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Post on 23-Jan-2016




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Andrew…. the man I have become… as of now. The beginning…. On the 30 th of November 1986, the world came to know me. The start of the journey called life. Growing up just like any typical kid…. more play…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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On the 30th of November 1986, the world came to know me.

The start of the journey called life..

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But with guidance from great parents, my studies were never sacrificed….in fact I have excelled in my early education endeavors… more play…

What more could I ask for?

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Andrew Justin P. Arcenas

Stands at 5 foot -4 inches

Weighing 53 kg

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•3rd year Entrepreneurial Marketing Society•Former JEMS Chairman on Committee of Sports and Development•Current CBAA Vice-Governor•Dean’s Lister

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•Join seminars/ workshops course related •Earn own income while studying.•Earn masters degree outside the country.•Graduate as cum laude.•Start own business.

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•Meet famous people.•Eat different cuisines and delicacies.•Travel!!!•Learn the best software for video editing.•Start own business/ company.

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•Do extreme sports!•Join in a mixed martial arts tournament.•Play poker against the pros!•Go Crazy with a Car!•Play computer games for 48 hours!•Download!!!!...

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•Sounds Great! – the first time I read the

course Entrepreneurial Marketing, I was intrigued and decided to try it out. Then I felt that this is the course for me.

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•Unlimited- As a career, marketing have no boundaries. No limit on income for example…all you need is hard work, a touch of expertise and the love of what you are doing.

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Very much affordable considering it’s caliber!

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Tried and Tested! Excellence is undeniably one of the top nationwide!

What more could you ask for in a University…except facilities..

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Graduate in the course in 2011 with flying colors….cum laude is the target!

Seek employment in an established company and gain valuable experience and compensation!

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Start own company or business establishment….be an entrepreneur!

Search satisfaction of self fulfillment!

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Perseverance is a good weapon, hard work is very valuable but the most important is

“Know your strength and recognize your weaknesses, for ignorance of such is the reason of your downfall, no matter who you are…”