must obey God rather than men!” Acts 5:29

“Three Men in a Furnace” Daniel 3

Today we continued our unit on obeying God. Our lesson text was Daniel chapter

3. Three of Daniel’s friends were forced to choose between obeying the king (by

worshiping an image of him) or obeying God ( by refusing to worship anyone but

the true God). They chose to obey God and God miraculously spared their lives

when the king tried to punish them by burning them to death in a furnace.

Lesson Application This lesson seems remote from my daily experiences. However, everyday I

encounter people, some of them good friends, who choose to disobey God. Just

like these three men, I need to choose to obey God even when everyone around me

is choosing to do otherwise.

At Home Project

If you do not already do this, make a time each day when you and your child

specifically ask God to help your child honor God. Be specific in your prayer as to

what that may mean in your child’s life that day (i.e. telling the truth, not

fighting, being kind to a bully, etc.)

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Page 11: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 11 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Even a child is known by his actions, by whether his

conduct is pure and right.” Proverbs 20:11

“Handwriting on the Wall” Daniel 5

Today we continued our unit on obeying God. Our lesson text was Daniel chapter 5. The

king had a banquet and during the banquet a hand appeared and wrote four words on the

wall. The king did not know what they meant, nor could his wise men tell him. The queen

remembered Daniel’s reputation as a man of God who had advised the king’s father and

Daniel was asked to tell the king what the words meant. Even though they were a

condemnation of the king, Daniel courageously explained God’s message to the king.

Lesson Application

Like Daniel, my day to day actions earn me a reputation. I need to behave each day, in the

little things as well as big things, in a way that people will know I am obeying God.

At Home What a great lesson for us. Are you known at work and in your neighborhood as a person

who obeys God? Your child needs to see that example in you and needs to be encouraged

to behave in a way that says, “I love God.”

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Page 12: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 12 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for

mercy. In the day of my trouble I will call to you,

for you will answer me.”

Psalm 86:6, 7

“In the Lions’ Den” Daniel 6

Today we continued our unit on obeying God. Our lesson text was Daniel chapter

6. In this familiar story, Daniel is placed in a den with hungry lions because he

chose to ignore the kings order that he not pray to God for thirty days. Daniel

survived unharmed and the King recognized that Daniel’s God was a living God

whose kingdom would last forever.

Lesson Application

Sometimes it takes courage to do what is right. When I face situations where it

is scary to obey God, I can pray and ask God to give me courage to do right and

to protect me in the difficult situation.

At Home Project

Your child faces situations like Daniel everyday-as do all of us. There are many

choices put before us that require a choice of “right” or “wrong” behavior. Help

your child rely on God’s help by keeping a journal of decisions. Write down an area

where your child wants to choose rightly , pray together about it and record

God’s help.

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Page 13: “Elijah Hides Out”...Lesson Application Elisha could have done many things when he heard the news that the woman’s son had died. He chose to go with her to her home and help

3rd & 4th Grade Parent Connection

Fall A Lesson 13 This summary information is taken from Gospel Light’s 3rd & 4th grade Teacher Guide, Fall A

“But as for you, be strong and do not give

up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

“Esther Saves God’s People” Esther 2—5, 7, 8

Today we completed our unit on obeying God. Our lesson text was Esther 2-8.

We learned that Esther took actions that endangered her life in order to do what

was right. Her actions not only saved her own life but had an impact on others.

They caused an evil person to be punished, put those who followed God in

positions of leadership, and saved her nation from being slaughtered.

Lesson Application

Sometimes it seems that doing right is not only hard, but has little effect on

others. It is tempting to think that a little wrong won’t hurt me or anyone else

much. This lesson reminds me that my actions have an impact on others as well

as myself. My right actions make a difference to many!!

At Home Use situations that you and your child hear about among your friends or in the

news to discuss this concept with your child. Ask, “How would this situation have

been different if the person had acted rightly?” “How many people were hurt by

this person’s wrong?” Then listen to what your child has to say. Allow them to

think this through. Pray that God will teach them this truth.

Correct lesson but

needs to be updated