annual report 2015-2016 report 2015-2016 1. a) elected officers august 2015 - august 2016 president:...

Annual Report 2015-2016 1. a) Elected Officers August 2015 - August 2016 President: Roberto Francisco Sánchez Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632670 Vice-President: Oscar Ulises Preciado Olvera Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632471 Secretary: Claudia Sandoval Salinas Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3633130 Treasurer: Natalia Fernández Demarsico Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632756 b) Elected Officers August 2016 - August 2017 President: Noelia Gabriela Alcalde Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632647 Vice-President: Jesús Carlos Alberto Obando Aguirre Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632685 Secretary: Antonio Francisco Ariel Soruco Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632814 Treasurer: Roberto Francisco Sánchez Email: [email protected] SPIE ID: 3632670

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Annual Report 2015-2016

1. a) Elected Officers August 2015 - August 2016

President: Roberto Francisco Sánchez

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632670

Vice-President: Oscar Ulises Preciado Olvera

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632471

Secretary: Claudia Sandoval Salinas

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3633130

Treasurer: Natalia Fernández Demarsico

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632756

b) Elected Officers August 2016 - August 2017

President: Noelia Gabriela Alcalde

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632647

Vice-President: Jesús Carlos Alberto Obando Aguirre

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632685

Secretary: Antonio Francisco Ariel Soruco

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632814

Treasurer: Roberto Francisco Sánchez

Email: [email protected]

SPIE ID: 3632670

2. Student Chapter Members

Noelia Gabriela Alcalde

Iñaki Cormenzana Méndez

Anibal Gabriel de Paúl Camacho

Natalia Fernández Demársico

Milagro Elorriaga

Jesus Carlos Alberto Obando Aguirre

Clemente Paz Filgueira

Oscar Ulises Preciado Olvera

Roberto Francisco Sánchez

Claudia Beatriz Sandoval Salinas

José Mauro Luque

Marcos Esteban Gerardo Soria

Edgardo Fabián Mamaní

Antonio Ariel Soruco

Agustín Décima

3. Chapter Activities

September 2015 - May 2016

Quality Lighting Kit – Reception, study, and adaptation of the kit to implement the

activity in schools from our province.

Last year, on the frame of the International Year of Light, our chapter was selected to

participate testing a new activity kit. It is called Quality Lighting Kit (QLK) and is centered on

the issue of lighting pollution and its effects on human health, animal’s behaviour, energy

consumption, safety, among others. In February, we received the kit and started working.

Firstly, we had a meeting to unpackage the QLK and to read the material. Then, we decided

to translate the posters and other documents since we are a Spanish-speaking country.

We divided the work in topics, so we made 6 groups. Each group was in charge of the

respective translation, the remake of the poster in spanish and the explanation to the others

of the specific activity.

In March, we started getting the permissions to assist to secondary schools to impart this


Finally, at the beginning of May, we had a meeting where we controlled the poster

translations, their quality and, each team simulated its activity in front of the others. Once

everything was corrected and in perfect conditions, we printed the posters and other

documents. Everything were done thanks to some money that were given by SPIE’s Funding

Request, although this activity was not planned when we asked for the grant on 2015.

May 2016

Ampimpa’s Astronomical Observatory trip

Our Chapter is also member of The Optical Society (OSA) and, last year, we won the

Excellence Prize in recognition in the areas of advocacy, youth education and professional

development programming. We decided to spend the grant received from this prize, traveling

to an astronomical observatory called Ampimpa, in the middle of the desert. There, we made

observations of stars, constellations, clusters of stars and even, indirectly, sunspots. It was a

great opportunity to share a very nice activity between all members of the chapter. We spent

the night there and prepared some hamburgers at night. We really enjoyed the time and

strengthened the bonds of friendship.

May to August 2016

Hangouts of Quality Lighting Kit (QLK)

As part of the activities related with the Quality Lighting Kit (QLK) that we are testing, we

participated in several hangouts in order to discuss the way and sometimes first results and

experiences working with the QLK. The Quality Lighting Workshop is divided in six main

activities: Energy, Light Trespass, Safety, Animals, Glare and Night Sky. There were 14

hangouts and, at least one member of our chapter participated actively in most of them. It

was a very useful activity, talking and sharing experiences and recommendations in order to

be successful when using the QLK. It also helped us, as spanish native speakers, to practice

our english skills.

June 2016

Visit to “El Mojón” Secondary School – Leales

In June, we visited “El Mojón" secondary school, which is placed in Leales (Tucumán),

located about 70 km from our university. The objective was to test for the first time the

"Quality Lighting Kit" and see if it were necessary to make modifications.

In a classroom, we put posters on the walls of the different themes, we covered the windows

with black paper and started with the performance of the activities.

In this first test, we determined that it is better to perform activities in two classrooms, as

some issues need total darkness. Therefore, for future activities with the QLK, we need a lit

classroom and a dark one. Also, it is necessary to accompany the students in activities to

achieve better results in learning.

To conclude, we must mention that this experience was carried out with the work and effort

of our members, and with the financial aid provided by SPIE on 2015, and as we mentioned

above, this was not planned by us.

August 2016

Children’s Day Exhibition in “Innovation and Research Center for the Educational,

Productive and Technological Development (CIIDEPT)”

Our chapter participated in an exhibition carried out in the framework of Children's Day

celebrations on 7 and 8 August at CIIDEPT. This event was organized by the Ministry of

Education of the Province of Tucumán. To carry out this exhibition we used some money

from the SPIE grant given to transportation and to put in conditions the experiments we show

to children.

The objective was to show students of primary and secondary schools of our province, some

experiments related to light and perception. We wanted to show them that science could be

fun and also understandable for everyone.

Students were very interested and actively participated in the experiments asking questions,

answering some others and playing with different experiments as well.

September 2016

Visit to Aconquija School

In September, we visited Aconquija School, which is placed in Yerba Buena town

(Tucumán), at 10 km far from our university. There, we carried out the activities with the

QLK. It was our second time testing it and, we achieved for this time a better organization.

Two separated classrooms were conditioned for these activities, one with natural light

blocked (dark room) and another with natural lighting (lighting room), aiming to get a better

development of experiences. By this time, we were able to spread two surveys, the pre-

activity one, with which we determined how much students knew about light pollution and

their consequences, and the post-activity survey, whose aim was to find out how much

students have learned after the activity with the QLK.

Once rooms were separated by topics based on the lighting ambient condition needed, we

made six groups of 5 students each and then presented the activity. Each group had a guide

who helped students in developing the activity and subsequently to organize information for

the final exhibition.

The response and enthusiasm of the students was very good, they were really interested in

the issues and liked the way the activities were carried out. In the photos showed below it

can be seen how kids explained to their partners what they did and learned. Also their

teamwork and creativity to make their posters for the final exhibition.

This activity with the QLK resulted in a great feedback for students, their teachers and for us

as well. The different issues were approached in a very clear way, for example, using new

technologies to lit streets, or how to reduce the amount of lights to become more efficient,

save money, reduce pollution and take care of our health and also help animals to live


We were really impressed for the way they showed us so much interest in the problems

raised, not only on their global consequences and solutions but also in creating new ways of

improving the things that exists nowadays.

As the visit to this school was a complete success, teachers and headers of the school

invited us to impart this activity again with other students, so we will go again on October


It is important to mention that the transportation and the changes in some parts of the

activities were done thanks to the money that were given by SPIE’s Funding Request.

Visit of students from “El Mojón” Secondary School to the Department of Lighting,

Light and Vision - Research Institute on Light, Visual Environment and Vision (DLLyV


A teacher from the Secondary School called “El Mojón” and a group her students came to

our workplace (DLLyV - ILAV).

We conducted a visit through our laboratories and showed them the different activities we

develop in our daily work. This visit was carried out because, when we were at their school

working with the QLK, they were so enthusiastic and interested in what we do. During the

visit, the students were able to see some experiments that are currently in progress.

The students seemed very interested in the work we conduct at our department and made

us several questions about the how they could, in a future, study or work in these kind of

research areas, so we talk about the degree, specialization and postdegree careers offered

by our university and more specifically by our Department of Lighting, light and Vision.

Weekly Journal Club (October - December 2015, March - September 2016)

PhD students, Researchers, Postdoc students, and other people working in our department

participate weekly in a Journal Club, in which one member prepares a paper that has read

and would like to discuss and share with the others. The aim of this activity is to share ideas,

to know about the work of the others and think about new research areas of interest. We, as

SPIE Student Chapter, are in charge of organize this Journal Club looking for the people that

shares the paper, arranging schedule of the meeting room, preparing coffee or soft drinks,

cookies, etc. in order to have a great atmosphere between our mates.

4. Planned Activities for the Future

Universidad Nacional de Tucumán Student Chapter is a group of people that are really

compromised with our society, so we still want to do the travelling exhibition of science. We

build the experiments and devices but we had some problems with the bus, so we are asking

to authorities from the Ministry of Education from our province if they can help us with the

vehicle in order to finish with this project.

As it is an issue that really matters to us, we are planning to build a low cost prototype of “a

liter of light” (using sunlight and wind) to show kids and people in general how to bring indoor

and outdoor lighting in homes during all day in areas where electricity is absent, such as

rural or mountain zones, and urban zones for energy savings.

It is our desire to join with chapters from our region and/or societies as AIVO (which is a like

a Chapter of ARVO but from Argentina) and carry out a conference about ophthalmology

and vision, or optics since we had this year the experience with our first “Visiting Lecturer

Program” application and in the next days we are going to have the presence of Marina Bloj

from the University of Bradford as a Lecturer in the Annual National Meeting of Physics here

in Tucuman.

We have a strong commitment with society and we are going to continue visiting and giving

workshops as the QLK and exhibitions about light, optics, vision and science in general to

schools from our province. We are constantly improving our speech and devices, we love

this work and are very proud of it.

5. Financial Information

a. Beginning Balance

Funds owned from 2015 $1100

b. Funds expended

Concept Amount in USD

Meetings for the organization of the events and activities $215

Universidad Nacional de Tucuman Student Chapter T-Shirts $193

Trip to Anfama Astonomical Observatory (Transportation, food and stay) $500

Trip to “El Mojón” Secondary School (QLK activity) $85

“El Mojon” Secondary School students visit to DLLyV $15

QLKit Posters: Printing posters ($80), transparent adhesive plastic to

protect posters ($15) $95

QLkit - Animals Game: Print translated cards in special paper ($6),

dices ($0.70) $6.70

QLKit - Night Sky Projector: Electronic components to replace ($5),

Battery ($4) $9

Weekly Journal Club (October- December 2015,

March - September 2016): Coffee ($50), Cookies and snacks ($25),

refreshments ($30) $75

Total $1193.70

c. SPIE Funding Received

Student Chapter Funding Request 2016 $700

d. Other Sources

OSA grants $300

OSA Excellence Prize 2015 $500

e. Balance

Total Funds $2600

Spent Funds -$1193.70

Final Balance $1406.30