anf end to end high pressure processing (hpp) solution


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All Natural Freshness provides you the End to End High Pressure Processing (HPP) Solution in terms of High Pressure Mode,



ANF Pre-packaged HPP Solution utilizing an Avure 350L-600 Machine

All Natural Freshness, LLC. (ANF) is your Life-cycle assessment resource for implementing effective, efficient, profitable solutions for HPP.

Over the last several years we have Over the last several years we have established relationships with the Avure Technologies in North America and Chic Freshertech in Asia.


Creating Partnerships

Our Philosophy

All Natural Freshness, LLC (ANF) has developed sales channels to service North America, Europe, and Asia with some of the most respected and innovative companies in the global food industry. Further, ANF is partnering with a North American university that has over 25 years of research and development experience with high pressure food preservation using high hydrostatic pressure.

OOur team of High Pressure Mold Makers, Molders, CNC Operators, Integrators, Fabricators, and High Pressure Processing operators work from the ground up to develop high pressure pasteurization equipment for real life applications.

Listen to our customers’ goals and objectives; assess our customers current environment, initiate discussions between departments affected by HPP, and recommend an end to end solution, ensuring them a competitive advantage in their market space.

BBuild the best food manufacturing equipment for the most affordable price regardless of any material bias while maintaining a set of universal standards for work place safety and food safety.

Provide the Lowest Cost per lb. of validated high pressure processed product while ensuring highest ROI focus and maintaining Highest Food Safety Standards.

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HPP SERVICES2012 Catalog

Our solutions are designed to be used across multiple food manufacturing platforms (Avure, Chic FresherTech, NC Hiperbaric)

Our Services

Commitment to You

Ou r process starts w ith ou r clients by ask ing them to define their g oals and objectives w ith reg ard to their strateg y in the m ark et place.

M any of ou r clients have variou s g oals throu g h produ ction, new produ ct developm ent, m ark eting , m erchandising , distribu tion, su pply chain m anag em ent, and cu stom er chain m anag em ent.

So, So, by identifying and u nderstanding ou r clients needs w e can w ork tog ether to create a H ig h Pressu re Pasteu risation strateg y that integ rates seam lessly into their overall bu siness plans and operational strateg y that w ill u ltim ately ensu re you r su ccess !

• Consulting Services o Recipe Certification o Pack ag ing of Processed Foods o Process and Procedu re o M anag em ent Consu lting

• CAD Design Drafting Service o CAD Drafting Desig n o Integ ration Desig ns o 3- D Anim ations

• Fabrication Services o M aterial H andling Equ ipm ent • Pow ered and Non- Pow ered Carts • L oading and U nloading Platform s o Cu stom M olds o H ig h Pressu re M olding • Bask ets • Totes • Pallets o Rotational M olding o Blow M olding

• Ancillary Material Handling Equipment o Tolling Bask et Pallets o H ig h Pressu re Bask ets o Robotics and Sem i Au tom ation

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FOOD SAFETY2012 Catalog

High Pressure Processing in food subjects the product to pressures from 400 (58,000 psi) MPa to 600 (87,000 psi) MPa for period of less than a minute to up to 5 minutes. These pressures used in High Pressure Equipment kill most harmful microorganisms such as Salmonella, E Coli, and Listeria Monocytogenes, by permanently interrupting cell function, but unlike Ultra High Temperature (UHT) thermal treatment, HPP does High Temperature (UHT) thermal treatment, HPP does not alter a product’s flavor, texture or nutritional value.

The benefit of Hig h Pressu re Processing is the rem oval of u nw anted preservatives and food borne pathog ens w hile extending shelf for refrig erated produ ct. The less chem icals and pathog ens that enter the hu m an body and the safer the food is for consu m ption.

Food Safety Commitment to Quality

ANF commitment to quality encompasses:Best of Class High Pressure Processing Machines that meet Global Quality Standards o ASM E Boiler and Pressu re Vessel code, Section VIII, Division 3 o ISO 90 0 1Material handling equipment that follows NSF/ANSI 2 Material handling equipment that follows NSF/ANSI 2 GuidelinesCertified Recipes by qualified food scientists who specialize in HPP. o M aintain/ Im prove cu stom er Sensory Experience (Taste, Textu re, Appearance) o Achieve Redu ction in Targ eted Bacteria and Shelf L ife G oal o Create the m ost Efficient recipe desig n that allow s the produ ct to reach Sensory and Bacteria g oals u sing the least am ou nt of HPP M achine Resou rces Food Traceability guidelines that meet or exceed SQF Code, Edition 7 standards

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Hig h Pressu re Pasteu rizing (HPP) before Pack ag ing , beg an g aining m om entu m as ANF started as k ing cu stom ers abou t their g oals for a clean label. These g oals vary dram atically across the entire spectru m depending on w hich level in the food processing distribu tion chain you reside.

All Natural Freshness process flow solutions are built on standards for interchangeability. Our solutions allow for multi machines and multiple loading and unloading equipment configurations including the use of multiple manufacturers of HPP Machines.The illustration above has the Avure traditional The illustration above has the Avure traditional conveyor system on the top and the ANF compact solution on the bottom

Superior Performance

Pre-packaged Solutions

Multi Vendor & Multi Machine Integration

At ANF w e pu t a prem iu m on innovative think ing , resu lting in several patents on ou r produ cts and solu tions.

• 95% M achine U ptim e• 97% Produ ct Throu g hpu t• L arg est Interior Diam eter Bask ets o Avu re o Chic Freshertech• L ean M anu factu ring Concepts o Elim ination of Dou ble Handling• Pre and Post Process Bu ffer Zones• 10 0 % Traceability of Processed Produ ct• Certified Recipe Form u lation o M aintain/ Im prove cu stom er Sensory Experience (Taste, Textu re, Appearance) o Achieve Redu ction in Targ eted Bacteria and Shelf L ife G oal o Create the m ost efficient recipe desig n that allow s the produ ct to reach Sensory and Bacteria g oals u sing the least am ou nt of HPP M achine Resou rces • Resu lts in L ow est Cost Per Pou nd of Validated HPP Produ ct

FresherTech Du o 2 0 0 L / 60 0 F

Avu re 350 L

FresherTech Du o 2 0 0 L / 60 0 F

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Avure Basket Line• 350 L- 60 0• t2 15L- 60 0• 687L- 30 0

Chic FresherTech Basket Line• Du o 2 0 0 L/ 60 0 F•• Du o 30 0 L/ 60 0 F• Du o 350 L/ 60 0 F• Du o 40 0 L/ 60 0 F• Du o 50 0 L/ 60 0 F

Pu t ou r experience to w ork for you at the beg inning of you r H PP Project so you never have to g et u sed to hearing abou t " Breaches" and dam ag ed produ ct “ w aste.” W e eng ineer food pack ag ing m aterials to provide strong seals w ith very low breach rates (below .0 1% ) w hile still providing a consu m er friendly Peel able Pack ag e.


High Pressure BasketsAll N atu ral Freshness has a com plete line of hig h pressu re bask ets for both Avu re and Chic FresherTech.AN F k nAN F k now s it’s difficu lt to m axim ize you r produ ct throu g hpu t w hen loading pre- pack ag ed and post pack ag e produ ct into a rou nd bask et w ith a fixed leng th. So w e challeng ed ou r hig h pressu re m olding team to com e u p w ith bask et desig ns that are flexible to m eet you r specific food produ ct pack ag e dim ensions.

Contact UsThe team at All N atu ral Freshness is look ing forw ard to being a part of you r H PP experience. Please visit u s on the W eb at w w w .AllN atu


Lidding & Film

AN F’s Team of Pack ag ing Specialists have been involved in the trials and tribu lations of conqu ering hig h pressu re pack ag ing for the entire com m ercial life of hig h pressu re processing . W e have proven produ cts that can m aintain very low breach rates in hig h pressu re pasteu rization. W e have the food pack ag ing technolog y (equ ipm ent, m aterials) and service platform to ensu re you r process is providing the ststrong est seals possible to prevent breaches. Ou r team is on the leading edg e of em erg ing technolog ies in food processing , ensu ring you the m ost innovative solu tions in the m ark et place today and tom orrow .

A fresh ju ice processing com pany that is trying to g ain m ark et space from the East Coast to the W est Coast of the U nited States vs. a com pany in China trying to penetrate the fresh ju ice m ark et space in the U nited States is g oing to have different shelf life g oals and these g oals are g oing to affect their strateg y for H PP. By com pleting needs based assess m ents, w e deliver g oal driven hig h pressu re processing solu tions, that deliver certified resu lts. solu tions, that deliver certified resu lts.

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