annual environment & social monitoring report (april … · 2015-02-09 · annual environment...

Annual Environment & Social Monitoring Report (April 2013 to March 2014) The Environmental and Social Performance Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of this website. Environmental and Social Performance Report September 2014 IND: Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project Prepared by SENES Consultants India Pvt Ltd.

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Annual Environment & Social Monitoring Report (April 2013 to March 2014)

The Environmental and Social Performance Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “Terms of Use” section of this website.

Environmental and Social Performance Report September 2014

IND: Mundra Ultra Mega Power Project

Prepared by SENES Consultants India Pvt Ltd.

Annual Environment & Social Performance Report – Tata Ultra Mega Coal Fired Power Plant, Mundra

Period: April 2013 to March 2014

Submitted to: Coastal Gujarat Power Ltd (CGPL)

Prepared by: SENES Consultants India Pvt Ltd.

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Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1

Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1

Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 1

ESPR Preparer .................................................................................................................................... 2

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) & Social Management Plan (SMP) Implementation ........ 2

2 Overall Project Status ......................................................................................................... 2

3 Compliance by CGPL with the Environmental, Health & Safety Requirements ............... 4

3.1 Compliance to IFC & ADB Requirements ......................................................................... 4

3.1.1 Environment Organization Structure & Capacity Building ............................................ 4

3.1.2 Integrated Management System (IMS) Development ...................................................... 4

3.1.3 Consent Management ...................................................................................................... 4

3.1.4 Coal Quality & Consumption ......................................................................................... 5

3.1.5 Fly Ash Management ...................................................................................................... 5

3.1.6 Ash Pond – Structural Integrity & Leachate Collection ................................................. 5

3.1.7 Hazardous Waste Management ...................................................................................... 6

3.1.8 Management of Cooling Water Discharge ..................................................................... 6

3.1.9 Performance of Waste Water Treatment Facilities ......................................................... 7

3.1.10 Flue Gas Emissions & ESP Performance ....................................................................... 8

3.1.11 Ground Water Monitoring .............................................................................................. 8

3.1.12 Ambient Air & Noise Quality Monitoring ....................................................................... 8

3.1.13 Green Belt Development & Mangrove Afforestation ...................................................... 9

3.1.14 HSE Management System ............................................................................................. 31

3.1.15 HSE Organizational Structure ...................................................................................... 31

3.1.16 Safety Awareness Programs/Plans ............................................................................... 31

3.1.17 Health & Safety Incidents ............................................................................................. 32

3.1.18 Non-Ionization Radiation .............................................................................................. 32

4 Compliance by CGPL with the Social Requirements ...................................................... 39

4.1 Compliance to IFC & ADB Requirements ....................................................................... 39

4.1.1 Community Relations Organization Structure & Capacity Building ............................ 39

4.1.2 Grievance Redressal Mechanism .................................................................................. 39

4.1.3 Stakeholder Engagement Plan ...................................................................................... 39

4.1.4 Community Development Plan ...................................................................................... 40

5 Compliance with Country Requirements ......................................................................... 49

6 List of Photographs ........................................................................................................... 60

List of Annexure

Annexure 1: Green Belt Development Details (Apr’13 to Mar’14) ..................................................... 64

Annexure 2: Blended Coal Quality Used (Apr’13 to Mar’14) ............................................................. 65

Annexure 3: Copy of Approved Fly Ash Utilization Note ................................................................... 66

Annexure 4: Fly Ash Utilization Report for FY 2013-14 ..................................................................... 71

Annexure 5: Copy of HW Returns in Form IV (2013-14) .................................................................... 72

Annexure 6: Online Cooling Water Temperature Monitoring Record (2013-14) ................................ 75

Annexure 7: Graphical Plot - Manual Cooling Water Temperature Difference (2013-14) .................. 85

Annexure 8: Continuous Emission Monitoring System – Statistical Data Analysis (2013-14) ........... 87

Annexure 9: Manual Monitoring– Statistical Data Analysis (2013-14) ............................................... 88

Annexure 10: Checklist for Ash Dyke Inspection ................................................................................ 89

Annexure 11: ETP Effluent Monitoring Records (2013-14) ................................................................ 93

Annexure 12: STP Treated Water Monitoring Results & Analysis (2013-14) ..................................... 97

Annexure 12: Ash Pond Bore Well Monitoring Results (2013-14) ...................................................... 98

Annexure 14: Project Site Windrose (Jan-Mar 2014) Overlaid on AAQ Network .............................. 99

Annexure 15: Graphical Representation AAQ Monitoring Results at Village Locations (2013-14) . 100

Annexure 16: Project Site - Ambient Air Quality Profile (2013-14) .................................................. 104

Annexure 17: Village Level Day & Night Time Noise Monitoring Plot (2013-14) ........................... 109

Annexure 18: Day & Night Time Noise Monitoring Plot within Project Premises (2013-14) ........... 111

Annexure 19: CGPL Response to GPCB RO Team Observations ..................................................... 113

Annexure 20: CGPL Response to GPCB RO Team Observations ..................................................... 114

Annexure 21: CGPL Response to MoEF, RO Team Observations .................................................... 115

Annexure 22: Copy of Consolidated Annual Returns – Labour & Employee Laws .......................... 116

Annexure 23: Safety Performance Monitoring (2013-14) .................................................................. 122

Annexure 24: IFC - EHSS Compliance Details (2013-14) ................................................................. 123

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 1 SENES




Reporting Period: April 2013 to March 2014

EPSR Completion Date: July 2014

1 Introduction


Coastal Gujarat Power Limited (CGPL), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Tata Power

Company Limited will build, own and operate an ultra mega power plant at Mundra in

Gujarat. The project includes five supercritical units of 800 MW each, with total capacity of

4000 MW. The plant will use imported coal as fuel, and sea water for once through cooling

of condensers. Power is being evacuated through six 400 KV power lines to benefits the

states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan.

The project has started in September, 2007. CGPL has sought financial loans from several

international banks including the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Asian

Development Bank (ADB). As per the common term schedule to loan agreement between

CGPL and the Lenders; Tata Power has entrusted SENES Consultants to carry out

Environment Health Safety and Social (EHSS) compliance audits on a quarterly and annual

basis during operations.


The purpose of this Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (ESPR) is to report

on CGPL’s compliance with the Environmental and Social Performance Requirements of

IFC/ADB (including implementation of the Environmental Management Plan and the Social

Management Plan) and to asses any corrective actions implemented/proposed. The ESPR

encompasses implementation by CGPL for the project operations. It includes:

Contact information for responsible individuals

Compliance by CGPL with environmental and social requirements for the Project

Environmental and social aspects of the Project under implementation

Occupational health and safety performance and significant incidents

Sustainable development initiatives and community relations

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 2 SENES

ESPR Preparer

Report prepared by: SENES Consultants India Pvt. Ltd.

Telephone: 022-27576298 / 32986995

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]


Report Date: July 2014

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) & Social Management Plan (SMP) Implementation

The following groups of the Tata Power Corporate Office and CGPL’s on-site team are responsible

for EMP and SMP implementation:

Tata Power Corporate Office : Sustainability, Environment and Safety;

On-site team at Mundra: Safety & Environment; HR – Labour& Health; CSRHR - Land

Acquisition, CSR

2 Overall Project Status

Station: Station attained 80% Annual DC Availability.

Station: Station (5 Units) achieved 100% Availability for the 1st time in the month of

February, 14.

Unit# 40: Unit Availability 100% for the months of January & February, 14. Unit achieved

100 days of continuous operation on 3rd March, 14.

CHP: 16 Coal shipments (11 Low CV Coal & 5 High CV Coal) received during the 3rd

Quarter. 20 Coal shipments (14 Low CV Coal & 6 High CV Coal) received during the 4th


Station Performance (Quarter Wise):



Parameter EU U#10 U#20 U#30 U#40 U#50

Apr – Jun 2013

1 Sales MU 1425.8 1057.6 847.7 1148.6 1160.6

2 Availability on bar % 87 66 51 67 69

3 Declared Capacity (DC) MU 6368.2

July-Sep 2013

1 Sales MU 1029 1159 1173 905 700

2 Availability on bar % 87.9 99.1 99.7 77.5 65.6

3 Declared Capacity (DC) MU 7108.9

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 3 SENES

Oct-Dec 2013

1 Sales MU 619 895 1276 993 1325

2 Availability on bar % 49.6 60.2 89.1 67 90.8

3 Declared Capacity (DC) MU 7108.9

Jan-Mar 2014

1 Sales MU 1262.7 1146.6 1171.3 1363.5 1313.8

2 Availability on bar % 96.6 87.7 85.7 98.5 98.4

3 Declared Capacity (DC) MU 7457

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 4 SENES

3 Compliance by CGPL with the Environmental, Health & Safety


3.1 Compliance to IFC & ADB Requirements

This section in brief outlines the environmental performance of the project for the period FY

2013-14 in consistent with the IFC Performance Standards & EHS Guidelines, ADB

Summary Environmental Impact Assessment including Environmental Management Plan

developed for the project. The assessment and findings matrix has been presented in Table 1

for necessary reference.

A. Environmental Performance

3.1.1 Environment Organization Structure & Capacity Building

CGPL has engaged a Senior Environment Manager on-site since Mar 2014 as a step

towards strengthening the onsite environmental management team to address environmental

aspects of the project, facilitate regulatory liasioning and corporate sustainability initiatives

specific to the region. The Senior Environmental Manager is currently being supported

by an Executive- Environment. Further CGPL also has in place a fully equipped

environmental laboratory to perform monitoring of pollutants in flue gas and ambient

air and recording of meteorological data. Additionally both manual and online monitoring

of cooling water temperature is being undertaken at various stretches along the outfall

channel including the point of discharge.

3.1.2 Integrated Management System (IMS) Development

CGPL in coordination with an external consultant has prepared the draft IMS which is to

subjected to a State I audit during April 2014. Review of the IMS procedures on environment

management reveals the absence of key procedures related to baseline environmental

monitoring, performance evaluation of pollution abatement systems and

regulatory/stakeholder reporting. Further applicable funding agency requirements have

not been adequately covered as part of this IMS. Stage I IMS audit to be initiated on a

fast track basis including fulfillment of gaps identified towards sufficiency of the

environmental management procedures.

3.1.3 Consent Management

CGPL is assessed to possess valid environmental permits/consents for project operations,

hazardous and biomedical waste management from Gujarat Pollution Control Board, MoEF

and is carrying out periodic compliance reporting to these regulatory authorities as required

under specific consent conditions. However reportedly CGPL is in the process of

amendment of the consent condition related to the stringent flue gas emission standards

specified in the consent given the standards are below the national standards and also

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 5 SENES

taking into account the considerable challenges and design limitation associated to meet

the same.

3.1.4 Coal Quality & Consumption

CGPL is currently utilizing blended coal (68% Ecocoal, 30% Melawan coal and 2% SA coal)

for operation of all the 5 units; however the use of SA coal is limited and it is primarily Eco-

Melawan blend which is being used. Review of the coal quality and consumption records for

the period 2013-14 reveal that the CGPL is currently in compliance to the project

Environmental Clearance (EC) requirement to this aspect. However CGPL need to

periodically monitoring the consumption of coal and also update the EMP by

suggestions/recommendations made in the study report on blended coal prepared by the

external consultant.

3.1.5 Fly Ash Management

Review of fly ash generation and utilization records for the period 2013-14 reveals generation

of 532093 tonnes of ash of which nearly 25% has been utilized through sale to Sanghi and

Binani cements while the remaining has been disposed in ash dyke. As discussed earlier

CGPL has now finalized the ―Fly Ash Utilization Note‖ prepared to facilitate 50% ash

utilization in the first year and currently in the process of driving implementation of fly ash

utilization proposal to this regard. This includes – a) use of fly ash in Ready Mix Concrete

based on the fly ash market in Mumbai b) export of fly ash through M/s Dr. Hemant

Nadkarni and Associates c) utilization of fly ash in value added products viz. Pozzo Slag and

Sand Aggregate and d) sale of fly ash to Ambuja Cement for their Kodinar Plant. In view of

the above discussion CGPL need to put on fast track the implementation of fly ash

utilization option to achieve the 75% utilization target for 2nd

year as per the

requirement of Fly Ash Notification dated 2009 and also periodically update the

lenders/stakeholder on the overall implementation status.

3.1.6 Ash Pond – Structural Integrity & Leachate Collection

The ash pond at the project site was found to be subjected to potential stress resulting from

movement of heavy vehicles and indiscriminate disposal of ash along the dyke walls has

led to overflow of ash pond supernatant from toe drains including erosion of

downstream slope of dyke. Based on the aforesaid scenario CGPL has now prepared an

―Ash Pond Inspection Checklist‖ and engaged a Cross Functional Team (CFT) to periodically

monitor the performance of ash pond. Further a joint internal audit has been conducted by

both CGPL and TCE to develop an action plan to resolve the ash pond performance and

maintenance issues. Reportedly and as observed CGPL has initiated the implementation of

the action plan to address ash pond stability related problems however the progress of

the same need to be verified during the subsequent audits.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 6 SENES

3.1.7 Hazardous Waste Management

Biomedical waste generated from the onsite CGPL Occupational Health Centre is being

managed through waste disposal facility operated by Distromed Bio Clean Pvt. Ltd at

Kuvadwa, Rajkot. With respect to biomedical waste management, CGPL is found to be in

compliance with the relevant provision of Biomedical Waste (Management & Handling)

Rules 1998 (as amended 2011) having valid authorization, records maintained and annual

reports submitted to relevant authorities.

CGPL possess valid hazardous waste authorization (expiring on May 2016) from GPCB as

occupier of the facility generating the following hazardous wastes viz. used oil, discarded

chemical containers, spent ion exchange resins, chemical sludge from waste treatment, waste

residue containing oil, spent solvents etc. Also as required under the provision of Hazardous

Waste (Management, Handling &Transboundary Movement) Rules 2008 CGPL is

continuing with the submission of annual returns specifying details of hazardous waste

disposal to GPCB in prescribed format. For the period 2013-14 a total of 31.8 MT of used oil

and been disposed through M/s N. K. Lubricants Pvt. Ltd. – an authorized hazardous waste


ETP sludge (identified as hazardous waste under Hazardous Waste Rules) generated from

effluent treatment is being disposed in lined ash pond instead of the GPCB authorized TSDF

facility of M/s SEPPL as required under the waste authorization issued. The ETP sludge has

been analyzed to be of non-hazardous nature and the same has been communicated to GPCB

to seek necessary amendment in the waste authorization. CGPL to proactively liase with

GPCB to facilitate amendment of the “Consolidated Consent & Authorization” issued

with respect to ETP sludge disposal.

With respect to storage the hazardous waste storage area, it was found to lack display of

danger signages, proper labeling of waste containers and provisions of fire-fighting

equipment which need to be made available to address any emergency situations and

comply with consent/permit requirements.

3.1.8 Management of Cooling Water Discharge

The online monitoring of cooling water temperature near ash silo bridge and manual

monitoring near retaining wall for the period 2013-14 reveals a maximum average

temperature difference of 4.85 and 4.60°C respectively. This is found to be in compliance

with the temperature difference standard of 7ºC specified at the cooling water discharge point

by EC Amendment condition dated 5th April’07.

With all five units in operation, CGPL has engaged NIO for carrying out validation modeling

for temperature and salinity dispersion at the cooling water discharge location. Field study to

this regard has been completed by NIO in December 2013 with data analysis under progress.

It is recommended that EMP is updated based on the NIO Model Conformity Study


Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 7 SENES

On the shoreline erosion related concern raised by Tragadi villages from dredging activities,

with respect to increase in shoreline erosion from dredging activities, necessary efforts has

been made by CGPL to stabilize the shore through use of concrete blocks along a

portion of the coastal stretch. Further discussions are in progress with the village

inhabitants for laying concrete blocks along the remaining stretch.

3.1.9 Performance of Waste Water Treatment Facilities

Sewage generated onsite is being managed through commissioning and operation of sewage

treatment plants (STPs) at the labour colonies (2 X 500 KLD capacity) and project site.

However the performance of STPs installed at the labor colonies were found to be adversely

affected and non-functional due to corrosion and leaks in the piping network and control

valves. Hence it is necessary for CGPL to initiate immediate replacement and/or repair of

the labour colony STP pipeline network. At the same time CGPL also need develop and

implement periodic inspection checklists to evaluate the performance of the waste water

treatment facilities.

Due to the non-functioning of the labour colony STPs no treated water monitoring results

were available for review throughout the year except for the Apr-Jun’13 quarter. The results

of the project site STP was found to function satisfactorily with the treated water monitoring

results complying with the standards specified in the consent. In view of this it is

recommended for CGPL to conduct periodic inspection of the STPs and supervise O&M

vendor performance and capability as found to be necessary.

Owing to the non-functioning of the STPs untreated sewage was found to be used for green

belt development activities thereby non-complying with the legal requirements. CGPL need

to immediately discontinue the reuse of untreated sewage for green belt development

given the potential liability and legal compliance related issues/risks.

An effluent treatment plant (ETP) of capacity 55m3/hr has been commissioned and

operational since April ’11 to treat the run-off/drainage from coal stockpile, boiler blow down

and condenser cooling water (for once through cooling system). Review of effluent (ETP

treated water in guard pond) monitoring records for the period 2013-14 in nearly 99% of the

cases reveals compliance to the parameters specified by CPCB for Thermal Power Plant

Effluents under Environmental Protection Rules 1986.

With regard to ash pond dewatering activities owing to the O&M activities in progress the

former was found to be discharged into the outfall channel following monitoring of

parameters (pH, suspended solids and oil & grease) specified in the consent condition.

However CGPL also need to assess the quality of ash pond effluent with respect to the

presence of any heavy metals as outlined in the World Bank Guidelines for Thermal

Power Plants.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 8 SENES

3.1.10 Flue Gas Emissions & ESP Performance

CGPL performs regular monitoring of flue gas emissions both online using Continuous

Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) and manually to check conformance with the emission

standards specified by World Bank Group Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants at same time

evaluating the performance of electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) and low NOx burners

installed as air pollution control devices.

Statistical analysis of online monitoring data for flue gas emission for the period 2013-14

reveals that the average values of all pollutants to be in compliance in to World Bank

emission standards. However with respect to the 98th

percentile values exceedances were

observed in few cases for PM and NOx owing to the initial start up and shut down operation

during the Apr-Jun’13 quarter.

Interpretation of manual monitoring results in all cases reveals compliance to the World Bank

emission standards but failed to meet the standards specified for these pollutants in the

consolidated consent issued. Hence it is recommended that CGPL liase with GPCB to

facilitate the fast track amendment of the consent conditions related to flue gas emission

standards. In this regard CGPL has also assessed the challenges for unable to meet the

standards specified in the legal document and the same has been communicated to

GPCB vide the amendment application.

3.1.11 Ground Water Monitoring

The quality of ground water near ash pond area is being assessed by CGPL through regular

monitoring of the bore wells installed within the project site. The ground water conforms to

IS 10500 drinking water standards for all parameters except for fluoride, total dissolved

solids (TDS), chloride, lead, iron coliforms and turbidity. For all quarters the average values

of turbidity, fluoride, TDS chloride and coliforms has been found to be exceeding the

drinking water quality standards specified for these parameters. High TDS and chloride

concentration in the bore well samples is characteristic of the ground water quality in this

region. However for fluoride it is likely to be contributed by fly ash leachate based on which

it is recommended that CGPL undertakes ash pond leachate analysis for fluoride.

3.1.12 Ambient Air & Noise Quality Monitoring

CGPL continues to assess the potential impacts of the project operations on ambient

environment through monthly monitoring of air and noise quality at various receptor

locations. The receptor locations have been selected based on their proximity to the project

facilities viz. coal conveyor, coal stockpile etc, predominant wind direction and topography.

Review of village level ambient air quality monitoring data reveals compliance to National

Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) except for PM10 (99.8-172.3 µg/m3) which is

found to exceed the standard (100 µg/m3) specified for this pollutant in all cases. This is

typical for coastal locations in this region and also attributed due to the proximity of some

villages viz. Vandh to the coal conveyors of Adani and CGPL thermal power plants.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 9 SENES

Similarly the ambient air quality within project premises was also found to be in compliance

to the NAAQS except for PM with values ranging within 104.5-164.0 µg/m3.

Day time noise level monitored at the receptor locations were found to be in compliance with

the day time noise standards with slight exceedance noted for Vandh village for the first

quarter. However for night time the noise level at all locations exceeded the night time

standards and was primarily high in case of Vandh village which is located in close proximity

to Adani and CGPL coal conveyors. In view of this CGPL has already adopted necessary

control measures viz. use of closed conveyors, peripheral green belt development etc. and is

also carrying out periodic monitoring to assess the efficiency of the management measures

and plan necessary intervention, as may be required. For noise monitored within project

premises all values were found to be complying with the day and night time noise standard

specified in the CC&A.

3.1.13 Green Belt Development & Mangrove Afforestation

Green belt development program has been implemented by CGPL throughout the project site

particularly near the ICSH area, ash pond etc. which have been identified as potential fugitive

emission sources. For the period 2013-14 a total of 515876 saplings have been planted

covering an area of~230 ha with an average survival rate ~95.7%. This represents nearly 19%

of the project area (1242 ha) as compared to 33% which is required to be covered under green

belt in accordance to the EC requirement. During the period of review CGPL has planned to

cover 383 Ha of area for green belt by July, 2014. CGPL need to sustain with the green

belt development progress to ensure compliance with the EC condition and also to

maintain heterogeneity of plant species being used (particularly those tolerant to fly ash

and sulphur dioxide) and further improve upon the species survival rate.

In addition to green belt development, CGPL has completed mangrove afforestation along

with Gujarat Ecological Commission and Kantiyajal Tavar Vikas Samiti (KTVS)at coastal

village of Kantiyajal encompassing 1000 ha of land thereby complying with the CRZ

clearance requirement.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 10 SENES

Table 1: Environmental Compliance Assessment & Findings


No Item Aspect Assessment Recommendations Status


closure date

1 Old Green Belt Development In line with EC requirement a total 229.53 ha of

project area (coal stockpile, coal conveyor, ash

pond etc.) has been covered under green belt

development for the period April 2013 -March

2014 through plantation of 515876 saplings with

an average survival rate of ~95.7% which higher

compared to the survival rate (88%) recorded for

the previous year. No plantation has been carried

out for the months of May, Oct and Dec 2013. Of

33% of the total project area (1242 ha) to be

covered under green belt, the current progress is

about 18.5%.The details of the green belt

development undertaken for the period Apr 2013 -

Mar 2014 is presented in Annexure 1.

In some areas the green belt is lacking

heterogeneity and usage of plant species tolerant

particularly to fly ash and sulphur dioxide

Continue with the green belt development

efforts to fulfill EC requirement of

covering 1/3rd of project area under green


Efforts need to be made to ensure

plantation is being carried out for all

months to further improve on survival rate.

Heterogeneity of green belt to be

maintained throughout the project area.

Further efforts to be made to maximize the

plantation of plant species tolerant to fly

ash and sulphur dioxide in consistent with

the CPCB Guidelines for Developing

Green Belts.



March 2017

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 11 SENES


No Item Aspect Assessment Recommendations Status


closure date

2 Old Integrated Management

System (IMS) Development

A draft IMS is already in place and is in the

process of being subjected to Stage I audit

scheduled for April 2014.

Review of the IMS reveals that the following

procedures have been drafted with respect to

environmental viz. Conservation of Natural

Resources, Non Hazardous and Hazardous Waste

Management, Used Lead Acid Batteries

Management, Biomedical Waste Management, E-

Waste Management, Oil & Chemical Spill

Management, Domestic Effluent Management,

Control of Vehicular Emissions, Control of Noise

Generated from Equipments, Control of

Contractor & Visitors at Work Place and Control

of Purchase of Goods. However there exist no

procedure related to monitoring (marine water,

ecology and sediments, ambient air & noise etc),

assessing the performance of pollution prevention

and abatement systems (process and domestic

effluent, process emissions etc.) and reporting to

regulatory agencies and stakeholders. Further the

applicable legal (CTO, EC etc) and funding

agency requirements have not been adequately

covered in these environmental procedures.

Undertake implementation of Stage I audit

to assess the sufficiency of the

environment management procedures and

identify gaps related to fulfillment of the

requirements specified in the project

environmental permits/clearances

including those documented in the lender



Open December


3 Old Blended Coal Use


As discussed in the ESPR for FY 12-13 CGPL has

undertaken a study during Feb-13 through M/s

Vishuddh Envirotech to assess the potential

Update the project EMP through

incorporation of the recommendations


June 2014

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 12 SENES


No Item Aspect Assessment Recommendations Status


closure date

environmental and social implication of blended

coal use (70% Ecocoal and 30% Melawan coal).

Though the study has not revealed any potential

environmental risks in terms of increased coal

consumption, augmentation of coal handling &

transport system and existing pollution control

equipment etc it has specified the need of increase

in operational time of Internal Coal Handling

System (ICHS) and increase in handling of coal

quantities at the West Port resulting from blended

coal use. The study also recognizes adequate

storage and fugitive emission control facilities at

the West Port to cater to the additional coal load

and which will be further supplemented by the

existing Port Service Agreement with M/s Adani


made with respect to the ―Study on the

Assessment of Blended Coal‖ by M/s

Vishuddh Envirotech..

4 Old Quality of blended coal In order to meet the challenges associated with the

increase in imported coal prices, CGPL is

presently utilizing low calorific blended coal.

Review of quality reports for blended coal (Eco,

Melawan & SA) used during the period 2013-14

reveal ash and sulfur content to vary within 3.89-

6.37% and 0.19-0.41% respectively. This is found

to be in compliance with the EC condition which

require ash and sulfur content in coal to be ≤10%

and ≤1% respectively. Unit wise details of the

quality of blended coal for the aforesaid period

used have been presented in Annexure 2.

- To



Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 13 SENES


No Item Aspect Assessment Recommendations Status


closure date

5 Old Blended coal consumption With all 5 units in operation the coal utilization

records for the period Apr’13 to Mar’14 reveals

consumption of 11.50 million tonnes of coal for

the quarter which is in compliance to the annual

consumption limit (12 million tonnes) specified in

the project EC.

CGPL to periodically monitor the

consumption of coal to ensure that the

threshold consumption limit is maintained.

Project EC to be amended if consumption

in excess to the threshold limit is





6 Old Fly Ash Utilization In view of the regulatory requirement and earlier

audit recommendation CGPL has obtained

management approval of the ―Fly Ash Utilization‖

note and is currently pursuing implementation of

the proposals formulated to ensure 50% fly ash

utilization from 1st years onwards. Copy of the

approved note is enclosed as Annexure 3.

Review of ash utilization records for the period

2013-14 reveals ash usage of ~25% primarily

through sale to Sanghi and Binani cement units.

However this is found to be below the 50%

threshold to be achieved for 1st year of project

operation as per legal requirement. The fly ash

generation and utilization report as submitted to

MoEF for 2013-14 is provided in Annexure 4.

Presently utilization of fly ash through the

aforesaid industries is still being continued along

with the following options being explored and/or

implemented to maximize fly ash utilization in

order to meet legal norms for the 2nd year wherein

Put on fast track the implementation of fly

ash utilization options already approved by

the CGPL management in order to achieve

75% utilization from 2nd year onwards.

Periodically update the lenders and related

stakeholders on the status of the

implementation of the options/proposals.



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75% of utilization is required to be achieved:

Use in Ready Mix Concrete: Considering the

market of fly ash in Mumbai for use in Ready

Mix Concrete (RMC) CGPL is currently

planning to send a trial shipment of 1500 MT

to Mumbai to explore the feasibility of this


Fly Ash Export: A three year contract signed

with M/s Dr. Hemant Nadkarni & Associates

for export of fly ash. Trial shipment already

sent with a quantity of 250000MT/annum

expected to be exported till 2017.

Use in Value Added Products: Use of fly ash

in the preparation of PozzoSlag and Sand

Aggregate is being evaluated in coordination

with M/s VHSC and M/s Zaaksand, Germany


Use in Cement Manufacturing: In addition to

Binani and Sanghi Cement, CGPL has plans

to sell fly ash to Ambuja Cement for their

Kodinar Plant for which a 10 year contract is

at an advance stage of negotiation. Given

daily sale of 750 TPD of fly ash to Ambuja

the option is likely to prove sustainable if


Further to the above discussion are in progress

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with M/s ABG Cements and M/s Sanghi Cements

for setting up grinding units within CGPL

however the same is yet to form a part of the road

map prepared by CGPL towards fly ash


7 Old Hazardous Waste

Management (Permit


Chemical sludge generated from ETP is by default

considered as a hazardous waste and therefore

authorization for the generation, storage and

treatment/disposal (through authorized vendors)

for the same has been obtained from GPCB during

April 2013. Although it is required that the sludge

is disposed through GPCB authorized TSDF of

M/s SEPPL presently it is being disposed in the

ash pond. In this regard it has earlier been

recommended that CGPL undertake analysis of

the sludge for the presence of hazardous

components, if any and seek necessary

amendment to the CTO condition as found to be


In view of the above CGPL has got the ETP

sludge analyzed for hazardous characteristics (if

any) through M/s Kadam Environmental

Consultants during Mar-13. Review of the report

indicates that the sludge is of non-hazardous

nature and the same has been communicated to

GPCB vide letter dated 4th June 2013 for

necessary response and action.

Amendment to the ―Consolidated Consent

& Authorization‖ with respect to ETP

sludge disposal need to be sought on a fast

track basis through intervention and

support from CGPL site management.




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8 New Hazardous Waste

Management (Storage)

Hazardous waste primarily waste oil was observed

to be stored in a designated and paved area within

the site near the CGPL administrative building.

The following observation were made with respect

to the storage area:

Display of ―Danger‖ signages and online

display of hazardous waste related

information were found to be absent as

specified in the Consolidate Consent &

Authorization (CC&A) issued. However

manual display of hazardous waste related

information was observed near the main gate.

Further the hazardous waste storage

containers lacked proper labeling and

inventory as required under the provision of

Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling &

Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2008.

No fire extinguishers and spill kits were

available at the waste storage area to

promptly respond to any emergencies related

to the storage and handling of such hazardous


Review of annual HW returns submitted in Form

IV to the Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB)

reveals that 31.886 MT of used oil has been

disposed through authorized waste recycler – M/s

Records of hazardous waste to be

maintained in Form 3 and containers to be

marked as per Form 12 specified under the

HWMH Rules.

CGPL is required to display relevant

information with respect to the hazardous

waste as indicated in the Honorable

Supreme Court’s Order in W.P.No.657 of

1995 dated 14th October 2003. Online

display of type and quantity of hazardous

waste being stored need to be ensured or

modification in consent condition need to

be sought.

Provision of fire extinguishers and spill

kits need to be ensured at the hazardous

waste storage to control any potential

emergency situation.

Open July 2014

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N.K. Lubricants Pvt. Ltd. This is below the

threshold generation volume (255 MT/year)

specified for used oil in the CTO issued by GPCB.

The copy of the HW returns for the period 2013-

14 is presented in Annexure 5.

9 Old Cooling Water Discharge Review of the online temperature records of

cooling water (near ash silo bridge) for the period

2013-14 indicated an average temperature

difference of 4.85ºC. Manual monitoring

undertaken by CGPL of cooling water at final

discharge point (near retaining wall) indicates an

average temperature difference of 4.6ºC which is

close to the values recorded online. In both the

cases the values are found to be in conformance to

the temperature difference standard of 7ºC at the

cooling water discharge point specified by the

MoEF EC Amendment dated 5th April’07. The

online cooling water temperature values for the

period 2013-14 has been presented in Annexure 6

while the manual results have been graphically

plotted and presented in Annexure 7.

- To



10 New Model Conformity Study &

Shore line Erosion

As per the legal requirement CGPL need to carry

out a model conformity study to validate the

thermal and salinity dispersion modeling

previously undertaken by NIO during the project

marine environment impact assessment.

Reportedly this study is to be undertaken by

Observations/recommendation made as

part of the model conformity study to be

incorporated in the EMP. Further shoreline

protection of the remaining coastal stretch

need to be undertaken in consultation with

the village inhabitants.

Open Sept, 2014

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CGPL through a third party following operation of

all the 5 units. In line with the earlier audit

recommendation CGPL has appointed NIO to

conduct outfall discharge model conformity study.

Field study in this regard has been completed in

December, 2013 with data analysis being under


Regarding the shoreline erosion issues raised by

Tragadi Bunder inhabitants from widening and

dredging of the cooling water outfall channel

CGPL had made necessary efforts to check

erosion through use of concrete blocks along one

portion of the shoreline. Discussions are in

progress with the village inhabitants for laying

concrete blocks along the remaining stretch.

11 New Flue gas emission Statistical interpretation of flue gas emission

records (for criteria pollutants viz. PM, SO2 and

NOx) available from Continuous Emission

Monitoring System (CEMS) for the period 2013-

14 reveals that the average values for all pollutants

viz. PM (17.76-41.99mg/Nm3), SO2 (142.2-

809.48mg/Nm3) and NOx (100.9-740.45 mg/Nm3)

to be in compliance to the WB emission standards

specified for Thermal Power Plants. The 98th

percentile values for PM however revealed

exceedance in few cases to the WB standard in the

initial months for Apr-Jun’13 possibly being

Ensure fast track amendment of the CC&A

conditions by GPCB with respect to flue

gas emission norms of SO2 and NOx.



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attributed to initial start up and shut down

operations. Similarly exceedance to WB standard

was also observed for the 98th percentile values

computed for NOx for the months of Apr-Dec’13

with data ranging within 181.7-1560.3mg/Nm3.

Manual monitoring of flue gas for the period

2013-14 was found meet the World Bank

standards for the following pollutants: PM (22.2-

29.2 mg/Nm3), NOx (354.3-375.2 mg/Nm3) and

SO2 (729.8-801.3mg/Nm3). However the NOx

(172.8-183.0 ppm) and SO2 (255.2-280.2 ppm)

values exceeded the permissible limit specified for

these pollutants i.e. 50ppm for NOx and 100ppm

for SO2 in the CC&A issued by GPCB. Given that

the project has been designed and is being

operated for low sulfur content coal (<1%) and

low NOx burner rated at 385ppm CGPL considers

it challenging to meet this stringent standards

specified for both NOx and SO2. Although CGPL

by its application dated 11th Jan 2012 has

requested for amendment of certain specific

CC&A conditions by GPCB including flue gas

emission norms, no response to this regard has

been received till date. Further CGPL has also

assessed the limitations in being able to meet such

standards and the same has been shared with

GPCB vide the amendment application.

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The statistical analysis of CEMS and manual

monitoring data for 2013-14 is presented in

Annexure 8 & 9 respectively.

12 New Ash Pond – Structural

Integrity and Leachate


Though the earlier observation made towards

repair of the damaged concrete tiling of the ash

pond has been addressed by CGPL the following

additional observations were made for the period


Potential stress on the dyke bunds and walls

resulting from movement of heavy vehicles

and indiscriminate disposal of bottom ash

along the ash pond slope was observed which

has led to overflow of the toe drains with ash

pond supernatant.

Downstream slope of dyke being subjected to

erosion due to lack of implementation of

proper stabilization measures.

Localized deposition of bottom ash

through the discharge line due to its high

density leading to stress and subsequent

damage of the dyke walls.

Reportedly as part of the earlier recommendation

made towards ash dyke monitoring CGPL has

formed a Cross Functional Team (CFT) which

performs periodic inspection of the ash dykes

based on specific checklist formulated to this

The following mitigation measures need to

be implemented based on the observations

made during the quarterly compliance

audit and CGPL internal audits:

Refurbish downstream slope of the

bund by earth filling.

Provision of vertical drain at every 30

m on downstream slope of bund.

Perform cleaning and repairing of toe


Excavated portion of downstream slope

at discharge points to be restored by

sand bags filling.

Garlanding of discharge pipe inside

dyke to be done to uniformly fill the


Perform collection and monitoring of

overflow from ash pond and toe drain

water to assess any potential

contamination risk based on their


Remove bottom ash dumped along the

Open TBA


Work in







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respect. Further a joint internal audit has been

conducted by CFT along with TCE with similar

observations reported with respect to ash pond

integrity. The ash pond inspection checklist has

been presented in Annexure 10.

ash dyke walls Ongoing


13 New Ash Pond Effluent


With dewatering of the ash pond currently under

progress as part of ash pond O&M activities the

supernatant from the pond was found to be

discharged directly into the outfall channel instead

being reused for ash slurry preparation as

specified in the EMP. Monitoring of the ash pond

supernatant is being undertaken by CGPL for the

following parameters viz. pH, suspended solids

and oil & grease as specified in the CC&A and is

found to be within limits. However as the WB

Thermal Power Guidelines the effluent also need

to be tested for heavy metals viz. chromium,

copper, iron and zinc.

Undertake monitoring of ash pond

supernatant/effluent for heavy metals

specified in the World Bank Guidelines for

Thermal Power Plants.

Open Sept,14

14 New Ash Slurry Management Fly ash slurry was observed to be discharged on

open ground near the fly ash pump house to

prevent choking of the slurry pipeline as a result

of sudden grid failure experienced on 12th


Facilitate reclamation of the area through

removal and disposal of soil containing

ash slurry residues in the ash pond.

Open June,14

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15 Old Operation of Sewage

Treatment Plant (STP)

As discussed in the ESPR for FY12-13 CGPL was

required to facilitate replacement of damaged and

corroded pipeline network and control valves of

the labour colony STPs to ensure their

functionality. Reportedly with purchase order for

materials to be placed based on inspection and

evaluation of the STP system by Thermax

technical team, the STPs to this date remains non-

functional. Additionally the filter press of the plant

STP was also found to be non-functional due to

damage of inlet pipes.

Additionally formulation and implementation of

checklists to monitor the performance of waste

water treatment facilities viz. STPs is also found

to be absent.

Ensure urgent repair and operation of

labour colony STPs and proper functioning

of filter press of the plant STP following

inspection by Thermax Technical Team

Develop and implement periodic

inspection checklists to monitor the

performance of waste water treatment

facilities viz. ETP and STP and seek

timely interventions to facilitate operations

as may be required.

Open July,14

16 Old Effluent Monitoring Review of monitoring records for ETP treated

water (stored in guard pond) for the period 2013-

14 in most cases revealed ~99% compliance to the

WB Effluent Standards. This is indicative of the

satisfactory performance of ETP being

commissioned and operated. The monitoring

records of ETP treated effluent has been presented

in Annexure 11.

- To sustain

17 New Sewage Treatment and


Review of the STP treated water monitoring

records and onsite verification reveals that both

the labour colony STPs are non-functional since

July 2013 owing to corrosion of valves and piping

Facilitate functioning of the labor colony

and project site STPs on a fast track basis.

Presently discontinue reuse of untreated



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network as discussed in the earlier section of this

report. The STP at project site however was

observed to perform satisfactorily with treated

water results found to be in compliance with the

standards specified for key indicator parameters

viz. Total Suspended Solids and BOD in the

CC&A. The monitoring result of STP treated

water for the period 2013-14 is presented in

Annexure 12.

Further with the labor colony STPs completely

under shut down untreated sewage was observed

to be reused for green belt development.

Reportedly there also exist plans for sourcing

sewage from nearby villages for treatment at the

labour colony STPs and utilizing the treated water

for green belt development. The plan has been

developed considering increasing demand of water

for plantation purpose. However under the present

circumstance this may pose potential liability and

legal compliance related risks given the CC&A

requires conformance to the treated effluent

standards specified in the CC&A prior to its


Review of the monitoring records of the treated

water quality for the STPs installed and operated

at the project site and labor colonies (old and new)

waste water (sewage) for green belt

development considering potential liability

and legal compliance related issues/risks.



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was not indicative of satisfactory and effective

performance. BOD levels in over 50% of the

samples monitored was found to be exceeding the

standard specified i.e. 30 ppm. The average BOD

levels in the treated water samples generally

ranged within 11.96-33.43 ppm. The monitoring

result of STP treated water for the period 2013-14

is presented in Annexure 12.

18 New Ground Water Monitoring

near Ash Pond

CGPL continues to carry out with the monitoring

of bore wells (~10 nos) installed near ash pond to

assess the potable quality of ground water.

Review of the analytical results for the period

2013-14 reveals compliance to IS 10500 standards

except for the following parameters viz.

Fluoride: All values exceeded standards (1.5

mg/l) with fluoride concentration generally

varying within 2.7-4.2 mg/l;

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): For all the

quarters the TDS exceeded the standards (2000

mg/l) with values generally ranging within

3755-7537 mg/l;

Chloride: The average values (1789-4260 mg/l)

computed revealed exceedance to the IS

standards (1000 mg/l) for all the quarters;

Heavy metals in most of the cases were found

to be below detectable limit (BDL) except for

iron and lead. The average values computed for

Undertake ash pond leachate analysis for



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both these parameters where found to exceeded

the IS standards in 3 quarters; and

High turbidity was observed in the ground

water samples with values ranging with 3.1-

52.0 NTU.

Presence of coliforms has been confirmed for

all the ground water samples indicating it unfit

for drinking purposes

TDS and chloride values are found to be in line

with the baseline ground water quality discussed

in the project EIA. However the presence of high

concentration of fluoride in majority of the

ground water samples can possibly result from

leaching of fluoride from fly ash disposed in ash

pond. The monitoring results of the bore well

water has been statistically interpreted and

presented in Annexure 13.

19 Old Ambient Air Quality


Review of village level ambient air quality

monitoring data (2013-14) reveals compliance to

National Ambient Air Quality Standards

(NAAQS) except for PM10 with values ranging

within 99.8-172.3µg/m3 with an average of 138.6

µg/m3 which is found to exceed the standard (100

µg/m3) specified for this pollutant in all cases.

Although such values are typical for coastal

locations specific to this region but for villages

which are located in close proximity to the coal


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conveyor the operation of the same may possibly

add to the particulate matter load in ambient air.

The windrose for the study period has been

overlaid on the AAQ network on Google image

(refer Annexure 14) while the ambient air quality

monitoring results for said period at village and

project locations have been graphically presented

in Annexure 15 and 16 respectively.

20 Old Noise Monitoring Ambient noise monitored by CGPL for the period

2013-14 at 6 villages identified as potential

receptors reveals compliance to the day time noise

standard (55 dBA) with the average values

varying within 51.0-56.2 dB(A). The slight

exceedance to the day time noise levels has only

been observed at Vandh village particularly during

the initial months (Apr to July’13) of the year.

The average night time noise levels at the village

locations varied within 46.9-50.6 dB(A) thereby

exceeding the night time noise standards of 45

dB(A) at all locations. The highest exceedances

were observed for noise monitored at Vandh

village with all values recorded above 50 dB(A).

Arid climatic conditions along with the proximity

of Vandh village to the coal conveyors of both

Adani and CGPL are possibly contributing to

these noise levels. In view of this CGPL has

- To



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already implemented appropriate control measures

and management programs viz. use of closed

conveyors, monthly monitoring of noise at nearby

villages, green belt development along the

conveyor belt, implementation of a grievance

register to address community concerns on project

EHS aspects etc.

For noise monitored within project premises all

values were found to comply with the day time

(75 dB) and night time (70 dB) noise limits

specified in the CC&A.

The graphical presentation of day and night time

noise levels recorded at village and within project

premises has been presented in Annexure 17 &

18 respectively.

21 New Environmental Incidents On 2.5.2013, villagers from Vandh along with

Sarpanch had visited CGPL-ED to discuss the

problem of coal dust being faced by them in spite

of installation of wind barrier. CGPL has provided

necessary assurance to take appropriate steps to

mitigate the problem.

CGPL to maintain the coal stock pile

height below 6m and continue monitoring

the functionality/performance of the

pollution abatement systems in place viz.

dry fogging system, water sprinkling

arrangements, closed conveyor system etc.



22 New Resource Augmentation &

Capacity Building

Based on the assessment for FY 2012-13, CGPL

to enhance its capacity to handle environmental

aspects of the power plant operations within and

outside the power plant premises, liaise with

environmental regulators, as well as supporting

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corporate environmental sustainability initiatives

in the region.

In line with the earlier recommendation an

Environmental Manager has been deployed onsite

by CGPL from Mar’14 onwards

23 Old Consent/Permit Management CGPL has obtained Consolidated Consent &

Authorization for its 5 operating units vide

Consent Order No. AWH-53647 dated 29th April

2013 and is valid till 17th May 2016. Presently

CGPL is in the process of seeking amendment to

standards specified for pollutants in flue gas.

Periodic compliance reporting of project EC and

CTO conditions to regulatory authorities’ ( MoEF

and GPCB) and submission of annual returns as

required under Hazardous and Bio-Medical Waste

Rules is being continued by CGPL. Additionally

ambient air quality pollutants concentration are

being electronically displayed at the CGPL main

gate and monitoring data uploaded at the Tata

Power website as part of CGPL environmental

compliance reports. Further six monthly

compliance report as submitted to MoEF Regional

Office for the period Apr-Sep 2013 have also been

uploaded at Tata Power website. For further

details refer Table 4.

- To



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24 New Regulatory/Stakeholder Visit GPCB Regional Office team paid a visit to the

project site on 30th September 2013 making the

following observations:

Production of electricity by the project shall

not exceed 96 MU per day as specified in the


CEMS data to be linked to the XGN server of

GPCB for necessary monitoring

CGPL has submitted a formal response with

respect to the observation made by the visiting

GPCB RO team at the project site on 30th Sep’13.

Copy of the response has been enclosed as

Annexure 19.

Visit was undertaken by the RO team of Gujarat

Pollution Control Board (GPCB) on 1st Feb 2014

wherein observation were made with respect to the


Labeling of pipes carrying fly ash from ESP to

silo and control of fugitive emissions near the

silo area.

Linking of CGPL’s stack emission data to

XGN software of GPCB

Copy of the response has been enclosed as

Annexure 20.

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Further compliance certification visit was made by

representative of MoEF, Regional Office, Western

Region on 11th February 2014 wherein

information was requested on diverted forest land

and details of utilization of dredged material.

CGPL response to the observations has been

enclosed as Annexure 21.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 10-11) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 31 SENES

B. Health & Safety Performance

With the augmentation in safety staffing by CGPL, proper implementation of specific plan

and procedures, communication between the contractor workers, safety training and

awareness, incident reporting, visual aids etc. CGPL continues to demonstrate considerable

improvement of onsite health and safety performance. The detailed assessment of the annual

health and safety performance is presented in Table 2 while subsequent sections provide a

brief overview of the same.

3.1.14 HSE Management System

CGPL has adopted the health and safety system (with guidance form Dupont) that includes

well defined performance standards, procedures and guidelines (HIRA, SCAR, etc.), safety

awareness programs (Safety Time Out) and establishing key performance indicators (e.g. lost

time incidents, severity rate, near miss etc.), which are used to track compliance with Health

and Safety (H&S) targets. Now with project operations CGPL need to obtain IMS

certification on a fast track basis and ensure operational plans/procedures are in

consistent with the occupational health and safety requirements outlined in the IFC

EHS Guidelines.

3.1.15 HSE Organizational Structure

With project now in full scale operation CGPL has in place a dedicated O&M team

comprising of Dept. Heads, Line Managers, and Operational Contractor taking care of O&M

as well as balance construction activities.

3.1.16 Safety Awareness Programs/Plans

Specific health and safety plans and onsite emergency plan have been developed &

augmented on regular basis by CGPL and communicated to contractors including the

operations team. The plans outline the policies and strategies, the organization, resources and

documentation required, the HS risk management principles, and reporting requirements.

With project under operation potential health and safety risks is currently limited to activities

like switchyard ―hot line washing‖, insulation, floor grating etc. for which necessary work

permits are being issued, audited and activities supervised by a dedicated project O&M team.

Various plans/initiatives viz. Safety Intervention Audits, Process Safety Management

System, implementation of safety time out program & PSUSR checklist etc. have been

implemented by CGPL to ensure continual improvement in project operations as well.

In addition to the above efforts have been made by CGPL to enhance safety related

awareness both at village and project level through organization of training programs,

competitions and screening safety awareness related audio-visuals

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

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3.1.17 Health & Safety Incidents

A total of 2 fatalities and a fire incident have been reported for the period 2013-14. One of

the fatalities has resulted from injuries caused due to sudden falls of concrete slabs on a

contractor worker during unloading activities while the other fatality was caused due to fall of

an argon cylinder on a contractor worker. Necessary investigations have been carried out to

this regard with CGPL required to update the Contractor HSE Plan based on the

recommendations made as part of the investigation.

In addition to the above fatalities a major fire took place at the coal conveyor within the plant

premises and resulted in extensive damage to the conveyor leading to the stoppage of the

plant units. Investigation undertaken and preventive measures has been identified with CGPL

required to develop an action plan to implement the preventive and corrective measures

identified and implementation of the same need to be tracked on a regular basis. In this

regard CGPL has engaged a dedicated housekeeping team for CHP areas and a structured

Audit is also being carried out by ―FIAT – Fire Intervention Audit Team ―with an objective

of improved housekeeping. Further an Area Audit concept is implemented and is being

tracked through Maintenance Planning departments.

3.1.18 Non-Ionization Radiation

CGPL in coordination with PGCIL need to assess the occupational risks related to EMF

exposure from power transmission lines as per the provision of IFC EHS Guidelines for

Thermal Power Plant and develop and implement an EMF safety program. As reported by

CGPL PGCIL complies with international norms for field strength limits, which are certified

by Power Technologies Inc. where power grid employs international certified equipment in their

lines. However this needs to be assessed and verified during the subsequent audits to be undertaken.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

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Table 2: Health & Safety Compliance Assessment & Findings


No Item Aspect Assessment Recommendations Status


closure date

1 Old Health & Safety

Management System

As discussed in Sl.No.3 of Table 1 CGPL is in the

process of obtaining certification for Integrated

Management System (IMS) developed for the

project operations. Currently draft IMS has been

prepared and is currently awaiting Stage I audit as

schedule for April 2014. In this regard keeping in

view of IFC requirement it is necessary for CGPL

to ensure that documentation incorporates relevant

occupational health and safety provision of the

IFC EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power Plants

and General EHS Guidelines.

Operational health and safety

plans/procedures developed integral to the

IMS to be provided for review in order to

assess sufficiency in terms of occupational

health and safety requirements outlined in

the IFC General and Thermal Power Plant

EHS Guidelines

Open December


2 Old HSE Organizational


CGPL has a dedicated O&M team assigned with

the responsibility of managing operational health

and safety risks of the project and is currently

being provided handholding supporting by the

constructions HSE team. The overall HSE

organizational structure has therefore been

assessed to be adequate in order to meet the

project health and safety commitments.



3 Old Permitting/Licensing


CGPL has been assessed to possess valid license

under the Factories Act, Contract Labour Act,

Building & Other Construction Workers Act with

annual returns found to be submitted for the period

2013-14 under the provisions of the Act. Copies of

consolidated returns submitted under the provision

of the applicable labour and employees rules have



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been presented in Annexure 21.

4 New Use of blended coal As earlier discussed CGPL has carried out a stand-

alone study through M/s VishuddhEnvirotech to

assess the environmental and social implication

associated with the use of blended coal. The study

identifies that the use of blended coal will be

leading to the increase in coal handling capacity at

West Port and augmentation of operational time of


In line with the earlier audit recommendation

CGPL is yet to assess the fire safety preparedness

at West Port and potential safety risks, if any due

to increase in operational time of ICHS. This gain

importance taking into account the coal conveyor

fire incident reported in the last quarter.

Although necessary preventive measures have

been taken by CGPL to address the risk through i)

improvement of housekeeping at the ICHS area

through engagement of a dedicated contractor

having adequate manpower and ii) complying with

the ICHS preventive maintenance schedule.

However this should be supported by assessing the

potential health and safety risks resulting from the

increase in ICHS operational time.

Assess and evaluate i) fire safety

preparedness at West Port due to increased

coal storage and handling and ii) potential

safety risk, if any due to increase in ICHS

operational time.

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closure date

5 Old Safety Performance


CGPL continues to monitor safety performance of

its project through constant supervision of

contractors by dedicated and qualified health and

safety personnel and documenting the same in the

form of monthly SHE report. Further targets set as

part of the Annual Safety Action Plan are assessed

for each quarter to evaluate safety performance in

terms of actual progress/achievement. The status

of safety performance indicators for the period

2013-14 is presented in Annexure 22.

In addition to the above efforts have been made by

CGPL to enhance safety related awareness both at

village and project level through organization of

training programs, competitions and screening

safety awareness related audio-visuals



7 New Health & Safety Incidents For the period 2013-14 two fatalities and a fire

incident has been recorded.

A fatality has been reported on 19th May 2013 at

the township resulting from the injuries caused

due to sudden fall of 7-8 slabs during manual

unloading on the deceased who eventually

succumbed to injuries. Accident investigation

conducted by CGPL indicated the following key

reasons for the incident:

Improperly supported slabs during


The recommendations of the fatality

investigation report need to be

incorporated Contractor HSE Plan and

implementation to be monitored to prevent

future incidents.

Learning from LTIs to be incorporated

into the safety plan and implementation


Develop an action plan incorporating the

preventive and corrective measures

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Incorrect process followed resulting

uneven unloading

Inadequate supervision

Risk review not carried out - without

making any provision to hold the

remaining slabs.

Another fatality was reported on 14th Mar’14

which occurred from fall of an argon cylinder on a

contract worker. Preliminary investigation

indicated inadequate hazard perception by the

contractor and proper chaining of the argon

cylinders as the primary reasons of the incident.

Based on the fatality documented for the aforesaid

period CGPL is yet to incorporate the

recommendations in the Contractor HSE plan.

In addition a coal conveyor fire was reported

during the said period. A major fire took place at

the Coal Handling Plant, conveyors 4A & 4B

before entry to Junction Tower 1 at Mundra

UMPP on 14th Nov’13. It had resulted in extensive

damage to the conveyor and limited damage to the

structures and resulted in stoppage of all Units of

Mundra UMPP. Key reasons identified as part of

incident investigation was:

BCN 4B fire was initiated by burning of

identified and track implementation on a

regular basis.

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accumulated coal below the conveyor on

the deck plate.

This burning was caused by smouldering

coal spilled over from the conveyor. Fire

might have started much before it was


Preventive measures identified include:

Good housekeeping in CHP areas

including all conveyers should be

maintained. Housekeeping schedule to be

prepared & adhered. Coal Handling Shift

In charges to ensure and own the process,

as the cleaning process is outsourced.

Spilled coal after housekeeping shall not

be stored on idle conveyors.

System of regular vigilance of all the

conveyors by CGPL engineer (minimum

TWICE in a shift) to be adhered


Preventive maintenance schedule shall be

strictly adhered to. The process to be

revisited and computerized by SAP PM

module, so that history records can be

easily traced and also assist in analysis.

Smoldering coal to be doused with water

and fire should be quenched completely

before loading on conveyor.

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An action plan to be developed to incorporate and

implement the preventive and corrective measures

identified and implementation of the same need to

be tracked on a regular basis by CGPL.

8 Old Non-ionizing radiation Considering the potential occupational risks

related to EMF exposure from power transmission

lines as per the provision of IFC EHS Guidelines

for Thermal Power Plant CGPL in coordination

with PGCIL need to develop and implement an

EMF safety programas recommended in the earlier

audit findings. This also finds mention in the

Environmental and Social Policy & Procedures

(ESPP) for Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd

(PGCIL) which refers to various guidelines in this

regard key being the American Conference on

Government and Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH)

and International Commission on Non-Ionizing

Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) where the

maximum normal human exposure (up to 24 hrs a

day) has been defined at 1,000 mG or 100 μT.

CGPL to coordinate with PGCIL to assess

the EMF related occupational health and

safety risk from operations of transmission

grid to develop an EMF safety program.

As reported by CGPL PGCIL complies

with international norms for field strength

limits, which are certified by Power

Technologies Inc. where power grid

employs international certified equipment

in their lines. However this needs to be

assessed and verified during the

subsequent audits to be undertaken

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4 Compliance by CGPL with the Social Requirements

A brief summary of the social performance of the project for the period 2013-14 in consistent

with IFC & ADB requirements and applicable legislations which is to be supported by

detailed assessment and findings in table format is provided in Table 3.

4.1 Compliance to IFC & ADB Requirements

The social performance of the project is briefly outlined in this section for the period 2013-14

in consistent with the IFC Performance Standards. The matrix of assessment and findings is

presented below in Table 3 for necessary reference.

4.1.1 Community Relations Organization Structure & Capacity Building

The CR Dept consists of three staff members. Six staff members from Tata Power

Community Development Trust (TPCDT) are also involved in implementing CSR activities

at CGPL. Some of the CSR activities are implemented directly by CGPL, while most of the

CSR activities have been implemented jointly with specialized project partners such as

Pratham, AKRSP etc., which are providing qualitative and quantitative results. The

documentation process has now been developed.

With the project now in full scale operation and also due to increase in the operational area of

CSR activities, strengthening of the existing CR team is required to enhance focus on these


Supporting Community Infrastructure Development

Documentation and Reporting

SHG/artisans and entrepreneurship


Livelihood Generation.

4.1.2 Grievance Redressal Mechanism

A commitment was made by CGPL to improve the GRM through the implementation of a

online computerized Grievance Redressal Management System which is now under

implementation. GRM currently being followed is thus stronger than the one being previously

followed and commented upon earlier. Currently oral feedback or replies are made to the person

raising the grievance

4.1.3 Stakeholder Engagement Plan

A dedicated coordinator is placed in the Community Information Centre (CIC) which is

functioning under the aegis of Community Relations (CR)-CGPL. CIC is one of those

aspects, where the community comes with their suggestions and/or complaints.

Documentation and reporting has become more comprehensive, and is being carried out by

Project Partner called ―Fourth Wheel‖. Current reports including Social Audit Reports,

Project reports from partner NGOs, internal reports, Minutes of meetings, photo

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

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documentation, Annual Project Report from the partner NGOs etcare prepared, printed and

maintained regularly as per requirement. Stakeholder focused documentation and

communication newsletters are also being circulated now.. Documentation of key events has

also been undertaken alongwith preparation of the beneficiary lists. Some reports are one

time reports, but regular monthly, quarterly and annual reports are now prepared and

circulated among stakeholders. Documents and database of Land Sellers/Titleholders has

been prepared and maintained by CGPL.

A direct communication with the communities in the local language through newsletters to

highlight programs and individuals success stories is also showcased. CIC is now enhanced to

meet the requirements as were envisaged during the planning and setting up of the CIC.

4.1.4 Community Development Plan

Community Development Plan (CDP) has been prepared in fulfillment of IFC requirements.

CDP is based on the thematic areas identified and approved for CSR interventions for Tata

Power and contains all programs and initiatives by CGPL at Mundra.

There is both internal and external monitoring of CSR activities. The CDP with Annual

Business Plan (ABP) is now the basis for CSR activities for the following year. Annual status

report of completed activities is also prepared for the preceding year. The ABP developed by

CGPL encompasses the need of the communities, commitments of CGPL that are required to

comply with the commitments to lenders, and those even beyond the compliance

requirements. This is also periodically reviewed by CGPL.


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Table 3: Social Compliance Assessment & Findings


No Activity/Sub Activity Assessment Recommendations Status


closure date

1 Direct / Indirect Employment

of PAPs, PAVs, and Business


Database prepared for PAFs, and

operationalization of the system of linking and

tracking PAF wise employment and business

opportunity benefits provided, is still under


Around 55% of the employment provided to

native population of Gujarat is for the

population from Kutch and those belonging to

the region.

The completed construction phase of the project

has benefitted the PAFs in various ways,

including business opportunities in terms of

shops near project work areas, contracts for

housekeeping, green belt development, hiring

of vehicles, construction of community


CGPL has now framed and finalized the ―Rules

for Business Opportunity to Local

Community‖, that governs provision of

livelihood opportunities to PAPs, PAVs

through contracts, training, direct / indirect


Set-up and operationalize a transparent

mechanism to communicate Trainings,

local employment / contracts, and related

benefits to the PAFs and PAVs to which

the local communities can relate their

expectations. CGPL to explore the

possibility of including this aspect in the

monthly stakeholder communication tool


Open XXX

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During consultations undertaken by social

experts from SENES, it was assessed that this is

an area where the expectations are naturally

high among the PAVs as well as the peripheral

villages and there is a strong need of systematic

and regular feedback communication

mechanism required to be set-up and


2 Fodder Distribution and

supporting animal husbandry

The ―Kanthi‖ are livelihood program is

continuing to be run as a measure to mitigate

loss of grazing land as part of meeting the

project land requirement. Under this program,

gaushalas have been created and operated,

through which fodder is being distributed to

more than 4000 nos. of cattle in the adjoining

villages. These gaushalas have been

additionally supported with infrastructure such

as internal roads, cattle trough, boundary wall,

bifurcation wall and weigh bridge

Consultations undertaken by social experts of

SENES with the community leaders of

adjoining villages indicate that there is a high

level of recognition of these activities and their

benefits to the grazing communities, while

further expectations from CGPL are

Continue the mitigation in the area of fodder

distribution, and supporting animal husbandry

activities in the area.


g Long


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accommodated by prioritizing the importance

and impacts of the activities for the other


3 Engagement with fishing


Under ―Sagarbandhu‖ program, GPL is

ensuring that the fishermen community is on

the path of development, by strengthening of

village institutions in the fishing villages

surrounding the project, supporting livelihood

related trainings, infrastructure development

and convergence with government schemes.

A separate ―Fisheries Information Centre (FIC)

was also set-up in Tragadi Bunder, to serve as

community interaction and information

exchange medium. In addition, the concept of

women SHGs is now extended to these fishing

villages, and educational support programs

have also been extended. Several options are

being explored and being worked out in more

details on livelihood alternatives for the fishing

communities, and means to enhance their

current livelihoods. These fishing communities

have also been supported with infrastructure

either directly through NGOs or through use of

Continue engagement with, and

community development for the fishing

communities, including MASS



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government sponsored schemes. Includes

interventions in providing basic utilities such as

water and electricity.

Livelihood alternatives and development

related interventions have been assessed to be

quite elaborate, and included shrimp farming,

lobster farming, pickle making, fish drying,

weather information and potential fishing zone

identification, offshore security.

Consultations undertaken by social experts of

SENES with the fishing communities indicate

that there is a high level of recognition of these

activities and their benefits to the fishing

communities, while further expectations from

CGPL are accommodated by prioritizing the

importance and impacts of the activities

4 Women Empowerment:

Creation of new and

continuation of existing SHGs

to cater to empowerment and

financial literacy of rural

Under ―Vartika‖ project CGPL through its

partner NGOs has continued to interact and

support the existing SHGs, while creating new

SHGs during 2013-14, especially the fisher

folk SHG women under ―Sagarbandhu‖

Continue working with women SHGs, as

per the Community Development Plan,

and integrate feedback received through

stakeholder interactions and monitoring &

evaluation of these programs.



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women, nurturing sustainability

for inclusive growth


5 Civil Infrastructure:

Social capital and infrastructure

is being created through 5

different programs

―Surya Prakash‖ - Increased use of sustainable

energy & technology in villages

―Annapurna‖ – focusses on Biogas

―Varsha‖ – focusses on natural resource

management structures

―Nirman‖ – aims to improve and enhance

infrastructure facilities of surrounding


―Akshay Urja Pradeep‖ – a green solution of

lighting fishing boats using solar energy,

improving livelihood profitability and working

towards a sustainable future of fishermen

A significant number of activities have been

undertrtaken under all these programs

benefitting the local communities in various

ways, and with constant interactions with them.

Consultations undertaken by social experts of

SENES with the local communities indicate

that there is a fair recognition of these activities

and their benefits, while further expectations

Continue the civil infrastructure planned as

per the Community Development Plan,

and integrate feedback received through

stakeholder interactions and monitoring &

evaluation of these programs.



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from CGPL are accommodated by prioritizing

the importance and impacts of the activities.

6 Education:

CGPL is undertaking two

major programs to augment the

rural education system in the

surrounding region

Under ―Shiksha Saarthi‖ program, volunteer

classes, fairs, events, educational exposure

visits are being organized, and support to

implement government sponsored schemes is

being provided.

Several science fairs, learning camps, science

workshops, parents involvement activities,

library projects, language improvement

programs were organized by CGPL through its

partner NGO.

Under ―Sujaan‖ value added computer literacy

programs are being organized, in all the schools

of the nearby villages through its partner NGO.

A general appreciation of these education

programs was expressed during consultations

by social expert during the audits, while no

specific feedback or recommendation was

obtained during these consultations.

CGPL to continue these programs and

improve them based on feedback obtained

through systematic surveys planned by

CGPL through external agencies, and

CGPL’s interactions with the






7 Health:

CGPL is carrying out 3

programs through which health

care facilities are being built

and strengthened in the region.

Under the ―Arogya‖ program, school and

community health camps are being organized

that are creating awareness on sanitation and

health, overlooking sponsored operations and

advocacy initiatives. Includes dental camps,

CGPL to continue these programs and

improve them based on feedback obtained

through systematic surveys planned by

CGPL through external agencies, and

CGPL’s interactions with the



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general health camps, eye check up camps for


Under the ―Swachh Jal‖ program, safe drinking

water is made available in surrounding villages,

by installing RO plants and organizing monthly

maintenance visits.

A general appreciation of these health programs

was expressed during consultations by social

expert during the audits, while no specific

feedback or recommendation was obtained

during these consultations.


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5 Compliance with Country Requirements

The project has received Environmental Clearance from MoEF, Forest and Coastal

Regulation Zone Clearances from the Gujarat Department of Forests & Environment and

Consent to Establish from the Gujarat Pollution Control Board. Further CGPL has also

obtained EC from MoEF for expansion of the proposed project to 4150 MW including

amendment of the EC conditions dated 5th

April 2007. CGPL has also obtained Consolidated

Consent and Authorization (CC&A) for operation of five units from Gujarat Pollution

Control Board (GPCB).

Inspection or review of CGPL’s environmental and safety compliance provisions for the

project does not reveal any non-compliance. Preliminary assessment does not indicate any

significant deviations / non-compliance with respect to national laws on social issues. No

other regulatory compliances have been assessed to be required for implementing EMP. With

all units currently under operation the key EC, CRZ and CC&A conditions have been

reviewed in terms of its environmental and social implication with its compliance and/or

action status being outlined in the Table 4 below.

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Table 4: Status of Project EC, CRZ and CC&A Compliance & Action Status


No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

A Environmental Clearance dated 2nd

Mar’07 & Corrigendum dated 26th


A.1 Imported coal consumption shall not

exceed 12 million tonnes per annum and

ash and sulphur content in the coal to be

used in the project shall not exceed 10%

and 1 % respectively

Refer to Sl.No. 4 & 5 of Table 1 for


A.2 One tri-flue and one bi-flue stacks of

275m each shall be provided with

continuous online monitoring

equipment’s. Exit velocity of 25m/sec

shall be maintained.

One tri-flue and bi-flue chimney have

been erected and has been operational

from August and December 2011


Continuous Emission Monitoring System

(CEMS) has been installed and data

recorded for all operational units (Refer

Annexure 7). Manual monitoring results

for the period 2012-13 for indicates that

average flue gas velocity to be 25.1 m/sec

which is found to be closely meeting the

velocity specified in the EC.

A.3 High efficiency ESPs with efficiency not

less than 99.9% shall be installed to

ensure that PM emission does not exceed

100 mg/Nm3.

ESP erection commenced and completed

for Unit#1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. Interpretation of

CEMS and manual monitoring data

recorded for all 5 units during 2013-14

reveals compliance to PM emission

standard specified in EC (Refer

Annexure 8 & 9).

A.4 Adequate dust extraction and dust

suppression system such as bag filters and

water spray systems in dusty such as coal

and ash handling areas shall be provided.

Fixed water sprinklers have been

provided and operated near coal stockpile

area to control fugitive dust generation.

Dry fogging system and water sprinklers

have been installed at coal conveyor and

at junction towers to control fugitive


Fugitive emissions at ash handling areas

viz. ash silo is being controlled through

installation of bag filters.

Additionally to control fugitive emissions

from coal stockpile and conveyor the

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No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

following measures has been


Construction of wind barrier along the

facility boundary wall near the coal


Installation of physical barriers along

coal conveyor.

Development of green belt at the

ICHS area

A.5 Fly Ash shall be collected in dry form and

shall be used in a phased manner as per

provision of the notification on Fly Ash

Utilization issued by the Ministry III

September, 19991 and its amendment. By

the end of 9th

year full fly ash utilization

should be ensured. Unutilized ash shall be

disposed off in the ash pond in the form

of High Concentration Slurry.

Refer Sl.No.6 of Table 1 for details with

respect to fly ash utilization.

A.6 Rain water harvesting shall be practiced.

A detailed scheme for the rain water

harvesting to recharge the ground water

aquifer shall be prepared in consultation

with Central ground water Authorities/

state ground water board and a copy of

the same shall be submitted within three

months to the ministry.

Rain Water Harvesting plan has been

approved by CGWB.

A.7 The treated effluents shall conform to the

prescribed standards before discharge

Regular monitoring of ETP treated

effluent is being carried out by CGPL for

parameters specified in the World Bank

EHS Guidelines, 1998. For further details

please refer to Sl.No. 16 of Table 1.

A.8 Regular monitoring of ground water in

and around the ash pond shall be carried

out and records maintained

Regular monitoring of ground water is

being carried out by CGPL from 10 bore

wells located near the ash pond area and

records maintained. In line with the

earlier audit recommendation arsenic and

mercury is also being monitored in bore

well water from Nov-12 onwards and is

1 The 1999 Notification has been amended by Fly Ash Notification 2003 by which 100% utilization of fly ash

need to be ensured from 4th year onward instead of 9th year as per the earlier notification.

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No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

found to be below detectable limits.

A.9 Ash pond shall be lined with impervious


The ash pond has been provided with

impervious lining comprising of HDPE

and reinforced concrete.

A.10 Suitable system shall be provided to

reduce water temperature at the final

discharge point so that the resultant rise in

the temperature of receiving water does

not exceed 7°C over and above the

ambient temperature of the receiving

water body.

Refer to Sl.No.9 of Table 1 for further

details related to cooling water discharge


A.11 Criteria pollutant levels including NOx,

RSPM (PM10 & PM2.5), SOx (from stack

and ambient air) shall be regularly

monitored and results displayed in your

website and also at the main gate of the

power plant.

Monthly ambient air quality monitoring

of criteria pollutants is already under

progress at the project site and nearby

villages (both upwind and downwind) viz.

Tunda, Vandh etc. Also in view of the

complaints raised by MASS also based on

earlier audit recommendations ambient air

quality is being regularly monitored by

CGPL at Tragadi fishing village from

Jun’12 onwards (Refer Annexure 14 &

15). The air quality data so obtained is

being electronically displayed at the main

gate of the plant while the six monthly

compliance reports bearing both ambient

and continuous emission monitoring data

has been uploaded at the Tata Power


A.12 Conservation and development of

mangroves species found in this area shall

be taken up with a conservation plan duly

approved by State Forest Department.

The ―Mangrove Afforestation Program‖

has been undertaken and completed by

CGPL in collaboration with Gujarat

Ecological Commission (GEC) and

Kantiyajal Tavar Vikas Samiti (KTVS)

from Oct’10 and has been effectively

implemented in ~1000 ha land in the

coastal village of Kantiyajal, Bharuch

district thereby complying with the EC



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No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

A.13 A 100m wide green belt will be

developed all around the plant, ash pond

and township covering 1/3rd

of the total

project area under green belt development

Nearly about 230 ha of the project site has

been covered under green belt

development till Mar’14. For further

details please refer to Annexure 1.

A.14 Leq noise level should be limited to 75

dB(A) and regular maintenance of

equipment to be undertaken.

Regular monitoring of Leq noise level is

being carried out by CGPL both at

various location within project and village

areas to check conformance with noise

standard specified for both industrial and

residential area. Review of results

obtained for the project site locations for

the period 2013-14 reveals compliance to

both day (75 dBA) and night time noise

(70 dBA) standard specified for industrial

area. The noise levels monitored at the

project site has been graphically presented

in Annexure 17 for reference.

A.15 It shall be ensured that an in-built

monitoring mechanism for the schemes

identified under CSR activities are in

place and annual social audit shall be got

done from the nearest government

institute of repute. The project proponent

shall also submit the status of

implementation of the scheme from time

to time.

In house monitoring mechanism for CSR

activities is in place.

Social Audit being undertaken and the

report shall be submitted to MoEF

B Consolidate Consent & Authorization (CC&A)

B.1 Install online opacity meter and online

monitoring facility and operate regularly

and maintain the record on daily basis

Refer to section A.2 and A.3

B.2 Provide centralize dusting facility as well

as enclosed system to belt conveyer to

control fugitive emission in the premises

as well as surrounding area.

Coal is being evacuated from West Port to

the ICSH area through ~9km long

enclosed belt conveyor equipped with

water sprays to control fugitive emission.

B.2 No ground water shall be used for the

project coming under dark zone even in

lean season without permission of

competent authority

Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) has

been commissioned and operated by

CGPL since Sep’11 to meet the water


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No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

B.3 Adequate dust extraction system such as

cyclones/bag filter and water spray

system in dusty areas such as in coal

handling, ash handling and other places

shall be provided to control fugitive


Refer to section A.4.

B.4 Provide suitable system at the intake

water line and outlet of the sea discharge

and maintain the record for the same on

regular basis.

Water meters have been installed at

appropriate locations to monitor cooling

water intake and outfall discharges rates

on a continuous basis.

B.5. The generation and discharge of industrial

effluent from the manufacturing process

and other ancillary industrial operations

after addition of Phase IV and Phase V

shall not exceed 14992500.00 KL/Day

Discharges through the outfall channel are

being regularly monitored by CGPL. The

average discharge rate for the period

2013-14 is found to be 124518882

KL/day which is in compliance with

threshold limit specified for such

discharges in the Consolidated Consent

issued by GPCB.

B.6. The discharge from the project activities

i.e. final treated effluent shall not exceed

the temperature more than 7°C than the

intake water temperature.

Refer section A.10

B.7. On line monitoring shall be adopted and

continuous display of the temperature of

the return effluent before disposal into the

sea shall be made at all appropriate places

including the gate of the power plant.

Online monitoring of cooling water

temperature is being carried out

throughout the outfall channel at specific

locations and records maintained. CW

temperature details are displayed on the

display board along with ambient air and

flue gas emission information

B.8. The quantity of the domestic waste water

(Sewage) after addition of Phase IV and

Phase V shall not exceed 535 KL/Day.

Review of domestic sewage treatment

record for the period 2013-14 reveals

generation varying within 8-15 KLD

which is in conformance to the limit

specified in the CTO.

B.9. The treated effluent from the

manufacturing and other ancillary

operation shall conform to the following


Condensate Cooling Water: pH

(6.5 to 8.5) and Free Available

Review of analytical results of condensate

cooling water for the period 2013-14

reveals compliance to the standards

specified for the said pollutants.

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No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

Chlorine (0.5 mg/l)

Ash Pond Effluent: pH (6.5-8.5);

TSS (100 mg/l) and Oil & Grease

(20 mg/l)

B.10 The quality of the sewage shall conform

to the following standards

BOD 5 days at 20°C (20 mg/l);

TSS (30 mg/l) and

Residual Chlorine (minimum 0.5


Refer to Sl.No.17 of Table 1 for further

details related to STP treated water


B.11 The final treated effluent conforming to

the above standards shall be disposed into

the deep sea by the discharge point as per

the recommendation and suggestion given

by NIO.

The project has been designed based on

once through cooling system with the

cooling being discharged into the sea

through a 7.3 long outfall channel.

Further such cooling water discharge

location has been selected based on the

thermal and salinity dispersion modeling

undertaken by NIO.

B.12 The following shall be used as fuel after

addition of Phase IV and Phase V in the

boiler/ furnace / Thermic fluid Heater /

D.G Sets as following rates:

Imported Coal: 14,13,600


Fuel Oil: 6000 MT/month

LDO: 45 KL/month

Review of the monthly consumption

records of coal, HFO and LDO for the

period 2013-14 as specified in the CCA

has been provided below:


April 2013 – 794081 MT

May 2013 – 1051100 MT

June 2013 - 1198625 MT

July 2013 – 932895 MT

Aug 2013 – 835961 MT

Sep 2013 - 877434 MT

Oct 2013 – 953780 MT

Nov 2013 – 613779 MT

Dec 2013 - 1102794 MT

Jan 2014 – 958085 MT

Feb 2014 – 1086302 MT

Mar 2014 - 1091024 MT

Fuel Oil

April 2013 – 768 MT

May 2013 – 408 MT

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 56 SENES


No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

June 2013 - 284 MT

July 2013 – 151 MT

Aug 2013 – 315 MT

Sep 2013 - 310 MT

Oct 2013 – 255 MT

Nov 2013 – 647 MT

Dec 2013 - 175 MT

Jan 2014 – Nil

Feb 2014 – Nil

Mar 2014 - 320 MT


April 2013 – 77 KL

May 2013 – 64 KL

June 2013 - 82 KL

July 2013 – 16 KL

Aug 2013 – 51 KL

Sep 2013 - 83 KL

Oct 2013 – 19 KL

Nov 2013 – 147 KL

Dec 2013 - 45 KL

Jan 2014 – 60 KL

Feb 2014 – 455 KL

Mar 2014 - 77 KL

Review of the consumption records for

the coal and HFO reveals conformance to

limits specified in the CCA however for

LDO the monthly consumption was found

to exceed the threshold for the months of

Apr-Jun’13, Aug -Sep’13, Nov’13 and


B.13 The applicant shall install & operate air

pollution control system after addition of

Phase IV and Phase V in order to

achieve flue gas emission norms as

prescribed below:

PM – 50 mg/Nm3

SO2 – 100 ppm

NOx – 50 ppm

Refer to Sl.No.11 of Table 1 for further


Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 57 SENES


No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

B.14. The industry shall take adequate measures

for control of noise levels from its own

sources within the premises so as to

maintain ambient air quality standards in

respect of noise to less than 75dB(a)

during day time and 70 dB (A) during

night time.

Refer to section A.14

B.15. The concentration of the air pollutant

parameters in the ambient air within the

premises of the industry shall not exceed

the limits specified as per national

Ambient Air Quality Emission Standards

issued by Ministry of Environment and

Forest dated 16th


Monthly ambient air quality is being

regularly monitored at 3 locations within

the project site viz labour colony, CGPL

hostel and near the main gate of the

project site (Refer Annexure 15).

Interpretation of the Jan-Mar’14

monitoring results of ambient at the

aforesaid locations revealed conformance

to National Ambient Air Quality

Standards (NAAQS) except for the

average concentration of PM10 ranging

within 104.5-164.0 mg/Nm3. This can be

possibly attributed to arid climatic

conditions along with contribution from

fugitive emission generated from

vehicular traffic.

B.16 Records of waste generation, its

management and annual return shall be

submitted to Gujarat Pollution Control

Board in Form —4 by 31s, January of

every year.

Refer to Sl.No.8 of Table 1 for further


B.17 Industry shall have to display the relevant

information with regard to hazardous

waste as indicated in the Hon Supreme

Court's order in W.P. No.657 of 1995

dated 14th October 2003.

Refer to Sl.No.8 of Table 1 for further


B.18 Industry shall have to display on-line data

outside the main factory gate with regard

to quantity and nature of hazardous

chemicals being handled in the plant,

including wastewater and air emissions

Online display board has been installed at

the main gate and details regarding

ambient air, air emission and waste water

quality are displayed. Details regarding

hazardous waste generation is being

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 58 SENES


No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

and solid hazardous waste generated

within the factory premises.

displayed manually and is yet to be

displayed online.

C CRZ Clearance dated 25th

Apr’07 and amendment dated 9th


C.1 Regular monitoring of thermal dispersion

to be carried out and report submitted to

the Ministry

Refer to Sl.No.9 & 10 of Table 1 for

details regarding model conformity study.

C.2 The fishing activities and movement of

fishermen on the coast should not be

affected. Appropriate measure such as

bridges or walkways over the channel

should be provided.

Constructed access road as alternate road

for Tragadi harbor from Balaji Salt pan


C.3 No Objection Certificate from the Gujarat

State Pollution Control Board should be

obtained before starting the project

Consent to Establish (NOC) obtained by

CGPL on 17th

July, 2007.

C.4 It shall be ensured that the cooling water

before discharge shall confirm to the

standards laid down by Gujarat State

Pollution Control Board and Central

Pollution Control Board.

Refer section A.10.

C.5 Continuous monitoring of the temperature

at the discharge point should be provided.

Regular online monitoring of cooling

water temperature is being carried out at

the bridge constructed over the outfall

channel near the ash pond area. In this

regard CGPL has also engaged a

monitoring agency to undertake regular

monitoring of cooling water discharge

parameters near outfall point from Apr’12

onwards. For further details please refer

to Annexure 6 & 7.

C.6 The canal should be constructed in such a

manner that no percolation takes place to

the ground water.

The outfall channel of total length 7.3 Km

is lined with impervious material to

prevent any cooling water percolating to

ground water aquifers.

C.7 The end of discharge weir shall be

designed to ensure that the tidal water

does not find its way into the pre-cooling

channel. Further, it shall be ensured that

Specification in the procurement order

was verified to be in compliance with

these requirements and meet the required

standards. This is further substantiated by

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 59 SENES


No. Summary of Key Condition Compliance/Action Status

the hot water discharge is uniformly

spread over the radial region in front and

mixing of warm water with the ambient

receiving water is maximum.

the cooling water temperature recorded

for the period 2013-14.

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 60 SENES

6 List of Photographs

Photo1: Ambient Air Monitoring &

Meteorological Data Recording Station at site

Photo2: Haz, waste storage containers without

proper labeling/signages

Photo3: Absence of spill kit & fire extinguisher

at haz. waste storage area

Photo 4: Discharge of ash pond supernatant into

outfall channel

Photo5: Manual Display of Information on

Project Effluent, Emissions and Wastes

Photo6: Ash Pond at the CGPL site

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 61 SENES

Photo7: Concrete tiles of ash dyke being

subjected to subsidence/damage

Photo8: Bottom ash dumped on inner concrete

lining of the ash pond

Photo9: Fixed Water Sprinkler at Coal

Conveyor Area

Photo10: Usage of concrete blocks to prevent

shore line erosion near Tragadi Bunder

Photo11: Corroded and damaged piping network of the labour colony awaiting replacement

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 62 SENES

Photo12: Housekeeping in progress below the

coal conveyor within the plant

Photo13: Green belt along the coal conveyor

Photo14: ETP at Project Site Photo15: Water sprinkling in progress at the ash

silo area

Photo16: Ash Silo at Project Site Photo17: Ash Slurry Pipeline

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 63 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 11-12) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

September 2013 64 SENES

Annexure 1: Green Belt Development Details (Apr’13 to Mar’14)













Rate (%)







Apr-13 24456 257901 251106 97.4 312.5 126.5

May-13 0 257901 251106 97.4 312.5 126.5

Jun-13 1300 259201 252106 97.3 313.5 126.9

Jul-13 19550 278751 271656 97.5 332.8 134.7

Aug-13 20000 298751 293377 98.2 352.6 142.7

Sep-13 2515 301266 294171 97.6 355.1 143.7

Oct-13 0 301266 286547 95.1 355.1 143.7

Nov-13 5438 306704 288879 94.2 360.5 145.9

Dec-13 0 306704 287523 93.7 360.5 145.9

Jan-14 5500 312204 284348 91.1 365.9 148.1

Feb-14 25472 337676 314280 93.1 391.0 158.3

Mar-14 178200 515876 492480 95.5 567.2 229.5

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 65 SENES

Annexure 2: Blended Coal Quality Used (Apr’13 to Mar’14)

Month U#10 U#20 U#30 U#40 U#50

Ash Content in Blended Coal Used

Apr-13 4.78% 4.67% 4.70% 4.68% 4.64%

May-13 4.66% 4.48% 4.60% 4.76% 4.52%

Jun-13 4.47% 4.37% 4.41% 4.39% 4.46%

Jul-13 4.79% 5.61% 4.71% 4.53% 4.75%

Aug-13 4.61% 4.45% 4.43% 4.02% 4.43%

Sep-13 4.89% 4.78% 4.91% 4.15% 5.40%

Oct-13 4.35% 7.50% 5.21% 3.90% 5.33%

Nov-13 4.53% 5.82% 4.42% 4.24% 4.41%

Dec-13 5.83% 4.26% 4.27% 4.38% 4.29%

Jan-14 5.62% 5.28% 5.52% 5.49% 6.35%

Feb-14 4.17% 4.13% 4.16% 4.09% 4.26%

Mar-14 4.01% 3.98% 3.89% 4.04% 4.07%

Sulfur Content in Blended Coal Used

Apr-13 0.28% 0.26% 0.26% 0.27% 0.26%

May-13 0.26% 0.25% 0.24% 0.28% 0.24%

Jun-13 0.21% 0.19% 0.20% 0.20% 0.21%

Jul-13 0.28% 0.27% 0.27% 0.25% 0.28%

Aug-13 0.24% 0.24% 0.24% 0.19% 0.22%

Sep-13 0.30% 0.28% 0.29% 0.21% 0.35%

Oct-13 0.22% 0.37% 0.25% 0.21% 0.33%

Nov-13 0.24% 0.38% 0.23% 0.22% 0.23%

Dec-13 0.24% 0.21% 0.21% 0.22% 0.21%

Jan-14 0.33% 0.32% 0.32% 0.32% 0.41%

Feb-14 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.24% 0.26%

Mar-14 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20% 0.20%

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 66 SENES

Annexure 3: Copy of Approved Fly Ash Utilization Note

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 67 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 68 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 69 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 70 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 71 SENES

Annexure 4: Fly Ash Utilization Report for FY 2013-14

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 72 SENES

Annexure 5: Copy of HW Returns in Form IV (2013-14)

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 73 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 74 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 75 SENES

Annexure 6: Online Cooling Water Temperature Monitoring Record (2013-14)


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

01/10/2013 29.310 34.169 34.037 34.538 34.288 4.859 4.978

02/10/2013 29.470 34.622 34.554 35.059 34.807 5.151 5.337

03/10/2013 30.002 35.233 35.334 35.853 35.594 5.231 5.592

04/10/2013 30.457 35.235 35.357 35.927 35.642 4.778 5.185

05/10/2013 30.468 35.177 35.684 36.084 35.884 4.709 5.416

06/10/2013 30.406 34.602 34.550 34.888 34.719 4.196 4.313

07/10/2013 30.148 35.001 35.518 36.061 35.789 4.852 5.641

08/10/2013 30.111 35.227 35.534 35.883 35.709 5.116 5.597

09/10/2013 29.861 34.277 34.676 34.953 34.814 4.415 4.953

10/10/2013 29.598 34.702 34.931 35.562 35.246 5.103 5.648

11/10/2013 29.702 34.337 34.692 35.100 34.896 4.635 5.194

12/10/2013 30.276 34.671 34.748 35.051 34.900 4.395 4.624

13/10/2013 30.505 34.981 34.724 34.895 34.809 4.476 4.305

14/10/2013 30.510 35.269 35.098 35.432 35.265 4.759 4.755

15/10/2013 30.594 35.645 34.660 35.126 34.893 5.050 4.299

16/10/2013 30.825 35.365 34.525 35.063 34.794 4.540 3.969

17/10/2013 30.671 35.367 34.543 35.022 34.782 4.696 4.111

18/10/2013 30.625 35.086 34.100 34.377 34.238 4.461 3.613

19/10/2013 30.583 35.578 34.459 34.916 34.688 4.995 4.105

20/10/2013 30.479 35.790 34.597 35.080 34.838 5.311 4.359

21/10/2013 30.346 34.963 34.228 34.585 34.406 4.617 4.060

22/10/2013 30.251 35.356 34.286 34.710 34.498 5.105 4.247

23/10/2013 29.866 35.374 34.273 34.482 34.378 5.508 4.512

24/10/2013 29.216 34.950 33.705 33.982 33.844 5.734 4.628

25/10/2013 29.123 34.151 33.150 33.855 33.503 5.028 4.379

26/10/2013 29.002 33.815 32.752 33.625 33.188 4.813 4.187

27/10/2013 29.307 33.946 32.698 33.608 33.153 4.639 3.845

28/10/2013 29.709 34.522 33.377 34.168 33.772 4.813 4.063

29/10/2013 29.657 34.690 33.637 34.440 34.038 5.033 4.382

30/10/2013 29.535 34.562 34.005 34.529 34.267 5.027 4.732

31/10/2013 29.757 34.924 34.703 35.288 34.995 5.167 5.239

01/11/2013 29.610 34.841 34.973 35.362 35.167 5.231 5.557

02/11/2013 29.675 34.912 35.029 35.576 35.303 5.237 5.628

03/11/2013 29.533 34.168 33.789 34.440 34.115 4.635 4.581

04/11/2013 29.313 33.893 33.372 33.820 33.596 4.580 4.283

05/11/2013 29.066 33.433 32.969 33.314 33.142 4.367 4.076

06/11/2013 29.099 33.743 33.464 34.050 33.757 4.645 4.658

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 76 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

07/11/2013 28.855 33.587 33.358 33.788 33.573 4.732 4.717

08/11/2013 28.476 33.301 32.984 33.593 33.288 4.825 4.812

11/9/2013 27.568 32.446 31.985 32.537 32.261 4.878 4.693

11/10/2013 26.891 31.730 31.028 31.459 31.244 4.839 4.353

11/11/2013 26.700 31.599 31.071 31.628 31.349 4.899 4.649

11/12/2013 26.798 31.918 31.794 32.097 31.945 5.119 5.147

11/13/2013 26.923 31.884 31.576 32.063 31.820 4.961 4.896

11/14/2013 26.686 28.057 26.496 26.828 26.662 1.371 -0.024

11/15/2013 26.959 26.878 26.217 26.575 26.396 -0.082 -0.563

11/16/2013 26.850 26.724 25.640 25.996 25.818 -0.126 -1.032

11/17/2013 26.507 26.422 25.192 25.535 25.364 -0.085 -1.143

11/18/2013 25.942 25.941 24.684 25.033 24.859 -0.001 -1.083

11/19/2013 25.693 25.607 24.461 24.814 24.638 -0.087 -1.056

11/20/2013 25.544 25.564 24.855 25.204 25.030 0.020 -0.515

11/21/2013 25.880 25.920 25.526 25.892 25.709 0.041 -0.171

11/22/2013 26.325 26.807 26.779 27.112 26.945 0.482 0.620

11/23/2013 26.518 27.638 28.244 28.972 28.608 1.120 2.090

11/24/2013 26.527 29.470 30.093 30.558 30.325 2.943 3.798

11/25/2013 26.439 30.451 30.856 31.317 31.087 4.012 4.648

11/26/2013 26.667 30.625 31.500 31.932 31.716 3.958 5.049

11/27/2013 26.552 30.424 31.634 32.080 31.857 3.872 5.305

11/28/2013 26.567 30.372 31.621 32.039 31.830 3.805 5.263

11/29/2013 26.306 30.391 29.807 31.016 30.411 4.085 4.106

11/30/2013 25.854 30.149 29.458 30.522 29.990 4.295 4.136

12/1/2013 25.726 30.975 30.437 31.075 30.756 5.248 5.030

12/2/2013 25.801 31.252 31.140 31.565 31.353 5.451 5.551

12/3/2013 25.786 31.041 31.068 31.485 31.276 5.255 5.491

12/4/2013 25.365 30.616 30.303 30.758 30.531 5.250 5.165

12/5/2013 25.296 30.646 30.319 30.738 30.528 5.350 5.232

12/6/2013 25.305 30.716 30.571 30.951 30.761 5.411 5.456

12/7/2013 25.388 30.716 30.744 31.095 30.920 5.328 5.532

12/8/2013 25.456 30.642 30.606 30.976 30.791 5.187 5.335

12/9/2013 25.590 30.790 30.824 31.248 31.036 5.200 5.446

12/10/2013 25.525 30.787 30.818 31.200 31.009 5.263 5.484

12/11/2013 25.096 30.685 30.533 30.958 30.745 5.589 5.649

12/12/2013 25.040 30.577 30.301 30.771 30.536 5.537 5.496

12/13/2013 24.814 30.276 30.119 30.553 30.336 5.462 5.521

12/14/2013 24.790 30.260 30.163 30.510 30.337 5.469 5.547

12/15/2013 24.815 30.257 30.377 30.668 30.522 5.442 5.708

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 77 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

12/16/2013 25.027 30.236 30.343 30.666 30.505 5.209 5.477

12/17/2013 24.947 30.389 30.392 30.748 30.570 5.443 5.623

12/18/2013 25.079 31.248 30.764 30.936 30.850 6.168 5.771

12/19/2013 25.137 31.376 30.973 31.233 31.103 6.239 5.966

12/20/2013 24.880 31.195 30.429 30.743 30.586 6.314 5.706

12/21/2013 23.938 30.240 29.186 29.480 29.333 6.302 5.395

12/22/2013 23.574 29.771 28.270 28.833 28.552 6.197 4.978

12/23/2013 23.061 29.690 27.531 28.178 27.855 6.630 4.794

12/24/2013 22.350 29.544 27.141 27.399 27.270 7.194 4.920

12/25/2013 22.262 28.209 26.270 27.349 26.810 5.947 4.548

12/26/2013 22.196 28.065 26.269 27.406 26.837 5.868 4.641

12/27/2013 22.102 27.742 26.134 27.344 26.739 5.640 4.637

12/28/2013 21.849 27.402 26.826 27.155 26.991 5.552 5.141

12/29/2013 21.396 27.002 26.245 26.610 26.427 5.605 5.031

12/30/2013 21.543 27.218 26.563 26.897 26.730 5.675 5.187

12/31/2013 20.872 26.493 25.706 25.983 25.844 5.622 4.973

7/1/2013 31.093 37.447 36.385 36.681 36.533 6.353 5.440

7/2/2013 31.406 37.172 36.002 36.367 36.184 5.766 4.778

7/3/2013 31.067 36.776 35.407 35.942 35.675 5.709 4.608

7/4/2013 30.361 36.164 34.785 35.705 35.245 5.803 4.884

7/5/2013 29.553 35.815 34.488 35.740 35.114 6.262 5.561

7/6/2013 29.687 35.285 34.334 36.090 35.212 5.598 5.525

7/7/2013 30.012 35.792 34.793 36.800 35.796 5.780 5.784

7/8/2013 30.052 36.368 35.133 37.209 36.171 6.316 6.119

7/9/2013 30.165 36.224 34.929 37.399 36.164 6.058 5.999

7/10/2013 29.829 35.543 34.160 37.468 35.814 5.713 5.985

7/11/2013 29.609 35.885 34.562 37.308 35.935 6.275 6.326

7/12/2013 29.714 35.765 34.443 37.575 36.009 6.052 6.295

7/13/2013 29.301 35.330 33.906 37.149 35.528 6.029 6.227

7/14/2013 28.951 34.807 33.358 36.767 35.062 5.856 6.111

7/15/2013 28.999 34.479 32.986 37.025 35.005 5.480 6.006

7/16/2013 28.922 34.776 33.210 37.370 35.290 5.854 6.368

7/17/2013 29.109 35.563 33.799 38.183 35.991 6.453 6.882

7/18/2013 29.723 35.590 34.308 38.487 36.398 5.867 6.674

7/19/2013 29.468 35.299 33.881 37.972 35.927 5.831 6.459

7/20/2013 29.492 35.423 34.050 36.186 35.118 5.930 5.625

7/21/2013 29.738 35.273 33.655 33.975 33.815 5.535 4.077

7/22/2013 29.818 36.012 34.646 34.802 34.724 6.194 4.906

7/23/2013 29.702 35.877 34.589 34.746 34.668 6.175 4.966

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 78 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

7/24/2013 29.547 35.731 34.390 34.569 34.480 6.184 4.933

7/25/2013 29.566 35.740 34.314 34.467 34.391 6.174 4.824

7/26/2013 29.701 35.641 34.244 34.303 34.273 5.939 4.572

7/27/2013 29.687 35.431 33.954 34.285 34.120 5.744 4.433

7/28/2013 29.714 35.324 33.962 34.068 34.015 5.610 4.300

7/29/2013 28.696 34.708 33.238 33.639 33.439 6.012 4.742

7/30/2013 28.224 34.526 32.977 33.361 33.169 6.302 4.945

7/31/2013 28.566 34.788 33.269 33.721 33.495 6.222 4.930

8/1/2013 28.726 34.820 33.426 33.744 33.585 6.093 4.859

8/2/2013 28.860 34.779 33.368 33.662 33.515 5.919 4.655

8/3/2013 28.591 34.600 33.084 33.480 33.282 6.009 4.691

8/4/2013 28.231 34.389 32.834 33.148 32.991 6.159 4.760

8/5/2013 28.448 35.413 33.963 34.197 34.080 6.965 5.632

8/6/2013 28.823 35.539 34.040 34.325 34.182 6.716 5.359

8/7/2013 28.785 35.494 33.916 34.289 34.103 6.709 5.318

8/8/2013 29.011 35.835 34.379 34.518 34.448 6.824 5.438

8/9/2013 29.092 35.504 33.866 34.258 34.062 6.412 4.970

8/10/2013 28.508 34.652 32.916 33.348 33.132 6.143 4.623

8/11/2013 28.506 34.919 33.352 33.741 33.546 6.412 5.040

8/12/2013 28.832 35.110 33.699 34.173 33.936 6.278 5.103

8/13/2013 28.954 35.356 33.875 34.206 34.040 6.403 5.087

8/14/2013 28.789 34.965 33.410 33.816 33.613 6.176 4.824

8/15/2013 28.748 33.949 32.798 32.901 32.849 5.202 4.102

8/16/2013 28.830 33.920 33.237 33.072 33.154 5.090 4.324

8/17/2013 28.977 34.302 33.636 33.504 33.570 5.325 4.593

8/18/2013 28.913 34.144 33.519 33.121 33.320 5.231 4.407

8/19/2013 28.466 33.827 33.191 32.950 33.071 5.361 4.604

8/20/2013 27.432 32.662 32.117 32.543 32.330 5.230 4.898

8/21/2013 27.706 33.390 31.876 32.571 32.224 5.684 4.517

8/22/2013 27.900 34.226 32.912 33.375 33.144 6.326 5.243

8/23/2013 28.410 33.624 33.517 33.663 33.590 5.214 5.180

8/24/2013 28.196 33.563 33.392 33.511 33.452 5.368 5.256

8/25/2013 28.109 32.934 32.960 33.053 33.006 4.825 4.897

8/26/2013 28.821 33.242 33.452 33.690 33.571 4.421 4.750

8/27/2013 29.902 33.264 33.504 33.707 33.606 3.362 3.704

8/28/2013 30.052 33.418 34.040 34.052 34.046 3.366 3.994

8/29/2013 30.337 34.197 34.786 34.841 34.814 3.860 4.477

8/30/2013 30.403 34.856 34.189 33.788 33.989 4.452 3.586

8/31/2013 30.241 35.199 34.901 35.281 35.091 4.959 4.850

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 79 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

9/1/2013 30.184 34.646 34.466 34.727 34.596 4.462 4.412

9/2/2013 30.022 34.660 34.532 34.801 34.667 4.637 4.644

9/3/2013 29.933 34.419 34.245 34.596 34.420 4.486 4.488

9/4/2013 29.810 34.441 34.407 34.360 34.383 4.631 4.573

9/5/2013 29.881 35.040 35.198 35.119 35.158 5.159 5.277

9/6/2013 30.007 35.374 35.395 35.643 35.519 5.367 5.512

9/7/2013 30.039 35.032 34.842 35.093 34.967 4.993 4.928

9/8/2013 29.649 34.803 34.385 34.498 34.442 5.155 4.793

9/9/2013 29.521 35.891 34.615 34.622 34.618 6.370 5.097

9/10/2013 29.765 36.953 35.579 35.620 35.599 7.188 5.834

9/11/2013 29.816 36.829 35.426 35.682 35.554 7.013 5.738

9/12/2013 29.894 35.479 34.385 34.685 34.535 5.585 4.642

9/13/2013 30.057 35.798 34.760 35.115 34.937 5.741 4.881

9/14/2013 30.493 36.249 35.195 35.536 35.365 5.756 4.872

9/15/2013 30.431 35.738 35.039 35.358 35.199 5.307 4.768

9/16/2013 30.616 34.763 34.773 34.965 34.869 4.147 4.253

9/17/2013 30.487 34.291 34.796 34.760 34.778 3.804 4.291

9/18/2013 30.318 34.078 34.677 34.675 34.676 3.760 4.358

9/19/2013 30.232 33.995 34.655 34.618 34.637 3.763 4.405

9/20/2013 30.060 33.855 34.562 34.513 34.537 3.795 4.478

9/21/2013 30.273 33.726 34.015 33.911 33.963 3.453 3.690

9/22/2013 30.215 32.366 32.490 32.501 32.496 2.150 2.280

9/23/2013 29.278 33.019 32.760 32.992 32.876 3.741 3.597

9/24/2013 29.243 33.226 32.756 33.272 33.014 3.983 3.771

9/25/2013 29.412 33.224 32.830 33.352 33.091 3.812 3.679

9/26/2013 28.999 33.163 32.967 33.514 33.240 4.163 4.241

9/27/2013 28.039 31.229 31.659 31.746 31.702 3.190 3.663

9/28/2013 28.284 32.405 32.064 32.445 32.255 4.122 3.971

9/29/2013 28.821 33.280 32.780 33.500 33.140 4.459 4.319

9/30/2013 29.189 34.082 33.969 34.516 34.242 4.893 5.053

01/10/2013 29.310 34.169 34.037 34.538 34.288 4.859 4.978

02/10/2013 29.470 34.622 34.554 35.059 34.807 5.151 5.337

03/10/2013 30.002 35.233 35.334 35.853 35.594 5.231 5.592

04/10/2013 30.457 35.235 35.357 35.927 35.642 4.778 5.185

05/10/2013 30.468 35.177 35.684 36.084 35.884 4.709 5.416

06/10/2013 30.406 34.602 34.550 34.888 34.719 4.196 4.313

07/10/2013 30.148 35.001 35.518 36.061 35.789 4.852 5.641

08/10/2013 30.111 35.227 35.534 35.883 35.709 5.116 5.597

09/10/2013 29.861 34.277 34.676 34.953 34.814 4.415 4.953

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 80 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

10/10/2013 29.598 34.702 34.931 35.562 35.246 5.103 5.648

11/10/2013 29.702 34.337 34.692 35.100 34.896 4.635 5.194

12/10/2013 30.276 34.671 34.748 35.051 34.900 4.395 4.624

13/10/2013 30.505 34.981 34.724 34.895 34.809 4.476 4.305

14/10/2013 30.510 35.269 35.098 35.432 35.265 4.759 4.755

15/10/2013 30.594 35.645 34.660 35.126 34.893 5.050 4.299

16/10/2013 30.825 35.365 34.525 35.063 34.794 4.540 3.969

17/10/2013 30.671 35.367 34.543 35.022 34.782 4.696 4.111

18/10/2013 30.625 35.086 34.100 34.377 34.238 4.461 3.613

19/10/2013 30.583 35.578 34.459 34.916 34.688 4.995 4.105

20/10/2013 30.479 35.790 34.597 35.080 34.838 5.311 4.359

21/10/2013 30.346 34.963 34.228 34.585 34.406 4.617 4.060

22/10/2013 30.251 35.356 34.286 34.710 34.498 5.105 4.247

23/10/2013 29.866 35.374 34.273 34.482 34.378 5.508 4.512

24/10/2013 29.216 34.950 33.705 33.982 33.844 5.734 4.628

25/10/2013 29.123 34.151 33.150 33.855 33.503 5.028 4.379

26/10/2013 29.002 33.815 32.752 33.625 33.188 4.813 4.187

27/10/2013 29.307 33.946 32.698 33.608 33.153 4.639 3.845

28/10/2013 29.709 34.522 33.377 34.168 33.772 4.813 4.063

29/10/2013 29.657 34.690 33.637 34.440 34.038 5.033 4.382

30/10/2013 29.535 34.562 34.005 34.529 34.267 5.027 4.732

31/10/2013 29.757 34.924 34.703 35.288 34.995 5.167 5.239

01/11/2013 29.610 34.841 34.973 35.362 35.167 5.231 5.557

02/11/2013 29.675 34.912 35.029 35.576 35.303 5.237 5.628

03/11/2013 29.533 34.168 33.789 34.440 34.115 4.635 4.581

04/11/2013 29.313 33.893 33.372 33.820 33.596 4.580 4.283

05/11/2013 29.066 33.433 32.969 33.314 33.142 4.367 4.076

06/11/2013 29.099 33.743 33.464 34.050 33.757 4.645 4.658

07/11/2013 28.855 33.587 33.358 33.788 33.573 4.732 4.717

08/11/2013 28.476 33.301 32.984 33.593 33.288 4.825 4.812

11/9/2013 27.568 32.446 31.985 32.537 32.261 4.878 4.693

11/10/2013 26.891 31.730 31.028 31.459 31.244 4.839 4.353

11/11/2013 26.700 31.599 31.071 31.628 31.349 4.899 4.649

11/12/2013 26.798 31.918 31.794 32.097 31.945 5.119 5.147

11/13/2013 26.923 31.884 31.576 32.063 31.820 4.961 4.896

11/14/2013 26.686 28.057 26.496 26.828 26.662 1.371 -0.024

11/15/2013 26.959 26.878 26.217 26.575 26.396 -0.082 -0.563

11/16/2013 26.850 26.724 25.640 25.996 25.818 -0.126 -1.032

11/17/2013 26.507 26.422 25.192 25.535 25.364 -0.085 -1.143

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 81 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

11/18/2013 25.942 25.941 24.684 25.033 24.859 -0.001 -1.083

11/19/2013 25.693 25.607 24.461 24.814 24.638 -0.087 -1.056

11/20/2013 25.544 25.564 24.855 25.204 25.030 0.020 -0.515

11/21/2013 25.880 25.920 25.526 25.892 25.709 0.041 -0.171

11/22/2013 26.325 26.807 26.779 27.112 26.945 0.482 0.620

11/23/2013 26.518 27.638 28.244 28.972 28.608 1.120 2.090

11/24/2013 26.527 29.470 30.093 30.558 30.325 2.943 3.798

11/25/2013 26.439 30.451 30.856 31.317 31.087 4.012 4.648

11/26/2013 26.667 30.625 31.500 31.932 31.716 3.958 5.049

11/27/2013 26.552 30.424 31.634 32.080 31.857 3.872 5.305

11/28/2013 26.567 30.372 31.621 32.039 31.830 3.805 5.263

11/29/2013 26.306 30.391 29.807 31.016 30.411 4.085 4.106

11/30/2013 25.854 30.149 29.458 30.522 29.990 4.295 4.136

12/1/2013 25.726 30.975 30.437 31.075 30.756 5.248 5.030

12/2/2013 25.801 31.252 31.140 31.565 31.353 5.451 5.551

12/3/2013 25.786 31.041 31.068 31.485 31.276 5.255 5.491

12/4/2013 25.365 30.616 30.303 30.758 30.531 5.250 5.165

12/5/2013 25.296 30.646 30.319 30.738 30.528 5.350 5.232

12/6/2013 25.305 30.716 30.571 30.951 30.761 5.411 5.456

12/7/2013 25.388 30.716 30.744 31.095 30.920 5.328 5.532

12/8/2013 25.456 30.642 30.606 30.976 30.791 5.187 5.335

12/9/2013 25.590 30.790 30.824 31.248 31.036 5.200 5.446

12/10/2013 25.525 30.787 30.818 31.200 31.009 5.263 5.484

12/11/2013 25.096 30.685 30.533 30.958 30.745 5.589 5.649

12/12/2013 25.040 30.577 30.301 30.771 30.536 5.537 5.496

12/13/2013 24.814 30.276 30.119 30.553 30.336 5.462 5.521

12/14/2013 24.790 30.260 30.163 30.510 30.337 5.469 5.547

12/15/2013 24.815 30.257 30.377 30.668 30.522 5.442 5.708

12/16/2013 25.027 30.236 30.343 30.666 30.505 5.209 5.477

12/17/2013 24.947 30.389 30.392 30.748 30.570 5.443 5.623

12/18/2013 25.079 31.248 30.764 30.936 30.850 6.168 5.771

12/19/2013 25.137 31.376 30.973 31.233 31.103 6.239 5.966

12/20/2013 24.880 31.195 30.429 30.743 30.586 6.314 5.706

12/21/2013 23.938 30.240 29.186 29.480 29.333 6.302 5.395

12/22/2013 23.574 29.771 28.270 28.833 28.552 6.197 4.978

12/23/2013 23.061 29.690 27.531 28.178 27.855 6.630 4.794

12/24/2013 22.350 29.544 27.141 27.399 27.270 7.194 4.920

12/25/2013 22.262 28.209 26.270 27.349 26.810 5.947 4.548

12/26/2013 22.196 28.065 26.269 27.406 26.837 5.868 4.641

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 82 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

12/27/2013 22.102 27.742 26.134 27.344 26.739 5.640 4.637

12/28/2013 21.849 27.402 26.826 27.155 26.991 5.552 5.141

12/29/2013 21.396 27.002 26.245 26.610 26.427 5.605 5.031

12/30/2013 21.543 27.218 26.563 26.897 26.730 5.675 5.187

12/31/2013 20.872 26.493 25.706 25.983 25.844 5.622 4.973

01/10/2013 29.310 34.169 34.037 34.538 34.288 4.859 4.978

02/10/2013 29.470 34.622 34.554 35.059 34.807 5.151 5.337

03/10/2013 30.002 35.233 35.334 35.853 35.594 5.231 5.592

04/10/2013 30.457 35.235 35.357 35.927 35.642 4.778 5.185

05/10/2013 30.468 35.177 35.684 36.084 35.884 4.709 5.416

06/10/2013 30.406 34.602 34.550 34.888 34.719 4.196 4.313

07/10/2013 30.148 35.001 35.518 36.061 35.789 4.852 5.641

08/10/2013 30.111 35.227 35.534 35.883 35.709 5.116 5.597

09/10/2013 29.861 34.277 34.676 34.953 34.814 4.415 4.953

10/10/2013 29.598 34.702 34.931 35.562 35.246 5.103 5.648

11/10/2013 29.702 34.337 34.692 35.100 34.896 4.635 5.194

12/10/2013 30.276 34.671 34.748 35.051 34.900 4.395 4.624

13/10/2013 30.505 34.981 34.724 34.895 34.809 4.476 4.305

14/10/2013 30.510 35.269 35.098 35.432 35.265 4.759 4.755

15/10/2013 30.594 35.645 34.660 35.126 34.893 5.050 4.299

16/10/2013 30.825 35.365 34.525 35.063 34.794 4.540 3.969

17/10/2013 30.671 35.367 34.543 35.022 34.782 4.696 4.111

18/10/2013 30.625 35.086 34.100 34.377 34.238 4.461 3.613

19/10/2013 30.583 35.578 34.459 34.916 34.688 4.995 4.105

20/10/2013 30.479 35.790 34.597 35.080 34.838 5.311 4.359

21/10/2013 30.346 34.963 34.228 34.585 34.406 4.617 4.060

22/10/2013 30.251 35.356 34.286 34.710 34.498 5.105 4.247

23/10/2013 29.866 35.374 34.273 34.482 34.378 5.508 4.512

24/10/2013 29.216 34.950 33.705 33.982 33.844 5.734 4.628

25/10/2013 29.123 34.151 33.150 33.855 33.503 5.028 4.379

26/10/2013 29.002 33.815 32.752 33.625 33.188 4.813 4.187

27/10/2013 29.307 33.946 32.698 33.608 33.153 4.639 3.845

28/10/2013 29.709 34.522 33.377 34.168 33.772 4.813 4.063

29/10/2013 29.657 34.690 33.637 34.440 34.038 5.033 4.382

30/10/2013 29.535 34.562 34.005 34.529 34.267 5.027 4.732

31/10/2013 29.757 34.924 34.703 35.288 34.995 5.167 5.239

01/11/2013 29.610 34.841 34.973 35.362 35.167 5.231 5.557

02/11/2013 29.675 34.912 35.029 35.576 35.303 5.237 5.628

03/11/2013 29.533 34.168 33.789 34.440 34.115 4.635 4.581

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 83 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

04/11/2013 29.313 33.893 33.372 33.820 33.596 4.580 4.283

05/11/2013 29.066 33.433 32.969 33.314 33.142 4.367 4.076

06/11/2013 29.099 33.743 33.464 34.050 33.757 4.645 4.658

07/11/2013 28.855 33.587 33.358 33.788 33.573 4.732 4.717

08/11/2013 28.476 33.301 32.984 33.593 33.288 4.825 4.812

11/9/2013 27.568 32.446 31.985 32.537 32.261 4.878 4.693

11/10/2013 26.891 31.730 31.028 31.459 31.244 4.839 4.353

11/11/2013 26.700 31.599 31.071 31.628 31.349 4.899 4.649

11/12/2013 26.798 31.918 31.794 32.097 31.945 5.119 5.147

11/13/2013 26.923 31.884 31.576 32.063 31.820 4.961 4.896

11/14/2013 26.686 28.057 26.496 26.828 26.662 1.371 -0.024

11/15/2013 26.959 26.878 26.217 26.575 26.396 -0.082 -0.563

11/16/2013 26.850 26.724 25.640 25.996 25.818 -0.126 -1.032

11/17/2013 26.507 26.422 25.192 25.535 25.364 -0.085 -1.143

11/18/2013 25.942 25.941 24.684 25.033 24.859 -0.001 -1.083

11/19/2013 25.693 25.607 24.461 24.814 24.638 -0.087 -1.056

11/20/2013 25.544 25.564 24.855 25.204 25.030 0.020 -0.515

11/21/2013 25.880 25.920 25.526 25.892 25.709 0.041 -0.171

11/22/2013 26.325 26.807 26.779 27.112 26.945 0.482 0.620

11/23/2013 26.518 27.638 28.244 28.972 28.608 1.120 2.090

11/24/2013 26.527 29.470 30.093 30.558 30.325 2.943 3.798

11/25/2013 26.439 30.451 30.856 31.317 31.087 4.012 4.648

11/26/2013 26.667 30.625 31.500 31.932 31.716 3.958 5.049

11/27/2013 26.552 30.424 31.634 32.080 31.857 3.872 5.305

11/28/2013 26.567 30.372 31.621 32.039 31.830 3.805 5.263

11/29/2013 26.306 30.391 29.807 31.016 30.411 4.085 4.106

11/30/2013 25.854 30.149 29.458 30.522 29.990 4.295 4.136

12/1/2013 25.726 30.975 30.437 31.075 30.756 5.248 5.030

12/2/2013 25.801 31.252 31.140 31.565 31.353 5.451 5.551

12/3/2013 25.786 31.041 31.068 31.485 31.276 5.255 5.491

12/4/2013 25.365 30.616 30.303 30.758 30.531 5.250 5.165

12/5/2013 25.296 30.646 30.319 30.738 30.528 5.350 5.232

12/6/2013 25.305 30.716 30.571 30.951 30.761 5.411 5.456

12/7/2013 25.388 30.716 30.744 31.095 30.920 5.328 5.532

12/8/2013 25.456 30.642 30.606 30.976 30.791 5.187 5.335

12/9/2013 25.590 30.790 30.824 31.248 31.036 5.200 5.446

12/10/2013 25.525 30.787 30.818 31.200 31.009 5.263 5.484

12/11/2013 25.096 30.685 30.533 30.958 30.745 5.589 5.649

12/12/2013 25.040 30.577 30.301 30.771 30.536 5.537 5.496

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 84 SENES


All Condensers CW Outfall temp

(Ash Silo bridge) Average


at Ash





Difference across




Difference at

Ash Bridge











°C °C °C °C °C °C °C

12/13/2013 24.814 30.276 30.119 30.553 30.336 5.462 5.521

12/14/2013 24.790 30.260 30.163 30.510 30.337 5.469 5.547

12/15/2013 24.815 30.257 30.377 30.668 30.522 5.442 5.708

12/16/2013 25.027 30.236 30.343 30.666 30.505 5.209 5.477

12/17/2013 24.947 30.389 30.392 30.748 30.570 5.443 5.623

12/18/2013 25.079 31.248 30.764 30.936 30.850 6.168 5.771

12/19/2013 25.137 31.376 30.973 31.233 31.103 6.239 5.966

12/20/2013 24.880 31.195 30.429 30.743 30.586 6.314 5.706

12/21/2013 23.938 30.240 29.186 29.480 29.333 6.302 5.395

12/22/2013 23.574 29.771 28.270 28.833 28.552 6.197 4.978

12/23/2013 23.061 29.690 27.531 28.178 27.855 6.630 4.794

12/24/2013 22.350 29.544 27.141 27.399 27.270 7.194 4.920

12/25/2013 22.262 28.209 26.270 27.349 26.810 5.947 4.548

12/26/2013 22.196 28.065 26.269 27.406 26.837 5.868 4.641

12/27/2013 22.102 27.742 26.134 27.344 26.739 5.640 4.637

12/28/2013 21.849 27.402 26.826 27.155 26.991 5.552 5.141

12/29/2013 21.396 27.002 26.245 26.610 26.427 5.605 5.031

12/30/2013 21.543 27.218 26.563 26.897 26.730 5.675 5.187

12/31/2013 20.872 26.493 25.706 25.983 25.844 5.622 4.973

Maximum 31.406 37.447 36.385 38.487 36.533 7.194 6.882

Minimum 20.872 25.564 24.461 24.814 24.638 0.020 0.620

Average 27.707 32.479 31.928 32.465 32.196 4.978 4.851

Negative values have been highlighted in red and have not been included in the statistical interpretation of data

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 85 SENES

Annexure 7: Graphical Plot - Manual Cooling Water Temperature Difference (2013-14)

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 86 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 87 SENES

Annexure 8: Continuous Emission Monitoring System – Statistical Data Analysis (2013-14)

Sl. No

Apr-Jun 2013 July-Sep 2013 Oct-Dec 2013 Jan-Mar 2014


Standard Average 98th

Percentile Average


Percentile Average


Percentile Average



Unit mg/Nm3 mg/Nm

3 mg/Nm

3 mg/Nm

3 mg/Nm

3 mg/Nm

2 mg/Nm

3 mg/Nm

3 mg/Nm


Particulate Matter

Unit#1 26.47 46.14 17.76 20.92 32.9 38.7 33.6 43.4 50

Unit#2 33.94 47.75 41.99 65.11 21.5 41.3 32 39.2 50

Unit#3 29.09 81.36 27.48 40.61 23.8 37.3 31.2 40.8 50

Unit#4 24.2 67.46 19.54 23.31 33.5 49.3 27.3 30.8 50

Unit#5 29.53 65.17 18.8 44.17 27.2 48.3 29.5 45.5 50

Sulphur Dioxide

Unit#1 741.09 1401.28 621.73 998.69 503 1106.6 352.8 1017.1 2000

Unit#2 666.78 880.25 809.48 1131.28 625.2 1197.3 142.2 272.4 2000

Unit#3 595.29 1326.84 417.17 561.92 468.1 952.7 386.9 822.7 2000

Unit#4 310.19 770.29 215.64 768.06 407.7 568.8 403.4 763.9 2000

Unit#5 571.45 783.52 737.33 1007.74 518.3 1309.5 667.6 1294.4 2000

Nitrogen Oxides

Unit#1 442.52 1029.64 380.75 753.24 485.9 687 288.5 725.5 750

Unit#2 319.35 455.33 435.31 1258.3 379.5 1560.3 100.9 181.7 750

Unit#3 556.1 1095.62 577 1120.99 370.4 595.4 290.1 462.1 750

Unit#4 132.4 390.9 740.45 1259.25 239.9 280.4 236.1 305.1 750

Unit#5 287.31 971.67 300.25 454.85 509.1 968.9 191.2 360.6 750

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 88 SENES

Annexure 9: Manual Monitoring– Statistical Data Analysis (2013-14)

Unit No. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5

Parameter PM SO2 NOx PM SO2 NOx PM SO2 NOx PM SO2 NOx PM SO2 NOx

UOM mg/Nm3 ppm ppm mg/Nm3 ppm ppm mg/Nm3 ppm ppm mg/Nm3 ppm ppm mg/Nm3 ppm ppm


Limit 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 50

Apr-13 39.7 245.0 135.0 38.9 332.0 139.0 33.8 279.0 118.0 32.2 318.0 128.0 34.8 228.0 131.0

May-13 37.9 193.0 131.0 26.6 187.0 126.0 31.4 279.0 118.0 28.5 216.0 121.0 44.5 204.0 117.0

Jun-13 28.7 257.0 168.0 14.2 184.0 161.0 24.3 275.0 274.0 18.6 135.0 212.0 21.7 361.0 187.0

Jul-13 18.5 188.0 213.0 31.8 245.0 221.0 28.7 270.0 192.0 18.6 295.0 169.0 14.7 218.0 239.0

Aug-13 24.3 293.0 134.0 37.4 258.0 118.0 21.8 459.0 134.0 13.7 498.0 123.0 18.5 238.0 179.0

Sep-13 14.9 297.0 147.0 39.8 264.0 152.0 24.8 279.0 169.0 19.5 258.0 141.0 18.9 264.0 159.0

Oct-13 16.5 329.0 137.0 23.7 336.0 142.0 29.7 318.0 159.0 26.3 178.0 131.0 15.2 208.0 121.0

Nov-13 28.9 259.0 182.0 NA NA NA 34.5 226.0 209.0 24.7 237.0 196.0 27.2 248.0 167.0

Dec-13 12.9 205.0 142.0 NA NA NA 16.8 163.0 149.0 9.8 195.0 157.0 17.4 228.0 136.0

Jan-14 21.5 242.0 212.0 26.1 256.0 195.0 16.8 228.0 178.0 24.4 289.0 183.0 42.9 272.0 189.0

Feb-14 19.9 330.0 264.0 30.8 365.0 250.0 29.5 395.0 238.0 27.7 347.0 247.0 32.8 359.0 226.0

Mar-14 31.3 224.0 281.0 29.9 186.0 238.0 36.1 191.0 258.0 22.3 204.0 266.0 25.4 273.0 230.0

Max 39.7 330.0 281.0 39.8 365.0 250.0 36.1 459.0 274.0 32.2 498.0 266.0 44.5 361.0 239.0

Min 12.9 188 131 14.2 184 118 16.8 163 118 9.8 135 121 14.7 204 117

Average 24.6 255.2 178.8 29.9 261.3 174.2 27.4 280.2 183.0 22.2 264.2 172.8 26.2 258.4 173.4

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 89 SENES

Annexure 10: Checklist for Ash Dyke Inspection


Rev. no : 0

Inspection details:

Name of the station

Date of Inspection

Name of the Inspecting officer

Ash Lagoon Details

1 Water level in the operating lagoon(RL)

2 Free board Level(RL)

3 Whether any ash surface is exposed above water

4 If ash surface is exposed above water level whether ash is flying any where


Whether water is flowing through all the openings of the water escape


6(a) Approximate head of water flow over the well slabs


Approximate depth of water over ash surface around/near operating water

escape structure

7 Whether any inter slab leakages of ash are present in the water escape wells

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 90 SENES


Whether water flow is obstructed by floating plants or any other floating

bodies near the vents in the water escape structure


1 Top level of Dyke(RL)

2 Nos of raisings done

3 Whether there is any sign of settlement on the top of dyke

4 Whether there is any sign of sinking/caving-in/boiling on the

(a) Upstream

(b) Downstream

(c) Foundation very near to the downstream toe

5 Whether any wet spots/areas are observed on

(a) Downstream slope

(b) Foundation very near to the downstream toe

6 Whether any seepage is observed on

(a) Upstream slopes

(b) Downstream slopes

(c) Foundation very near to the downstream toe

7 Whether any longitudinal cracks are observed

(a) On the top of the dyke

(b) Upstream slopes

(c) downstream toe

8 Whether any transverse cracks are observed

(a) On the top of the dyke

(b) Upstream slopes

(c) downstream toe

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 91 SENES

9 If transverse cracks are observed on the top and the slope

(a) Whether cracks are continuous

(b) Whether the length of the cracks are increasing with time

(c) Whether the cracks are widening with time


If seepage is observed on the slopes or near the downstream toe whether the

seepage water is clear/muddy indicating material carry over

11 If the seepage water is muddy,TSS level at that point


If filter have been placed over the seepage area,whether the water have

become clear indicating reduction in material carry over


Whether the seepage rate is changing with time



Whether the filter material as mentioned above are getting displaced due to

seepage water flow


Whether there is any gap/settlement between the effluent draw-off pipe and

the surrounding dyke material visible from downstream side of the dyke


Whether there is any erosion on the upstream slope due to wave action or

draw down in the lagoon


Whether there is any damage to the turfing protection on the downstream


18 Whether any stone pitching/brick lining is dislodged or caved in on

(a) Upstream slopes

(b) Downstream slopes

19 Whether there is any growth in vegetation/bushes

a) On the top of the dyke

b) Upstream slopes

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 92 SENES

c) Down stream slopes

20 Whether any rat holes are present

a) On the top of the dyke

b) Upstream slopes

c) Down stream slopes

21 If rat holes are present, whether they are being plugged


If rat holes present, whether there are also signs of cracking,sinking or

settlement on

a) Top of the dyke

b) Upstream slopes

c) Down stream slopes

d) Near the region where rat holes are found

23 Whether there are any rain cuts/gullies on

a) Top of the dyke

b) Upstream slopes

c) Down stream slopes

24 Whether the rock toe is maintaining its design shape

25 Whether the lining in the toe is in good condition

26 Whether there is any flow in the toe drain

27 Whether the toe drain is clean with no obstruction of water

28 If not

a) whether the toe drain is filled with dyke material


Whether the design downstream slope of the dyke is maintained(slope to be

always maintained)

29 Whether the toe drain is shifted/slided from its original position

30 Whether there is any blockage in the cross pipes provided in the drain

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 93 SENES

Annexure 11: ETP Effluent Monitoring Records (2013-14)

Sl.No Parameters Unit No. of Samples WB

Standard 1 2 3 4 5


1 pH - 7.34 7.48 7.29 7.44 7.29 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L 32 23 28 20 26 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L 1026 884 946 1348 1268

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L BDL 0.05 BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L BDL 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.6 10

6 Copper mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as


9 Total Iron mg/L 0.08 BDL BDL 0.13 0.05 1

10 Zinc mg/L BDL 0.06 0.11 BDL 0.07 1


1 pH - - 6.74 7.13 7.46 7.21 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 16 22 12 18 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 732 924 838 1016

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - 0.06 BDL 0.08 BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - 1.6 1.1 1.3 BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 0.06 BDL 0.09 BDL 1

10 Zinc mg/L - BDL BDL 0.07 BDL 1


1 pH - - 6.82 7.02 6.94 7.34 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 16 20 14 18 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 1340 1042 1402 942

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - 0.07 BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - 1.6 1.2 BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 1.04 0.82 0.74 BDL 1

10 Zinc mg/L - 0.19 0.07 BDL BDL 1


1 pH - 7.69 8.2 7.89 8.32 7.93 6 to 9

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 94 SENES

Sl.No Parameters Unit No. of Samples WB

Standard 1 2 3 4 5

2 Suspended Solids mg/L 14 23 16 8 12 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L 1218 1320 1042 812 984

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L BDL BDL BDL 0.41 BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L 1.4 1.6 BDL BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as


9 Total Iron mg/L 0.15 0.09 0.55 0.92 0.87 1

10 Zinc mg/L BDL BDL BDL 0.07 BDL 1


1 pH - - 6.63 6.94 7.09 6.72 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 8 24 22 15 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 1536 568 1102 1240

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - 0.05 0.06 BDL 0.03

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - BDL BDL BDL 1 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 0.71 0.33 BDL 0.3 1

10 Zinc mg/L - 0.02 0.04 BDL BDL 1


1 pH - 7.76 7.66 7.09 7.94 7.72 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L 28 32 22 44 34 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L 1962 756 1584 5670 2206

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.06

5 Oil & Grease mg/L BDL 1.2 BDL BDL 1.4 10

6 Copper mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as


9 Total Iron mg/L 0.06 0.11 BDL BDL BDL 1

10 Zinc mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 1


1 pH - - 7.69 7.05 7.27 7.65 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 34 28 20 26 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 2016 1806 1162 1454

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 95 SENES

Sl.No Parameters Unit No. of Samples WB

Standard 1 2 3 4 5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 0.04 BDL 0.07 BDL 1

10 Zinc mg/L - BDL 0.08 BDL BDL 1


1 pH - - 7.95 8.19 8.44 8.35 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 14 26 18 12 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 1004 1246 1660 478

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 0.19 0.094 0.26 0.031 1

10 Zinc mg/L - BDL 0.074 BDL 0.066 1


1 pH - 7.67 7.01 7.24 7.39 7.55 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L 20 18 16 15 24 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L 976 844 672 506 784

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L BDL BDL BDL 1.2 BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as


9 Total Iron mg/L 0.05 BDL BDL BDL 0.045 1

10 Zinc mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL BDL 1


1 pH - - 6.86 7.37 7.89 8.37 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 9 12 10 8 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 2116 1856 1684 1780

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - 0.08 0.05 0.09 0.1

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - 1.6 BDL BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - 0.36 BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - BDL BDL 0.09 0.2 1

10 Zinc mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 1

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 96 SENES

Sl.No Parameters Unit No. of Samples WB

Standard 1 2 3 4 5


1 pH - - 8.42 8.49 7.98 7.74 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 18 8 20 28 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 2236 2046 2192 2372

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 0.38 0.46 0.85 1.76 1

10 Zinc mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 1


1 pH - - 8.42 7.91 7.98 8.36 6 to 9

2 Suspended Solids mg/L - 22 18 16 18 50

3 Total Dissolved

Solids mg/L - 2008 2076 1036 980

4 Phosphate (as P) mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

5 Oil & Grease mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 10

6 Copper mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

7 Chromium as Cr+6 mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL

8 Total Chromium as

Cr mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 0.5

9 Total Iron mg/L - 0.94 1.29 0.41 0.19 1

10 Zinc mg/L - BDL BDL BDL BDL 1

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 97 SENES

Annexure 12: STP Treated Water Monitoring Results & Analysis (2013-14)


Sewage Treatment Plant at

Project Site

Sewage Treatment Plant at

Labor Colony (Old)

Sewage Treatment Plant at

Labor Colony (New)




days at







days at







days at




ppm (w/v) ppm ppm ppm (w/v) ppm ppm ppm (w/v) ppm ppm



8 7 - 7 34 - 19 13 -

14 9 - 18 12 - 14 19 -

7 7 - 8 10 - 28 24 -

16 10 - 12 13 - 20 18 -

18 19 - 12 12 - -

18 16 - 18 15 - 24 19 -



13 7 0.9

Plant Shutdown Plant Shutdown

12 6 1.3

17 5 1.1

13 7 0.7

32 6 0.8

24 6 0.9



26 7 0.6

Plant Shutdown Plant Shutdown

28 12 0.5

Plant Shutdown

10 10 0.6

Plant Shutdown



20 10 BDL

Plant Shutdown Plant Shutdown

13 20 0.9

18 18 1.2

19 10 1.3

12 10 BDL

9 13 BDL

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 98 SENES

Annexure 13: Ash Pond Bore Well Monitoring Results (2013-14)


No. Parameters Unit









1 Colour Hazen Units 4.6 2.3 1.5 1.4

2 Turbidity NTU 52.9 47.2 3.1 3.1

3 pH - 8.0 7.6 7.9 8.0

4 Electrical Conductivity (at 250

C) µmhos /cm 6946.1 6144.9 6033.8 10771.5

5 Suspended Solids mg/L 69.8 38.1 9.3 10.0

6 Total Dissolved Solids mg/L 4240.7 3862.8 3755.4 7537.2

7 Biochemical Oxygen Demand

BOD (3 days at 270 C) mg/L 5.4 9.0

6.4 6.7

8 Chemical Oxygen Demand COD mg/L 13.8 11.0 13.1 13.4

9 Alkalinity (as CaCO3) mg/L 533.7 460.2 376.0 477.6

10 Carbonate (as CaCO3) mg/L 64.3 N.D. 60.5 50.5

11 Total Hardness (as CaCO3) mg/L 350.0 376.0 421.9 1207.7

12 Calcium (as Ca) mg/L 54.7 54.7 57.3 167.2

13 Magnesium (as Mg) mg/L 51.8 59.0 67.9 192.3

14 Cadmium (as Cd) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

15 Total Chromium (as Cr) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

16 Copper (as Cu) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

17 Iron (as Fe) mg/L 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.4

18 Lead (as Pb) mg/L 0.3 0.7 0.04 BDL

19 Manganese (as Mn) mg/L 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0

20 Zinc (as Zn) mg/L 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1

21 Sodium (as Na) mg/L 907.8 1132.6 1105.0 2148.1

22 Potassium (as K) mg/L 15.7 15.2 14.3 28.3

23 Chloride (as Cl) mg/L 2090.0 1881.8 1789.2 4260.0

24 Sulphate (as SO4) mg/L 209.9 121.8 201.7 480.6

25 Fluoride (as F) mg/L 2.7 4.2 3.3 3.0

26 Phosphate (as P) mg/L 0.5 0.2 11.2 0.1

27 Nitrate (as NO3) mg/L 14.9 12.4 16.9 12.9

28 Cyanide (as CN) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

29 Phenolic Compounds (as


30 Oil and Grease mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

31 Arsenic (as As) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

32 Mercury (as Hg) mg/L BDL BDL BDL BDL

33 Total Coliforms Index/100mL 175.1 111.2 114.6 164.5

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 11-12) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 99 SENES

Annexure 14: Project Site Windrose (Jan-Mar 2014) Overlaid on AAQ Network

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 100 SENES

Annexure 15: Graphical Representation AAQ Monitoring Results at Village Locations (2013-14)

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July 2014 101 SENES

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July 2014 102 SENES

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July 2014 103 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 11-12) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 104 SENES

Annexure 16: Project Site - Ambient Air Quality Profile (2013-14)

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July 2014 105 SENES

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July 2014 106 SENES

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July 2014 107 SENES

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July 2014 108 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 11-12) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 109 SENES

Annexure 17: Village Level Day & Night Time Noise Monitoring Plot (2013-14)

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 110 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 111 SENES

Annexure 18: Day & Night Time Noise Monitoring Plot within Project Premises (2013-14)

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 112 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 11-12) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

September 2013 113 SENES

Annexure 19: CGPL Response to GPCB RO Team Observations

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 114 SENES

Annexure 20: CGPL Response to GPCB RO Team Observations

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 115 SENES

Annexure 21: CGPL Response to MoEF, RO Team Observations

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 116 SENES

Annexure 22: Copy of Consolidated Annual Returns – Labour & Employee Laws

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July 2014 117 SENES

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July 2014 118 SENES

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July 2014 119 SENES

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July 2014 120 SENES

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July 2014 121 SENES

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 122 SENES

Annexure 23: Safety Performance Monitoring (2013-14)

Sl.No Performance Indicators Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13 Jan-14 Feb-14 Mar-


1 Induction Training

Attendees 973 875 832 859 720 576 671 577 1041 1081 826 1110

2 LTIs 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1

3 First Aid Cases 37 24 15 21 14 14 17 9 23 21 16 16

4 Medical Treatment

Cases(MTC) 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 Safe Man Hours Worked

till last fatality/LWDC 10640288 607200 424520 1291448 2128392 2887460 0 755944 1525088 2308076 81132 418216

6 Total Person Hours

Worked 1305976 1454400 1109960 866928 836944 759068 769156 755944 769144 782988 27044 27044

7 LTI Frequency Rate 0 0.36 0.9 0 0 0 2.6 0 0 0.00 1.96 1.87

8 Severity Index 2.37 2.52 2.54 2.53 2.56 2.58 2.57 2.62 2.59 2.62 2.62 2.69

9 Fire Cases 3 3 3 3 6 0 0 4 1 1 0 1

10 Near Misses 10 19 8 25 23 20 20 31 23 21 20 25

11 Fatality 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

12 No of Incidents

Investigated 50 45 27 51 43 34 39 44 47 43 38 44

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 123 SENES

Annexure 24: IFC - EHSS Compliance Details (2013-14)


No Description


(New/Old) Assessment Recommendation Priority Compliance Status

Social & Environmental Assessment & Management System

1 Social and Environment


New Conducted environment assessment for

both the land and marine component of

the project, supplemented to address

change in sea water intake and outfall

locations, external coal handling system

and in response to lender’s queries on the

assessment primarily relating to

additional environmental considerations

(such as cumulative impacts). All these

assessments have received environmental

approval from the Government.

CGPL to continue due-diligence of

environmental & social regulatory

compliance of external facilities that

the project is dependent on based on

information available in public domain.

Medium The compliance status has

assessed and has been presented

in Table 4.

2 Management Program New With the Unit#1 of the project under

operation and the remaining to follow the

management system need to be up-

graded to incorporate the EHSS risks and

subsequent management measures in

consistent with the regulatory and lender


Develop and implement an Integrated

Management System (IMS) for

operations to address the potential

EHSS risks and demonstrate improved

project performance in consistent with

the regulatory and lender requirements.

Further the IMS is required to outline

the desired outcomes as measurable

events to the extent possible, with

elements such as performance

indicators, targets, or acceptance

criteria that can be tracked over defined

time periods, and with estimates of the

resources and responsibilities for


High Refer Sl.No.2 of Table 1

3 Organizational capacity

New With transition from construction to

operations stage it is necessary for CGPL

to review it current EHSS manpower

Plan and recruit operational manpower

to meet project EHSS requirement

High CGPL has engaged a Senior

Environment Manager on-site

since Mar 2014 as a step

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 124 SENES


No Description


(New/Old) Assessment Recommendation Priority Compliance Status

strength with respect to operational

requirements and plan recruitment


towards strengthening the onsite

environmental management

team to address environmental

aspects of the project, facilitate

regulatory liasioning and

corporate sustainability

initiatives specific to the region.

The Senior Environmental

Manager is currently being

supported by an Executive-


For managing health and safety

related aspects in operations,

CGPL has in place a dedicated

O&M team comprising of Dept.

Heads, Line Managers, and

Operational Contractor

Representatives etc. The team is

presently being provided

handholding support by the

construction HSE team to

manage operational health and

safety risks.

4 Training New Training needs to be identified as part of

project operations stage

Training Need Assessment study to be

undertaken for project operations stage

and training plan developed

Medium Training Needs for each

individual is being conducted in

joint consultation with

Department Heads and Training

plan has been developed


5 Community Engagement New Needs to be strengthened with respect to

documentation and information

dissemination to the communities.

Mechanism mainly GRM, CIC and

others needs to be strengthened for

meetings required objectives

Medium Community engagement is now

strengthened with focused


6 Monitoring New CGPL has retained experienced external Sustain with project progress. Develop High No procedure has been

Annual Environmental & Social Performance Report (FY 13-14) – CGPL Power Plant, Mundra

July 2014 125 SENES


No Description


(New/Old) Assessment Recommendation Priority Compliance Status

consultants to undertake quarterly EHSS

audits to verify and report compliance to

environmental and social action plan,

lender requirements and regulatory

conditions. However there exists no

defined procedure to monitor and track

implementation of audit corrective and

preventive actions.

a defined procedure to ensure effective

tracking and monitoring of audit

corrective and preventive actions

implementation during operations.

developed as part of the project

IMS to document and monitor

the implementation progress of

EHSS audit corrective actions

will form an integral part of the

IMS being developed by CGPL

for operations.

Labor & Working Conditions

7 Human Resource Policy Old Assessed to be generally in compliance

with all the standards relating working

conditions and worker relationship

management. However the

documentation and redressal of

grievances related to basic labor

requirements of the workforce residing

outside the project boundary is found to

be inadequate.

Sustain with project progress. However

CGPL need to regularly monitor and

supervise the living conditions of the

workforce residing outside the project

boundary in consistent with IFC PS2

and national regulatory provisions viz.

Contract Labour Act, Building & Other

Construction Workers Act etc

High With the project now in

operations the total construction

workforce strength has declined.

For those residing at the labour

camp the living conditions were

found to be in conformance with

the relevant provision of the

Contract Labour Act and Rules.

Working Relationship

Working conditions and

terms of employment

Worker’s Organization

Non-discrimination and

equal opportunity


Grievance mechanism

Child Labour

Forced Labour

8 Occupational Health &


New With Unit#1 currently under operation

there exist a possibility of workforce to

be exposed to electric and magnetic

fields (EMF) due to working in close

proximity to electric power generators,

and connecting high-voltage

transmission lines.

Develop and implement an EMF safety

program in conformance with the IFC

EHS Guidelines and Environmental

and Social Policy & Procedures (ESPP)

for Power Grid Corporation of India

Ltd monitor EMF levels in work place

Medium Development of EMF safety

program is yet to be

implemented by CGPL for

project operations.

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(New/Old) Assessment Recommendation Priority Compliance Status

9 New Potential fire safety risks exist from open

coal stock piles.

Install and operate automated systems

such as temperature gauges (on posts)

in open stockpiles and carbon

monoxide or temperature sensors in

coal bunkers in consistent with the

requirement of IFC EHS Guidelines for

Thermal Power Plants.

High Necessary fire prevention and

control measures viz. coal

compaction, use of water

sprinklers etc and temperature

sensors have already been

installed by CGPL to control

any potential fire safety risk

from open coal stockpiles.

10 Supply Chain Old No specific need assessed - - -

Pollution Prevention and Abatement

12 General Requirements New Design stage pollution prevention

measures have been found to be

adequate. However given such pollution

control technologies have been designed

based on Indonesian imported coal

characteristics taking into account the

uncertainties associated with the supply

of imported coal due to unprecedented

rise in price in Indonesian coal prices it

is likely to have a bearing on the existing

pollution prevention measures if

alternative options are being considered

by CGPL.

Assess and evaluate the potential EHS

impacts associated with alternative coal

sourcing options being considered and

communicate the same to the

concerned regulatory authorities &

stakeholders for necessary reference

and action.

High With CGPL currently catering

to the use of Eco Blend coal

(characterized by higher ash

content compared to imported

coal) an external agency has

been engaged to assess the

environmental implications of

use such blended coal. The

study has not revealed any

potential environmental risks in

terms of increased coal

consumption, augmentation of

coal handling & transport

system and existing pollution

control equipment etc it has

specified the need of increase in

operational time of Internal

Coal Handling System (ICHS)

and increase in handling of coal

quantities at the West Port

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resulting from blended coal use.

The study also recognizes

adequate storage and fugitive

emission control facilities at the

West Port to cater to the

additional coal load and which

will be further supplemented by

the existing Port Service

Agreement with M/s Adani


13 Pollution Prevention,

Resource Conservation

& Energy Efficiency

New With Unit#1 under operation CGPL has

installed and operated an online opacity

meter and Continuous Emission

Monitoring system to monitor the level

of criteria air pollutants viz. PM, SOx

and NOx in consistent with regulatory

and lender requirements.

To be sustained with project progress

and deviations if any to be regularly

monitored in order to evaluate the

performance of pollution control


High Manual and online monitoring

of flue gas emission is being


14 New In consistent with EC requirement CGPL

has implemented a once through cooling

system with the circulating system

designed to attain temperature of less

than 7oC above the ambient seawater

temperature. This has been further

substantiated through dispersion

modeling study undertaken by NIO and

cooling water temperature being

monitored online at both intake and

outfall channel (from bridge over outfall

channel near ash pond area) since Unit#1

COD. Also CGPL has engaged an

agency to undertake regular monitoring

of cooling water discharge parameters

from Apr’12 onwards.

Validation study of cooling water

thermal dispersion modeling to be

undertaken by CGPL for the operations


Monitor and record analytical results of

cooling water discharge parameters in

consistent with the CPCB standards.

High For details refer to Sl.No.10 of

Table 1.

Regular monitoring (both

manual and online) of cooling

water discharge temperature and

other parameters are being

continued. For details refer to

Sl.No.9 of Table 1

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15 Wastes New With transition of construction to

operations the CGPL has identified

potential waste sources (including

hazardous) during this stage along with

their characteristics and generation

quantity and appropriate management

measures have already been put in place

for the same. The primary waste

generation activities includes

commissioning and operation of ETP,

STP and biogas plant; construction of

ash pond for disposal of bottom ash

slurry; ensuring reuse of fly ash through

cement manufactures and other

industries; obtaining authorization from

GPCB for recycle and/or disposal of

hazardous waste through authorized

recycler and disposal facilities etc.

Need to be sustained with project

progress. Finalize contract with cement

manufacturing and related industries to

ensure 100% reuse of fly ash on a fast

track basis.

Medium For details refer Sl.No. 6 of

Table 1.

18 Hazardous Materials Old CGPL is not involved any manufacture,

trade, and use of chemicals and

hazardous materials subject to

international bans or phase-outs due to

their high toxicity to living organisms,

environmental persistence, potential for

bioaccumulation, or potential for

depletion of the ozone layer.

CGPL has already obtained necessary

authorization from GPCB temporary

storage, handling and disposal of

hazardous waste (used oil, discarded

chemical containers, spent ion exchange

resins, spent solvent, discarded asbestos

The conditions outlined with respect to

the management of hazardous waste in

the Consolidated Consent and

Authorization (CC&A) issued by

GPCB for Unit#1 need to be

implemented by CGPL in consistent

with Hazardous Waste Management,

Handling & Transboundary Movement

Rules 2008.

Medium To be complied by CGPL with

project progress.

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etc) to be generated during operation of

Unit#1 and is valid till May 2016.

19 Emergency preparedness

and response

Old CGPL has identified the risk associated

with process upset, accidents etc during

operations including the training &

resource needs, responsibilities,

communication, procedures, and other

aspects required to effectively respond to

emergencies associated with such

hazards. CGPL presently plan to

document the same as an Emergency

Preparedness & Response Plan as part of

project IMS documentation.

Operational risks identified need to be

reviewed and evaluated in line with

IFC Performance Standards, IFC EHS

Guidelines and IFC-CGPL covenants

prior to incorporation in the IMS.

Medium To be complied with

Community Health, Safety & Security

20 Environment and natural

resource issues

Old Project water sourcing practices from the

local communities and current local

procurement expectations assessed for

the need to be balanced

Awareness to be built on long term

community water sourcing impacts and

ensuring controlled water sourcing

from the Narmada Pipeline.

Medium In order to reduce ground water

consumption to meet potable

water requirements of labor

camp a Saline Water Reverse

Osmosis (SWRO) plant has

been commissioned and

operated by CGPL since


21 General Requirements New Community health impacts are

anticipated from fugitive emissions

generated from open coal stockpiles and

coal conveyor operation. This has been

further established based on grievance

expressed by Vandh village communities

residing in close proximity to the coal


Fugitive emission control measures

need to be implemented by CGPL at

coal stockpiles and coal conveyor in

consistent with regulatory and lender


High With a view to control fugitive

emission CGPL has already

implemented water spraying

system at coal storage areas and

at crushing units; installed has

dry fog system at transfer points

and bag house filter at coal

handling areas. Further

considering community

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(New/Old) Assessment Recommendation Priority Compliance Status

grievances particularly from

Vandh village CGPL has

implemented the following

additional measures viz.

Peripheral green belt


Erection of wind barrier

Provision of physical

barrier along the coal

conveyor route.

Dry fog system at the coal

transfer point

22 Community exposure to


Old Currently awareness on potential

community exposures to disease

especially due to large labour influx is

non existence. This specific concern

gains prominence due to sparse local

population and a very high regional

labour influx

Review potential sources of such

community exposure (transferable

diseases) and build sufficient capacity

with the onsite health infrastructure to

be able to address this concern.

Low With the project completely

under operation there has been a

steady decline of contractor

workforce engaged for

construction. With the those

currently staying at the labour

camps and working onsite the

medical records and the

discussion with medical staff do

not reveal presence or treatment

of any worker for transferable

disease till date. Further

periodic health checkup for

workers has brought down the

risk associated with the diseases

exposure of the local


Land Acquisition & Involuntary Displacement

23 Project design Old No such change in design inducing

involuntary displacement. Due to outfall

channel issues related to temperature of

Carry out joint inspection with Tragadi

Sarpanch and villagers for both the


HIgh Erosion related concern

addressed in close consultation

with Tragadi Sarpanch and

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water and erosion reported by Tragadi


using the dredged material.

Temperature change related

impact is continuing to be

monitored. Model validation

study by NIO is in progress and

further action will be planned

based on outcome of the study.

24 Consultation Old Regular community consultation being

carried out. Minutes of meetings and

Grievances to be shared with


Focused consultations with the project

affected people to be carried out


High CGPL to continue with their

sustained efforts in carrying out

regular community

consultations. Reporting and

documentation of such meetings

is now included in reports being

disseminated as part of

stakeholder communication.

Old Risk identification and Mitigation has

become critical due to some components

of design affecting long term CSR

activities. Risk identification and

mitigation requires focused work and

shared responsibilities with various

departments. Risks if addressed only by

CSR are likely to affect long term

community development work.

Involvement of key departments in

identifying risks or potential concerns

likely to result in risks and planning

measures to mitigate risks.

Training of key team consisting of

officials from various departments for

negotiating with communities.

High CR is the main Dept. involved

with communities in CGPL.

Risk mitigation activities now

undertaken by respective

departments that the risk can be

best dealt with, and with

guidance / support from the CR

team as required.

25 Grievance Mechanism Old No improvement in documentation on

grievance mechanism

The grievance redressal mechanism to

be streamlined and documented, to

avoid potential conflict in future

High CGPL has now developed a

systematic method to document

and resolve grievances from


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(New/Old) Assessment Recommendation Priority Compliance Status

26 Economic displacement

Old CGPL provides employment

opportunities through training, site jobs

and allotting shops to the local

communities. Income generation

programs initiated including dairy

program, training for self-employment

for women and farm development

Focus on providing such opportunities

to the project affected people


Medium Local employment,

procurement, and livelihood

development plans are now

finalized and being


Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

27 Protection and

conservation of


Old Previous assessment undertaken as part

of project EC and CRZ clearance does

not reveal the presence of any legally

protected eco-sensitive areas within 10

km of the site. The portion of outfall

channel (permitted by CRZ regulation)

for the project is also assessed to be

devoid of mangrove vegetation,

unsuitable for any vegetation growth

(except for stray halophytes viz., Sueda

martima), and does not sustain reef

building corals.

Implementation of planned

conservation initiatives should be

monitored with experienced

environmental manpower to ensure the

integration envisaged is in concurrence

with project progress. Compensatory

afforestation against the acquired forest

land to be strictly followed

Medium As directed by the regulators,

Mangrove Afforestation

program under implementation

elsewhere (in coastal village of

Bharuch district) is therefore

being supported by CGPL, and

progress monitored of this

commitment. The

―Afforestation Program‖ is

undertaken by CGPL in

collaboration with Gujarat

Ecological Commission (GEC)

and Kantiyajal Tavar Vikas

Samiti (KTVS) from Oct’10 and

has been effectively

implemented in nearly about

1000 ha land in the coastal

village of Kantiyajal, Bharuch

district thereby comply with the

CRZ condition.

For the period 2013-14 CGPL

has covered nearly 230ha of


Modified habitat

Natural habitat

Critical habitat

Legally protected areas

Invasion of alien species

Management and use of

renewable natural


Natural & Plantation


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Fresh water and marine


land under green belt

development. CGPL to continue

with the green belt development

progress to ensure compliance

with the EC condition.

Further CGPL has engaged

Bombay Natural History

Society (BNHS) to undertake a

biodiversity study along the

Mandvi-Mundra coast. Based

on the outcome of the study

CGPL plans to develop and

implement a Coastal

Biodiversity Management Plan.

Cultural Heritage

28 Chance find procedure Old There exists no critical cultural heritage

of archeological sites within the project

area. Further with the gradual transition

of the project from construction to

operations there lies no specific

need/requirement for a chance find


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