questionaire results

By Matthew Scott (8474) - Media Studies - Sheldon School (66613) Music Magazine Questionnaire Results and Audience Identification

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Page 1: Questionaire results

By Matthew Scott (8474) - Media Studies - Sheldon School (66613) Music Magazine

Questionnaire Results and Audience Identification

Page 2: Questionaire results

Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

Gender – Profile data

No. of People


Male 16Femal

e 9

Male 64%Femal

e 26%

1. Questionnaire Results Charts

The gender of my music magazine is as follows below: This won’t have that much effect on the target audience without being discriminative to people. When I complete my music magazine because of the results I got towards the gender – This shows it is easier to ask and be more related to what I am doing. The results I will get for my favourite music magazines will be more target at males so when I complete my final music magazine I will use this genre in order to attract my final music magazine to my final music magazine products/magazine in order so they are related so the music magazine is sold.

Page 3: Questionaire results

Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

Age – Profile data

2. Age – Profile Data

When I asked the age of my questionnaires I found that is was mostly from 13-16. This is the best target audience because it relates to the target audience because Is near my target audience so I can relate with them people so I can deliver and make it easier to attract the music magazine to this target audience. This therefore is the target audience I will be attracting so I will have do it in order to attract to my final music magazine as this is the main target audience from all my other results in order to get the correct data that I want. The statistics are from where the other information come from the profile data. 13-16 are easier for me to ask and 21-65 is also possible but there are not as much of the target audience to ask.


0-1213-1617-2021-2526-3536-50Over 5013-16

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Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

Preferred Music Genre

3. Preferred Music Genre

When I asked what the preferred target audience was for my music magazine I found that “Rock” was the first one and it come up the top with 8 out 25 votes (32%) on the Questionnaire. This has brought to the conclusion that the correct music genre for this target audience should be rock. I should attract to the main target audience in order so people become interested in the music magazine because their genre fits the target audience in order so they buy the music magazine. All three of the girls choose Classical so I should definitely not choose this because it won’t attract it to the target audience. Pop is the next one so It could be similar. Indie all come from boys so I could also do this in order to attract it to my music magazine.












Preferred Genre of Music

Favourite Genre of Music

Number of Questionnaire


Type of Music

Page 5: Questionaire results

Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

How often do you read a music magazine?

4. How often do you read a music magazine?

After asking how often do you read a music magazine I mostly got the answer “Never”. Therefore because of this I must have asked the wrong type of people that read music magazines. When I do my final music magazine I will aim at the target audience that do read music magazines and get rid of all the rest. Because the next one is “Every Month”, therefore I will sell a issue of my music magazine every month so the target audience get to read the magazine as much they want and the music magazine sells. However there are also a lot of people who like to read music magazines every so often so when I complete my final music magazine I won’t do a carry on as many people like reading at different times. I will do this so it is easy to pick up so the target audience read and be interested in the music magazine.

Amount of Questionnaire people ticked

Every dayEvery three (3) days

Every weekEvery fortnight

Every monthEvery 2 monthsEvery 6 months

Every yearOther time scale:


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

How often do you read a (Music Magazine)?

How often do you read a (Music Magazine)?

Scale of time

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Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

Price of Music Magazine willing to be paid

5. Price of Music Magazines

When I asked the price the target audience would be willing to pay I found that the majority would be willing to be £2 - £3.99. This is a reasonable price and It will be better to keep the price to these guidelines as more of the target audience will be attracted to buying the music magazine. A lot of people put £0 - £1.99 when I do my final music magazine analysis I won’t put this price on cheap music magazine issues because I will lose money because it is to cheap even though there are a lot of sales. I think £4 - £4.99 is to much as there are not many people will pay this as it is expensive and £5 is also far to much. £2 - £3.99 also has a lot of people being allowed to pay this and it is reasonable price without losing money because of it being to expensive so when I do my music magazine analysis, so I will put in this bracket in order to get magazine sales at the best possible price.

£0 - £1.99

£2 - £3.99

£4 - £4.99

£5 +

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

Price willing to be paid

Price willing to be paid

Amount of Questionnaire people ticked

Amount would be paid

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Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

Number of pages

6. Number of pages wanted in Music Magazine

Number of pages wanted in a Music Magazine

0-5051-7071-100101-150200 +

Number of pages

The number of pages in a music magazine is important because it determines what type of read the reader will have. From the questionnaire I found out that most people would like their music magazine pages from 51-70 long whether if it is long, short, detailed or not. This means the music magazine would have contain quite a lot of pages across a lot of music magazine pages however I think I can fit this in, so the target audience don’t get put off or bored of the music magazine.

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Questionnaire results and Audience IdentificationWhat kind of adverts or features would you like to see on a music

magazine Front Cover?

7. What kind of Adverts do the target audience want to see

Features of Music


The adverts and sell lines telling the reader about the music magazine are very important in order to attract the target audience. The main preference on the music magazine is “New Music Albums” when I do my music magazine I will do this in order to attract it to my final target audience so they become interested in the music magazine because it is about the topic that they like this allows me to use advertising spaces in my music magazine in order to attract it to the target audience. Also the next one is games as competitions is still high I could also do this in order to attract it to my target audience by putting in a question which could be used in order to attract it to my target audience. Also the TV/ Film reviews needs to put on in order to attract the target audience and everything else in order to encourage the music magazine to be brought by the target audience. The rest of the features also need to attract to attract the audience identification.

New music ablums

TV/ Film reviews



Gigs/ Festivals



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

What kind of features or things/ sell lines and ad-verts would you like to see in a new Music Magazine

coming out

What kind of features or things/ sell lines and adverts would you like to see in a new Music Magazine coming out

People of who voted for

Page 9: Questionaire results

Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

How many people currently read music magazines?

8. Do you currently buy music magazines?

No Yes02468


Do you currently buy music mag-azines?

Do you currently buy music magazines?

To find out how many people currently read music magazines I used a question to find out many people buy music magazines. Most people have answered that they do not buy music magazines. This could be because I asked a group that does not buy music magazines. I also asked what type of music magazines people currently buy if they do – which the table shows not many could not answer. The answers help me show what kind of contrasting music magazines my target audience likes so I can attract it to my music magazine. From the answers I got a few answers “VIBe” so I will also do this in order to attract it to my target audience. I also had one answer from Kerrang, as these were from my contrasting music magazines analysis, I will do this in order to attract it to my target audience.

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Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

What kind of feature would you like to read in a music magazine?

9. Do you currently buy music magazines?

Understanding what features and content is in the music magazine is one of the most important factors in order to attract the target audience in order to buy the music magazine because that is one of its main points/ purposes. As you can see the biggest proportion is “Gigs Guide” so when I do my final music magazine I will put Gigs Guide in the music magazine because it is what my target audience wants so I can attract it to my final target audience. This also tells me that the target audience likes to listen to live music and therefore I will do this in order to attract it to my target audience. Also I will put reviews because the target audience also wants to see this in order to attract more sales, I could also review the gig guide the reviews in order to attract the target audience. What kind of feature would you like

to see within a Music Magazine?

News and updatesInterviewsReviewsGig GuidesCompetitionsUp and Coming

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Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

Do you enjoy reading music magazines?

10. Do you enjoy reading music magazines?

Here I found out do people enjoy reading music magazines. I found out that most people do enjoy reading music magazines so If it was not for the brief I would do my magazine on music. This shows that most people enjoy reading music magazines. This tells me I will not have to do as much advertisement in order to attract the music magazine to my final target audience. The people that say they don’t enjoy reading music magazines won’t be part of music magazine target audience because they do not enjoy reading music magazines so I will not include this In order to attract it to my target audience. Because most people enjoy reading them I just need to attract it in order to get my target audience like reading the final music magazine. The answers on the questionnaire show a lot than one big music magazine so my new music magazine has to try and offer more than them, features or content.

Yes No0









Do you enjoy reading music mag-azines?

Do you enjoy reading music magazines?


Page 12: Questionaire results

Questionnaire results and Audience Identification

What is your favourite magazine and why?

I asked the question “What is your favourite music magazine and why?”, these where the responses above. As you see there were a lot of comments based on the front cover features of the music magazine. The answers and other answers that are shown tell me a lot about what people prefer so I can contrast it to my music magazine. I found out that Kerrang from one of comments said ‘KERRANG!’ looks really exciting and writing font really gets my attention”. This shows as it is a similar target audience when I was contrasting the music magazines I found this, so I will make it a exciting font in order to attract my target audience which is similar to the KERRANG target audience. The answers show a lot about the features which creates a identify with audience which encourages the bond between reader and magazine creator. I will use all the responses in order to help me to attract to my target audience to my music magazine.

11. What is your favourite music magazine and why?Matthew Scott