annexation of hawaii, cuban rebellion, spanish american war, panama canal, and political agendas...

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United States Imperialism: The Panama Canal and Hawaii

Annexation of Hawaii, Cuban Rebellion, Spanish American War, Panama Canal, and Political AgendasAmerica ExpandsTerritorial ExpansionAlaska AddedU.S. buys Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million!Less than 2 cents an acre . . .Got 600,000 acres!

Annexation of Hawaii1870, Americans in Hawaii controlled most land and trade1886, U.S. allows Hawaii to ship sugar to U.S. tariff free in exchange for Pearl Harbor.Who would oppose tariff-free sugar?1890, McKinley TariffHawaii now has to pay tariffsLeads to economic crisis in HIWhy?Annexation of Hawaii cont.Read the last 2 paragraphs on page 494.What happened in 1891?1893?1898?Spanish-American War

Watch the film and answer the questions about the Spanish-American War.

The Panama CanalThe Panama CanalNovember 1903U.S. had tried to negotiate with Colombia about the construction of the canalU.S. supported Panama in her quest for independence from Colombia . . . IF the U.S. was granted unending control over a ten-mile wide strip of land in Panama . . . To build the Panama CanalWhy would the U.S. want this land?The Panama CanalIt took:10 years to build40,000 + workers390 million $$$It is approximately 50 miles long

Theodore Roosevelts RoleResponsible for negotiating the treatyPart of his Roosevelt CorollarySome believed he was trying to dominate Latin America.

Panama Canal StatisticsTook 5,609 lives due to accidents and disease, mostly Caribbean laborers.13,000 vessels pass through yearly.70% come from U.S. Ports.Average voyage takes 8 days to cover entire canal.

Convenient Waterway War materials and thousands of troops passed through the canal during WWII, Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

More Canal HistoryU.S. turns over control to Panama in 1999.

CubaAmerica as a World Power

The world becomes smallerTurn to the person beside you and explain what this means.Also discuss HOW and WHY the world becomes smaller.Spheres of InfluenceEuropean countries had carved out spheres of influence in ChinaSoI = Areas where an imperial country has exclusive trading rightsThe U.S. fears missing out on this.Why?Need access to important foreign market for American productsSo what does the U.S. do?Open Door PolicySecretary of State, John Hay, saw the need to open trade for the U.S. in ChinaProposes in 1899 the Open Door PolicyCalled for equal trading rights in China for all countriesNo countries actually responded to his proposal, so he just declared that it was approved.

A Fair Field and No Favor!Uncle Sam, Im out for commerce, not conquest!In this cartoon, Uncle Sam restrains the militaristic aggression of the European Great PowersFrance, Russia, Germany, and Italywhile China desirously eyes an American-made train engine, sewing machine, and other U.S. commercial products. In the left-background, Britains John Bull doffs his hat approvingly at Uncle Sams behavior. The only major player missing from the scene is Japan, whose emergence as a Great Power and intervention in China following the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 was key to spurring other nations to compete for economic and political influence there. DiplomacyTo discourage European affairs in Latin America, President Taft established in 1912, Dollar DiplomacyEncouraged American banks and businesses to invest in L.A. countries to discourage their reliance on Europe.Taft promised that the U.S. would step in if unrest threatened these investments.What doctrine does the idea of dollar diplomacy come from? Roosevelt CorollaryAdded to the Monroe DoctrineM.D. warned not to establish new coloniesR.C. U.S. would intervene, with force if necessary, in L.A. nations to prevent European interventions.

Global EconomyGrowth in international trade at the turn of the century contributed to a global economy.Whats another word for this?GlobalizationReview Go back and find the 6 bolded AND italicized words on your worksheet and write a 12-word definition for each.They look like this: Bolded AND Italicized