hpp baskets


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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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HPP BASKETS2013 Catalog

All Natural Freshness has a complete line of high pressure baskets for

both Avure and Chic FresherTech.

ANF k now s it’s difficu lt to m axim ize you r produ ct throu g hpu t w hen

loading pre- pack ag ed and post pack ag e produ ct into a rou nd bask et

w ith a fixed leng th. So w e challeng ed ou r hig h pressu re m olding team

to com e u p w ith bask et desig ns that are flexible to m eet you r specific

food produ ct pack ag e dim ensions.

•• Patented Barrier Free Rem ovable End Cap for Vertical loading and

H orizontal end du m ping

• Therm al and Non Therm al processed Foods

• Post Pack ag e Cu stom Applications

• Pre Pack ag e Cu stom Applications

• Perm anent Bar Codes for traceability of processed and

u nprocessed Bask ets and Produ ction Ru ns

•• Cu stom M olding Options

• Q u ick tu rn- arou nd from desig n, to creation of a m old , to bask et

produ ction

Each basket can be configured for both horizontal and vertical


HPP Baskets

Avure Basket Lineo 350 L- 60 0

o 2 15L- 60 0

o 687L- 30 0

Chic FresherTech Basket Lineo Du o 2 0 0 L/ 60 0 F

o Du o 30 0 L/ 60 0 F

o Du o 350 L/ 60 0 F

o Du o 40 0 L/ 60 0 F

o Du o 50 0 L/ 60 0 F

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