animal cloning report

Animal cloning report- This is a website containing information and statistics on animal cloning and the negative points and attitudes towards it. This website portrays the negative attitudes towards animal cloning and the different ethical and moral issues related to it. This shows that a large percentage of Americans are against animal cloning when it comes to cloning them for food. This particular part that i have shown on the left is not significant enough to stop animal cloning however it does indicate how it is affecting the public. This was from a website called ‘end animal cloning’ and was dedicated on a whole to animal cloning and its background and facts.

Upload: alinaabbass

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Animal cloning report-  This is a website containing information and statistics on animal cloning and the negative points and attitudes towards it. This website portrays the negative attitudes towards animal cloning and the different ethical and moral issues related to it. This shows that a large percentage of Americans are against animal cloning when it comes to cloning them for food. This particular part that i have shown on the left is not significant enough to stop animal cloning however it does indicate how it is affecting the public.

This was from a website called ‘end animal cloning’ and was dedicated on a whole to animal cloning and its background and facts.


This one is a blog which was posted on the 2nd february 2009 by Catherine Brahic.This particular blog is pointing out the advantage and how it can and has helped the extinction of animals.This is for animal cloning and therefore will not be significant at all to stop animal cloning. The problem with this is that it also shows how the cloned animal only survived a few minutes but was still classed as success, Therefore has killed an animal and led it to suffer.  

This is website called student science and has an article which was posted on the 27th january 2004 by someone called Emily Sohn. It indicates how fast animal cloning is adapting and how the United states government has decided it is safe to drink milk and eat meat that has come from cloned animals. Many people have started raising their points of how this can affect their health and animal rights. The article later on talks about how there are still adjustments needed to be made to make the process safe. Again this website is not significant enough as it does not point out all the negativity towards it  instead it is for animal cloning.  

The last source of information i wanted to show is from a debate website where members of the public vote whether or not animal cloning should be done. From the image above you can see that 46% of the public has said yes that we should clone animals on the other hand 54% have disagreed. This website is very useful and

interesting as you can comment like many people have.  I believe that this particular site is significant enough as it shows what the public views are and not just the reporters.

These are the comments 1 for animal cloning and 1 against it and as you can see the person against animal cloning has related it to religion.

Overall everyone has their own opinion, a religious believer will most probably disagree with animal cloning as it has been mentioned a few times in different articles that it is ‘playing god’. On the other hand if it was a person with very little knowledge they would say that it does not harm animals in any way or form.