answers to the questionaire

The lead story for my magazine will be Mr Ellis wanting to start a school hockey team. I found this by asking the teachers questions I was able to answer the editors question for the Goffs Glossy magazine. The primary data did not give me a clear answer because all the teachers had different opinions on what one of the main issues are at Goffs. Since I only interviewed two teachers it restricted the amount of information I could collect. Next I will organise to interview more teachers from different areas of the school, to get a more accurate result from the questionnaire. Although I only interviewed two teachers I was able to understand what other teachers opinions were on the school. I am now able to answer the editor’s questions.

Upload: anniehuntt

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Answers to the questionaire

The lead story for my magazine will be Mr Ellis wanting to start a school hockey team. I found this by asking the teachers questions I was able to answer the editors question for the Goffs Glossy magazine.The primary data did not give me a clear answer because all the teachers had different opinions on what one of the main issues are at Goffs. Since I only interviewed two teachers it restricted the amount of information I could collect. Next I will organise to interview more teachers from different areas of the school, to get a more accurate result from the questionnaire. Although I only interviewed two teachers I was able to understand what other teachers opinions were on the school. I am now able to answer the editor’s questions.